Urination delay. Acute urine delay. Acute urine delay: symptoms

Acute urine delay is an urgent state when the patient cannot surprise with a crowded bladder, accompanied by sawing pains over Lone and requiring immediate appeal to the doctor. It should be distinguished from Anururia, which is accompanied by the lack of urine formation.

Acute urine delay is more often registered in male people, especially after 40 years. The probability of this pathology increases sharply in men in old age after 70 years (about 10% of patients). At the same time, this state is possible in women, as a rule, against the background of tumors and other formations of the cavity of the small pelvis.

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    1. Causes of urine delay

    There are a large number of reasons for the acute urine delay (hereinafter the abbreviation of OZM), the table below shows their classification.

    Table 1 - The main reasons for the acute urine delay in men and women. Click on the table for viewing

    Approximately 1 of the 10 episodes of the acute urine delay associated with the reception of medicines (drug OZM). Treatments to increase the risk of pathology include:

    1. 1 cholinoblastors (atropine, antipsychotic drugs, antidepressants, preparations of relief and therapy of bronchial asthma - ipratropy, tiotropi).
    2. 2 opioids, anesthetics (morphine, commotol).
    3. 3 stimulants of alpha adrenoreceptors.
    4. 4 benzodiazepines (diazepam).
    5. 5 Nonteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
    6. 6 Calcium channel blockers (verapamil).
    7. 7 Antihistamines of the first generation (diphenhydramine, suprastin).
    8. 8 alcohol.

    1.1. Neurological diseases

    Neurological diseases usually lead to the development of chronic urine delay. However, the acute urine delay may be observed in the following cases:

    1. 1 Diabetic polyneuropathy;
    2. 2 Hyien Barre syndrome;
    3. 3 poliomyelitis;
    4. 4 Operational interventions on the organs of a small pelvis;
    5. 5 spinal injury;
    6. 6 multiple sclerosis;
    7. 7 brain neoplasms;
    8. 8 Parkinson's disease.

    1.2. Other possible reasons for LAM

    1. 1 In men - penis injury: fracture, breaking cavernous bodies.
    2. 2 In women - postpartum complications (increased risk with long fighting, caesarean section).
    3. 3 In men and women, acute urine delay can develop against the background of the injury of the pelvis, medical manipulations, psychogenic disorders.

    The main pathology causing LAM in men is d. Often the REC develops in patients with adenoma already in the postoperative period. The causes of this are:

    1. 1 pain syndrome, leading to spasmodization of the sphincteral bubble apparatus.
    2. 2 Injurization of the mucous membranes of urethra in urological interventions, the walls of the bladder, its nervous plexus under abdominal surgery leads to a violation in the work of the bladder, its sphincters.
    3. 3 Excessive tensile bladder.
    4. 4 Use in anesthesia, anesthesia of opioid analgesics.
    5. 5 Reduction of mobility in the postoperative period, long-term lying position.

    2. Epidemiology

    Annual incidence of acute urine delay among the male population is 3: 1000, which is five times higher than the incidence of this pathology among the female population. Among men, the most often pathology is found in the age group over 70 years old.

    3. Basic symptoms

    As a rule, the diagnosis is obvious and no doubt. The patient is in an excited state due to pronounced discomfort, complains of the inability to reckon with a crowded bladder.

    Sometimes it is necessary to diagnose with the inability of the patient to form complaints (with severe encephalopathy, in paralyzed patients with stroke, unconscious under injury, alcoholic intoxication).

    When collecting anamnesis of the disease and examination, it is necessary to try to establish the possible cause of urination delay.

    4. Diagnostic methods

    During the examination, the patient needs to be clarified:

    1. 1 How long will last, with which the present symptoms are connected.
    2. 2 Whether the patient was previously increased temperature, weight loss, sensitivity impairment in limbs, improving fatigibility. An indication of the presence of quick weight loss, fever of unclear origin, the absence of appetite indicates the possible oncological nature of urine delay.
    3. 3 To clarify the possible episodes of LAM, symptoms from the lower departments of the urinary tract in the preceding time.
    4. 4 Pay attention to RIS's risk factors: Reception of drugs that can lead to the development of OZM, the a history of operational interventions on the organs of the small pelvis, a prostate, bladder, supercooling, alcohol intake.
    5. 5 Specify information on related diseases.

    4.1. General examination

    1. 1 thermometry.
    2. 2 palpation of belly. When the urine delay, lasting more than 3-4 hours, in the patient over the lamp is palpable, stretched bubble. Pressing in the field of hypogastria is accompanied by painful sensations, urinary urges.
    3. 3 It is necessary to inspect the genital organs. In men, when inspection, the presence of phimosis, the stenosis of the weekend of the urethra, the presence of a separated from the urethra is. In case of inspection, women pay attention to the omission of genital organs, the presence of inflammatory changes in the vagina, the presence of a separated from the genital tract and urethra, the presence of bulk neoplasms in the field of small pelvis.
    4. 4 Rectal research. In the study, it is necessary to estimate the anal sphincter tone, size, consistency, prostate boundaries, strength / soreness of prostate during palpation. With rectal inspection, you need to make sure that there are no neoplasms in the ampoule of the rectum.
    5. 5 In order to identify possible neurological reasons for the examination, it is necessary to examine the tone of the muscles of the lower extremities, determine the presence of tendral reflexes, the sensitivity of the crotch area.

    4.2. Laboratory and Instrumental Studies

    1. 1 General urine analysis - pay attention to possible infectious inflammatory changes, hematuria, proteinuria, glucosuria.
    2. 2 General blood test and biochemical blood test (assessment of the renal function in urea and creatinine levels).
    3. 3 With sugar diabetes suspicion to perform blood test on glucose (on an empty stomach, after 1 and 2 hours after meals), glucose-beaded test.
    4. 4 Uz-research allows us to consider an increased, overflowing bladder, to establish the presence of hydronephrosis, urolithiasis and other possible anomalies of the urinary system, neoplasms.
    5. 5 After eliminating LAM in order to establish the cause, further prescribed: computed tomography of small pelvis organs, CT / MRI brain in order to eliminate the central genesis of the disease, MRI spine and spinal cord (elimination of vertebrae displacement, spondylolisthesis, spinal cord tumors), cystoscopy, excretory / Retrograde Urography.

    5. Principles of treatment

    1. 1 Treatment of acute urine delay begins with the formulation of the blade with the aim of immediate decompression of the bladder. Before removal of the urinary catheter, the assignment of the alpha adrenoblocker (Tamsulosin) is required.
    2. 2 Sometimes the formulation of the urinary catheter causes difficulties (with prostate hyperplasia, the oncological process in a small pelvis, germination of a tumor of urethra). In such cases, it is necessary to formulate a grazing cystostomoma. The Cystostomy Operation itself can be performed by an open method or a minimally invasive (cystostomomy, a catheter formulation in the bladder under the control of the ultrasound).
    3. 3 In the future, the treatment of patients with acute urine delay is aimed at eliminating the etiological factor.
    4. 4 When setting a catheter, take into account the volume of urine obtained, its color, the presence of possible impurities, blood.
    5. 5 patients should be hospitalized in order to establish the cause of the disease, to eliminate it and determining the further tactics of the patient.
    6. 6 With a violation of the kidney function, an assessment of the water and electrolyte balance of the fluid is necessary. In the absence of contraindications - the implementation of the planned transurethral resection of the prostate. If there are contraindications - the formulation of the blade for a long period.
    7. 7 In suspected of prostate cancer, additional examination is necessary:, Transrectal Uz-diagnosis, biopsy.
    8. 8 If the volume of remote urine was less than 1 liter and the history did not have indications of symptoms from the lower departments of the urogenital tract, then the patient is prescribed, laxatives. In the effectiveness of the events, an extract is made with the recommendations of the permanent reception of alpha-adrenobloclars (Omnik, Tsamulosin 0.4 mg per night 1 p / day). In the absence of an effect on prescribed treatment, the patient is discharged from the hospital with the mounted urinary catheter. Commit to the patient care of the catheter and the purpose of the date of the planned transuretral resection of the prostate.

    Figure 1 - Algorithm for conducting patients with acute urine retention after the blade of the blade. Click on the scheme for viewing

    6. Possible complications

    Possible complications of acute urine delay include:

    1. 1 Secondary infection and development of the inflammatory process.
    2. 2 Acute renal failure.
    3. 3 Electrolytic disorders.
    4. 4 hematuria.
    5. 5 In the absence of timely decompression, intra- / ecstaperitoneal gap of the bladder wall is possible.

    7. Prevention

    1. 1 With the preventive reception of 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors in combination with alpha adrenoblockers.
    2. 2 Early activation after surgery.
    3. 3 avoiding hypothermia.
    4. 4 Abstinence from the reception of alcoholic beverages.
    5. 5 Moderate daily physical activity.
    6. 6 Timely and full treatment of infectious diseases of urinary and sexual systems.
    7. 7 Screening oncological diseases and annual dispensarization.

Acute urine delay (Ishuria) is a state at which a person completely suddenly loses the ability to empty his bladder on their own. In this case, the patient hurts the lower part of the abdomen (often pain characterize as unbearable). With a sharp urine delay, a man also feels a strong calling in the toilet, but nothing can do anything. Ishuria is often confused with Anuria. Anuria is a condition in which a person cannot be emptied due to the obstruction of the kidneys, the consequence of which is not the urinary bubble filler. With Ishuria, the bladder, on the contrary, is full. However, the patient cannot empty it.

Diseases in symptoms

Any symptom is a signal of the body that any organ, department or a whole system is broken. To find out why acute urine delay occurs in children, you need to exclude some diseases. Take care that your baby passes timely diagnostics, check with doctors, why the child appeared in the child and how quickly and efficiently improve the condition of the crumbs.

The list of diseases and states in which children are acute urine delay:

  • forced stretching of the extreme flesh, which from birth at the boy turned out to be narrow;
  • hypospadia, with light shapes of which a small patient has a dissection of the outer hole;
  • a crack in the rear pass in children (in this case, we are talking about reflex Ishuria);
  • stones in the bladder;
  • foreign bodies in the bladder;
  • in small representatives of beautiful sex through the urethra, the urethrocele sometimes falls;
  • damage to the urethra during the game (for example, hit the ball in the crotch);
  • in boys, an acute urine delay can be a consequence of tumor diseases, but this happens extremely rarely.

Treatment and specialists

The treatment of Ishuria in children should only be engaged in a qualified specialist. Only a doctor can tell you than to treat an acute urine delay from a child, how to get rid of complications from Ishuria and prevent his appearance in the future. To the question of what to do, if your son or daughter has acute urine delay, the following doctors can answer:

  • children's gynecologist
  • pediatrician,
  • surgeon,
  • urologist.

Treatment of acute urine delay in children depends on which reason is caused by this symptom. Treatment should be directed not to eliminate the symptom (although it is also), but to get rid of the child from the omissions generating ichuria. In cases where the acute urine delay occurs due to cracks in the rear pass, the parents themselves can help themselves. It is necessary to prepare the baby a warm bath, which will remove the spasm and eliminate the resulting retention of urination. However, the prior advice of the doctor is still obligatory, as it is extremely difficult to determine the reason for the acute urine delay.

Arrange knowledge and read a useful informative article about the disease. Urine delay in children. After all, being parents means to study everything that will help keep a degree of health in the family at the mark "36.6".

Find out what can cause illness, how to recognize it in a timely manner. Find information about what features for which you can define ailment. And what tests will help identify the disease and put the correct diagnosis.

In the article, you will read everything about the methods of treating such a disease, as an acute urine delay in children. Check how effective first aid should be. How to treat: choose medicines or folk methods?

You will also learn what it can be dangerous late treatment of an incremental urine delay in children, and why it is so important to avoid consequences. All about how to warn sharp urine delay in children and prevent complications.

And caring parents will find full information about the symptoms of the disease of the urinary delay in children in the service pages of the service. What is the difference between signs of illness in children in 1.2 and 3 years from the appearance of the illness from children in 4, 5, 6 and 7 years? How best to treat the disease acute urine delay in children?

Take care of the health of loved ones and be in Tonus!

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Acute urinary delay and no urination - This is the condition of the body, in which the person does not find water on its own, but at the same time the bladder is crowded. With this phenomenon, the kidney function and form urine, but it does not leave the bladder due to the obstacle that is at the level of urethra or sphincter.

How does an acute urine delay manifest?

Almost always symptoms of acute urine delay associated with the presence of strong urges to urination. At the same time, urine is either not allocated at all, or only its minor quantity is distinguished. Acute urination delay Very often accompanied by painful painful sensations at the bottom of the abdomen. The pain becomes stronger when a person moves, trying to make certain physical efforts, makes attempts to urinate.

Acute urine delay in men and women is often accompanied by nonspecific symptoms, the manifestation of which depends on the causes of the development of such a state. Acute urine delay in women is a state at which the discharge from the vagina may appear; In men - from the urethra. In addition, nausea and vomiting is possible, , sharp increase in pressure. The patient may climb the temperature, sometimes there is a feeling of urges for defecation.

Visually, it may be noticeable to protrusion at the bottom of the front abdominal wall, or the doctor, providing assistance in acute urine delay, notes the overcrowding of the bladder. During palpation, the painful formation in the lower part of the abdomen is determined.

Very often, patients who suffer from acute urination delay, note that before such a phenomenon urination is painful, the jet is very slurred, and a small amount of fluid is distinguished.

Determined full and incomplete delay. For the state of complete delay, the absolute absence of urine is characterized, despite the situation and expressed urinary calls. In some diseases, chronic urine delay in men and women leads to the fact that the urine is issued to a patient only by the catheter for many years. It is important to distinguish the complete degree of detention from the state at which the formation of urine in the body stops.

An incomplete delay is a condition in which the liquid from the bladder exits partly. At the same time, after each urination act, a certain amount of fluid remains in the bladder. Sometimes it can be a significant amount - up to 1 liter. This state often goes into chronic and for a long time remains invisible for the patient. As a result, stagnation of urine in urinary tract can develop, as well as a violation of the normal functioning of the kidneys. If such a state continues for a very long time, then later the patient develops expressed tensile muscle wall bubble , atony , sphincter stretching . With such violations, urine is allocated involuntarily, leaving the outward drops. This state in medicine is called paradoxical Ishuria .

Why is the sharp urine delay manifest?

This symptom is characteristic of some diseases of the central nervous system. Symptoms of urine delay in women and men manifest injuries and brain tumors , spinal cord as well as melite. , spinal dry shot . In this case, the discruitment regulation disorder is noted, as well as the sphincters of the bladder nervous system. Urination problems can also be a consequence of the previously obtained spine injury.

Defined also reflex functional reasons Delays of urination in women and men. We are talking about the state after carrying out surgical interference on human genitals, rectum. The urine reflex delay occurs at first after carrying out surgical manipulations on the abdominal organs. Such a symptom is sometimes manifested after, in a state of stress, hysteria, in a state of severe intoxication. Acute urine delay in some cases is also noted in people who for a long time are in the lying position due to certain diseases and pathologies in the body.

Urine disorder problems may arise against the background of drug intoxication of the body that occurred due to the adoption of large doses of sleeping pills or narcotic analgesics.

Experts note that most often the causes of urination delay in older men are associated with development prostate adenoma . In men with adenoma, the urinary delay is developing due to prolonged seating, the undercooling of the body, the admission of alcohol.

When injuries, urethra difficulty with urination are observed predominantly in men, since, unlike female urethra, male is longer.

If the delay is manifested by a sudden interruption of urination, it can be explained by the appearance stones in the bladder . When the urine dishellion begins, the movable stone overlaps the hole within the urethra, which leads to the interruption of the process. To resume urination, a person is forced to change his location. Often, people who are formed by stones in the bladder, are able to urinate, only by taking a certain position of the body.

In women, in rare cases, urine delay occurs during pregnancy. This occurs in the last months of fetal tooling, as the uterus increases significantly, which provokes additional squeezing of the bladder.

How to get rid of acute urine delay?

If a person has such a symptom, he should definitely provide specialized help of physicians, and it is impossible to postpone the appeal to the doctor with such complaints. Independent treatment of urine delay in women and men often lead to unpleasant consequences. In particular, the bladder rupture may occur, infection leading to the development of chronic diseases, urethra injuries arising when trying to independently put the catheter. Chronic urine delay leads to manifestation chronic . Therefore, in no case should not act independently, practicing treatment with folk remedies. Emergency assistance in acute urine delay should be carried out only by qualified specialists. The patient needs either urgently contact the urologist, or call ambulance.

Before the doctor begins the treatment of acute urine delay in men and women, temporarily can be slightly facilitated by the state of a person if we put heat to the bottom of the abdomen or on the crotch. Before the doctor's arrival, you can take a warm bath, use antispasmodic drugs.

The doctor necessarily conducts diagnostics, determines the causes and treatment. To establish the correct diagnosis, laboratory analyzes of urine, blood, ultrasound examination of the kidneys, bladder, small pelvis organs are carried out. Before carrying out the treatment of urination delay in men, the study of the prostate gland also passes. According to the testimony, other studies may be assigned ( urerography , cystography , urography and etc.).

Urgent treatment of urination delay in women and men involves the use of a catheter, which is introduced into the urethra and allows you to empty the bladder. The catheter should only enter a specialist, since with an inept introduction there is a risk of damageing urethra. If there is a need, the catheter in the bladder remains for several days. In this case, it is important to take all measures to avoid infection. To this end, the patient is assigned a course of antibiotics, used antiseptics for washing. If the rubber catheter is impossible to enter the patient, it should be unrelated to urologist. In cases where the bladder catheterization for certain reasons cannot be carried out, the bladder puncture or operational intervention is practiced. Sometimes the imposition of epicistostomas is a catheter, which is displayed through the front abdominal wall and through which water comes out.

If a person suffers from the reflex retention of urination, some methods that contribute to the resumption of normal urination are applied. For example, external genital organs can be irrigated with warm water. A person can try to listen to the sound of the marching water, the perception of which reflexively contributes to urination.

In the process of treatment, the doctor may assign an introduction of a 1-2% solution in the urethra. Sometimes it is advisable to conduct an introduction subcutaneously, the dosage of the doctor determines individually.

With acute delay after assistance, the doctor conducts a study and decides on the need for treatment or operational intervention in order to eliminate mechanical obstacles to normal emptying.

The entire further treatment system directly depends on the disease that provoked the manifestation of this symptom. It should be clearly understood that after installing the catheter, the symptom may later manifest themselves again. To prevent serious complications, you must adopt the necessary measures for treatment.

Acute urine delay is a relatively common complication, which is characteristic of various diseases. Therefore, many people are interested in issues of the peculiarities and the main causes of such a state. It is very important to know about the first manifestations of pathology, because first aid in the acute urine delay is extremely important for the further well-being of a sick person. So what are the reasons for the first manifestations of this urination disorder? What treatment methods can offer modern medicine? What complications do urine outflow violations?

What is urine delay?

Acute urine delay - a condition in which emptying the filled bladder is impossible. This pathology is quite often confused with Anuria, although these are completely different processes. With anurbation, urination is missing due to the fact that the receipt of urine in the bladder stops. With acute delay, on the contrary, the bladder is filled, but under the influence of certain factors it is impossible.

It is worth noting that a similar problem is much more often developing in men, which is associated with anatomical features. Nevertheless, it is also possible in women. In addition, children often suffer from the delay of urine.

The main reasons for the development of such a state

Immediately it is worth saying that the reasons for the acute urine delay can be the most diverse, therefore in modern medicine they are divided into four main groups:

  • mechanical (associated with mechanical blockage or squeezing urinary tract);
  • those that are due to those or other violations of the activity of the nervous system (the brain for one reason or another cease to control the processes of emptying the bubble);
  • reflex disorders that are associated with partial innervation disruption or the emotional state of the patient;
  • drug (due to the impact on the body of a particular drug).

Now it is worth considering each group of factors in more detail. Acute urine delay is often evolving in mechanical squeezing of the bladder or urinary tract, as a result of which the evacuation of its content is simply impossible. Such is observed in the presence of a foreign body in the bladder or urethra. Also, the risk factors include neoplasms in the lower sections of the urinary tract, the sclerosis of the neck of the neck area or in urinary ducts, various injuries of the urethra. In men, urine outflows can be disturbed with prostate gland prostate or expansion (hyperplasia), and in women - when the uterus is dropped out.

The urine delay may be associated with the impairment of the central nervous system, which is observed in the presence of tumors, as well as during the injuries of the spinal cord or spine (including the intervertebral hernia), shock, stroke, brain contusion.

If we are talking about reflex violations, the risk factors include perineum injuries, pelvis and lower extremities. In some cases, urine delay is developing against the background of partially denervation of the bladder as a result of operations on the female genital organs, the rectum, etc. To the same group of reasons can be attributed to a strong emotional shock, fright, hysteria, alcoholic intoxication.

There are also groups of medicines that in some patients can lead to a violation of urine outflow. These can be tricyclic antidepressants, benzodiazepines, adrenomimetics, anticholinergic medicines, some antihistamines.

Why can urine delay in children?

Even the smallest patients are not insured against such a violation. Naturally, acute urine delay in children may arise against the background of the same problems and diseases as in adults. On the other hand, there are some differences.

For example, the boys have a violation of the outflow of urine can develop when fumose - a strong narrowing of extremely flesh. Such pathology leads to constant inflammation and, accordingly, the scarring of tissues, as a result of which only a small point opening remains in the extreme flesh - naturally, it interferes with normal emptying of the bladder.

Inappropriate attempts to expose the head of the foreskin often lead to paraphomy - infringement of the head in a narrow ring. At a similar state, the urethra overlaps almost completely, which threatens with a sharp urine retention - the help of the surgeon in this case is necessary.

In girls, urine delay is much less common and may be associated with falling into the uretherocele - cysts of the distal ureter.

In addition, you should not forget that children in games are extremely active and careless, therefore various crotch injuries are not considered to be rare, and this can lead to urine delay.

Urine delay in women and its features

Naturally, the acute urine delay in women may arise from the reasons above above, which most often happens. Nevertheless, there are some additional risk factors that it is worth considering.

Some girls have a violation of the outflow of urine develops against the background of hematocolpometers, which is associated with the anatomical features of the virgin splava. For most women, it has a ring-shaped or semi-short form. But some girls have a solid plate, which almost completely closes the entrance to the vagina. When menstruation appears, such an anatomical feature creates problems. Selection begin to accumulate, resulting in a hematocolpometer, which squeezes the bladder and urinary paths, leading to the development of urine delay.

Pregnancy can be attributed to risk factors. Violation of normal urination can be the result of rapid growth and bias of the uterus, which overlaps the paths to remove urine. It is worth noting that this pathology is one of the most difficult in modern obstetric-surgical practice, as it is not so easy to put the correct diagnosis on time.

Also in women, urine delay can be associated with ectopic, namely the cereal pregnancy. At similar condition, implantation and the further development of the fruit eggs occur in the cervic separation department. Naturally, the appearance of expansion is extremely dangerous, as it leads to a violation of urine outflow, bleeding and other dangerous complications.

Acute urine delay: symptoms

With a worsening of well-being, it is urgent to seem to the doctor. Detect the presence of urine delay. A specialist may still during a general inspection, since such a condition is accompanied by a number of very characteristic symptoms.

Pathology is accompanied by the overflow of the bladder and a significant increase in its volumes. Over painful absorption is formed, pretty solid to the touch is a bladder.

Patients complain of frequent urination to urine, which do not lead to empty of the bladder, but are often accompanied by strong pains at the bottom of the abdomen. The pain can spread to the genitals, crotch, etc.

For this pathology, urethrorragia is also characterized - the appearance of blood from the urethra. Sometimes it can only be small bleeding, sometimes - rather massive bleeding. In any case, blood in the urethra is an extremely dangerous symptom that requires emergency care.

Other signs directly depend on the cause of such a state and the availability of certain complications. For example, during damage or break, the urethra and bladder in patients develop a pronounced pain syndrome, which leads to traumatic shock.

If the proximal separation channel of the urethra has occurred, the urinary infiltration of the pelvic fiber is observed, which often causes pronounced intoxication. In the vaginal or rectal (in men), the study in such patients has peasosticity of tissues and sharp pain when pressing. With intraperitoneal breaking of the bladder, urine freely spreads through the abdominal cavity, which leads to the appearance of acute pain at the bottom of the abdomen.

Features of pathology in men

Acute urine delay with prostate adenoma is most often diagnosed in elderly patients. As a rule, it is preceded by other problems with urination, including frequent night urges and the inability to completely empty the bladder.

In acute prostatitis, there are also symptoms of intoxication, in particular an increase in body temperature, weakness, chills, often severe nausea and vomiting. In the future, problems with urination appear. The pain in this case is more pronounced, as it is connected not only with the overflow of the bladder, but also with inflammation and suppuration of the prostate gland.

What complications may cause a disease?

Acute urine delay - the state is extremely dangerous, so in no case should it be ignored. In fact, the absence of timely assistance can lead to damage to the urethra and breaking the bladder walls as a result of too strong filling and stretching. In addition, with such pathology, it is often observed inverse cast in the kidneys, which is also fraught with infections and serious violations of the operational system.

If you cannot eliminate the cause of acute delay, but only empty the bladder, similar episodes can be repeated in the future. In turn, this can lead to the development of sharp and chronic pyelonephritis, cystitis. Often, against the background of the impairment of urine outflow in the bladder begins the formation of stones, which again threatens an acute delay in the future. For other complications, the urinary tract infection can be attributed, as well as chronic renal failure. Acute urine delay in men can lead to the development of sharp forms of orchitis, prostatitis and epididimitis.

Diagnostic methods

As a rule, simple inspection and analysis of the history is enough to determine if the patient has an acute urine delay. Treatment, however, largely depends on the cause of the occurrence of this pathology, therefore, additional research is carried out after the provision of first aid.

In particular, a complete picture on the state of the body can be obtained after ultrasound research, ultrasonography, percussion, radiography (if there are suspicion of the injury of the spine), magnetic resonance or computed tomography.

Acute urine delay: emergency care

If there are suspicion and symptoms of such a state, it is necessary to urgently cause an ambulance brigade - in no case cannot be ignored by this problem. First aid at acute urine delay is reduced to urgent emptying of the bladder. The method in this case directly depends on the cause of the occurrence.

For example, if the problems with emptying arose due to squeezing the urinary tract (say, under prostatitis or adenoma), the bladder catheterization is carried out using a standard rubber catheter moistened in glycerin. Since it is impossible to carry out this procedure independently, the staff is simply necessary.

With acute urine delay, which is caused by reflex violations, it may look different. For example, a patient can recommend a warm seating bath or shower that will help to relax the sphincters of the urethra. If such manipulations are ineffective or on their conduct there is no time, the emptying of the bladder is caused by drugs. To this end, the patient is internally introduced "Novocaine", and intramuscularly - "prozerne", "Pilocarpine" or other. In addition, catheterization will be effective.

What treatment methods are applied in modern medicine?

As already mentioned, emergency assistance at acute urine delay is reduced to evacuation of the contents of the bladder. As a rule, this is carried out using a catheter (preferably rubber, since the metal device can damage the walls of the urethra). This method is perfect, if the cause of the delay is reflex or is associated with injuries of the nervous system.

Unfortunately, not in each case, you can use a catheter to eliminate urine. For example, with acute prostatitis, the presence of stones in the urethra catheterization can be quite dangerous.

If the introduction of the catheter is impossible, the doctor can conduct a cystostomy (the overlap of the urinary fistula in a suponic area) or a supoclative bladder puncture.

Further therapy is already directly dependent on the cause of the development of this state and the degree of its severity. For example, with a bladder injury, disintellation, hemostatic, antibacterial and anti-co-treatment helps.

What other events requires an acute urine delay in men? Treatment of such a condition, which is caused by acute prostatitis, as a rule, includes the reception of anti-inflammatory agents and antibiotics of a wide range of impact (for example, "cephalosporin", "ampicillin"). In most cases, after a day after the start of therapy, urination comes back to normal. The course of treatment also includes the use of rectal candles from belladonna, hot enemas with antipyrin, seated warm baths, warming compresses on the crotch. If all these events did not give any results, catheterization is carried out with the help of a thin flexible catheter and further research.

In the presence of neurogenic dysfunction, medication is carried out. To eliminate Atonia of the bladder deprider, such drugs as "prozerne", "aceclidine", as well as a solution of papaverine hydrochloride or atropine sulfate (by the way, frequent re-injections of atropine can lead to a degrees of detrumery and again the acute urine delay, so this drug is used very careful).

If the impairment of urine outflow occurred as a result of fright, emotional overvoltage or any mental disorders, patients also introduced medicines, prescribe warm baths, soothing atmosphere. Sometimes a sedative preparation is possible. In the most difficult cases, inspection and consultation of the psychiatrist are required.

When is surgical intervention?

There are many unpleasant and even dangerous complications, which can cause acute urine delay. Emergency and proper drug therapy, unfortunately, can not always eliminate the problem. In some cases, surgical intervention is simply necessary. For example, the surgeon is needed in the presence of gaps of urinary channels or bladder.

The operation is carried out if the cause of the delay became stones that can only be removed surgically. In addition, with a strong growth of the prostate gland (hyperplasia), the only way to normalize urine outflow is the removal of excess tissues. The same applies to the presence of tumors or other tumors in a small pelvis in women.

Of course, the decision on surgical intervention is made by the attending physician.

Acute urine delay is an extremely dangerous pathological condition, in which there is a violation of the normal process of urine outflow from the bladder. The reasons for the development of this state are extremely diverse, so people who may suffer from this pathological condition, you need to know the characteristic signs, since only in this case it is possible to distinguish the urine delay from Anururia, in which the bladder is simply not filled, so there are no urinary bubbles . The development of acute urine delay can be observed both in adults and in children. With the development of acute urine delay, the patient needs emergency assistance to doctors, since only in this case it is possible to avoid severe complications.

Causes of development

As a rule, men suffer from the appearance of acute urine delay significantly more often than women. The thing is that men are much longer than the urethra, which predisposes to urine delay. The most common reasons for the development of acute urine delay include the mechanical overlap of urethra by pathological neoplasms, both benign and malignant character. In fact, in men and women, the causes of the development of acute urine delay may vary. Thus, in addition to various formations that are formed in the Sail of Urethra, provoking the development of Ishuria may influence the following factors:

  • bPH;
  • prostatitis;
  • tissue atrophy of urethra;
  • stones in the urinary bubble cavity;
  • stenosis of various etiology;
  • grass bones of a small pelvis;
  • traumatic damage to the bladder or urethra;
  • brain tumors;
  • tabes;
  • spinal cord hernia;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • myelitis;
  • phimosis;
  • blood clots of different etiology.

Functional predisposing factors can be isolated, capable of provoking the development of such a hazardous state as an acute urination delay. Such predisposing factors includes supercooling, surgical interventions on the bladder, rectum and other small pelvis organs. Especially often, the violation of the outflow of urine is observed in women in the postpartum period, and the risk is particularly increased if the childbirth occurred hard and the surgical intervention in the genital organs. In some cases, provoked a violation of urine outflow in a woman can fall out of the uterus, as well as tumor formations on the genitals.

In addition, it is possible to provoke a sharp impaired impairment, as well as a long stay in a lying position, for example, due to the need to stay in bed throughout the postoperative period or the paralysis of the lower extremities. In rare cases, the causes of the development of acute urine delay are a consequence of fright or long stay in a state of stress. Among other things, lead to the development of an acute impaired urine outflow can take some potent drugs and narcotic drugs. In the elderly, violation of the outflow of urine can be associated with the injection of spasmolitics.

Main signs

Acute urination delay is usually accompanied by severe symptoms. Against the background of the impossibility of emptying the bladder, a rather sharp deterioration in the overall state of the person is observed. First, abdominal pain may appear and discomfort in the groin area. Signs of violation of the outflow of urine grow quite rapidly: after a short time, a person may have painful and fairly strong urge to urination, and they are unsuccessful. In the future, as urine accumulated in the bladder, the following symptoms may appear:

  • severe abdominal pains;
  • blood selection when trying to urination;
  • strengthening urinary urges;
  • the appearance of protrusion in the pubic zone due to the overflow of the bladder;
  • sleep disorders;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increasing body temperature;
  • an increase in blood pressure;
  • chills;
  • heart rate disorders;
  • false beings for defecation;
  • total weakness.

In some cases, there may be an emergence of intensive painful sensations in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower back. In addition, urine is released by drop, but such a slow emptying of the bladder does not bring significant relief to the patient. The accumulation in the urinary bubble urin leads to an increase in pressure on the walls of the organ. Such pressure can provoke the gap of the bladder wall, which often leads to the appearance of traumatic shock in the patient. In this case, the risk of death of the patient is great without providing emergency assistance. Among other things, the renal failure includes severe complications of a sharp disruption of urine outflow. The thing is that with a crowded bladder, there is a violation of the outflow of urin from the kidneys, which often provokes a failure of their work.

How is diagnostics?

The diagnosis of such a state, as an acute urine delay, is usually not difficult. As a rule, a urologist is engaged in diagnostics. To make a diagnosis, it is enough to analyze the existing complaints of the patient, palpation of the lower part of the abdomen and percussion of this area. As part of the diagnosis, such studies may be required as:

  • emergency cysturketography;
  • Uzi small pelvis organs;
  • intravenous pyelography;
  • retrograde urethrography;
  • cT scan.

As a rule, the use of various visualization tools allows you to clarify the diagnosis and possible causes of the development of the pathological condition, which is necessary for the appointment of the most suitable treatment option.


Upon confirmation of the disruption of the outflow of urin, the patient requires emergency medical assistance, since otherwise the risk of developing such a difficult complication is significantly increased as the urinary bubble break.

Emergency assistance in acute urine delay involves evacuation of urin accumulated in the bladder.

At home, you can try to facilitate the condition of the patient by applying a warm warmer to the bottom of the stomach or a hot tub, but this option does not always allow to remove spasm and achieve urination. In a medical institution, as a rule, catheterization is immediately carried out.

This procedure involves the introduction of a special plastic catheter in the urethra, which makes it possible to remove the accumulated urine. In some cases, catheterization allows you to remove muscle spasms, and in the future a person can empty the bladder independently. If the catheterization is not possible, the patient is sent to the surgical department for emergency surgery. The thing is that there are a number of contraindications for catheterization.

In addition, the doctor, if necessary, an emergency evacuation of urine when leaving the patient's house, can take on only 2 catheterization attempts, and if they are unsuccessful, urgent cystostomy is needed. When this operation in the bladder area is performed, a puncture is performed and a small rubber tube is inserted through which water bubble is removed from the bladder until the causes of the appearance of such a pathological state are eliminated and the bladder functions are restored.

The treatment of acute urine delay is often a sufficiently long process. If the organ function has not recovered immediately after catheterization and the rubber tube is left for a long time, procedures for washing the urinary bubble cavity with special antiseptic solutions are required to avoid enhancing the pathogenic microflora and the development of inflammatory processes. Among other things, the patient can be recommended to receive antibiotics, for example:

  • Furadonin;
  • Nitroxoline;
  • Ampicillin;
  • Cephalosporin.

These drugs make it possible to prevent the development of an uptaking bladder infection with the subsequent kidney damage. In the recovery period, the patients are recommended to take warm seating baths, make a compress to the crotch area and enema with aspirin. In some cases, candles with belladonna extract can be appointed. It is worth noting that if the reason for the development of a sharp impairment of urine outflows was carried out in neurogenic violations, such drugs can be appointed:

  • Prozerne;
  • an atropine solution;
  • papaverin solution;
  • Aceclay.

The use of such drugs allows you to quickly eliminate the atonium of the bladder deprider and restore normal urine outflow. In the event that the appearance of an acute impairment of urine outflow was caused by the strongest emotional damage, the patient can additionally receive sedatives, bed mode and gentle diet. When urine delay is eliminated, complete diagnostics are performed to determine the root causes of the problem. If the cause of the problem lies in the overlap of the surveillance of the urethra tumor, the formation of stones, phymsove, or there is such a difficult complication, as a break of the bladder, surgical treatment is carried out. There are several types of similar operations, but only a qualified doctor can estimate the patient's condition and choose the optimal method of conducting operational intervention.


In order to avoid development of violations of urine outflows, people who have to this predisposition must carefully follow their health and prevent exacerbations of the existing diseases. Men over 50 years old is very important in a timely manner for the treatment of representative gland pathologies. In addition, to prevent such a state as an acute urine delay, older people should carefully monitor the intestinal emptying. Women should carefully monitor the hygiene genitals and treat gynecological diseases.

Among other things, representatives of the beautiful floor need to regularly undergo planned inspections from a gynecologist. People suffering from neurological diseases should also be treated as planned. It is very important to observe the prevention measures, and not only to those people who have already forced to resort to medical care to the lead that has accumulated in the urinary bubble Urin, but also completely healthy, because few people are insured against this problem.