Is love possible at a distance without meetings. How to maintain relations at a big distance. Pros and cons of love at a distance

The article is written by a psychologist - Nelli Kupriyanova

Love is a wonderful feeling, the state of the soul, which sooner or later comprehends each person, regardless of age and gender. All this happens in different ways: someone this feeling covers suddenly and unexpectedly, confusing and the mist of reason, someone is very long in his heart, this cherished feeling, and only after a while understands that it cannot live More without an object of his adoration, well, and someone denies all the forces that it will ever be able to love and live only for the sake of one person, but sooner or later he admits himself that he still loves ...

Love at a distance

On the heart of spring and, it seems that the whole world plays bright colors, it breathes easily and freely, and if the person had wings, then it would probably have been in love with people who would have learned to fly ... from happiness.

But not all in our lives happens as we want. Sometimes two happy in love with people fate prepares tests and they are coming frequent and long separation. This happens for various reasons.

How many people live such a life for many months and even years. They pass every week many hundreds of kilometers, laying out a lot of money, saving during the week to be able to afford the next ticket. They often feel lonely, complain to friends that they never have time at the weekend. And for what it all? Just to see a person who is dear to them and love. And yes, it costs all efforts, suffering and money!

And despite all the difficulties, living in different cities, countries and even on different continents, people continue to meet, love and wait. And what happens in this case with feelings, if you do not see for a long time, and maybe you do not hear your loved one? How to combine love and separation? Here we are talking about this today and we want to talk.

Progress to you to help in love at a distance

The current generation is very lucky. With the development of new technologies, communication at a distance can be maintained very often: using the Internet, mobile and stationary phones (you can use Viber), video link (Skype). You can hear and even see your loved one, and not torturing yourself in the long waiting for the postman, which will bring a cherished letter from your loved one.

And there were times when separated hearts spent long and tricky days, evenings and nights with the thought of beloved in anticipation of the news, writing written by hand. And how nice it was to get a favorite person written with his hand, with his smell, as if a part of him himself. And even more pleased the "live" photograph, printed from a film camera. You press this letter to the heart and you understand that with this letter you did not just get ink lines, you got something more ... I think the one who found this time, the time of paper correspondence, I will understand what we are talking about. Many can cover the sense of nostalgia for those times.

Currently, paper letters are almost ousted by social networks and other communication methods. Nevertheless, still people remain, for whom the value of paper letters has not lost its value (especially for romantics, read). The choice remains only for you.

Articles on the topic:

Pros and cons of love at a distance

No matter how absurdly it did not sound. After all, you are hard to stay in the separation and you think that there is nothing good in the distance in relationship. Because only one desire is mastered by you - seek your loved one. However, besides the minuses (as you think), there are advantages in such respects.

So, let's start with the "pleasant." Rare and desired meetings "refresh" your feelings are not allowed to go out to your coster passion, inciting it at each meeting. When you see your loved one every day, he becomes ordinary, ordinary for you. And on the contrary, when there is no long one for a long time, you begin to idealize it.

Your meetings become more desirable and passionate. Every date is a real holiday for both. There are no domestic problems on your relationship, which, by the way, in very often destroying the romance to which you have time to get used to, being in the separation. In addition, each of us sometimes is simply "useful" to be alone, think about life and understand your feelings.

Well, now, as they say, about sad.

Relationships at a distance make us doubt each other. After all, no matter how strong feelings are, we are all people and very long separation, without satisfying our basic natural needs, sometimes leads to banal treason. Despite the frequent communication by phone, using video links, etc. Nothing can replace the living person.

Love at a distance between you kilometers ...

So, we proceed directly to the question of whether love is possible at a distance. Many of my patients ask me, how can I be when my second half is at a distance? Each of them I answer that the answer to this question is in each of us. It all depends on how much you love and how much you are betrayed and trust each other. How long the partings are fate. And do you believe in fate or think that everything is in our hands and we are the creators of your destinies and are able to influence her move.

Our life is full of temptations. And if your young man or the girl is too jealous (a), and you do not want to quarrel and upset your loved one, most likely you just "clutter" yourself in four walls and will be patiently waiting for a meeting with your loved one. I recommend for young couples to pass a special

Most likely, such relationships are doomed to a quick (or not very fast) separation. Here you already need to approach the question of jealousy in more detail. Some are confident that jealousy is nothing but a sign of great and strong love. Someone believes that jealousy is nothing, as distrust, the unbridled sense of property and the reluctance to share with anyone a loved one. So, if you hold the first point of view, most likely you will sit in a gray mouse in the corner of your room and wait for your beloved. And I am not at all for the fact that everything is needed immediately to rush in all the grave and run "sin." Just in everything you need to know your measure and if you love a person, first of all you need to respect it. I advise you to take a test and

How to love at a distance?

I will give you several practical advice that will help you avoid some problems and misunderstandings if you live in separation from your loved one for a long time:

    • Trust each other

Trust is a very important component for any relationship, especially if we are talking about the distance at a distance. Sometimes it becomes hard to trust the person who you don't see for a long time, do not know what happens to him. But mutual trust makes relations at a time more durable and stable. Tip:

    • Always stay in touch
    • Build joint plans
    • Do not torfer

Listen to people who passed through the tests of separation, live together and see each other every day. Many of them admit that from time to time would like to relax apart. And this does not happen because people over time pass or weaken feelings, but because anyone else or later I want privacy, calm. Very short. Therefore, if you are young and loved, but are in constant separation with your loved one, think about how it is still wonderful that you have for someone to live that you are not alone, your meetings are welcome and passionate. Is not it ?

    • Learn to manage your feelings

Jealousy, anger sometimes lead to quarrels. It happens that people love and trust each other. But the jealousy, from which they can't get rid of them, prevents them from living calmly and happily.

    • Listen to your heart

And still need to pay less attention to the opinions of those people who constantly say that love is impossible at a distance. Listen to your heart, trust only your beloved person and be happy!

I very much hope that my tips will help you understand and save feelings for your second half at a distance. In conclusion, I somehow came across a humorous fairy tale from which I came to full delight and always advised her to read her patients. I advise you, read the humorous

On relationships go fables, history, legends, jokes, but love is sad. In any case, the minimum percentage of the happy ends of the separation is noted.

Is love possible at a distance

Numerous forced situations are given to love at a distance, in connection with which the lovers break up for a long time - a month, six months, a year and more.

At first it seems to them that their feelings can all overcome, but after a population, disagreements associated with distrust and jealousy begin. Then becomes a topical question, whether love is at a distance, and how to save it.

Causes of parting

To the reasons of separation include:

  • study in another settlement;
  • long business trip;
  • forced earnings due to the lack of work in the city;
  • the need to care for a sick relative;
  • army is the most common cause of separation of lovers.

Whatever the reason, the problems and features of love at a distance are in the same factors that are dealt with further.

What is the main problem

In the question, as is the name of love at a distance, only boredom, sadness and an extraordinary sense of loneliness are remembered.

As a rule, separation entails the following problems in relations between lovers:

Lack of meetings and dates The absence of tactile contact leads to the fact that the feelings of the beloved begin to weaken. Psychologists argue that support for love without hand-drawn, hugs and kisses are impossible
Lack of sexual relationship By virtue of the elevated libido, a man or woman becomes hard to restrain the impulses, so they easily react to the sign of the opposite sex during the absence of a beloved nearby. In a certain situation, it easily leads to treason, and in the future and to full parting. Even worse, when a partner who has changed with another begins to hide the perfect sexual contact. Presented kind of situations provoke serious scandals between beloved
Communication with new people Only one of the pair makes new acquaintances, while the second (remaining at home) spends most of the time in the walls of his dwelling due to the lack of desire to communicate with old friends. Simply put, he misses, he has no mood. At the same time, new dating beloved or lover may end up and even romantic relationships.
Changing priorities New dating partner or his absence in everyday life can lead to a change in interests, life values. As a result, at the meeting, Lovers simply do not recognize each other and do not perceive new beliefs

These are only the main problems with which you have to face in love at a distance. Love in separation is a whole test for those who cannot perceive new relationships on the phone, skype and other virtual communication.

Illusion of solitude

A person from a couple in love, which stays at home and still lives the same life and communicates with old friends, a sense of loneliness arises.

Psychologists argue that this is possible only in the absence of real loving feelings to each other, but perhaps some misunderstanding or insufficient serious relationship between lovers.

A loving person often calmly perceives long-term separation and, in the absence of a partner, there is no lonconger, due to the persuasion of continuing relations.

It is worth thinking if there is love in a relationship if the separation leads to a similar feeling. If the torture is without a partner, then you overestimate your feelings and, perhaps, mistakenly regarded from as an unforgettable and strong love.

It should be thought about parting in principle, if a feeling of resentment on a partner arises for the fact that he left you for a long time. No arguments for forced departure will be discharged.

As a result, the feelings are starting to be tightly - in this case, you should not spend time on the expectations of the partner, it is better to immediately solve all the questions and part.

How to save relations

There are several useful tips on how to save relations:

  1. It is important to determine the timing of separation - if the partner will constantly delay the visit as a result of any circumstances, waiting for a home side will begin to resent and arrange scandals. The same illusion of loneliness will arise.
  2. It is necessary to fully communicate every day - it may be calls by phone or skype. The partner needs to tell about all the affairs and cases that occurred in the day - this applies to both parties.
  3. IMPORTANT CALL COMMUNITY NAW - It can be a weekend or holidays that are often chosen to communicate working citizens.
  4. At a distance, you can invite each other on a date - through modern information technologies, romantic dinners can be carried out with candles or walking "together" to the movies (at one time and on the same movie). Today there is an excellent opportunity for almost free communication by video with numerous mobile programs. If it does not interfere, then the entire session can be connected and even a little quietly share your impressions.
  5. Relationships cannot pass without intimate proximity - it is the treason that the main reason for the separation of the couple becomes. To minimize risks, it is recommended to support flirt at a distance.

Intimate photos and messages will warm up the relationship, the partners will have the desire for proximity to each other.

Locked in this topic can take advantage of virtual proximity. Lack of communication - this is the cause of all parting when separated for a long time.

According to Skype, for example, you can not only arrange a date for candles and wine (it is important here that everyone has a corresponding atmosphere on its territory), but also have breakfast, dining and dinner, if it allows the day and time zone.

Is there love at a distance of 10,000 km

According to the assurances of psychologists and the pairs themselves, who passed the tests of the distance, assure that the number of kilometers between lovers does not matter. Yes, with this removal from home the possibility to see almost equal to zero.

But when using the Internet and other means of communication, it is possible to preserve the relationship due to the lack of doubts in the feelings.

Psychologists argue that separation and relationships at a distance are a real check of the feelings that not all couples pass.

It is connected with a big mistake of love, which is repeatedly happening. Such couples usually understand the error after registration of marriage and even the birth of children.

Therefore, psychologists consider parting on time as an excellent test of relationships before such a serious process as marriage.

But the methods presented above and the ability to support relations at a distance in practice, according to psychologists, do not work.

If in a pair previously there were already problems with distrust, lack of due attention to each other, then the distance will only aggravate the situation. And even permanent communication in social networks, a position will not save mobile or video links.

The verdict of psychologists is simple - if there is no love between "sweethearts", but there is a passion or an already habit, separation will act the direct cause of separation in the subsequent.

It is right - it is better to understand now that you do not like a person (or that he does not love and does not appreciate you) than to further edify Himself for such a rampant step like a marriage.

Of the foregoing, it becomes clear that love is possible at a distance. But at the same time, it should be sincere and careful - if the beloved will tremblely treat their feelings, no separation or captivating seduction with the opposite sex is not terrible.

The desire to see or hear their native voice will lead to constant communication. And this means that the relationship will continue at the same level, although at a distance.

Natalia Kapartov

Reading time: 7 minutes


About the uncharted feeling, surrounded by a halo of mysteriousness and mystery, everyone knows a lot - and do not know anything. Everything is extremely clear, we are talking about love. But about the love about the distance to speak unequivocally simply impossible - each of us has its own view of this phenomenon, which forms certain stereotypes - such love is possible, or not.

See also:

Problems and difficulties of long separation with beloved - Is love possible at a distance?

Two loving hearts are created to always be together, but there are situations when lovers share the distance. Many love novels after long-term separation grow to incredible scales of sensual experiences and emotionality .

All relationships can be divided into two types.

Negative parting sides with a loved one

  • With long parting, some illusion may appear that a person before was alone. People are dispersed from joint living and begin to take care only about themselves. Some are painlessly pass this stage, and for others it is a reason for future depression.
  • Lack of intimate relationships. For people who are unable to adapt to forced conditions, it can be the beginning of the end. In such situations, intrigues can appear on the side.
  • One of the loving people, remaining in a constant, monotonous environment, remains and is waiting for a partner's return. The other also gets into a new environment, makes new acquaintances and connections. It is quite possible - not only business, but also romantic. See also:

Positive aspects in parting with loved ones are also available

  • Particular partitions are especially useful. After which everything happens, as the first time.
  • In the case of inevitable separation, all energy should be sent to the formation of self which will be interesting and special.
  • You can do new enthusiasm or career . A loved one will definitely appreciate your desire.
  • In addition, ordinary relationships sometimes need a shakes. Not always homely routine brings harmony and calm in your home.

How to save love at a distance and not lose a thread of communication - Instructions for lovers

Lovers, which are waiting for a long separation, should observe simple communication rules to preserve love relationships.

  • First of all, the period of parting should be clearly defined. A partner who is forced to expect will be much easier to accept and transfer the separation if it is at least about knowing the time and return date of his second half.
  • Every day should be full of full communication. Even in the absence of time for a telephone conversation, you can do a gentle message or a gentle email letter. This will help in love feel important and necessary.
  • Short meetings can be the perfect option for long separation. For example, you can spend output together, or holidays. Partner at moments of loneliness will be remembered.
  • The partner must receive a feeling of intimacy and love. Talk about what happens every day in your life, about new ideas and impressions. In context, you can confess in love.
  • To feel great proximity at a distance partners can agree to go to the movies at the same time on the same movie By video link to dinner together, talk about everything that worries and interests. Video communication will make it even a romantic date with candles and a glass of wine on the other side of the monitor.

It is said that the same risk that and the wind for fire is carried out for the love of separation; Little she carries, and only hesitate and makes stronger.

Close contact, mutual sympathy and attraction naturally imply desires all the time being together.

Alas, life is a cunning thing, sometimes making the footsteps and more often than it is necessary to offer verification for love. So, does love happen at a distance, how much does she live and can I believe it?!

Causes of parting

Maybe you were offered a prestigious work in another city, and the second half can not instantly touch and say goodbye to the "office" office?

And maybe you have a long and very important business trip to another country? Single cruise at a bargain price?

Causes can be less rainbow. For example, forced care for a sick relative, the need to go to work. Most often, feelings checks separation during the army.

Methods of maintaining love at a distance:

  • Recognition in love in poetic forms on SMS or letters.
  • Permanent calls and long conversations in the evenings.
  • The Internet and its capabilities of ICQ or Skype.
  • Ordering gifts in the online store, from where they give a surprise directly to the threshold of your beloved.

What is the main problem?

The main disadvantages at this time are the impossibility of personal communication and the ambiguity of its own marital status. After all, there is a second half, but there is no one next. You have no one to go to an interesting party, visit the trendy restaurant, even fall asleep alone.

Communication mainly occurs through telephone communication, the Internet or old good postal correspondence. But is love possible on the Internet and at a distance? Rare meetings are perceived as a gift of heaven.

The risk of flirting on the side, the emergence of new friends and fans. Is it possible to feel love at a distance and save loyalty?

Illusion of solitude

If there is no partner for a long time next, then how to keep the seduction to attend secular events? The answer is simple, in no way.

Remember that you are not loner!

The remoteness of the second half does not cause the recovery lifestyle than so often the ladies are sinning, while remaining the wife of the Decembrist. You are not a loner, but a girl who made his free and suspended choice.

Do not put a question with an edge!

If the absence of a nearby - torture and cross on yourself, then there is love at a distance - the question is solved with you.

Perhaps you simply overestimated the depth of your feeling and the test for you is too unbearable.

This is not precisely reproach, but the statement of the fact.

Alone, you can weigh your position and evaluate it.

There is a risk to start reproaching the partner in forced separation. This may indicate the weakness of the feeling.

Do you annoy a person or on circumstances? Do you want to change the situation and abandon the status of loners? Are you a beloved in your distance? Alas, love here and does not smell.

With him or without him?

There are no holy people, so bitter feelings from time to time visit everyone. There is a temptation to quarlance, express his discontent and reproach a partner in something.

But the beloved person remains so even at a distance. Let it even be hard with him, but without it - worse, and, it means, reconciliation is inevitable.

The second side of the illusion of loneliness presents the opportunity to start to idealize the partner and the relationship themselves. The former meetings seem to sleep, touch - bliss, and the meeting will end up with cruel disappointment.

On a note!
It is said that without separation it is impossible to fully comprehend love, because love is hardened, in the tests are much stronger than weak and fragile, waiting and sadness, such love is scattered into parts as a card house from the slightest blow of the breeze.

Scrolling moments

There is even a special list of nuances, the strongest changes in relationships passing by the distance:

  • No sex. Lack of intimate communication is very hard, the impossibility to make love with its partner, which is theoretically, but is practically absent. Often this is the reason to be betrayed.
  • Second difficulty is the impossibility of talking. The leaving partner changes, acquires new acquaintances and affections.
    It is easier for him to adapt to the world around him, as there are less connections with the "past" life. The remaining expensive partner is experiencing stronger, as it connects many moments with the beloved and supports the illusion of unchanged relationships.
  • The third moment is change priorities and goalsHowever, the character changes. For example, the situation with the care of a guy in the army.
    He is constantly busy, finds a lot of familiar with similar problems, the style of communication undergoes changes, and the girl cannot get used to it. The most difficult thing is to just by the end of the separation when the couple is waiting for the meeting and unwittingly think about all those surprises that she prepares.

Believe and feel love

It is more correct to assess the situation, being inside it.

After all, it was always fashionable to believe in love.

Romantic guys are always in the price of girls, and romantic girls are a classic of attractiveness.

A man does not live without love, but exists, so he stretches to feelings, looking for them and idealizes. Once in a situation of problem and tragic, a person most often changes his point of view and literally descends from heaven to Earth.

Stubborn facts

According to the statistics of the separation in length in two years and less transferred relatively easy, especially now, when video calls, sex on the phone and joint weekend with flights are available.

But after two years of relationships at removal, the creatures are becoming less common that are generally less. Waiting risks to grow into severe depression.

The distance comes due to the fact that everyday joys and sorry want to share with those who are near. The rare meetings want to make a holiday, and it removes true proximity from relationship.

You can continue to believe in love and even feel it, but inevitably you will have to recognize the fact that there is less passion and mentality in relationships. Women suffer sharper, as they need tenderness and daily care.

To answer the question - whether love is at a distance, you need to continue to feel love and have to make a lot of mutual efforts. Only so you can continue the relationship.

So it turns out that love in the distance turns into the work of two people, it needs to be to feel and cherish, like a baby, so that it turns into a serious, adult and bright feeling.

How many years does love live?

Oh, how many answers to this question is whether love is possible at the distance gave advice psychologists and philosophers!

But they converge only that they do not give love a lot of time.

Someone says love lives three years.

Others celebrate the crisis of the three and five years of living when the bonds of love weaken and the risk of parting is growing. Many remember the well-known saying about Salol's powder, eaten for two.

According to unaccompur pairs, this weight will succeed in two years, and, it means that the love that existed so much will live and longer. On the true life of the sense of feelings at a distance can only be judged by a pair.

  1. The period of "chemistry" - This is the emergence of passionism and mutual desire, which is accompanied by the enhanced work of the domestic secretion glands and chemical reactions in the body.
    As of physiological reasons, such a period lasts no more than a year and a half, and after the body comes to normal. In other words, this is a period of passionate attraction, sexuality and greedy possession.
    Alas, you can call this feeling with stretch. Long time it will not worry.
  2. True love - This is the fruit of joint work, supported by trust, mutual respect and tenderness. It remains here behind the sense of property, egoism and consumer attitude towards a person.
    By the way, jealousy at this stage most often goes to the background. The term of such love is difficult to name with accuracy, because it depends on the partners themselves, and not from reactions in their body. So you can call a period of 2 years and longer.

Online feeling

So, to extend the life of love will have to work on it with the help of remedies. Today I am strongly cutting off the Internet connection.

  • Write email letters. Despite the rapid steps of progress and the computer revolution in the world, we are still nice to receive letters from your loved one. Moreover, the best paper written by native handwriting.
    So see where the hand is tired, where the thoughts are confused. But emails to get no less pleasant. So write, let there be all the line with the wish of a good day, but this is a pleasant moment for the mood for the day.
  • Exchange SMS. For the whole day there are a lot of pleasant or annoying events. Share them with your loved one, ask his opinions and offer your advice in his business. It will make you closer.
  • Exploiting video callions. Now the choice is not limited to the Skype program, so equip your computer, phone and other gadgets with the necessary installations. Nothing is in this way and does not calm down, as a conversation with a loved one and his smile.

Love is at a distance - it is primarily a check, which is not every couple.

Sometimes the situation does not save the abundance of electronic gadgets and the presence of a dense wallet.

But psychologists belong to the topic of separation of philosophically and do not consider her tragedy.

The distance teaches to keep relationships and take care of them. Work to have every day, look for time to communicate and appreciate minutes.

On practice

Forces me to be surprised by the result of research of scientists Cornelia University: they found that the pairs living in separation, consider their relationship with a stronger, rather than 63% of couples dividing one living space.

Feelings are checked in fact!

The decision to leave the lover at least on time talks about the seriousness of plans for a joint future, about the desire to back it. True, psychologists resemble identifying priorities for themselves before "go to victims."

Will you get back to the former partner? Is it an obstacle for you?

Specialists are skeptical about the assurances of adolescents in eternal love and strongly advise not to give loud promises before separation, than the girls and guys are sinned before the same army. If the feeling is real, it does not require words, but will be proven by the case.

You can find additional information on this topic in the section.

It is said that the feelings are only strengthened. However, many wisdom are good only in theory. In practice it turns out that the longer you do not see your beloved person, the harder it is to keep emotions and preserve harmonious relationships. Ideally, having met my destiny, you and your young man should go through life, holding hands, nor for the day not holidaying each other. But, unfortunately, circumstances often make their own adjustments, forcing you or your partner for a while to move away from your love in the literal sense of the word. However, real love is able to overcome any obstacles. And if you really want to keep your feelings, listen to our advice, which will help you to show wisdom and patience in such a difficult life situation.

How to save relationships at a distance?

1. Do not hide your emotions

Communicating with his beloved person, be extremely frank and sincere. Unfortunately, people have not yet learned to read each other's thoughts and, being far from you, your partner simply can't know what you feel. Do not hesitate to talk to him about your experiences, fears, hopes and, of course, feelings. Frank conversations will become a certain emotional thread that will associate you and your partner even at a distance.

2. Complete priorities correctly

Being away from each other, both partners are unwittingly immerse themselves in their own events and their lives are parallel lines, practically not intersecting. However, to preserve the relationship, you and your favorite person should bind something. This "something", of course, are feelings. But the problem is that, without seeing you in humios, does not feel your mood and emotional state, the partner may seem that your feelings are flexible, lose their strength and disappear. To prevent emotional alienation, it is important to behave so that your partner feel how your relationships are your relationship. Therefore, do not neglect conversations and feeding with your beloved person, even if at this moment you are very busy. After all, just as he can understand that you still love him.

3. Support communication with each other

Sometime to women whose husbands went into a long sailing or went to foreign business trips, had to be content with short rare calls. Now you want to wait for your beloved much easier, because at your disposal there is a lot of technical achievements that are able to bring you closer with a person, even despite distances. Do not neglect these capabilities: as often as possible, write to your partner SMS, call Skype, share romantic songs, cute pictures and interesting films. Virtual communication creates the effect of the presence that will help you and your satellite easier to experience temporary separation.

4. Head listen

Colorfully describing your feelings, you will be able to listen to what a partner tells you. Watch out for its intonation and mood and, if it seems to you that something is worried about something, feel free to ask him about it. It is very important that the partner even at a distance feel your support and care.

5. Consider negative emotions

For a long time not seeing a person, it is difficult to control your emotions and not give in to the feeling of jealousy. However, to keep love at a distance, you need to learn to be patient. Do not make your own imagination and do not invent what you do not have indisputable evidence.

6. Put joint goals

Waiting will be less painful if it is brought by aspirations and goals. Plan with a partner that when you finally will be together, you arrange a new honeymoon, go to a romantic trip or allow yourself a long-awaited stay. Each time, feeling sadness, remember that at the end of your separation you are awaiting a pleasant reward.

7. Do not forget that your happiness depends only on you

Survive a long parting with a loved one - the task is not from the lungs. From the part it may seem that it is enough just to take yourself in hand, not to succumb to emotions, to be patient, and the separation will immediately lose their negative color, turning into another life stage. But in fact, you will face a lot of difficulties: you will seem that time is painfully slowed down your partner, your partner has lost interest to you, and your life has turned into a series of boredom and monotony. At such moments it is important not to forget that your happiness depends only on your desire to be happy. Remember that the wait is only a time period, and if you refrain from negative feelings, this period will fly unnoticed for you.

Love at a distance, how to be? In spite of everything, do not forget that the forced parting is not a reason to abandon the usual hobbies and duties and turn your life in a continuous waiting strip. To overcome a bad mood and periods of despair, fill your life with joyful events: go to the movies, sign up for interesting courses, master new culinary recipes. And no matter how bad it is, remember that having met his love again, you will forget about past experiences, and with your heads will be joking in happiness.