The most valuable ruby ​​stone and its properties. Ruby How to look like an expensive ruby ​​stone

Ruby is a mineral, a representative of precious stones. It is a variety of natural corundum, one of the hardest minerals on Earth. It has absolute hardness and is in second place after diamond. Endowed with anisotropic optical properties. The admixture of chromium creates a red color. Stones with this color are called rubies. Blue colored corundums are sapphires. Ruby is considered the patron saint of strong and courageous people.

The richest ruby ​​deposits in the world

These amazing stones are born at great depths at high temperature and pressure. Theoretically, rubies can be found anywhere on our planet. But you can't get it everywhere. The most famous and richest places in precious stones are ruby ​​deposits in:

  • Burma;
  • Sri Lanka;
  • Thailand.

The rubies of each deposit differ from each other in density and specific gravity, light refraction, and transparency. Samples from Burma are ideal minerals, their quality and beauty are an order of magnitude higher than stones from other deposits. Therefore, their cost is much higher. Now the Burmese deposits are practically empty, for the entire time of their existence there are no worthy copies of rubies left for delivery to the jewelry markets of the world.

Today, India occupies a worthy first place in the extraction of the precious mineral. The Kashmir mine produces sapphires of excellent quality. There are also red rubies. It is hoped that this deposit will become a center for the extraction of these varieties of corundum.

Other notable ruby ​​deposits

The island of Ceylon (Sri Lanka) is famous for its deposits of rare star-shaped gems, and is on the same level as Burmese rubies.

In Thailand, a deposit is being developed with precious minerals, which, although of lower quality, are also included in the group of precious stones that are in demand on the market.

In many countries of Africa, Asia, Australia, America and European countries, painstaking work is also underway to extract a precious gem from the bowels of the Earth, but so far the stones that come across do not reach the border, having crossed over which they will receive worldwide recognition. Most specimens cannot be cut and are widely used for industrial purposes.

The ruby ​​deposit is owned by a Western company. Local enterprises have a small share in this huge mechanism and perform mostly labour-intensive work. After extraction, the raw ruby ​​is sent for cutting to the countries of the European Union, Israel or Thailand. This is a complex procedure that requires great experience and the highest precision from the masters. The quality of the product and its final cost depend on how the ruby ​​is cut.

Gradation in quality and price of rubies

The embodiment of perfection is rightfully a fiery red ruby. Connoisseurs of jewelry appreciate this stone quite highly. The cost of some large specimens sometimes exceeds the cost of diamonds of the same size.

Rubies are:

  • red with a dark and light shade;
  • pink;
  • scarlet;
  • crimson.

A precious crystal can be orange, purple and black.

There are stones of amazing shape and color intensity. There are slightly cloudy specimens and opaque, star-shaped and with the effect of a cat's eye. Some types of crystals are not cut, but polished, giving them a convex shape. Burmese rubies are still famous for especially beautiful and expensive specimens. The price of one carat can start from 50 and reach 5000 US dollars.

Indian corundum differs from the stones of other deposits in a light shade and the presence of cracks and specks in the stone. Because of this, the cost of stones is much lower.

Tanzania rubies are particularly dark and solid. This refers the mineral to the second grade. But some stones have a bright garnet hue, and after cutting, garnet rubies become worthy of attention.

Precious crystals from Kenya, Madagascar, Afghanistan have amazing reflections and effects, although they are much inferior in value.

Modern technologies make it possible to grow red corundum artificially. The resulting crystal is not inferior to natural ruby ​​in its appearance and quality. Synthetic mineral is widely used for industrial purposes. To distinguish a natural ruby ​​from a man-made ruby, it is enough to dip it into milk - the surface becomes pink.

Features of mining rubies

The extraction of precious rubies in industrial volumes is carried out in alluvial placers, where the density of crystals is very high. Rubies and sapphires are extracted manually. The method of mining rubies is as simple as hundreds of years ago. To get started, entrepreneurs must obtain a license, which costs a lot of money.

They dig deepenings, which eventually develop into mines and adits. Surface-mounted pumps constantly pump out water. As soon as the pump stops, the water will begin to arrive quickly and fill the shaft. Air is forced into the shaft.

The rock, which is mostly clay, rises to the surface in baskets, where it is washed and precious stones are found. You can dig for several months, but find nothing. People in such fields work as families.

Some exhaustedly dig, others process the found specimens of stones. This is due to the fact that the uncut rubies found are semi-precious specimens, and do not give an idea of ​​the actual value of the stone before it is processed. If the ruby ​​turns out to be pure, then a significant amount of money can be obtained from its sale.

Mining rubies is very hard and sometimes dangerous work. Crystals are mined in rocks at depths sometimes reaching 30 meters. But for the poor it is the only way out and way of survival.

Gemstone Processing

Before putting up for sale, all natural specimens undergo a special corrective processing:

  • thermal effect on the crystal;
  • to obtain a rich red color, the ruby ​​is treated with beryllium;
  • cracks and voids in the body of the ruby ​​are filled with transparent liquid glass.

The crystal is ennobled, giving it a smooth surface and a rich shade.

When admitted for correction, a ruby ​​may have minor defects that do not particularly affect the color of the stone and its transparency. Such instances of the mineral are called pure samples.

Another type of precious stones with significant cracks and inclusions is classified as impure stones. Both groups of crystals are subject to the correction procedure. Natural corundums get an attractive look and go on sale. The price of the product will be significantly lower than the natural, unprocessed and high-quality copy.

Where rubies are used

The scope of synthetic ruby ​​is industry. Due to its strength, it is used on the surface of sandpaper, in watch mechanisms. Synthetic rubies are used as an active medium in the manufacture of lasers.

In folk medicine, ruby ​​is credited with medicinal properties. Carrying with you helps a good sleep, strengthens eyesight, reduces back pain. Asian sages considered the ruby ​​to be a healer of heart diseases, as well as able to improve brain function and give energy to a person.

Alternative medicine classifies the ruby ​​as a remedy that can prevent epileptic strokes and restore the nervous system after stress.

Many peoples of the world attribute magical properties to the mineral.

Ruby is the king of gems. And the main purpose of this precious magnificent stone is to be used as an expensive decoration in combination with other precious metals and minerals.

At great depths, under great pressure and temperature, minerals of amazing beauty are born - rubies. Their formation varies from a certain deposit where rubies are mined, but most often it is carried out at a temperature of 450 degrees and at a depth of up to 30 km. As a result of transformation, sedimentary rocks turn into metamorphic rock.

Despite the fact that ruby ​​deposits theoretically exist on all continents except Antarctica, the extraction of the precious gem is far from being carried out everywhere. The most famous ruby ​​deposits at the moment are located in the southeast of Asia (Burma), on the island of Sri Lanka (Ceylon) and in Thailand.

Burmese rubies are an undeniable ideal, they surpass other specimens in quality and beauty, and, accordingly, they are more expensive. It was there that the largest and most famous ruby ​​\u200b\u200bwas discovered at one time, whose weight reached four hundred carats. True, in its original state it has not survived to this day - it was split into three parts.

But now, to our great regret, the Burmese ruby ​​deposits are almost completely developed. No wonder, because for so many years they were the source of the best gems in the world! The most promising area where ruby ​​is currently mined is India. The well-known Kashmir deposits in India, which supply the finest sapphires to the jewelry market, can also be the source of the finest rubies. Red rubies of excellent quality have already been discovered there, and the deposits of the island of Sri Lanka have already managed to become famous for their rarest star gems.

Not so long ago, on January 28, 2012, the largest emerald was sold at an auction in Canada, almost 58 thousand carats in size. The weight of this giant gemstone is over 11 kilograms.

The largest emerald was named Theodora. This unusual and very expensive stone was mined in the bowels of Brazil, then it was stolen and ended up in India, but still it ended up at an auction in British Columbia, Canada.

Reagan Rainey became the owner of this stone, who still indignantly claims that this is not a pure emerald. As he says: "It is certainly an emerald, but the exact amount of this material in the stone is unknown."

Although of course this is possible, because there is a heterogeneity of color in it, which indicates that there is a completely different material inside, this is “beryl”, this is an old form of emerald.

And so this unusual stone was sold to Reagan Rainey for 1,150 thousand dollars, some would say that this is not such a big price for the largest emerald in the world, but according to "knowledgeable people" this is a good price.


most expensive emerald

To date, the most expensive emerald is valued at $150 million. The name Fura was given to the unique stone after the place of its discovery. The development of the breed was carried out in the region of Mount Fura, located 80 km north of the Colombian capital of Bogotá. The weight of the giant is 11350 carats or 2.27 kg. The owner of the extraordinary find is the Colombian industrialist Victor Carranza, who has been mining emeralds for half a century.

Emerald Fura

Realizing the high value of the acquisition, Victor Carranza hid the news from the public for more than 10 years. He is also the proud owner of another large and clear green emerald called Tera. It weighs 2000 carats or 0.4 kg. The owner deliberately does not cut the Fura and Tera emeralds in order to preserve their natural beauty.

The most expensive sapphires

The huge Millennium sapphire, found in 1995 in Madagascar, is valued at $180 million. An incredible wonder of nature is the size of a soccer ball. The stone weighs 61.5 thousand carats or 12.3 kg. The treasure was processed by the Italian artist Alessio Boschi. Dimensions and carving are the main value of the specimen. Millennium is not distinguished by a special brightness of color.

Sapphire Millennium

Images of the greatest geniuses of mankind are carved on the stone - Ludwig van Beethoven, Michelangelo, William Shakespeare, Albert Einstein and others. It took 2 years to create a unique piece of art.

In its raw form, the gem reached a diameter of 28 cm and weighed 90 carats. After carving and polishing, the sapphire lost almost a third of its weight.

The Black Star of Queensland has a rich history. The largest stellar black sapphire in the world was discovered in Australia. The mass of the find was 1156 carats. After cutting, the sapphire lost 423 carats of weight. The cut corundum, weighing 733 carats, creates a six-pointed star-shaped radiance in natural or artificial light. Experts estimate it today at 88 million dollars.

Stone Black Star of Queensland

The Rockefeller sapphire has changed hands several times. In 1991, at Sotheby's in New York, the stone was sold for $3.03 million. This is the highest price that has been paid for a blue sapphire. The first mention of the gem dates back to 1934. It was bought by an American multimillionaire from an Indian Maharaja. Treasure is valued for its pure rich blue color. Initially, the weight of the stone was 66.03 carats. After cutting, the unique sapphire acquired a rectangular shape and began to weigh 62.02 carats.

Rockefeller sapphire

Magnificent, unsurpassed, beautiful ruby ​​stone is the king among precious minerals, the leader of gems. The stone of the planet Sun is one of the rarest and most expensive in the world, along with diamonds and emeralds. The stone of power and prosperity, related to the elements of Fire, has no equal in anything.

Before him, the moonlight and the brilliance of distant stars fade, the beauty of the most magnificent beauty and the morning dawn. From the radiance coming from its depths, it breathes mystery and infinity.

Its brilliance and richness fascinate so that you cannot take your eyes off this unique creation of nature. Ruby has a special magical power, incomparable with other stones.

Description of the stone and its meaning

The king of gems and looks accordingly. A real ruby ​​has a blood-red color, which corresponds to its name, which in Latin means "red".

A high-quality gem looks exactly like this:

  • transparent;
  • smooth;
  • brilliant;
  • sparkling;
  • solid;
  • correct form;
  • heavy;
  • without defects (cracks, scratches, voids, impurities); color - carmine red with a bluish tint and silky or milky inclusions.

The gem symbolizes love and beauty, strength and royalty, health and lust for life. The stone of mystics and magicians has an incredible layer and does not tolerate lies.

The history of the origin of the ruby

One of the most valuable jewelry materials, the ruby, according to one of the beautiful ancient Indian legends, was tempered in the blood of the terrible demon Vala, which the sun god Surya, fleeing from Ravana, the king of Sri Lanka, who was famous for his power and victories over the demigods, dropped into deep the waters of Bhakarta (ancient India) with gentle waves shining under bright sunlight, surrounded by banks overgrown with walnut trees.

Thus, amazing gems appeared on the banks of these waters, sparkling with a unique brilliance.

Magnificent and radiant, bright red and other shades of gems began to be found on the fragrant banks of the Ravan Ganga (Burma, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Tibet, etc.). Rubies of various colors and shades are still found in these fragrant lands to this day. Some of them resemble human blood, while others resemble pomegranate seeds or saffron. The best of them are evenly colored, and a unique radiance emanates from the core, reflecting the sun's rays in all directions.

The most expensive ruby ​​in the world is the stone found in the Bulgari ring. Its weight is 8.62 carats. This ring was purchased by London jeweler Lawrence Graff for £3.6 million in 2006.

One of the legendary is the Black Prince. Although they call it a ruby, in fact it is not a ruby, but. It has a weight of 170 carats. The stone was first mentioned in the 14th century, when it became the property of the British kings. This gem now adorns the front cross of the Crown of the British Empire.

Physical properties

Ruby, and in ancient times yahont and, is an igneous rock. The composition of the stone is corundum (Al2O3). The color, mostly blood-red, the stone has due to the content of impurities of chromium and iron oxides in it.

Other Features:

  • jewelry class - I;
  • hardness - 9 (on the Mohs scale), which is slightly inferior to the hardness of a diamond;
  • density - 3.97 - 4.05 g / cm³;
  • transparent;
  • may have rutile inclusions;
  • The brilliance of a ruby ​​can only be compared to that of brilliance.

Place of Birth

The gem is found all over the world, but these are, most often, semi-precious opaque specimens with various defects that cannot be cut.

The highest quality rubies are mined in Asia. One of the oldest deposits, according to ancient legend, is located in Burma, not far from Myanmar.

Large deposits of the king of stones are found in India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Afghanistan, and also in East Africa (Kenya and Tanzania).

In Russia, there are also gem deposits - in the Polar Urals. Another stone is found in the Pamir region.

Colors and varieties

The main color of the mineral is blood red. The stone can also be fiery crimson, red-brown, yellowish-red, red-pink. The most valuable is the gem, which has a bluish or purple hue, the so-called "pigeon blood" color stone.

"Pigeon Blood"

Ruby is very close in composition to sapphire, which is also (aluminum oxide), but does not have such a rich color range as its relative, so if suddenly someone somewhere hears of a pink or green ruby, then most likely We're talking about sapphire. However, the pink ruby ​​still exists. This is a young natural gem of light pink or lilac shades.

Pink ruby

A star ruby ​​is essentially a sapphire and can be any color. Its value lies in the shining six-pointed star located in the center of the processed stone.

star ruby

A variety of ruby ​​is aniolite - a unique rock consisting of green ziosite with inclusions of dark pink or dark red ruby. The mineral is valued for its amazing pattern as well as the combination of colors created by the two rocks in this beautiful creation, which is very expensive.

The color and quality of a ruby ​​depends on its origin.

magical properties

First of all, the ruby ​​is a stone of power. It raises the political authority of its owner and contributes to the growth of his political career.

Also, the gem is a symbol. It helps people who own it to learn love, compassion, self-sacrifice, disinterestedness both for individuals and for humanity as a whole, thereby bringing harmony and joy to the world.

The stone symbolizes passionate love. It is presented as a gift to those people from whom they want to achieve reciprocity.

It is believed that the stone changes color with the approach of danger. The ruby ​​has great mystical significance. It is an excellent amulet against, and also protects against the machinations of ill-wishers. The raw gem was worn by those who feared being poisoned.

The mineral enhances those qualities of a person that prevail in it. He makes the good kinder and the evil worse. A stone can bring misfortune to someone whose character traits are far from perfect. Rubin prefers those people who have purity of thought and strength of character, and he also does not tolerate lies.

The magical power of the gem is used by people with superpowers - magicians, sorcerers and psychics.

Medicinal properties

The healing properties of the stone have been known since ancient times.

Lithotherapists use it to treat:

  • digestive organs;
  • joints and spine;
  • throat diseases;
  • paralysis and epilepsy;
  • blood diseases;
  • hypertension.

Also, the mineral improves immunity, relieves insomnia and depression, improves metabolism. If a gem is placed in water and insisted for a day, then such water helps to rejuvenate the skin, restoring damaged cells, alleviates a person’s condition with colds, improves metabolism and removes toxins.

The stone is considered feminine, as it relieves the fair sex from gynecological ailments and helps them become pregnant.

Who suits according to the horoscope?

Ruby is dominated by the Sun and belongs to the element of Fire, therefore, we are perfectly suited to such signs of the zodiac that correspond to this particular element, that is Leo, Aries and Sagittarius, and does not fit the signs of the water element at all - Pisces and Cancer, however, Scorpion is an exception - it is under the auspices of the fiery planet Mars.

Taurus and Virgo should also not wear ruby ​​jewelry, and a stone will not harm Capricorn, but it will not do any good either.

Talismans and amulets

The stone is an excellent amulet for the military and firefighters, protecting them from death. It warns owners of danger by changing its color.

It is believed that the ruby ​​talisman will protect against natural disasters and negative magical effects. If you have a ruby ​​​​crystal in your house, then it will protect your home from fire and thieves.

If you wear a stone amulet all the time, then luck will always accompany its owner.. Any situation, whether it be finances, health or work, will change for the better. The energy of the stone allows a person to strive for everything new and unknown, opening up vast horizons of possibilities. Such a talisman will help people of mental and creative professions, as well as those who love adventure.

A gemstone amulet is capable of bringing prophetic dreams. If a person dreams of a ruby, then luck, success and prosperity await him in life.

ruby jewelry

Ruby is widely used in jewelry. They can be decorated with absolutely all jewelry: rings, earrings, bracelets, rings, necklaces, necklaces, etc.

Every girl or woman will be satisfied with exquisite ruby ​​jewelry, of which there is such a variety that any, even the most demanding, taste can be satisfied.

Ruby looks most luxurious in silver. This noble metal allows the mysterious and bewitching stone to fully open up.

The ruby ​​silver ring is especially chic. If it is intended for everyday wear, then it is better to choose a thin ring that will look stylish and modest, and massive rings with large rubies of dark and saturated colors of an exclusive cut are suitable for going out.

Ruby in silver fits perfectly into any style and image, and will suit both stylish and business women and sensual beauties. Absolutely everything - both blondes and brunettes will be able to choose a decoration to their liking.

For an engagement, you should choose a gold ring with a ruby, as it is a symbol of fiery love and devotion. Such a ring will support the fire of feelings and will not let love and passion go out for a long time.

Other uses

In addition to jewelry, ruby ​​is used in watchmaking. Everyone, probably, has met watches with stones, which are used as a gem, only either artificial or of poor quality.

Another artificial stone is present in modern laser systems manufactured since 1960.


Natural stone of saturated bright color in nature is a rarity. The cost of the most valuable pigeon blood ruby ​​is from $50,000 per carat.

The price of a stone may depend on color, weight, cut, processing and presence of inclusions. If there are cracks, bubbles or blackouts inside the stone, and they interfere with the play of light, then the price of such gems will be low.

The richer the color of the stone and the greater its mass, the more expensive its value will be. Also, the price depends on whether the ruby ​​is ennobled or not. Unennobled gems will be more expensive than ennobled ones.

In the world, it is customary to designate the price of such precious stones as ruby ​​and diamond in dollars.

In order to find out how much it will be in rubles, it is worth doing a simple mathematical operation or referring to tables in publications such as the Gem Guide magazine.

How many thousand rubles are asked for 1 carat ruby ​​in Russian retail chains?

One of the sites offered for sale a pair of natural rubies from Madagascar, weighing 1.68 carats, round, for earrings, rich red, for 3,500 rubles. The dimensions of the pebbles are 5 mm in diameter, length, height and width are 5x5x3.6 mm. Rubies have been heat treated.

On another site, a natural, unheated ruby ​​(according to the sellers) is offered at a price of 70,000 rubles per carat. This is the most approximate range of prices for rubies in Russia. Their cost changes with the change in the dollar exchange rate, quality and place of extraction.

The cost of large rubies is higher not only because of their size, but because they are much rarer. Therefore, the price of 1 carat of a large ruby ​​is higher than the price of 1 carat of a small stone, as a result, the cost of a stone can reach several million dollars.

In Russia, and in other countries of the world, it is very difficult to acquire high-quality rubies larger than two carats. It is even more difficult to find two or three natural stones of the same color and quality for earrings, for a set of pendants and earrings, rings and pendants, and so on.


Care lies in the proper storage and cleaning of the stone from contamination. Store the ruby ​​separately from other gems. It is best for him to purchase an individual box and place it in the eastern part of the dwelling.

Once a week, the stone must be cleaned of negativity with running water, under which the gem is placed for several hours. Also, it needs to be cleaned from time to time from dirt with a soapy solution and a soft cloth.

How to distinguish a fake?

The authenticity of the stone is quite easy to determine.

Definition methods:

  1. You can examine the stone in daylight with a magnifying glass. You need to look inside the gem. A real ruby ​​will never be perfect, there must be some inclusions inside.
  2. If you put a mineral in a container of milk, the milk will turn pink.
  3. From a certain angle of view, the stone on one side will have a bright color, and on the opposite - pale.
  4. Putting a stone on the eyelid, if the ruby ​​is real, then it will be cool for a long time. Artificial heats up quickly.
  5. In a glass beaker, a ruby ​​will emit a reddish color.
  6. When exposed to ultraviolet light, its color will turn orange.
  7. If you look at a crack, then in a natural stone it will be zigzag, and in a fake one it will be straight and shining.

Rubies have been known since ancient times. This stone is associated with fire, blood and wild passion. Ruby is one of the most valuable stones in the world. Interestingly, a perfect Burmese ruby ​​will cost more than a diamond. This situation has developed because very few natural minerals of perfect forms have been found.

A story with a touch of magic

Whatever names were given to the ruby ​​during its existence. Among the Slavs, he bore the name "yahont", some Roman connoisseurs called him carbunculus, the Greeks gave the stone the nickname anthrax, and in ancient Sanskrit the ruby ​​was dubbed the king of gems. It is believed that the owner of the stone will gain control over power and strength in order to improve their destiny.

But there are two important points: you can’t wear a ruby ​​all the time, as it can become an energy vampire in relation to its owner; safely owning a stone is worthy of a person who has reached a certain life status.

To this day, natural ruby ​​is credited with magical and healing properties:

  • help in overcoming obsessive fear;
  • opposition to the forces of darkness;
  • excitation of irresistible passion;
  • treatment of hypotension;
  • the presence of a hemostatic function;
  • the ability to invigorate and prevent the breakdown;
  • tonic properties.

For your information: the legendary Paracelsus attempted to treat cancerous tumors using ruby.

So where did the magic stone come from, and what color can a ruby ​​be? This is evidenced by scientific facts and long-term geological surveys.

Ruby pedigree

A long time ago, the bowels of the earth gave birth to a majestic stone in agony. This process took place during the mutual movement of tectonic layers: crust and magma. The resulting substance, later called aluminum oxide by scientists, came out in the form of a crystal. The value of rubies is due to the fact that their genus is too ancient, and the mystery of the appearance of red minerals goes far into the past. In our time, such movements of the earth's layers do not exist, so there is a chance to find scarlet stones only in the strata of rocks about half a million years old.

Distinctive features of the king of stones

What color is a ruby ​​found in nature? This indicator is affected by chromium inclusions. The ruby ​​color palette ranges from hot pink to purplish red. The most valuable in the world are rubies of saturated color of bull's blood. They seem to glow from within, bewitching with their cold beauty.

As for the physical features of the stone, its structure is one of the densest in nature and has an original, shimmering brilliance: these qualities add similarity to the ruby ​​with a diamond. In the old days, it was mined and stored only in India and Burma, but gradually developing trade relations allowed the precious mineral to travel to Egypt, Greece and the great Rome. In addition to healing various ailments, the ruby ​​is famous for the fact that, according to legend, it was honored to adorn the ring of the wise King Solomon. In addition, a luxurious stone was an indispensable attribute of the royal regalia and symbols of domination, however, not forgetting to adorn graceful fingers.

Ruby: species features

The deposits of these stunningly beautiful stones are localized on the territory of many states, including Sri Lanka, India, African countries, Madagascar, and some Asian regions. And each species has its strengths and unique appearance.

Guest from Burma

The flagship in the ruby ​​sea is undoubtedly a stone from Burma. The famous Mount Mong-Shu harbors Burmese rubies of the highest grade in its womb. These are very valuable stones, characterized by transparency and color saturation. To find out what color a natural ruby ​​mined in Upper Burma is, one must conjure up a blood-violet hue that does not lose its luster in any light. Outwardly, it looks very expensive. Looking at a product with a ruby, you can guess its grade and origin by the color of the stone. The Mogok ruby ​​ranges in color from light to dark red, but it is important to remember that it is the intense saturation that is the hallmark of the Burmese ruby.

Prices for such stones range from $ 50 per carat, and this is the minimum cost. Further price increase depends on the color of the ruby, and its quality characteristics are also taken into account. Determining the authenticity of a Burmese ruby ​​is quite difficult. This is done by well-known laboratories that have received the right to issue the appropriate certificates.

Siamese gift

Rubies mined in Thailand and Vietnam are considered second-class stones, but this does not make them any less beautiful. Thai ruby: what color is it and what is its difference? The stones of this region are characterized by a rich palette and sometimes they find truly unique, valuable samples, worth several thousand dollars per carat. But in the bulk, these stones are rather unevenly colored and do not differ in large sizes.

Ruby breath of Tanzania

Minerals worthy of attention are mined in Tanzania. What color is a ruby? A photo of a Tanzanian stone indicates a bright crimson hue, from the contemplation of which it is impossible to break away. Such stones become after cutting, but what color is a natural ruby ​​​​from the bowels of Tanzania? Cloudy, but more often transparent, pink or garnet minerals with pronounced internal defects, but jewelers give them a stunning appeal with the help of their skill, extracting fiery reflections from the stone heart.

Rubies are also mined in Kenya, Madagascar, India, Afghanistan and other countries, but they are significantly inferior in value to Siamese and Burmese species. For example, what color is a ruby ​​from the Kenyan depths? Surprisingly, such minerals have. And Malagasy stones are distinguished by orange and pink reflections with a pronounced internal silkiness.

Star effect rubies are especially prized: stunningly beautiful, transparent stones, often of intense color. Their cost depends on the saturation of the hue, the degree of clarity and clarity of the contour of the star inside the mineral. They are evaluated very subjectively, relying more on their own taste than on quality parameters.

Characteristic features of natural stone

Based on this, rubies are distinguished by different color saturation and transparency. If there is a so-called young ruby, what color is it? As a rule, such stones are watery-light, with a pink or lilac tint. In general, rubies in nature are not completely transparent, without foreign inclusions, internal defects and too large. What color is a real ruby, experts can say with confidence: the mineral contains shades from light scarlet to dark red. Also, natural stones have a dull sheen, and some have a silky sheen.

Determining Authenticity

A synthetically grown stone will not have those miraculous properties that a genuine ruby ​​is endowed with. In addition, real jewelry is very expensive, so deceit and scams often flourish in the sales sector.

How to distinguish imitation from natural stone?

Among other things, there are several important points that you should pay attention to first. So, the question price. Real rubies are rare, so because of their exclusivity, they are quite expensive. The low price of a large stone should be especially alert - such specimens are too rare and very valuable.

And last: color. If the buyer hurts his eyes from the contemplation of a sparkling, bloody ruby, then we must remember that such stones are rare in nature. In other words, in front of the client is either a fabulously valuable Burmese ruby, or a blatant fake.

There are several simple ways to identify the authenticity of a stone:

  1. Ultraviolet test. Under a fake ruby, it turns orange.
  2. White bubbles. In a natural ruby, bubbles are extremely rare and are identical in color to the stone itself. Whereas in fake minerals, circles are light in color or hollow.
  3. Natural stone is usually cold and heats up with great difficulty, unlike artificial counterparts.
  4. If you place a ruby ​​in a glass of milk, it will turn the liquid pink.
  5. From different angles, natural stone looks different.
  6. If a crack is found in a stone, then in a natural mineral it will be uneven and will not shine, as in a fake.

Therefore, when choosing an expensive ruby, you should definitely consult with a knowledgeable jeweler or gemologist.

Rubies are natural creations that are breathtaking to look at. It doesn’t matter what color the ruby ​​is colored with: they are used to create talismans for different signs of the zodiac, amulets that can protect against the forces of evil. They are credited with magical properties and endowed with healing characteristics. And, finally, magnificent jewels worthy of decorating royal houses are obtained from the ruby. A natural mineral of such a high grade is an excellent choice of real sybarite.