Application from circles of paper. Crafts from circles - interesting applications and useful things for the house with your own hands (130 photo ideas). Modular Circles Applique

Kids love to create different paper crafts. They enjoy creating an amazing masterpiece with their own little hands. Creativity helps them to learn more about the world around them, to prepare for school. For example, work from circles - an appliqué in the form of a fairytale hero or an animal - will introduce you to geometric shapes.

You can make it out of paper. The step-by-step instructions for performing the application are simple - kids in kindergarten can easily cope with such a task. If you look at examples of work on the Internet, you can notice that among them there are many options for beginners.

Kids will love the modular applique made of circles in the form of a funny cartoon character - Cheburashka.

It is not difficult to perform such an application with babies. Find the pictures that you would like to make from the circles beforehand. Animals are very popular. To make such a cute little animal out of paper, you will need:

In kindergarten, doing crafts can be combined with learning about flowers. Such work involves independent drawing of circles with a compass, but for children this stage may seem difficult. To make things easier, you can find templates on the internet and print them out. The teacher can help the children draw an outline.

You should have a total of 6 circles. For the torso - the largest, for the head - a little less. Four more small ones are for ears and legs. The master class assumes step-by-step execution of the application:

  • First, glue the largest circle - the body.
  • Glue the head so that it slightly overlaps the body;
  • Stick on ears and hands. Prepare the cups for the legs, and bend them in half beforehand.
  • Take the yellow paper. From it you need to make paper blanks for the face, breasts and ears. They are glued on top, on brown circles.
  • Take the ear pieces and fold them in half before gluing.
  • It remains to make the eyes. For this you need blue paper. Cut small circles out of it.
  • Make pupils out of black paper.

Let the children draw a nose and mouth for Cheburashka with their own hands.

Our fabulous animal is ready!

Kids will love these DIY paper crafts. The technique is simple, but interesting, and requires concentration - therefore, a similar scheme can be used in creativity lessons in the middle group, for preschoolers.

The arms and legs can only be round. Here you can see other photos in the gallery, and let the little ones show a little imagination.

Application "Caterpillar"

For applique, you can use a stencil or template. The head can be printed and cut out, or the kid himself will come up with a design and draw facial expressions for the caterpillar. So you can repeat facial expressions and find out the child's mood.

For application only from circles, there is an interesting example drawing - a caterpillar. It can be simple:
Or complicated - this is best done with children in the preparatory group:
Try to use primary colors for making the picture, without tones or halftones.

Video lesson application "Merry caterpillar"

Making a fish out of circles and semicircles

Such MK may seem a little complicated, but this is only at first glance.

Fish appliques are well suited for collective appliqués. Each child from the group makes his own fish, and the leader puts everything together, so an incredibly beautiful water world can turn out.

To make the applique, you will need: cardboard, sheets of colored paper, scissors, compasses and glue.

Detailed manufacturing instruction next:

Your fish applique is ready!

Video lesson applique fish from circles

Circles and semicircles appliques

If you have already introduced the kids to the geometric shape "circle", it's time to move on to other, more complex ones. Tell them that there are semicircles that are easy to make on their own - just make a circle and bend it.

Making appliqués is a very exciting activity, especially if these appliques are modular, which means they consist of several different parts. Bright and unusual ways of application not only actively captivate the child, but also develop his creative and imaginative thinking. It is especially cool to make applications from circles and semicircles with kids of the 1st grade, below you can find a presentation of popular photos.

Modular applications for children are good because they allow you to use all the possibilities of your imagination. Each child, making figures of famous cartoon characters, animals or plants, does it in his own way, unique.

For such applications, you only need white and colored paper and glue. In addition, many interesting subjects for applications can be invented from such simple geometric shapes. Which ones, you will learn from our master class.

Elephant image

To depict an elephant using circles and semicircles, the child must first prepare them. If the child is still too young to cut, the parent himself can prepare all the materials in advance and cut out the figures so that the child can only glue them.

In order to make the circles even, they can be drawn with a compass, or, if the children have not yet worked with this sharp object, you can circle a glass, saucer or other round objects.

You can entrust the child to choose the color of the figures, or you can search for the real colors of the animal with him and choose the most suitable one. To create an elephant, you need one large circle for the torso, two three small circles for the legs, two medium circles for the head and ear, and one small circle for the trunk.

We first glue the large circle to the white paper. Next we glue the middle circle (head) and the middle circle (ear). Then we glue the legs: glue one small circle to the body, and cut the third small circle in half and glue each half to each leg with the straight side down. The last detail is the trunk. For the trunk, we cut another small circle in half and glue both halves as shown.

The application "elephant" from circles and semicircles is ready!

Merry caterpillar

A caterpillar made of circles and semicircles of colored paper is the lightest of such applications, it is great for the first introductory lesson for children on this topic. First of all, we cut out the circles or use the already prepared ones. You can make the circles solid or cut out of multi-colored paper. So we will not only fix with the children what the circle looks like, but also repeat the different colors.

Then we will carefully glue the cut out circles on white paper overlapping each other, starting from the very last circle. And so on until the entire caterpillar is glued to the paper.

Now you need to draw the mouth and eyes, as well as glue or draw the horns.

Bright flowers

The first applications of babies should not be complicated or too intricate, it is best to start with light crafts. These include flowers made from circles of colored paper.

It will look very nice if you depict flowers in a vase on the applique.

First, let's prepare semicircles from colored paper. For even circles, you can use a compass or circle glasses and other round objects. The child can cut them on their own using different colors of paper. We also need a sheet of plain colored paper, for example, blue, and glue.

Getting started:

  1. We glue a large semicircle. This will be a vase. The color of the vase can be whatever the child wishes to choose. The vase can be decorated with an ornament painted with paints or in other ways, or you can leave it as it is.
  2. We glue the middle semicircles of green paper - the stems of flowers sticking out of the vase, as well as the semicircles-leaves on them we make even smaller.
  3. Now is the time for the buds themselves. We make them from semicircles of bright, for example, red color. They need to be glued in a circle, with the lower tip to the center, with an even edge to the left, as shown in the figure.

The application "Vase with flowers" is ready!


The crocodile application is very simple, and for work we need a cardboard base, colored paper, scissors, a glue stick and a compass. If it is too early for a child to work with a compass, you can make circles by drawing around a glass or any other round object.

So, in total we need 21 circles. After the circles are ready on paper, we need to cut them out. To do this quickly, you can fold colored paper for circles of the same diameter in half or in several layers.

The application can be made voluminous or flat, depending on your desire. For a flat applique, you need to glue the halves of the circles from the inside so that they do not open, or you just cut them in half with scissors.

Now let's start gluing the applique. First, we glue two middle semicircles on the cardboard base, which act as the upper and lower legs of the crocodile. It is best to glue them closer to the left edge of the sheet so that there is room for the tail on the right.

Three lessons on one topic

First lesson

Consider the lesson taught by Elena MUKHINA, Sochi. The teacher pays great attention to the development of the intellectual abilities of children: the ability to observe, analyze the image, draw up an action plan. Correctly posed questions of the teacher allow children, already in the 1st grade, to discover various technological methods (note the two ways of obtaining circles for Cheburashka proposed by the students). Also, the teacher uses in this lesson a typical "Zankovsky" task: to find an "extra" picture. This activity allows children to see details that they did not notice before. The work of students in this class is highly productive, accurate, and accurate.

Theme.“Modeling on a plane. Circles applique ".



Teacher. Please open the tutorials on pages 50-51.

Children open textbooks.

W. Consider the drawings. What geometric shapes are used here?

Sasha. All animals here are made of circles.

W. Well, how many different circles should you take for Cheburashka?

Denis. Three circles for the head with ears, one circle for the torso and half circles for the paws.

W. How many whole circles do you need for the paws?

Misha. Two more circles, because for the paws, the circles were folded in half and cut.

The children have no objections.

W. Children, why do you think there is an arrow drawn here inviting us to page 79?

Anya. There are probably drawn circles that need to be cut out.

Oleg. Look at this page. There are no circles here, only the face of a Cheburashka.

W. So, you will cut the face out of the textbook, and how many more circles do you need to cut out of brown paper?

Laura. Five circles.

W. Thanks! How do you make all these circles the same size?

Yana. It is necessary to circle this head instead of a stencil.

Ksyusha. If you do this, then it will get dirty around the edges with a pencil. Better to circle the hole that will remain in the textbook when we cut out the head. This will be our template.

Vania. Yes, then all the circles will be exactly the same. All that remains is to cut them out, spread them out and glue them.

W. Children, we are talking about how to make a Cheburashka from circles, but we did not say anything about the person who invented it. What is the name of the author of the book about Cheburashka?

Nastya. This book was written by Eduard Uspensky. It is called "Gena the Crocodile and His Friends". I really like her, and the cartoon too.

W. Eduard Uspensky wrote many more wonderful books. Which ones do you know?

Alena L."Uncle Fyodor, Dog and Cat" and "About Vera and Anfisa". This monkey Anfisa is so funny!

Nastya. I also read The School of Clowns.

Kristina. You need a large circle for the elephant's body, two smaller ones for the head and ear, and four more small circles for the trunk and legs.

Ksyusha. And also a small white circle and an even smaller black circle for an eye. And the tail must be glued.

W. Thanks! If the details are small and it is difficult for you to cut them out, then they can be completed with a felt-tip pen, for example, the tail or eyebrow of an elephant. What circles do you need for the next picture?

Igor. The muzzle must be cut out ready-made from page 79, and then also circle and cut out two of the same circles for the paws and tail of the squirrel. And one half of the circle will remain superfluous, right?

Denis. What about "superfluous"? And what are the ears made of?

Igor. I do not know. But not from the halves of the same circle!

Denis. Just from that half, which for some reason turned out to be superfluous for you. It was folded in half again and cut open. It turned out two ears.

The children have no objections.

W. OK! Here's a more difficult task for you. What circles do you need for the next picture?

Bella. The pink fish is made from one large circle and two small ones, which are cut and made from four halves of the tail and fin. They also cut out the eyes, and drew the mouth and nose.

Igor. And the orange fish is much more difficult to make. She has a body made of half a circle like a pink fish, and the other half of her body is made of half of a smaller circle. Its tail and fins are made of three halves of small circles. And another eye was cut out of paper. Now I will count ... Yeah, all you need is one large circle, one medium and two small ones. And there will still be three extra halves of different sizes. Well, tell them that they are not superfluous!

Denis. No, here they are really superfluous. In the aquarium, there are still pebbles from two small circles: one whole and two halves. Now we have sorted everything out.

Ksyusha. And that's not all! You forgot about the aquarium itself. He, too, is made from the largest circle. From this circle they cut off the top and made a stand for the aquarium out of it. And we also painted bubbles in the aquarium. Now, it seems, that's all.

W. We quickly sorted out the pictures! Now try, please, to find an "extra" picture on this page.

Pause. Children think.

Bella. It seems to me that there is nothing "superfluous" here, because all the figures are from circles.

Anya. And I think that there are "extra" fish, because all animals live on land, and they live in the water.

Masha. No, there are two extra pieces here: the Cheburashka and the squirrel. This is because their faces are already drawn in advance, but in other pictures you need to draw them yourself.

Denis. Two pictures at once are not "superfluous".

Nastya. I think that Cheburashka is "superfluous" here.

W. Why?

Nastya. And it is made up of the same circles, and all the other pictures are made up of circles of different sizes.

The children agree.

W. Yes, Cheburashka differs from the rest of the pictures in that it is made up of circles of the same size.

Denis. And there is also an "extra" squirrel, because all the pictures are made of circles and halves, and the squirrel for the ears was cut into four parts.

Igor. Well, then the fish are "superfluous".

Alyona. Because they live in water, right?

Igor. No, because when we made other pictures, we used all the parts of the circles, but here three halves were superfluous.

Ksyusha. And the fish are "superfluous", because we cut the circles into equal parts everywhere, but here, when the aquarium was being made, we cut off much less than half of the circle.

All students expressed their opinion, and there are no more willing to speak out.

W. Well done, I did not even expect that you will find so many reasons why this or that picture is "superfluous". Now you can start working. If you want, you can compose the pictures suggested on page 51, or come up with your own. If you need stencils of different sizes of circles, you can take them on my desk.

Children make pictures. Many took up appliqués from circles, the production of which was not understood in the lesson. Some people manage to complete two or three applications per lesson.

Lesson two

The main goal of the next lesson is to help children understand the means of artistic expression. Indeed, why does one image seem cheerful and the other sad? How to learn to portray the character and mood of the hero? How to convey the dynamics of movement - running, flying? Irina KASILNIKOVA, a teacher from Moscow, believes that such a variety of problems, it turns out, can be solved in the classroom if the teacher (professional animator) helps children create emotional works in which they can express their own inner world and individuality.

Theme."Application from circles".

Equipment. Textbook "Smart Hands" (1st grade, ed. N. A. Tsirulik, T. N. Prosnyakova).


Teacher. Look at the picture of the elephant on page 50. Do you think it is funny or sad?

Children. Sad.

W. On what grounds did you determine this?

The children answer, and the teacher bends his fingers.

D. The head is down.
- The tail hangs down.

- The trunk is down.
- Eyes look down.

For some children, even the color seems sad.

W. How to cheer up a sad baby elephant?

D. You need to do the opposite, that is, raise his head, trunk, eyes, tail, and even the color can be changed. And you can also add the sun, give the elephant toys and introduce it to friends.

"Elephant in the circus"

W. Now let's see how the cat figurine is executed. How many circles do you need for this job and which ones?

D. Three small circles and half a large one.

W. And where do we put the other half of the big circle?

Children offer options for "Dog under an umbrella".

W. Look at page 51. What can you say about making an applique for an ostrich, a flower and a butterfly?

D. This is not just an applique, but an applique combined with a pattern.

W. What are we going to do first - glue or paint?

D. For an ostrich, glue it first, and for a butterfly and a flower, it is better to draw first.

W. Is it possible to make the baby ostrich “speak”?

How to make a running ostrich?

Is it possible to make a flower from the same details that has not yet fully opened or closes for the night?

W. What is unusual about the “Owl” and “Ladybug” crafts?

D. Their wings are made of variegated paper - with cells, polka dots.

W. Could you make a flying owl and a ladybug that folded its wings?

Children in their works implement the ideas expressed, compose compositions, for example, "Butterfly flying to a flower", "Birds have made friends."

Lesson three

Theme."Application from circles".

Equipment. Textbook Clever hands, 1st grade, (ed. N. A. Tsirulik, T. N. Prosnyakova); applique patterns: monkey, dinosaur, octopus, giraffe, teapot, cup and saucer; cards with the words "choose the base", "choose the color", "cut out according to the template", "stick on the base"; circle patterns; exhibition of fiction and scientific literature; musical physical education; audio recording of the song "Zoo"; soft music; posters "How wonderful this world is", "Our cheerful zoo".

In the lesson, the desks are connected in pairs. At such large tables, there are 4 students, children work in small groups. It is very convenient for both collective and individual work. Children can exchange materials and tools, discuss the progress of work. In the lesson, the teacher first helps the children understand the new technology by discussing with them the images proposed in the book, and then gives them the opportunity for independent creativity.
In addition to the characters depicted in the textbook, the following were performed: a turtle, a crocodile, a dinosaur, several bears, an octopus and much more.


I. Introductory conversation

Teacher. Have you guys been to the zoo?

Children. Yes!

W. Tell us who did you see there?

D. Elephant.
- Giraffe.
- And I remember the monkey.

- And I liked the donkey.

W. Well done! You know the inhabitants of the zoo very well. Do you know why the zoo was called the "zoo"?

The children thought about it.

W. It turns out in the word zoo two words were hidden. Hear this word again: zoo. Has anyone heard a familiar word?

D. In the word zoo hidden word a park.

W. Right. This word is really familiar to you. And who heard another word?

D(uncertainly). Another word - zoo.

W. Quite right. What does this word mean?

Children find it difficult to answer.

W. Word zoo comes from the Greek word "zoon", which translates as "animal". This means that the zoo can be called “animal park” in another way. Do you know why people created zoos?

D. The zoo contains animals that live in other countries. We can look at them.
- There are animals in the zoo that are also found in our forests.
- Cubs who are left without parents get into the zoo. Without the help of people, they can die.

W. Do you guys want to visit the zoo today?

D. Yes!

W. We will create our own zoo and put animals in it, which we will make with our own hands. Only the zoo will not be quite ordinary. And we will put animals in it that are not quite ordinary. Maybe even those that do not exist on our planet. Everything will depend on your imagination.

The teacher opens the board: "Our fun zoo."

And our textbook will help us, in which there are so many interesting ideas.

II. Working with the tutorial

W. See how many different animals we see here! Can we see everyone in nature?

D. Cheburashka is a fairytale hero. It was invented by the writer Eduard Uspensky.

W. But you and I have agreed that we will have an unusual zoo, which means that both fabulous animals and those animals that are no longer on our planet can live in it.

The teacher hangs the Dinosaur applique on the board.

- What geometric shapes are the animals made of?

D. All animals are made from circles.

W. You have guessed perfectly the topic of our lesson. Let's read it in chorus. In the textbook, it is written in blue letters.

D(read). Circles applique.

W. Look at the Cheburashka applique. Who guessed how many circles it would take to make it?

Answer options are being listened to.

-Good. Let's figure it out. The head, torso, ears, eyes are circles. Well, what about the paws? Help me figure out how they turned out.

One student shows at the blackboard: the circle was folded in half and cut.

The teacher attaches a sample to the board: a circle folded in half.

- Good. Since you are so smart, tell me: how many circles did it take to make the elephant applique?

D. 8 circles.

W. How many circles have you cut in half?

D. 2 circles.

W. How many of you have guessed how the wings of the butterfly, which we call the "box butterfly", turned out? Show.

One student shows at the blackboard: half the circle was folded in half and cut. It turned out to be quarters of circles.

- What animals have the same quarters of circles?

D. The cat has ears.
- The butterfly has wings.

- The owl has a nose and legs.

W. Guys, look again at Cheburashka and the elephant. What else can you tell us about the circles they are made of?

D. Cheburashka is made of circles of the same size, while the elephant has circles of different sizes.

The teacher hangs the blue monkey applique on the board.

W. Did you find out who it is? To make such a monkey, I also used circles of different sizes. What is so unusual about my monkey?

D. She is blue.

W. But remember that we will have an amazing zoo where the most unusual animals can live.
Good. We have figured out the main details of the applique. How do you make finer details? You have vases with very small circles on your table. What do you think they can be useful for?

D. You can make eyes out of them.

W. Right. But there are even finer details: mustache, eyebrows, eyelashes. How do you make them? The book gives us advice. Who saw and read?

One student reads: small details of the applique can be drawn.

W. I took this advice and completed the monkey's nose, mouth, legs, and tail.

III. Technical work plan

W. Now let's put together a short plan for how you will get the job done.

Reversed cards on the board:

The teacher turns the cards over after the children name a specific step in the operation.

If the children quickly make an application of an animal, you can supplement the work with an application of a plant.

IV. Safety in the lesson

W. Guys, when you told me about the stages of the work, I heard two disturbing words - "cut out" and "stick". Why did the word "cut out" give me anxiety?

Children talk about safety rules when working with scissors.

- Why did I feel anxious about the word "stick it on"?

Children talk about safety rules when working with glue.

W. Well done. It turns out that I was in vain worried. You know and know everything perfectly well. You can get to work. But first, let's warm up, warm up our hands. They have to work hard now.

V. Physical education

Vi. Students doing work

W. So, we get to work. Our cheerful zoo is looking forward to its inhabitants.

Calm music sounds.

- Guys, when you finish your work, bring your animals to our zoo and help your comrades if they need help.

Vii. Physical education

VIII. Lesson summary

W. Look what a fun zoo we have!
Let's play. I will make riddles, and you guess if these animals are in our zoo.
If the answers coincide with those animals that are in our zoo, I suggest that the authors of the works stand up so that everyone can look at them.

Eats and drinks
Sings songs.

D. Cat.

W. I walk in a fluffy fur coat,
I live in a dense forest.
In the woods on an old oak tree
I gnaw nuts.

D. Squirrel.

W. Sleeps during the day, flies at night
And the passers-by are scared.

D. Owl.

W. First creeps
He lives like a worm.
Then he dies
It flies like a bird.

D. Butterfly.

W. Behind the trees, bushes
Flashed like a flame
Flashed, ran ...
There is no smoke or fire.

D. Fox.

W. What bird lives in the forest,
Tells everyone his name?

D. Cuckoo.

W. Little cattle
One hundred silver coins on the back.

D. A fish.

W. What riddles do you know about animals?

Children make up their minds.

W. The last riddle is mine. Guess why I made a blue monkey applique?

D. According to the eastern calendar, 2004 is the year of the blue or green monkey.

W. They say that by the nature of the animal, which is the symbol of the year, one can judge what the whole year will be like. What kind of character do you think the monkey has?

Children's answers.

W. I think that the year is going to be fun, unpredictable, full of unexpected surprises.

IX. Homework

W. At home you can make your own zoo. Some details may not be finished, but replaced with pigtails that you already know how to weave.

Pattern of applications: octopus, giraffe.

- Many other applications can be made from circles.

Samples of applications: teapot, cup and saucer, alarm clock.

- The main thing is to fantasize and make your fantasies come true. Books about animals will help you learn a lot of interesting and useful things about them.

Ladybug made from circles.

The application of circles is to some extent very similar to the constructor. On the one hand, the child learns to work with colored paper, cut out figures, fold, glue. On the other hand, the child must assemble an image from the same modules, for this he needs to mentally imagine the finished result. Circles application helps to develop imaginative thinking in the child, which is very important in the work of a constructor, architect, designer.

We need: two red circles with a diameter of 8 cm and two black circles with a diameter of 5 and 7 cm.

Take a sheet of white paper and glue a larger black circle to it. This will be the body of the ladybug. Make the head from a smaller black circle, fold it in half and glue it to the body.

Make the wings from two red circles, fold them in half and glue the lower halves to the body, as shown in the picture.

Make or glue plastic eyes. With a felt-tip pen, draw the antennae, legs and dots on the back.

Ladybugs are predatory insects, but they are not dangerous for humans, and even on the contrary, very useful, they are of great benefit by eating harmful insects on plants in gardens and vegetable gardens. Their bright coloration tells the birds that they are not edible beetles.

Donkey from circles.

You will need:
4 red circles: three - 4 cm in diameter and one - 7 cm in diameter, 5 blue circles - 4 cm in diameter, 1 pink circle - 3 cm in diameter.

For the torso, take a large red circle and fold it so that it folds below the diameter line. Fold the 4 blue circles in half. These will be the legs of a donkey.

For the background, take a sheet of colored paper and glue the donkey's torso and legs. Fold the edge of the red circle above the diameter line and glue the donkey's neck. For the head, fold the edges of the blue circle on both sides. Fold the edge of the pink circle and glue it to the head. We make ears from the remaining two circles, fold them in half and glue them to the top of the head.

We glue the eye, draw a mane, hooves and tail with a felt-tip pen. The applique made of circles in the shape of a donkey is ready.

How interesting it is to combine different colored paper figures into one whole! Parents should know that bright, original, interesting and different applications will not only captivate a small creative child for a long time, but will also develop his thinking at any age. If the baby is still too small to be cut complicated geometric shapes, let him create an applique of circles, semicircles, particles of a circle and ovals, which must be prepared in advance. In addition to glue and a piece of paper, which will serve as the basis for the craft, you only need a couple more details.

The result, however, can surprise and please - from paper circles and semicircles you can get a caterpillar and an elephant, a pattern on a cup. Even a crocodile can be made! There are templates for such creativity on the Internet - you can download and print them. There is also a presentation for children of the right age - whether at least an older group in a kindergarten, at least a junior school.

It is better to draw up mugs for application for kids in advance, but with older children, you first need to circle different round objects and cut them out, and only then, perhaps, after a couple of days, get creative.

Materials that we need:

  • multi-colored paper;
  • glue;
  • simple pencil;
  • long ruler;
  • sharp scissors;
  • different patterns, according to which we will circle circles or compasses.

A funny cartoon character will turn out if six circles are cut out of brown material. same radius... We will cut two of them in half - these will be the arms and legs of the Cheburashka. We glue the details and draw a face for the animal. The nose and eyes can be cut out of paper.


To create a cute fox, you need three circles of the same size and half a circle of huge diameter, which will serve as the body. Cut two mugs in half... This will be the tail and legs, and the remaining half will be cut in half again to make the ears.

Gallery: applique from circles and semicircles (25 photos)

We need four small, two medium and one large circle to create a cute baby elephant. The largest is a body, two small and one small, cut in half- legs, another small - proboscis (also cut in half). The two circles of medium diameter are the head and the ear.

To create an applique in the form of an aquarium with fish, you need to prepare not only mugs of different diameters, but also paper of different colors. There will be no boundaries for a child's imagination! Fish can be anything you like: small or large, colored or monochromatic, with a forked or solid tail and fins.

The same technique is used to create an owlet, a ladybug, a parrot, an ostrich, a butterfly, a chicken, a bear and crabs.

From different halves of the mug, you can create a magical seven-color flower. Such an application of flowers from circles is created very simply, but it looks unrealistically beautiful. After practice on an ordinary piece of paper, you can choose high-quality velvet paper as materials for crafts. This framed applique will be a chic and unique present for your grandmother.

By preparing mugs, semicircles, quarters of mugs for the child from material of different colors and textures, you will provide him with a fun pastime. And having understood the creation of this type of applique, you can move on to more difficult tasks and creations. appliques from various shapes.

Circles applique in a sense, it is very similar to a constructor. On the one hand, the child learns to work with various paper, cut shapes, fold parts, glue them together. On the other hand, the child must assemble origami from modules of the same size, for this he needs to imagine the finished result in his thoughts. The application of circles will help develop the child's thinking with images, which is very important in working with a designer.

For work we need the following materials: Two red circles with a diameter of 8 centimeters and two black circles with a diameter of 5 and 7 centimeters.

Work description:

  • take a piece of white paper and glue it to it black circle of volumetric diameter... This will be our ladybug torso. We create the head from a small black circle, fold it in half and glue it to the body;
  • we create wings from two red circles, fold them in half and glue the lower halves to the body;
  • glue our plastic eyes. With a felt-tip pen, we depict mustaches, paws and dots on the back. So we finished our origami.

Ladybugs are considered predatory insects, but for humans they are not dangerous, on the contrary, they protect us. They are of great benefit by eating bad insects on plants in orchards and vegetable gardens. Their bright color hints to birds that they should not be eaten.