Recharged with the energy of nature will return with full strength. In cold water, healing and pep. How to fill your body with energy

Sorry, we promised new and unbreakable ways, but at the beginning we have to remind you of something banal.

You already know that you need to sleep well, eat and exercise. We will not decipher, all the same, very few people follow this. Let's say a few words about introducing a healthy lifestyle into your daily routine.

How to energize with exercise

Exercise at lunchtime (at least for a walk).

Office workers who had a physical activity in the middle of the working day were more productive, calmer, and more energetic.

In 2004, researchers at Leeds City University found that workers who attend a corporate gym performed better and were able to handle workloads more easily. They also enjoy work better, feel less stress, and feel less tired in the afternoon, despite the energy expended during the workout.

How to sleep more

Rearrange the alarm. Let it ring not in the morning, when it’s time to get up, but in the evening, when it’s time to go to bed.

As John Durant says in The Paleomanifesto, the technique of setting an alarm for the evening is very useful to remind yourself to go to bed. The signal should sound one hour before hang up. After the reminder, you need to complete all the work, turn off the TV and excess light, and gradually get ready for bed.

How to switch to a healthy diet

Ask yourself: "What would Batman eat?" Seriously. This advice comes from Cornell University professor Brian Wansink.

Research has shown that if children asked themselves this question before dinner, they chose apples over fries. "This only works for kids!" - you say. But no. This method is also suitable for adults.

When deciding whether or not to eat dessert, think about what your childhood idol would do. If it doesn't work the first time, ask yourself three times. It will be easier to make a sound decision.

We've dealt with the boring and obvious. To get energy at the right time, there is no need to mock your body. Better to change the schedule ...

2. Find out when you are baddest

Do you know how strongly the change of time zones affects a person? When, for example, a soccer team crosses three time zones to play, its chances of winning are halved, even if the opponent is weaker.

But we're not talking about athletes now. It's just that if you are a very pronounced owl, it is foolish to schedule important tasks at 8 in the morning.

Pay attention to your circadian rhythms and stay in the black: athletes win and break records when they adjust the competition time to their internal clock.

One of the studies, highlighted in the book by David Randall (David K. Randall) "Science of sleep: an excursion into the most mysterious area of ​​human life", showed that records in running, powerlifting, swimming were more often set by athletes whose competition schedule coincided with the second period. daily activity. In the long jump, for example, athletes at their peak of activity showed a result that was 4% better than average.

Set up synchronization with your internal clock? Super. Now we are learning to give up business.

3. Set the right goals. And don't tell anyone about them

Maybe you have relative goals: "I want to be better than Sasha." Or maybe objective ones: "I want to get the highest score on testing."

But if you want to increase your energy level, there must be one goal in your head: to get better.

Research by Heidi Grant Halvorson, an American psychologist, shows that focusing on improvement increases the desire to work. We work with interest and dedication when we think about progress rather than a single task. Interest does not force you to work with your last strength, but fills you with energy.

It's not that hard. Just think about how to do better at everything that you do.

And now the second part: keep quiet. Research has shown that you can't talk about your goals if you don't want to unleash the energy you need to achieve them. Scientists have concluded that pleasant fantasies do not come true, because they do not give energy to move towards the desired future.

So, we tuned in for the best and remembered that happiness loves silence. Where to get energy?

4. Be optimistic

Soldiers need to make a 40 km march in full armor. But some were told that the distance was 30 km. Others - that they will have to walk 60 km.

After completing the march, the researchers measured the blood levels of stress hormones in both groups. What happened? It turned out that stress does not correspond to reality, but to expectations.

What conclusion do we draw? Everyone gets what they expect.

The brain doesn't like to force the body to waste resources until it sees a real chance of winning. Physical strength is not available until the brain believes in success, because there is no worse situation for the human body than to waste all resources and fail. The moment confidence appears, a gate opens through which a stream of energy flows. Hope or despair is what we program ourselves for, say the authors of Maximum Brain Power.

Optimists have more energy. Pessimists have more stress. It all depends not on objective circumstances, but on the point of view on them.

Are you energized by the positive? Okay. But maybe it's time to redo a bunch of cases? What do I need to do?

5. Do What You Can Do

What projects are you involved in at work? What household responsibilities do you have? If you do what you do well, you will see the difference.

Several studies have shown that harnessing strengths at work makes people happier. And at the same time it increases the level of energy.

The longer a person works on what he can, the more cheerful and happy he is, and the more he respects himself. Using your strengths makes you smile, learn interesting things.

Positive assessment of the past day depending on the number of hours spent on what you love (% of respondents)

You know what to do. But what mistake kills motivation?

6. Follow one thing to the end

We often work on five tasks at once. But focusing on only one process dramatically increases motivation.

Dan Pink, author of the bestselling Drive, an expert in motivation, explains the secret of "small victories": tasks that seem insignificant can significantly affect our condition. Science only confirms this.

Internal energy increases or decreases depending on how far forward projects, even small ones, have progressed. Modest victories have unexpectedly strong positive effects, while small losses, on the contrary, have negative effects.

Maybe you can redo whatever you wanted. But you will still find yourself in a state when the tanks are empty. How to make decisions when the brain refuses to work out of fatigue?

7. Tired? Listen to your inner voice

Research results say clearly: when there is a lot of energy, you need to listen to the voice of reason. And when the head is porridge from fatigue, rely on intuition.

Executive functioning depends on the amount of energy that glucose provides. And many cognitive processes are impaired when energy is insufficient. When making decisions with a low blood glucose level, you need to trust the unconscious more, although when the glucose level rises, it is worth returning to conscious thinking about decisions.

So, you are already making progress. Congratulations. But what is the best way to spend your vacation in order to accumulate energy for tomorrow?

8. Recover actively

Doesn't sound too logical. But if today you are exhausted, and tomorrow you do not want to get tired, take an active rest: go to a workout or chat with friends. No get-togethers in front of the TV or at the computer.

Kelly McGonigal in Willpower says:

The American Psychological Association has found that the best recovery strategies are exercise, sports, reading, prayer, music, relaxing with family or friends, massage, walking, yoga, and creative hobbies. Worst of all rests during gambling, shopping, smoking, video games, surfing the Internet, watching TV or movies (more than two hours).

So you know how to recharge. Now let's summarize: what is the best way to get energy.

  • Apply three axioms: exercise at lunchtime, an alarm clock before bedtime and the question: "What would Dobrynya Nikitich eat?"
  • Find your peak activity: owls have important work to do in the evening, and larks in the morning.
  • Set the right goals, focus on improvement, and don't share your plans with anyone.
  • Be optimistic. Remember, what we count on is what we get.
  • Do the work that you know how to do. Using your strengths brings happiness and energy.
  • Finish things. Small wins lead to big goals.
  • The inner voice is the best guide for a tired mind.
  • Get active rest. Companionship is great. Midnight on Netflix isn't great.

And finally. What Charges Batteries and Warms Your Heart?

Help somebody

Sounds illogical again? These efforts will not cut you off. On the contrary, help is a tonic. It can even save a life.

A study by Laurence Gonzales focuses on survivors in a dangerous situation where a lack of energy meant death. Those who helped others were more likely to be saved.

Helping someone is the best way to protect yourself from death. It helps to rise above fears, to conquer yourself. You are no longer a victim, but a rescuer. When your leadership work becomes a lifeline for others, you gain energy and can stay afloat for longer. You support others, their reactions support you. Many people who managed to survive alone say that they got out for the sake of someone else (wife, loved one, mother, children).

If you are already tired of reading, offer your help to your loved ones. Not for the sake of a selfish desire to receive energy, but to make yourself and another person happier.

Today every person is engaged in some kind of business. Some people work selflessly, without stopping, doing their job in any conditions. But not all people are like that, some have periods of weakness. When you just want to lie down and do nothing. In this article, we'll look at ways to recharge your batteries for the whole day. What would it seem to you that a day is by no means twenty-four hours.

1. The favorite music. If you are alone, listening to your favorite music at full volume will help activate the brain centers responsible for good mood. If you work, for example, in an office, you can use headphones, or introduce colleagues to choral singing.

2. Eat a piece of chocolate. A little chocolate will boost your mood and performance thanks to the hormone endorphin, which is responsible for happiness.

3. Snack. A snack in the afternoon will help revitalize your strength for further work. Just do not gorge yourself to the dump, a light snack, for example, fruits, nuts, will be enough.

4. Wear brightly colored clothing. Of course, you shouldn't dress like a parrot, but bright colors in clothes give people around you a good mood. Which will be projected onto you.

5. A little sleep. Just 5-10 minutes of sleep in your work chair will help you regain energy and work calmly for the rest of the day.

6. Flirting. Light flirting will put a good dose of adrenaline into your bloodstream and your condition will improve.

7. Scented candles. Various aroma candles with the smells of mint, lavender and other tonic plants will help not to restore energy, but to reduce its consumption.

8. Wake up early. Getting up early at the same time sets the body up to work.

9. Avoid energy drinks. Energy drinks, although they provide energy for a while, but you have to pay for everything, and for a temporary delay in sleep, your body will pay a great price.

10. More vitamin C. Maintain the balance of vitamin C in your body. For example, drink citrus juice in the morning.

11. Quit bad habits. Stop drinking, alcohol is slowly but surely destroying the body, especially the brain. Quit smoking, nicotine acts like a drug on the body.

Probably, every person had moments in life when they felt a complete devastation and loss of strength, both physical and mental, and the whole harmonious course of life turned out to be a big question. As a result - diseases of the body, nervous breakdowns and depression, cravings for alcohol and ruined relationships. What to do in such cases? How to get energized and where to find the source? How not to waste your life forces at all, but direct them to creation? Such important knowledge and skills are not taught to children in schools.

Why is there not enough energy?

There are plenty of factors affecting the state of the energy sector:

  • poor sleep quality;
  • sedentary or unhealthy lifestyle;
  • negative thoughts;
  • poor quality and improper nutrition;
  • a surge of emotions, especially negative ones;
  • lack of good rest;
  • addictions.

Emotions are considered one of the most powerful reasons for the waste of vitality - a person in a state of passion literally burns out energetically, leaving only a shell that is barely able to support the basic functions of the body. Anger, envy, lust and foul language are the # 1 destroyers for the energy body through which a person interacts with the Universe.

And instead of helping the body to recover, many resort to exactly the opposite actions - they eat a lot and badly, take alcohol to “relieve stress,” go headlong into work, forgetting about sleep and rest, provoke the development of negative thinking, which means that even more biased assessment of what is happening. How to properly charge energy and prevent its leakage?

The key to a good sleep

During a full sleep, the human soul connects with the Universe and is nourished by its power - this is the main source of recovery. The science of sleep is simple enough, but most ignore the basic truths, looking for the cause of weakness in more intricate corners. Thus, again losing the objectivity of thinking.

A person must get enough sleep if he wants to increase the level of strength! But this does not mean - to sleep 12 hours a day - you just need to go to bed before eleven in the evening. The concept of "owl" and "lark" is rather controversial, in the modern world it is too ingrained in the minds of people, but the essence remains the same - the human soul is fed as much as possible from the Universe during sleep only until two in the morning. Then, gradually, the feed channel is closed, and by five or six in the morning it is completely closed. Of course, it can be opened again with special ones, but this is an additional applied force.

The bedroom is the holy of holies of man. There is no need to let everyone in indiscriminately, take guests to show off new wallpaper or lamps. It's personal. It is very good if the bedroom does not have a TV, computer and other things that affect the electromagnetic level. Wall colors should be soft, pastel, and sleep-inducing. Compulsory airing before bed, if it's cold - it is better to take a warmer blanket than to breathe stale air. How to recharge your batteries in the morning? Just get some sleep!

Feng Shui sleep

The ancient Indian science of Ayurveda, which is closely intertwined with the yoga system, will tell you how to sleep properly on the cardinal points. If you follow the tradition of these teachings, then it is recommended to sleep with your head to the south and your feet to the north, so that the magnetic poles of man and the Earth coincide. But if the layout of the bedroom does not allow, then you can sleep with the top of your head to the east.

The science of sleep according to the Feng Shui system advises initially to correctly position the bed - it is highly undesirable to sleep with your head or feet to the door, as well as facing the mirror. But in which direction to lie down with your head - it's much more difficult to decide - you need to know which type of people you belong to: eastern or western (this is calculated by a special method), then the weaknesses of the personality, wishes for the future, and already, based on all factors , the bed turns in the desired direction.

It is also important with what thoughts and mood a person went to bed, especially if they are spouses sleeping in the same bed. At the moment of sleep, the energy bodies of the sleeping people are closely intertwined, mixing and evenly distributing the result. If the wife went to bed with a smile, and the husband, annoyed by the scandal with the neighbor, then the next morning both will wake up in a similar state - with a headache and not sleeping enough. Maybe that's why in the old days the spouses very often slept in different rooms? So that female great power is never overshadowed by her husband's military battles?

Where can a woman get energy?

The woman is considered the core of the world. Guardian of the hearth, muse of a man, mother who gives new life. A woman needs a constant replenishment of new energy - after all, such a difficult mission is entrusted to her, and in moments of strong recessions or devastation, the space around her takes on completely different colors. How can a woman recharge?

Pamper your physical body: massages, hairdressing, nail care, masks and creams. Tactile sensations are important for a woman: touching, kissing, stroking, hugging. And if a man does not pay due attention to his wife, let him prepare for the decline of her strength, and therefore of his own. Without caresses, a woman's energy falls rapidly.

Walks, hikes, contact with the sun and nature. Every day a woman needs to walk for at least half an hour. Not to run for business or to work, namely to walk aimlessly, enjoying the sun, air and space. A shopping trip can sometimes replace these walks, but only occasionally, but going out of town to nature or to the sea is a very powerful stimulation of female strength.

Presents. Again, attention from the man. It is attention, not an attempt to buy off. Throwing an envelope with money “buy what you want” is shortsighted on the part of her husband! After all, a gift can be not only a material thing, but a timely compliment, an invigorating smile, a cup of tea in bed or a foot massage after work.

Your own corner in the house or creativity. Every woman has (or must have) a place in which she can retire in moments of her "storms" or sorrows. Some have a window sill with flowers in the kitchen, some have an armchair with their favorite book, and some have a bathroom with an aroma lamp, sea salt and candles. And men, whose wives are engaged in needlework, are especially lucky - a woman in the process of creation receives a powerful charge of positive energy, which she, of course, will share with her beloved. The energy of creativity is very strong, so you need to encourage such impulses in yourself, even if those around you are skeptical.

Physical activity. Here it is a woman's choice: morning exercises with music or yoga, aerobics in a fitness center or jogging in a nearby park - it's a matter of taste, the main thing is that the soul is in it. But an excessive passion for power sports turns a woman's energy flow on the contrary, and over time she can resemble a fight-woman. There should be moderation in everything.

Leadership. In no case should a woman pull on herself the whole heap of affairs, assignments and problems. Many women “plant” their energy with thoughts “it is better to do it yourself than to ask”. Need to ask! A man is a knight, just waiting for deeds, even if it is a heavy bag or a nailed nail in the kitchen.

You need to carefully look at all the points and draw parallels with your life or your woman, and act - after all, it is the woman who is the engine of progress.

Correct breathing

Is it possible and how to be energized with the help of breathing? This is taught by one of the branches of yoga - pranayama, thanks to which a person learns first to simply breathe fully, and then absorb energy from air and space. Most of the world's population breathes superficially, using only a quarter of the lung capacity given by nature, while the rest slowly clogs up, fades away and provokes disease. According to Ayurveda, 50% of health problems are caused precisely by insufficiently full breathing (the second half is unhealthy diet, to which we will return).

During a full exhalation, provoked by a full volumetric inhalation, a person gets rid of the accumulation of negative manifestations, whether physical, emotional or mental. Inhaling, he fills himself with fresh, clean energy.

Meditation - connection with the universe

Concentrating on the flow of breath, a person enters the first stage of meditation, which leads to yet another knowledge of "how to recharge with cosmic energy." By meditating, you tune the vibration of your soul to the vibration of the Universe, connect with it and receive a colossal update, a kind of hard disk formatting. After sleeping, this is the most effective method to quickly raise the charge level. People who are not familiar with yoga consider meditation to be something uselessly stupid, like hovering in the clouds or sitting with an intelligent look in anticipation of a miracle.

You just have to sit with your back straight, close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Just five to ten minutes. Provided that the mind will only follow the breath and not think about anything else. Well, the first session of meditation was very successful, because meditation, in fact, is the maximum concentration on one object, be it breath, emptiness, murmur of water or a beautiful flower.

As you progress in practice, a feeling of inner movement, life in life, a microcosm in the macrocosm will be revealed, the ability to understand the body will appear, and therefore, to know what is good for it and what is harmful.

Nutrition in health

Back to food: how does a healthy lifestyle and nutrition affect energy boost? Probably, many have noticed how after a hearty lunch you want to take a nap, drowsiness overcomes and the activity of the mind decreases. But eating is also an intake of energy, provided that the food is alive. Almost everyone knows how many useful amino acids and vitamins are in meat, but how much live energy is there? And if you compare this figure with a freshly prepared salad of vegetables or fruits?

Humanity spends 70% of its energy resources on the digestion of food. Not for work, fun, or romance. For food. That is, in order to obtain energy from food, the human body must digest it, spending the same energy on the chemical processes of converting food into proteins, amino acids, fats, etc. necessary for the body. 120, then something is wrong here. More precisely, with the attitude to food.

Proper nutrition at home implies the use of healthy, ecological products, without preservatives, thickeners, oxidants and artificially created tastes and aromas. No creepy amounts of sugar and trans fat, gluten and the like. All these inventions of civilization not only destroy the human body, but also wastefully spend, without replenishing, the energy of life, which can be used for more interesting things and moments.

Fresh vegetables, fruits and berries, greens and dairy products, food cooked at home with love, not a hastily chewed hamburger, avoiding alcohol, nicotine and pseudo-stimulants in the form of energy drinks is the primary task for those who want to improve their level. energy, which means the standard of living. Longer heat treatments also reduce the energy level in food - the longer the cooking process, the less vitality the food has.

Any cooked food, in addition, absorbs the energy of the manufacturer, and who knows with what thoughts and emotions a pizza bought in a nearby cafe was prepared?

The power of thought

Movements, actions, emotions, thoughts are all kinds of energies of different levels and vibrations, and thought is the most powerful of them. And how a person treats his mind, what thought forms he fills, he becomes so - at the same time, he feeds himself with positive thoughts, and, on the contrary, destroys himself with negative ones.

Everyone understands how to be charged with the energy of thought, but not everyone does the right thing, referring to the complexity of life, lack of time or motivation. It is necessary to resolutely drive away from oneself the negative of any manifestation by the power of one's consciousness - an inner smile should never leave the soul, despite the vicissitudes of life.

A person is a powerful point of energy radio communication, broadcasting and resonating with everything that happens around - and if the "radio waves" are chosen correctly, then the energy of inspiration and health will multiply, but when the air is overloaded with "yellow press and advertising", then the positive net the energy of the surrounding space will fall.

Humanity bears a huge responsibility for everything that happens in the world. These are his thoughts. All that is is the result of the confusion of the thoughts of all people. Maybe you should think about it a bit?

Upward movement

How to achieve harmony with yourself, the world and improve the quality of life? There is such a science, and it is even studied in schools, only special ones. This is yoga. A great teaching, which was first brought to the people by the sage Patanjali, and then other great people spread it. All of the above from the beginning of the article includes yoga. This is the ability to hear oneself, the world, eat right and work, find a balance between work and rest, charge with energy and direct it in the right direction, be able to withstand negativity and difficulties, always looking at the world with a smile of the soul.

The best part is that everyone can do yoga, there is a niche for everyone. Flexible girls on Instagram are not quite yoga yet, but only one of the steps. Someone serves living beings, working as a volunteer or in a shelter for the homeless - this is Bhakti yoga of service, someone is working on the invention of a cure for cancer - this is the yoga of knowledge - Jnana. And some every day, year after year, day after day, diligently and efficiently do what they think is insignificant work - janitors and dishwashers, garbage truck drivers and sheep shepherds. This is Karma Yoga. The entire Universe is inextricably linked by the thinnest strings of energies and each, even the tiniest screw in this system, is very important. Be optimistic and do not litter the ether of the Universe with negativity!

Mindfulness is the key to success

After analyzing all of the above and applying it to your life, you can significantly change the situation for the better and no longer experience strong and prolonged breakdowns. Get enough sleep, spend more time in nature, eat healthy food and be sure to take time for yourself - after all, only a person himself can influence the quality of his life. There are many ways to recharge your batteries, but isn't it better to just avoid losing it?

Author: Lyudmila Lebed

It is no secret to anyone that almost any mechanism requires periodic recharging to continue its functions. Everyone in childhood had at least one toy that moved thanks to the energy of the battery inserted into it. As soon as the energy supply was depleted, the toy lost its ability to move and ceased to be so interesting for us.

As strange as it may sound, each of us (to some extent) can also be compared with this toy. We function safely in all our manifestations exactly as long as the energy of life is present in us in sufficient quantity.

This refers not only to gross physical strength, which is accumulated through rest and adequate nutrition, but also the spiritual and energy potential of our essence.

Someone wastes it faster, someone more slowly - that's not the point. The bottom line is the ability to learn how to replenish energy reserves in your own body in order to fully enjoy the life given to us on this Earth.

Reduce losses

First, I would like to draw your attention to reducing the loss of energy already available in the body. We spend our own precious stocks often absolutely not justified, "thanks" to ignorance, imperfection, as well as external vampiric influence. It happens in the following way.

The reason for the loss of energy in the physical body is:

various kinds of diseases;

body postures leading to energy losses (stoop, tightness, excessive openness);

chaotic movements, synchronous imitation of another person (vampire) in gait, dance in a disco.

The etheric body loses its energy in the following cases:

with insufficient supply of fresh air, little contact with nature;

unbalanced work of the chakras;

with emotional identification of a decrease in physical energy with the energy of life (when it seems to a person that his weakness will be permanent).

Energy losses at the level of the astral body occur mainly for the following reasons:

the presence of internal emotional conflicts;

emotions manifested in aggressive and depressive states;

desires that are mutually exclusive (interfere with implementation);

unresolved problems from the past;

emotional trauma;

short sleep time, which does not allow to gain a sufficient amount of subtle life-giving energy.

If you can reduce these losses by removing the unnecessary from your life, then by doing so you will help to maintain the necessary energy balance.

Where to begin

In order to replenish the energy reserves of your body, you need to make a decision - to work on yourself. This should be done not only with your head or at the level of emotions, but with your whole being.

Including consciousness, which allows you to understand well that your goal is the only correct and necessary one.

The mind is capable of transforming (crystallizing) understanding into a clear form.

A heart that can fill your decision with emotional strength.

Will, which makes it possible for a decision to be constantly kept in memory and turns it from desire into action, in spite of all obstacles.

Only then does your decision become a behavioral setting and gain vitality.

Energy storage basics

They are quite simple and natural, but they should be strictly adhered to if you really want to be constantly filled with the energy of life:

  • Try to get rid of diseases. Lead a healthy lifestyle (adherence to the daily regimen, proper nutrition, normal sleep, exercise).
  • Contact nature as often as possible. Learn the correct breathing (nose). Overcome the tendency to aggressive and depressive states. Learn to control yourself.
  • Be open to love for God, yourself, people and the surrounding nature. Learn to stop the chaotic flow of your own thoughts. Remove negatively colored thoughts, depriving them of the opportunity to live in your mind. Master positive thinking.
  • Get rid of unnecessary, interfering information, memories filled with stressful situations.
  • Overcome your own laziness. To cultivate the will, perseverance in achieving the set goals. Learn to rejoice and find satisfaction in the process of creation (not to do the work mechanically).
  • Get rid of incorrect attitudes such as: humiliation, neglect, as well as arrogance or permissiveness.
    • Refuse excessive frankness and talkativeness.
    • Overcome the desire for self-criticism and self-examination.
  • Learn to see in other people a manifestation of the Divine foundation. Strive for energy sources in nature, creativity, spiritual teachings, advanced people.
  • This is not a complete list of where to start your journey in the accumulation of life energy. Try to fulfill it!

    Recharge from natural sources

    To get recharge (recharge), you can use natural sources: earth, water, trees. Do the following exercises and get energy:

    Energy of the earth: Sit on the ground with your legs crossed, bring your index finger and thumb (on both hands) together, with the rest of your fingers touching the ground. Breathe deeply and evenly. Concentrate on the thought that when you breathe in, you draw in the energy of the earth through your fingertips, and when you breathe out, you transform it into your own bioenergy.

    Energy of water: immerse your whole body in water, establish rhythmic breathing and tune in to receive the energy of water through the pores of the body as you inhale, and on exhalation to convert it into bioenergy.

    Energy of trees: Choose a tree with a straight trunk and feel its favorable disposition. Stand at some distance from him (but so as to feel his influence).

    Start with the "rinsing" process. To do this, identify yourself with the selected tree, and imagine how energy rises to the roots from below from the Earth, moving up the trunk.

    Then feel the cosmic energy coming through the crown and moving down to the roots. Imagine how she washes your whole being.

    Having achieved a feeling of inner purity, go to the tree and, putting your palms on it or hugging it, ask to endow you with life-giving energy. With each breath, feel how it flows in, saturating your whole being. Do not forget to express your gratitude after completing the "session".

    A person's activity in all spheres of life depends on his energy reserves. The more a person has, the more efficiently he is able to work, the better he feels and the faster he achieves the desired results. We will talk about how to get energized in today's article.

    how to get energized? about human energy

    The inexorable rhythm of the modern world dictates strict rules; in the constant race of endless affairs, a person often feels tired, sleepy, and sometimes completely apathetic. In such conditions, where to get the strength?

    In order to keep up with active life and continue to work productively, people simply need to look for ways to replenish energy. As a rule, they find the solution to the problem in the use of energy drinks and food, which allow them to quickly invigorate and keep tone for a while.

    This includes the use of coffee, sweets, carbonated drinks, everything that, unfortunately, negatively affects health.

    But, if you want to replenish energy without harming the body, then it is better to pay attention to the 15 ways that we have collected for you in this article!

    where to get energy?

    So are you ready? If you embed at least one of these ways into your life, your reality will change! Go ahead, there is no other way 😉

    1) Movement is a new life!

    A person by nature should not engage in a sedentary lifestyle, but very many people by occupation have to spend most of the day in the office at the computer.

    Therefore, if you have a "sedentary" job, make it a rule to take short breaks every 40-60 minutes. Do a few squats, walk down the hallway, look out the window, or do a little exercise. This will help you recharge your batteries.

    Even small breaks can have a huge positive effect, especially if you do them often. Physical activity will accelerate the blood through the body, cheer you up and allow you to work more productively on solving work problems.

    Also, after work, find time for a half-hour walk, this will strengthen not only your physical condition, but also lift your spirits, help relieve fatigue.

    “Energy is the most penetrating force and it should be focused on the main thing. When a person is full of energy and strength, he is able to do anything "

    Juliana Wilson

    2) Communication with wildlife

    The more often you are outdoors, the more energy you get. This has a beneficial effect on the replenishment of resources. Especially a lot of energy can be obtained by going out for a walk in the early morning - from 4 to 6 in the morning it is just spilled in the air, even if you live in a big city. Try it, and your day will pass in a completely different way: more calm, joyful, harmonious!

    At least once a week you go somewhere from a noisy city, for example, to the nearest forest: go skiing, pick berries, arrange outdoor games or picnics with loved ones. Your main goal is to breathe in the fresh air and enjoy the picturesque colors of nature.

    Nature is a tremendous source of strength, beauty and tranquility. If you feel that you feel bad and you have no strength for anything, go to nature.

    There is one old proven way to relieve stress and calm your mind while being in nature. You need to look around the trees around, choose the one you like the most and stand as close to it as possible. Simply, by standing near the tree for 15 minutes, you will feel a surge of strength and tranquility. Try 😉

    In the fresh air, a person is best charged with energy!

    The beauty and power of nature:

    3) Natural food

    When planning meals for the whole family for the next week, think, maybe it's time to revise the usual diet? Think about how to get a lot of energy from food?

    It makes sense to include in it more fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals, nuts and those foods that fit the word "natural", that is, they contain fewer dyes, preservatives and various additives.

    Reduce the amount of fried and fatty foods.

    A healthy diet is the key to well-being and energy.

    4) healthy sleep

    To replenish strength and energy, any person needs to sleep at least 6-7 hours a day. No less, but even more important question, at what hours to sleep?

    The most beneficial time to sleep is from 9 pm to 1 am. These are the hours when the nervous system is at rest. It doesn't matter who you are, an owl or a lark, if you go to bed after 1 am, then your nervous system is overwhelmed. Depression and apathy are a matter of time.

    "Don't hold on to anger, pain or suffering: they steal your energy and hinder love."

    Leonardo Felice Buscaglia

    Try to go to bed earlier, then you will get better sleep, and the morning will be really good for you.

    Also, there is one caveat with sleep time. Scientists have found that for a more fruitful performance of the human body, you can take short breaks for naps. Give yourself at least 10-15 minutes during the day to take a nap. This day's rest will allow you to relieve fatigue and "reboot" to do new things.

    It is ideal to arrange for yourself such islands of relaxation before meals. After lunch, the body's forces are directed to digest food well. By leaving for the kingdom of morpheus, you will do a disservice to your digestive system, and your strength will not increase, your mind will become more lazy and inhibited. After such an untimely sleep, it will be harder for you to get involved in the work process.

    5) Meals

    In addition to the healthiness of food, portion sizes, dietary patterns, and the atmosphere at the family table also play an important role.

    Many scientists argue that breakfast is a basic meal of the day. It gives a person a great boost of energy and allows you to start every day on the right note. Therefore, even if you do not have time to have a snack in the morning, take breakfast with you.

    “- I do not want to answer a barrage of questions while eating. I need to think! - The stars of heaven! - gasped Ping - Thinking at breakfast? "

    John R.R. Tolkien. Lord of the Rings. Ring keepers

    It is better to eat light food for breakfast, for example, dairy products, fruits (dried fruits in winter), yoghurts, smoothies - everything that fills you with strength and gives a positive charge. With such a breakfast, it will not be difficult for you to recharge in the morning with energy.

    But at lunchtime you can already turn around "to the fullest" and direct your attention to heavier food. From 12 to 14 o'clock in the afternoon, the fire of digestion is stronger than ever. Therefore, lunch is the time for cereals, legumes, nuts. Everything that you eat at this time will be easily digested and will give you a capital supply of energy.

    Also, try to eat small portions (even at lunchtime), do not overeat, otherwise you will not be filled with new strength, but spend all your energy on digesting food.

    Do not swear or sort things out while eating, put gadgets aside. Learn to thoughtfully and calmly taste what is on the table in front of you.

    6) active sports

    A sedentary lifestyle is the cause of serious illness. The less people move, the more they get used to this kind of life.

    People without energy - laziness and apathy become their constant companions.

    Therefore, even if at first it will be very difficult for you, it is still worth taking on yourself. Start moving forward with slow steps, find a suitable set of exercises for yourself and practice physical activity daily.

    Let's start with just two to three sets of 10 reps a day. But, gradually, your body will begin to get stronger and you will be able to increase the load. Within a few months, you will boast not only good health, but also get a wonderful figure as a bonus.

    7) Scheduling personal time

    If you do not want to live in a constant non-stop mode, worried that you do not have time to fulfill promises and do important things, then it's time to start organizing your own time.

    It's not so scary. Start jotting down your plans in your diary.

    Mark things in order of importance, figure out in what time intervals you can do them.

    The most important thing about a person's labor activity:

    There is no need to draw up a rigid schedule in which everything will be scheduled up to the minute, then you will simply "drive" yourself even harder. Planning is an opportunity to help yourself, not oppression to a depressive state. The approximate daily routine will allow you to allocate time not only for work, but also determine the intervals of rest, communication with loved ones.

    Also plan weekly. This is the most effective type of planning, since a weekly cycle can accommodate a lot of tasks, and unlike daily planning, you can "unfold" in it, postpone something, move something. But at the same time, you cannot postpone for a long time (unlike monthly planning).

    It is not for nothing that the weekly cycle is called “not sharing”.

    8) Time limit for gadgets

    Of course, gadgets are a great invention that has expanded human capabilities. But, there is one negative point - the human inability to limit oneself in their use.

    Excessive use of gadgets disrupts the daily biorhythms of a person, this affects the production of melatonin, and this, in turn, leads to depression and insomnia.

    It is in your power to use technology wisely: put aside tablets and phones when you are at the table or when communicating with loved ones. Enter a curfew and in the evening after 21:00 do not touch your gadgets, this will allow you to fall asleep and not be distracted by correspondence and reading the news until midnight.

    Our article on internet addiction:

    9) correct drinking regimen

    It is known that it is extremely important for a person to consume a sufficient amount of clean water. It is the liquid that has a huge impact on the replenishment of energy and the performance of the body.

    Don't make yourself dehydrated as soon as you feel dry - go for a glass of water. Conduct an experiment and drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day for a month, and you will see how your physical and emotional state will change.

    There is another nice bonus for those people who drink a lot of clean water. Sometimes your hunger is just thirst.

    Try to drink a glass of water at the first feeling of hunger and listen to yourself: if after 15 minutes you want to eat again, then this is really hunger, and if not - bingo!You gave your body what it really needed.

    Modern people, especially those who live in cities in pursuit of the outward appearance of success, have often forgotten how to hear and recognize the signals of their bodies. It is in your power to be aware and sensibly approach the issues of your health and well-being.

    10) finding your passion

    How to restore human energy? Captivate him!

    But, the older a person becomes, the more everyday worries and troubles fall on his head. Quite naturally, getting stuck in a routine, many forget about their hobbies, about what gives them joy and satisfaction. In this case, the creative energy of a person is suppressed as much as possible.

    "Inspiration, when it comes to me, catches me at work"

    Pablo picasso

    It's time to change everything. Remember what used to bring you pleasure! If you want to feel truly "energized", then try to change your schedule and find a place in it for an activity that will give you peace and inner peace.

    Do you remember how you played with the ball as a child? Or did you collect herbariums? Or sewed dresses for dolls? Try it again!

    11) tactile contact

    Seemingly simple hugs, but they give a person a lot of positive emotions.

    Nobody says that you should throw yourself into the arms of unfamiliar people, but you can give your loved ones a piece of happiness when you embrace them when you meet.

    Hugs help increase levels of oxytocin, the so-called happiness hormone, which is responsible for reducing stress levels. In addition, this is a kind of exchange of positive energy, so do not hesitate to hug your loved ones more often.

    12) Nice communication

    Modern man has no time all the time. No time to call, write, remember.

    Constant worries do not give even close people the opportunity to meet and just talk. Just talk, you know? Make sure that not everyone is crazy, that money does not solve everything, that not everyone is dead, not everyone is lost.

    Find time at least once a week to call old friends, meet with those who are dear to you and close in heart. Such communication will allow you to remember the funny moments of your life, will give you the opportunity to touch upon difficult problems in a relaxed manner, and will give you a feeling of relief and happiness.

    13) cleanliness and order in the house

    The eternal mess, cluttered cabinets, dirty tables, unnecessary things that "may come in handy someday" - this does not allow a person to relax and replenish their strength.

    Therefore, seriously engage in putting things in order, sort things, give or sell unnecessary, wipe the shelves from dust. You don't have to tackle a huge amount of homework right away, do everything gradually, step by step.

    Even if you can devote only 15 minutes to putting your home in a neat look, but you do it every day, then literally in a month, cleanliness and order will settle in every corner of your house.

    Remember that heaps of junk are taking up a tremendous amount of your energy. Get rid of them.

    14) Goals and dreams

    It is important for every person to have dreams and goals in life. These are bottomless sources of energy for humans. If a person does not see the meaning in life, does not know what he wants in the future, then every day he will not be happy.

    "Most people have less achievements than potential energy, so their energy is used by those who have goals."

    Natalia Grace

    Stop being afraid that your dreams will not come true, start dreaming like in childhood, set goals for yourself.

    You can take one goal and go to it in small steps. Each day, write down what you can do to achieve what you want. Put your focus on getting inspired and getting things done.

    Goals should be outside of your routine, but at the same time achievable. If you set a dream as a goal, then you are guaranteed to fail. You simply do not have the strength to achieve it. A dream is something magical, a perfect way of your life, and a goal is a specific height to be taken.

    Thus, dreams are built from goals. To reach them, you need to go step by step, take height by height.

    15) gratitude and optimism

    Another way to get a guaranteed boost of energy is to thank everyone who does good (and bad) for you. Remember, there is a lesson in every incident, although it does not always open immediately.

    Do not skimp on kind words both for loved ones and for unfamiliar people. Be kind-hearted and provide help to those in need.

    Also learn to be optimistic about life. This will allow you to get rid of anxious thoughts that are taking up your energy. No matter what situation you find yourself in today, be sure to find something in it that makes you smile.

    how to get energized: Conclusion

    Surely, you knew about each of these methods. But they didn’t do anything, and as a result, your life didn’t change.

    After reading this article, apply at least some of what is written in it. Each of the 15 ways is a miracle that can radically change your life for the better, it is waiting only for your desire and permission.

    Start to change, become yourself.

    How to recharge your energy: video