How to make angel wings for a children's paper costume with your own hands? Do-it-yourself angel wings for a costume: a master class with a video Fabric angel wings

And you think who to dress up? We invite you to play the role of an angel. It is not difficult to transform into this image. The costume is also quite easy to make. You will surely find a white robe among the things of your wardrobe, but we will teach you how to make wings. This article presents three master classes for making this attribute. Study them, choose the one you like best, and start the creative process.

We make white angel wings from improvised means. Preparation stage

This model is made from the most affordable materials listed in the list:

  • A3 cardboard (2 sheets);
  • White paper;
  • white napkins;
  • wide elastic band (about 2 meters);
  • feather.

In addition, you will need a thermal gun, scissors, a pencil, a stapler for work.

Instructions for making angel wings for a fancy dress from napkins and feathers

On paper, draw a sketch of the wing, the size you need. Cut out the template, transfer it to cardboard. Perform two such details, symmetrical to each other. Cover both sides with white paper. Next, try on the product to the back and outline the places where the elastic bands will be attached. Keep in mind that the distance between them should be equal to the width of the back. Sew them to cardboard blanks or pin them with a stapler. Seal the attachment points with white paper patches. Now proceed to the design of the product. Glue the wings of an angel with a thermal gun along the edges with white long feathers. Decorate the remaining space with napkins. How to do it? Apply PVA glue to the entire surface of the wing. Crumple the napkin and place it on the piece of cardboard. Thus design the entire product. Wrinkled napkins are very similar visually to fluff. Wings made in this way look very believable. Leave the craft to dry at room temperature. Press it along the edges (where the feathers are attached) with hard objects. When performing this step, be careful not to crush the napkins. After the attribute of the carnival costume dries, it can be supplemented with decorative elements: rhinestones, beads, acrylic painting.

Fantasy has no limits! Paper utensils - the basis for the manufacture of attributes for a masquerade

You can make original and beautiful angel wings with your own hands (photo confirmation of this) from a material such as disposable cardboard plates. What do we need to work? We study the list of materials and tools:

  • paper plates (small);
  • marker;
  • scissors;
  • thermal gun;
  • satin ribbon 2.5-4 cm wide.

Preparation method

On eight plates, mark lines in the form of a crescent on both sides with markers. Cut them along these lines. As a result, you will get sixteen "crescents" and eight ovals with sharp corners. Set aside the last details, they will not be needed in the work. When doing this procedure, remember that all the "crescents" must be the same size and width, so follow them in one pattern. These wedges will later serve as feathers on the product. Continue to make angel wings with your own hands like this: put a whole cardboard plate upside down in front of you, put eight blanks cut into wedges on it on each side in the form of a fan. Glue them on with a heat gun. Attach another one of the same whole disposable plate on top. Next, make ribbon straps. Glue its edges to the wrong side of the product. You can see the final version of this craft in the photo. Each of you can make such original angel wings with your own hands in just an hour.

We use scraps of white fabric

Namely, its main detail - wings, can be made very quickly from thin textiles. To make them, you will need the following materials: white fabric (cotton, linen, silk), thread and needle, stapler, cardboard, scissors.

Want to learn how to make such an attribute of a fancy dress? Then study the description.

Follow the template and cardboard base as described in the first version of the product. Next, cover the blanks with a white cloth, secure it with a stapler. Tear the other piece of textile into long strips 3-5 centimeters wide. Gather them with stitches on the thread along one edge and pull them together slightly, forming a frill. Pin the resulting fluffy detail on the wing horizontally with a stapler. Thus, decorate the entire front side of the product. Angel wings, made by hand in this way, are voluminous and very beautiful. The torn edges of the fabric are associated with feathers and down and look very natural on such an accessory.


The article presents to your attention three ways to make such an element to create the image of an Angel, like wings. We hope that some of them will definitely come in handy in preparation for the next carnival.

Gather everything you need. First of all, you will need four knitting needles. Of these, you will make the outer frame of the wings. You will have to go to a craft store and buy a bag of feathers and wire with a diameter of 1-1.5 millimeters. In addition, you will need the following:

  • unwanted white t-shirts;
  • hot glue gun;
  • ribbon;
  • a sheet of cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • glue for needlework.

Connect knitting needles. To get a frame for one wing, you need to connect two knitting needles. Using a glue gun, join the ends of the two knitting needles so that they form an angle slightly greater than 90 degrees. Do the same with the other two spokes to get the frame for the second wing.

  • Wait about 10 minutes for the glue to dry.
  • Before proceeding, make sure both frames are symmetrical.
  • Wrap the wing frames with wire. Wind the wire around both frames. At the same time, make small loops from the wire. These loops should have a diameter of about 2-3 centimeters. Using wire and loops, you will secure the wing frames to your back. Use hot glue to secure the wire to the needles properly.

    • If you find it difficult to attach the initial section of the wire to the frame, glue it. The wire will stick to the frame and you can unwind it.
    • There should be about eight stitches on each needle. Thus, there will be approximately 16 loops per wing.
  • Cut out pieces of cardboard. For each wing you will need 4 cardboard triangles. These triangles do not have to be the same size. It's okay if there are gaps between the needles and the cardboard, as you will cover them with a T-shirt and feathers. Try to make the triangles have an obtuse angle and be isosceles - in this case, they fit better with the frames.

    • Make sure that the four triangles for one wing are approximately the same size and shape as the four triangles for the other wing.
  • Attach cardboard. Before connecting the cardboard triangles with wire, lay them out so that you get the shape of the wings you need. Then, using the remaining wire, attach the triangles to each other and to the knitting needles. It is normal for the cardboard triangles to wobble slightly.

    • The shape in the form of eagle wings works well, especially in a half-expanded position.
    • You can also search the Internet for images of angels and choose the appropriate wing design.
    • Cardboard triangles do not have to look perfect and even. You will still cover them with feathers!
  • Cover the frames. Use old t-shirts for this. Cut off the sleeves and pull one T-shirt over each wing. Secure the t-shirts with hot glue so that they follow the outlines of the frames.

    • It is possible that you will have to cut the T-shirts.
  • Attach the feathers. Glue the feathers onto the T-shirts using hot or other strong enough glue. At the same time, make sure that the ends of the feathers protrude outward. Position the feathers parallel to each other - in this case, the wings will have a neater look.

    Today we'll talk about how to make wings out of paper... Recently, wings have become a hot topic for photography. I found great ideas on the Internet with wings made from dried flowers and maple leaves. Well, we wanted the most ordinary white angel wings ... If you have finances, then you can buy large goose feathers.

    Photographer: Daria Sivachuk

    Depending on the size, choose the shape.
    You can make wings of different birds or even a bat...

    We transfer the form of the desired size to the base. The base should hold its shape so that the wings do not bend. I chose white beer cardboard, but because it will close with feathers, the color doesn't matter. You can even use tech boxes.

    We need:

    • - 2 symmetrical parts of the wing (if the wings are for a child, then you can cut out a single shape)
    • - Lots of paper feathers on 2 sides (if needed)

    We cut feathers of 3 sizes, which we will sequentially lay in three rows. (We cut out the smallest feathers from the scraps, with which we will lay out the edge and block the glimpses of the base)

    All feathers must be bent to give the wings volume and realism.

    (I cut feathers from whatman paper, but you can use any paper. For realism, you can combine paper with fabric)

    We start laying feathers from the edge, overlapping the previous one. A fast way of a fastening - thermoglue.

    This is what our first row will look like.

    Then we lay the second row, you can glue it through one

    Then the third row

    With small feathers cut from scraps, we block the remaining space.

    We lay the top of the wing in the same way, in the direction of the growth of the feather.

    We do the same on the other side.

    To attach the wings, we need a wide elastic band. We make straps for hands. For strength, we make a hole in the base and fix the elastic on both sides. We mask the attachment point with feathers.

    We fasten the parts together, glue them additionally with paper for strength and overlap with feathers for beauty.

    Be sure to calculate at what width and height you need to make the straps.

    The wings are ready! Production time - 3 pm. Cost price - 250 rubles

    Despite the fact that it was snowing during the photo shoot, the wings were not damaged and now live in the St. Petersburg ArtTime photo studio.

    Photos in the process of shooting :)

    Here is the result!

    And this is a later shot, the wings were painted black.

    To be the center of attention at a costume party and catch enthusiastic glances, you need a chic costume. An excellent option would be the image of an angel with large beautiful wings. Such wings are often used for photo shoots. You can also dress up a child in a costume of a little angel for a festive matinee in kindergarten. This article contains angel wings templates and several workshops on how to make angel wings with your own hands.

    Templates and materials

    Such a beautiful detail of the image of an angel can be made from all kinds of improvised materials. The basis for them is most often made of cardboard. Then the cardboard is decorated with materials that look like feathers. Elastic bands are attached to the back of the wings to make it comfortable to put on the shoulders.

    Another option for the base is a rigid wire frame. It is bent into the desired shape and covered with elastic fabric. Then they also decorate the base.

    By connecting fantasy, you can come up with an original base decor. The main thing is that the weight of such wings should not be too large.

    Templates can be of simple form. The main emphasis is on the feathers themselves.

    Or a multi-layer openwork pattern is cut out, the shape of which looks like almost finished wings.

    The most natural decor is, of course, feathers. You can buy a boa, glue the feathers from it to the template.

    In feather pillows, you can choose light feathers, smear the template with glue and pour feathers on it. They stick well and quickly.

    You can also ask people who keep pigeons, but they are unlikely to have the right amount.

    Therefore, they make an imitation of feathers from satin fabric, paper, tracing paper, cardboard, fabric ruffles, napkins and other improvised materials.

    Feather wings

    Let's create a classic version of feather wings for an angel costume. These wings are perfect for a small child.

    For the manufacture of wings, it is necessary to prepare plastic, a piece of chintz, transparent glue, feathers, elastic bands.

    Cut out a wing template from plastic folders. Glue the chintz on the plastic, also cut according to the pattern. You can make a wire frame and stick calico details on it. The effect will be the same. At the base we make two holes and insert the rubber bands. Before making holes, the wings must be attached to the back and mark the location of the holes.

    We glue the edges of the wings with feathers so that the wire frame is not visible.

    We sort the feathers by length and glue them in rows from bottom to top, from long to short.

    We glue the edges at the top with down feathers.

    Very realistic wings are obtained.

    We make fabric

    Wonderful wings are obtained from fabric ruffles.

    Let's prepare cardboard, paper for gluing the back of the wings, elastic bands for fastening, glue and circles of fabric, tape for connecting the wings.

    Cut out a template from cardboard.

    According to the template, cut out the details from paper with a margin along the edge.

    Glue paper over cardboard. We make holes and insert rubber bands.

    We take circles of fabric in the center so that soft uniform folds form.

    Starting from the bottom, glue the fabric to the cardboard base.

    Get fluffy wings.

    We fasten them with a ribbon, and the fabric angel wings are ready.

    Another master class of fabric wings. Light and airy wings are obtained from organza.

    For their manufacture, you will need a hard wire, nylon or tulle, organza, scissors, threads, a needle.

    The frame is made of wire.

    The frame is sheathed with tulle or nylon mesh. We fasten the parts with wire, which we also glue. We put wide elastic bands on the connection, which will be worn on the shoulders.

    Strips are cut from organza, and a fringe is cut from one edge. The strip is folded and sewn to the frame, starting from the bottom.

    You get tender airy wings.

    paper product

    Huge angel wings can be decorated with paper feathers.

    For work, we need to prepare a simple cardboard for the base, paper, nightlights, glue and rubber bands.

    A template of the desired size is cut out and transferred to thick cardboard.

    The diagram shows the principle of gluing feathers of different sizes.

    Cut out a lot of feathers and bend them lengthwise.

    Glue the feathers in rows.

    We make two holes on each wing. We insert rubber bands into them. Mask holes with feathers.

    Fasten the wings. We also mask the junction.

    When finished, they will look like this.

    tissue paper wings

    Delicate and airy angel wings are obtained, decorated with napkins.

    To create them, you need a ceiling tile. It can be replaced with cardboard pasted over with paper. We will also prepare white napkins, scissors, an awl, rubber bands, glue.

    Cut out the wings according to the pattern. We make holes in them for attaching rubber bands.

    On the eve of a children's holiday in a kindergarten or school, every mother thinks about what fabulous image to create for her child. Often, mothers of babies make costumes of angels or butterflies. The main distinguishing feature of such a costume, of course, are the wings. They can be made from any material you have at home or in your garage. We will present you with a few step-by-step instructions on what to follow and what to do to get beautiful angel or moth wings.

    DIY butterfly wings

    How to make angel wings with your own hands, a master class with a photo

    1. Buy 2 clear booklet covers. From them we will cut out the frame for the wings of an angel. The frame stencil can be downloaded from the Internet or you can draw it yourself.

    1. Cut out the wings with scissors. Bend the copper wire according to the shape of the wings. After that, you need to glue the blank of each wing with a heat gun to the wire.
    2. It will turn out the skeleton of the wings is not very presentable. To make them look decent, you need to cut out pieces of chintz or any other white fabric that you have at your disposal according to the shape of your wings.

    1. Glue the fabric to the frame of the wings very carefully so that there are no bumps on either side, as this will spoil their overall appearance.
    2. Prepare as many down feathers as possible. If you have an unwanted pillow, shake it out. These feathers should be carefully glued around the perimeter of the wings with a heat gun. Make sure that the direction of the feathers you choose is initially the same everywhere. To make them look realistic, glue them so that their fluffy parts are pointing down.

    1. Trim the lower part of the wings with long feathers in several rows. Glue the upper part with the remains of a downy white boa.

    1. It remains only to attach Velcro or any other holder to the wire itself, with which you can attach the wings to the main suit.

    Videos DIY angel wings

    DIY angel wings made of paper, detail

    1. Prepare a pattern for future angel wings, cut out a piece of white cardboard from it. To make the wings look beautiful, glue them with plain white paper of the same shape as you chose the wings.
    2. Be sure to place the wings under the press after the paper gluing stage so that the product does not deform during the chemical reactions that will occur when the glue begins to dry.
    3. After that, glue the gum to the wings. You must choose the length of each elastic band individually, taking measurements for your child. Glue this important element with a heat gun so that the wings do not fall off the elastic during the holiday, and your child is not left without an elegant costume.
    4. Buy a pack of white doilies and then glue each doily to the wings so that one corner is free to blow in the wind. This technique will help you to give the wings volume and realism.

    Napkins, of course, are not the most practical material, because they are fragile. Instead, mothers often use synthetic winterizer. It looks much better and holds on to the wings more securely. Its cost is not so high as to save on the quality of a costume for a child.

    Do-it-yourself angel wings from isolon, step by step with a photo

    1. Traditionally, you first need to come up with the shape of the wings. As soon as you decide, immediately form the appropriate frame of copper wire. Keep in mind that its size must necessarily be smaller than the finished wings so that the wire is not visible in the end.

    1. On the resulting frame we glue a piece of isolon - this is the lining that spreads under the linoleum. It is strong enough, the wings will be large, it will be convenient to glue or sew on pieces of tulle and feathers from the same isolon on them.

    1. Isolon feathers are best glued with a heat gun. You need to prepare as many of them as possible, while it is necessary that the feathers be of different sizes. The largest ones are attached to the bottom of the frame, and then they decrease in size as you get closer to the top.

    1. It is still better to sheathe the upper part with pieces of a white boa. It is not a problem to find it, because it is sold in any sewing store with accessories and fabrics.

    1. Use wooden hangers as fasteners. They are tied with ribbons to the frame of the wings and the same ribbons are tied to the shoulders of the child. Rubber bands can also be used instead of ribbons. The choice should depend on what your child will do in these wings. If he just needs to go out and recite a poem, ribbons are enough. If the child will dance in the wings, jump, then it is better to attach elastic bands.

    DIY angel wings made of fabric, step by step with a photo

    1. To get started, stock up on all the tools and materials necessary for manufacturing. Everything you need is shown in the photo below:

    1. Cut a piece of copper wire to the required size and attach it to a piece of paper so that the dimensions match. Make marks on paper on each side of the wire.

    1. Draw half of wing 1 and then cut it out:

    1. Using the resulting pattern, make cutouts from cotton fabric.

    1. Repeat all of the above steps again, but only make patterns a few centimeters smaller than the main workpiece. As a result, you should get 3 pairs of fabric blanks for wings of different sizes. Each piece of fabric must be twisted with tubes as shown in the photo:

    1. Glue a large piece of fabric to the wire so that you have a narrower wing frame. On top of this fabric, carefully glue the remaining 2. The same must be repeated with the second wing.

    1. You should end up with this look for each wing:
    2. As you can see, such wings were prepared for the doll. We intentionally did not indicate the sizes of paper and fabric that you will need, because you must take measurements yourself, starting from the purpose for which you are making the wings.

      How to make butterfly wings with your own hands, 2 options with a photo

      Option number 1: Fabric wings

      1. First, make a wire frame for future wings. It is done in the same way as for the angel.
      2. Prepare patterns from tulle or chiffon. Cover the wire frame with them and sew them well with threads.
      3. Places of sewing should be hidden under the slanting inlay.
      4. Each winglet can be decorated with different appliqués of fabric pieces, colorful buttons, bow ribbons and other decorative elements that you consider necessary to use. Everything must be fastened with threads or with a thermal gun.

      Option number 2: Wings from nylon tights

      1. Make a frame out of copper wire.
      2. Pull nylon stockings over each wing. The beauty of this method is that initially you can buy tights in the color you need.
      3. If you cover the frame with white stockings, you can purchase different spray paints and use them to create a pattern on the wings of a butterfly, just by spraying.

      You don’t need to be a master with golden hands at all to create something beautiful and delicate on your own. It is enough just to have basic skills in working with sewing and stationery to send your child to win the costume contest. Use the options we offer and get inspired to create author's creations!

      Video: "How to make an angel?"