Laser therapeutic apparatus "UzorMed®-URO. Uzormed device (Pattern Med) Laser therapy. Reviews Specifications ALT "UzorMed ® -URO"

In connection with the increasing advertising of the Uzormed medical device, we decided to find out what it is. The Uzor Med device works on the basis of laser therapy (laser therapy). There are many modifications of the device, these are ALT Matrix, Uzormed, Milta, Mustang and others. As usual, the sellers of these devices assure that the device helps against all diseases. We hope that our visitors will leave their feedback and opinions about the Uzormed device and the effect of laser therapy in particular, but for now we suggest reading the article (follow the link for more details) about the Uzormed buyer and what came of it.

The Lgov family suffered from fraudsters.

My husband and I live alone, we are already over 80. So we have to monitor our health whenever possible. Once on the radio we heard an advertisement in which it was claimed that there was a miraculous device called "Uzormed", which supposedly cures all diseases. To celebrate, they immediately called Moscow at the phone number indicated in the advertisement. Our order was accepted.

Two days later, a call came from the doctor Zhdanov, who began to ask: what health problems, what are we complaining about ... I told him that my husband had problems with the intestines. Zhdanov immediately recommended the Uzormed laser apparatus to us. He said that, although it costs 32 thousand rubles, the disease will quickly recede. We agreed, and within an hour the courier delivered this device home.

Then a certain Bogdanov called us and said that from now on he would treat us. I complained to him that apparently there would be no sense from Uzormed and that my husband and I would like to return the device. However, Bogdanov did not react to my words in any way and recommended that we urgently buy another miracle device "Bioton", because my husband needs to strengthen his immune system. We agreed. An hour later, the "novelty" for 37 thousand rubles was already at our house.

A few more days pass, a man who introduces himself as Filatov calls. I began to ask about how we tolerate treatment with Bioton (I didn’t even remember about Uzormed). I told him that there is no therapeutic effect from this "Bioton". Filatov said that only the Uzormaxi laser device would help her husband. We also bought it for 35 thousand rubles. The husband was "treated" with this apparatus for exactly five days. The effect is zero.

Suddenly Filatov calls us and says that we need to buy an Ermak apparatus for 180 thousand rubles. My husband and I refused - there was no more money. Then Filatov immediately makes us a discount of as much as 127 thousand rubles! An hour later, the device, bought cheaply, took its place on the shelf next to Uzmed, Uzormax and Bioton.

... Filatov calls again. I explain to him that there is no sense from this apparatus, as well as from the previous ones. He says, I quote verbatim: "I am now turning on the Cosmos and will do laboratory research for you." Of course, I didn't really believe in all this, and then I thought: who knows, the age of space technologies is still, the Internet, satellite communications ...

Filatov asked me to pick up the Uzormed, turn it on, put a nozzle on it and guide it over my husband's body. Then he "made us happy": my husband was diagnosed with a malignant tumor. To get rid of it, Filatov advised to urgently purchase a new device for 150 thousand rubles. My husband and I refused: we no longer had money, and we finally realized that we had run into swindlers.

However, he did not give up and began to persuade us: "Let us have as much as there is, and I will contribute the rest of the sum for you." Then he says: "Borrow money, remove it from your savings account, you are probably saving for your funeral." I asked to take all these devices back and return the money to us. Filatov, of course, flatly refused.

A few days later, Filatov called again and asked if we had money. I asked him not to bother us anymore.

About two weeks later a certain Semin called us, allegedly the head of the urology department. Asks how much I paid for "Ermak". I told him that it was 53 thousand rubles. Then he began to swear, they say, on what basis he was sold to us so cheaply. I was at a loss, began to make excuses, I tell him that I am a labor veteran, my husband is a disabled person of the second group, and, apparently, that is why they gave us a discount.

And then Semin tells us: "This device will not help you, I recommend buying another device." I refused. Then there was another, thank God, the last call. A woman called who scolded her husband for not wanting to continue treatment.

New! A unique device for laser therapy "UzorMed-URO", designed for the prevention and effective treatment of urological diseases: prostatitis, concomitant epididymitis and restoration of potency.

In the treatment of inflammatory and functional disorders of the male genital organs, modern medicine has certain achievements. The widely used methods of laser therapy should be recognized as one of these achievements. Laser therapeutic device "UzorMed ® -URO" was created according to the principles of maximum efficiency, harmlessness and maximum ease of use. All these qualities determine its wide availability, including for use at home under the supervision of a physician.

The laser therapeutic device "UzorMed-URO" provides the possibility of low-intensity laser therapy of common male diseases of the genital area of ​​an inflammatory, infectious and functional nature in clinical and home conditions. These diseases include chronic prostatitis, which affects half of men over the age of 40. Successful treatment of this disease provides opportunities for the prevention of oncological diseases of the prostate gland, a decrease in potency (and its complete loss), infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, etc. chronic forms of prostatitis and its complications.

The device is regarded as an important addition to drug therapy in the treatment of acute inflammatory diseases. During periods of remission of diseases, as well as to restore the function of organs (testicles, prostate gland), it can be used in monotherapy mode (without the involvement of medication and other means of treatment).

"The device laser therapeutic" Uzormed®-URO "according to TU 9444-006-20734945-2012, manufactured in accordance with domestic and European quality standards and meets the requirements for clinical use in terms of the purpose provided by the manufacturer: to achieve an analgesic effect; improvement of general and regional (local) immunity; normalization of blood supply to the prostate gland; reducing pain and urinary disorders: improving the quantitative and qualitative parameters of the spermogram.

The therapeutic factor of the UzorMed ® -URO therapeutic apparatus is a low-intensity pulsed laser radiation of the infrared spectrum. The design of the device allows for the most effective laser action on the prostate gland in all access zones. The harmlessness of the influencing factor used, the simplicity and availability of the device provides ample opportunities for its use.

The device "UzorMed ® -URO" uses two frequency series:

"Mode 1"- focused on the elimination of tissue and intracellular disorders caused by the course of the inflammatory process.

"Mode 2"- induction of anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effects during the active phase of inflammation.

The device "UzorMed-URO" is made on the basis of a radiation unit with a built-in rechargeable battery and a power adapter that serves to charge it. The working part of the radiation unit of the device has a fixing ring for installing a condom for transrectal use and is made of a non-toxic material transparent to infrared (IR) radiation, inside which there are laser emitters and a red LED to illuminate the irradiation zone.

On the side of the body opposite to the direction of radiation, there is a button-indicator "F", which serves to turn on the device, forcibly stop the treatment session (until the end of the treatment session by timer) and change the treatment regimen. The radiation unit of the device operates in an autonomous mode powered by a built-in battery. All treatment procedures are carried out in an autonomous power supply mode. The mains adapter serves only for recharging the battery from the AC 220V / 50Hz.

The device "UzorMed-URO" uses pulsed laser emitters with a radiation power in a pulse of 10-15 W, in the infrared (IR) range of the radiation spectrum. The choice of the IR range in this case is due to the physically conditioned phenomenon of deep penetration of this spectrum into biological tissues.

The working part of the radiation unit is made on the basis of a non-toxic infrared transparent material and serves for the most optimal delivery of infrared laser radiation during non-invasive, and especially transrectal, exposure. The base of the working part has a fixing ring that serves to fix the condom during transrectal treatment. Due to the fact that infrared radiation is invisible to the naked eye and for the correct orientation of the radiation unit, the radiation zone has a red LED illumination. During transrectal exposure, one should orient oneself based on the diametrical location of the irradiation zone and the “(!)” Indicator button.

The device is equipped with a timer that starts simultaneously with the start of radiation. The procedure time is automatically stored in the device and is 5 minutes. During the procedure, each 60-second interval is fixed with a special sound signal, which is necessary to determine the exposure values ​​less than 5 minutes. To carry out treatment procedures with a longer duration, it is necessary to restart the radiation.

For convenience and safety of use, the device operates autonomously from the built-in battery. To recharge the battery, the delivery set of the device includes a power adapter operating from an alternating voltage 220 V / 50 Hz.

Laser therapy has contraindications. Before using it is necessary to consult with your doctor.

Technical characteristics of ALT "UzorMed ® -URO":

Radiation wavelength, μm

Radiation mode

Pulse with two frequency modes of operation

Pulse duration, ns

Mode "1", frequency values ​​in the range, Hz

Mode "2", frequency values ​​in the range, Hz

Exposure time, min

Time of continuous operation with a fully charged battery, sessions limited by the built-in timer, hour, not less

Output voltage of the adapter for charging the battery, V

Input voltage of the mains adapter, V / Hz

Laser hazard class according to GOST R IEC 60825-1-2009

Service life of the device, years, not less

A unique laser therapy device is designed for the prevention and effective treatment of urological diseases:

  • acute prostatitis,
  • concomitant epididymitis,
  • prostatitis,
  • restoration of potency,
  • male infertility
  • orchiepididymitis,
  • urethritis.

The therapeutic factor of the UzorMed-URO therapeutic apparatus is low-intensity pulsed laser radiation of the infrared spectrum. The design of the device allows for the most effective laser action on the prostate gland in all access zones.

The UzorMed-URO apparatus uses two frequency series:

  • "Mode 1" - focused on the elimination of tissue and intracellular disorders caused by the course of the inflammatory process.
  • "Mode 2" - induction of anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effects during the active phase of inflammation.

In the treatment of inflammatory and functional disorders of the male genital organs, modern medicine has certain achievements. The widely used methods of laser therapy should be recognized as one of these achievements. The UzorMed-URO laser therapeutic device was created according to the principles of maximum efficiency, harmlessness and maximum ease of use. All these qualities determine its wide availability, including for use at home under the supervision of a physician.

The device is regarded as an important addition to drug therapy in the treatment of acute inflammatory diseases. During periods of remission of diseases, as well as to restore the function of organs (testicles, prostate gland), it can be used in monotherapy mode (without the involvement of medication and other means of treatment).

The UzorMed-URO device is intended for use in clinics, hospitals, treatment rooms and at home. Before using the device at home, it is recommended to consult a doctor - a specialist in laser therapy. Laser therapy is used as an independent type of treatment, as well as in complex treatment in combination with drug therapy.

Contents of delivery

  • Radiation unit of the apparatus
  • Network adapter
  • Case for the device
  • Passport and instruction manual
  • Protective goggles with indirect ventilation, anti-laser *
  • Toolkit

Device device

The UzorMed-URO device consists of a radiation unit with a built-in rechargeable battery and a mains adapter that serves to charge the rechargeable battery. The working part of the device's radiation unit is made of a non-toxic material, transparent to infrared (IR) radiation, inside which there are laser emitters and a red LED for illumination of the irradiation area.

On the side of the body opposite to the direction of radiation, there is a button-indicator "(!)", Which serves to turn on the device, forcibly stop the treatment session (until the automatic end of the treatment session by timer) and change the mode.

Illumination color of the indicator button "(!)":

  • green (permanently lit) - mode "2" (used for irradiation of the testicular area);
  • green (blinking) - mode "1" (used for transrectal irradiation of the prostate gland);
  • red (blinking) - battery charging mode, while the operation of the emitter is prohibited.

The device has a built-in timer to control the time of the treatment session and when working by zones:

  • a short beep sounds every 60 seconds
  • at the end of the treatment session (5 minutes), a long beep is heard and the radiation mode is automatically turned off.

Preparation of the apparatus for work and procedure for work

  1. Preparation of the UzorMed-URO apparatus for operation begins with unpacking the apparatus and checking the presence of all its components.
  2. After transportation at negative temperatures, the device must be kept at room temperature for 3-4 hours before being switched on.
  3. Before conducting a course of laser therapy, you must carefully read the methodological manual "METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE LASER THERAPY DEVICE" included in the delivery set, and select the required treatment method.
  4. To carry out transrectal irradiation of the prostate gland, it is first necessary to put on a condom on the working part of the radiation unit, fixing it on the fixing ring. Press the indicator button to turn on the laser light. The irradiated area is indicated by a flashing red spot. Switching on the radiation of the device is accompanied by a double sound signal. The indicator button will be solid or blinking green depending on the preset mode. If necessary, switch the device mode by pressing the indicator button for 2 - 3 seconds. A short beep will sound and the device will switch the radiation mode.
  5. After 5 minutes, the device will automatically turn off. For early termination of the treatment session, shortly press the "(!)" Indicator button. To carry out a treatment session in which the procedure time according to the methodological instructions is more than 5 minutes, after stopping, press the indicator button "(!)" Again to continue the laser therapy session.
  6. Glowing of the indicator button "(!)" In red means that the battery is discharged. It is necessary to connect the device to a charger (mains adapter supplied) and recharge the battery within 3-4 hours. When recharging the battery, the “(!)” Indicator button blinks red, and the radiation modes are not switched on: when you try to turn on the radiation in the charging mode, the “Error” signal sounds (5 short beeps). When a full charge is reached, a triple beep sounds, and the device goes into "sleep" mode (all indicators are off).
  7. The device provides the ability to control the output infrared radiation using the "Control" indicator located on the body above the "(!)" Button. To control the output radiation power, start the radiation by shortly pressing the "F" button and direct the radiation to a light surface (a sheet of white paper), controlling the irradiation area by the red spot of the illumination.

The irradiation area is diametrically opposite to the location of the "(!)" Indicator button. When the distance from the emitting area of ​​the working part to the surface of the sheet is 2-3 cm, the "Control" indicator will light up, which indicates the presence of IR pulsed radiation and the normal operation of the device.

Attention! The radiation unit of the device operates in an autonomous mode powered by a built-in battery. All treatment procedures are carried out in an autonomous power supply mode. The mains adapter only serves to recharge the battery.


  • Radiation wavelength, μm 800 - 950
  • Radiation mode Pulse with two frequency modes of operation
  • Pulse duration, ns 70 + 150
  • Mode "1", frequency values ​​in the range, Hz 125-2008
  • Mode "2", frequency values ​​in the range, Hz 74-662
  • Exposure time, min 5
  • Time of continuous work with a fully charged battery, sessions limited by the built-in timer, hour, at least 8
  • Output voltage of the adapter for charging the battery, V 6.5 ± 0.6V
  • Input voltage of the mains adapter, V / Hz 220 / 50
  • Laser hazard class according to GOST R IEC 60825-1-2009 1M
  • Service life of the device, years, not less 5

Description and specifications

New modern alaser therapy device UzorMed-URO is intended for the prevention and effective treatment of urological diseases: prostatitis, concomitant epididymitis and restoration of potency. The therapeutic factor of the UzorMed®-URO therapeutic apparatus is low-intensity pulsed laser radiation of the infrared spectrum. The design of the device allows for the most effective laser action on the prostate gland in all access zones.

The device "UzorMed®-URO" uses two frequency series:

  • "Mode 1" - focused on the elimination of tissue and intracellular disorders caused by the course of the inflammatory process.
  • "Mode 2" - induction of anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effects during the active phase of inflammation.

In the treatment of inflammatory and functional disorders of the male genital organs, modern medicine has certain achievements. The widely used methods of laser therapy should be recognized as one of these achievements.

The laser therapeutic device "UzorMed®-URO" was created according to the principles of maximum efficiency, harmlessness and maximum simplicity in its operation, including for use in "home" conditions under the supervision of a physician. The device is considered as an important addition to drug therapy in the treatment of acute inflammatory diseases. During periods of remission of diseases, as well as to restore the function of organs (testicles, prostate gland), it can be used in monotherapy mode (without the involvement of medication and other means of treatment).

Laser therapy has contraindications. Before use, you should consult your doctor.

Technical characteristics of PatternMed URO:

  • Radiation wavelength, μm 800 - 950
  • Radiation mode Pulse with two frequency modes of operation

Mode "1", frequency values ​​in the range, Hz 125-2008
Mode "2", frequency values ​​in the range, Hz 74-662

  • Pulse duration, ns 70 + 150
  • Exposure time, min 5
  • Time of continuous work with a fully charged battery, sessions limited by the built-in timer, hour, at least 8
  • Output voltage of the adapter for charging the battery, V 6.5 ± 0.6 V
  • Input voltage of the mains adapter, V / Hz 220/50
  • Laser hazard class according to GOST R IEC 60825-1-2009 1M
  • Service life of the device, years, not less than 5
  • Warranty - 24 months

Contents of delivery PatternMed URO:

  • Radiation unit of the apparatus
  • Network adapter
  • Bag / Case for the device
  • Passport and instruction manual

Package:Bag / Case 21 * 16 * 6 cm, weight-0.5 kg

  • Registration certificate No. RZN 2014/1891
  • Declaration of Conformity ROSS RU.AG81.D15081 dated 09/13/17

Production: Russia

Full description

A unique laser therapy device is designed for the prevention and effective treatment of urological diseases: prostatitis, concomitant epididymitis and restoration of potency. The impact is carried out in two frequency modes.

Description and specifications

The unique device for laser therapy UzorMed-URO is intended for the prevention and effective treatment of urological diseases: prostatitis, concomitant epididymitis and restoration of potency. The therapeutic factor of the UzorMed®-URO therapeutic apparatus is low-intensity pulsed laser radiation of the infrared spectrum. The design of the device allows for the most effective laser action on the prostate gland in all access zones.

The device "UzorMed®-URO" uses two frequency series:

"Mode 1" - focused on the elimination of tissue and intracellular disorders caused by the course of the inflammatory process.

"Mode 2" - induction of anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effects during the active phase of inflammation.

In the treatment of inflammatory and functional disorders of the male genital organs, modern medicine has certain achievements. The widely used methods of laser therapy should be recognized as one of these achievements. The laser therapeutic device "UzorMed®-URO" was created according to the principles of maximum efficiency, harmlessness and maximum ease of use. All these qualities determine its wide availability, including for use at home under the supervision of a physician. The device is regarded as an important addition to drug therapy in the treatment of acute inflammatory diseases. During periods of remission of diseases, as well as to restore the function of organs (testicles, prostate gland), it can be used in monotherapy mode (without the involvement of medication and other means of treatment).

Laser therapy has contraindications. Before use, you should consult your doctor.