8 months old baby what should be able to do. Emotional and social behavior. Psycho-emotional development and communication

At the age of eight months, the first manifestations of character begin - the little ones get angry if something is not to their liking, and rejoice when you play with them. What is the right way to behave with them in this difficult time?

Physiological parameters at 8 months

  • Height. Normal indicators for growth are 70-72 cm. Naturally, slight deviations are possible.
  • The weight. Boys at this age weigh 8.5-9.5 kg, and girls 8.0-9.4 kg. For a month, they add about 600 grams.
  • Head circumference - 44.3-45.4 cm, chest - 46.0-47.2 cm.
  • Teeth. This month, the upper middle incisors are erupting so that the baby can now eat more solid food than usual.

If you live in an area where your drinking water is low in fluoride, you can take it as a tablet. They dissolve perfectly and do not affect the taste, so you can add them to any drink.

After all, if the child does not have enough fluoride, then the teeth will quickly deteriorate. But this must be done strictly as prescribed by the pediatrician!

Baby skills at 8 months

  1. Can stand up and sit down on her own, clinging to the railing of the crib.
  2. Claps her hands.
  3. If supported by the handles, then easily gets up and tries to walk.
  4. Facial expressions become more varied: may show interest and surprise on the face when looking at a toy or a stranger.
  5. He finds with a glance the object that he needs, and, showing perseverance, tries to get it.
  6. He skillfully handles his toys: he can look at them for a long time, knock on each other, try to throw them.

If the child does not sit down ...

Of course, it's great when a baby develops according to age. But it so happens that at 8 months, the child does not know how to sit down by himself, or sits, adhering to the crib.

This is fine! If your child has learned to timely turn on his stomach and crawl, why should he sit down when he has a much more interesting and exciting opportunity to get acquainted with the world around him, independently overcoming space.

Of course, some children can begin to sit down on their own even a month earlier, especially those who crawl a little. But active "crawlers" learn to kneel faster, and even to their feet.

If your child gets up confidently in the crib, then you need increased vigilance behind him, as he can fall on his head. In the stroller, fasten it with straps, but keep in mind that the baby can swing violently and turn it over.

Crawling clothes

It is necessary from time to time to check whether the toes are loose in the sock and whether something is pressing, since at this age the feet begin to grow very quickly.

Choose shoes with wide toes, otherwise narrow ones (which look very elastic) can deform your toes.

Eating and caring for an eight month old baby


  1. You can already add 20 grams of meat puree to the menu of last month, slightly increase the amount of broth and porridge.
  2. Since the baby still has teeth, it is already possible to give not completely mashed puree, but a thicker one. So, boiled potatoes are already enough to mash with a fork. But remember that the density of mashed potatoes should be increased gradually, without jumps, while proceeding from the proven fact that a hungry child is easier to get used to some innovation in nutrition. But there should be no coercion and violence.

Due to the compaction of food, the stool also becomes more shaped. May change color depending on the foods you give him.


Continue to bathe the baby as well, but you may not be holding it as conscientiously as before. Allow him to get used to the variety of movements and the ability to maintain balance in the water that lifts him.

Now you can pour more water into the bath, you don't even need to keep it constantly, but do not let it out of sight for a moment so that it doesn’t choke on water!

This is great if you have a summer cottage and you can bathe it in an outdoor bath. On sunny warm days, you can bathe your child in water with a temperature of at least 20 degrees.

But do not resort to any, even the slightest, violence. Let your child enjoy the water treatment himself. If, after the first fright from cold water, he still wants to swim, that's fine.

Make bathing as fun and interesting as possible so your baby loves the water. But do not play too much, the procedure time is 5 minutes ... Then dry it well with a terry towel and do not leave it wet in a draft.

It is better not to bathe your baby in a lake, river or sea, as recently more and more people are infected with dangerous diseases. And the baby - all the more can become infected, because he still does not know how to close his mouth in time so as not to gulp down water. And at this age, children are still very sensitive, not hardy, and have a high risk of infection in an open water source.

Communication with an eight month old baby

The first manifestations of character

Something doesn’t work for him, or you don’t give him what he requires, and he immediately starts get angry and pounding ... Do not try to hold him, on the contrary - let him kick with your feet, let him hurt them. This will be beneficial, since the baby will henceforth do the same much more carefully. And if he hurts his legs several times, then later he will completely unlearn it.

Almost all children begin to show early negative emotions ... They can be noticed even in a very young child: if he, having cried, could not attract the attention of his mother, he may start screaming even before the outbreak of rage. An older baby gets angry when he fails to do something, or even more often when he fails to get something out of you.

If the child is completely carried away by the game, and it is suddenly forcibly stopped, then, of course, he will not like it, and at this age he express his displeasure ... Therefore, from now on, adults will have to reckon with the wishes of the baby, and it is not advisable to provoke him once again.

You should not be tragic about the violent manifestations of the character of your baby, since they are common to almost all children ... But for the further development and laying of a good nervous system in a child, your reaction is very important.

It will be a mistake if you begin to bring gifts to a mischievous child, you will calm him down or think of giving what he usually receives as a reward for good behavior. Over time, it will have to be calmed with more and more efforts, receiving less effect in return. So, in the end, you will have a nervous baby, whose negative emotions will increase so much that sometimes they can turn into convulsions.

From the very first time the baby showed anger and rage in no case should you laugh ... The kid can subconsciously understand that he managed to attract the attention of his parents, and this is already a major success for him.

It will be right to behave like this as if you don’t notice your baby’s bad behavior or his anger. Later, let him understand your displeasure, without getting angry or shouting, seriously tell him: “No, this is bad behavior, I don’t like that!”. The main thing is that this phrase is decisive and calm.

As soon as he calms down, treat him affectionately, and in every way go to meet him. But until then, remain calm and unforgiving.

What if you spanked him?

If this happened then give yourself your word that it won't happen again ... If the child cries for a long time or behaves scared, then in this case it is better to keep him occupied with some kind of toy. Do not excuse yourself by blaming him, the kid already understands everything. And the best thing for him right now is to get distracted.

Remember that mistakes by parents and loved ones can lead to inappropriate reactions if the child is often shown a bad example. You should learn how to prevent conflict situations, not interfere with the kid who is busy with the game, not to resort to too violent methods.

Children growing up in a calm and balanced environment, brought up consistently, sweetly and affably, without shouting and unnecessary arguments, will experience bouts of rage only occasionally.

First words

The pronunciation at this age is clearer, the baby is already doubling the syllables and says "mom", "dad", "baba". But all this may still be of the nature of a kind of play with the organs of speech and imitation of what is heard, not associated with any representation or impression.

If the kid speaks these words in relation to the persons concerned , then he has already outstripped the rate of development. And this is a direct indicator that you take good care of him and often communicate with him.

Of course, just talking to a child like that is not enough. In this matter, you need to know the golden mean: hectic, chaotic speech, empty chatter will confuse the baby and slow down the replenishment of his vocabulary, because he will simply cease to perceive your speech.

It is imperative that you try to do so that the baby associated words with concepts and things ... To make it easier for him, you will need to constantly name the things that the child is looking at, or name the actions that he performs. In doing so, use common simple phrases and expressions ... Repeat them in a similar situation, do not forget about clear and legible pronunciation. Do not build too long sentences, phrases.

The most correct thing is to tell the child the word immediately before he sees the person or thing to which it refers. For example, if you hear that dad will come into the room now, then tell the baby "dad" just before he appears. If, as you think, the child understands you, then you can ask him: "Where is daddy?" In this case, you can play hide and seek - dad hides and reappears, and you repeat the word to the baby. A toy can also be used in such a game.

Talk to your child

Despite the fact that the baby does not understand what you are saying, he nevertheless gets used to the natural melody of speech, to its rhythm and changes in pronunciation. A child at this age already begins to understand rhyme, so you can read poems to him, regardless of their content and meaning. The most popular among children are poems with movements, such as "aty-baty, soldiers were walking ..." and others.

Hearing defect

To check if your toddler has a hearing impairment, teach him to show hand movements during the poem.

Just read the verse and move the handles, he will quickly remember it. Then repeat the verse without your prompts, and if the baby starts to move, then everything is in order.

If you have the slightest doubt about his hearing, then take the child to a specialist. It is very important to identify a possible defect as early as possible.

The right toys

And the same procedure must be done from time to time with all toys, as they often lie on the floor, and the child can put them in his mouth.

  • Secondly, these are those toys that baby likes ... Do not be upset if an expensive doll, imitating reality in all details, remains unclaimed. You better watch the child. Perhaps his favorite pastime will be an ordinary rag or wooden spoon.

New toy features

An ordinary ball that just rolls on the floor and a tumbler swinging from side to side may no longer be enticing, as before.

Teach your child new activities!

Show how great toss the ball into a bucket, bowl or box, and then get it out of there. Show with patience, or better yet, do this while holding your baby's hand. And then the child will no longer be able to stop putting everything in some container. In this process, he will begin to discern the size of the toys and gradually understand their shape and size.

If your budget is limited, and the child has stopped playing with something, do not worry: he may be tired of these toys, but in a week or two he will be fiddling with them again.

So it is not at all necessary to buy a whole mountain of various games ... As they say, the new is the well-forgotten old.

Numerous cartoons for the little ones, which can be downloaded from the Internet or watched online without restrictions, will be a good salvation.

Lay your baby on her belly. The development of a child at 8 months is manifested in the fact that his attempts to move forward in this position are intensively developing. Such attempts can be very individual and are not always still similar to crawling on their bellies or on all fours. For example, a baby can just actively move in place, stretching the whole body. At the same time, the arms and legs (knees) of a child at 8 months are able to hold the body weight for several seconds. In addition, a baby at this age perfectly turns on its stomach around its own axis.

Baby development at 8 months. Reactions and skills

Place the child on his back and stretch out your thumbs or index fingers pointing at each other (as if forming a "bar" or "horizontal bar"). If he does not spontaneously grab them, you can put your fingers in the handles, but do not support him by the forearms or pull up. The development of a child at 8 months allows him to independently tighten his body in his arms and sit upright. At the same time, the baby confidently holds his head, his legs are slightly elongated and do not cross.

In addition, the development of a child at 8 months is expressed in at least 5 seconds without your help, maintaining balance. It can rest on one or both handles.

Another striking feature of the development of a child at 8 months is the typical position of his body - the so-called "recumbent position of the garden gnome figure."

The kid, already confidently turning as he pleases, often remains lying on one side of the body, leaning on the hand below. His other handle remains free for manipulation, and he uses the leg located at the top for flexible balancing. These “exercises” help the child gradually develop balance skills and are a good pre-workout for the direct transition to sitting from a prone position.

Take the baby under his armpits and place his feet on a hard surface. The baby's development at 8 months helps him to stand on both feet, however, the hip joints are still slightly bent.

The following three skills were characteristic of the development of a child at 7 months and persist throughout the 8 month of the infant's life.

Place the baby on his back or sit on your lap. Make sure he is able to move his arms freely. Offer him two red cubes at the same time (edge ​​length 30 mm), either holding them with your thumb and forefinger, or simply placing them on your open palms. able to grab one cube with each hand and hold them for a short time. If he does not take the second cube immediately, you can induce him to do this by holding the toy to the handle.

Take a 25 mm plastic circle with your thumb and forefinger and offer it to your baby, being careful not to swallow this circle. The kid takes the circle with all fingers and an outstretched thumb, without pressing the circle to the palm (a small object is located in the hand closer to the fingertips). This skill must be performed with both pens.

Make sure that any irritants and distractions that might be of great interest to your child, be they faces or objects, are removed from his field of vision.
Ask someone from your family to sit with your baby on their lap at an empty table. Offer your child a car or doll while holding the toy at eye height. After waiting for the moment when he notices the object and wants to grab, move the car or doll and put it on the table out of the reach of a child's hand, but clearly visible from his place. The development of a child at 8 months is manifested in the fact that he tries to get a toy by changing his body position: the baby leans forward, straightens his arms and tries to reach the cherished goal.

Baby development at 8 months. Interaction with the outside world.

A child at 8 months old knows how to distinguish his own from strangers: he turns to his relatives and friends, smiles at them, and turns away from strangers in fear.

The development of a child at 8 months can be traced in the ability to pronounce something in a whisper. The kid discovers the different power of sound of the statements and plays with it. As for the development of new sounds, as a rule, at this age, he trains the sound combinations and their combinations already known to him.

Play hide and seek with your baby. Hide behind some piece of furniture, look out from one side and call him. Then hide again and appear on the other side. The child supports the game: he waits for you to appear in a certain tension and laughs when you look out from behind his hiding place. If you disappear again, the baby looks for you in the right direction.

In the ninth month of a child's life, the intensive mental development of the baby is gaining momentum. He already knows how to concentrate attention on objects: if something falls into the hands of a child, he carefully examines it, shakes, waves, knocks, probes and examines, shifts from one handle to another, tastes it.

Then he does the same with other toys. If you approach the baby at this moment, he will be distracted, but then he will continue his lesson. The capabilities of the child's hands are improving, he can already perform more and more painstaking actions.

The growth rate of the baby usually slows down during this period, giving way to the development of the "psyche-motor skills" chain.

The weight of the child at eight months is 8.5-10 kg, and the height is 71-76 cm.

Nutrition for a child in the ninth month of life

By the age of eight months, the baby is already switching to five meals a day, often refuses night feeding and sleeps peacefully all night, unless, of course, teeth are teething. Breastfeeding is recommended to be left only in the morning and evening before bedtime.

The rest of the time, the baby can eat curd, vegetable, fruit bkb meat puree, juices. Some parents have already introduced porridge into the child's diet, you can also add an egg. Just remember, the new product is being introduced little by little.

At eight months, it is enough for a child to eat half an egg at a time, and it is advisable not to give both an egg and meat at the same time on the same day. Teach your baby to eat with a spoon, food can be made a little thicker. The sooner the child begins to learn to chew, the better: it strengthens the baby's gums and teeth.

What can a child in the ninth month of life do?

  • The kid already knows how to sit without support.
  • It can independently rise at the support.
  • In the ninth month of life, the child can walk for a short time either along the wall or by the crib.
  • The kid knows how to dance at the support or if adults hold his hands.
  • The child knows how to hold small objects in the handles, like a button.
  • If you cover the baby with a diaper when he is sitting, the child will be able to throw off the object "interfering" with him, while remaining sitting.
  • In the ninth month of life, the child understands simple phrases and fulfills simple requests, such as "give me", "no", "give me a pen", "wave your hand" ...
  • Knows how to play "okay" and other nursery rhymes.
  • The child is afraid to part with his mother. May be afraid to be alone in the room. This is a normal process of development of the psyche in the ninth month of a child's life.
  • The baby reacts cautiously to the appearance of a stranger. at least, perhaps even with fear and crying.
  • In the ninth month of life, the child is frightened by harsh sounds and consciously seeks protection from an adult.
  • The child already knows how to show objects, which the adult calls. At the same time, he turns his head, looks for an object.
  • Babbles and listens with interest to the conversation of adults, reacts to the music.
  • Repeats simple syllables for adults"Ma-ma", "pa-pa", "ba-ba".
  • At the ninth month of life, the baby already knows how to drink from a cup, if, of course, he was taught this.
  • Can eat not only chopped foods, but he already tastes food in pieces with pleasure, puts it in his mouth and learns to chew.
  • If the baby does not want to eat, he can push your hand with a spoon with his handle.

Games and activities with a child in the ninth month of life

  • For babies during this period throwing objects out of a stroller or crib is a great pleasure. Moreover, if you do not give him this object, the baby will start to be capricious. He already knows perfectly well how to get an adult to do what he needs. But such fun is not at all a whim, the child plays like this and wants to attract you to his game.
  • Talk to baby, repeat syllables... Learn the sounds that animals make from colorful pictures in books.
  • If a sound catches the child's attention, tell him what it is.
  • Mirror games are very popular with children. in the ninth month of life. The child smiles with pleasure at his reflection in the mirror, waves a pen, talks.
  • Teach your toddler to throw balls or small toys in a baby bucket or saucepan.
  • Wrap the toy in a napkin or handkerchief so that the baby does not see what is there. Let him unroll the bundle on his own and find the toy.
  • You can make a kind of rope out of a towel and play tug of war.
  • Buy your baby finger paints and show how to draw on paper.
  • The kid will be happy to play with the things that you use. Imitating an adult, he will poke at the phone and put it to his ear. Pots with lids can be more desirable than any kind of toy. The child will diligently select the caps according to the size, although it is not necessary that at this age he will cope with the task without your help. And if you teach the kid to knock the lid on the lid, there will be no limit to the child's joy.
  • Toys that react to your baby's actions(squeak, stretch out, jump out, etc.), go with a bang in the ninth month of the child's life.
  • It's time to get acquainted with the pot. Just do not insist too much, do not yell at the child if he does not want to sit down. Let the pot stand in the room for a while so that the baby gets used to it.

Vaccinations for a child at eight months are not prescribed.

When did your baby say the first word? What time did you teach the baby to the pot?

All parents closely monitor the development and health of their children, but, unfortunately, not all of them know what a child should be able to do at 8 months... Alternatively, parents are aware of the child's skills that he should acquire by the age of 8 months, but at the same time they are fixated on one thing, for example, intellectual education. They try to play games for preschoolers with the baby, offer her complex toys, but at the same time forget to find out the child's weight and height.

A one-sided approach to baby development will not work well. There will be a bias in the development of a young organism.

To prevent this from happening, parents should not only know what a child should be able to do at 8 months, but also correctly assess the achievements of the baby.

This will allow timely identification of possible lagging behind development standards.

Child's motor skills

So, what can a child at 8 months do in terms of physical activity?

At the age of 8 months, the baby must be moved from the bed to the floor. He should spend more time playing on the lower tier. This is important both for his safety and further development: the child will not fall from a height and will master more space.

Before transferring the child to the floor, this space is needed additionally secure... It is necessary to drown out all the sockets that the baby can reach during the game, remove all hooks and close sharp corners. You need to make sure that the child cannot overturn heavy objects on himself and get to household chemicals. To properly assess the safety of the floor, you need to go down to the level of the baby and look at the surrounding space with his eyes.

Developing a basic sense of security

Baby at 8 months must learn not to be afraid of others... That is, by this time, with normal development, the baby develops a basic safety mechanism. Without it, the child will not be able to trust the world. How does this mechanism develop? Thanks to the actions of my mother. Baby tracks mom's emotions and learns. If mom is good, then she will certainly smile at the child or calm him down. The more sincere the emotions of the mother, the safer the surrounding space becomes for the baby.

Emotions make him more alive... He is more present in this life. The better the basic safety mechanism is formed, the faster it learns new skills: after all, the baby is not afraid to do this. If a child is afraid of everything, then he will not properly cognize the world around him.

Psycho-emotional development and communication skills

A child at 8 months should be able to correctly perceive the world around him, to comprehend his own actions and the phenomena around him. He must be able to determine the relationship between different objects. This is expressed as follows:

  • Development ability quickly switch attention e. Many parents notice that at this age, babies are unable to play the same games for a long time. The fact is that the baby has reached such a stage in its development when its attention very quickly switches to new objects and phenomena that appear in its field of vision. Some parents think that they need to take advantage of this opportunity and offer their baby all the new games. Allegedly, this will accelerate his intellectual development. Of course, there will be some improvement in the baby's intellectual abilities, but it will happen to the detriment of emotional development. According to psychologists, the child should not be overloaded with new information.
  • Attitude towards strangers. Babies as young as 8 months begin is more wary of strangers... This is not a deviation, but a norm. Through this skill, children learn to maintain a safe distance between people. Moreover, with some people they are quicker to make contact, but they do not like others.
  • Baby at 8 months knows how to perceive the connection between objects and actions... That is, he already has a clear understanding of the fact that if any object disappeared from the field of vision, then it did not disappear forever. It was simply moved to a different location. For this reason, babies become interested in moving objects. At this age, children already know how to find hidden objects. Moreover, the search seems to them to be one of the most interesting games.
  • Child begins to show character... He can protest against any actions that do not suit him. Protest can manifest itself in different ways. For example, a toddler may scream loudly or cry altogether. Some silently begin to escape from the hands of their parents. By this time, the crumbs also have their favorite activities and toys. Do not be intimidated by negative emotions on the part of the child. This is completely normal.
  • Babies are very like to play hide and seek... Moreover, they support this game at a conscious level. As soon as an adult hides, the child begins to wait for his appearance and is very happy when this happens.

It is very important to help your baby at 8 months of age to help them learn new skills so that they are reinforced properly. Parents should support and encourage the child.

Speech skills

A child at 8 months not only mutters and cries out loudly, but also knows how to switch to a whisper. The kid begins to understand that it is possible to make sounds of different intensities and tones. Speech skills obtained earlier receive their further development.

  • The kid knows how to put simple syllables in chains. From their simple combinations, seemingly quite meaningful words are formed: yes, yes, ma-ma, give-give, ba-ba. In fact, they don't make much sense. This is all the same babbling speech, which, moreover, by the end of the first year of life may become poorer. But you should not be afraid of this. This is explained by the kid's attempts to make his speech meaningful. He deliberately refuses to use some syllables.
  • Melodic babble. The kid learns to pronounce intonation correctly. He not only pronounces syllables, but also tries to put stress in them correctly. That is, he seeks to completely imitate the speech of adults. Actually, the formation of meaningful speech begins with melodic babble.

Parents can speed up this process somewhat. To do this, you need to do everything so that the child is in a good mood and is passionate about something. It is in this state that babies most often communicate with loved ones.

Most common problems

At this age, parents may face some problems in caring for their daughter or son:

If the baby lags behind in development in any of the above skills for a period of more than 1.5 months, then this is a reason to see a doctor.

At the age of seven months, the child gains weight in a week 110-120 grams. Its weight, depending on individual characteristics, is from 8 to 8.5 kilograms, and sometimes more. Remember to control your weight.

By the seventh month, most babies have completely erupted from the bottom of the incisors. You have already admired them.

And if the teeth have not appeared yet? This happens occasionally. Examine the gum; it is possible that the teeth are already visible. Wash your hands with soap and water, slide your finger over the child's gums. You may even feel the teeth under the mucous membrane ... But if they are not even in sight, seek advice from your doctor.

Delay in teething may occur due to inaccuracies in nutrition or a lack of vitamin D.

You can assess the physical and mental development of your seven-month-old baby yourself. He should already be able to:
- sit down and sit on your own without any support for several minutes;
- freely turn from back to side and back;
- firmly grab objects of interest to him;
- pronounce different sounds confidently and with interest;
- easy to recognize familiar faces;
- with pleasure to make contact.
The child has a cheerful, cheerful mood.

At the eighth month, as before, you continue raising your child. During your waking hours, you play calm educational games with him, talk. You support the optimistic mood of the baby with a smile and a kind word. The character does not develop by itself, although, of course, it has a certain hereditary basis. Character is nurtured.

At the end of the eighth month, your baby should weigh about nine kilograms. If you attach great importance to the accuracy of regular weighing, then carry out weighing without fail under the same conditions. It should be taken into account whether you are weighing a child or a naked child in clothes, after stool or before. It is recommended to weigh your baby every time before feeding.

Some children under the age of two have crooked legs. This should not bother parents and loved ones, the curvature will gradually disappear. As a rule, crooked legs are a consequence of a certain position of the child in the uterus.

But, just in case, you should draw the attention of your doctor to the child's legs, because curvature can also be a consequence of rickets. The doctor will examine the child for other signs of this disease and, if necessary, take action.

When the child is still not on his feet, do not try to force this process. This is dangerous because the child's legs may bend; the bones in a child under one year old are soft and flexible and are not yet able to hold an increased load. Also, you should not force the child and crawl. Do you feel like your child moves less than other children? Perhaps this is still the case. Wait a bit; nature will take its toll, and the child will quickly make up for what he missed.

At the eighth month of life, many children are already crawling quite actively. First, children crawl on their stomachs, pushing off with their legs from some object or from the wall of the crib, then they get down on all fours. If you notice that your baby has begun to crawl in the
cotton wool, it's time to think about creating conditions for crawling. Get a playpen or fence off a corner for your child's "exercise".

Don't let your baby crawl in the crib in which he sleeps. Otherwise, he may have difficulty falling asleep. If you adhere to a rule (for example, do not allow the child to crawl in the crib), do not make exceptions to it. The child should be well oriented in the environment. Many of his reflexes are focused on the daily routine and on the order in the environment.

You have fenced off the corner in which the child (if he so desires) can crawl as much as he wants. You have removed all objects with sharp, injury-prone edges from this corner. You have laid a soft blanket on the floor ... However, from time to time you find scratches on the hands and knees of the child, bumps on his forehead. Don't worry too much about this. Small injuries are simply necessary for your child - this is how the first life experience is formed.

You are already raising your child a little - perhaps without even thinking about it. Educate by your own example. He closely follows you and even imitates you in some ways. Your child, although small, is already a rather subtle psychologist; do not make mistakes, the child notices them. And when he builds his behavior, he builds it and taking into account your mistakes.

Always patiently explain what you want to get out of your child. He must hear speech, he already understands a lot. Tell him it's bedtime and put him to bed; say it's time for a walk and go for a walk. Show the pot and tell them to try to go to the pot. The child must know what exactly is being sought from him.

Never cancel your orders. This is bad for the character of the child, since you instill in him a non-obligation. For example, you told your baby that it’s time to sleep, and you yourself started playing with him ... Next time you say that it’s time to sleep, and the child will not think to obey.

Do not cultivate in a child such an unpleasant quality as stubbornness. Indeed, over time, you yourself can suffer from his stubbornness. Stubbornness and a tendency to whims - they are very close to each other ... The basics of stubbornness are in primitive amusements. You give the child a toy and immediately take it away with a laugh, then give it back and take it away again. Don't be so amused. And don't let others have this fun with your child.
A child's play is very serious.

Capriciousness and stubbornness are sometimes formed when the child is surrounded by “forbidden” objects. For example, scissors in the hands of mom or knitting needles or dad's lighter. The child pulls his hand towards such an object. You say: "You can't!" And the child still stretches. And even crying. You let him hold it for a minute, under your control (just to stop screaming), and you make a mistake. If you said “No!”, Then you shouldn’t give. Otherwise, the child will feel weak and the next time he will not leave you - he will raise such a cry!

You must once maintain your character and subsequently periodically "reinforce" the way of your behavior, so that the child does not doubt: his whims will not pass.

Do not surround the child with tempting "forbidden" objects, so that there is no unnecessary reason for conflict. But if the child saw the same scissors and asks for them, pulls his hand towards them, refuse him calmly and firmly.

Never yell at a child, do not pull him down on any petty reason. This will make him nervous and dependent, indecisive. Before committing any act, he will look back at you all his life.

It is good when there are toys around the child all the time - one or the other. But it is even better when there are objects safe for the baby, but practical, nearby - those that he will use all his life: a spool of thread, a plastic cup, a soap dish, a leather shoe, etc. Communicating with these subjects, the child develops, acquires practical skills.

Do not indulge your children with excessive attention; at least don't show how attentive you are to your child. If you want to achieve something from a child, tell me exactly what you want, and after that you will certainly achieve it. The child must feel your intransigence; he should know that you, though affectionate, are firm.

Your child has been practicing pronunciation for a long time. At first he just tried his voice, then he even began to get whole syllables - that is, the child, in addition to vowels, had already mastered some consonants. You watch him: he will utter a separate syllable and freeze - he listens.
In turn, he is closely watching you - how do you say? He watches your lips. Try to ensure that the child sees your lips when you talk to him.

The syllables that your child pronounces do not yet carry a certain semantic load, but you can already play a very useful game for the development of the child, saying "ma-ma ... pa-pa ..." And let him imitate you. Do not hesitate, the child already knows who we are talking about ...

At the eighth month, the child is able to ask pediatricians and child psychologists an interesting riddle: why just now he began to be so obviously afraid of strangers? Let's say we went out for a walk. Calm and contented, he sits in his mother's arms, observing with curiosity everything that comes into view. His attention is drawn by a passing car, a running dog, and bright flowers on the lawn. But here comes a stranger, and the expression on the baby's face instantly changes. What a range of feelings!

Replacing each other, confusion follows, a shy half-smile, distrust, fear, and, finally, a grimace that anticipates crying. The child turns to his mother, as if trying to make sure that she is there, that protection is provided.

While they are just talking to him, he still endures. But if they try to touch, pick up, real panic begins. The baby actively resists, snuggles up to the mother, cries.

Doctors know this phenomenon as "fear of the eighth month." There is still no definitive explanation: this is a natural stage of mental development or simply a feature of behavior inherent in many children.

But, under all conditions, it remains only to wonder how the baby, who has barely passed 7 months, "with his mind" reached an essentially sound thought: a stranger can be dangerous. It would be good if it was five or even three years old, already frightened by the "grandfather with the sack" and having heard talk about kidnapping and other passions. But this one? Where did his fears come from?

The clue is probably not in the negative, but in the positive experience of the child. At the eighth month, he already knows his closest associates well. The attachment becomes stronger not only to the mother, but also to the father, grandmother, and the rest of the family. He perceives them as some guarantors of his own well-being, everything pleasant comes from them - food, play, affection. And strangers become suspicious, because the child already clearly differentiates: these are not those with whom he is calm and reliable, they are some others.

Some experts consider the "fear of the eighth month" even useful, since it has been noticed that children who, in infancy, do not distinguish themselves from strangers, grow up as people who do not have a sense of distance, which is so necessary in human communication.

So do not be upset if your child behaved impolitely with a "stranger" aunt, letting her know that he does not want to enter into any contacts. However, the shrewd aunt herself will not insist, she will move away so as not to irritate the child. Try to gradually, little by little, introduce him to other people.

At the eighth month of life, the baby needs less and less diapers. The child is already asking for a potty. In addition, he already leads a rather active lifestyle. Therefore, his wardrobe is changing. The baby has panties, stockings, shoes, shirts, pants or dresses, etc. In the new form of clothing, the child should not feel embarrassed.

New hobbies in the eighth month

In the eighth month, the baby develops some ideas about time and space. The feeling of time is formed by the rhythm of sleep, feeding, walking, bathing. From the first days, his mother helped him to navigate in space - she was the center of his Universe. Watching her, listening to her voice, he comprehends the concepts: near, close, further, very far. But now he began to undertake some independent experiments. You have probably already had the opportunity to trace his new "hobby" - he fell in love with throwing toys out of the playpen or crib. He gives up and looks down with the greatest interest, listens to the sound of the fall. You pick up the toy, serve it to him, and he will happily drop it again. This can be repeated until you get tired. But you will not get angry and say "no" to him. You will be glad that the child is tireless in his exploration inspiration.

Another discovery of the eighth month: it turns out that an object that is not visible still exists. You have probably already played hide and seek with your baby, now covering your face with a kerchief, now opening it. And every time, bewilderment - where did mom go? - gave way to happiness: here she is! How tensely he waited for his mother's appearance, until one day he pulled himself by the edge of the kerchief and pulled it off. The effect is stunning!

Try to check how much your child's search activity has increased. Imperceptibly take the cube he was playing from him and cover it with some kind of napkin. Most likely, the baby will start looking around in bewilderment, and then carefully lift the napkin and, triumphantly, take the cube. And there is something to triumph about - after all, this is another step in mastering the outside world!

The possibilities are wider - the problems too

The eighth month is truly a time of new, broader opportunities. The child usually already has two or even four front incisors. So you can chew. And not only is it possible - it is necessary! Pediatric dentists and pediatricians unanimously repeat that the sooner the baby learns to chew, the better. Chewing massages the gums, improves their blood supply, promoting the growth and strengthening of teeth. And not only dairy, which are erupting now, but also permanent, because their rudiments have long been laid in the gums and are waiting for their time.

Chewing prepares the child for the expansion of the diet and the upcoming transition to a common table. The habit of chewing well, slowly is one of the indispensable conditions for normal digestion, prevention of gastritis. And if in the first months of life the ability to suck for a long time and vigorously was saving for the child, now it is much more important for him to chew.

The eighth month is the time to master this skill. The child himself tells you this when he bites and chews on his toys. And if you miss the favorable moment, overexpose on mashed food, then he will not want to chew. Any lump in mashed potatoes or porridge, any hard piece of vegetables will scare him, causing choking and even vomiting. In nervous, excitable children, such vomiting can become habitual, and then each feeding turns into a real test for both mother and child.

So start cooking the porridge thicker, wipe the mashed potatoes less thoroughly - just knead soft vegetables with a fork. At lunchtime, give your child a piece of dried bread, sometimes replace fruit puree with a quarter of a washed, peeled and pitted apple or slightly mashed peach, apricot, plum, also without a skin.

The child will cope well with a piece (20-30 g) of watermelon. But in this case, one precaution will not be superfluous. Arbu? S grown on soil oversaturated with mineral fertilizers intensively accumulate nitrates (and where is the guarantee that you did not buy such a watermelon?). Therefore, cut the piece intended for the child from the middle, since the concentration of nitrates is higher at the edges, closer to the crust. Make sure that there are no hard light streaks in this piece - they also "signal" the presence of nitrates.

The child's diet basically remains the same, you can only enrich his table with a more diverse set of vegetables and fruits. Try to squeeze the juice of a fresh tomato - this juice, one of the healthiest for children, is rich not only in vitamin C, but also in potassium, iron, copper, and organic acids.

If you grate (plastic!) A little fresh cucumber, add tomato pulp and a few drops of vegetable oil, you get something like a semi-liquid salad, 2-3 teaspoons of which can be given for lunch with the second course. Use young beets, turnips, any kind of cabbage for mashed potatoes. If a child does not have diathesis, almost everything is allowed for him, but, of course, not exceeding the norm. You can not give only grapes, because it enhances fermentation processes in the intestines and can cause bloating, intestinal upset.

It is very good if the baby is still breastfeeding in the morning and in the evening. But it's time to part with the bottle and the nipple. The child should drink water, juices, and then kefir or milk mixture from a cup. He already knows how to support it himself with both hands (with your safety net, of course), and this “work” makes the drinking procedure more interesting. For the first time, pour the juice that he likes best, and pick up a small, light cup with a bright pattern.

If the baby gets sick and you have to give him some tasteless drink, take another cup - dinnerware should only evoke pleasant associations.

Among the innovations of the eighth month there is one more, and important one: the child has become better aware of the urges of his intestines. At such moments, he stops playing, concentrates on his feelings, frowns, blushes, strains. Mom, hurry up with the pot!

Acquaintance with this subject for a child is not an easy task. One must firmly grasp why he was put here - to do what is expected of him, and not to play at all and not be distracted, which is very difficult if, once on the floor, you see so many interesting things around.

The child may dislike the pot for various reasons: it is uncomfortable to sit, too small or too large, the edges are cold. Or maybe the procedure is accompanied by my mother's nervousness ...

Praise the child if everything worked out, and do not get angry with him if the result is zero. And do not keep your baby on the potty for more than 5-7 minutes.

His chair has already become more shaped and does not happen as often as before, but 1-2 times a day, usually at the same hours, and it is easy to adapt to this. Aside from emergencies, place your child on the potty every time after sleep and after eating, trying to develop a certain rhythm in him. After use, the pot must be rinsed and washed with soap and water in the evening.

Of course, if the baby still does not know how to sit, everything is done in the old way, holding him over the pot or basin.

What a baby should be able to do at 8 months

the child babbles as if speaking;
understands and fulfills requests such as "give your hand", "tilt your head";
plays games with performing the simplest actions ("Ladushki"), dances;
experiences intense fear of parting with mother;
clearly divides people into "us" and "strangers";
frightened by sharp, unexpected sounds (vacuum cleaner, bell, dog barking);
independently gets up and walks at the support;
sits on his own;
begins to crawl actively;
can bite off soft foods and chew;
goes from mashed potatoes to chopped food;
calmly perceives planting on a pot.