Athletic type of physique in women. What are the types of physique in men

There are 3 main types of physique: 1. fine (asthenic) type of physique. In women with this type of limb to limb long, the bones are thin, the neck is also long and thin, the muscles are relatively weakly developed. As a rule, a subtle-type representative is small; they are active, active and even

Choosing a diet, any woman hopes to become more attractive, like others, get a chance to climb on the service staircase. After putting a goal, you can accept some restrictions in food, and then they will not seem exhaustive. But for a start, it should still find out how to strive to the result.

An ideal figure - the perfect weight

First of all, you will have to buy scales to help you know your real weight. Only after that it will be possible to determine whether to get rid of how many kilograms. True, there are situations when the weight has to increase the ideal figure. After all, people differ among themselves not only by character, appearance, but also the structure of the body. Therefore, to establish ideal proportions it is very important to correctly determine the individual type of physique.

Types of collecting women

There are 3 main types of physique:
1. Thin (asthenic) type of physique. In women with this type of limb to limb long, the bones are thin, the neck is also long and thin, the muscles are relatively weakly developed. As a rule, a subtle-type representative is small; They are active, active and even with enhanced nutrition are not fully fully, as they spend the energy faster than accumulating.
2. Normal (normostic) Type of physique. Women of such a physique was lucky. As a rule, they have a beautiful, proportionally folded figure. The main sizes of the body are distinguished by the correct ratio.
3. Broadband (hypersthenic). Representatives of this type of physique the bodies of the body are greater than that of normostas and asthenics. They are distinguished by broad, thick and heavy bones; shoulders, chest and hips they have wide; Legs are short. Women having such a type of physique are most prone to completeness. They have to be particularly strictly treated with their nutrition.

To determine the type of physique, it is enough to measure the circumference of the wrist of the working hand: it is less than 16 cm in the asthenics, from 16 to 18.5 cm, the hyperstoles are more than 18.5 cm.

Growth rate

Woman's growth plays an important role in determining its ideal weight. For a long time, the following women's growth gradations were considered:
- low - 150 cm and below;
- below average - 151-156 cm;
- average - 157-167 cm;
- high - 168-175 cm;
- Very high - 176 cm and above.

In the last quarter of the XX century. In connection with the acceleration, changes were made to this scale: for women of broad-use and with a normal type of physique, medium (normal) can be considered a height of 166 to 170 cm, and for fine-tight - from 168 to 172 cm.

Length foot

Obviously, growth is largely depends on the length of the legs. After the profession of the mannequin became one of the most prestigious and highly paid, long legs entered the fashion. But in practice, of course, it is necessary to be content with the fact that the nature presented. The length of the legs should be measured from the protrusion (it is a born of the thigh bone, which is opposite the hip joint) to the floor.

As a rule, long legs are characteristic of tall women normostic and especially asthenic type of physique. Little women usually have no legs, but if they are proportional to growth, the figure does not suffer. If the length of the feet is greater than half of the growth, the physique can be considered correct (proportions are observed). Feet are considered short only if their length is less than half of growth. Most often, such disproportion occurs in low women's hyperstandic type of physique. But in this case, you can visually shrink the existing imbalance with the help of shoes on heels.

A beautiful figure can also be considered the case if the length of the feet is greater than half the growth to the following value:
- in bulk - by 2-4 cm or more;
- in distinguished by the normal type of physique - by 4-6 cm;
- in fine-tight - by 6-9 cm.

For example, if with a height of 168 cm and the normal type of physique, the length of the legs in a woman is 90 cm, then the proportions of its shape can be considered ideal: 90 - (168: 2) \u003d 6.

Harmony horizontal lines

Finding out the norms of vertical proportions, you can proceed to the definition of horizontal ratios. To begin with, the circumference of the chest, waist and hips should be measured. Traditional standards of mannequins (90-60-90) are good for tall beauty protruding on the podium. A low, complete woman who wants to look faithful and attractive should strive for other standards.

For women with a normal type of physique, the ratio, in which the chest circle is equal to half the growth plus 2-5 cm. To determine the size of the bust, you need to measure the trigger of the chest and add 8-10 cm to the resulting result. To calculate the perfect waist. Growth indicator should be subtracted 100-105 cm. The size of the thighs should exceed the waist circle of about 30 cm.

For thin-eyed girls, the ratio can be considered normal at which the chest circle is 84-86 cm, and the bust circumference is 4-6 cm more than these values. The waist in such girls is usually thin - 60-64 cm, and the thigh circumference is about 30 cm more. In women who differ in the wide-quality type of physique, these indicators are significantly higher. Thus, the chest circumference should exceed half the growth of 8-10 cm; To determine the circumference of the bust to the circumference of the chest should be added another 8-10 cm. With a height of 166-168 cm, the waist with a circle 70-76 cm will be perfect; The hip circle should be 25-28 cm more.

Growth and weight ratio. Ways to determine the weight

So, the mass of the body depends on the type of physique, growth and age of a person. A modern woman is easiest to determine its normal weight, trusting science calculations. The easiest way is to take advantage of the formula proposed in the XIX century. The famous French anthropologist of the Brock: Weight in kilograms is equal to the growth of centimeters minus 100. Today, this formula can be left for the elderly people. For 18-50-year-old, according to the latest ideas, it is necessary from the resulting result to take another 5-10% of the weight.

Calculate the normal weight is quite accurately possible with the help of the so-called ketle index: weight in grams should be divided into growth in centimeters. For women aged 16 to 40 years, growth in centimeters should be multiplied by a weighty coefficient corresponding to age and type of physique. On average, it may look like this: with a fine type of physique on each centimeter of growth is enough to have 325 g of weight; Women with a normal type of physique - 350 g, and those who are distinguished by a wide-resistant type - 375

It should be emphasized that the ideal weight of women (especially those whose growth is below 160 cm), should be less than normal by 10-15%. With low-length women at least under 20, it is desirable to have a weight of 3-5 kg \u200b\u200bless than normal.

Women's Growth Relations and Weight Table

Growth, see Weight, kg Growth, see Weight, kg Growth, see Weight, kg Growth, see Weight, kg
148 46,4 149 46,8 150 47,4 151 47,8
152 48,3 153 48,9 154 49,4 155 49,9
156 50,5 157 51,0 158 51,6 159 52,1
160 52,6 161 53,2 162 53,9 163 54,5
164 55,1 165 55,8 166 56,6 167 57,4
168 58,1 169 58,8 170 59.5 171 60,2
172 60,9 173 61,7 174 62,4 175 63,1
176 63,8 177 64,5 178 65,2 179 65,9
180 66,7 181 67,4 182 68,1 183 68,8
184 69,5 185 70,2

Table growth ratio and weight of men

Growth, see Weight, kg Growth, see Weight, kg Growth, see Weight, kg Growth, see Weight, kg
158 56,4 159 57,0 160 57,6 161 58,2
162 58,7 163 59,2 164 59,8 165 60,3
166 60,9 167 61,5 168 62,2 169 62,9
170 63,7 171 64,4 172 65,2 173 66,0
174 66,7 175 67,4 176 68,1 177 68,9
178 69,6 179 70,4 180 71,2 181 72,0
182 72,8 183 73,6 184 74,4 185 75,2
186 76,0 187 76,8 188 77,6 189 78,5
190 79,4 191 80,3 192 81,2 193 82,1
194 83,0 195 839

Hello dear my friends and guests of my blog! Before describing the types of physique and give you a lot of useful advice, I want to say that this article will not be quite ordinary. In it, I will give every one of the three types of physique a separate attention, not just giving them characteristics, but also describing the nuances of the training process, diet, sleep, rest and many other things. Believe me, it is not worth neglecting this, because a clear understanding of how exactly the type of physique you possess will allow you to train and develop several times faster than before. But let's start a small guide to start.

How to make a man to determine your type of physique?

So, you should know that there are three types of physique:

  • 1. Endomorph - large, often low growth, with a powerful bone structure, massive muscle frame and abundance of subcutaneous fat;
  • 2. Ektomorph - thin and tall, with thin muscles and bones, but the minimum volume of subcutaneous fat;
  • 3. Mesomorph - Something among the two previous types: has thick bones and large muscles, with a minimum of fat in the body.

And many now, looking in the mirror, they will assure themselves one or another type of physique, but the point is that what we look, does not always correspond to the program that Mother Nature laid in us. Yes, yes, in part, I'm talking about "wide bones", my beloved excuse is not only women, but also men who have nothing to do with the real position of things. In order to determine the type of human body, it is enough to measure its wrist and verify the results with the following numbers:

  • - 15-17.5 cm in girth gives ectomorphs, since its bones are the finest and fragile;
  • - 17.5-20 cm This is an obvious mesomorph, which has an ideal ratio of bone, muscular and fat structures;
  • -20-25 cm - before you endomorph. Acknowledged halk among people whose physical strength and muscular volume are often hidden under a dense layer of fat.

This method of determining the type of physique does not give failures, as in the area of \u200b\u200bmeasurement (wrist) there are very few muscles and fat, and therefore it is almost impossible to increase the thickness of the hand in this place. So, define your body type and drove further, it's time to study yourself thoroughly!

Let's take a little away from the topic and calculate your body mass index.

For calculation BMI, it is necessary to share its own weight (kg) to divide on its own growth (in meters) erected into a square.

For example, my data are as follows: Weight \u003d 70 kg, height \u003d 185 cm. Consequently, BMI \u003d 70: (1.85 × 1.85) \u003d 20.4. URAAAAAAA! I have a healthy weight. And what is yours?

Type of physique №1. Endomorph

As we have already spoken above, the endomorphic physique is characterized by thick bones and a large mass, both fat and muscular. Yes, endomorph is easily gaining an extra ten kilogram, but half of this mass will be ordinary fat. This is due to low metabolism and low activity of the nervous system. The second, by the way, also often determines the nature of the endomorph, making it more resistant to any stressful situations.

Pros: Easily gaining muscles, rapidly increases the power characteristics.
Minuses: accumulates a lot of fat, problems with endurance.

Features of the endomorphic training: the guys with such a type of physique can not be afraid of overwork or incomplete recovery after training. Their nervous system resembles a tank armor, which means that they can train more often and more intense. From the experience of communicating with endomorphs in the simulator room, I can confidently say that the best training scheme for them looks like a combination "2 + 1" and "3 + 1". In other words, two days of training for one day of rest, followed by three days of training for one day of rest. Be sure to simply in force endomorph alone, or even two training days to completely devote cardiography. One or two hours on a treadmill, and even better, a heavy scheme from a functional circular workout. By the way, the rope in the endomorph training is better not to use, since the total mass of his body will give a huge burden on the joints, which can lead to the development of various unpleasant diseases.

Endomorphic food features: As you already understood, the endomorphs diet should be very rigid in terms of consumption of carbohydrates and saturated fats. Simple carbohydrates are better excluded from the diet at all, and if you want to get rid of excess fat at least a little, in the afternoon you have to avoid carbohydrates at all. Portions should be small, as due to the inhibition of the nervous system, you do not immediately realize your satiety and strive to eat one and a half or two times more than what you need. And no less than five to six food receptions per day, so you can speed up your metabolism slightly slightly. And yes, make a special focus on the water, drinking about three liters of pure water per day.

Additional tips:

  • 1. Turning for help to sports nutrition Remember - no heiners! Only protein or amino acids. Energy based on ordinary carbohydrates are also contraindicated, but it would be very good to use the fat burners;
  • 2. The endomorph does not need to sleep a lot, moreover, eight hours a day he is more than enough.

Type of physique number 2. Ektomorph

So, the second type of physique in our manual is an ektomorph. That is, it is thin bones, little muscles, which, besides, and very slowly grow. Very and very high metabolism rate, due to which there is always a minimum of subcutaneous fat in the body of Ektomorph. Its muscles are very hardy and able to withstand long-term load, as well as very quickly recover. Excellent nervous connection allows the ectomomorph better to feel his body, but also aggravates the feeling of fatigue and pain. Exactorphs are more susceptible to overtraining.

Pros: With developed muscles - aesthetic physique and high-quality muscle relief, huge endurance and rapid absorption of nutrient elements;
Minuses: The type of physique is not created to build up large muscle volumes, and therefore, the ecectorphs in the halls are called "hardgineers".

Features of Training Ektomorph: The rapid restoration of a couple with mad stamina says that the ectomorph needs to train large muscle groups with free weights, and not more than three times a week. Ideally, it is necessary to divide my body into two parts and train them with breaks in two or three days, and be sure to use multi-suraling exercises in the training, which will allow you to "get" weak and undeveloped stabilizers. Only using the entire muscular layer of the top or the bottom of the body of the ectomorph can be achieved efficient growth of muscle mass.

Features of ectomorphics: the main thing is not to overdo it! There are almost everything and always ectomorphs, the truth in simple carbohydrates should still be limited, otherwise you risk becoming simply "thin fat man" with a hanging belly and subtle limbs. But complex carbohydrates ... they need a lot, a lot! Moreover, both in the first and in the afternoon. Protein is better consumed from red meat varieties along with a side dish (best of all sin). If you want to professionally engage in bodybuilding, then maybe one or twice you will have to eat even at night, in order for your body for resting the resting hours, everything you have accumulated per day. The number of calories you eaten during the day should not be less than 2.5 thousand. With water, everything is simple - drink when you want, but at least one and a half liters per day.

Additional tips:

  • 1. Heiners, protein-carbohydrate drivers, vitamin complexes like Animal Pac - with them you should even sleep in an embrace for all these sports additives the key to your success in sports and the mass set as a whole. Of course, protein can be used, but best in addition to the Geynera;
  • 2. Unlike endomorph, Ektomorph has a high metabolic metabolism and the longer it will sleep, the less calories will burn. Accordingly, at least 8-9 hours of sleep at night, and 1-2 hours of day sleep.

Type of physique №3. Mesomorph

And the name of this type of physique is envy! Yes, because it is the mesomorph as if created in order to be a bodybuilder. It from nature is endowed with a large muscle mass and a low percentage of subcutaneous fat, often high and embedded even without training. Mesomorph has dense, fairly thick bones and powerful muscles. In general, this type is characterized by a genetic predisposition to athletism. Also in the body of the mesomorph, the highest concentration of testosterone, which allows it to be so fast and easy to acquire high-quality muscle mass.

Pros: Mesomorph will be needed three to four times less time in order to reach a competitive level than ectomorph or endomorph. Possesses all possible genetic advantages;
Minuses: No matter how funny, but from the point of view of sports, any mesomorph is an ideal athlete.

Features of the Mesomorph Training: Achilles Fifth Mesomorph is that his muscles are very quickly adapted to the load and cease to grow. That is why it is necessary once in one or two months to completely change not only the scheme, but also a training method. It is also very important to follow the dynamics of muscle growth, paying more attention to those worse responding to workouts. Mesomorph can easily work in the hall for five days, with a break for two days, dividing its body to 3-5 muscle groups. In addition, in its case, insulating exercises work, working on muscles at different angles. But do not forget about cardiotrans, because the mesomorph though rarely swims with a fat, but with abundant nutrition and intensive workouts it may well occur.

Features of the mezomorph: and then it was lucky mesomorphs once again. The fact is that this type of physique is in principle not inclined to store a lot of fat, and, therefore, in reasonable limits, they can have anything, even sweet and flour. It should be left for complex carbohydrates, as well as consume not less than 2 grams of protein per kilogram of their weight. Remember that your muscles are more than anyone else, which means to feed them more efficiently. However, the rule about the proteins should be especially zealously observed only in the days of training.

Additional tips:

  • 1. Sports nutrition will only speed up the progress of mesomorph, but the amino acids will help him, which should be used in the end of the training for the suppression of catabolism;
  • 2. Train often, but do not overdo it. You are very quickly restored, but just as quickly and get used to the loads, which means that you should constantly listen to your body, perceiving his signals "Stop" and "drove!".


So, as I could have passed in detail for the main types of the physique of men, but I also want to add that there are also mixed types. They are formed with age when you change yourself externally through sports or, for example, incorrect power. So, thin bones can be combined with slow metabolism and vice versa. So, if you can not fully understand your body, then simply wait a little, during the workouts you will learn much more and you can finally understand what you imagine both externally and internally!


Body type

These are proportions and features of the parts of the human body, as well as the features of the development of bone, muscle and adipose tissues.

It should be noted that each person from birth has different physical characteristics, it concerns men. According to the physique of a man, you can understand a lot about its qualities, as well as about the peculiarities of its character.

Types of physique men

The following types of men's figures are distinguished: Extomorph, endomorph and mesomorph. And each of these types of male physique has its own characteristics.

Ektomorph (asthenic)

Extractorph - in other words - an asthenic type of men, for which long limbs, narrow shoulders and feet, as well as an elongated chest and neck. Asthenic type of physique in men involves growing above average, such a man has almost no fat deposits, and the muscular tissue is developed weakly. That is, ectomorphs are high and thin people who cannot boast their muscles. Such athletes with great difficulty manage weight. However, men - ectomorphs may well do bodybuilding. They only need to constantly work with a lot of weight, then their muscle fiber will develop.

How should Men ectomorphs work? How to achieve an ideal male body? For this there are a number of certain exercises. Thus, the development of the breast muscles is carried out due to the yield lying on the surface of the inclined bench with a barbell or dumbbells. Muscles of the legs in turn are developing with stagnation on straightened legs (this exercise is called "Donkey"). In addition, squats can be done with a barbell. The shoulders can be developed at the housing of the rod or dumbbells from the chest. Biceps will grow, thanks to the bending of hands with a barbell or dumbbells. As a result of tightening and performing thrust in the slope of the bar, dumbbells with one hand or T-shaped griff, a positive effect will be rendered on the spine muscles. And the triceps is best influenced by the fulfillment of French bench press, besides this, you can perform the same potion, but already using EZ-griff.

The asthenic must be poured at night (due to the high metabolisms, the ectomorph needs to sleep at eight hours), and he should take longer on vacation than men of other types. The growth of muscles in asthenics is possible only with the increase in the intensity of training.

Also ectomorph is needed a large amount of food that plays a huge role in training. Food should be taken at least five to seven times per day. Moreover, the protein should flow in the amount of six grams per kilogram of weight. A quarter of the necessary calories should be assumed from proteins.

As for the psychological characteristics of the aesthenics, these people are quite closed and wounded, reflect on and fantasize, but they can be rather aggressive and perform unexpected acts. Among the ectomorphs can occur cold and power types. It must be said that the asthenics have an average stress resistance, they are too immersed in themselves, so to understand these people, you will have to make a lot of effort.

Endomorph (hypersthenik)

Hyperstanders have a massive torso, a short powerful neck, have a low growth (pretty squat). They have short hands and legs. The endomorph is endowed with a fairly strongly pronounced adipose tissue, it is susceptible to the accumulation of excess weight and is rather quickly gaining it. And it is for a hypersthenka a big problem, because he has to constantly fight fat. Moreover, the main places where the excess weight is manifested are breasts, waist and buttocks. However, a hypersthenic physique of a man has positive qualities to which the width and the size of the bone. If a man-endomorph will be engaged in bodybuilding, his muscular mass will not grow by day, but by the hour. But the problem is that all the results obtained are hidden behind the fat layer. So, the drawing of the muscles and the beautiful relief requires a lot of effort from hyperstics.

Men having a hypersthenic physique should work with a small weight with quite large intensity. Rest should be minimal, and the approaches must follow with a large frequency.

Training should be carried out as often as possible. Then it will be possible to speed up the metabolism, as well as to achieve the further appearance of muscle form and relief. It should be noted that endomorphs should not be given all their training time only one strength loads. Certain attention should be paid to aerobic workouts, which include cycling, quick walking, ordinary running and running along the steps. Before starting the exercises, it is necessary to pay the warm-up five minutes, after which there should be twenty minutes of aerobic workouts.

Men-hyperstoles by nature are sociable and careless people. They are prone to sentimentality and try to smooth conflicts if possible, but these men are quite poorly experiencing stress. These are very friendly people with whom it is very easy and pleasant to communicate.

Mesomorph (normostic)

Mesomorphs (Athletic Type of Men) have a strong skeleton, as well as wide, powerful shoulders and chest, their muscles are well developed, the torso is elongated, and the fatty tissue is not pronounced brightly. The physique of the men's normostic men is proportionally folded, such men have a good sport figure. Taking bodybuilding with such a physique, you can very quickly gain muscle mass. But all the same normostas should follow the correctness of their nutrition and comply with the training program. I must say that these people have natural power. And with the right mode of workouts, men-mesomorph is characterized by rapid growth and muscle volume, and power indicators.

The favorable development of this type of male physique is possible due to training, which are based on fast movements with high weight, as well as on the so-called "formative" exercises. And you should experiment with the number of approaches, repetitions, as well as with the duration of loads and rest. It is necessary to try several different versions of working weight, as well as options for executing these exercise.

Training Men-Norm-Resin There must be a certain species, which consists of several weeks accompanied by intense exercises, as well as one or two weeks with minor loads. Such a system allows you to achieve an increase in volumes and strength without any stall.

Message mezomorph It must contain a high level of carbohydrates, as well as protein - at least two grams per kilogram of a man's weight. Due to the increase in the amount of protein and fat consumed, the normostic increases the power and volumetric indicators under the condition of preserving stable weight.

It should be noted that men-standing men, engaged in the "construction" of the muscles, must minimize the exercises that have high intensity, as well as running. The fact is that dry muscular weight can very quickly disappear when running on a three-four kilometer distance several times a week. And thanks to the sprint run in the normostic, the leg muscles are developing, as well as the muscles of the back of the thigh. In addition, a Mesomorph Male should not take too heavy loads on himself, because he can get injured or be in a state of stagnation.

From a psychological point of view, it can be said from a psychological point of view that they are pretty confident and energetic, but their thinking is quite stereotypical, such men are difficult to show creativity. But they are less than others are subject to stress. It should be noted that the man-normostic is almost always and in all seeks to dominate and take the leading position.

How to determine the type of physique of men? I must say that all types of physique of men in pure form are very rare. Any man, as a rule, has the prevailing features of one of three types. Although it is possible to determine the type of male physique with the help of one method. To do this, measure the wrist with a centimeter. Extractorph (asthenic) has a circumference length of less than 18 cm, mesomorph (normostic) - from 18 to 20 cm, and endomorph (hypersthenik) - more than 20 cm.

By the way, not so long ago, a survey was conducted among the female half of the planet, during which it was found that women like the classic body type in men. That is, women prefer tightened and a little embossed male body, similar to Greek athletes. Well, the obvious pumping of the muscles, as well as the huge sizes of the back, hands and legs scare many women or simply cause sarcasm. So, men should draw conclusions.

Three types of physique: ektomorph, mesomorph, endomorph and the Constitution of the Human Body

Ektomorph, energetic, thin, fast;

Endomorphfull, wide and slow;

Mesomorph, muscular, medium.

All these types of physique differ greatly from each other, the speed of exchange processes in the body.

In the body of ectomorph processes proceed rapidly. Excess weight does not threaten a person of such a physique. He has long bones, a thin body, small and very skinny muscles. A set of muscle mass is given to him with difficulty, but if he succeeds, it looks very slightly, aesthetic, thanks to the complete absence of fat and narrow bones.

Endomorph, on the contrary, is easily gaining a lot of weight. Metabolism - exchange processes, that is, "combustion" of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in the body he occurs slowly. In addition, energy needs are also small. Therefore, they have a soft, loose, on the face, excess fat mass. People of this type of physique usually quickly gain muscle mass. But, unfortunately, it is soft and loose. The main problem for this type of people is an excess fat mass, from which it is extremely difficult to get rid of them.

Mesomorph is distinguished from the rest, developed muscles. Muscles bulk, bones thick and wide. People of this type, without any problems, are gaining muscle mass, sometimes not even noticing what they look too square and strong.

The above information is very important, when drawing up an individual effective power plan. Each type of physique reacts in different ways to the composition and power mode. Let's now consider specific types of physique.

Ektomorph (you can eat everything in large quantities)

So, as the main problem of ectomorph - a catastrophic shortage of body mass, then he should not worry, about, limiting itself in food.

Diet: In one day, consume no less than 3.5 - 5 grams of protein per kilogram of its own weight, the protein must provide about 30% calories for the whole day. Carbohydrates, should be 50%, and fats about 20% calories. In order to go a set of muscle mass, which received the calories for the day, it is not completely burned completely. It is also necessary for the presence in the diet of high-quality protein, pure fats and carbohydrates. The daily rate must be at least 2000 - 2500 calories.

For such a type of physique, calories consumed a primary role. Extractors are recommended to eat every 2.2-3 hours. If you have a very stressful day of the day and there is no time to eat as often as you need, you can take advantage of special mixtures that replace normal nutrition, as well as sports drinks and calorie "bars". If possible, take food and drinks with you so as not to be hungry for a long time.

Additives, such as protein and carbohydrate mixture, should be taken daily, twice a day. To replenish the energy necessary for efficient training, enter keratin in the diet.

Extractorph needs to carefully monitor the correctness and regularity of meals before and after training. You should not be afraid of excessive consumption of carbohydrates: Practice shows that food before training, especially food with carbohydrates, reduces catabolism (destructive processes) during power loads. Also after training, such food contributes to an anabolic effect, that is, the restoration and growth of tissues.

Endomorph (minimum fat)

Diet: First of all, it is necessary to significantly reduce the consumption of fats. All protein should be exclusively from lean products, such as chicken breasts without leather, non-large parts of turkey, egg whites, low-fat low-calorie fish. Vegetable food is important, but do not use it as a source of protein. In the first half of the day it is worth limiting the consumption of fruits. As for carbohydrates, complex, such as long-grain rice, potatoes, legumes are recommended.

You need to eat no more than 5-7 times a day, small meals. This normalizes metabolism and support it at the desired level.

The "black list" of prohibited products includes: various sandwiches (with ham, smoked, sausage, etc.), fatty dairy products, carbonated drinks (lemonade), alcohol. Some of these products are defective protein sources, while others with huge accumulation of carbohydrates.

You also should not eat too late or very early. Finish meals before I have been found. The main problem of endomorph - calories. If you need to lose weight, then you need to follow this with special care. The amount of calories must be reduced, and their calculation is thorough and strict, without allowing even minor errors and errors.

Sports nutritionists advise people of such a physique, to use white non-large meat as the main source of protein. Thus, the person will have a pleasant feeling of satiety, and excess fat will stop accumulating in the body. If you need to lose weight, then prefer to fibrous products, with a high content of fiber and eat the starchy carbohydrates. Feeding stands with small portions, saturated proteins and fiber. All this together will help get rid of excess weight.

Mesomorph (lucky, but do not relax)

Diet: 2.5 Protein gram for one kilogram of own weight per day (lean turkey, egg whites, chicken breasts without skins, low-fat fish). Carbohydrates should also enter the body to measure and supply a high calorie amount, approximately 60-65% of the daily diet. "Fat" calories should be within 15%, from the total day diet.

Power Mode: 5-7 times a day.

You can not eat monotonous food every week, you need a varied menu. Sometimes, let's make your muscles a little more calories than it is supposed to be, you should not stick to a strict diet constantly. You are easily and quickly gaining muscle mass, but also without problems throw a kilogram, if necessary, so you can not be afraid of small drops in one direction or another.

Mesomorphs are genetically gifted. This is the best type of physique for sports. Studies show that the athletes of such a physique in training, and during the rest, more calories are spent during the day than other people, other physique, even despite the same growth, age and percentage of subcutaneous adipose tissue. They can be called the happy owners of a harmonious figure, where the percentage of fat mass and muscle is in perfect balance sheet.

But, unfortunately, it is often that this type of people is most inclined to laziness and inaction. They are often trained and feed on, outside the mode and any plan. Put the diet, calculate the amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, and also do not forget about food additives that are necessary for the successful construction of your own body, because not all people can boast such a good constitution like yours!

American psychologist Sheldon has developed a classification of people in three types of physique: ectomorphs, mesomorphs and endomorphs. Ektomorphs - High and thin people - poorly gain weight, change little with age. Many girls do not like their thinness, and there are ways to make a figure of ectomorph larger and harmonious, but it is also important to find in such a physique of dignity and emphasize them.

Extractorph - Type of Slim Figure

Signs of ectomorph

Ektomorph is one of the three types of physique allocated by American scientist Sheldon. In addition to ectomorph, there is a mesomorph and endomorph. Extractorphs call people with a high, thin figure, with muscles poorly developed by nature, small amounts of fat and relatively weak physical strength. Such people have elongated limbs, a thin body, a thin waist, often druit bones, the shoulders are narrow. They have a quick metabolism that allows not to get fat even in excess nutrition, while during a weight gain, which is still observed with an improper lifestyle after a certain age, the ectomorph is fatels only in the abdomen, and the limbs remain thin.

Extractorphs can be both men and women

Extractorphs girls have narrow shoulders, discover clavits, elongated feet, long and thin fingers, growth above average - in one word, they have a physique model, so many modern professional models are ectomorphs.

The body of the ectomorph is distinguished by the fact that in physical workouts there is little miniature in it, which converts food to muscle tissue, therefore ectomomorephal, especially women, it is difficult to gain muscle mass even with regular power training. In addition, weakly developed joints and low force do not allow them to be intensively playing sports as an endomorph or mesomorph, but the advantage of ectomorphs is that they have great endurance, so they are easier to do dancing, run marathon or experience other long-term, but Minor loads.

In addition, muscles on such people because of a small amount of fat look terrain and beautiful

Extractors can also be distinguished not only by the physique and external features, but also on certain behavior. As a rule, such people are energetic, even sometimes hyperactive, restless. They have sharp, gusty and slightly angled movements, fast walking, restless sleep.

Do a thin figure more harmonious

Most ectomorphs are worried about one question - how to gain weight. At the same time, men try to gain muscle mass to look more impressive and sports, and women do not like to be too angled, and they want to increase the amount of fat. The female figure of ectomorphs does not have pronounced forms that usually girls are taken for the lack. To significantly increase the amount of fat in the ectomorphic body - a very difficult task, in addition, it does not help correct the figure, but adds a new drawback - a large belly, which on the background of thin extremities looks worse than a flat tummy. In order for the figure of the Ektomorph girl to become more harmonious and smoothly, you need to slightly increase the amount of fat in the body, to gain a little muscle mass, to dress and adjust your movements and gait if necessary.

First of all, women ectomorphs need to understand that the unlimited eating of the sweet, greasy and all calories if it leads to a weight gain, it will also entail health problems

Therefore, the diet of ectomorphs should be healthy and balanced, taking into account their characteristics. So, thin women should have more carbohydrates, but they do not draw them out of sweets, but from crumbs and fruits. It is important to use a sufficient amount of proteins - there are cottage cheese and other dairy products, meat, legumes so that the body has enough building material.

Also, the diet of ectomorphs must contain an increased amount of calories

Slightly gaining muscle mass, the girls ectomorphs will become a little larger. But do not be afraid to look like professional bodybuilders: EXTORPAM, especially women, it does not threaten. Muscle growth will make the physique more harmonious. To do this, you need to do physical exercises, while it is desirable to do focus on strength training, and not on the cardionargoes. It is also necessary to make training shorter and intense, and it is very important to fully rest between sports.

To achieve results, it is very important to learn to relax: anxiety and stress make ectomorphs even more thin. It is advisable to begin to meditate, it is easier to treat problems, do not fuss, to sleep longer and always try to raise.

To visually fix the figure of the ectomorph, it is very important to keep a flat posture and watch out for your movements, make them less impusty and sharp

Having straightening the shoulders and lifting the head, the ectomorphs are visually increasing. Properly selected clothing is not too tight, but not baggy, light shades, with horizontal stripes, is also important for the girl ectomorph. And most importantly - you need to love yourself as you are, and do not try to get into battle with nature. The physact of the ectomorph is for many unattainable dream, and such a figure has many advantages that need to emphasize.