Topical issues of preschool education. Actual problems of preschool education. Modern problems of preschool education

Completed 1st year undergraduate

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44.04.01 "Pedagogical education"

training profile "Management

preschool education"

groups 17.1-629

Shpurova G.D.

senior teacher MADOU "Kindergarten No. 107

combined type "of the Moscow district of Kazan


Preschool education, like education in general, is a process of constant change and transformation. There are a number of issues and priorities in each time period. In kindergarten, work is carried out with preschoolers, which is an important step in a child's life. During this period, the main features of the personality are laid and the quality of his further physical and mental development is determined. The lack of proper development entails a number of problems at school age. However, at present, there are a number of problems in the preschool educational system.

One of the problems is the size of the groups. Groups in municipal preschools tend to be overcrowded and outnumber children. It follows that kindergarten teachers devote less time to each child than they should. The main feature of child development in an institution is socialization, that is, interaction with peers, comparing oneself with others, the possibility of adequate solutions to various situations. The child can learn this only in interaction with peers. The kindergarten acts as an organization that prevents the "pedagogical neglect of the child", because children come from different social families. A “pedagogically neglected child” actually has little chance of getting a good school education.

The next problem is teaching staff. The figure of the teacher is central to a varied and diverse education. But in order to exercise his right to academic freedom, he must have the appropriate competencies, he must understand how to build the educational process in terms of variability. The teacher needs to know not only educational methods, but also to understand different areas of medicine, defectology, oligophrenopedagogy, deaf pedagogy, and typhlopedagogy. Also actively participate in the life of the kindergarten, city events, despite the fact that educators work three people in two groups. Because of this, pedagogical burnout and stressful situations can occur, which negatively affect the health of the teacher. And the level of salaries of preschool workers in no way corresponds to the highest responsibility for the fate of the child. Many teachers are not ready for innovative methods, they work using the methods of past years, which is unacceptable in relation to modern children. In the course of innovative education, non-subject content is merged, which makes it possible to form new forms of an integrated pedagogical process. Taking into account the individual characteristics of children, preschool education must be built with the help of partnership communication between a child and an adult. According to the Federal State Educational Standard, a teacher implementing the Program must have formed core competencies to create a situation for the development of preschoolers in accordance with age characteristics. These competencies enable the child to feel emotional well-being, support for individuality, initiative, interaction in different situations, involvement in the educational process. An important role in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard is played by the subject-spatial environment, which should be transformable, publicly available, multifunctional, variable, rich in content. In this aspect, age characteristics, satisfaction of the child in sensory development, consideration of psycho-physiological characteristics, satisfaction with the needs of the nearest development are taken into account. In the kindergarten group, the child should feel comfortable. There is a problem with the lack of a proper educational environment that meets the standards. The state does not allocate adequate funding for this aspect. Teachers are not always able to draw up documents correctly when parents donate toys to a kindergarten in the group where their baby is. The acquisition by teachers of didactic and methodological literature, which is necessary for working with children, is also poorly financed. Therefore, specialists must purchase at their own expense, and their cost is not low.

One of the most worrying trends of the 21st century has been the steadily increasing number of children with health problems, including children with disabilities. The problems of education of these children in our country are very topical. Currently, the leading direction in the education and upbringing of children with disabilities is inclusive education. The model of inclusive education involves creating a barrier-free learning environment for children with special needs, adapting the educational environment to their needs and providing the necessary support in the process of joint learning with healthy peers.

Inclusion (from inclusion - inclusion) is the process of real inclusion of people with disabilities in active public life. Inclusion involves the development and application of specific solutions that will allow each person to participate equally in public life.

According to SanPin, children should be outdoors every day. In the kindergarten, walks are made in designated areas that need to be planted and put in order, and at this point, funding is also needed.

One of the main tasks of the state in the field of preschool education - ensuring its general accessibility - still remains unresolved in full. There are many reasons for this situation: the lack of vacant places in preschool institutions, the desire of parents to raise a child at home, the inability of parents to pay for kindergarten, the presence of dysfunctional families and pedagogically neglected children, the presence of children with poor health, with chronic diseases that are contraindicated preschool regime. As a result, children come to school with different levels of development of personality traits necessary for successful adaptation to school. Therefore, children's institutions with short stays, partial stays in kindergartens and collectives are needed.

Today, there are a large number of incomplete families, and the parent sometimes has no time to take care of his child. The child is left to himself. The parent does not have the time and energy to play with the child, and it is the game in the preschool that plays a key role. After all, it is in the game that the child learns the rules of behavior, social roles, methods, develops the communicative side, shows creativity, initiative, develops various types of activities. Some parents do not want to cooperate with educational institutions, and teachers cannot always find the right words to convey information. Without cooperation, the full development of the child is impossible.

One of the tasks of general secondary education in Russia is the development of a network of educational institutions for children with disabilities and those in need of psychological and pedagogical correction. The trend towards an increase in the number of disabled children in our country, the insufficiency of existing forms of education and upbringing that meet the needs and abilities of children in this category, the numerous problems of their adaptation and social integration into society (as a result of flawed secondary socialization) allow us to conclude that social and educational policy is imperfect. for children with developmental disabilities. Until now, the educational policy of the Russian state has been dominated by an orientation towards the traditional education of disabled children in specialized educational institutions. In the developed countries of the West, a course has been taken for the inclusive education of disabled children in a mass school together with healthy peers, which gives the best results in preparing children for later life and their inclusion in society.

The development of inclusive education in Russia is the call of the times and the duty of the social state, which, as a member of the UN, has taken on a number of obligations in relation to children with disabilities. The success of the implementation of these obligations depends not only on the state, but also on the position of society in relation to persons with disabilities in general and to the education of these disabled children, in particular. The idea of ​​joint education and upbringing of disabled and healthy children meets objections with references to the lack of conditions for their implementation: material, organizational, financial, the mentality of the population and pedagogical workers.

The next problem can be called the lack of coherence between preschool education and school. School teachers do not accept the game form of education that prevails in first grade children. This entails a stressful situation for a first grader, comorbidities, an imbalance in studies, and, as a rule, an unwillingness to attend a school institution.

Thus, we can conclude that at the moment the main task of developing the system of preschool education is to create a stay of a preschool child in a system that optimally meets his interests, the interests of the family, in the relationship of the child-family-teacher.


    Grebeshova S. V. Actual problems of modern preschool education // Young scientist. - 2016. - No. 13.3. - S. 29-30.

    Lashkov L.L. Problems and prospects for the development of the system of preschool education//Concept-2013-Special Issue No. 6.-art13556/-0.4p.l-URL: htt://e-concept. en/2013/13556. htm.- State Reg. El No. FS7749965.-ISSNo. 2304-120X.

    Marina Lemutkina Newspaper headline: Rest from childhood. Published in the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets" No. 26958 of November 9, 2015 Tags: School, Children, Society, Power Places: Russia, Moscow

    PROBLEMS AND ACHIEVEMENTS OF MODERN PRESCHOOL EDUCATION E. S. Popova DOD CDT "Azino", Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia

In the life of every adult there are moments when you do not want to go to work in the morning. It is much more pleasant to soak up in a warm bed, drink coffee. Similar moments happen in the lives of children when they do not want to go to kindergarten at all. But if an adult’s “must” overpowers “I don’t want to”, then a small child’s sense of duty is not so developed, and he will once again ask: “Can I stay at home?” However, there could be many other reasons for this reluctance.

Problems in kindergarten: at home is better!

The main problem of "domestic" children is connected with the inability to live in a large team and according to the rules of this team. And the rules say that you need to eat and sleep at a certain time, wait in line to go to the toilet or wash your hands, and in class do what the teacher requires, and not what you want. How to help a home baby overcome difficulties? - Teach your child self-care skills. Prepare him for the fact that in the kindergarten you will have to undress and dress yourself, eat and even make the bed. At home, give the baby as much independence as possible in domestic matters. Let him change clothes himself, clean up after himself from the table, fold toys, wash his hands and face. - At home, adhere to the daily routine. It is better that he repeats the routine in kindergarten in general terms. Let the baby get used to eating at a certain time, and be sure to sleep a little during the day. It would be great if such a schedule becomes common for the whole family. This does not mean that everyone will have to go to bed after dinner, but it does not hurt to have breakfast, lunch and dinner with the whole family at the same time. Provide your child with meaningful experiences with other children. Expand your social circle - invite friends with children, neighbors' kids more often, take your baby to the playground. General activities will help to improve the relationship of the baby with other kindergarteners. For example, invite the kids from the group to your home, arrange a joint holiday or celebrate a birthday. General games, competitions and activities, a festive atmosphere will bring children together. - Play situations from the life of a kindergarten at home. Let the doll become a teacher, and the bear - a child. Another option is for each member of the family to take on a role. Sample situations: “What will you do if you want to go to the toilet while walking?” - “I will go to the teacher, tell him about my desire and ask permission to go to the toilet”; “How would you behave if someone took your toy away from you?” “I will ask him to return it. If he refuses, I will contact the teacher. Such game training will prepare the kid for various non-standard situations in the kindergarten that go beyond his previous experience and help solve some problems in kindergarten.

Problems in kindergarten: it's so noisy here!

When you ask some kids: “What do you not like about kindergarten?” you can hear: "It's so noisy here and everyone is screaming!" Problems in kindergarten often occur in quiet children who prefer a calm environment. The constant noise, din and importunity of their peers quickly tire them, causing irritation and apathy. These features of children can be attributed to the properties of their nervous system. This also includes the level of sensitivity of the child to environmental signals - sounds, touch, visual impressions, and fatigue or, conversely, excitability. So, for some children, screaming is a common way of communication, and for more sensitive children, it is a strong irritant. Individual characteristics also include the level of need for communication with others. Some of the guys need it more, other kids, on the contrary, are focused on their inner world. They are much more interested in being alone, thinking and fantasizing. At the same time, they do not avoid communication with their peers, but they quickly become fed up with them. Such features make up the individuality and uniqueness of each baby. But, unfortunately, sometimes all this does not correspond to the rhythm of life in kindergarten. The stronger this discrepancy, the greater the likelihood that the child feels discomfort, negative emotions and, as a result, unwillingness to visit him. You can't forcefully rebuild a baby's nervous system. But it is plastic enough, and parents can help the baby adapt to kindergarten. - Ask the teacher so that the child has the opportunity to do what they love. For example, play with the designer away from the children, slowly put together a mosaic, or even be alone for a while. An overactive baby, on the contrary, must be provided with a dense motor regime. For the educator, he can become a good assistant in organizing outdoor games and physical education. - Pay attention to the educator on the taste preferences of the crumbs. So, if the child is picky about food, warn the teacher so that he is not forced to eat unloved dishes. If the baby has a reduced appetite in the morning, you should also not force-feed him. The child will not die of hunger, and more than compensates for a voluntary diet at home at dinner. - Provide the baby at home with the opportunity to live in accordance with his own rhythm. This will to some extent compensate for the discomfort of visiting kindergarten.

Problems in kindergarten: I'm not interested

Much depends on the individual characteristics of the child's personality. The child is set to draw, and they tell him - now we will sing, he wants to look through the book, and the teacher offers to do modeling. You can understand the teacher - after all, you can’t please everyone, besides, there is a program.

There is also a more difficult situation, for example, when the baby is a little behind in his development, and hence in the assimilation of the program. This sometimes forms a negative attitude towards kindergarten in general.

By the way, such problems in kindergarten are experienced not only by “slowing down”, but also by gifted kids. The kindergarten curriculum is easily and quickly absorbed by them. Educators, on the other hand, see that the child knows everything, and therefore give him a minimum of attention in the classroom. Because of this, the little student feels left out and tries in a variety of ways to regain the attention of adults. Among these methods, not the last place is occupied by demonstrativeness and violation of the rules of conduct. What to do?

Establish a constructive dialogue with the teacher. Tell him about the interests, inclinations, difficulties of your child. It is in the power of the educator to help the crumbs realize their abilities.

Check out the kindergarten program. This will ensure continuity between home and community learning. If at home you manage to skillfully present some knowledge to the child, then perhaps the child will transfer this interest to classes in kindergarten. This is especially important for a lagging child. As soon as he feels his success, his level of anxiety will noticeably decrease. At home, parents have a great opportunity to pull up the crumbs in all sections of the program. At the same time, a minimum of criticism and a maximum of praise for the slightest success.

Ask yourself regularly how your day in kindergarten went. And not only by what and how the baby ate, but also by what he played, what classes he was in, what he liked and what he didn’t. For the crumbs, the attention of adults is important, and he will always tell you about his impressions with great pleasure. Show genuine interest! Then, perhaps, the child will go to kindergarten, if only for the sake of later having something to tell you about.

Problems in kindergarten: “Mom, will you take me home?”

This question is asked to parents by all the kids who cross the threshold of kindergarten for the first time. But older kids are worried about the same thing. Unfortunately, they also have a reason for concern, which, without realizing it, is given by their parents. “If you misbehave, I’ll leave you in the kindergarten,” mother often says, trying to reason with the baby. And the child believes as he is able to believe any other word you say. To form fear, it is not at all necessary to frighten the baby directly that he will be left in kindergarten. Children easily understand everything without words. After all, the baby sees if the parents can not wait to get rid of him at any time. It happens when kindergarten is a great way for busy parents to attach the baby for the whole day. Some children spend in the garden almost all year round ... Imagine: 4 years, day after day, with short breaks on weekends, go to kindergarten! At home, all communication with mom and dad due to lack of time or desire comes down to the usual regime moments - he came from kindergarten, ate, at best watched TV and went to bed. Yes, and he often spends this time not with mom and dad, but with his grandmother or nanny. As a result, the child feels rejected, his need for close emotional communication with his parents remains unsatisfied. Here the baby clings to any opportunity to be with his parents, and in kindergarten he sees the main obstacle to this. There is another situation when the baby, despite the love and attention of the family, feels rejected. This happens when a second child is born in a family. The first-born sees that now all the attention of the mother is directed to the baby, and begins to be jealous. He may decide that he is specially taken to the kindergarten so that he does not interfere with his parents to be with his brother or sister. Some children in such situations begin to fantasize that their parents want to replace them with a “brand new” child and therefore send them to kindergarten. What to do? - Pay more attention to the baby. It sounds trite, but it's not about feeding, changing or bathing. You need to communicate with the child for no reason, just for the pleasure of being around, talking, expressing your feelings to each other. Thanks to this, the baby will understand that he is interesting and valuable for parents, regardless of whether he ate well, whether he forgot to wash his hands or put away his toys. This does not mean that you now need to forget about business and devote all the time only to the child. The main thing here is not the quantity, but the quality of communication. In fact, children do not need so much attention! They demand it in those cases when they are not satisfied with the quality of communication with adults. It is enough after the kindergarten for an hour or two to talk with the child about what he is interested in, play together or do some interesting business for both. But this time you should devote only to him alone. Compliment your baby more often, confess your love. The baby must be sure that mom and dad can’t wait for the evening when they take him home from kindergarten, where they can enjoy communicating with him.

Problems in kindergarten: if the teacher is a witch

For children, an angry and conflicted teacher is the same as an evil boss for you. But children have at least two, or even three, such bosses. And everyone often treats children in their own way and puts forward their own specific requirements for them. It happens that one educator allows what the second categorically forbids. How to be? Be attentive to the complaints of the child, express your understanding and sympathy to him. It happens that at home a child tells scary stories about teachers - how they beat him, starve him, mock him. It is always difficult for parents to understand this. Often the teacher says one thing and the child another. Who to believe? After all, preschoolers love to dream! However, no matter what authority and reputation the educator has, you, as a parent, must first of all protect the rights and interests of your child. If you doubt the veracity of children's words, invite him to play kindergarten with dolls. As a rule, the baby will unconsciously reproduce the real relationship between the children and the teacher in his group. After that, calmly state the child's complaints to the caregiver and ask about their possible reason. If it turns out that the conflict really took place, the first time try to resolve it peacefully. If this happens again, think about its true background. Are the conflicts related to the personality of the caregiver or to the behavior of your child? Remember that no matter how well your child behaves at home, he can be completely different in kindergarten. If the child still develops a persistent rejection of the teacher, sometimes there is nothing better than to transfer him to another group, or maybe even change the kindergarten.

Problems in kindergarten: "I'm afraid"

Kindergarten can become a source of fear, as a result of which the child refuses to go there. But what can be scary in the garden? There were times when children were afraid of welders repairing pipes, or a drunkard who wandered around the fence during a walk. Among other fears, the leader is the fear of being left alone in the group, if everyone is taken away, and they suddenly do not come for him. Children are worried that something bad will happen to loved ones while he is in kindergarten. Those children who have anxious and restless parents who are trying to protect their child from any real or imaginary danger are especially affected by fears. If your child has experienced stress in kindergarten, being afraid of something, take a short break from visiting. Even if the child's fear seems ridiculous and insignificant to you, pay close attention to his experiences. After all, for him they are the real ones! Therefore, one should not try to dispel fears with adult irony or devalue them (“That's all nonsense!”). It is better to sympathize with the baby, express your understanding to him. Next, try to reassure the child of your love and willingness to protect. Rethink your parenting methods. Often, adults themselves form such fears in a child, intimidating him with strangers (“Behave yourself, otherwise I’ll give it to that uncle over there!”), Doctors (“If you don’t eat, they’ll give you an injection!”), Policemen (“Well, stop, otherwise the policeman will take you away!”), fairy-tale characters (“Go to bed quickly, otherwise the gray wolf will come and eat you!”). And then the same parents sincerely wonder why their child is shaking with fear at a doctor's appointment, freezes at the sight of a policeman, or sobs in the kindergarten during a children's matinee with the participation of Baba Yaga. Deal with your own fears and anxieties. After all, children unconsciously imitate you. Of course, especially these days, worrying about your children is understandable. Nevertheless, excessive and unreasonable anxiety of adults neuroticizes everyone - both kids and parents.

Problems in Kindergarten: Pure Manipulation

What to do if early in the morning a child throws a real tantrum at you, just not to go to kindergarten? Is it really that bad for a child? But why then does he behave differently with his dad? One possible answer to this question is that the child is trying to manipulate you. For him, the morning tantrum is associated not so much with the reluctance to go to kindergarten, but with the ability to get some benefit from the parent for himself. For example, promises that they will buy him a new toy if he calms down. In other cases, the little tyrant just wants to show his power. After all, if mom gives in, everyone will see who is really the head of the family. A true manipulator uses such tantrums as a way to influence parents. It can happen in a store, on the street, at a party. Moreover, the baby perfectly feels the weaknesses of loved ones. That is why he knows what can and cannot be afforded with each of them. What should parents do? Find out the root cause. Think about what the child wants to achieve? Maybe attention or independence in decision-making? Or some other concession on your part? - Be consistent. The next time your child throws a tantrum at you, stay calm and calm, don't show him that you are discouraged and ready to make concessions. It's hard, but once you give in, you will capitulate again and again. Pay attention to your experiences. What do you feel - shame, resentment, anger? Tell him about it calmly, without reproaches and threats. - See a psychologist. Especially if the tantrums occur for the slightest reason. As a rule, in such cases, parents, together with a specialist, have to work hard, rebuilding relationships with the child. To do this, you will need to work out in the family among all its members common requirements and ways of disciplining the child.

Problems in kindergarten: wait for me and I'll be back

There is no universal recipe for how to make a child happy to go to kindergarten. After all, a baby is a living person, with its own needs and feelings. But this is his personality! Parents should treat the inner world of the child with all attention and respect, even if it is expressed in the form of a protest against the kindergarten. Show your child that you share his feelings, fears, fears. Think about it, perhaps today he really has reasons not to go to the garden. But if, nevertheless, parting in the morning is difficult for both you and the child, try to follow our recommendations. Often the conflict begins at home or on the way to the garden. Getting up, washing, dressing turn into a real test for parents. To make this process less conflicting, try to work out with your child a kind of ritual for getting up in the morning. For example, you approach the baby, gently wake him up, kiss him and allow him to lie in bed for another 10 minutes. Then you help him get dressed, talking about your dream along the way and asking him what he dreamed about. Very soon, such a ritual will become not only a pleasant and familiar way of getting up in the morning, but also a means of expressing love for each other. On the way, talk to your child about something pleasant and interesting, play a word game, compose a fairy tale together, or just fool around. If the child does not let you go in the kindergarten in the morning, you should not run away, waiting for the moment when the baby is distracted. Imagine yourself in his position: you come to an unattractive place with the closest person. And, although you are uncomfortable, you feel safe, because your protector is nearby. But here you turned away literally for a minute, and the native person caught a trace. He just disappeared - suddenly, without explanation, without even saying goodbye! You are confused, scared, offended, abandoned! The child experiences the same feelings, and he also begins to wonder if you can now be trusted, if you will leave him in the same way in any other place - in a store, in a park, at a party. And the more it worries him, the more he will cling to you, trying not to lose sight of you for a minute. It is not necessary to turn parting into a real drama. It is enough to devote a few minutes to this and also develop a certain farewell ritual. For example, you hug a child, kiss him, say that you love him very much and will certainly miss him, but you will definitely return in the evening. You should not indulge in endless excuses and disputes, be nervous. Some parents are like emotional vampires: until the child cries in the morning, they will not calm down. For them, this is a signal of confirmation of their parental self-esteem: “He loves me so much that he cannot go a day without me. What a good parent I am!” The main thing is to remain calm and benevolent attitude towards the child. After all, it is much more pleasant to part, confessing your love to him, than quarreling with him.

Modern problems of preschool education / V.V. Rubtsov, E.G. Yudina // Psychological science and education. - 2010. - No. 3. - P. 5-19.

Modern problems of preschool education

V. Rubtsov Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Director of the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education, Rector of the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University
E.G. Yudin Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Psychological Problems of Teacher Training, Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University

The article is devoted to the problems of early childhood education and training (ECCE), which will be discussed at the UNESCO World Conference on September 27-29, 2010. The authors identify and analyze the key, from their point of view, current trends in the development of preschool education in different countries, offer and justify their view of the problems arising in this context. The article analyzes two opposite models of early childhood education, shows the main consequences of the implementation of each of the existing approaches. Particular attention is paid to the construction of a unified system of pre-school and primary school education. From the point of view of the authors, it is the point of "junction" of these two educational levels that is critical and in many respects a test for determining the "face" of the entire national system of early childhood education in different countries. A general analysis of existing preschool education programs and their impact on the development of children of this age is presented. The authors emphasize the importance and special role of personality-oriented interaction between adults and children, as well as games in the context of developing preschool education. The problems associated with the training of teachers to work with young children are touched upon.

Key words: preschool education, two models of ECCE, continuity of preschool education and school, “framework” and “outline” programs, developmental program for ECCE, game, training of preschool teachers.

On September 27-29, 2010, Moscow will host the UNESCO World Conference on Early Childhood Education and Education. As the name implies, it will be dedicated to the problems of education of preschool children (from birth to 7-8 years old). The processes associated with the development of young children have recently attracted great interest around the world. In accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the issue of early childhood development (ECCE) is interdisciplinary. It includes health, nutrition, education, social sciences, economics, and child protection and social welfare.

UNESCO proposes the following definition for education at this age: “Early Childhood Education (ECCE) is an activity that promotes the survival, growth, development and learning of children, including aspects of their health, nutrition and hygiene – cognitive speech, physical, socio-personal and artistic and aesthetic development - starting from the birth of a child and ending with his admission to primary school in the framework of formal and informal, formal and non-formal education. The ECD approach, which is mainly aimed at achieving a normal standard of living for young children in the early years, is also important from an adult developmental perspective. It aims to help them become healthy, socially and environmentally responsible, intellectually competent and economically productive.

In this context, priority is given to efforts to ensure the right of children of this age to an organized, systematic education; the main effort of the international community to ensure the conditions for the realization of this right is directed to the establishment of ECCE systems in developing countries. Modern research shows that the actualization of the educational resource in such countries, even without making noticeable sociocultural changes, can seriously affect the development potential of young children (see, for example:). It should be noted, however, that in developed countries there are problems with the organization of systemic preschool education; We will touch on some of them in this article.

The fact that the first World Conference dedicated to the education of young children will take place in Russia is not accidental. Systemic education in most developed countries (mainly in Europe and the USA) traditionally began at the age of 7–8; early education was never considered the domain of organized government efforts and was the concern of the family. As a result, systemic preschool education has so far been absent in the educational system of most developed countries, which, at best, provided the family with a certain market for educational services. In recent decades, the concept of disparate educational services, mainly related to childcare and care, has been gradually replaced by an understanding of the role of this period in the development of the child and, consequently, the need for preschool education as an important part of the national education system.

In Russia, traditionally, since the 1920s, there has been a state-funded system of mass (albeit optional) education of preschool children, the construction of which is now being considered in many developed and developing countries. It should be recognized that preschool education in the USSR was mainly focused on the interests of the system, and not on the interests of the child, so it needed to be reformed, especially in the area of ​​program content. However, the undoubted advantage of education at preschool age was its systemic nature, as well as its real universal accessibility, based on public funding. For the international community, the Russian experience of building such a system, corrected with the help of its substantive reform, may turn out to be useful. In addition, in Russia, the priority of early education of children is declared in the context of the national project of the Russian Federation "Education".

Current trends in increasing government attention to early education in Russia create favorable opportunities for the creation and promotion of innovative mechanisms for preschool and primary school education of children and for the exchange of experience in such transformations among interested countries.

Modern preschool education: setting priorities

So, in the modern education systems of most developed countries, early education has recently been given increasing importance. Awareness of the importance of systematic education of children from the earliest age (from a few months) to 7–8 years (usually the age at which children enter school) is based on the results of numerous studies and the practice of some countries. In particular, this is evidenced by the recently extremely popular data obtained in the study of the effectiveness of the international educational program "High / Scope" (see graph).

Rice. Return on investment in human capital in education

These data show the effectiveness of financial investments in different educational levels in terms of their payback for society and for each person, and the measurements were made throughout the entire life cycle of a person. The graph shows that the highest efficiency is typical for preschool education programs, i.e. The more seriously pre-school education is financed in the country, the better life results people demonstrate throughout their lives. These data caused a deafening resonance all over the world and became almost a mandatory subject when discussing almost any issue related to education.

These data are certainly impressive: a modern study in the language of finance (one of the authors of this study is a Nobel Prize winner in economics) confirms what progressive domestic and foreign psychology has always asserted. Namely, that in preschool childhood all the main parameters and characteristics of a person’s personality and psyche are laid, the direction and quality of the further development of his intellectual, emotional and physical abilities, interests and capabilities are largely determined. Ignoring the characteristics of a child's development at this age is fraught with serious, deep problems in his later life, including schooling, following immediately after preschool childhood.

Analysis of the current situation in the education of children of preschool and primary school age (international context)

When considering specific approaches to the construction of this system, it makes sense to pay attention to two opposite trends when answering the questions: “What should be the education of young children? What should they be taught before they go to school?” These trends are now present in most developed countries and give rise to two opposite models of the organization of preschool education in relation to the school. It is the point of "junction" of two educational levels - preschool and primary school - that turned out to be critical and in many respects serves as a test for determining the "face" of the entire national system of early childhood education in different countries.

The first model is a direct and formal consequence of a change in attitudes towards early education: it becomes a priority. Studies (including the above) show that in the period of child development up to 7 years, the child is extremely receptive, interested and open to new experiences, to learning about the world. In the conditions of modern dynamically changing life, which dictates a high rate of education, when every year is “on account”, there is a temptation to use the time a child lives before school and intensify his education at the expense of preschool age.

Supporters of this position seek to "shift" the school a year or two earlier, using forced "coaching" of children, systematic and ever earlier teaching of reading, writing, counting, etc. There is an illusion that this kind of education of young children will ensure their success in mastering the school curriculum and in professional advancement in the future. However, numerous domestic and foreign studies show that, on the contrary, the practice of too early forced teaching of knowledge and skills to children inevitably leads to the disappearance of educational motivation and, as a result, to the emergence of school maladjustment and school neuroses. Psychologists are well aware of how difficult (sometimes impossible) it is to deal with these problems once they have already arisen.

With this approach, fragments (sometimes quite significant) borrowed from the school curriculum appear in the content of preschool education. At the same time, the primary school curriculum and teacher training usually do not change, and children often have to study the first grade curriculum twice. Teaching methods in this case also have a "school" character: frontal classes in individual subjects, verbal teaching methods, systematic control over the assimilation of knowledge and skills, etc. Thus, an artificial acceleration of the child's development, "maturing" of preschool education is carried out. This practice of accelerating the development of children then finds its continuation in the conditions of schooling. The intensity of the learning process in primary school, the premature formation of a number of learning skills (for example, cursive writing, fluent reading, etc.) not only do not contribute to their formation, but hinder development or lead to the assimilation of irrational ways of implementing these basic school skills. Along with this, the purposeful formation of educational (leading) activities in elementary school, as a rule, is out of sight of the authors of programs and practitioners.

As a result, not only are the original goals of intensifying early education not being achieved; moreover, it significantly slows down, bringing a lot of negative side effects, among which the loss of interest in learning by children is not the most undesirable from the point of view of the further development of the child. Significant obstacles arise in ensuring real continuity and prospects in the education system. In this case, the continuity between preschool and primary school age is determined not by whether the future student has developed the abilities (in modern terms, competencies) necessary for the implementation of a new activity, whether its prerequisites have been formed, but by the presence or absence of certain knowledge on educational subjects.

It must be admitted that it is precisely this approach - it can be conditionally designated as narrowly pragmatic, focused on the needs of the system, and not the child himself - to early childhood education that has recently spread in many countries, but it is subjected to constant massive criticism from the scientific and educational community in these countries. The main arguments of such criticism are accumulated in the fundamental national school of cultural-historical psychology, which is associated primarily with the name of L.S. Vygotsky, as well as with the names of D.B. Elkonina, V.V. Davydova, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.R. Luria, A.N. Leontiev and many others. In particular, D.B. Elkonin, back in the 80s of the last century, remarked on this subject:

“The transition to the next, higher stage of development is prepared and determined by how fully the previous period has been lived, by how much those internal contradictions that can be resolved through such a transition have matured. If it is done before these contradictions have matured - artificially forced, without taking into account objective factors, then the formation of the child's personality will significantly suffer, and the damage may be irreparable.

Cultural-historical psychology in the last few years has been at the center of interest from the international scientific and educational community. Research conducted within the framework of this school, as well as many years of experience in applying developments in the field of education, show that the availability of knowledge in itself does not determine the success of education, it is much more important that the child is able to independently acquire and apply them.

The school of cultural-historical psychology places particular emphasis on the child's assimilation in the process of education of culturally developed means that organize and normalize the entire process of child development. The process of mastering these means by a child is independent, creative, but must be organized in a special way. A very important argument is the indication of the psychologists of the L.S. Vygotsky on the peculiarities of preschool childhood, on the specific requirements for the organization of education at this age. There are age limits, beyond which we willy-nilly expose the child to psychological abuse that is incompatible with the concept of modern education.

Does this mean that a child of preschool age should not be taught? Does this mean that the specificity of preschool childhood consists in living this period fundamentally outside the organized education system? The answer to these questions is: of course not.

From the point of view of cultural-historical psychology, a completely different approach is needed to education in general and to building continuity between preschool and primary school education in particular. Here we are dealing with a fundamentally different model of the organization of preschool education. This approach, in contrast to the previous one, does not prioritize the interests of the education system, the teacher, or even the student himself in some distant future, as the system understands it; it is focused on the specific, real interests of the child and his family. This approach is sometimes called student-centered or child-centered, and since it is aimed at the age-appropriate development of each child, it provides a developing type of education, which is built according to its own laws for each age.

Developing education takes into account both age-related and individual characteristics, interests and inclinations of each child and is based on the child's mastery of culturally developed means of activity, different types of which become leading at different age periods of the child's development. Thus, the idea of ​​the laws of child development in each age period is also based on what means are adequate for a particular age.

Developmental educational program at preschool age

The term "developing education" has become quite widespread in the Russian educational context; nevertheless, it seems to us that its content needs special comments. Without setting here the task of a complete clarification of this rather complicated term, we note only one circumstance that seems important in the context under consideration. This circumstance is connected with the distinction between developing and any other education in the eyes of practical teachers - teachers and kindergarten teachers. Despite the fairly large literature that discusses what developmental education is, practice shows that for educators working with children, this distinction is very vague. At the same time, it is in their hands that the possibilities of implementing developmental education for each child at school or in kindergarten are in their hands.

When answering the question of how developmental education differs from any other, it is important to define developmental education as a type of education that not only has a developmental effect (this may be true for any type of education), but, being focused on each child, puts its main the purpose of its development, real promotion. In the system of developing education, knowledge, skills and habits perform the function not so much of independent goals as means in the process of child development. That is, the teacher (educator) sets the task not so much to teach the child this or that knowledge or skills, but to ensure his development with the help of these knowledge and skills.

This does not mean that preschool children should not be taught. Russian education is strong precisely because of its traditions of early education of the child, which is largely based on serious education. However, the main efforts of the teacher should be aimed at ensuring that the knowledge gained by the child really has a developing effect - and it is for this child. The sincere interest of the child, his involvement, curiosity and initiative are obvious indicators that the process of development is underway, and not just “training” on certain knowledge.

Thus, setting the goal of development in modern educational systems implies a special emphasis on the individualization of education, which is one of the basic principles of the developmental preschool program. On the other hand, it is equally important to ensure the variability of education, which creates an adequate psychological and pedagogical context for the development of children and the creative nature of the activities of teachers. Creating psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of children in accordance with their abilities and interests involves providing them with a wide choice of activities and subject areas. Thus, as a second basic principle, the pre-school education program should provide children with real choice. The third principle is also connected with this principle: the absence of rigid objectivity, since it is in the integrated content (for example, the project type) that children are free to make a wide choice and show their as yet unstructured interests and creative abilities.

The problems associated with the individualization of education necessarily entail the whole range of issues related to the age specificity of education at different levels. In this regard, the principle of self-worth of each age acquires special significance, which can be revealed through a double requirement for the content and methods of education:

  • ensuring the full realization of the capabilities of a child of a certain age;
  • reliance on the achievements of the previous stage of development.

The specifics of education in preschool age

The principle of self-worth of each age gives an idea of ​​what is meant by the specifics of education at preschool age. An attempt to fill preschool education with school content at the beginning of the 21st century is all the more perplexing because even in the last century, domestic and foreign scientists have convincingly shown the inadmissibility and inefficiency of artificially accelerating the development of a child. However, it is important, without replacing the tasks of preschool age with school ones, at the same time not to underestimate the possibilities of a preschool child, avoiding both artificial acceleration and artificial slowing down of his development. So, in order to create a developing age-appropriate preschool educational program, you need to know exactly:

  1. the main tasks of development at this age;
  2. real opportunities and interests of a preschool child.

Classical psychological research and research in recent years provide an answer to the first question. The main achievement of preschool age is the development of the basis of the child's personal culture, his emotional well-being, the development of individual abilities and inclinations, the development of his independence, initiative, creativity, arbitrariness, curiosity, responsibility, communicative and intellectual competence. These and other qualities of the child's personality allow him to enter the next - junior school - age interested and motivated to learn, bypassing the stresses and crushing disappointments of the transition period.

As for the real possibilities and interests of a preschool child, they vary depending on the individual inclinations of the child, which must be taken into account, but they also have age specifics. This specificity is determined by the fact that the main (in terms of the domestic psychological theory of activity - leading) activity of a preschool child is play. This fact, on the one hand, is well known to teachers, and on the other hand, has a specific interpretation in modern education.

Game as a context of development in preschool age

An essential indicator in the analysis of preschool programs is their content. In particular, in Russia, in connection with the principle of the absence of rigid objectivity in the content of preschool education, the content of preschool education is differentiated not according to the subject principle, but according to the directions of development of children:

  • physical;
  • cognitive-speech;
  • social and personal;
  • artistic and aesthetic development.

Thanks to this division, programs can be based on specific preschool content technologies that are not subject-based, but, for example, project-based or thematic. These programs appeared in Russia at the end of the 20th century and are perceived in the domestic educational space as modern, innovative, while in foreign educational systems they have been found since the beginning of the last century. At the same time, there are preschool programs based on the subject principle, which, from the point of view of the authors, provides all these areas of development. These are, for example, programs of preschool education traditional for Russia, although programs used abroad can also be built on this principle.

Within the framework of the two approaches to preschool education we have considered, there are different educational programs, the general specificity of which is determined precisely by the differences in these approaches. First of all, this means that in preschool education in different countries there are programs focused on the teacher (educator) and programs focused on the child. We have already described the last of these two above (in our terms, these are developmental programs). In the educational process, built according to a teacher-oriented program, it is the teacher (in kindergarten - the educator) who is the central figure. The initiative and own activity in such an educational process usually belongs to the educator, training is based on the pattern of action that the educator demonstrates. The child is given the role of “tabula rasa” (blank slate), which the teacher fills, as a rule, in one way for all children, regardless of their individual differences. The content of education is fixed and does not depend on the inclinations of the children or on the specific situation in the group.

In world practice, there are other differences between educational programs, and some of them are more related to preschool programs. In particular, there are so-called "framework" programs and programs in which the "knowledge" and "skill" content of education is developed in detail, prescribing certain forms and methods of conducting classes. These programs can be conditionally called "outline", not only because they are accompanied by detailed outlines of classes and methods for conducting them, but also because they generally orient the teacher to reproduce (in the extreme case - step by step) these notes and prescribed methods. The planning of classes with children in such programs also reflects its concise nature, takes place in the subject logic and is usually repeated from year to year for children of a certain age. The so-called “passport” age is considered the age of children, and not psychological age, educational results are recorded by reproducing ZUNs in the form prescribed by the program.

“Framework” programs are so named because they set only the “framework” of the educational process by introducing some essential principles and foundations for building the educational process. They can also be accompanied by methodological recommendations for teachers, but these recommendations are of a much looser nature and, in extreme cases, can represent some “arsenal” of possible methods and techniques for solving those educational tasks that the teacher has set for himself. Planning is usually at the center of such programs, since it is adapted to the specific situation in the class (group) and is focused on each child. The plan reflects the development tasks set by the teacher and specific steps to solve them, usually planned on the basis of observing children and tracking the development of each child. Such programs fully allow for groups of different ages and follow not so much the passport age of children as their real interests and capabilities.

Of course, the extreme embodiment of "outline" programs is not so common in modern preschool education. Usually a real preschool program is a cross between a framework program and a summary program. However, in Russian preschool education there is a historical example of a synopsis program, which is focused on the teacher. An example is the "Standard program of education and upbringing in kindergarten", according to which, until 1991, all preschool institutions in Russia worked. At that time it was a unified educational program approved at the federal level; at present, with certain changes, it is also used in Russian kindergartens.

For the Model Program, methodological recommendations, a calendar plan of classes, detailed notes and scenarios for conducting each lesson, which mainly took place in the form of a school lesson, were developed. All these recommendations completely ignored the individual characteristics of children and were focused on the acquisition of subject knowledge or the skills necessary in everyday life (for example, self-service skills). The style of the program was very rigid and prescriptive: it was customary to address young children by their last names, the nature of emotional support was determined only by the personality of the teacher, the daily routine was strictly defined for different age groups. In accordance with this program, a lesson planning system was also built - detailed, branched, based only on knowledge intended for assimilation in a particular lesson.

The main indicator of the quality of work of both an individual teacher and the kindergarten as a whole was the amount of knowledge, skills and abilities that children had to demonstrate during inspections. For example, reading speed, ability to count within one or two dozen, knowledge about wild and domestic animals, etc. It should be noted that the tradition of testing children for this kind of knowledge and skills is currently preserved in Russia in many cases when children move to primary school. The subject of such checks is usually the school, but this practice, of course, also affects the programs of kindergartens - mainly through the requirements of parents to prepare children for school, “coaching” them for certain knowledge and skills.

Accordingly, the entire system of teacher training was organized: in teacher training schools and higher education institutions, students were taught to implement the Model Program. Of course, how the program will be implemented depends to a large extent on the teacher who works on it. This is true for any program. It was quite possible to find fragments of the practice of working according to the "standard" program, in which the teacher took into account the interests of the children, since this was precisely what corresponded to his inner conviction. However, it is quite obvious that the program and the preparation of teachers for work on it seriously affect what kind of educational process will be “launched”.

It should be noted, however, that teacher-oriented programs certainly have some merit. In particular, the Model Program for Preschool Education was oriented (and in many cases achieved) to ensure a good stock of knowledge, skills and abilities in children. At the same time, as a side effect of such “accumulation”, there was a cognitive (knowledge) education of children, especially those of them who belong to the so-called “cognitive” type. However, the development of the personality of children - their initiative, independence, responsibility, willingness to make their own decisions - which, as has been shown, is the main task of the preschool period, lagged behind sharply.

A teacher-oriented program can be both abstract and framework; As far as a child-oriented program is concerned, it is hardly possible that it is accompanied by detailed content prescribed for implementation. This is impossible by definition: a child-centered educational process is built “here and now”, depending on the specific developmental situation of each child. Thus, the personality-oriented program is of a framework nature, relying only on the known age-related features of the development of preschool children. Some of these programs have a large "arsenal" of educational methods and techniques, the decision on the use of which is made by the teacher based on the specific situation. Others rely more on the creative abilities of the teacher (educator), who, together with the children, comes up with the specific content of education. But one way or another, programs aimed at the child cannot have a rigid content that is mandatory for all children.

How to prepare teachers for the developmental education of young children?

In the system of developing education, knowledge, skills and abilities perform the function not so much of independent goals as means in the process of child development. The specificity of developing education makes special demands on the activities of the teacher: he becomes the main figure in the educational process. With this approach, the role of the teacher in the education of children of preschool and primary school age changes dramatically: his task is not so much to teach the child this or that knowledge or skills, but to ensure the development of the child with the help of this knowledge and skills.

It is the teacher, depending on the individual context of the development of each child, who selects the material and offers it to the child, using this or that situation for its further advancement. The teacher builds the individual content of education for each child and together with him in the process of personality-oriented interaction. In the context of the interaction of teachers with children, the development of the child's personality, as well as his competence in certain subject areas, actually takes place. Knowledge and skills in a certain sense "serve" this interaction, making it adequate to the situation of the child's development.

With this approach, it is teachers working in preschool institutions and at school that largely determine not only the momentary context of the development of the child and his family, but also his future life. This requires a sufficiently high level of competence of teachers and other practitioners of preschool and primary school education in the field of developmental psychology of children of this age, as well as in personality-oriented, developing technologies for educating these children, in particular, in technologies for providing an individual approach to each child.

At the same time, educators and practical educational psychologists in our country (and, as studies show, in many other countries) for the most part do not meet these requirements. Their knowledge of the age patterns of children's development, of the psychological characteristics of development, is replete with serious gaps, which are often filled with mythological ideas about child development. It is necessary to organize the professional development of teachers based on the promotion of theoretical ideas and educational technologies developed within the framework of cultural and historical psychology.

In this regard, the project of the Federal State Standard, developed on the basis of the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University, is of undoubted theoretical and practical interest. The preparation of a preschool teacher who is able to organize the “zone of proximal development” of the child, take into account the peculiarities of child development in communication with the child, who has competencies in relation to the forms and methods of interaction with different categories of children from infancy to school, is a special task and direction in the preparation of this standard.

Goals, objectives and conditions for the developmental education of young children

The psychological guidelines for the development of a preschool child, analyzed by us, determine the goals of education at this age:

  • protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children (including their emotional well-being);
  • preservation and support of the individuality of the child;
  • development of the child as a subject of relations with people, the world and himself.

These goals can be achieved by creating certain psychological and pedagogical conditions:

  • personality-oriented interaction of adults with children;
  • full communication of the child with peers, older and younger children;
  • developing pedagogical technologies focused on the specifics of age and based on the assimilation of cultural means of activity at a certain age;
  • object-spatial environment that stimulates the communicative, playful, cognitive, physical and other types of activity of the child, organized depending on the age specificity of his development;
  • the possibility of choosing for all subjects of education (teachers, children and their parents) educational programs, pedagogical technologies, materials and culturally developed means of activity.

Thus, we have identified the main trends in the development of early childhood education in different countries. The scope of one article does not allow us to give a detailed analysis of all important topics related to ECCE, and even just list them; nevertheless, we have tried to outline in general terms the key, in our opinion, problems specific to this area. It seems clear to us that many of these problems have international roots and are more related to the setting of priorities in the ECCE system than to the peculiarities of national educational systems in different countries. Turning to the classics of domestic and foreign psychology, it is easy to see that many of the problems we have considered were discussed in their works decades ago. We can conclude from this that many of these problems fall into the category of so-called "eternal", which, however, does not relieve the international community of the need to solve them "here and now". The First UNESCO World Conference on ECCE, which is a sign of the increased attention of A.V. Selected psychological works: In 2 vols. M., 1986.

  • The concept of the content of continuous education (preschool and primary) // The content of education in the twelve-year school. M., 2000.
  • Cole M (ed). Socio-historical approach in the psychology of learning. M., 1989.
  • Lisina M.I. Communication, personality and psyche of the child. M.-Voronezh, 1997.
  • Manuylenko Z.V. Development of voluntary behavior in children of preschool age. Izvestiya APN RSFSR. 1948. Issue. fourteen.
  • Solid base. Early Childhood Education and Care // EFA Global Monitoring Report. M.; UNESCO, 2007.
  • Rubtsov V.V. Fundamentals of socio-genetic psychology. M. - Voronezh, 1996.
  • Smirnova E.O., Gudareva O.V. Game and arbitrariness among modern preschoolers // Questions of psychology. 2004. No. 1.
  • Elkonin B.D., Zinchenko V.P. Psychology of development (based on L. Vygotsky). Internet resource:
  • Elkonin D.B. Selected psychological works. M., 1989.
  • Elkonin D.B. The psychology of the game. M., 1999.
  • Yudina E.G. Communication and activity in preschool and primary school age // Pedagogy: pedagogical theories, systems, technologies. M., 2002.
  • Bodrova E., & Leong, D. Tools of the mind: Vygotskian approach to early childhood education. (2nd ed.) Columbus, OH: Merrill/Prentice Hall, 2007.
  • Chaiklin, S. The Zone of Proximal Development in Vygotsky’s analysis of learning and instruction. In: A. Kozulin, B. Gindis, V. Fgeev, S. Miller (Eds). Vygotsky's educational theory in cultural context / Cambridge University Press, 2003.
  • Cole, M. & Griffin, P.A. Socio-historical approach to remediation. In S. deCastell, A. Luke & K. Egan (Eds.), Literacy, society, and schooling, 1986.
  • Fromberg, D.P., Bergen, D. (Eds.) Play from birth to twelve and beyond. contexts, perspectives, and meanings. New York-London, 1998.
  • Haywood, C.H. & Lidz, C.S. Dynamic assessment in practice: Clinical and educational applications. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007.
  • Heckman, J. Policies to foster human capital // Research in Economics (2000) 54.
  • Heckman J., Cunha F., Lochner L., Masterov D. Interpreting the evidence on life cycle skill formation // Handbook of the Economics of Education. Vol. 1. Amstgerdam: Elsevier, 2006.
  • Leong, D. J., Bodrova, E. Tools of the Mind: A Vygotskian based early childhood curriculum. Early Childhood Services: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Effectiveness. Vol. 3(3). 2009.
  • McGregor S.G., Cheung Y.B., Santiago C., Glewwe P., Richter L., Strupp B., and the International Child Development Steering Group. Child development in developing countries. Lance Series, 2007.
  • Miller, S. How literature discussion shapes thinking: ZPDs for teaching/learning habits of the heart and mind. In: A. Kozulin, B. Gindis, V. Fgeev, S. Miller (Eds). Vygotsky's educational theory in cultural context/Cambridge University Press, 2003.
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  • Current problems of preschool education

    V.V. Rubtsov, Doctor in Psychology, member of the Russian Academy of Education, the head of the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education, the rector of the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
    E.G. Yudina Ph. D. in Psychology, leading researcher, the head of Psychological issues of teachers’ training Laboratory of the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

    The paper deals with early childhood care and education (ECCE) issues to be discussed at the UNESCO World Conference on 27–29 September 2010. The authors recognize and analyze key trends in the development of preschool education in different countries and offer a well-substantiated approach to the related issues. The paper studies two opposite models of education in early childhood and shows major implications of each of the existing approaches. A special emphasis is laid on the development of a unified comprehensive system of preschool and primary school education. The authors firmly believe that the “junction point” between those two education stages is a critical and, in many respects, a testing element for the entire national system of early childhood education in different countries. A general analysis of current preschool education programs is provided and their impact on the age-specific development of children is discussed. The authors emphasize the significance and a special role of child-centered interaction between adults and children as well as play as a part of the development-oriented preschool education. The training of teachers for early childhood education is also discussed.

    Keywords: preschool education, two models of early childhood care and education, continuity of preschool and school education, “frame” and “curriculum” programs, development-oriented program of early childhood care and education, play, training of preschool teachers.

    “Global Monitoring Report. Strong foundation: early childhood care and education. EFA Global Monitoring Report, 2007, p. 18.
    For a more detailed presentation of the rights of young children, see: "General Comment 7. Implementing Child Rights in Early Childhood (Fortieth session, 2005)", U.N. Doc. CRC/C/GC/7/Rev.1 (2006).
    In the post-Soviet period, certain steps towards such reforms were made; from our point of view, many of them can be considered successful.
    The assessment of the quality of education is an extremely important topic in modern ECCE systems in different countries. It is clear that the approach to assessing the quality of education determines what the ECCE system itself is oriented towards and what specific tasks it faces. The scope of the article does not allow us to conduct a serious analysis of this problem, which it deserves, so here we only point to it as one of the central priorities of the modern system of early childhood education.
    The project of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the direction of training "Psychological and Pedagogical Education", developed at the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education.
    The content of this section is largely based on the "Concept of the content of continuing education (pre-school and primary) // Content of education in the twelve-year school." M., 2000 . This text was prepared by a team of leading experts - psychologists and teachers - and was supposed to form the basis of specific practical developments in building lifelong preschool and primary school education. Some of the materials included in this concept were later used to solve certain management problems; however, in general, the concept is waiting to be applied. From our point of view, it contains both theoretical approaches and a description of practical steps to build a system of developing lifelong preschool and primary education.

    Anastasia Men
    Actual problems of modern preschool education

    This essay is the personal opinion and position of the author.

    When considering this topic, it first of all makes sense to give definitions of a number of terms and concepts.

    System education in the Russian Federation is a combination interacting:

    Continuity educational programs of various levels and directions, federal state educational standards and federal government requirements (as amended by Federal Law No. 309-FZ of December 1, 2007);

    Networks implementing them educational institutions and scientific organizations

    (as amended by Federal Law No. 308-FZ of December 1, 2007);

    Bodies exercising management in the field education, and their subordinate institutions and organizations (As amended by Federal Law No. 258-FZ of December 29, 2006);

    Associations of legal entities, public and state-public associations operating in the field education(the paragraph was introduced by Federal Law No. 92-FZ of July 18, 2005).

    Educational is an institution, carrying out educational process, that is, realizing one or more educational programs and(or) ensuring the maintenance and education of students, pupils.

    To educational institutions include the following types:

    - preschool;

    - general education(initial general, basic general, secondary (full) general education);

    Institutions of primary vocational, secondary vocational, higher vocational and postgraduate vocational education;

    Additional adult education;

    Special (correctional) for students, pupils with disabilities (as amended by Federal Law No. 120-FZ of June 30, 2007);

    Institutions for orphans and children left without parental care (legal representatives);

    Additional children's education;

    Other institutions implementing educational process.

    Based on Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On education dated July 10, 1992, concept « preschool education» contains the following provisions:

    Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child's personality in early childhood;

    For raising children preschool age, protection and strengthening of their physical and mental health, development of individual abilities and the necessary correction of developmental disorders of these children, a network operates to help the family preschool educational institutions;

    Local self-government bodies organize and coordinate methodological, diagnostic and advisory assistance to families raising children preschool at home.

    In this paper, we propose to consider another version of the network preschool institutions.

    To date, children preschool of age can attend GBDOU provided to them by the city (or other administrative unit). If places in no preschool, child "standing in line" until the release or creation of a place in the preschool educational institution. At the same time, both children already attending the kindergarten and "standing in line", can attend institutions of additional education. It may happen that the child does not have time to get into the garden before entering school, then his fate preschool education falls entirely on the shoulders of the parents.

    There is also an opinion that some parents, having sent their child to kindergarten, do not care about what education he receives within the walls of the preschool educational institution, because they consider him unsatisfactory for the needs of the child, therefore they resort to the services of an additional education usually paid.

    Many parents, although they are satisfied with the quality of teaching in preschool educational institutions, still additionally « form» your child, because some disciplines are really not in the garden.

    There are parents who believe that childhood should not be taken away from the child, and prefer not to download the child education before entering school, assuming that “He will go to school, and there they will teach him everything”.

    In connection with the above, consider the following network model preschool institutions.

    Consider the scheme (Appendix 1, where the remote control network is divided into institutions, divided by types education(first, second, third and additional education, availability educational functions and payment system.

    Institutions of the first type, the so-called. care and supervision are preschool institutions, where the educational pedagogical process is carried out (VPP, but there is no educational segment of the pedagogical process. During the day, children are looked after, regime moments are held (feeding, walking, sleeping, and otherwise the pupils show independent activity. Group equipment is minimal. Such institutions can be free for parents, since all expenses for the maintenance of institutions of the first type takes over the city administration. way, the issue of providing free preschool education in our country.

    The second type of institutions are institutions where educational and educational pedagogical process (WOPP) with a minimum set educational functions(for example, everyone is left in the lesson grid, but one per day and so on for a month (1 day - drawing, 2 day - physical education, 3 - ecology, 4 - music, 5 - reading, 6 - modeling, etc. ).Also, all regime moments are observed.Payment - based on the cost of a visit per day, minus subsidies from the city budget.Thus way, a part is removed from educators educational load and parents are provided with the minimum necessary set of services for a small fee.

    The third type of institutions - pre-school institutions that are currently operating, where VOPP is organized with all regime moments, is being educational activities in compliance with all federal state requirements for educational programs, the introduction of partial programs, active work is being carried out with parents and specialists. Accordingly, the payment for the visit preschool institutions will be at full cost, most of which is now compensated from the city budget. Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the number of children in the groups will decrease and, as a result, the level of education; there is no need to spend budgetary funds on the maintenance of a kindergarten, the level of qualifications and salaries of employees will increase, the attitude of parents will change in a positive direction.

    The fourth type - institutions of additional education, which are institutions that make it possible to obtain a specific education having a narrow specialization.

    1. By creating institutions of the first type, the issue of free education;

    2. By creating institutions of the second type, the burden on the teacher is eased, and parents receive the necessary set of services at a minimum cost;

    3. In institutions of the third type, parents and children are provided with the maximum set educational programs and additional services, the number of children in the group is decreasing, which leads to an increase in the quality education due to the possibility of implementing an individual approach. Increased fee for attending preschool decides 2 Problems: the self-sufficiency of the organization and the moral attitude towards the services for which the parent pays, since the low level of payment leads to a deterioration in the attitude of the parents.

    In this way, you can try to solve several urgent problems in modern preschool education and upbringing.

    Actual problems of modern preschool education

    Undoubtedly, the system of modern preschool education is very important and relevant. Currently, there are also problems of modern education. I would like to note that it is at preschool age that a child develops all the main personality traits and determines the quality of his further physical and mental development. If you ignore the features of the development of a child at this age, then this may adversely affect his future life.

    Let's pay attention to the communication of the child. Communication is a big problem. Communication should include the ability to hear and listen, the ability to get in touch with peers and adults, the ability to express one's thoughts, understand speech. But full-fledged communication is impossible without communicative skills, which must be developed from childhood in the process of a role-playing game. But despite all the advantages of the role-playing game, not all educators devote due time to this type of activity. And it often happens that the teacher conducts a role-playing game only at the request of the children.

    I would also like to consider the topic - family. Today, there are a large number of single-parent families where children are brought up. This is where situations come from. When a parent has no time to take care of his child, he is left to the mercy of fate. Most modern parents do not want to cooperate with the preschool educational institution, referring to employment.

    And there are a lot of such problems in modern education, such as the problems of the development of arbitrary memory, the problems of learning GCD. And it all comes down to technique. It is necessary to introduce new technologies and methods.

    I want to go directly to the most modern education. Enumerating the problems of education, I would like to find out what modern education should be like. I propose to consider several completely different lines of modern education.

    The first is that the educator and adults build work with children on their own. Before school, a child absorbs information like a “sponge”, the child is often active in learning new things, and is interested in new things. From here, adults have a desire to take advantage of this period and slightly shift the time when the child goes to school by a year or a couple of years. And these cases are twofold. In the first case, the adult wants to leave the child in kindergarten for more time. In the second case, the parent insists that the child needs to go to school earlier, paying attention only to his physiological readiness for school and completely forgetting about his psychological readiness for school. This shows that the practice of early education of ZUN children can lead to the disappearance of learning motivation. And it can often be that the child studies the first grade program twice.

    From this we can conclude that the result of the above is to slow down the goal of early education. Bringing negative effects, such as, for example, the loss of children's interest in learning, there are problems with continuity in the education system between preschool and primary school. I would like to add. That the presence of a child's knowledge does not determine the success of learning, it is much more important that the child independently obtain and apply them.

    The second is that education is built on the interests of the child himself and the interests of his family, that is, his legal representatives. The student-centered approach is aimed at developing the type of education. It takes into account age and individual characteristics, focuses on the interests of each child. But I would like to note that not every educator can see this line in developing education. And not for every child it is possible to realize the goals of developmental education due to some reasons. It can be seen that such education has both a developing effect and development or promotion. The educator should set a goal - to ensure development with the help of this knowledge and skills. If the child is active and inquisitive, it can be assumed that the development process is underway.

    In order to achieve new educational results in my work with preschool children, I use health-saving technologies

    The health of the nation is one of the most urgent problems of modern society. The problem of optimizing the health and physical development of children in preschool educational institutions in the current socio-economic conditions of the development of society is such that the unsatisfactory state of health and physical development of a significant part of preschool children is a serious issue.

    Children's health indicators require the adoption of effective measures to improve their health.

    The implementation of health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions becomes an effective means of preserving and strengthening the health of children if:

    The state of health of the child and his individual psychophysiological characteristics are taken into account when choosing forms, methods and means of education.

    Health-saving technologies are a system of measures that includes the interconnection and interaction of all factors of the educational environment aimed at preserving the health of a child at all stages of education and development.

    Applying such methods as: dynamic pauses, outdoor and sports games, relaxation, gymnastics: finger, for the eyes, breathing; physical education classes, healthy lifestyle classes, self-massage, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the upbringing and educational process, forming value orientations in pupils aimed at maintaining and strengthening health.

    The introduction of health-saving technologies contributes to raising a child's interest in the learning process, increases cognitive activity and, most importantly, improves the psycho-emotional well-being and health of children. Helps to reduce morbidity, increase the level of physical fitness, the formation of a conscious need for a healthy lifestyle.

    So, summing up the above, I would like to say that there are problems in education, and in particular in modern education, and they are obvious. Without communication, it is impossible to develop the communicative side of the child's personality, which can further lead to unfavorable sociogenesis. Without the cooperation of parents with a preschool educational institution, the full development of the child is impossible. It is necessary to influence parents in such a way that they try to be with the child throughout the preschool age, help him. As for several lines of education, I would like to add that they are completely opposite, but often encountered. Of course, more effective learning is the one that takes place in a student-centered style, but it all depends on the educator, on his goals, what the educator takes first and second. And it depends on adults whether problems in modern education will be solved or not.