What time do women retire - is it possible to retire early. What is the retirement age in Russia

Let's define an old-age pension. This is financial assistance, which is monthly transferred by the state to a citizen. He must have a certain work experience and reach the age of retirement.

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The old-age pension is a compensation for the time worked during the whole life. Only citizens registered in the pension insurance system can accrue funds. Citizens of foreign states must reside in the territory of the Russian Federation for a long time in order to receive similar payments.

Today, women retire at the age of 55 (men at 60). For , each of them must have . Since the beginning of 2015, the seniority has been increased to 6 years. The increase is planned until 2025, until it becomes equal to 15 years.

This type of pension is a combination of insurance and. The first part lies with the provision of the employer, while the employee has an employment contract with him. From the amount of the employee's income, the organization pays 22% for a future pension to a personal account in the PFR.

Having reached retirement age from the current account, they begin to pay money to the citizen. The insurance part is calculated according to a certain formula: the amount of the pensioner's individual money is divided by the approximate number of days of payments (228 months) and the basic amount of the pension is added.

The accumulative part is summed up from your own savings on your personal account divided by the time it will take for payments.

Differences from fear new part:

  1. According to the application, you can get the whole.
  2. You can add your savings.
  3. For how long the funded part will be paid can be calculated independently.
  4. In case of premature death, the funded part can be transferred to relatives or spouse.

All calculations are approximate. In the Pension Fund, calculations are made according to a special formula and based on the relevant instructions. The amount you receive will not be less than the final amount.

Early retirement

According to the law "On Employment in the Russian Federation", some categories of citizens are allowed to retire early.

They are entitled to:

  1. Citizens who are registered as unemployed.
  2. Having no work, due to the liquidation of the organization or reduction, the IP ceases to operate.
  3. Insurance experience for women over 20 years or other amount in certain types of work (Far North, underground work, for length of service).
  4. The age below the retirement age is not more than two years.
  5. Inability to get a job.

The possibility of early retirement is considered by employees of the employment center. If the conditions are met, including the inability to get a job, the woman must be issued an order to receive a pension ahead of schedule.

She must apply for further registration to the Pension Fund at the place of residence.

Registration of a pension ahead of schedule - is a material assistance from the state for the unemployed.

Inability to take early retirement:

  1. The woman was fired under other conditions than those listed above.
  2. Work is offered, but the person refuses it, including work on a voluntary basis.
  3. More than two years before retirement age.
  4. Not registered with the employment center as unemployed.

Preferential pension

Preferential pensions include workers in certain industries and professions that lead to physical deterioration of the body. There are 54 such professions in total. They are divided into two lists.

List 1: women retire at 45 with 7.5 years of service and 15 years of insurance:

  1. Underground works (mines, construction of tunnels in difficult places, etc.).
  2. Heavy and (munitions production, oil refining).
  3. Workshops with metal or other easily alloyed metal (non-ferrous metallurgy).

In case of employment less than the annual norm, the pension is assigned according to list 2.

List 2: Women retire at 50. Experience with harmful working conditions from 10 years, insurance - 20 years.

  1. Mining - mining.
  2. Light and food industry.
  3. Transport work (railway, sea, aviation, etc.).

Citizens can receive early retirement:

  1. Work in the Far North for over 15 years. Women over 50.
  2. Mother who gave birth and raised more than 5 children. Retirement at 50.
  3. Parents of children with disabilities.

Thus, the pension system today is subject to reform. At the moment, women, having reached the age of 55, have the right to apply for a pension.

If a citizen is reduced due to the liquidation of an enterprise and a number of other conditions, he has the right to pre-register pension accruals. Also, women on lists 1 and 2 can apply for a preferential pension and go on vacation ahead of schedule.

Monthly receipt of funds for own maintenance is issued upon reaching a certain age and completing the length of service. However, there are some exceptions; in particular, the right to early retirement. What categories of citizens have the opportunity to receive early cash payments? How to retire early? All these questions will be answered in detail in the article.

general characteristics

Unfortunately, not all citizens have sufficient legal culture. That is why many workers are not aware of some of the nuances of the current legislation governing the right to early retirement. All benefits, rights, surcharges and many other important legal elements are enshrined, first of all, in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. But in addition to it, it is also worth highlighting a large number of government decrees and regulations (in particular, the Federal Law on the assessment of labor conditions). All the presented normative acts regulate the following concept.

Early retirement (Article 27 of the Federal Russian Federation ") is a direct connection with the professional activity of a particular person, carried out under specific production conditions or stipulated by certain social norms.

Thus, a person who carries out his labor activity in production with unusual working conditions has the right not only to various kinds of benefits, but also to early payments. At the same time, the profession must be really "harmful": a complete list of heavy jobs was approved by the Council of Ministers of the USSR, but has not changed to this day. Who retires early? This will be discussed further.

Early retirement pension: who is eligible?

Early retirement is called the option of receiving monthly payments, in which the onset of the allowed age will take place in no more than 2 years. Persons who are in the Russian employment center as unemployed, as well as those who have the relevant work experience (20 years for females and 25 years for males) can apply for such a pension. Accordingly, early retirement in the Russian Federation is issued only to those persons who meet the above criteria.

The presence of harmful or difficult working conditions in labor activity invariably entails the possibility of receiving an early pension. Harmful working conditions are considered to be physical or psychological stress, and more recently, work in the Far North. Russian legislation enshrines the possibility of obtaining the so-called reduced work experience. It is thanks to him that it will be possible to receive early pension payments.

Separately, it is worth noting that the worker has some serious illnesses. If the continuation of work activity is impossible for health reasons, then early retirement can be issued only if a special medical certificate is submitted to the employment center.

List of harmful professions

If an employee carries out his labor activity at work with harmful features of work, then the possibility of early retirement increases significantly. What kind of professions fall under the category of "harmful"? Since Soviet times, a classification has been preserved that allows you to accurately determine the severity of labor. So, there are four levels of professional activity:

The issuance of each such degree is possible only if attention is paid to the following points:

  • increased dust content in the air, the presence of dirt;
  • low-quality lighting;
  • loud noises;
  • harmful radiation;
  • work with harmful microorganisms, viruses, bacteria, chemicals, etc.;
  • increased vibrations;
  • high level of humidity;
  • too low or too high air temperature;
  • the duration of stress in work activities and much more.

From all the presented criteria comes another classification: list 1 - these are professions with a critical degree of harmfulness, and list 2 - certain types of difficult professions and positions. Both of these lists can be easily found on the official website of the Ministry of Labor.

Categories of citizens

Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 400 contains more than 20 clauses, which indicate both the conditions for early retirement and some professions, working in which you can qualify for early retirement. What exactly is worth highlighting here? Here are some specialties specified in the law:

  • railroad workers;
  • search engines and geologists;
  • miners;
  • public transport drivers;
  • employees of river and sea vessels;
  • aviation workers;
  • rescue workers;
  • persons working underground (miners, metro workers, etc.);
  • workers in the field of execution of sentences (prison workers);
  • teachers;
  • public health professionals;
  • theatrical figures and some other workers.

Among other things, there are also special categories of citizens:

  • (bringing up more than five children);
  • visually impaired;
  • persons injured as a result of hostilities;
  • dwarfs and midgets;
  • workers of the Far North.

All of the above persons can be issued an early pension. At what age is retirement possible? This will be discussed further.

Conditions for applying for early retirement

How to apply for early To begin with, you should pay attention to the following conditions:

If the relevant conditions are met, it is worth paying attention to the contents of the so-called lists 1 and 2, which were mentioned above. Thus, a woman belonging to the list of list 1 is entitled to a pension upon reaching the age of 53, with a total working experience of 15 years. The duration of work in hazardous production should not be less than seven years. In accordance with list 2, a woman can apply for a pension from the age of 45. The length of service must not be less than 20 years.

And what do the lists say about male workers? In accordance with list 1, a man who has reached the age of 50 can apply for a pension for the accumulation of service of 20 years. Schedule 2 sets the minimum age for a worker at 55 and 25 years of work experience (12 under harmful conditions).

Thus, it can be issued by far not by all persons, but only by those that meet the above criteria.

Early retirement in the Russian Federation: the procedure for registration

What steps need to be taken to apply for early retirement benefits? To get started, you should contact the local Employment Center with the appropriate application. They will give you a document to fill out. The organ will definitely help to draw up paper with high quality. Within a month, the Employment Center will provide the citizen with an answer - with the consent to carry out further work or with a justified refusal.

What must be submitted to the Employment Center in addition to the application? As a rule, these should be the following documents:

  • passport and its photocopy;
  • military ID;
  • birth certificate of the child (if the employee has children);
  • original and copy of the work book.

Also, the Employment Center may request the following papers:

  • certificate of dependents;
  • address statement (about the place of residence);
  • disability certificate;
  • certificate of upbringing of a child under eight years of age;
  • document on the composition of the family;
  • certificate or certificate of guardianship.

The body may also request many other references - for example, individual documents from work. It is very important to correctly and correctly draw up all the papers, check the presence of seals and signatures.

Citizen's rights

The question of how to retire early is regulated by many Russian federal laws. What rights does a citizen who is about to retire early have?

A citizen is able to demand from his employer all the necessary documentation necessary for transfer to the employment center or the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Moreover, the employer of the enterprise must confirm the preferential length of service of the worker. If the employer for some reason does not do this, then such a task is assigned to the appropriate state body.

As soon as an employee receives an insurance pension certificate, all information about his "movements" will be taken into account by the Russian Pension Fund.

It is also worth giving the classic formula for calculating early retirement:


  • PV - basic payment;
  • C - the cost of one coefficient at the time of registration of the pension;
  • PC is the total amount of pension type coefficients earned;
  • K - increasing indices to PV.

All persons who correctly completed the necessary paperwork at the Employment Center and the Pension Fund have the right to early appointment of a labor pension.

Reductions or liquidation of the enterprise

It is far from rare that an employee of pre-retirement age suddenly loses his job. The reason for dismissal can be in the organization, the elimination of jobs and much more. Naturally, practically no organization expresses a desire to hire a person who has very little time left before retirement. The situation, I must say, is very uncomfortable, and often completely hopeless. Still, a citizen wants to "finish off" his seniority, but there are no opportunities for this. What to do in such situations? Here it is just worth asking yourself the question of how to retire early. The first thing to do is to compare your indicators with those necessary for premature payments, compare past working conditions with the necessary "harmfulness". At what age do they retire early? As already mentioned, men should not be less than 58 years old, and women - less than 53 years old. The following conditions must also be met:

  • dismissal from work was built only due to a reduction in staff or the elimination of the workplace (one's own desire and medical indicators are not taken into account);
  • the presence of a certain length of service (25 years for men and 20 years for women);
  • the citizen is in the employment service;
  • there are no suitable vacancies on the labor exchange.

If citizens have faults that led to the termination of social payments, then one should not expect an early pension.

Can they refuse?

Quite often, the Employment Center or the Pension Fund of Russia refuses citizens to apply for an early pension. As a result, applicants have to apply to the courts, and resolve cases already there. Naturally, such examples illustrate the unsatisfactory level of state protection of citizens' rights to receive pensions. And yet it is worth giving the main reasons for refusing early retirement. Here you need to highlight:

What should be done if a refusal was received in the named instances? How to retire early no matter what? There is only one way out - to contact higher authorities. A complaint is filed in the same Pension Fund; all necessary documents must be attached to it. The complaint will be considered within a month. If the refusal comes again, then there will be only one way out: to apply to the courts of general jurisdiction. You will need to draw up an appeal against the refusal.

Features of a pension

For both employed and unemployed citizens, some features of the registration of pensions are provided. A working citizen should remember the following:

  • the employer is obliged to pay severance pay for a two-month period;
  • payments from a previous job will stop if a citizen registers as unemployed.

Unemployed citizens should remember that full length of service makes it possible to receive subsidies. At the same time, each year worked on top of the total length of service entitles you to an extension of state support for two weeks. If a citizen becomes an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity, then the receipt of early pensions is terminated until this status is closed.

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However, while the issue of increasing the retirement age is only being considered. What time do they retire? Retirement age for women in Russia. Will there be an increase in the retirement age in Russia? Retirement Law

At what age do they retire?

At what age do they retire? For the first time on the territory of the USSR, an old-age pension appeared in 1932. At what age do women retire? In 1932, the threshold for eligibility was 55 for women and 60 for men. This threshold has been in effect on the territory of the Russian Federation for more than eighty years, the terms of retirement in Russia have not changed since then.

But discussions are underway. So in 2010, the then Minister of Finance A. Kudrin noted that an increase in the retirement age is not only necessary, but inevitable. The reason for this is the growth of the deficit of the pension fund.

In his opinion, the deficit is so great that the statistics itself will push the government to decide to raise the retirement age. As of 2010, there were 100 pensioners for every 128 working people. By 2016, the number of working people and pensioners had already caught up. For example, in developed countries, for every 160 able-bodied citizens, there are the same 100 non-able-bodied citizens.

In contrast, Deputy Prime Minister A. Dvorkovich noted that the main reason why it is worth raising the retirement age is an increase in the number of citizens who work in retirement. In other words, the threshold remains low, as citizens are truly unable to work after 55/60 years of age. And if the retirement age for women at 55 is increased to the proposed 57, it will be extremely difficult for them to cope with the necessary expenses. Also, the retirement age of men, which stopped at around 60 years. Men, according to statistics, have a shorter life expectancy. So far, statistics show that there are quite a few working men after 60 and they do not make up a third of all pensioners.

Namely, a third of all citizens of retirement age is a clear indicator. If 33% of all pensioners continue to work after the age of 55/60, the retirement age for women and men will be increased. It is likely that the retirement age of men will be equal to the women's threshold.

By the way, you may be wondering how and what formulas are needed for the calculation.

Retirement age for women and men in other countries

How much do people retire in other countries? The country is the sister of Russia, namely Belarus is still at the same level as the Russian Federation. It is not going to increase, but it will encourage employees to retire at a later age.

In the UK, men and women retire at age 65. since 2016, the government of foggy Albion plans to raise the threshold to 67 years.

Kazakhstan is slightly ahead of the Russian Federation. Women retire at age 58, and men at 63. The country also plans to raise the threshold, but gradually and only for women. Each year, the receipt of security for them will be removed for 6 months. So within ten years, women in Kazakhstan will retire at the same age as their husbands - at 63 years old. Poland guarantees pensions for women from the age of 60, for men - from the age of 65. In the near future, it is planned to increase to 67 years for all.

So we can say with confidence that world practice shows and proves the possibility of increasing the retirement age. What are the parliamentary discussions about? But upon reaching certain social conditions, the pension threshold will be higher in the Russian Federation.

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Will there be an increase in the retirement age in Russia?

The government officially responds to the concerns of citizens that in the near future the issue of raising the retirement age is not worth it, it is not even discussed.


Today, the retirement age established in the Russian Federation is 55 years for women and 60 years for men.

However, there is a category of citizens who, from January 1, 2017, will begin to live in new pension conditions. Retirement period for citizens holding political positions and those who work in municipal or state governments. This category receives pensions from the state, and not from the FIU. The age limit that allows a citizen to be in the civil service has been increased to 65 years, and for senior leaders it has become even higher, and is equal to 70 years, so the question of how old they retire is now more relevant for civil servants.

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The retirement age in different countries of the world is set differently. Also, each state has its own rules for entering a well-deserved rest. Do not forget that the money paid to a person is accrued according to different principles. Each country has its own rules in this regard. What distinguishes pension systems in the world from the Russian accrual of funds in old age? What features should you pay attention to? At what age do they go on a well-deserved rest in a particular area? It is rather difficult to answer, because every year various changes take place in relation to pensioners in the world. To find at least approximate answers about how much is the average retirement age in different countries of the world, the table will help. Where is the best support for the elderly?

Three systems

At the moment, there are only a few systems in the world that allow you to easily determine the amount of due payments upon retirement. There are 3 such points in total. Each system has its own characteristics and nuances. They will have to be taken into account.

The age of retirement in different countries and its size is different everywhere. But in general, funds can be accrued in the following ways:

  • according to an individual savings plan;
  • distribution system based on taxes (pension);
  • distribution based on total tax revenues.

But the age at which it is allowed to take a well-deserved rest, as a rule, varies. Much depends on the situation in a particular country, as well as on the average life expectancy of people.

Men and women

With all this, the retirement age in different countries of the world for men and women is different. As practice shows, there are very few countries where both the "weak" half of the population and the "strong" achieve the opportunity to enter a well-deserved rest at the same time.

All this is due to the fact that women are a priori considered weaker and less resilient. And this despite the fact that the beautiful half of society lives on average longer than men. Plus, in the length of service, many include the period of caring for newborns.

Men almost always get the right to a well-deserved rest later. They are considered the main money earners, they are stronger and more resilient. But at the same time, as statistics show, it is often the male half of society that has a shorter life expectancy.

Modern tendencies

Each state tries to leave the pension system in a stable state. But in today's conditions, it is very problematic to do this. In 2015-2016, the retirement age in different countries of the world began to rise. Or in the states they began to actively discuss these changes. The global crisis makes itself felt - there is practically no one to work, if we exclude pensioners. The available funds in the treasury of each country is not enough for all expenses. Therefore, in order to replenish it, it is necessary to force the population to work longer.

Also, in some countries they talk not only about but also about equalizing this indicator among men and women. In any case, now there will be no drastic changes anywhere - such a step will lead to a general revolt. The population is not ready to drastically postpone their legal vacation. Therefore, almost all countries began to slowly but surely raise the retirement age. So as to cause minimal damage to the population.

Peculiarities of pension systems

However, do not forget about the formation of pension savings. It has already been said that countries use different principles for calculating money "for old age." The most popular technique is a combination of several types. What features and principles of pension formation are hidden in each of the 3 existing pension systems?

Individually funded - this is when a citizen works, transfers part of his earnings to the Pension Fund. Or the employer does it for the subordinate. Further, old-age pension will be formed from these savings.

Payroll based on pension taxes - current employees do not save their money. They transfer part of their earnings to pay pensions to current pensioners. Accordingly, such employees will receive their "savings for old age" at the expense of working citizens after retirement.

Distribution on the basis of general taxes - funds are paid out of the funds received by the tax fund.

Country promises

The retirement age varies from country to country. Somewhere it is more, somewhere less. What promises do some states make about this? Key statements include:

  1. Ukraine, which promises to raise the retirement age for women to 60. These changes should take place by 2021.
  2. Kazakhstan wants to equalize the retirement age for men and women in 2018. Now they plan to make it at 63 years old.
  3. In Britain and Poland, a well-deserved rest will be given only from the age of 67.
  4. The United States plans to dramatically increase the retirement age - from 65 to 69 years.
  5. France is going to bring the possibility of retirement to the mark of 62 years.

These are the main changes that they want to bring to life in the world. In fact, as experts say, there is no ideal pension system and optimal retirement age yet.

The longest work

What kind of retirement is possible in different countries of the world? Who works the most? Or rather, longer than all the others? The thing is that if you do not take into account the plans of countries regarding raising the retirement age, then at the moment, after all, a well-deserved rest awaits the inhabitants of Albania.

Here men retire at 69.5 and women at 64.5. Also, citizens in Denmark must work longer than everyone else. Here for everyone there is a restriction on access to a well-deserved rest. Both men and women living in Denmark go on vacation at age 67.

This list should include Germany. The retirement age in different countries of the world is usually different for the male and female half of society. But the Germans have rules, as in Denmark - everyone is equal in the matter of going to a well-deserved rest. In addition, it is only allowed to do this after 67.

Below all

And who in the world works the least? It has already been said that the pension system is constantly undergoing changes in each state. But at the same time, somewhere the age of reaching a well-deserved rest is the lowest.

Belarus is currently among such countries. In it, men receive a pension from 60, and women from 55. Russia and Ukraine are also located here. They go on a well-deserved rest in the same way as in the previously listed countries, but women must work until the age of 56. In France, everyone receives a pension from 60.

These countries are unsurpassed leaders in entering a well-deserved rest. But this does not mean at all that the standard of living of pensioners for those who may not work earlier is better or worse. It all depends on the rules that apply to the formation of pension savings.

Leaders in pensions

Now the retirement age in different countries is clear (the table will be given below). But does it somehow affect the money received? Actually, not really. Basically, everything depends on the welfare of the country. Everywhere the level of pensions is different. Many generally try to save money for old age, so as not to depend on the state.

Now citizens receive rather high pension payments in France. If you convert a pension into rubles, then in this state a person is entitled to 42-43 thousand rubles. Then you can include Germany in the list of the "richest" pensioners - 32-33 thousand. In Japan, pensioners receive an average of 27,500 rubles in rubles, in the USA a little less - 24-25 thousand.

The lowest pensions

The retirement age in different countries (the table is presented), as you can already see, does not have a significant impact on payments. Which countries provide the least support for retired people?

At the moment, the lowest pensions are available in China. Here, a person is entitled to about 9,500 rubles a month. In Latvia - 9,300. Russia is also among the countries that transfer the least amount of money to their citizens in the form of pensions. According to some reports, an average person receives 8-9 thousand rubles a month. Not everyone has such low payouts, but the averages still remain at the lowest level.

Features of the pension system of the Russian Federation

Retirement in different countries of the world, as it has already become clear, is constantly changing. And recently, many want to increase it significantly. It requires special attention. It often suffers some kind of innovation. Therefore, the population does not know how to behave. Most do not rely on the state and try to save money for old age on their own.

The thing is that in the territory of the Russian Federation, a point system for accruing pensions has recently been operating. In order to receive money in old age, you need to have 7 years and 30 so-called. Depending on how many of these "points" are in the citizen's account, a pension will be formed.

Also, they want to increase the age of entry to a well-deserved rest in the Russian Federation, and significantly. It is planned to increase the existing restrictions every 6 months for six months. And to bring the retirement age of women to 60 years, and men to 63. They want to implement the idea by 2020-2021. Many are negative about these changes. After all, some pensioners, taking into account the average life expectancy in the country, will never see their savings. Or it won't take long to get them. That is why in Russia it was proposed to gradually raise the retirement age.

Also in the Russian Federation there is a funded system for the formation of pensions. In 2017, the funded parts of payments will be "frozen" until 2019. This measure is forced - to get out of the crisis.


Now it is clear how much retirement is due in different countries. The table below will clearly show the difference between some states.

This list can be continued indefinitely. The main thing is that they plan to raise the retirement age. No one knows exactly how much it will be in a few years in a particular area. The retirement age in different countries of the world is a variable value. You need to constantly monitor the changes that have come into force.

Questions about pensions today have become so critical and acute that even young people have begun to think about making appropriate payments. The retirement age in Russia for 2018 is 60 and 55 years for men and women, respectively. But this issue has been meticulously examined in the State Duma in the past few years, and for some categories of citizens the threshold has already been increased. What to expect the rest will be discussed in detail below.

However, already from January 1, 2017, the retirement age is increased annually by half a year for certain categories of citizens. Who was affected by the increase - read further in the article.

Every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to receive an age pension immediately upon reaching the established limits. A special role is played by length of service - the presence of seniority. It is also possible that it is absent, but this is a completely different category of Russian citizens without experience, which adapts to other indicators and requirements.

Based on Federal Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013 “On Insurance Pensions”, the retirement age in 2018 has not been changed. Men can make payments at the age of 60, and women at the age of 55. The increase affected only some categories of citizens, which will be discussed below.

The availability of a disability pension does not apply to the conditions presented. Foreigners living in the territory of the Russian Federation used to draw up their pension benefits with difficulty and with the obligatory involvement of their state. Since the current year, they are being processed in the Pension Fund on a general basis - it is only important to have the documents necessary for accrual.

Exit due to old age

The retirement age in Russia is considered annually, but in 2018 the rules and regulations regarding people applying for an old-age pension have not been changed. Payments are formed from pension contributions paid by the employer during the official employment.

To go on a well-deserved rest, it is not enough to reach a certain age - other factors are taken into account:

  • Men go on a well-deserved rest at the age of 60, and for women the limits are reduced to 55 years. If citizens have preferential service, the period is reduced by 5-10 years;
  • Having the required experience. At the moment it is 9 years, and by 2024 it will be required from 15 years of formal employment;
  • The presence of an individual score - not lower than 13.8. Points also increase every year by 2.4 points.

The employment of a citizen who has reached retirement age is welcomed by the state - a person can work even after the start of payments. If he does not apply for a pension on time, but does it later, his coefficients increase by almost 2 times. Thus, the amount of payments becomes larger.

Retirement age for the Far North

Persons working in the North are entitled to a reduction in the retirement age from the generally established one by 5 years. Thus, the retirement age for an insurance pension for men starts at 55 years old, and for women - at 50 years old.

Citizens engaged in animal husbandry and permanently residing in the Far North can go on a well-deserved rest even earlier. A man - at the age of 50, if the duration of his experience is 25 years. A woman - at the age of 45, if her work experience is at least 20 years.

At the same time, early retirement entails a moratorium on the funded part in the amount of 6% of the total amount of contributions that were transferred to an individual personal account ( SNILS). Moratorium ( "freeze" of funds) is valid until reaching the age of 60 and 55 for men and women, respectively - until the age pension comes. As soon as a citizen reaches the age insurance pension, the funds will be transferred at once.

Raising the retirement age

The old-age pension in 2018 is assigned unchanged, but the law on raising the upper limits has already been signed. We are talking about politicians and employees of state and municipal institutions. Changes have been made since January 2017. For men, a limit was set at 65 years old, a woman is now leaving at 63 years old.

If a man or woman went on a well-deserved rest before 2017, the term is not added even in the case of current official employment.

How and when to increase

There is no information about what the retirement age in Russia will be in the near future for ordinary citizens, men and women. The age limit will be raised only for the indicated categories of citizens and will be done gradually - starting from 2017, the age will increase by six months. In 2018, women's pensions start at age 56, while men can apply at age 61. However, this applies only to officials, civil servants, deputies etc. Ordinary citizens have not yet been affected by the increase.

Applies only to officials, civil servants, etc.

The State Duma takes into account possible problems with the subsequent employment of citizens in pre-retirement age. This means that there will be additional accrual of unemployment, new benefits will have to be introduced for citizens who cannot get a job due to their age.

Why are you going to change the retirement age?

Russia is actively following the countries of Europe, therefore, a subsequent increase in age to the indicators available to them is possible. Below is a table of age restrictions in different countries.

Retirement in 2018, 2019, 2020

The retirement age in Russia in 2018 remains unchanged. The only exception is for citizens engaged in political activities and for employees of state institutions, as well as the municipality. In the future, the age for them will be raised to the established 65 years for men and 63 for women.

Citizens who work at enterprises that have a hazard classification, as well as the military and employees of law enforcement agencies, should also think about a pension increase.

Indicators will be reviewed for:

  1. employees of clothing and textile enterprises;
  2. mothers of many children;
  3. war veterans;
  4. liquidators of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  5. medical workers.

There will also be an increase in age annually by six months. They also need an increased seniority for retirement, and they plan to raise it to 20 years.

The increase in the age for entering a well-deserved rest, if it follows in the future, will be gradual. People need to adapt to these changes. An increase in age values ​​will only positively affect the state of the Pension Fund. Citizens can face numerous problems and unemployment.