16 weeks of pregnancy where the fetus is. Yoga for pregnant women. About physical activity and vitamin complexes

Mom at 16 weeks pregnant

The immunity of the expectant mother has two main enemies: stress and infectious diseases. The fact is that you have to carry a child for 9 months - during this period several seasons will have time to change, which are dangerous both in terms of the development of infectious diseases and in terms of infection with viral ones. Methods for preventing infections are well known from childhood: wash your hands with soap, thoroughly wash vegetables, fruits and berries, visit less crowded places during the period of raging flu or acute respiratory infections, and if this is not possible, wear a respiratory bandage, walk more in the fresh air.

Start hardening your body, as this procedure will increase your energy potential. Scientists have found that hardened mothers are more adapted to the stresses (mental and physical) associated with bearing a child, they are much easier to go through labor pain. Hardening strengthens the cardiovascular system, activates the gastrointestinal tract, the body's cleansing system, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and improves the metabolic process.

Although all this happens in the mother's body, it is important for your baby, as it significantly improves the conditions for development. Good types of hardening are permissible physical activity, swimming, dousing with water, and a contrast shower. A slight decrease in temperature in the abdomen when swimming, taking a contrast shower or dousing with water will give the Kid new sensations, as well as active movements. The fact is that the skin of a very tiny person is a very sensitive organ, and the signals coming from it train brain activity in their own way.

Be sure to walk at a comfortable pace, because a walk is not only a source of energy for you, but also a source of oxygen for the Kid. Oxygen nourishes the brain cells and thus contributes to the development of an essential organ. And what parents do not dream of their child being smart and intelligent?

For the growing Kid, the measured swaying during mother's walking is a training of the vestibular apparatus and at the same time a way to ... sleep sweetly (in the future, such a wonderful state when the Kid sleeps at his mother's body, and your hands remain free, can only be achieved with the help of sling).

16 week of pregnancy: Video "Screening of the second trimester"

Four full obstetric months is exactly 16 weeks of pregnancy. The age of the fetus, respectively, is 14 weeks. Week 16 is part of the second trimester.

During this difficult, but such an important period, a lot of all kinds of wonderful changes have occurred in the body of the expectant mother and the baby growing inside her.

The fruit continues to grow rapidly, and the tummy, in turn, becomes more and more rounded. The second trimester, unlike the previous one, continues to delight with a stable emotional state and absence. The time has come when the mother's body concentrates all its forces on the work, perhaps even more active than before, namely the immune system.

The most important thing at 16 weeks of gestation

Child sizes:

  • Growth: normally, the fetus stretches up to 108 - 116 mm;
  • Weight: norm (average parameters) about 80 g;
  • Pulse: average rate from 140 to 160 beats per minute;
  • BPD (biparietal head size)- from 31 mm to 37 mm;
  • LHR (frontal-occipital head size)- from 41 mm to 49;
  • Coolant (abdominal circumference of the child)- 102 mm.


The 16th week of pregnancy (according to the obstetric calendar) presupposes, in general, good health and, accordingly, a normal emotional state. Exercise can still make you feel tired or weak. But this all happens in a mild form. After a short rest, these sensations, if everything is normal, disappear.

Constant weakness and fatigue, as well as painful sensations, at this time, in the lower abdomen, are the reason for seeking advice from a doctor.

In some cases, especially when carrying twins, nausea and even vomiting may appear. If the unpleasant symptoms continue, then you should also seek specialist advice.

At 16 weeks, some women experience the first fetal movement. If this is the first pregnancy, then it is difficult to understand that this long-awaited event is happening. After all, it rather resembles the fluttering of a butterfly inside. The kid at first reminds of himself with very soft and light jerks.

If the movements are not felt, then this is also considered the norm. Many women do not begin to experience fetal movement until 20 weeks.

Physiological changes

Changes in the physiological plan continue to occur in the body of the expectant mother. They relate to different systems and organs.

What happens in a woman's body?

  1. First of all, the fetus continues to grow, and accordingly the uterus and abdomen. In the uterus, the amount of so-called amniotic fluid also increases. At 16 weeks, the uterus is located between the navel and the pubic bone. Its growth provokes stretching and thickening of the ligaments. Against this background, a pregnant woman may experience pain in the lumbar region, in the hips and even in the groin.
  2. A feature of this period is considered to be a more noticeable manifestation of age spots on the body, which disappear some time after childbirth.
  3. Frequent urination, if the pregnancy is within normal limits, does not bother at this time. But the slowdown in the work of the intestines often leads to constipation, which should not be allowed.
  4. The mammary gland continues to change its size towards an increase. During this period, the chest still remains sensitive, but it is the painful sensations that gradually weaken.
  5. If nothing bothers, and it should be during a normal pregnancy, then the woman's appetite increases. A complete, but without overeating food, is important both for the expectant mother and for the intensively developing fetus.
  6. At this time, the body's need for iodine increases. During this period, the intake of multivitamins and foods rich in iodine is indicated.
  7. Due to the increase in metabolism, it is considered normal for 0.1 - 0.2 degrees during this period (16 obstetric weeks) to increase the body temperature of a pregnant woman. It is recommended to measure it twice a day.

Changes in the child's body. How does the baby develop?

The main achievement of the baby at this time is his ability to perform various mimic movements - now he knows how to frown when he doesn't like something, squint and smile, in a good mood. The kid has already learned to keep his head straight, gesticulate with his hands and open his mouth.

At this time, the entire body of the child is covered with fluff, which is called lanugo in medicine. It protects the baby's skin, which is covered with secretion, and remains on the body until it is replaced by fine hairs. Sometimes lanugo remains on the back of the baby for some time after birth.

The 16th week of pregnancy is characterized by the beginning of the formation of the voice-forming apparatus. But, the ability to make sounds in a child will appear only for childbirth.

This week, the baby's intestines are lengthened and begins to twist into loops, the external genital organs begin to form.

The sensitivity of the skin in this period is very high and in response to its irritation, the baby clenches his fists. The reason for this is the active development of the nervous system.

During this week, the baby's arms become more proportional to the body, and the legs are still short.

His heart is already pumping about 25 liters of blood through itself per day. The urinary system continues to function actively.

Weight gain

The permissible weight gain for a mother during the weaving period is 450-550 g. The total average increase in body weight from the beginning of pregnancy to 16 weeks can range from 2.2 to 4.7 kg. This figure will directly depend on the physique and height of the expectant mother. Well, with multiple pregnancies, these indicators are almost twice as high.

Belly size

Mom's tummy at this time has already noticeably rounded. But, if you successfully choose the style of clothing, it can still be hidden from the eyes of others. The uterus at this time weighs about 250 g, and the location is 7 cm below the umbilical level.

Analyzes and examinations

At this stage, the expectant mother, according to the pregnancy plan, will be assigned a number of tests.

She will have to donate blood for alpha-fetoprotein (in order to identify the risks of developing defects in a child), for the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (in order to determine possible violations during pregnancy, including its fading).

In addition, you need to make a urine analysis for the presence of protein in it, and other pathological phenomena. Blood pressure, body weight and abdominal size will be monitored.

Amniocentesis is also scheduled for this week of pregnancy and is an analysis of the amniotic fluid. Its purpose is to identify various genetic disorders in a child. the collection of amniotic fluid is associated with a certain risk, and therefore this type of study can be carried out exclusively with the full consent of the expectant mother.

An ultrasound scan will be scheduled as planned to remove different sizes of the fetus. By the way, during this period, the level of the possibility of determining the sex of the baby is already high.

Objective data

The height of the bottom of the uterus at this time is 14-16 cm. The tummy of a pregnant woman itself looks like a slightly elongated ball vertically.

In addition, at this time, the woman will be prescribed tests for TORCH infections (gonococcus, B and C hepatitis, syphilis, chlamydia, HIV, rubella virus and cytomegalovirus). Based on the results of these studies, an assessment of the strength of the immune system of the expectant mother and the level of probability of fetal infection will be carried out. These results are assessed by a dermatologist.

Ultrasound examination

At this time, ultrasound can show the sex of the child, the most accurate timing of pregnancy (by the coccygeal-parietal size of the fetus), as well as monitor the weight of the child.

HCG at 16 weeks gestation

At this time, the level of the human chorionic gonadotropin hormone should be in the range of 6140 - 103000 mIU / ml.

Factors affecting the fetus

Narcotic substances, alcohol, inhaled air suspensions and other chemicals, anabolic steroids, tetracycline antibacterial agents and other drugs, ionizing radiation in any form are all factors that can cause irreparable damage to the development of a child inside the womb.

It is also necessary to reduce the intensity of physical activity so as not to provoke fetal freezing and miscarriage.

Professional sports with elements of competition also have a negative impact. It is important at the beginning of pregnancy to exclude such activities and switch to regular physical education with moderate physical exertion.

Possible complications of pregnancy

Given the fact that the uterus is pressing more and more on the intestines, a woman may have digestive problems. These will include: bloating, heartburn, constipation. All these conditions are corrected with the help of a properly selected diet.

What kind of discharge can there be?

Normal vaginal discharge at this time is mucous, colorless or whitish, yellowish discharge. In case of unusual discharge, it is necessary to urgently contact your doctor for diagnosis and prescription of adequate treatment.

Recurrent low back pain is not a danger during pregnancy. But, if they are accompanied by a rise in body temperature, this may be a signal for the development of an abortion. In this case, a woman's hospitalization is necessary.

At this stage of pregnancy, special attention should be paid to the rest regime. You can not overwork too much, and try to rest more. Remember, rest can be moderately active, for example, walking in the fresh air.

You need to revise your wardrobe and choose more casual clothing. It is impossible this week already to wear tight clothes that hinder movement and squeeze the stomach.


Nutrition at this stage of pregnancy should be balanced. To prevent intestinal disorders (constipation and heartburn), you need to include in the diet as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible. In addition to this, it is necessary to maintain the level of calcium in the body, which is found in dairy products.


Be sure to start taking multivitamin complexes, but only after the recommendations and prescription of the doctor leading the pregnancy. He will make appointments based on the indicators of the tests passed.

She continues to take folic acid and vitamin D.

Even last week, you should stop taking iodine-containing vitamins.


With good health of the expectant mother, sexual relations are not forbidden to her. You should refuse intimacy only if you feel unwell, with pain in the lower abdomen, lower back.


Moderate physical activity for a pregnant woman at this time will only benefit. Pool or outdoor activities are recommended. You can also continue to attend gymnastics classes for pregnant women, in a group of women with an appropriate period.

Medicines and medical procedures

Medicines are prohibited during pregnancy. In cases of a cold or any other disease, it is necessary that only the attending physician prescribes treatment, taking into account the woman's position and all the features of the course of her pregnancy.

16 week of pregnancy with IVF

At this stage of pregnancy after in vitro fertilization, the level of risk of miscarriage or missed pregnancy is already significantly reduced. Almost all symptoms of toxicosis recede. The mood of the expectant mother rises and the emotional background improves significantly.

Otherwise, such a pregnancy proceeds without features that distinguish it from pregnancy with natural conception.

Features of multiple pregnancy

The peculiarities of multiple pregnancies at this time include only a significant increase in the woman's uterus and abdomen. Otherwise, it proceeds as calmly and without much difficulty as a singleton pregnancy.

Reminders and helpful advice

  1. We must not forget about prevention (proper nutrition, but not in any case the independent use of laxatives);
  2. Do not forget to buy clothes for pregnant women, make trips to specialty stores a joyful and pleasant experience for you;
  3. Avoid stressful situations;
  4. Take enough time to rest;
  5. At night, it is recommended to sleep only on your side, so as not to squeeze your stomach, you can put a soft pillow under your feet;
  6. Limit your communication with people unpleasant for you, but rather try to avoid it altogether, fill with good emotions, watch good films, read positive literature;
  7. Try to remain calm and self-controlled in all situations.

Photos tummies

Photo of ultrasound images

Video about the 16th week of pregnancy

The fetus at the 16th week of pregnancy has a height of about 10-13 cm. The weight of the fetus is from 55 to 100 g. At the same time, the woman herself is gaining weight, plus 2-2.3 kg is considered a normal increase. The shape of the uterus changes, it becomes hemispherical, and its size at 16 weeks - with a small melon.

16 weeks - fetus

The fetus continues to grow actively, on ultrasound its CTE (coccygeal-parietal size) at 16 weeks is about 41 mm. At 16 weeks, it is also determined such as biparietal size (biparietal size), it is 31-37 mm. This size refers to the transverse dimension of the baby's head.

In addition, at 16 weeks of pregnancy, such dimensions of the fetus are determined as the circumference of its head, which should be 124 mm on average, the abdominal circumference - 100 mm, the length of the thigh - 20 mm, the length of the humerus - 18 mm, the length of the forearm - 15 mm and the length shins - 18 mm.

In addition to size, ultrasound assesses such factors as the symmetry of the limbs, the type of long bones, which should be even and without interrupted lines. At this time, it is already possible to determine the sex of the unborn child - the genitals are formed and are visible quite clearly. Of course, inaccuracies in the determination process are not excluded, so you should not tune in to expecting a child of a particular gender, so as not to experience disappointment in the event of a mistake.

What does a fetus look like at 16 weeks?

His little body is still quite disproportionate. This means that the head takes up a significant portion of the embryo's size. The first hairs already appear on it, while they are whitish, but as soon as the skin begins to produce pigment, they will be colored in their natural color. Marigolds appear on the toes, the legs lengthen.

The handles are trying to reach and grab the legs, the umbilical cord, squeeze them. But you should not be afraid that he will squeeze it and deprive himself of access to oxygen and nutrients - the umbilical veins are protected by a special membrane and the baby is not able to squeeze them.

The embryo at 16 weeks continues to actively develop. The kidneys and bladder, sweat and sebaceous glands begin to work, coordination of movements is increasing.

16 weeks - woman's sensations

At 16 weeks of pregnancy, a woman can already feel slight movements of the fetus. They are still quite weak and can be confused with intestinal peristalsis. It is especially difficult for a woman who gives birth for the first time to understand. Experienced women in labor may well understand that it is their child that is moving.

The size of the abdomen at 16 weeks is still quite small, especially if the woman has a large physique. In this case, the pregnancy may remain invisible. Thin women with narrow hips undergo much greater changes - their tummy begins to protrude noticeably forward.

As for the general sensations, the second trimester, which you entered from 13 weeks, is rightfully considered the most pleasant period of pregnancy. Judge for yourself - you are no longer worried about toxicosis in the morning, your general condition has improved, hormones do not play so much, you no longer want to cry and laugh at the same time. Plus, the belly is still small and the weight gain is insignificant - so walking is still quite easy and pleasant. At this time, edema and varicose veins rarely occur. All that remains is to enjoy your condition.

The child already hears sounds outside the mother, so it is useful to listen to classical music with the baby, talk to him, and sing songs to him. Emotional and intellectual. Let dad talk to him - the baby will get used to his voice even before his birth.

Not only the uterus continues to grow, but also the breast, a venous network and stretch marks may appear on it. To avoid stretch marks not only on the chest, but also on the abdomen and hips, you need to use special means and monitor your weight, without adding too much and dramatically.

By the 16th week of pregnancy, usually all expectant mothers already know about their situation and even underwent the first screening examination. For some, everything is going smoothly, while others had to experience early toxicosis. Fortunately, the most difficult and dangerous period is coming to an end.

Typically, 16 weeks of gestation is the period when doctors refer a woman for a second prenatal screening. What can you find out during the examination? And what should happen to the baby and his mother during this period?

Fetal growth

The main questions that concern expectant mothers and fathers are related to how their baby grows and develops. At 15-16 weeks of gestation, it is no longer as tiny as it used to be, and all body parts and movements can be seen on ultrasound.

Many organ systems begin to work actively:

  • The muscle tissue is strong enough to hold and turn your head, frown, open your mouth.
  • The kidneys, as well as the bladder, are already working well, urinating about once every 45 minutes.
  • The outer part of the genitals has formed, the floor is already visible on the ultrasound. In boys, the testicles are still in the abdominal cavity, and in girls, the ovaries have descended to the area where they will be throughout their lives, they already have about 5 million eggs.
  • The liver is now also a digestive function.
  • The blood group is already being determined, as well as the Rh factor in the fetus.
  • The vocal cords appear, but the baby will use them only after birth.
  • The nervous system develops, receptors appear. A baby at 16 weeks gestation is able to taste amniotic fluid when swallowing it, and may react to physical irritation by pulling on a handle or leg.

Of course, all this cannot be seen with the naked eye. But even the knowledge of how the baby grows quickly and becomes more and more mature and independent is very pleasing and helps to joyfully wait for the birth.

Woman's condition

Many people ask the question: 16 weeks of pregnancy is how many months? The answer depends on which counting option to use. 16 obstetric week of pregnancy is four obstetric months or three and a half calendar months. This is not a short time, so the expectant mother is already slowly beginning to get used to her condition, especially if the pregnancy is not the first.

By this time, the manifestations of early toxicosis are gradually disappearing. No longer worried about nausea, dizziness, stomach pain. The only thing that sometimes remains until the end of pregnancy is constipation, so it is very important to monitor your diet. But changes can be observed in other areas as well.

Emotional condition

Usually, by week 16, the emotional state is much better. The general state of health becomes much better, and this cannot but rejoice. The hormonal background changes and the mood becomes more stable.

The realization that more than three months have passed since conception, that the sixteenth week of pregnancy is already underway, is very encouraging. Especially if a woman knows that the first trimester, when due to minor environmental influences, a miscarriage may occur, the most dangerous for the fetus. If ultrasound and tests for a period of 16 weeks show that everything is fine, then the risks of losing a child or detecting serious defects are quite low.

Many parents find out at this time the gender of the child. Now they can start buying clothes, toys, strollers. All this is very exciting and cannot but cheer up the expectant mother.

Feeling in the stomach

The developing embryo is already so large that it will soon be possible to feel its movements. If a woman already has children, that is, the pregnancy is not the first, or she has a very high sensitivity, she listens carefully to her feelings, at this time it is already possible to feel the fetal movement, light jolts, which are still similar to very light touches. They are sometimes compared to the bubbling of air bubbles or the fluttering of butterflies.

But if there is nothing like that, you should not be afraid, since often movements can be felt only one or two weeks later. Stirring at the 16th week of pregnancy can be felt, but not at all. It must be remembered that during pregnancy, sensations can be different, they are individual for each woman. After a short period of time, you will very clearly feel how actively your baby can move.

The uterus has already partially risen into the abdominal cavity, so the pressure on the ligaments has decreased. Therefore, by this time, the aching sensations in the abdomen should have passed. And in no case should there be pain, especially acute. This may indicate violations of the course of pregnancy or diseases of internal organs. Therefore, if your stomach hurts at 16 weeks of gestation, you should immediately seek emergency medical help.


The discharge at 16 weeks of gestation remains about the same as at the fifteenth and previous weeks, or becomes a little plentiful. They are transparent or white. There should be no unpleasant odor or discomfort in the genital area.

If bloody or brown discharge appears, this should be alarming, since at this time no processes should occur that may be accompanied by bleeding, even minor. It is imperative to inform your doctor about them. And if the discharge intensifies, the temperature rises, the head is spinning, the lower abdomen hurts, you need to call an ambulance.


For a period of 16 to 20 weeks, doctors advise to undergo a second prenatal screening, which consists of ultrasound, tests and, if necessary, some instrumental research methods. This is necessary in order to understand what is happening with the baby now and to make a forecast of how the fetus is developing now, and how it will develop in the coming months, until the third screening of pregnant women, what is the gender of the child.

The second screening is usually faster than the first if there are no abnormalities. This is due to the fact that there are slightly fewer examinations, and women feel better than at 12 weeks, and are already a little used to the process of a medical examination during pregnancy. He also gives more information about the condition of the baby, since the fetus is larger at 16 weeks of gestation than during the previous screening.


What the fetus looks like at 16 weeks and in what condition the internal genital organs can be found using ultrasound. Ultrasound at this time is usually performed transabdominally. It is better to sign up for an examination in advance, and not when the 16th week of pregnancy has already begun.

Normal ultrasound readings at 16 weeks:

  1. The weight of the embryo is approximately 80 g.
  2. The size of the fetus at 16 weeks, measured from the crown to the coccyx, is about 11 cm.
  3. The weight of the uterus is 250 mg.
  4. The volume of amniotic water is more than a glass, on average 250 ml.
  5. The cervix is ​​tightly closed.
  6. From the uterus to the navel - about 7 cm.
  7. The placenta and umbilical cord are fully formed and fully provide the fetus with nutrients.
  8. The gender of the child is clearly visible, if his posture does not interfere with this.

If, during an ultrasound scan at the 16th week of pregnancy, there are suspicions of some kind of malfunction, additional diagnostic procedures are prescribed. For example, if placenta insufficiency is suspected, Doppler sonography may be required.


The main laboratory blood tests that are done in this period are tests for ACE, free estriol and hCG. Assessing these indicators in combination, the doctor can conclude about the likelihood of the presence of serious developmental pathologies in the embryo, for example, Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, or defects in the development of the neural tube.

If the test results do not correspond to the norm, this does not mean that the child necessarily has some kind of pathology. There is simply a very high probability of this happening. In order to check how things really are, you may be offered to have an amniocentesis. This procedure is associated with a small risk (in 0.5–3% of cases it can be the cause of spontaneous abortion), therefore it is carried out only after the permission of the future parents. But at the same time, it provides an opportunity to detect more than 40 different defects, if present in the fetus.

Lifestyle features

Every responsible woman during pregnancy will be interested in what may be unsafe for her baby. In fact, gross non-compliance with the regime, stress, bad habits can cause the most sad consequences. But not all of the prohibitions you hear about are actually justified. How to figure it out?

  1. Smoking. There is an opinion that if a woman smokes for a long time, then it will be worse for the child if she tries to quit the bad habit during pregnancy, and it is better to leave everything as it is. In fact, it can only be difficult for the woman herself if a strong addiction has formed. Nicotine is harmful to a child in any case, regardless of whether the mother's body is used to it.
  2. Alcohol. Doctors recommend completely abandoning all types of alcoholic beverages, including beer.
  3. Physical exercise. Excessive, too intense sports, participation in competitions are prohibited. But gymnastics, stretching, yoga will be very useful and will help the body to better adapt to a special condition, prepare for childbirth.
  4. Sex at 16 weeks pregnant. Sexual intercourse is allowed at almost any stage of pregnancy, as long as it does not cause discomfort to the woman, if there are no medical contraindications. This cannot be done only if there is a threat of miscarriage or severe pain during intercourse, it is undesirable for multiple pregnancies.

Of course, additional questions may arise that relate specifically to your pregnancy, what you can do and what is undesirable for you personally. It is very important to discuss this with your doctor, and not try to look for answers from friends or on the forums. In this case, you will avoid problems during gestation and give birth to a healthy baby.

After a feeling of euphoria from a successful conception, there comes an understanding of responsibility for the unborn child. At this time, moms are especially concerned about what to do at 16 weeks of pregnancy and what activities to give up.

Pregnancy is a very crucial period. Primiparas are especially concerned about what can and cannot be done at a particular stage of pregnancy. Here you need to know when to stop, you should not deny yourself everything or, on the contrary, indulge all the desires of a pregnant woman.

You do not need to completely trust popular beliefs and omens, which often have nothing to do with scientific facts. Until now, even among doctors, there are controversial points to which there is no definite answer.

During pregnancy, expectant mothers have a heightened intuition, so many rely on it when choosing a lifestyle during pregnancy.

What not to do at 16 weeks pregnant

There are not so many prohibitions in the life of a pregnant woman. But it is their observance and knowledge that is prohibited at 16 weeks of pregnancy that will protect the fetus from the negative effects of external factors.

First of all, you need to give up alcohol, drugs, smoking. Limit your intake of caffeinated beverages to reduce your risk of miscarriage.

A greater number of sweets, pickles, marinades are becoming banned. Avoid fast food, GMO foods, and chemical enhancers of taste and color during pregnancy and lactation.

Pay particular attention to the composition and quality of all foods and beverages. To a large extent, the strength of children's immunity depends on your nutrition.

Pregnant women should not change the litter box, and it is not worth holding cats in their arms for a long time. This threatens toxoplasmosis. This infection can affect the eyes of a child, provoke delayed development and even negatively affect brain activity.

Discard overheating. Leave saunas, baths and hot baths for the postpartum period. Excessive sweating during pregnancy can lead to dehydration.

From week 16, your physical activity should be noticeably reduced. Do not lift weights, do not climb on foot to high floors. Of course, give up diving, wrestling, mountaineering and other extreme sports.

What can you do at 16 weeks of gestation

There is also a list of what to do at 16 weeks of gestation. First of all, the pregnant woman should rest well. Rest includes a full night's sleep, a quiet hour during the day, walks in the fresh air and active rest in the form of walking or other simple physical exercises.

Be sure to take care of your skin, nails and hair. Due to a decrease in calcium in the body, they can lose their elasticity and strength. However, hormonal changes can improve their condition.

In any case, use special creams and ointments against stretch marks, which may form during this period of pregnancy or after childbirth.

Make-up is also allowed. It is important that the products are not high in vitamin A, benzoyl peroxide and hydrocortisone.

In moderation, you can sit at the computer, for a short time while closing your abdomen, you can lie in the sun or go to the solarium. Air travel is possible with the consent of the doctor.

Having sex at 16 weeks pregnant

In the normal course of pregnancy without complications and pathologies, sex is not only possible, but also required. It prepares the muscles of the vagina and groin for childbirth, stimulates the uterus. The hormone of joy produced during intercourse has a positive effect on the development of the baby.

However, at 16 weeks, the uterus is already large enough, therefore, during sex, you need to be careful and even with a little discomfort of the expectant mother, change the position or stop the act. After sex, a yellowish-brown spotting is possible. This is normal. If the discharge is abundant and has a red color, contact your gynecologist immediately.