Military pensioners for Russia and its armed forces. How to recognize a disease by the face Skin of the face is darker than the body of the cause

- an unhealthy skin tone of the face (pale, earthy gray, lifeless). A dull complexion is far from always associated with the aging process of the skin and can occur even in young people who lead an unhealthy lifestyle or suffer from various ailments. As a rule, a dull complexion is combined with increased dryness and sensitivity of the skin. The solution to this cosmetic problem requires the abandonment of bad habits, home and salon health-improving activities. Among the latter, with a dull complexion, peelings, biorevitalization, mesotherapy, ultraphonophoresis, massage, etc. can be recommended.

General information

A dull complexion is said to be when the skin loses its natural freshness and dullness, instead of which a grayish-pale shade appears, giving the face an unhealthy look. Dull, lifeless complexion is one of the most common cosmetic problems in urban areas. Thus, skin cells give an “alarm signal” that they lack nutrients, moisture and oxygen. Many women try to mask their dull complexion with a layer of makeup, but this makes the skin even more gray and inexpressive. At the same time, modern cosmetology has a sufficient arsenal of tools that allow you to restore radiance and a healthy glow to dull skin.

Causes of a dull complexion

The health and appearance of the skin depends mainly on its level of moisture and the state of local blood circulation, and a dull complexion is the result of an unhealthy lifestyle. The condition of the skin of the face is negatively affected by lack of sleep, starvation or strict diets, physical inactivity, bad habits, excessive tanning.

As a result of chronic sleep deprivation, the skin does not have time to rest and recover normally during the night, as a result of which pallor appears, the complexion worsens, and the process of premature cell aging starts. Dietary restrictions lead to the fact that the skin does not receive the necessary nutrients, trace elements and vitamins, which are the "building material" for new cells. A long stay in one position (for example, sitting at a computer) leads to overstrain and spasm of the muscles of the cervical-collar region, resulting in impaired blood circulation in the neck and head. All this is immediately reflected in the appearance of the skin - the complexion becomes dull and lifeless.

Sunbathing abuse (long-term sunbathing or frequent visits to the solarium) contributes to the violation of the hydro-reserve, loss of elasticity and photoaging of the skin, causes hyperpigmentation. Therefore, the skin affected by excess ultraviolet radiation looks dehydrated, dull and tired. The complexion changes with improper skin care or lack of it. Lack of fresh air, as well as an unfavorable state of the environment, can also be the cause of a dull complexion. No wonder this cosmetic problem is considered relevant for residents of large cities, suffocating from smog.

In winter, the skin condition is negatively affected by low air temperature outside, frosty winds, dry air in apartments and offices, lack of sunlight and beriberi. Therefore, by the beginning of spring, many women notice that the skin has lost its freshness, and the complexion has become dull. An unhealthy complexion may be due to the accumulation of dead cells and dust covering the skin - oily skin is most susceptible to pollution. In addition, with age, the regeneration of the epidermis slows down, keratinized cells exfoliate more slowly, which also leads to dullness of the epidermal layer.

The expression "smoker's face" has long been included in everyday life. Premature wrinkles, a grayish tint and dry skin, sunken cheeks, deep nasolabial folds - these are typical touches to the portrait of a person who does not part with a cigarette. Toxic substances contained in tobacco smoke cause spasm of skin capillaries. In addition, smoking increases the amount of carbon monoxide in the blood. This means that the skin of the face is poorly supplied with blood, enriched with nutrients and oxygen. Therefore, smoking inevitably leads to a change in the structure of the skin - increased dryness, flabbiness, uneven and dull complexion, premature aging.

In some cases, a dull complexion can reflect a general health problem. So, dry and gray skin, brittle nails and hair loss are often signs of hypothyroidism. Gastrointestinal diseases (cholecystitis, pancreatitis, constipation, dysbacteriosis), osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, long-term medication, menopause, etc. contribute to a change in the condition and color of the skin.

Characteristics of a dull complexion

A healthy complexion is the basis of external beauty and female attractiveness. Healthy skin has a uniform color, a pinkish tint, a matte surface, and maintains its shape well. To the touch, such skin is smooth and silky, has sufficient elasticity and firmness. There are no cosmetic defects on it: age spots, acne, areas of inflammation and irritation, spider veins.

Throughout life, the condition of the skin changes under the influence of a variety of factors. Dull complexion can be observed in owners of dry, oily or combination skin. Dull skin has a grayish tint, uneven, rough surface. Quite often, this problem is accompanied by dark circles under the eyes, contaminated enlarged pores, pigmentation, peeling, increased skin sensitivity. A dull complexion gives its owner a tired, sickly look. People with dull skin are often said to have an unhealthy complexion. Usually, they try to camouflage a dull complexion with foundation, powder, blush, but over time, such tricks only exacerbate the problem even more.

A dull complexion is a reason to turn to a dermatocosmetologist, if necessary, get advice from other medical specialists (endocrinologist, gastroenterologist) and undergo an in-depth medical examination (ultrasound of the thyroid gland, abdominal organs, biochemical blood test, etc.). This will help to correctly determine the causes of a dull complexion and choose the best methods to improve skin condition.

Features of care for dull skin

You can restore a healthy, radiant look to your face by changing your usual lifestyle and increasing skin care. General recommendations relate to the regulation of the daily routine (sufficient sleep, increased physical activity, long walks in the fresh air, etc.); revision of the diet towards a balanced and fortified diet; giving up bad habits. It is important to learn how to choose the right creams and cosmetics for the face, taking into account the age and type of skin, do not forget about protecting the skin from ultraviolet rays using products with SPF 30 and above. Daily home skin care should consist of cleansing, toning and moisturizing. With a dull complexion, at least once a week, it is necessary to carry out deep exfoliation of the epidermis using

“My light, mirror, tell me the whole truth!” But the words are not simple, they have a deep meaning. It is the face, its color, bags under the eyes, swollen eyelids, dull eyes and much more that can tell about the state of our body: about impending or already chronic diseases, about which doctor it is time to turn to for help. Pathophysiognomy deals with the symptoms of diseases visible on the face. An experienced doctor will immediately determine by the face what is happening in your body. But after all, we are not born with a bast. You just need to carefully read our article and look in the mirror. We warn you right away: do not panic if you find a sign of any incipient illness in yourself. It doesn't mean that you have it. This means that you need to go to the doctor and get tested! So let's get started.


This mirror of the soul can tell a lot. More precisely, they are capable, after all, there are two of them. There is a science of iridology (from the Greek iris - "iris", logos - "knowledge"), which diagnoses various types of diseases by the iris of the eyes. It is even possible to determine your genetic predisposition to diseases, to find out what state the nervous system is in.
If you are not yet ready to go to a specialist, let's take a close look at ourselves in the eyes:
Tearfulness and redness may indicate a developing or detached retina. In addition, lacrimation speaks of inflammatory diseases: conjunctivitis, blepharitis. And if you wear it, it may indicate mishandling or allergies.
Barley appears when an infection is introduced. Or you are addicted to fatty foods, especially pork, because of this, the work of the gallbladder and liver is difficult.
Frequent blinking occurs due to diseases of the liver and nervous system.
Red streaks in whites indicate nervous exhaustion or venous congestion.
Shiny and bulging eyes- there was a failure of thyroid hormones, even Graves' disease is possible.
yellow sclera- a diseased liver or gallbladder, very rarely - infectious.
If you have small iris check your joints.
Dark brown dots on the iris Your body lacks iron. You may be anemic.
White ring around the iris- lack of calcium in the body, joint problems. A small ring indicates excessive deposition of salts in the body.
Pale yellow ring around the iris- high blood pressure or high cholesterol levels.
Bursting blood vessels in proteins- pressure drops.
Wide pupils- a sign of a hypertensive crisis or myopia.
Nervous tic, or eye twitching, you have nerve problems or a lack of magnesium in the body. If one eye twitches, you may have a migraine.
White slimy coating- the approach of a cataract.

Skin around the eyes

The skin around the eyes can tell a lot.
The scourge of many - dark circles under the eyes or small dark spots. And they arise not only from overwork or excessively drunk liquid at night. Their appearance may indicate a nervous breakdown, inflammation of the intestine. It is also a signal that sand and stones have appeared in the kidneys.
But tight bags under the eyes they talk not only about problems with the genitourinary system, but also with the cardiovascular system.
Bruises under the eyes- stress. They also appear in smokers.
Yellow spots around the eyes- insufficient levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.
Pale pink circles around the eyes- problems with the bladder.
Brown-black circles around the eyes- insomnia, weakness of the nervous system. Or a serious circulatory disorder.


A kind of guards for the eyes, it is the eyelids that serve as protection from external influences.
Color of the inside of the eyelids can tell about many diseases:
  • white speaks of hemoglobin deficiency and about;
  • red signals a disorder in the digestive and genitourinary systems, as well as problems with blood circulation;
  • red-yellow - your liver, kidneys, spleen or pancreas are not working properly.
And only pink indicates good health.
Often swollen- a symptom of kidney failure or thyroid problems.
Brown spots and wen on the upper eyelid- kidney disease.
Double pleat at eyelid- weakness of the connective tissue.
Loss of eyelashes- lack of B vitamins, decreased immunity.


It's a decent frame for the eyes. What are they talking about.
Thick bushy in women- early menopause, excess testosterone, dysfunction of the sex glands.
Rare and fragile, with often falling hairs - check the thyroid gland.
Narrow eyebrows. Lack of estrogen in women, and in men - insufficient function of the gonads.
gray-haired- depression, sclerosis of the brain.
Sheer unilateral wrinkle above the eyebrow- load on the cervical vertebrae, migraine.
Sheer wrinkle between the eyebrows you may have chronic sinusitis.
unibrow indicate a predisposition to headache, cerebrovascular accident.

Skin on the face

Face colour- an excellent indicator of the state of your body:
  • yellow indicates inflammation of the gallbladder and liver;
  • green screams about cirrhosis of the liver, and sometimes it is a sign of the appearance of a tumor;
  • bluish. Appears on cheeks, lips, forehead. A sign of chronic lung disease,;
  • pale - you have anemia!;
  • red indicates hypertension. The same color betrays alcoholics.
If you are being followed constant itching- it's time to visit an allergist (allergy symptom) or a nephrologist (renal failure).
wrinkled skin- diseases of the pancreas.
Acne and white spots- metabolic disease. Stop eating fatty, fried and spicy foods.
acne- indigestion. They also appear in diabetes.
Dark spots- hormonal disbalance.


Brown skin near the roots of the hair, wrinkles above the base of the nose- a sign of liver dysfunction.
Deep transverse wrinkles within a short time - improper functioning of the stomach, problems with digestion.
Wrinkles on the bridge of the nose or above one eyebrow- headaches, problems with the gallbladder.
Tight wrinkles and thick skin on the forehead- Check your kidneys.
receding hairline- violation of sexual functions.
Pale skin- lowering blood pressure.


Nosebleeds and small blood vessels on the back of the nose- increased blood pressure.
Wrinkle across the base of the nose- problems with the thyroid gland.
Redness of the wings of the nose- inflammation of the bronchi.
Pale wings of the nose- pneumonia.
Thickening of the wings of the nose- You may have asthma.
Blue tip of the nose- Improper functioning of the heart or lungs.
If after eating the tip of the nose turns red, it speaks about.
Vertical crease at the bridge of the nose- Tendency to depression.

Nasolabial folds

straight pleats(from nose to mouth) - poor cardiac activity.
rounded shape- weak peristalsis, it's time to pay attention to your intestines.
Crease on the right, descending to the lips- Liver disease.
Left crease- take care of your pancreas.
The pleats end at the level of the chin- problems with digestion.


Appearance of brown spots- a disease of the bladder or kidneys.
Bags- all the same bladder makes itself felt.
Redness(between nose and cheekbone) - your body lacks magnesium.


Red color indicates heart disease.
Blush, which appears regardless of external causes, speaks of problems with pressure, and, possibly, diabetes.
Wrinkles and gray color on the top of the cheeks- diseases associated with carbohydrate metabolism.
White spots- a disorder of the cardiovascular system.
Sunken cheeks on both sides and yellowish skin- disease of the stomach, pancreas.
Sunken cheeks on both sides and blue-red skin color- pulmonary tuberculosis.
Sunken right cheek- liver disease.
Sunken left cheek- heart disease.


Violation of the water balance and lack of nutrients in the body will immediately affect your lips.
Chapped corners of lips- lack of vitamin B12, as well as deficiency of iron and zinc. Reduced immunity.
Dry chapped lips- dehydration of the body. If, in addition to dry lips, you are thirsty, this is a sure symptom of diabetes or gastritis.
Mustache above the upper lip of a woman An imbalance between estrogen and testosterone levels.
Non-healing sores appear in people who love to sunbathe and visit solariums.
Blue-red lips talking about heart failure.
Pale- predisposition to peptic ulcer.
A thin strip of white above the upper lip- Poor digestion.
Small wrinkles on the lower lip talking about digestive problems.


Blackheads, pimples and enlarged pores- problems in the hormonal sphere.
Wrinkles from chin to cheeks- the duodenum is not in order.
Recess in the center- pay attention to the spine.
Thickening in areas below the corners of the mouth talk about congestion in the pancreas.
Swelling- there is a load on the kidneys.
Preliminary diagnosis is an important matter that will help prevent a serious illness and begin treatment. But! The body, like every person, is unique. Therefore, not all of the signs that we describe can be attributed to ourselves. Only a doctor can make a definitive diagnosis.
And MirSovetov, in turn, wishes you to look into the mirror more often, but not to make a diagnosis, but to look at your happy face and smile at your reflection. And nothing else!

The disease black acanthosis was described in the 9th century, the disease is considered quite rare. The development of acanthosis is accompanied by the appearance of areas of hyperkeratosis in the area of ​​natural skin folds. In these areas, increased pigmentation and skin papillomatosis are found. Large skin folds are usually affected - armpits, groin and neck. Timely detection of acanthosis in the early stages can indicate serious processes. What is dangerous acanthosis and how to recognize it, read on estet-portal. com.

The main causes of the development of black acanthosis

Black acanthosis can develop in a person of any gender and age, and the causes in each patient are individual and specific.

Predisposing factors for the development of black acanthosis are:

  • Pathologies in the work of the endocrine organs.
  • Malignant neoplasms provoke many complex biochemical reactions and reactions of the immune system. Men are prone to acanthosis in the presence of pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer, women in the presence of ovarian and breast cancer.
  • Heredity affects the development of acanthosis. With metabolic disorders and mental inferiority, which are caused by hereditary pathology, for example, with Rude and Misher syndromes, acanthosis develops.
  • Taking estrogen hormones and certain other medications.

So, in young people, the causes of acanthosis are often obesity, endocrine disorders and genetic pathologies, in older people, the causes are often neoplasms.

What are the symptoms of acanthosis? Forms of black acanthosis

Acanthosis has several forms of flow, depending on the cause, which determines the intensity of the development of the process. Dermatologists have identified 3 main forms of acanthosis black:

  • Juvenile or benign, which is associated with endocrine and genetic pathologies.
  • Malignant or paraneoplastic, which develops with malignant tumors of the internal organs.
  • Pseudoacanthosis, which develops with obesity and metabolic disorders. This form disappears without a trace with the normalization of weight, has the best prognosis.

Clinical manifestations of acanthosis have 3 main symptoms:

  • Increased pigmentation - the appearance of black or dark brown spots on the skin.
  • Papillomatosis is the presence of fibromas or papillomas on the skin, which is popularly called warts.
  • Hyperkeratosis, which provokes roughness and exfoliation of the skin.

Localization of acanthosis on the skin. What symptoms accompany the progression of acanthosis?

The above skin changes are most often found on the skin of the inguinal-femoral fold, intergluteal region, elbows, on the crease between the back of the head and neck, on the skin of the armpits, in the popliteal region, on the skin under the mammary glands. The appearance of a triad of symptoms on other parts of the body (face, lateral surface of the neck and navel area) is not excluded.

In the early stages of the development of acanthosis, the patient's skin gradually darkens. Many people try to wash their skin thoroughly, thinking that it is dirty. As the disease progresses, the skin begins to darken even more, becomes rough, dry, and thickens. The natural pattern of the skin becomes more pronounced and deep.

At later stages, growths in the form of fibromas and small papillomas appear on the affected areas of the skin. The growths are papillary in shape and arranged in dense rows, giving the skin a warty appearance. These formations may also be hyperpigmented. All symptoms of acanthosis on the skin are accompanied by slight itching and tingling. There is no hair on the affected areas of the skin.

What are the aspects of diagnosis and treatment of black acanthosis?

If darkening of the skin is detected in certain areas of the skin, which does not go away, but only progresses, it is worth contacting a dermatologist. The specialist will conduct a differential diagnosis with Addison's disease, ichthyosis, Darier's disease. The final diagnosis of black acanthosis is established on the basis of histological examination of the biopsy. If a malignant form is suspected, consultation with an oncologist is required.

Treatment includes therapy for the underlying disease that led to acanthosis and symptomatic therapy. General tonic preparations, vitamin complexes, anti-inflammatory ointments, baths with potassium permanganate, zinc preparations, aromatic retinoids are prescribed. In severe cases - cytostatics and hormonal drugs, neurotropic drugs, antibiotic therapy. All this must be accompanied by a diet.

The skin of people is different, its condition, including color, depends on many factors. Occupation, nutrition, bad habits, lack of sleep, stress, sports, environment and even heredity leave their mark. Unfortunately, quite often the cause of skin discoloration are acute and chronic diseases. Troubles from the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and endocrine systems inevitably affect our appearance. Distress signals from internal organs appear on the skin in some cases simultaneously with the disease, in others long before it appears, which allows you to take the necessary measures in time.

Dilated blood vessels that stain the cheeks, nose and chin bluish-red are not a cosmetic problem, but a sign of serious illness. Even subcutaneous fatty tissue can affect skin tone, especially when the epidermis and dermis are thinned, for example, after a serious illness: in this case, the skin acquires a characteristic yellowish tint. In young people suffering from vegetative neurosis, the face, with or without reason, is often filled with scarlet paint, causing considerable suffering, but even in this situation a beautician is unlikely to help: this problem should be addressed to a neurologist.

yellow complexion

Malfunctions in the liver can be judged by the yellowish-dirty and gray skin tone. Surrounding people begin to ask the question more often: “Are you sick?” The skin not only changes color, but also appears excessive oiliness or dryness. Often the whites of the eyes turn yellow due to an increase in bilirubin, brown spots appear on the body in the form of pigmentation.

All this is complemented by irritability, apathy, weakening of the immune system. These signs may indicate diseases of the gallbladder and intestinal tract. Toxins that enter the lymphatic system carry them through the internal organs, as a result of intoxication, the entire body is exposed.

After a stormy night or with insomnia, our skin is under stress. A yellowed face, puffy eyelids, dark circles and bags under the eyes, impaired blood flow - all this is not the norm and indicates a problem with sleep. None of us wants to look bad and constantly hear: “You are sick,” so it is necessary to fight lack of sleep so as not to start the premature extinction of the body.

Excessive consumption of sweets, starchy foods, fried foods, as well as the intake of alcoholic beverages and smoking reduce the tone of our epithelium. The skin looks inflamed, stale, its elasticity decreases, and a yellow complexion appears. The reasons that prompted a person to addictions must be exterminated. Indeed, in addition to external unattractiveness, there are serious health problems.

Red complexion

Back in the Middle Ages, redness of the face received a persistent name - rosacea, although before that it was called differently: "wine acne", for example, or "curse of the Celts." The first name demonstrates the connection between libations and illness, noticed in ancient times, and the second - that fair-skinned people, Scandinavians, for example, are mainly susceptible to the disease. They tried to treat the "Red Face", but bloodletting, the main method of the Middle Ages, practically did not give results, as did the application of ice compresses. Doctors began to study and diagnose, explain the origins of the disease only in the nineteenth century.

Red face: the causes and nature of the disease are quite clear today. Rosacea is a hereditary disease that affects people over the age of thirty, belonging to the fair-skinned type. Women are more often ill after thirty years, which, apparently, is associated with hormonal problems.

The cause of facial redness is the expansion of blood vessels located on the surface of the skin - with rosacea, this expansion is irreversible, the vessels no longer narrow, which may also be a consequence of improper functioning of the trigeminal nerve. Very often, rosacea occurs instantly, under the influence of one of the provoking factors, among which the most common are:

  • abuse of caffeine or alcohol,
  • an excess of spicy and smoked in the diet,
  • prolonged exposure to the sun or solarium,
  • severe stress,
  • hormone therapy or hormonal disorders,
  • prolonged irritation from cold or high temperatures (very often, cooks and confectioners who are in production associated with the release of hot steam suffer from rosacea).

Pale complexion

The main objective reason is age. In addition to mimic and age wrinkles, skin aging also involves a change in its shade. From healthy pink, it turns into light yellow, which indicates a lack of moisture in the dermis. Its retention is assigned to collagen fibers, which in the process of aging of the body begins to be produced in smaller and smaller quantities and ceases to fully perform its function. The skin loses moisture, dries out, becomes vulnerable to external influences. This is facilitated by poor tissue nutrition, which occurs during a less active work of the cardiovascular system. Subjective reasons are presented in several aspects at once:

  1. A person's lifestyle determines the state of his body, in particular, malnutrition, constant stress and lack of sleep lead to premature skin aging, which first of all becomes noticeable on the face. An addition to this is the ecological situation, in which the oxygen content in the blood is insufficient for proper tissue nutrition.
  2. Paleness of the skin of the face also appears with anemia and is the result of a lack of iron in the blood. This element is very important, as it acts as a conductor for oxygen. In younger patients, anemia is indicated by underweight and stunted growth.
  3. Another, no less common cause of the skin is vegetovascular dystonia. A characteristic sign of pathology will be a pronounced vascular pattern, which is especially noticeable on white skin. The clinical picture of the disease is supplemented by pressure drops, heart rhythm disturbance (arrhythmia), pain in the heart, dizziness and cyanosis of the hands.
  4. Diseases of the excretory system, which affect the kidneys, can also lead to pallor of the skin. In such cases, the skin acquires a yellowish tint, the mucous membranes of the oral cavity are involved in the process. The patient's condition is aggravated by weight loss, the appearance of puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. Pain in the abdominal region may be severe.
  5. Also, the pallor of the skin of the face can be explained by angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, myocarditis.

If small bruises appear on the skin, and the mucous membrane of the mouth becomes covered with wounds, this may indicate the development of leukemia. At the initial stage, the disease often has signs of a common acute respiratory viral infection. The patient feels weakness, drowsiness, lethargy, which occur against the background of elevated body temperature. However, seemingly harmless signs indicate a serious disease of the hematopoietic system, which requires the intervention of a qualified specialist.

In any case, if the pallor of the skin of the face causes concern or is accompanied by other specific signs, you should contact a medical institution for an examination.

Gray complexion

There are several main reasons for a change in complexion:

  • natural aging process;
  • heredity;
  • unhealthy lifestyle, drinking alcohol, smoking;
  • lack of sleep;
  • acute and chronic diseases.

If this problem occurs, you should consult a doctor, as this may signal a serious illness. The grayness of the face, as a rule, indicates problems of the gastrointestinal tract, and with a disease of the pancreas, the face becomes earthy. Also, the complexion may change due to long-term use of certain antibiotics.

In addition, the cause of a gray and earthy complexion is often smoking and alcohol abuse. Unhealthy diet and a sedentary lifestyle negatively affect the condition and color of the skin. Regardless of the cause, when changing the complexion, steps must be taken to return the face to a healthy and radiant appearance.

How to improve complexion

One of the simplest and most natural ways to improve the complexion is a decoction of chamomile. You can use a ready-made bag of chamomile, brew it for 3-5 minutes in boiling water, cool and put on your face for 20 minutes. If you urgently need to refresh a tired look or remove puffiness under the eyes, then put sachets of chamomile on your eyelids. Repeat this simple procedure every day for one to two weeks, and the result will be excellent.

Tight, insufficiently moisturized skin does not reflect light well, because of this, its color looks unhealthy, and the surface is loose. To restore a healthy look to the face, it is not enough to care only about constant hydration. Do not overdry the skin with tap water, too little yeast with warm milk. Milk will need a few tablespoons. The resulting mixture is stirred until a homogeneous, rather thick slurry is obtained. Apply the mask on the face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Going to the bath also helps a lot, after which the skin looks toned, fresh and rejuvenated. Hot soft steam envelops the body, increases perspiration, removing toxins and impurities from the skin. Take lime mint tea with you. Drinking a glass of delicious herbal tea between visits to the steam room, you will noticeably speed up the process of sweating, thereby increasing the amount of toxins removed from the body.

Before going to bed, place a glass of water near the bed. In the morning, after waking up, without getting out of bed, drink this water. Drink it slowly, in small sips, while maintaining a horizontal position. This is a great way to get rid of facial puffiness and regulate bowel function. If you add a teaspoon of soda to water a couple of times a week, its effect on the body will increase.

Scrubs are one of the fastest and most reliable ways to restore a healthy and radiant look to dull skin. Dead cells, make-up residues, polluted particles gradually accumulate on the skin, giving it an earthy tint. The scrub gently cleanses the skin, polishing its surface, freeing the pores, thereby restoring the radiant shade of youth to the face. The effect of scrubs is especially noticeable on oily skin and combination skin, the uneven surface and dullness of which are associated with an increased secretion of sebum by the pores.

Steam baths are also great helpers in miraculously transforming the skin. It only takes ten minutes to hold your face over the steam. The result will be especially noticeable if you first apply a cleansing clay mask to your face, and then, after steaming, wash it off with cool water.

Morning skin toning is very important. The lower the water temperature when washing your face in the morning, the longer your skin will stay fresh. Sparkling mineral water with pieces of ice perfectly tones the skin. Immerse your face in the morning in such a refreshing cocktail, and your skin will always be flawless.

Questions and answers on the topic "Complexion"

Question:Hello, please tell me, I had a demodex mite, I was treated for 1.5 months, cured. Now there are red spots on the face, is it possible to do the photorejuvenation procedure and will it help or vice versa?

Answer: Hello! If you have completed a full course of treatment for demodicosis and received a 3-fold negative test, then to level out stagnant spots, you can take a course of photorejuvenation in the "acne" mode.

Question:Good afternoon! Help me decide on the choice of device: I am 42 years old, my skin is dry, sensitive, the T-zone is oily, lack of moisture, rosacea on the nose. Crow's feet near the eyes, nasolabial wrinkles appear, a crease between the eyebrows, the oval of the face swam. What would you recommend to buy for home use. I do ultrasonic cleaning of the face in the salon.

Answer: Good afternoon. Pay attention to models with the function of ultrasonic massage. We recommend you the m355 or m119 models. Ultrasound increases the activity of cosmetic and medical preparations, promotes their deep intracellular penetration, lengthening their action. In addition, ultrasound improves skin tone, improves complexion, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, increasing skin elasticity. Removal of muscle spasm leads to smoothing and reduction of mimic wrinkles. The lymphatic drainage effect helps to reduce rosacea and puffiness. The peculiarity of this model is the use of the latest method of light therapy, which complements and enhances the effect of ultrasound. m119 is a combine. In addition to ultrasonic massage, galvanotherapy has been added to this model. Galvanotherapy contributes to a faster, safer and more economical use of cosmetic preparations. The use of negative polarity provides antiseptic treatment of the skin, opens skin pores, breaking down fat, cleanses the sebaceous glands from blockages, and brightens age spots. The use of positive polarity promotes skin rejuvenation, reduces skin porosity, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, removes toxins and free radicals, enhances the regenerative properties of the skin, relieves irritation.

Question:Hello, tell me what you can choose for mesotherapy for the face to improve complexion and prevent aging (turned 30 years old) and how much will the procedure cost?

Answer: Thanks for the question. I think that at the age of 30 you can also do face mesotherapy, for example, with DMAE, XADN-gel, pierce hyaluronic acid, these drugs really refresh the skin, make it more elastic. You can already do biorevitalization, it all depends on the condition of your skin. For example IAL-sistem 3-4 procedures are done and the effect is from 5-8 months. You can pierce the drug SKIN-R, SKN-L.

Question:I do not know what to do. I look at myself in the mirror and it feels like I have aged 20 years and eat only once a week. The complexion is very unhealthy, although there are no bad habits, and my regimen is normal. What to do with a dull face?

Answer: A dull complexion is indeed characteristic of aging people, people who lead a wild lifestyle and those who have a lot of bad habits. Lack of sleep and environmental exposure, by the way, can also affect the skin. What to do in this case? First of all, a couple of basic tips: 1. Get enough sleep - go to bed before midnight and sleep at least 7-8 hours 2. Eat well - forget about fast foods, junk food (chips for example). Add more fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins. 3. Drink plenty of water, at least 2 liters per day. Water regulates all processes in our body and its lack greatly affects the external appearance of a person. 4. Ventilate the room and walk outside the city more often, if possible, and if not, visit the local park, places located at a distance from the roadway. 5. Avoid debilitating diets, in which you deprive the body of many of the elements it needs. 6. Move more. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, it also affects the complexion badly. Periodically, do physical exercises.

Question:Hello! Enlarged pores on the face and small scars from teenage acne, the complexion is reddish. Which of the procedures offered by your clinic would you recommend? Is it possible to carry out on the day of admission or do I need to take some tests?

Answer: You can get rid of post-acne marks with laser resurfacing or laser peeling. It all depends on the initial condition of the skin. After a visual examination, the doctor will recommend the procedure that is most suitable for this situation.

Question:Hello! Yellow complexion. From what? How to fix?

Answer: Hello! Yellow complexion occurs with jaundice (hypatitis). This is a rather dangerous disease, so if you are not born with such a complexion, then you need to go to the clinic for a checkup. Do not delay with this, otherwise you can start it and then it will be worse.

Often a sign of a disorder in the body is an unhealthy complexion. Sometimes, in the combination of this symptom with others, a professional doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, even without tests.

Viruses and bacteria in the human body release various substances into the blood in connection with which the skin color changes. Also, the shade is affected by a change in the amount of some components of the blood. The skin can turn pale, yellow, red, blue and even green. Why does the complexion, and sometimes the body, change? What is it connected with?

Skin structure

The protective cover of a person contains two layers:

  1. Epidermis - the top layer consists of many cells. Some of them contain pigments (carotene, melanin, oxyhemoglobin, reducing hemoglobin). The color of the skin depends on the amount of these or other substances.
  2. The dermis is the bottom layer. Consists of blood and lymph vessels. The presence of hemoglobin in the blood gives the skin a pink tint.

More about pigments:

Carotene is a pigment that gives the skin a yellowish tint. Representatives of the Mongoloid race have more of it than other people. If this component is not enough, it can be obtained from drugs and food.

Melanin is a brown pigment. There is a lot of it on the skin of representatives of the Negroid race. Sometimes it can appear as freckles in white people. It is also responsible for the appearance of age spots.

Hemoglobin is a pink pigment responsible for oxygen in tissues. The coloring of the skin with this component depends on the number of vessels in it, their saturation with oxygen, and not with carbon dioxide (otherwise the skin will be red), the thickness of the epidermis.

Other substances also affect skin coloring:

Silver - gives the skin a bluish tint. Penetrates there after taking certain drugs or when processing this metal.

Iodine - gives the face and body a yellow color when there is too much of it in the body.

Bilirubin is formed during the breakdown of red blood cells. Gives the skin a yellow color. Appears in the blood in some diseases.

Methemoglobin is a pigment formed when the structure of hemoglobin changes. The presence of this component is a sign of many violations. When a person does not know why his lips turn blue, you should pay attention to the amount of this pigment.

Exposure to sunlight on hemoglobin, which is in the process of transformation, is the cause of darkening of the skin.

Diseases that provoke changes in the color of the face and body

Before you start making diagnoses, considering the faces of individual people, it should be remembered that not all are purebred representatives of the Caucasian race. A healthy complexion in Europeans has a white-pink hue, sometimes with a slight admixture of yellowness. Any changes in the original color of the skin are nothing more than health problems.

List of causes and diseases:

An earthy complexion has several causes:

  1. Lack of fluid in the body;
  2. Alcohol abuse (about some people they say: "blackened (a)"):
  3. Improper nutrition, namely: passion for fatty meat products;
  4. intestinal dysbacteriosis;
  5. Thyroid disease;
  6. Oncological diseases;
  7. AIDS;
  8. Blood poisoning.

Another reason for an earthy complexion is usually called lack of sleep, but this statement is easy to refute, as some skin turns pale or does not change color at all. In addition, an earthy or, as the people say, earthy complexion occurs in people who smoke, as well as in those who do not like walking in the fresh air. It should be noted that the earthy complexion in the latter version is an easily eliminated problem.

Blue colour

First of all, the cyanosis of the skin indicates insufficient blood circulation. A person's face can acquire such a shade:

  • By cold;
  • With cardiovascular diseases;
  • With diseases of the respiratory organs;
  • After taking certain medications;
  • In the presence of silver salts in the skin and internal organs;
  • With a large amount of nitrates in the body.

Sometimes blue lips and skin are signs of diseases and incidents such as:

  1. Iron-deficiency anemia;
  2. gas poisoning;
  3. lack of oxygen in the blood;
  4. Asthma attack;
  5. Quincke's edema (in the throat area);
  6. Lung injury.


The color of the skin of the hands can also tell a lot: if the hands have changed color, this indicates changes in the body. Purple swollen hands sign:

  1. frostbite;
  2. Venous insufficiency;
  3. Hand injury:
  4. Prolonged use of alcohol;
  5. Renal failure.

Red spots on the hands may be a sign of:

  1. allergies;
  2. frostbite;
  3. Contact with chemicals.

The yellow color of the skin indicates such diseases in humans as:

  1. Hepatitis (A, B, C);
  2. Liver failure;
  3. Cirrhosis of the liver;
  4. Alagille syndrome (congenital pathology of the liver).

A yellow complexion can also appear if a person consumes too many foods rich in carotene.

Yellow spots on the face

As a rule, they indicate:

  • about diseases of the gallbladder;
  • failure of lipid metabolism;
  • about smoking;
  • about high blood cholesterol levels.

Rarely enough, some face care products become the cause of stains.

Gray complexion and enlarged pores

Sometimes bad is a sign:

  • intoxication of the body;
  • alcohol poisoning;
  • prolonged drug use;
  • smallpox suffered in childhood;
  • improper care for oily skin.

White skin was once considered fashionable, but at the moment it is a sign of diseases such as:

  1. Anemia;
  2. Lack of certain vitamins;
  3. exhaustion;
  4. Poisoning;
  5. Toxicosis during pregnancy (sometimes the face acquires a greenish tint);
  6. Ectopic pregnancy;
  7. internal bleeding;
  8. Fat embolism (blockage of veins by subcutaneous fat).

Another problem: dull complexion. It happens in people with unkempt skin or beriberi. Here are some more reasons why the skin fades:

  1. Poor quality cosmetics;
  2. Alcohol;
  3. Smoking;
  4. Wrong nutrition.

The skin can also fade with chronic lack of sleep (not for everyone), poisoning and lack of care.

If you observe your face, then any changes in its color should alert you, since they definitely have reasons that need to be eliminated. If the skin has become dull and has acquired an earthy hue, you can try to change the diet, finally get enough sleep, walk more often in the fresh air.

Olive, yellow, blue, white skin colors should be the reason for a mandatory visit to the doctor, especially if there are symptoms such as fever, vomiting, nausea, swelling, breathing complications. Otherwise: everything can end in death or disability.

Darkening of areas on the face is a common problem, given a wide variety of causes. These may be small dots or small spots (freckles, age spots or birthmarks) that range from red to dark brown to black, or large patches of skin on the cheeks or forehead.

The reasons


Hyperpigmentation is associated with the free action of external factors that accelerate the formation of dark spots.

Holazma (melasma)


One of the causes of this problem on the face may be holazma - “pigmentation due to overproduction of melanin by pigment cells”. It can occur if you expose your face to sunlight for a long time. These uneven dark areas on the face are predominant on the forehead, chin, cheeks and upper lip.

Hormonal imbalance and pregnancy

Cholasma are dark patches on the face and are often seen during pregnancy. However, with the normalization of hormonal imbalance, this problem should not manifest itself.

Other factors are hormone therapy, certain cancer medications, and hypothyroidism – low levels of thyroid hormones.

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH)

It is due to skin conditions that affect it. Psoriasis is one of the main conditions responsible for this. Some skin care products with alcohol, burns and acne can cause PVH.

Treatment includes continuous use of tretinoin, azeloic acid, especially for those patients who are prone to acne.


Lentigo (age spots/liver spots) refers to dark spots that are caused by UV rays, not liver and alcohol problems (there was once such a theory, hence the name). Most often appear with age, especially after 60 years.

Such spots on the face do not pose serious health problems, but for aesthetic reasons, they can be removed, for example, with the help of laser therapy, electrosurgery or cryotherapy. In addition, treatment for lentigo on the face may include hydroxyl acid creams and gels.

You can also try some of the home remedies for liver spots, such as a buttermilk and lemon mask or turmeric, yogurt, and honey.

Read more about these spots.

Acne scars

Also, the cause of the formation of darkening of the skin of the face are acne scars. These spots are actually pimples and blackheads that, after healing, have left scars on the forehead, cheeks, or neck.


Facial hair removal also sometimes causes black spots on the cheeks and upper lip. Some of the methods used in removing unwanted hair, such as tweezers and chemical creams, can lead to ingrown hairs. At times, this creates small dark or brown bumps due to bacteria ingestion.

Healed acne

Whether acne appears during puberty, from poor hygiene or skin diseases, this can trigger the manifestation of this problem. When they appear on the forehead and cheeks, it becomes difficult to protect them from sunburn.

After their treatment, or when they disappeared on their own, you can notice small dark spots in the areas of their stay.

Other reasons

There may be other causes of this skin trouble, such as chemical burns, skin damage from hot objects, sharp objects or tools.

In most cases, treatment may be required due to long-term self-healing, but sometimes they go away on their own.

NOTE. Vitamin B12 deficiency causes loss of normal pigmentation resulting in white patches. This condition (vitiligo) indirectly contributes to dark spots on the skin.

Dark spots on cheeks

First, the appearance of dark spots on the cheek and nose is caused by changes in the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Some of these changes may occur after successful hormone therapy. According to Khatri, “elevated levels of these hormones can stimulate the growth of melanin, causing hyperpigmentation.”

Second, obesity may indicate that cheek patches are a sign of acanthosis nigricans, especially in dark-skinned people, according to Dr. Pawan Kumar Gupta. The reason for this rare disease is a tendency to insulin resistance, which allows excess glucose to accumulate in cells, i.e. "Acanthosis nigricans is a skin change in which there is darker, thicker velvety skin in the folds of the body." . This problem on the cheeks can be solved with carbon dioxide laser resurfacing (CO2 laser).

Black acanthosis on the cheeks is usually found in dark-skinned people.

Methods of treatment


It is a suitable method for removing darker areas. It ensures that only dry dead cells are removed and paves the way for a new layer. A professional dermatologist or surgeon will use an electric grinder to remove the very thin top layer of dark skin. For example, microdermabrasion is one way to remove dark spots on the face caused by acne.

Exfoliation with scrubs

If it is necessary to remove dark spots from the sun in a short period of time, manual exfoliation should be applied. A handy peeling tool or cleanser is applied to problematic skin to remove its top layer. The exfoliator (scrub) should contain tiny particles, or you can make your own exfoliator, such as mixing raw almonds with a mild cleanser.

Exfoliation and whitening

Creams, gels, and alpha hydroxy acid solutions can be used to combat this problem by exfoliating the skin. Lightening products should contain important whitening ingredients such as kojic acid, azelaic acid, and arbutin.

  • Some of the creams and serums include alpha hydroxy acids such as glycolic, citric, tartaric, and lactic acid. Alpha hydroxide cream can work well if the concentration is less than 10%. For example, AHA 4oz is a face cream with a concentration of 8%.
  • Another beneficial ingredient is retinoic acid (retin-A/retin). Most of the products with it in the composition are prescription creams and gels. Great for removing dark areas of skin on the face from acne, scars and other marks.
  • Salic acid is a beta-hydroxy acid group that is also effective in treating acne.

Creams for age spots

For hyperpigmented spots, you can use special lightening creams or visit a center for laser treatment.

Secondly, for acne scars, you can get some of the lightening creams such as Isotretinoin, Meladerm Skin Care, Ambi-Fade Cream (brightening creams).

Another common method for dealing with acne and preventing dark spots from acne is benzoyl peroxide and triclosan topical antibacterials.

laser treatment

If the above remedies do not give a good result, it is worth trying laser treatment. It uses penetrating pulses of laser light to kill the melanocyte cells under the skin that cause these spots. A new layer grows and softer healthy skin is formed. The laser is undoubtedly a very reliable method.

This is a chemical-free treatment for dark spots on the face that can be used on most skin types.

Proper post-treatment care is needed to help relieve pain and prevent swelling. The use of a laser will provide a solution for both light and dark African American skin.

Chemical peels

This is another stain remover. Unlike microdermabrasion, a chemical peel solution uses medical devices to remove the targeted layer of skin.

Light chemical peels, such as those with alpha hydroxy acids, are suitable for fair skin and thus are effective in removing dark spots on the face.

Examples of good creams

The choice of method to use to get rid of dark spots on the face is determined by the types of skin problems. There are some important ingredients that may be present in such a cream, such as niacinimide, vitamin C, licorice (licorice) and acetylglucosamine.

You can try some of the creams below:

Clinique Acne Solutions Spot healing gel is one of the best acne treatments. It should be used within a few weeks.

Acne Spot Repair is another great acne dark spot removal cream. It absorbs quickly and reduces inflammation to help get rid of problem areas on the cheeks and forehead. Others in this category are Oriflame Dark Spot Fading Concentrate, Himalaya Clarina Anti-acne Cream.

To combat pigmentation in men, one of the best creams is Pigmentation Repair Formula.

You can clean your face with the Microfine Face Scrub, which is a glycolic acid exfoliation product. In addition, you should use the Dark Spot Reduction Moisturizer aftershave, which moisturizes and improves skin tone.

Also good products are:

  • Clean and Clear Morning Burst Brightening Facial Scrub.
  • Cream from dark spots Obagi Nu Derm Clear for melanoma.

home remedies

Lemon juice

It has the ability to remove dark spots on the face, especially acne. The acid and natural vitamin C found in lemon are important in removing toxins and dead cells. In addition, it is a really simple home procedure.

  1. Squeeze some juice out of the lemon.
  2. Apply it with a cotton swab to problem areas of the skin.
  3. Leave on for at least 20 minutes and rinse with cool water. Repeat these steps every day after taking a bath or shower.


This fruit has powerful enzymes to fight dark spots on the skin. It is necessary to gently wipe the affected areas of the face with the pulp.

Use ripe papaya for dark spots from acne, rubbing the surface covered with them. Wash your face after 15 minutes.

Buttermilk and Lemon

It is necessary to mix a small amount of buttermilk (low-fat milk cream) and lemon in equal amounts. This mixture may partially serve as lactic acid in alpha hydroxy products.

Aloe Vera Gel

It is a strong antioxidant with natural ingredients such as enzymes, vitamins, which can make it possible to lighten dark spots on the face quickly and prevent sun damage to the skin.

  1. Cut a leaf and squeeze the gel-like pulp out of it.
  2. Cleanse your face and dry with a towel.
  3. Apply the pulp directly to the affected areas of the skin, gently massaging and rubbing.

Onion + honey

The ability to whiten browning makes onions and honey excellent and effective natural remedies for this problem. Onions contain natural and effective ingredients, including minerals and vitamins, plus the acidity helps in removing shave marks and injuries.

  1. Mix some honey and onion in a bowl.
  2. Using a soft cotton cloth, lightly apply the mixture to your face.
  3. After 10 minutes, apply a thin layer of natural honey.
  4. Alternatively, you can replace the onion with garlic juice.

Turmeric, yogurt and honey

  1. Combine turmeric powder, yogurt and honey in equal proportions until a thick paste is formed.
  2. Apply the mask on cleansed face with light massage movements.
  3. Let it dry and wash off with warm water after 10 minutes. Repeat the procedure daily at least 2 times a day.

Lemon juice, cucumber and rose water

Cucumber has an excellent quality for repairing cell damage and getting rid of dark spots, restoring and smoothing the skin.

  1. Grate cucumber and mix with rose water and lemon juice.
  2. Apply by rubbing lightly with a cotton cloth or cotton wool.
  3. Apply the product for at least 5 minutes daily. Wash to remove residue.
  4. (No ratings yet)

Brown spots around the mouth can be a signal that something is wrong in the body. Skin pigmentation is determined by the content of melanin in it. If the proportion of melanin pigment in the skin is increased, then this leads to the appearance of dark areas on the skin. Hyperpigmentation can result from sun exposure, skin inflammation, or endocrine disorders. You can prevent the appearance of dark spots by avoiding excessive sun exposure and by taking the necessary steps to treat the conditions that cause hyperpigmentation. Read this article and you will learn how to get rid of dark skin around the mouth.



    Determine the cause of dark spots around the mouth. These spots are often the result of an increase in melanin in some areas of the skin. Therefore, in this case, the cause of the spots is the production of excess melanin. Common causes of dramatic activation of melanin in the skin are exposure to direct sunlight, melasma, and inflammation of the skin.

    • Sun spots: These dark brown spots can appear on exposed areas of the skin that are exposed to the sun. Sometimes it takes months or years for these brown spots to show up on sun-exposed areas of the skin. If you do not start treatment, these spots will not disappear on their own. Since such spots are on the surface of the skin, treatment is carried out using special creams and scrubs. Use sunscreen to prevent sun spots.
    • Melasma (Chloasma): These symmetrical dark patches usually appear on the forehead, upper lip and cheeks. Their appearance is caused by hormonal changes during pregnancy or birth control pills. As a rule, this is a stable form of hyperpigmentation that returns easily, even after treatment.
    • Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation: A very common consequence of inflammatory skin diseases or skin lesions. It is more common in people with dark skin. Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation can occur after healing of burns, acne, or other skin damage. In this case, melanin is located deep under the skin. Dark spots may disappear in three to six months.
  1. Consider climatic conditions. The skin around the mouth becomes drier in the cold season. Some people have a habit of licking the mouth area with their tongue, which often results in darkening. If you are not in the sun, watch yourself to see if the skin around your mouth often remains wet.

    Note that the skin around the mouth is very thin. This can lead to skin discoloration, dryness and wrinkles. As a rule, in this case there is no need for special treatment. Take care of your skin, exfoliate regularly.

    Consult with a dermatologist. If you can't pinpoint the exact cause of your skin condition, consult a dermatologist who can diagnose the problem and suggest treatment. Some skin changes can be an early sign of skin cancer and other serious conditions. Therefore, consult a doctor to dispel doubts.

    Make a mask with flour and turmeric. Make a paste using some flour, a teaspoon of turmeric powder and half a cup of cottage cheese. Apply the paste on dark spots. Leave on for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

    Use an oatmeal scrub. To prepare the scrub, use one tablespoon of oatmeal, one teaspoon of tomato juice and one teaspoon of cottage cheese. Mix the ingredients well. Rub the mixture into the skin for 3-5 minutes. Wash off after 15 minutes.

  • Don't forget to moisturize your skin!
  • Don't rub too hard or it can lead to sores and possibly even scarring around the mouth. Treat your skin gently.
  • Exfoliation can be painful. However, over time you will get used to it.