Second trimester miscarriage symptoms. How to prevent the threat of early miscarriage and what to do about it. Is there a chance to deliver a healthy fetus before the due date with the threat of termination of pregnancy

In this article, you will learn about the symptoms of threatened miscarriage, the reasons that cause it, and the steps you can take to avoid this diagnosis.

Did you see 2 strips on the test? Congratulations - you are pregnant! From this moment on, joyful chores begin in expecting a child and carrying him. But you need to know some of the nuances that may be useful to you in the future and help you avoid trouble.

Unfortunately, the statistics do not please us with good numbers.

Approximately one in five pregnancies ends before the time required for bearing a healthy baby. And there are many more women diagnosed with threatened abortion.

The threat of miscarriage, unfortunately, can arise at any stage of pregnancy, if it occurs before 22 weeks - this is called a spontaneous abortion, but if we are talking about a later date, then we are talking about premature birth. The fact is that there have been cases when doctors rescued children born after 22 weeks and nursed them.

That is why, starting from this period, if there are any serious complications of pregnancy, they talk not about its termination, but about premature birth. Modern medicine makes it possible to save children born with a weight of more than 675 grams.

There are quite frequent cases when pregnancy ends as soon as it has begun, that even a woman does not always know what happened, because at the same time, there is a slight delay in menstruation, but then they come, perhaps, pass more painfully and more abundantly than usual, and the woman may not even guess about what happened.

The later the pregnancy is terminated, the more difficult it is for a woman to go through both psychologically and physically.

How to determine the threat of miscarriage? Symptoms and signs of threatened miscarriage

Knowing a number of symptoms that may arise with the threat of termination of pregnancy, you may be able to avoid undesirable consequences if you take the necessary measures in time. But also, do not forget that not every pregnancy can be saved. It depends on the causes of the threat, which you will also find in this article.

So, there are 3 main symptoms of a threatened miscarriage.

  1. Uterine bleeding Is the most dangerous possible symptom, which makes it the most serious. Moreover, it often starts with just a few drops, and then gradually intensifies. This symptom can last for several days. Discharge can be either bright red or dark brown. If there are blood clots or pieces of tissue in the discharge, then most likely a miscarriage has occurred. Bleeding most often occurs due to detachment of the ovum
  2. Nagging pain also occurs quite often with the threat of miscarriage, but it may be absent. It happens that the symptoms appear, then disappear, then reappear. At this time, it is better not to hesitate, but to get to your gynecologist as soon as possible - perhaps you will save your child. Do not confuse pulling pains with pains on the sides of the abdomen, these pains are quite normal and occur in almost all women, they are associated with changes that occur in the ligaments of the uterus when a woman is pregnant
  3. Hypertonicity of the uterus is also quite common. In the first trimester, hypertonicity of the anterior or posterior walls of the uterus mainly occurs. This diagnosis is confirmed by an ultrasound examination, but it can be determined without it. Read the section below on how to recognize uterine hypertonicity. In case of hypertonicity, painful sensations are present and the uterus seems to "turn to stone". It is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible with complaints of these symptoms, because the sooner the specialists take action, the more likely it is that the pregnancy will be saved. But if you have similar periodic sensations after 32 weeks, then these are the so-called false contractions, or they are also called Braxton Hicks contractions. This phenomenon is normal and very common in pregnant women, this is a kind of preparation of the body for childbirth, so in this case you should not worry

All these symptoms can be intermittent, appear and disappear, worsen or be barely noticeable. If you have identified any of these symptoms, immediately contact your gynecologist for help, because your child's life depends on adequate treatment!

How to determine uterine hypertonicity?

It is quite simple to do this and it is very important to do it as quickly as possible if you have the slightest suspicion. The symptoms of hypertonicity are quite simple:

  • in the first trimester, the expectant mother feels heaviness in the lower abdomen, there are pulling pains, similar to pain during menstruation, they can give both to the sacrum and to the lower back
  • at a later date, i.e. in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, the symptoms are the same, only you can also visually see that the abdomen seems to be compressed, it becomes very hard - "turns to stone"

Any woman, faced with hypertonia, will be able to quickly determine its symptoms in herself.

Rarely, but with tone, there are also spotting spotting. When they appear, call an ambulance urgently, lie down and try to calm down.

However, it should be noted that there are cases when hypertonia is asymptomatic and only an ultrasound examination can make such a diagnosis.

Causes of the threat of miscarriage

There are actually quite a few reasons, they can depend both on the state of health of the organism of the expectant mother, and on the embryo itself or on external factors. Some of these causes can be avoided, so you need to be aware of them. But unfortunately, it often happens that the reason cannot be found out.

It should be noted that the longer the pregnancy, the less likely it is to terminate.

  • Genetic changes in the fetus - a very common cause of abortion, or rather about 70% of miscarriages are caused precisely by pathologies in the embryo. This can happen both because of the external environment and because of some hereditary disorders. This can be considered natural selection, nature has ordered so that non-viable embryos die before birth. In this case, the termination of pregnancy is practically impossible to stop, and it is not worth doing this. When symptoms of threat appear, the fetus is most often already dead. A woman should understand that in such a case, the pregnancy cannot be saved, and she needs to focus on identifying possible causes of genetic disorders in order to exclude them in the future.
  • Hormonal disorders can also seriously affect pregnancy and gestation. The most common violation is lack of progesterone in the body, which is responsible for maintaining pregnancy. This hormone is first produced by the corpus luteum, at a period of about 16 weeks, when the placenta finishes its formation, it takes over this function. That is why this problem is most often encountered in the first trimester, while the placenta has not yet formed. Also, progesterone is responsible for the successful implantation of the ovum into the wall of the uterus and, if it is lacking, the fetus is rejected. Another common hormonal disorder is excess of male hormones... With excessive production, androgens suppress female hormones, which leads to a threat, and then possibly a miscarriage. The hormonal balance can be adjusted by contacting a doctor in time. And it is better to identify it before pregnancy, then there will be no threat of interruption
  • Genetic incompatibility of parents the fetus is also a common cause of miscarriage. If the genes of the mother and father are very similar, the female body will reject the fetus. This is what nature has ordered, which takes care of the healthy procreation with different genes.
  • Incompatibility of the parents for the Rh factor of the blood. There are cases that the expectant mother has a negative Rh factor, and her partner has a positive one, most likely there will be difficulties in carrying a child, in the case when he took the father's Rh factor. This is due to the fact that the woman's body considers the embryo a foreign body and will reject it

  • Another reason - increased blood clotting... Often this problem is detected at a later date.
  • Features of the structure of the uteruscan also interfere with the bearing of a child, because a violation in the structure can prevent the ovum from attaching to the wall of the uterus and being held there. There are two-horned uterus or a saddle-shaped uterus, this developmental defect will make it difficult for a woman to bear a child, incl. possible threat of miscarriage

  • There are infectious diseasesthat can provoke the threat of termination of pregnancy. It can be commonplace flu and pneumonia, kidney disease, chlamydia, viral hepatitis, syphilis, rubella and others. It is very dangerous if the body temperature of a pregnant woman is elevated, so infections should be avoided and not come into contact with sick people
  • There is also a number gynecological diseasesthat can provoke a threat of miscarriage. These diseases include inflammation of the genital organs, endometritis, uterine fibroids and others.
  • Previously transferred by a woman abortion or miscarriage, in which scraping was carried out, can also affect the bearing of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that these procedures damage the endometrium - the inner layer in the uterus
  • The threat of miscarriage also occurs when endocrine diseases or diseases of the immune system, for example, in case of a malfunction of the thyroid gland, as well as with a disease such as diabetes
  • Medications can also harm, because almost all medications should not be taken during pregnancy. In addition to medicines, it is even better to refrain from taking medicinal herbs and various herbal preparations, even the most harmless

  • In the second half of pregnancy, cases of a threat of miscarriage due to the presence of pathology in the development of the cervix, as well as the placenta... If the cervix is \u200b\u200bweak, it may not withstand and open up ahead of schedule, not holding the fetus
  • From emotional state a pregnant woman also depends a lot, in particular the health of her body. Stress can worsen the course of pregnancy, and sometimes even trigger a miscarriage.
  • Lifestyle a pregnant woman also occupies not the last place among the reasons due to which there is a threat of miscarriage. A pregnant woman should give up bad habits, such as smoking, drinking, drugs, and also refrain from drinking coffee and other unhealthy foods that can harm

  • Trauma, physical activity, falls, blows to the stomach can also seriously harm. Interestingly, even if a woman suffered a concussion before becoming pregnant, this can further provoke a threat of miscarriage.
  • Based on statistics, in women over 35miscarriages are twice as common. Experts attribute this to the fact that the eggs are aging and more embryos are not viable. In men, sperm are constantly produced from the moment of their puberty, but women are already born with eggs, which gradually grow with them. Therefore, the older the woman, the older her eggs, which eventually lose their viability due to environmental factors: they are influenced by past diseases, toxins and other harmful substances

Take care of yourself and your health, it is advisable to start even before pregnancy, and this will help you carry and give birth to a healthy baby.

How to maintain a pregnancy with a threat of miscarriage?

With the threat of miscarriage, it is quite often possible to maintain a pregnancy if the woman takes all measures in time and starts treatment. This is best done in a hospital where you will be monitored and where you can carry out all the necessary examinations.

Keeping pregnancy in the first trimester

At any time, the emerging threat of termination of pregnancy must be treated, but in the early stages everything is complicated by the fact that it is difficult to find out the cause of the threat.

If the child is long-awaited or there have already been unsuccessful attempts, doctors in the first trimester try to keep the pregnancy. But if the woman is healthy, the pregnancy is the first and the threat of termination cannot be eliminated, it is believed that it is better not to go against nature and try again, and perhaps the next pregnancy will be better.

This is due to the fact that in the early stages miscarriages very often occur due to the unviability of the fetus and the presence of genetic abnormalities.

Keeping pregnancy in hospital

  • Most often, when complications of pregnancy occur, a woman is admitted to the hospital for further examination, treatment and observation.
  • One of the main treatments used is strict bed rest. With hypertonicity, women are given droppers with magnesia, candles with papaverine are prescribed, as well as no-shpu. If you have problems carrying a pregnancy in the first trimester, this is enough
  • For hormonal problems, progesterone drugs are prescribed, such as urozhestan or duphaston. Ginipral is often prescribed in the second and third trimesters.
  • If the pain has stopped, there is no bleeding, the tone of the uterus is normal - this indicates proper treatment and preservation of pregnancy. But do not forget that after being discharged from the hospital, you must take care of yourself, follow the recommendations of gynecologists and observe the regimen

Keeping pregnancy at home

  • Many are interested in the question of whether it is possible to treat the threat of miscarriage at home. It is not so easy to answer this question, because everything depends on this particular case, the reasons for the threat of pregnancy, the degree of its severity, the number and strength of symptoms, on the state of health and well-being of the pregnant woman
  • With mild hypertonicity, for example, you can undergo medical treatment at home. But you will need to follow the doctor's prescriptions, including adhere to strict bed rest, take during medication, avoid stress, overwork
  • However, you need to understand that in this case you yourself are responsible for the consequences, you risk primarily the life of your unborn child. After all, household chores, a well-fed husband, the lessons learned with an older child are not worth it! In addition, all matters can be delegated to the same husband, mother, sister, girlfriend. Think carefully about it before you refuse hospital treatment.

Treating threatened miscarriage at home

Threatened miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy

The first trimester lasts from the 1st to the 12th week. The first period, which can be called critical, usually occurs in the 2nd or 3rd week. At this time, the fertilized egg is already in the uterus and is implanted into its wall. This period is very important, and most often a woman does not even know what is happening now, and in case of failure, she may not know that she had a miscarriage.

The most common causes of a threat of miscarriage are the following:

  • genetic disorders in the fetus and its non-viability
  • the presence of damage to the endometrium (layer inside the uterus)
  • the presence of bad habits in a woman, taking drugs harmful to the fetus
  • stress
  • scars after cesarean section
  • presence of uterine fibroids
  • disturbances in the structure of the uterus

The period of 8-12 weeks is also dangerous and there may be a threat of termination of pregnancy. As a rule, at this time, the cause is a lack of progesterone in a woman.

Threatened miscarriage in the second trimester of pregnancy

In the second trimester, which falls on weeks 13-26, there is also the likelihood of a threat of interruption. At this time, the critical period falls on 18-22 weeks, because the uterus grows rapidly.

  • Dangerous during this period are violations in the development of the placenta - low presentation
  • Internal organ pathology
  • The presence of infectious diseases

The above reasons make the placenta sensitive, which leads to its detachment. And as mentioned above, the detachment causes bleeding, due to which a miscarriage is possible.

Threatened miscarriage in the third trimester of pregnancy

  • After the 26th week of pregnancy, the third trimester begins. During this period, instead of the threat of miscarriage, the threat of premature birth is possible.
  • In the third trimester, bleeding may occur, most often caused by low placentation or placenta previa
  • Premature detachment of the placenta in most cases does not harm the mother and baby, but disrupts the connection between them. If bleeding occurs, be sure to see a doctor.
  • You should also be alerted by the absence of the baby's movements, it happens that children die in the womb due to entanglement of the umbilical cord or for other reasons. Better play it safe and go to the doctor if you are worried about a long absence of tremors
  • The leakage of amniotic fluid can also lead to suffocation of the fetus, so do not hesitate, your child can still be saved. In these cases, preterm labor is stimulated with special drugs.
  • The period from 28 to 32 weeks is very dangerous, because the uterus grows rapidly. Therefore, at this time, preterm labor most often occurs, caused by placental abruption, late toxicosis, hormonal imbalance and for other reasons.

The main thing that a woman should do is, at the slightest disturbance in her well-being, seek medical help, try to calm down and trust the doctors. Nowadays, thanks to the latest medical technologies, 96% of premature babies can be saved and left in special children's departments.

Treatment for threatened miscarriage. Preparations for the threat of termination of pregnancy

  • When treating the threat of miscarriage, a woman must comply with bed rest. In some cases, she is not allowed to get out of bed even to the toilet
  • Naturally, at the first symptoms and the diagnosis of the threat of termination of pregnancy, the woman begins to worry and get nervous. However, stress is not the best medicine, the depressed psychological state of a pregnant woman can aggravate the situation, so doctors prescribe sedatives such as valerian tincture, sedasen

  • In the first trimester, doctors very often prescribe hormonal drugs that contain progesterone (morning, dyufastone) or drugs that suppress the excess of male hormones - androgens
  • If the threat is caused by immune diseases, experts recommend drugs such as dexamethasone, medipred
  • If a failure was found on an ultrasound scan or examination by a doctor, then under anesthesia, an operation is performed to suture the cervix, which does not allow the ovum to come out. In this case, the woman receives drugs that relax the uterus.
  • If there is a threat of miscarriage for a period of more than 16 weeks, gynecologists prescribe medications to a pregnant woman that relieve spasms of the muscles of the uterus, for example, ginipral, partusisten, magnesium sulfate. Usually, a pregnant woman is given droppers with these medicines.

  • If a woman has bleeding, hemostatic medications are used
  • If necessary, the pregnant woman is treated for infections, inflammation, various chronic diseases
  • To strengthen the body, doctors also prescribe a pregnant woman to drink a course of vitamin

In most cases, the threat of termination of pregnancy can be avoided if the question of your health is correctly approached during planning a child or at the beginning of pregnancy. And also do not forget that by contacting a doctor on time, you will save the life and health of your future baby.

Vitamins for the threat of miscarriage

If diagnosed with "Threatened miscarriage" pay attention to the vitamins that you are taking, because their lack or excess can worsen your situation and condition. You do not need to take vitamins on your own during pregnancy, be sure to check with your doctor. Try to establish your diet first, which should include vegetables, fruits, dairy products, fish and lean meat.

Vitamin E plays a fairly large role, it helps to maintain pregnancy, and is also necessary for the normal development of the fetus. You will find this vitamin in butter and vegetable oils, seeds, nuts and other foods.

Duphaston with the threat of termination of pregnancy

  • Duphaston is prescribed for pregnant women with a lack of progesterone in their body. Like Utrozhestan, this drug is a synthetic analogue of the female hormone
  • Duphaston is well tolerated by women and has no contraindications for use by pregnant women, does not affect the liver and blood clotting. Most often it is prescribed in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • As already mentioned, progesterone is produced by the corpus luteum until the 16th week, and then the placenta takes over this function, which by this time will finish its formation. Therefore, the lack of this hormone is observed precisely at the beginning of pregnancy. In rare cases, taking the drug is extended up to 20 weeks
  • The dosage required for a particular woman is prescribed by the doctor. After the symptoms of the threat have passed, the drug is taken for another week, then the dosage is gradually reduced. If symptoms return, you need to continue taking the drug for a while. It is not recommended to abruptly cancel taking Duphaston

It is better, of course, to prevent the emergence of a threat of miscarriage, and now we will tell you how:

  • Prepare for pregnancy in advance: examine your body for the detection of chronic and other diseases, various infections dangerous for the fetus and the expectant mother, make an analysis for the genetic compatibility of you with your future father, find out about compatibility by the Rh factor
  • Treat all diseases and infections found
  • Be less in crowded places and do not communicate with sick people - you need to avoid any infections during pregnancy
  • Visit your doctor regularly at the antenatal clinic
  • During pregnancy planning, you need to quit smoking, do not use alcohol and drugs, and, of course, all this must be abandoned during pregnancy. The father-to-be should do the same.
  • Eat right and monitor your diet
  • Avoid stress, if you can't, ask your doctor for sedatives
  • Protect yourself from unnecessary physical exertion, do not carry heavy, avoid injuries and falls, protect your belly

If you do have symptoms that indicate a threat of termination of pregnancy, you must urgently take the necessary measures.

  1. If you start bleeding - urgently call an ambulance
  2. If you find any symptoms of threatened termination of pregnancy, see your doctor as soon as possible
  3. If your stomach has become hard, you feel that the uterus is in good shape, lie down, relax, calm down. Light a papaverine candle and drink valerian
  4. While waiting for an ambulance or a doctor, exclude all physical activity, incl. and household chores, lie down and try to calm down

VIDEO: The threat of miscarriage: how to keep the pregnancy?

The threat of termination of pregnancy is a serious cause for concern. So something went wrong. Any threat can lead to spontaneous termination, pregnancy fading, if measures are not taken in time. Mom's negligence can cost her dearly. And competent treatment is also not the least important in solving this problem.

The threat of termination of pregnancy can arise out of nothing. Moreover, it does not matter how long mommy has. More often it is in the first trimester that a threat arises, less often in the second. After 28 weeks, doctors call the threat early preterm birth. If the threat in the first trimester is not eliminated, medications do not help to stop the bleeding, the fetus dies (there is no heartbeat), the pregnant woman is offered an abortion: medication, or by curettage. Medical abortion is more gentle for the female body. However, he does not guarantee that the ovum will completely exit the uterus, and cleaning will not be required. The term is important for the appointment of this abortion. It is carried out up to 1.5 months of pregnancy, and the size of the ovum also plays a role.

As for curettage, this procedure is not pleasant, although the woman is under anesthesia during the operation and does not feel anything. After "cleansing" the female body needs a long recovery. Mini-abortion (vacuum aspiration) is less traumatic, but it is also possible only in the first weeks. Whereas most often abortions occur at 8-12 weeks, when the size of the ovum is already too large to pass into the cannula of the apparatus that sucks the contents of the uterus.

If the threat was not eliminated in the second trimester, or something went wrong in the woman's body, and there was a threat to the health or even the life of the woman, artificial childbirth may be recommended for medical reasons.

But if the child is desired, doctors will do everything possible to prolong the pregnancy.

Causes of pathology

There are many reasons for the threat of termination of pregnancy. Moreover, not always a woman may have pathologies or deviations in the structure of the reproductive organs. Even a pregnant woman who considers herself healthy (and not without reason) should understand the responsibility entrusted to her and take care of herself for all 40 weeks.

If a diagnosis is made: the threat of termination of pregnancy in the early stages, then one of the first reasons for this is the incorrect, pathological structure of the reproductive organs. If a woman, for example, has a saddle or horn-shaped uterus, then bleeding is likely in the first trimester. Therefore, such patients are recommended to be observed by a gynecologist from the very first weeks of pregnancy and not to refuse inpatient treatment (even preventive).

Another reason is hormonal disorders. Hormones are responsible for conception, normal development and growth of the fetus, for a favorable pregnancy outcome. The hormone progesterone plays an especially important role. Progesterone is important until 4 months of pregnancy. And its deficiency is observed with insufficient function of the corpus luteum (a gland that temporarily produces this hormone in the ovaries), pathologies of the thyroid gland, taking certain medications and herbs, etc. hormones.

Genetic abnormalities should also not be overlooked. Severe chromosomal mutations, fortunately, usually lead to miscarriage in the first trimester. The mother's body itself rejects the fetus with a pathology incomparable with life. You can find out whether this is the cause of the miscarriage only by the results of a histological examination. If the situation repeats, the doctor recommends that both spouses be examined by a geneticist. By the way, it should be said that the cause of severe deviations can be the intake of medications with a teratogenic effect, as well as the intake of drugs, alcoholic beverages in large quantities.

Note that the threat of termination of pregnancy in the second trimester, as in the first trimester, can arise with infectious diseases transmitted through sexual contact. Especially if the infection occurred not before, but during pregnancy.

Another serious problem in mid-pregnancy is ICI (ischemic-cervical insufficiency), when the cervix begins to open on its own. And if this is not prevented, miscarriage or premature birth will occur. The cause of this pathology is trauma to the cervix in previous births, during abortions and diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity, etc.

The listed reasons are just some of all the possible ones that lead to the threat of pregnancy. However, do not forget that bad habits, and constant fatigue, and stress, injuries can cause a failure to carry a fetus and cause bleeding.

How to recognize a threat and what is the treatment

Signs of threatened abortion will help to understand that something is wrong with you. First, it is the occurrence of bleeding. It can be light or heavy. In any case, you should urgently call an ambulance.

Secondly, nausea, a slight increase in temperature, pain in the lower abdomen, dizziness, brown vaginal discharge are also symptoms of threatened abortion that should not be overlooked. Believe me, it is better to play it safe and visit a doctor once again unscheduled than to blame yourself for the loss of a child in the future.

If you are found to be in trouble, then only correct and competent treatment of the threat of termination of pregnancy guarantees a positive result. The diagnosis is made after examination by a gynecologist and based on the results of screening.

A threatened pregnant woman is assigned strict bed rest. Any activity is discouraged. In rare cases, a woman is advised not to even get out of bed for several weeks. Prescribe sedatives and drugs to reduce the tone of the uterus. The goal is to relax the uterus, relieve its spasm. If a threat is detected in the first trimester, the doctor will prescribe hemostatic (if necessary) and hormonal drugs, for example, dyufaston or morning.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, an ultrasound scan necessarily examines the condition of the cervix and its length. If it is less than the norm, and even more so if a small opening is determined during a gynecological examination, doctors may recommend suturing the cervix or a more modern solution - a pessary ring. The stitches, like the ring, are removed just before delivery. This is the only way to prevent premature birth and death of the child.

Intimate questions

All doctors are unanimous in this judgment: sex with the threat of termination of pregnancy is strictly prohibited. Especially in the first trimester with bleeding and with isthmic-cervical insufficiency. Moreover, even oral sex or self-satisfaction is undesirable. Any contractions of the uterus can provoke its hypertonicity, discharge of amniotic fluid. If there was no significant threat of termination of pregnancy, after a while, sexual activity can be resumed, but only very, very carefully and only if the doctor gave permission to do so.

According to statistics, about one quarter of pregnancies end in miscarriage, and often long before the woman herself finds out about pregnancy. What are the causes and symptoms of miscarriage? And what to do in this situation? These and other issues concern women who are preparing to become a mother or are just planning.

A miscarriage is a complication of pregnancy, characterized by spontaneous (spontaneous) rejection of the fetus during the period when its viability outside the uterus is impossible. Miscarriage and premature birth are different concepts. If after childbirth, albeit premature, the child can "go out", then after a miscarriage, the fetus simply dies. Today, modern medicine makes it possible to maintain the viability of a premature fetus born at 25 weeks of gestation. At the same time, the fetus grows and develops normally in the future, like children born on time.

Bleeding of varying intensity and duration during pregnancy, as well as painful sensations, are a signal for immediate medical attention, since they may be the beginning of a miscarriage.

There are miscarriages caused by natural causes (spontaneous) and artificial (termination of pregnancy or abortion), which can be provoked for medical reasons. Typically, most spontaneous (spontaneous) miscarriages occur during the first trimester of pregnancy. But spontaneous termination of pregnancy (miscarriage) after twenty weeks of intrauterine development is one percent of all pregnancies. According to numerous studies, it has been established that miscarriage is twice as likely to occur in women over the age of 35 than in young women. However, the health of the woman herself is of great importance.

It is believed that the absence of toxicosis in a pregnant woman during the first trimester of pregnancy (due to hormonal disruption in the body) indicates the tendency of this woman to miscarriages. Of course, this is not the rule, since a lot of women who do not experience morning bouts of nausea and lightheadedness subsequently carry a pregnancy to the end and give birth to healthy children.

What to do for women who are at risk of miscarriage during pregnancy? The most important thing is not to panic! Indeed, the outcome of pregnancy (miscarriage or childbirth) will depend on the correctness of your behavior during pregnancy.

Causes of spontaneous miscarriages.
There can be many reasons for spontaneous miscarriages. An important role is played by a woman's health, history of previous pregnancies, the presence and number of abortions, etc. More than half of miscarriages occur in women due to abnormal genetic development of the fetus, which can be due to hereditary or accidental factors. Blastocystosis is a common cause of miscarriages (60% of cases), it contributes to the development of fetal abnormalities that make it impossible to mature. In this case, the woman's body destroys the defective and non-viable fetus. 10-15% of cases of miscarriages occur accidentally, in the absence of a woman's visible predispositions. Blastocystosis occurs through the fusion of "low-quality" sex cells of the mother and father. As a rule, in this case, a miscarriage occurs in the sixth to seventh week of pregnancy. It is impossible to prevent this, and it is not necessary, since the child will be abnormal as a result of blastocystosis. The possibility of a second miscarriage in this case is very low.

Many other factors can be attributed to the causes of spontaneous miscarriages: abnormal development of the uterus, tumors, cervical trauma, fibroids (but not always), erosion (often leads to ectopic pregnancy), adhesions after inflammatory lesions, serological conflict, acute infectious diseases, which the pregnant woman suffered in the first trimester, general diseases, chronic diseases (syphilis or toxoplasmosis), an unfavorable environmental situation, radiation, difficult working conditions, physical, emotional and psychological stress, alcohol, drugs and medication, inflammatory processes in systems and organs, pyelonephritis, angina, pneumonia, appendicitis, diabetes.

One of the common causes of miscarriages is artificial termination of pregnancy (abortion), especially the first. In many cases, miscarriage develops, which is diagnosed after three or more miscarriages in a row. Lack of the hormone progesterone in a woman's body can also provoke a miscarriage.

Abnormalities in the development of the placenta can also contribute to the threat of termination of pregnancy. Women faced with a similar situation are under strict medical supervision throughout the year. During this period, it is contraindicated for women to become pregnant.

In addition, rupture of membranes and intrauterine infections can become the cause of miscarriage.

A woman's age can also lead to a threat of termination of pregnancy. Late pregnancy is considered to be its onset after the age of 38.

Lack of nutrition and poor nutrition, as well as high blood sugar levels, can also provoke spontaneous abortion.

The threat of miscarriage during pregnancy occurs in women who have undergone fertility treatment, as well as in cases of multiple pregnancies.

Diagnostic procedures in rare cases can cause spontaneous abortion (fetal biopsy - stretching of the outer layer of the fetal membranes of the embryo - puncture of the umbilical vein).

It should be noted that regardless of the reasons that caused the miscarriage, each spontaneous abortion increases the risk of a recurrence of the situation. Nevertheless, if you listen and follow all the recommendations of specialists, then you can prevent miscarriage.

Miscarriage symptoms.
The symptoms of a miscarriage are different, but the most dangerous are all kinds of vaginal bleeding: in the first trimester of pregnancy (until the end of the 16th week). Also, symptoms of miscarriage can be observed during the next menstrual period at 4, 8 and 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Cramping pains in the lower abdomen or lower back, bleeding, vaginal bleeding are the main symptoms of miscarriage, in this case it is necessary to urgently call a doctor.

Bleeding may be mild and insignificant, and may be short-lived. The color of the blood can vary from red to brown, sometimes mixed with mucus. In some cases, the bleeding may resemble a normal menstrual cycle. It also happens that bleeding is insignificant and stops spontaneously after a short time. If you start treatment at the time, the pregnancy can be saved. If the bleeding increases and is accompanied by a dull pain in the lower abdomen, then this indicates the onset of a miscarriage. The more intensive development of these symptoms, the rejection of tissue particles indicates that a miscarriage has already occurred.

As a rule, the embryo dies a few days or weeks before its natural removal from the uterine cavity. Since its parts are very small, they may not be noticed among the blood secretions. A miscarriage is comparable to an inflated gray-white balloon (if the placenta is intact). If the placenta is ruptured, pearly white particles can be seen in the blood discharge.

A miscarriage can be incomplete, complete, and erroneous.
Incomplete miscarriage - when the miscarriage occurs and the tissues of the fetal sac (possibly with the embryo) enter the vagina. In case of incomplete miscarriage, part of the tissues is excluded, and part of the blastocysts and small fragments of the chorionic biopsy remain in the uterus. The remaining parts cause bleeding. Therefore, the woman needs urgent surgical intervention (cleaning), otherwise intrauterine bleeding or infection may occur.

A complete miscarriage is considered when all parts of the fetus with the placenta have been removed from the uterus. Typically, a complete miscarriage occurs in the seventh week. In this case, the woman does not need cleaning.

Miscarriage is a so-called frozen pregnancy, in which the embryo dies and the pregnancy continues. A dead fetus can remain in the uterus for weeks, even months. The uterus in this case does not grow, but its cervix is \u200b\u200btightly closed. An ultrasound is the best way to determine if a fetus is alive or not. If the pregnancy is considered frozen, then the fetus is removed from the uterus.

Partial separation of the placenta or membranes from the wall of the uterus can also cause bleeding. Pregnant women who start bleeding should always keep blood samples on a piece of tissue so that the observing doctor can examine them.

Treatment and prevention of miscarriages.
Taking into account the results of the examination of the pregnant woman, the doctor prescribes treatment. With minor pain, absence of bleeding and miscarriages earlier, treatment can be carried out at home. During this period, it is recommended to refrain from a new life. There are cases when a miscarriage can be effectively prevented if treatment is prescribed taking into account the causes and nature of complications. When a miscarriage is threatened, a woman undergoes a medical examination and takes prescribed medications: most often with a diastolic effect, vitamins, painkillers, sedatives, hormonal (including those that block the production of prostaglandins). In this case, the pregnant woman is shown bed rest.

As mentioned earlier, any spotting during pregnancy should be a reason to see a doctor. As a rule, the doctor conducts an ultrasound scan, and if the embryo is alive, the pregnant woman is sent to the pregnancy pathology department to maintain the pregnancy. 90% of such cases end in the birth of a healthy child. Since there is still a risk of premature birth, pregnancy must be carefully monitored.

If a cervical malformation is found in a pregnant woman in the second trimester, then circular stitches are applied to her cervix. During pregnancy, the cervix should be closed to prevent the egg from falling out of the fetus. The effectiveness of such treatment is 80% of cases.

To prevent miscarriage due to serological conflict during pregnancy, exchange transfusion is rarely performed, which helps to remove damaged cells, antibodies and excess bilirubin. This process changes 75% of the child's blood, but the child will continue to produce blood cells with their own antigens. In addition, patients are prescribed supportive therapy, including intravenous administration of an albumin solution, which reduces the risk of free bilirubin entering the brain.

For the prevention of incompatibility, patients are administered immunoglobulin Rh D 72 hours after childbirth, miscarriages and abortions. Its action is aimed at eliminating the Rh-positive blood cells of the fetus, which have entered the mother's bloodstream. This procedure is repeated after every birth and miscarriage.

In the case when a serological conflict occurs in the second trimester of pregnancy, this indicates the death of the fetus and subsequent miscarriage.

How to behave after a miscarriage.
It is important after a miscarriage to refrain from intercourse for two weeks. In addition, it is not recommended to use tampons during this period. It is better if the first intercourse occurs after the first menstruation after a miscarriage, which usually occurs 4-6 weeks after spontaneous abortion.

Experts recommend using contraceptive methods after a miscarriage for 3-4 months, since the rapid onset of pregnancy after a miscarriage has risks associated with the psychological state of a woman after losing a pregnancy, which does not contribute to the normal course and development of a new pregnancy.

A miscarriage does not mean that the next pregnancy will end in the same way. The chance of having a baby after three consecutive miscarriages is 70%, four - 50%. No one can guarantee that the next pregnancy will pass without complications, however, a miscarriage does not mean that you have no chance of a happy motherhood.

A miscarriage is considered to be fetal rejection that occurred before 22 weeks of diagnosed pregnancy. In many cases, this process can be prevented or stopped if you pay attention to the symptoms in a timely manner and take the necessary measures. Therefore, it is important to know the causes and signs of this pathology in order to have time to consult a specialist and avoid an undesirable outcome.

Types of pathology

In medicine, there are several types of miscarriages. Some of them happen very early on, when a woman does not yet know about her pregnancy.


This phenomenon is characterized by the growth of the ovum without the presence of an embryo in it. It can be detected by ultrasound as early as the fifth week after conception. When such a diagnosis is made, the doctor prescribes a re-examination after 7 days and sends the patient to donate blood for hCG. If the results confirm the diagnosis, then an abortion is prescribed.

In this case, the expectation of a spontaneous miscarriage puts the life of the woman at risk and the possibility of having children in the future.


It is a pathological development of the placenta in the absence of an embryo. This happens when 2 sperm fertilize 1 egg or there is a loss of the maternal set of chromosomes. With such an intrauterine proliferation, all signs of pregnancy appear, but during its detachment, severe bleeding occurs, which threatens the woman's life, and also in some cases leads to the formation of malignant tumors. Fortunately, they do not metastasize, and existing treatments are showing positive results.

This condition means a strong spasmodic contraction of the uterus, which can lead to spontaneous expulsion of the embryo.

This does not cause pathological changes in the embryo, and with timely treatment with antispasmodic drugs, it can be eliminated.

Incipient miscarriage

It is characterized by cervical dilatation and placental rejection, but the fetus is still alive and remains in the uterine cavity. Emergency measures can help to avoid complete ejection of the embryo and keep it alive.

Complete miscarriage

It is an untimely full exit of the embryo from the intrauterine cavity.

Incomplete miscarriage

This is a pathological condition in which the cervix opens, but the fetus only partially comes out.

Failed miscarriage

It is one of the varieties of fetal freezing, when, after the termination of development, the embryo remains in the uterine cavity.

In this case, mummification can occur or a necrotic process can begin, which can spread to the body of the uterus and lead to sepsis. This development of events can lead to a complete loss of the woman's reproductive function and even lead to death.

This phenomenon is caused by chlamydia in late pregnancy. You can avoid this threat by passing tests during the planning of conception and undergoing treatment.

Reasons for fetal rejection

The threat of miscarriage can arise for various reasons, both in early and late pregnancy. To prevent it, you need to know the reasons for its occurrence.

These include:

What symptoms should you pay attention to?

In order to have time to take the necessary measures in time and avoid a miscarriage, you should know the symptoms that may indicate a threat. The reason for going to the doctor may be:

  • prolonged pulling pain in the lower abdomen or lower back;
  • cramping sharp stabbing or cutting pains;
  • scarlet bloody discharge;
  • feeling of tension in the uterus.

Bloody discharge in the earliest stages of pregnancy may be the norm, but it is necessary to inform the gynecologist about them in any case in order to exclude the development of pathology or the threat of a breakdown, as well as to receive the necessary treatment.

If in the early period there were no intoxication phenomena, and then severe attacks of nausea and vomiting suddenly appeared, this may be a symptom of fetal freezing.

This can be established using an ultrasound scan or a blood test for hCG.


Unfortunately, miscarriages caused by genetic factors are inevitable. But other reasons can be influenced by taking measures even during pregnancy planning or in its early stages.

Any disturbing symptom should be a reason to see a doctor. Self-medication during pregnancy is unacceptable and can pose a threat to the health of the child and the mother herself.

This is a frightening combination of words, because we mean a spontaneous process when a pregnant woman can lose a baby that has not yet appeared, but already beloved. To prevent it, it is worth knowing this problem "in person" in order to recognize the signs in time and seek the help of doctors. After all, this is not a sentence, and usually with good treatment, a woman is able to endure and give birth to a completely healthy toddler.

Immediately you need to distinguish between concepts. The threat of termination of pregnancy can appear throughout pregnancy. Until the 28th week, it is customary in medical circles to talk about the threat of miscarriage, and after this period - about early childbirth. The task of doctors also directly depends on the timing of pregnancy - in the first trimester it is worth prolonging the gestation process, and in the third trimester it is sometimes more expedient to allow the baby to be born prematurely, to keep it in an incubator until its body finally matures to autonomous existence.

Identification of threats of termination of pregnancy

Pregnancy is not a disease, but it is one of those conditions that should be observed. Therefore, if possible, you should not postpone registration on the back burner, so that a specialist can determine whether the process is proceeding normally or not. Some threatening deviations, for example, the tone of a certain wall of the uterus, are not felt by a woman and can only be detected on an ultrasound scan, the rest are more obvious.

Signs of threatened abortion:

  • pulling obsessive pain in the lower abdomen;
  • back pain;
  • blood from the vagina (at the beginning of pregnancy, it speaks of the process of detachment of the ovum);
  • colorless profuse discharge;
  • hypertonicity of the uterus. The abdomen becomes hard, this can be accompanied by pain symptoms.

Reasons for the threat of miscarriage:

    genetic. During the development of the embryo from the egg, sometimes unexplained chromosomal abnormalities or abnormalities can occur. In this case, the fetus is not viable from the very beginning and, in accordance with the rule of natural selection, the pregnancy is terminated. This usually occurs before 8 weeks. It happens that there are abnormalities, but they do not radically affect the child's viability (Down syndrome). Then the pregnancy can be preserved, although the threat periodically arises during the entire period of gestation;

  • hormonal. A low blood level of progesterone (pregnancy hormone) or, conversely, a high level of male hormones, can affect the ability to carry;
  • rhesus conflict;
  • infectious diseases to which pregnant women are especially susceptible due to weakened immunity;

  • stressful condition, shock;
  • pathologies in the structure of the uterine cavity (two-horned uterus);
  • weakness of the uterine neck, which cannot hold the developing fetus;
  • inflammatory processes that are not cured until the moment of conception.

Actions in case of a threat of miscarriage

It is very commonplace and simple to go to an ambulance here. The sooner doctors intervene, the more likely it is to prevent dire consequences. The question of how to maintain an interesting position in the face of a threat is decided by the doctors, based on the symptoms, the period. Most often, pregnancy is kept in a hospital, where the expectant mother is isolated from external influences and feels relatively safe.

A list of the main ways to treat the threat of termination of pregnancy:

  • physical and psychological peace;
  • taking sedatives;
  • the use of hemostatic agents;
  • the use of medications that relax smooth muscles;
  • treatment, if necessary, of infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Intimate questions

Doctors are unanimous in their judgment that sexual intercourse while threatened with termination of pregnancy is strictly prohibited. Especially in the first trimester during bleeding and ischemic-cervical insufficiency. In this case, oral sex or self-satisfaction is also undesirable. Any contractions of the uterus can provoke hypertonicity. If there was no significant threat, after a while sex can be resumed, but very carefully and only if the doctor gave permission for this.