How to sell an enchanted item l2. Enchanting items - effects. Full list of possible properties

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Grinding sometimes needs a break. You can always do important things while the character is fighting. But remember death: do not leave the hero unattended for a long time.

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The most profitable spoil (spoil) of resources in Lineage 2

Where, how and what should be spoiled in order to be rich at 10 - 80lvl?

First you need to remember a couple of simple truths that are always relevant, regardless of the server you play on.

There are several types of resources that are most in demand in the creation of weapons and other items, the most in demand are () Coarse Bone Powder, () Stone of Purity, () Oriharukon Ingot, Enria.

Also, () Steel, () Mithril Ore, all types of Molds () can be a good catch: Glue, Mold Hardener, Lubricant; () Azof, () Dressed Leather, and much more.

Now about where and how you can get rich with all this good.

10 – 16
What we spoil:
Lesser Healing Potion
Animal skin

With Werewolf Garum(9)
Location: Dwarf Village

What we spoil:
Coal, Mithril Ore, Leather c Hobgoblin
Grizzly Dione

What we spoil: Animal Skin, steel, coal, pieces, rivers.
Drop: bija pieces + drop komon bija.
With Turek Orc Sentinel and mobs in the vicinity.
Location: Orc camp.

Let's spoil: Lacquer, Animal Bone with Elder Lirain(19)

We run to the territory of the elves, across the bridge, we will see spirits there!

Location: Neutral zone (Above Gludio)

What we spoil:
Dire Wolf Khashi(23)

Oriharukon Ingot c Baal the Destroyer Dre Vanul( 25)

Do not rush to pump out your dwarf 40 lvl. There is one fabulous location, where, due to its range, there are no people.

Location near Cave of Trials(Orc territory)

Let's spoil: Iron Ore Lacquer c Gnoll General(26)
Location: Abandoned camp

Let's spoil: Iron Ore and Animal Bone with Gnoll Raider(27)
+ good drop keys lvl 2

Location: Fortification of partisans

Let's spoil: Silver Ingot, Lacquer with Cannibal Warrior Turak (33)
Location: Giran Castle area

Spoil at level 36-43
What we spoil:

Skin with Alligator(40)

If you need Leather - do not rush to run to the Cruma Tower on Lizard Lord Leto, you will not gain anything except for the killed time (unless you are a botanist). There is one, again, a secluded place, near the port on Aligators Beach, There are many Aligators, from each of which you can get Leather (which is used to make Dedicated Leather) and an excellent drop from the most sought-after resources. In a comparative analysis, this place is most profitable in hunting for leather, even crafting everything mined cannot overshadow the result.

Location Alligator Beach(City of Hain)

Spoil at level 40-47
What we spoil:
Purity Stone and Rough Bone Powder c Shaman Lith(42) and Confessor Giant(42)

There is also a fun place, very, very profitable in the Catacombs of the Excommunicated, but due to the fact that the monsters are at the very beginning, on the Lineage 2 server with over 1000 online, it will be very difficult to find a free room there (and if the dwarf is alone , then it will also be problematic to clean it up).

Location Catacombs of the Excommunicated

Spoil at level 40-50
What we spoil:

Stone of Purity and Oriharukon Ingot with Zombie Pirate Captain(44) and Zaken Shooter(44)

Location Pirate Tunnel (Devil's Island)

Spoil at level 40-50
What we spoil:
Azof Tons Enria c Puppet Master(50)
Water Giant(45)

Location: Gardens of Goddess Eve

What we spoil:
Mithril Ore, Glue, Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-Grade) c Vanor Champion Vanor(46)

If you do not have a buffer, but only one spoiler, then this place will be relevant for you.
The catch is pretty good. There is a possibility of fierce competition, but in your situation there is little choice.
Location City of Aden - Plains of Glory

If the spoiler is not your main character upon reaching level 52, I advise you to merge it again before level 40 (since a good spoiler of the most popular resources, as well as s-enchants, is available at this level).
Smoothly transition to sharpening, Spoil at level 56+
The chance of dropping and spoiling the world of Lineage 2 is a very mean thing. You can spoil 1000 monsters and not draw a single enchant with a 1/100 chance, and your competitor will pull 10. In this regard, I advise you to spoil enchants only from monsters, from which you can also extract something else valuable in parallel - running resources, valuable parts or recipes.

We hang at level 58 - 66

What we spoil:

Pure Stone, Scroll: Enchant Armor (B Grade) , Yenria c barif(64)

Stone of Purity with Barif's pet(61)

Azof, Yenria c Leogul(61)

Normally enriched upon reaching level 58, you can in the Cave of the Giants. To do this, you will need a party consisting of at least four people, who will have to go down to three main groups. If in addition you will have the second part of the quest Exploring the Cave of the Giants, Part 2- you can get rich very well.

Location: Cave of the Giants(down, down and down again)

Spoil at level 56-66
What we spoil:
Animal Bone, Scroll: Enchant Weapon (B Grade) c Priest Lilim(60)
Shadow of Purgatory (61)

If you do not have a party of four, then I advise you to master the labyrinths of kats and necropolises.

Location: Witches Catacombs

Spoil at level 56-66
What we will spoil: asof, iron, glue, rets / pieces of BV heavy from different mobs.
Location: Ice Labyrinth

What we spoil:
Grease, Stone of Purity, Scroll: Enchant Weapon (B Grade) c Creepy Warrior(61)
Scroll: Enchant Armor (B-grade) c Blade of Despair(62)
As an alternative to dungeons, this is very relevant. If you leaked or forgot to subscribe to the festival, I can offer the first floor of the TOI. But you will not do anything there alone either (debuffs in combination with aggressive x3 monsters).
Location: Tower of Insolence (1st floor)

Spoil at level 68+

When the spoiler reaches level 68+, a huge profit from the spoil is guaranteed almost anywhere, its amount depends on how strong a party of players you can collect. But even here there are the worst places.
If you have found a full party and a full buff, then you have a direct road to Imperial Tomb. Here you can enrich yourself with a full set of S-grade paraphernalia (sharpening and parts), in addition to a quest for recipes for S-grade weapons.

Running resources and A-rank paraphernalia (sharpening and parts) without putting in a lot of effort, (three people are enough) you will be able to The hot springs.

If the group is more serious, then you can visit the Agro Wall (the further into the forest, the steeper the spoil).


Augmentation is one of the ways to improve items. With it, characters of level 46+ have the opportunity to add additional properties to weapons, decorations and accessories. These can be active or passive skills, and you can also increase various combat parameters.

  • You can enchant items at the Blacksmith in any city, except for the initial villages and Villages.
  • You can enchant, and jewelry.
  • You can enchant normal items, masterwork items, shackled and blessed items From rank and above.
  • Characters of level 46+ can enchant items.
  • Life Stones can be obtained by hunting monsters. High quality Life Stones can be obtained from Raid Bosses.
  • You can cancel the enchantment at the blacksmith for a certain amount of adena.
  • You cannot use the Stone of Life if its level is higher than the level of the character.
  • The bonus will not work if the level of the Life Stone is higher than the level of the character.
  • When an item is improved, the prefix "Improved" is added to its name.
  • Enchanted items cannot be exchanged, sold, lost upon death, placed on the ground, sent via mail, or placed in the Clan Bank. Can be put into personal storage.
  • After the upgrade is removed, the item can be traded again.
  • Chaotic characters with a PK counter of 4+ may lose upgraded items upon death. They will be destroyed irretrievably.
  • Modified items or with a special property can also be enchanted. When removing upgrades and special properties of weapons will remain unchanged.
  • When upgrading a weapon with a medium-level Life Stone and above, you can get a weapon glow.
  • Enchanted weapons cannot be used to create dual swords or daggers.

Full list of possible properties:

Augmentation Process

While hunting monsters, with some chance you can get Life Stones of various levels and quality as a reward (you can get Life Stones of a higher quality from raid bosses).

You can insert a stone into an item at a blacksmith in any city. For this you need to have:

  1. The subject itself
  2. Stone of Life
  3. Tokens of the corresponding rank (see table below)

Item Rank Item type
FROM token : Grade D - 20 pcs. Token: Grade D - 200 pcs.
B Token: Grade D - 30 pcs. Token: Grade D - 300 pcs.
A Token: Grade C - 20 pcs. Token: Grade C - 200 pcs.
S Weak S Token: Grade C - 25 pcs. Token: Grade C - 250 pcs.
Dynasty Weapons Token: Grade B - 36 pcs. Token: Grade B - 360 pcs.
S80 Icarus weapons Token: Grade B - 36 pcs. Token: Grade B - 360 pcs.
Weapons of Venus Token: Grade B - 48 pcs. Token: Grade B - 480 pcs.
S80 average and best Token: Grade B - 58 pcs. Token: Grade B - 580 pcs.
R Requiem
Token: Grade A - 13 pcs. Token: Grade A - 26 pcs.
R95 Phantasms Token: Grade A - 45 pcs. Token: Grade A - 90 pcs.
R99 Helios Token: Grade A - 118 pcs. Token: Grade A - 236 pcs.

Accessory Augmentation

To enchant accessories, you need 5 stones of the same level of normal quality, they can be exchanged at the blacksmith for a special Stone of Life for accessories.

Possible bonuses:

  • Increased protection from the elements.
  • Increase elemental attack.
  • Strengthening attack types - Bleeding, Mental attacks, Paralysis, Sleep, Poison, Stun.
  • Attack Type Protection - Bleed, Psychic, Paralyze, Sleep, Poison, Stun.
  • Increase Max HP/MP.

Augmentation of Headwear (decorations)

In the Goddess of Destruction - Awakening update, special Life Stones for Headwear were introduced to the game. You can get it in exchange for - 2390 pieces.

Enchanting (augmentation) of weapons

So, there is a new opportunity to improve weapons, in addition to inserting SA and sharpening. You can enchant weapons with the help of the Life Stone, which fall from any monsters (from monsters x2 and above, the chance is much greater). There are the following types of stones of life:
Life Stone: Normal Grade
Life Stone: Medium Grade
Life Stone: Medium Grade
Life Stone: High Grade

Application features.

There are 10 lvl Stones in total: 46, 49, 52, 55, 58, 61, 64, 67, 70, 76.
Accordingly, the level of the character must be no less than the lvl of the inserted Life Stone.

The Stone of Life must match the grade of the weapon. For example, a lvl 46 Life Stone cannot be applied to an A grade weapon, but a lvl 76 Life Stone can be applied to a C grade weapon.

When develing below the inserted Stone, the bonuses from the enchantment do not work (as well as SA).
A certain word is added to the name of the enchanted weapon.
Enchanted weapons cannot be exchanged, dropped, traded, sold, transferred through the VX, or placed in the clan VX. It is possible to put in a personal VX.
Weapons with enchantments removed are exempt from restrictions.
Weapons with SA can be enchanted. Enchanted weapons can be equipped with SA. When the enchantment is removed, the SA is retained.
Enchanted weapons cannot be used to craft dual swords.
Enchanted weapons cannot be exchanged at the Blacksmith of Mammon.

Enchantment bonuses.

The bonuses that will be received from the enchantment directly depend on the grade of the Stone of Life. The quality of the bonus will depend on the level of the Life Stone.
Depends on the grade of the stone:
1) Augmentation color
The color of the augmentation can be found by clicking on the weapon and in its description look at the color of the text describing the effect of the augmentation. Yellow text is "yellow" augmentation, blue text is "blue", purple is "purple" and red is "red" augmentation.

The color of the augmentation will determine what augmentation effects will be on the weapon:
- Yellow augmentation (the worst) - only increases to base stats.
- Blue augmentation (bad) - increases to base stats and possibly a chance-skill.
- Purple augmentation (medium) - increases to base stats and chance-skill or active skill.
- Red augmentation (best) - increases to base stats and chance-skill or active skill or passive skill.

The color of the augmentation depends on the grade of the stone and on the randomness. The higher the grade of the stone, the better the "color" of the augmentation. As a rule, when inserting high-grade stones, purple or red augmentation is obtained, and when inserting low-grade stones, yellow or blue. However, there is a small chance of getting, for example, a red augmentation from a No-Grade stone, and a yellow augmentation from a Top-Grade stone.

2) Presence or absence of glow

No-Grade/Mid-Grade gems: no glow if the color of the augmentation is yellow/blue.
No-Grade/Mid-Grade Gems: Faint glow if augmentation color is purple/red (low chance to get from no-grade/mid-grade gem)
High-Grade: Medium brightness guaranteed.
Top-Grade: high brightness guaranteed.

The process of inserting a stone into a weapon.

The cost of inserting a stone

You can insert the Stone of Life at any blacksmith in the city. Gemstone required for insertion:
S Grade Veapon - 25 C Grade Gemstones
A Grade Veapon - 20 C Grade Gemstones
B Grade Veapon - 30 D Grade Gemstones
C Grade Veapon - 20 D Grade Gemstones

Removing Improvements.

Improvements are also removed from the blacksmith.
S Grade Wearon: 480k
A Grade Veapon: 330k (low A grade), 390k (Minimum TOP A grade), 420k (TOP A grade)
B Grade Veapon: 240k (low B grade), 270k (Medium TOP B grade)
C Grade Veapon: 95k (Low C grade), 150k (High C grade) (Top Grade)
After removing the "improvement" from the weapon, SA remains. After the "improvement" is removed, the weapon can be sold, transferred through the trade, etc.
The maximum number of upgrades that can be added to a weapon is 4. The results are divided into 7 types:

Upgrading offensive abilities.

M. Defense, p. Protection
M.attack, p.attack
Increase in HP, MP, CP
Recovery in HP, MP, CP

Each of the above improvements can be obtained on the 1st weapon a maximum of 2 times. For example, such a large numerical result as +37.7 Focus cannot be obtained in the same weapon in the same value 2nd time.

Improvement of the main characteristics.

Only STR, CON, MEN, INT can be changed.
You can also get a bonus to secondary characteristics.
Accuracy +0.4 -- +3.0
CP Recovery +0.1 -- +0.8
Critical Chance +4.9 -- +32.7
HP Recovery +0.1 -- +0.8
M. Attack +2.5 -- +28.2
Max CP +19.2 -- +214.9
Max HP +12.7 --+155.9
Max MP +6.1 -- +115.1
Max Defense +4 -- +30.8
MP Recovery +0.1 -- 0.4
P. Attack +2.2 -- +24.2
P. Defense +5.1 -- +38.2
Accordingly, the minimum and maximum values ​​are given.

Both passive and active skills can also be added.

Adding assets

Active: Drain HP
Active: Reflect Part of Critical Attacks
Active: Reflect Part of Magic Attacks.
Active: Burns the Enemy (- HP 5%).
Active: Zoom.
Active: Increase Dodge temporarily.
Active: Increase M. Attack.
Active: Increase M. Defense.
Active: Increase P. Attack.
Active: Increase P. Defense.
Active: Increase PVP P. Attack
Active: Increased Attack Resistance.
Active: Increased Critical Attack Chance.
Active: Increase Your CPU Recovery.
Active: Increase HP Recovery Efficiency.
Active: Increase Max CPU.
Active: Increase Max HP.
Active: Increase Max MP.
Active: Increase HP Recovery Power.
Active: Increases MP Recovery when Special Magic is applied.
Active: Increase MP Recovery.
Active: Increases the Chance of Intimidating the Player.
Active: Casting a Dark Attack.
Active: Cast Dark Attack (Parabola).
Active: Dealing an Elemental Attack.
Active: Dealing an Elemental Attack (Parabola).
Active: Dealing a Fire Attack.
Active: Dealing a Fire Attack (Parabola).
Active: Dealing Attack from RB (Gustin).
Active: Dealing Attack from RB (Gustin) (Parabola).
Active: Dealing an Earth Attack.
Active: Deal Earth Attack (Parabola).
Active: Dealing a Power Attack.
Active: Dealing a Power Attack (Parabola).
Active: Dealing a Water Attack.
Active: Cast Water Attack (Parabola).
Active: Hand Damage Deal (+20% Damage).
Active: Good recovery of your HP.

Adding Passives

Passive: Decreases the magic MP consumption rate.
Passive: Decreases the MP consumption rate for all skills.
Passive: Decreases the skill MP consumption rate.
Passive: Decreases the song/dance skill MP consumption rate.
Passive: Increase Accuracy.
Passive: Increased Critical Chance.
Passive: Increases Breathing Under Water by 2x.
Passive: Increases Breathing Under Water by 4 times.
Passive: Increase M. Attack.
Passive: Increase M. Defense
Passive: Increase P. Attack.
Passive: Increase P. Defense.
Passive: Increase PVP P attack.
Passive: Increased Deflect and transfer to another Char.
Passive: Increase Magic Critical Attack.
Passive: Increase HP Increase Effect.
Passive: Increased Evasion.
Passive: Increase HP Recovery from Magic.
Passive: Increases MP Recovery by 2x.
Passive: Reduce Weapon Weight by 2x.
Passive: - Fall Down Damage.

A few conclusions and observations.

1) For some basic stats, the level of the stone is "more important", for some - the grade.
In the case of the critical parameter - the grade of the stone has very little effect on the increase, while the level has a strong effect ... In the case of a m.attack, it's the other way around - the level of the stone has little effect, and the grade has a strong effect.

2) The chance to get a passive skill is highest with "red" augmentation, i.e. this is most likely when inserting a top grade stone.
In principle, as already mentioned, there is a chance to get a "red" augmentation with a no-grade stone, but this chance is very small, so I do not advise. spend more money on pulling out stones.

3) Stones of medium grade and higher usually give a bonus to the topic: magicians m.atk, mana, etc., warriors f.atk, critical, etc.

Enchanting (augmentation) jewelry

Jewelry Enchanting Process

To do this, you must first create a Life Stone Accessory from 5 Life Stones of the desired grade. The enchantment process itself is similar to weapons.

Chance: Instantly reduces Atk. Atk. targets during a physical attack.
Chance: Causes the target to bleed on physical attack.
Chance: Momentarily scares the target away during a physical attack.

Chance: Momentarily poisons the target during a physical attack.
Chance: Instantly turns the target to stone on a physical attack.
Chance: Instantly reduces Atk. Atk. targets during a critical attack.
Chance: Momentarily causes the target to bleed on a critical attack.
Chance: Instantly scare the target away on a critical attack.
Chance: Grants the ability to hold the target. The target is immune to additional holding attacks for the duration.
Chance: Momentarily poisons the target on a critical attack.
Chance: Instantly petrifies the target on a critical attack.
Chance: Gives a chance to lower Atk. Atk. Targets when taking damage.
Chance: Gives you a chance to increase your Evasion when you take damage.
Chance: Has a chance to cause the target to bleed when damaged.
Chance: Gives you a chance to recover CP when you take damage.
Chance: Gives you a chance to increase your critical attack chance when you take damage.
Chance: Gives a chance to reduce the target's aggression towards the character when damaged.
Chance: Gives you a chance to increase your Accuracy when you take damage.
Chance: Gives a chance to hold a target that damages you. The target is immune to additional holding attacks for the duration.
Chance: Gives a chance to increase the effectiveness of magic that restores HP when you take damage.
Chance: Gives you a chance to regenerate HP when you take damage.
Chance: Has a chance to increase your M. Atk. Atk. when you take damage.
Chance: Gives you a chance to increase your critical magic attack chance when you take damage.
Chance: Has a chance to increase your Max. CP when you take damage.
Chance: Has a chance to increase your Max. HP when you take damage.
Chance: Has a chance to increase your Max. MP when you take damage.
Chance: Has a chance to increase your M. Atk. Defend when you take damage.
Chance: Has a chance to increase your P. Def. Atk. when you take damage.
Chance: Has a chance to increase your P. Def. Defend when you take damage.
Chance: Has a chance to poison the target when damaged.
Chance: Has a chance to reduce the target's attack power in PvP when damaged.
Chance: Has a chance to increase your P. Def. Atk. in PvP when you take damage in PvP.
Chance: Has a chance to put the target to sleep when damaged. The target is immune to other sleep attacks.
Chance: Has a chance to reduce the target's speed when damaged.
Chance: Instantly reduces Atk. Atk. targets during a magical attack.
Chance: Momentarily causes the target to bleed during a magical attack.
Chance: Instantly scares the target away during a magic attack.
Chance: Grants the ability to hold the target. The target is immune to additional holding attacks for the duration. Chance: Momentarily poisons the target during a magic attack.
Chance: Instantly petrifies the target during a magical attack.
Chance: Temporarily reduces the target's speed during a physical attack.
Chance: Temporarily decreases your target's will to attack during a critical attack.
Chance: Temporarily increases your target's will to attack during a critical attack.
Chance: Momentarily reduces the target's speed during a critical attack.
Chance: Momentarily reduces the target's speed during a magic attack.
Chance: Temporarily reduces your target's will to attack during a physical attack.
Chance: Temporarily provokes the target to attack during a physical attack.
Chance: Momentarily blocks all of the target's physical and magical skills during a physical attack.
Chance: Instantly burns the target's MP during a physical attack.
Chance: Momentarily paralyzes the target during a physical attack.
Chance: Momentarily blocks the target's magic skills during a physical attack.
Chance: Instantly puts the target to sleep during a physical attack. The target will be immune to additional sleep attacks for the duration.
Chance: Gives a chance to stun the target during a physical attack.
Chance: Momentarily blocks all of the target's physical and magical skills on a critical attack.
Chance: Instantly burns the target's MP on a critical attack.
Chance: Momentarily paralyzes the target on a critical attack.
Chance: Momentarily blocks the target's magic skills on a critical attack.
Chance: Instantly puts the target to sleep on a critical attack. The target will be immune to additional sleep attacks for the duration.
Chance: Momentarily stuns the target on a critical attack.
Chance: Has a chance to block all of the target's physical and magical skills when damaged.
Chance: Has a chance to scare the target when damaged.
Chance: Gives a chance to increase the effectiveness of magic that restores MP when you take damage.
Chance: Gives you a chance to regenerate MP when you take damage.
Chance: Has a chance to paralyze the target when damaged.
Chance: Has a chance to block all of the target's magic skills when damaged.
Chance: Has a chance to stun the target when damaged.
Chance: Has a chance to turn the target to stone when damaged.
Chance: Momentarily blocks all of the target's physical and magical skills during a magic attack.
Chance: Instantly burns the target's MP during a magic attack.
Chance: Momentarily paralyzes the target during a magical attack.
Chance: Momentarily blocks the target's magic skills during a magic attack.
Chance: Instantly puts the target to sleep during a magical attack. The target will be immune to additional sleep attacks for the duration.
Chance: Instantly stuns the target during a magical attack.