Women's pickup - a short guide on how to fall in love with a guy. Women's pickup: tips and tricks

Actually, I planned to write about the "beautiful life", public opinion and the habit of conforming to someone's ideas of how it should be. But while I was thinking about it, all sorts of highly moral whining miraculously became mainstream, and I do not like to be in trend, so my thoughts on this topic are postponed until better times, but for now let's continue about the women's pickup truck, it's more fun, and I promised a long time ago cookie_on_tour continue the topic.

Remember the great Leslie? Who forgot, I remind you:

"A man has a void in his head about you when he sees you for the first time. Either you fill it yourself, as you need it. Or he will do it without your help, and you will not be able to influence it in any way. You do not need to give him choice. Always decide what he thinks of you."- in general, quickly, from the very beginning, tell him everything that he should think about you.

"You just postulate to him what you would like from him, in the past tense."- yeah, after you told him what he thinks about you, tell him about his plans for your future together.

"- You also said that I am the best woman in your life and you want to marry me!

- You said that you had a crush on me and that you want me to move in with you after the holidays! But I'm just not ready! Let's live separately, if you don't mind!

- Let's go to that cafe, what was it called? Well, you still confessed your love to me there! Oh, I remember, let's go!

You tell him what you would like to get from him. As if he had already done it in the past. Since he did not do this, he begins to resent and say that there was no such thing. Answer:

“Okay, don’t make excuses, I was very pleased, that’s normal.”- Hmm... Urgently needs to be tested on someone who is not a pity.

We figured out the programming of men. Read on.

"For the most part, girls do nothing to seduce a man."- yeah, especially if this same man, for the sake of seducing whom we do nothing, we actually don’t really need it, only shhhh ... All men are gorgeous by default.

"Usually women are used to behaving like victims. We put up with this. We don't tell you what we really want. We keep silent. And we go to others who will amaze our imagination, intrigue, fall in love and do unusual things."- Dear girls, give your man a million scarlet roses, do an act for him, well, it’s hard for you or something. Someone has to do something.

And if you still haven’t figured out how to intrigue him and impress the male imagination, here’s the formula for intrigue:

"Intrigue = questions + desire for an answer + hope

If you miss something in this formula, the intrigue will fall apart.


1. Interest = desire to get an answer to the question posed.

2. Intrigue = creating interest and hope that you will give him an answer."

Questions need to be formulated correctly, and not just like:

"Examples of generating a question:

1. I know something about you.

2. I know your little secret.

3. There is one person who told me something about you. And I was surprised...

4. I want to show something. I think you will be very interested...

5. I met a person who knew you very well. And I learned something. I urgently need to talk to you. It is important!

6. Breaking the story:

- When I met a friend, he suddenly said something about you, he said ... Oh! I have to go, I'll tell you later.

7. Out of the blue, someone says something in your ear off topic in front of him. You: “Well, you do! How could you? Yeah…"

8. A person who dresses like this has one feature ...

(Direct formation of the question, you know that the interlocutor will ask: “What?”)

9. There is something about you that other girls do not like, but I like it!

10. I want to show you a place where I don’t take anyone, but I decided to take you, because a person like you will really like this place.

11. I was surprised when I found out that you are like that, I don’t even know if it’s good or bad ...

12. The way you dress and act says a lot about you. Besides, I already know a few things.

13. There is one thing that you hide from all people, but I noticed it.

14. There is one very important and serious topic that we should talk about, this concerns you. What theme? Very important!"

Do you think this is enough? We learned the list of questions and that's it, are you married in kings? It wasn't here.

"And now, in order to finish off your men in general and make them just die of interest before meeting you, just commit suicide from curiosity, I will now tell you about the magical moments that enhance the intrigue."

So let's add intrigue:


1. I cannot say this in front of others, it will be incorrect.

2. It is related to your relationship with one person, it is personal.

3. I think you do not want to discuss this topic in front of everyone, then we'll talk.


 1. It will be dangerous for you to know about it!

2. If I tell you, I'll have to stop talking to you!

3. If I tell you, it will be dangerous for you!

4. I will have to no longer see you!

5. You will lose me if you find out!

6. You won't be able to look me in the eye if you know that I know!

Intimacy + Danger:

1. Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to look others in the eye if I say this in front of everyone? No, I'm not like that, I won't do it!

2. It's very personal and it's dangerous for you!

3. It concerns you! And I don't want everyone to know!


You write him SMS and do not answer his questions, calls for a day. He waits, and the desire for an answer intensifies.

If you answer right away, this is the most common mistake. Get used to waiting.

You tell him the magic phrase - "Wait for now." And let it wait!

You switch the topic of conversation to another, get distracted, pretend that you are being distracted.

And then we learn how" amaze, surprise, shock a man and leave him no chance" and deeds"for which we, men, remember you for life ". But that's something for next time.

Constant attention, a sea of ​​compliments, gifts and a crowd of fans at your feet! Almost every girl secretly dreams about it. But for some girls, the ability to drive men crazy is given almost from the cradle, while others need a lifetime to comprehend the basics of the art of seduction.

A pickup truck, a modern set of manipulations for seduction, will help in mastering the secrets of such a complex science.

Rules and objectives of the women's pickup truck

The goal of the male pickup truck is the same - to put the girl to bed as quickly as possible. Representatives of the weaker sex have more inventive goals: to find - to get acquainted - to charm - to keep.

To achieve them, it is necessary adhere to the following rules:

  • Creating the "correct" image. Men love with their eyes. Therefore, the choice of attire and accessories is so important.
  • Beautiful make-up. Proper, discreet makeup will emphasize your beauty.
  • Eye contact. To capture his attention, you need to hook a man with a gesture, word or look.
  • "correct" communication. Naturalness, femininity and hidden sexuality are the main rules for a successful conquest.
  • "correct" behaviour. It is necessary to show interest in a person, to show interest in his words. A "accidental" touch will help "ignite a spark."

How to make a guy fall in love with you?

Do you think a man chooses a woman? You are right, it is. BUT! He does this only after receiving signs that she wants to be elected. And wise women can easily use it.

The main feature of a female pickup truck is the ability to create conditions in which the representative of the stronger sex himself must be imbued with a desire to get to know each other.

Its effectiveness lies, first of all, in the ability to advertise oneself in such a way that a man has no doubt that he is the initiator in the relationship.

Pickup rules for correspondence

SMS correspondence is one of the ways to test your feminine charm from a distance. Therefore, pickup lessons for beginner girls can start with her.

  1. It is not at all difficult to seduce a guy by SMS if stick to some rules:
  2. Hold a pause! Before answering, pause for half an hour and make him wait for the next message twice as long as you waited.
  3. Brevity is the soul of wit. Long SMS indicate excessive interest in him.
  4. Solid text. Do not use any emoticons and other unnecessary symbols - they speak of emotions.
  5. "Correct Image" He must be successful and independent.
  6. Emotional warming. From time to time, replace positive SMS with negative ones (you can always justify yourself that you made a mistake with the addressee).
  7. Keep intrigue. She generates interest.
  8. Remember goals. For every man, the information from SMS is not so important as its purpose. Do not forget about it!

Phrases and questions favorites

An equally important part of successful seduction is the ability to carry on a conversation. First of all, here you should naturally hold on and hide your excitement deeply.

Start the conversation with modest questions: “What?”, “Where?”, “How?” or “When?”, “Why?”. Well, the answers to give quite complete, capacious. In addition, any phrases should certainly be accompanied by a direct look directed directly into the eyes of the interlocutor.

Techniques for conversation

To seduce a man, first of all, you need to unobtrusively attract his attention.

In doing so, you can use the following women's tricks:

  • Smile and embarrassment;
  • Light thoughtfulness;
  • Relaxed posture and sensual movements;
  • An expression of boredom.

But to keep him must not be forgotten that perfect pickup girl

  • above all, loves and respects himself;
  • does not carry a bad mood;
  • does not throw in the eyes of its own complexes;
  • initiative and independent;
  • knows how to listen and accept the representatives of the stronger sex as they are;
  • capable of giving pleasure.

Let's summarize and highlight the main thing:

  1. Humility is the main secret. Do not forget that a man by nature is a breadwinner. Do not deprive him of the opportunity to conquer you.
  2. Unpredictability. Try to constantly bring newness into the relationship. Get over the routine.
  3. Sexuality is natural. In order for a man to believe in your sexuality, first of all, believe in it yourself.
  4. Playfulness and laughter. A positive attitude in a relationship is very important.
  5. Magnetism of the eye. Intrigue the chosen one with the depth of your gaze.
  6. Neckline. A beautifully accentuated chest is always a reliable weapon. She will easily bewitch any representative of the stronger sex.
  7. Seduce him with your feet. Try to constantly emphasize the beauty of your legs.
  8. Passionate whisper. Affectionate words uttered in the ear of a loved one will have an indelible effect.
  9. Caresses with hands. Light touches on the body are a sure way to ignite passion in your chosen one.
  10. Initiative in bed. Joyfully accept the caresses of your beloved, be liberated and from time to time take the initiative into your own hands.

Natalya Kaptsova

Reading time: 10 minutes


Every woman wants attention and compliments. Each dreams of men turning their necks, looking after her, and falling in piles at their feet. But for one, the art of "charming" is given from the cradle, while the other has to learn this all his life,. The “science” of seduction of the opposite sex that has appeared in our time - the pickup truck - was the prerogative of exclusively men. But this set of techniques and skills of seduction has become interesting for modern women. The only difference is that the task of a female pickup, as a rule, is not a one-time pleasure, but the search for true love and the desire to become attractive, self-confident and desirable. What are the basic rules of a women's pickup truck?

Why do girls do pickups? Goals

For men pickups, the goals are simple and clear - to please the girl and put her to bed as quickly as possible. Girls Goals more selective:

  • How to find it.
  • How to meet.
  • How to charm.
  • How to keep.

And preferably - all at once. But, of course, that doesn't happen. Only chance can send you a prince on a white horse who, seeing you, will tremble with anticipation and immediately offer his hand, heart and Swiss bank account. Therefore, first you need to understand how to get to know each other correctly and how to behave so that the gentleman does not run away from you five minutes after. This is what the female pickup truck teaches - how not to scare a man how to impress etc.

Female pickup - dating rules

Basic rules for a women's pickup truck

The task of the pickup provoking a man to action . The result depends on the desire - a short date, a close acquaintance in the horizontal plane, or a serious relationship and the creation of a family. The "science" of a pickup truck can be comprehended both independently and at special trainings. What are basic rules of a women's pickup truck?

  • Go out more often expand your circle of acquaintances.
  • Targeting a blue-eyed handsome athlete? Don't look for it in the library. For an oligarch? In the diner around the corner you will definitely not meet him.
  • Always be ready to meet your dream. Perfect appearance, excellent mood and a charming smile should be your constant companions.
  • Learn the basics of proper makeup, you should look stunning even when you run out to take out the trash - moderate but effective makeup, heels (stilettos), neckline, tight dress, well-groomed hands. Get used even at home (when no one sees you) to follow this rule. See.
  • Study male psychology. With this knowledge, it will be easier for you to predict the behavior of men and choose your own, the only one among them.
  • Be nice, friendly and independent. Be as calm and relaxed as possible. Leave embarrassment and excitement for other situations, here - only composure and self-confidence.
  • Your speech should be smooth and calm. No "nerve" in the voice.
  • Don't confuse words. Listen carefully, as if this story about fishing is the most amazing thing you have ever heard. Don't forget about subtle, "accidental" touches.
  • Don't talk about your problems(home-work-family) and their desires. A man should have a clear feeling that you are a successful, happy and completely satisfied person. And, of course, avoid asking questions about the number of your exes or marriages. It is unlikely that a man will be delighted to learn that you are just looking for a candidate for a fourth marriage.
  • Don't forget to praise the man. Men are like children, they need to feel needed, loved and extraordinary. Just do not overdo it - you should not praise the gentleman for a beautiful tie or clean shoes, you need to praise for actions.
  • Be humble. No need to put your feet on the table, sweep away dinner in a restaurant in a minute, put on a vulgar dress and demand a trip to the Seychelles. Modesty is always beautiful.
  • When communicating with a man, try as much as possible repeat his gestures, movements and manner of speech. This technique is one of the main ones in a pickup truck. Just do not get carried away - it should not be evident.
  • If you were invited to dance do not be too frank in movements- that is, hang yourself on a gentleman and cuddle with your whole body. Even if your head is already spinning from his strong hands and close breathing, keep yourself in control and wait until the “client is ripe”.
  • Manicure and makeup should be as natural as possible and minimal.. Eliminate red varnish immediately - it is unnerving. Too long nails are also not an option. The only thing that magically affects a man is shiny lips.
  • Expand your circle of hobbies and discover new talents in yourself. Learn to play billiards, shoot, change wheels, dance and cook.
  • Never be the first to admit your sympathies.
  • After meeting, do not be intrusive. It is he who should look for you, call and make appointments. And you - only condescendingly accept his courtship.
  • Do not hang a kilo of jewelry on yourself. One or two decorations are better, but spectacular and of high quality, than to look like a Christmas tree.
  • Do not go too far in facial expressions and "erotic" movements. It is enough to straighten your hair, lick your lips and throw your legs over your legs. Wagging your hips and swallowing bananas should not be.
  • Do not tell yourself and do not let a man tell dirty jokes.
  • Meeting the same man do not continue the "pick-up games". A man should love you, not your seduction technique. Keeping him with a pickup next to you for life will not work.

The ideal pick-up woman is the one who…

  • Loves and respects himself.
  • Not aggressive, but proactive. Independent.
  • Uninhibited and free in relationships.
  • He does not carry a suitcase of complexes with him.
  • Understands a man and accepts him for who he is.
  • Knows how to give pleasure.

Any woman is already a pick-up artist by nature. In fact, she does not need to learn the science of seduction at all, because nature has already given her all the tools for this. It remains only to use them competently and wisely. And most importantly - understand exactly what you are waiting for? Imagine that all men pay attention to you, salivate and dream of at least holding your hand. Are you sure you need it? Or do you still dream of meeting your future, the one and only man?
Turning to trainings and plunging into the science of seduction, be sure to be aware that the level of male attention to you will increase. And decide for yourself whether you want it or not.

What woman does not want to be attractive and desirable in the eyes of absolutely all men? This is female nature - to please and seduce, to collect compliments and flowers. However, for some it comes easily and naturally, while for others it doesn't work. The pickup truck was, in its essence, an exclusively male invention aimed at finding a potential partner, without having far-reaching plans. Recently, the pickup has become interesting for women, with one significant difference. The main purpose of the female pickup truck- learn to seduce men, find a partner for life, and not for one night, fall in love with a guy once and for all. Women's pickup techniques have several differences and similarities, which we will discuss below.

Why do girls need a pickup truck? Or why they do it.

As noted above, pickup targets for girls are more diverse. But at the same time, they are more vague - you want to find, and, and keep it - at the same time, everything is necessary at once! And the main thing here is not to make it so that it evaporates within a few minutes after meeting. This is what a pickup truck for girls teaches!

Female pickup - dating techniques.

control yourself Don't let yourself look like a lioness on the hunt. Even if this is true, he does not need to know about it! Act like you're the prey, not him. This is a women's pickup truck, remember that.

in a pickup truck for girls, a girlfriend is not an assistant. Even if you are the most bosom friends, you have one goal. And how do you know what will happen if your eyes fall on the same man!

do not overplay in the process of enticing. A man can regard too promising looks in his own way - you don’t need that, do you? A female pickup is when you have to beckon, but not be ready for anything.

know your limits. The rules of the female pickup truck say that it's terrible when a woman is drunk trying to please the man she likes - as much as we would not like, it looks sexy only in the movies and will not help.

distribute your attention. Even if you have already chosen that one, he does not need to know about it. Even more - continue to communicate with other potential gentlemen, but without losing eye contact with him, let him be the hunter, not you, even if he does not even know that you own a female pickup truck! At least give the appearance of it.

develop the magic of touch. One of your light touches with your fingertips of his hand should evoke in him a storm of emotions greater than the most frank preludes, let these be your personal methods of a female pickup truck.

love yourself! This is the main law of a female pickup, seducing a guy and attracting someone who will love you to you!

don't be a beacon. Let the signal sent to him be barely noticeable and understandable only to him! Don't send S.O.S. like from a sinking ship - after all, the decision to get acquainted should be with him.

know your goals. Whatever the purpose of using a female pickup truck - learning to seduce men, a stormy romance or quiet family gatherings on the porch - you have to go the intended way.

Women's pickup - technique and techniques.

Your the task and purpose of a pickup truck for girls- provoke a man to action. No matter what your goals are, just follow a few rules.

Do not sit at home, as in a cell, be in sight more often. the most important condition, but how do you set it while sitting at home?

Consider a meeting place. You will not meet an athlete - a jock at the club at night, and you will hardly find an oligarch in the market, choosing vegetables.

Be ready! You should look and feel your best at all times! You can seduce a guy only if you are sure of your attractiveness!

Learn the art of makeup. It will not be superfluous even if you do not need to use a female pickup truck, and when meeting a man, it’s not at all.

Study psychology, mostly, of course, men. This will help you in both work and love affairs.

Be nice and humble. Calmness and only calmness should become your motto and one of the rules of a women's pickup truck!

Let your speech caress the ear! No foul language and trembling notes in the voice.

Be a grateful listener! And let him tell for the hundredth time what fish he caught last weekend - it should be as interesting to you as it is to him!

Praise him! The following advice follows from the previous advice - men are incredibly greedy for flattery - but don't overdo it! The falseness is terrible and immediately visible, it does not fit in any way for a women's pickup truck.

Modesty is your weapon. This is what they expect from us, restrained behavior, no vulgarity - neither in clothes, nor in words!

Take it as a base. This is the main move in a pickup truck. But do not overdo it - too obvious copying will catch your eye!

Be a lady in the dance. Let him lead - in every sense. Even if you are already exhausted, in no case show it!

Say yes! natural make-up and manicure. The only thing - shiny, as if slightly damp lips - it beckons.

Be diversified. Know how to bake pancakes like your grandmother, while discussing the currency market and the need to change your car's shoes for the winter along the way. This is not only the reception of a female pickup truck, but simply something that is useful in life.

Do not grab the palm! Let him be the first to confess his feelings.

Don't impose. It will be better if you seem to him a little colder than he expects. It will only irritate!

Keep natural in everything. Chain and bracelet - this is quite enough of jewelry, even if you have something to boast about.

Do not overdo it with feigned eroticism. It is enough to straighten the collar of the blouse, lightly touching the neck with your fingertips, or remove the unruly curl of hair behind the ear, “accidentally” opening the neckline a couple of millimeters deeper. In a pickup truck for girls, this is quite enough, raising your legs above your head will be superfluous.

Do not allow vulgarity, even comic, either on the part of a man or on your own. This will not help you seduce a guy, quite the contrary.

Having met the one with a pickup truck for girls, you should “tie it up”. It is only a lure technique, not a means of retention. He should love you, not your skill.

Summing up, the ideal woman from the point of view of a pickup truck:

Loves himself! And do not forget about self-respect!
Initiative, but within certain limits.
He loves his body and feels relaxed in the most intimate moments.
Free from complexes.
Understands male nature.
Enjoys life and gives this pleasure to a man.

In fact, women are naturally given the ability to charm and seduce. The main thing is to be able to use it, to seduce exactly the guy you need. And be prepared for the fact that the level of attention to you will certainly increase. Make sure it's exactly what you need! And let this technique help you fall in love with the guy of your dreams!

How to easily start a multi-variant relationship with any man? First of all, learn some rules and principles of a pickup truck.

For those who are not burdened with dreams of a prince who will knock on the door himself and those who are not obsessed with the principles of modesty, the concept of a female pickup truck has been around for many years. It differs from the male one in that girls do not meet men. They only create conditions for the mighty of this world to show a desire to get to know each other. A female pickup truck is more likely not a way to start a relationship, but the creation of a multivariate relationship in any relationship. Because the hunter, unlike the victim, always retains the psychological initiative. She always leads in relationships, even when outwardly she maintains absolute inaction.

Men are intuitively attracted to the opportunity to be elected. However, while playing a cautious game, it is important not to make a mistake and, due to inexperience, not to seem like a sophisticated fatal madam.

Where to pickup

For those who have set themselves the task of meeting an ordinary average man, the place does not really matter. But for those whose goal is an oligarch of the highest echelon or an oligarch-light, the place is of fundamental importance. This should be somewhere where the potential victim does not expect to be attacked. A business class car on a train, an expensive fitness center, a premium car dealership. Here, attracting male attention will not be difficult due to the obvious topics for conversation and the absence of a large number of competitors. What, for example, cannot be said about such utopian places as nightclubs, mansions on Rublyovka and other places where hunters gather. And, by the way, an additional bonus of honing the skills of a pickup truck with representatives of the wealthiest stratum of society is that having successfully spud an oligarch, a girl can also successfully get acquainted with any representative with a smaller fortune without any problems.


If the goal of a woman is a 100% successful pick-up followed by a hit in the heart of a man, then appearance matters a lot. Choosing a wardrobe, we give preference to a cute image. Low stiletto heel, fitted outfit, small neckline. One or a pair of expressive accessories. By the way, here is what the well-known metropolitan owner of the VIP dating agency, Peter Listerman, says about the appearance: “A girl should be a dream! When meeting a businessman for the first time, it is better for a girl to dress modestly. Lokhov's colors - white, pink, red - should not be present in her wardrobe.

visual contact

In order to strike up a conversation, you first need eye contact. To do this, we find the victim with our eyes, a couple of times we linger on it with our eyes. And when a man notices this, we look away. But trying to attract attention in this way, it is very easy for a wealthy man to seem like another doll for one evening. At least that's how he can treat you.

A much more practical and masterful technique is the “accidental” collision and the subsequent “random” conversation. Of course, it is better to prepare a topic for conversation in advance, and this requires maximum observation and a broad outlook.

According to psychologist Kurt Lewin, the basis of a man's motivation is always the confrontation between "I'm afraid" and "I want." After all, even if a man liked a girl, the likelihood that he would not get acquainted because of the unsuccessful experience of past relationships is very high.


For a successful pickup, a girl is best to remember a few simple rules. Until a man offers to switch to “you”, it is best to turn to “you”. In a conversation, rude words, obscene expressions, and the like should not flicker. A great option would be to “accidentally” discover you have the same hobby. It’s not bad to insert a couple of quotes from famous people into the conversation according to the situation. But the most important thing is to listen carefully to the interlocutor. And in compliments, it is better to admire not the property of a man, but himself. Avoid phrases: "what a cool car you have." Rather emphasize how skillfully he drives his car. For a successful pickup truck, in order not to betray our true intentions, we never specify data about his work, wealth or places of his rest. This will give out the hunter in a woman.

The list of possible topics for starting a conversation is extremely banal. According to experts from the University of Social Psychology and the Humanities, these can be quite simple tricks, like these:

Making a small request. Please pass a napkin, close / open the window, tell the way, address.

Wrong! For acquaintance, sometimes it is enough to “identify” and then embarrassedly apologize.

Ask to use the phone. For example, you urgently need to make a call, but as luck would have it, your phone is dead. By the way, you can also ask him to charge his phone on his laptop, and while the gadget is charging, it is quite possible to drink coffee and chat.

Get hooked at the airport while you are "waiting for arriving relatives." There will be more than enough topics for conversation.

Ask for advice when buying. This occasion works great as a car dealership, in a high-end boutique where you "choose a tie for dad", or in a high-end liquor store or gourmet cheese.

"We have met?" This phrase will work well if you have already established eye contact with the victim and after a few of his hot looks, you can come up and say: “I see, you seemed to be behind me. Have we met before?" This is a very good way to give a man the impression that he was the real initiator of the acquaintance.

If within 3 days the man did not call, then you can safely call him. But for a conversation, a completely convincing reason is required. No "let's have coffee" or "would like to see you again".

And remember that the joke that “a man, in order to drag a girl into bed, is, in principle, capable of any meanness. Only a woman who has firmly decided to get married can outdo him in this, ”is by no means a joke.