Safe soap for newborns. Rating of the best manufacturers of children's cosmetics

Ekaterina Morozova - mother of many children, editor of the "Children" column in Colady magazine


Moms do not need to be told that children's skin is more delicate and sensitive than that of adults. Children's skin is thinner, quickly losing moisture, easily traumatized and poorly protected from external factors. Therefore, it is categorically impossible to buy children's cosmetics for babies, focusing on beautiful packaging or a loud brand name.

And how you can choose - we will tell you now.

Basic requirements for children's cosmetics - what should and should not be contained in cosmetics for girls and boys?

Does the child need various cosmetics?


But only - special children's products intended for children, and meeting all the modern requirements of children's cosmetics.

Some mothers in horror push aside the cream with glycerin in the composition, others calmly buy products with parabens, not knowing about the dangers of these components.

How to choose the right baby cosmetics?

Primary requirements:

  • Safety: anti-allergenic composition and absence of harmful components.
  • An expiration date that has not yet expired. The fresher the product, the better. Moreover, the shorter the overall shelf life of the product, the more natural it is. The higher the shelf life, the more preservatives it contains.
  • High quality raw materials (used in production).
  • Modern manufacturing technologies.
  • Compliance with GOST and European quality standards, certification.
  • Lack of dyes, fragrances.
  • The presence of natural ingredients (oils, plant extracts, vitamins, beeswax, etc.).
  • Age-appropriate for the child.
  • No contraindications in the instructions.

The most harmful ingredients in baby cosmetics

  1. Sodium Laureth Sulfate, SLES, SLS. It is a cheap and harmful component from oil refining. Sulfates are commonly found in shampoos and other products that can produce copious lather. May cause allergies, eye redness and premature aging.
  2. Formaldehyde. These carcinogenic preservatives, with systematic contact with the skin, lead to visual impairment, diseases of the nervous system, skin, respiratory organs, and even to violations at the genetic level.
  3. Parabens. As a rule, they are used in deodorant products. The consequences of using cosmetics with parabens are very serious: accumulating in the body, these powerful allergens can lead to a malignant tumor.
  4. Diethanolamine. This foaming component is based on ammonia. It provides dry skin, allergies, toxic effects.
  5. Propylene glycol. It is also a product of oil refining, which often responds not only to allergies, but also to hives, eczema, and so on.
  6. Mineral oil ... If you see this component, do not rush to sigh with relief. It is not on the list of useful ones! Mineral oil is not olive or even almond oil. It is based on industrial oil, ceresin, paraffin oil and other substances. Naturally, this component is harmful for baby's skin (and any other). Mineral oil dries out the skin, promotes the accumulation of toxins, causes rashes, and more.
  7. Glycerol. It would seem a harmless component, but few people know that glycerin "sucks" moisture even more from dry skin. That is, glycerin is only good for moisturized skin.
  8. Diazolidinyl and imidazolidinyl. These preservatives are capable of releasing formaldehyde and causing dermatitis.
  9. Chlorphenol triclosan. This antibacterial component fights not only harmful, but also the most beneficial bacteria.
  10. Synthetic dyes. It is better not for children to meet with these carcinogens.
  11. Chemical flavors. They provoke headache, nausea, cough, pigmentation, skin rashes, etc.
  12. Lanolin. May cause an allergic reaction.
  13. Petrolatum. The action is comparable to that of mineral oil.
  14. Laurid, loramide, loret. They are needed for foaming and cleansing. Consequences for the body: dry skin, itching, allergic manifestations, dandruff and hair loss.
  15. Isopropylparaben, isobutylparaben, phenylparaben, benzylparaben, pentylparaben, propylparaben and butylparaben banned by the European Commission in cosmetics.
  16. Methylisothiazolinone. Toxic and extremely harmful.

Remember that under the sign "natural cosmetics" anything can be hidden, because there is no legal clear definition of this term.

But for organic cosmetics, there are long-established quality standards.

All cosmetics used for babies can be classified into the following categories:

  • Aesthetic. This includes products for cleansing, moisturizing the skin, eliminating dryness, and more. Funds are used from the 1st year of life, unless otherwise stated on the package.
  • Therapeutic. Includes products to eliminate redness, flaking and itching, acne in adolescents, diaper rash in newborns, burns, etc. The funds are used from birth, according to the instructions (creams, powders, etc.).
  • Hygienic. This type of cosmetics includes hygiene products - from toothpaste, soaps and shampoos to creams, bubble baths and more.
  • Decorative. A category of cosmetics that cannot be used for a certain age: varnishes and shadows, lipsticks and glosses, body gels and other products of the children's beauty series. Some of them can be used after 5 years (for example, harmless varnishes that are washed off with water, or lip gloss based on beeswax), but most cosmetic decorative products still have to wait in the wings.

Rating of manufacturers of modern children's cosmetics, compiled by the editors of the site - pros and cons

Please note that the assessment of funds is subjective and may not coincide with your opinion. Products of the same company can have completely different compositions, so it is impossible to compare all cosmetic lines for children in one review.

Our employees drew their conclusions based on their own experience of the practical use of children's products in families.

The Russian market for children's cosmetics is more than rich and diverse.

Naturally, among this abundance, it is extremely difficult to find the right product for your child. Therefore, he will be guided by brands (but do not forget to look at the composition!).

The brands of the safest children's cosmetics, according to the editorial staff of the site:

  1. Shea Moisture. Products that do not even have alcohol and glycerin in their compositions. On all sides, pleasant products with mild action and natural aromas.
  2. Earth Mama Angel Baby. Very mild products without surfactants and with natural Castile soap as a base. Disadvantage: glycerin is present, which is not very useful for already problematic and sensitive baby skin.
  3. Weleda. Products with mild, gentle formulations. The disadvantages include the presence of alcohol (albeit the safest, but a preservative) and glycerin (mainly in "bathing" products). However, given that glycerin is present in products used in contact with water, most likely there will be no harm from it.
  4. Little Siberica. A domestic budget brand that could be called completely safe if it were not for the sulfates and Cocamidopropyl Betaine in the formulations.
  5. Mommy care. Decent formulations of products and, in general, an almost safe cosmetic line, with the exception of products with alcohol content.
  6. Mild By Nature. Natural formulations, gentle action of the funds. Minus: Sodium Lauroyl Sarcosinate is present in some products.
  7. Lallum Baby. It is considered safe cosmetics, most of the products in the series are simply flawless.
  8. Mustela. The only disadvantage is the presence of Cocamidopropyl Betaine. Despite the softness of this surfactant, it still spoils the picture. Otherwise, the compositions are very decent and meet safety requirements.

Brands of relatively safe children's cosmetics, according to the editors of the site:

  • Magic Herbs. This range of eco-friendly cosmetics is available to almost everyone, but the formulations use Phenoxyethanol and Cocamidopropyl Betaine.
  • Babycoccole. The surfactants used in this cosmetics are particularly soft, but, alas, parabens are often found in the formulations, as well as the PEG-4-200 component.
  • Chico (Chicco). This brand is very fond of Russian mothers for high-quality fashionable toys and various baby care products. But in cosmetics, the manufacturer could not achieve such success: the compositions use very budgetary surfactants and even harmful ones: Cocamidopropyl Betaine (relatively safe), PEG and Laureth-2 (harmful components). Regarding the harmfulness of the composition, the price of Chico's cosmetics is certainly too high.
  • Babyline. In the line of products of this brand, you can find quality products without harmful components (in particular, an ideal foam for washing), but there are also products with parabens (for example, shampoo).
  • Bubchen. Of the advantages, only the presence (albeit not too many) of safe products in the overall brand line can be noted. Of the minuses - a lot of products with aggressive surfactants.
  • Johnsons Baby. The brand is considered one of the most popular in the international market as a whole - but, alas, children's cosmetics of this brand are far from ideal. However, if you search well, then even among the products of JOHNSON’S Baby you can find products without flaws.

Brands of children's cosmetics, the compositions of which must be read very carefully:

  • Pigeon: too many parabens in most products.
  • GreenLab liitle : no parabens or sulfates. But the extremely harmful Methylisothiazolinone is present.
  • Sanosan: again - the presence of products with parabens.
  • Umka: cosmetics of this brand are positioned by the manufacturer as ECO products. Alas and ah, Umka also contains Methylisothiazolinone, which should not be found in modern cosmetics.
  • Green Mama : presence of SLS and other harmful components in most of the products.
  • Crumb : reasonable prices and very decent compositions. Could have been if it weren't for Methylisothiazolinone, which becomes dangerous even in small quantities.
  • our mother : too many preservatives, parabens and harmful surfactants.
  • My Sunshine : again parabens, preservatives and surfactants.
  • Eared nanny : sulfates, parabens, Methylisothiazolinone - in almost all products.

It is important to understand that in the line of products of each brand there may be both safe products and not too safe ones.

In addition, the manufacturer can change the composition when improving the product, which happens quite often. Therefore, pay primary attention to the composition of the product.

It is also worth paying attention to such a factor as the “focus of services”. If a manufacturer specializes exclusively in children's cosmetics, then the percentage of trust in him will be definitely higher than in a company for which the production of children's cosmetics is just an additional way of earning money.

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The controversy over the necessary cosmetics for children of the first life has already become commonplace. Especially pediatricians and representatives of the older generation do not agree. As a result, a young mother, who already does not have enough experience, is completely lost in recommendations. Some on this basis begin to buy up half of the pharmacy, so God forbid not to miss something.

We decided to study what cosmetics are the minimum necessary. So, the top 10 tools that should be in the arsenal of every young mother.

Cotton buds

They will come in handy for the hygiene of the ears and the treatment of the umbilical wound. To clean the spout, try to use not sticks, but flagella rolled from cotton wool.

Ordinary cotton swabs for crumbs, of course, will not work. You risk injuring the baby's mucous membranes or leaving some of the cotton in the baby's ears. For children of the first year of life, cotton swabs with a special stopper appeared on sale, which reliably prevents unreasonably deep penetration and related injuries.

Pay attention to the quality of the purchased "Tool"... In well-made sticks, the cotton wool is securely fixed to the base, and the container itself closes tightly.

We read on the topic:

Wet wipes

This item of care must also be chosen carefully. The wipes should not cause allergies, and the concentration of the impregnation should be within the normal range.

Give preference to napkins impregnated with plant extracts (chamomile, lavender, aloe). Please note that the composition is free of alcohol, chlorine, various fragrances and preservatives. The ideal packaging is a plastic container.


You can safely do without baby shampoo only for the first couple of months of your little one’s life. Then it is advisable to purchase a special shampoo for the baby for babies up to a year. Using it, you can more easily cope with various dirt, excess fat and crusts on the head of the crumbs. In addition, shampooing is an additional scalp massage that will strengthen the hair follicles and stimulate the growth of bullocks.

In no case do not purchase shampoo if you notice the presence of the following substances in its composition:

  • diethanolamine;
  • 1,4-dioxane;
  • carcinogenic formaldehyde;
  • sodium lauryl sulfate.

It is necessary to give preference to means with the inscription "without tears". Such products do not cause allergies, have mild detergent properties and do not contain fragrances.

Baby powder

The product is used as an adsorbent. By absorbing excess moisture, the powder prevents your baby's skin from various irritations and redness.

The classic dusting powder is no longer as relevant as it used to be. When moisture gets in, it forms lumps, which is an additional factor for the appearance of irritations. Nowadays, liquid talcum powder has become popular, which does not differ in the formation of lumps and creates a protective layer on the baby's skin.


For children under one year old, the use of liquid soap is considered the best option. Such soaps should contain emollients such as glycerin or lanolin.

When choosing baby soap, pay attention to its compliance with GOST standards and the absence of fragrances in the composition of the product. Give preference to a herbal product with a dispensing bottle.

Oil for babies is a universal product. It is used in the daily hygiene of the baby's skin, in order to remove crusts on the head, during massage and water procedures.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

The oil should not contain dyes, preservatives and other substances harmful to the baby. When choosing it, pay attention to the presence of plant extracts in the composition and the absence of odor. The bottle must be hermetically sealed and have a dispenser.

We read on the topic:

Moisturizing cream

Apply this cream after water procedures. It must be based on plant extracts and contain glycerin. Mineral oils in the cream are undesirable, give preference to almond, olive or jojoba.

When choosing a cream, pay attention to the expiration date. If it is small, then the product is really natural and has been certified.

Diaper rash cream

Baby's folds are unlikely to be able to avoid such a frequent phenomenon as diaper rash, if you do not start using special means in time.

When choosing such a cream, we also pay attention to its plant origin and the absence of harmful substances. Do not forget about the expiration date.

We read

The baby is born defenseless and helpless. The task of the parents is to help his little body go through the difficult process of adaptation. It is especially important to take care of baby skin, which is so delicate and thin and therefore extremely sensitive. For newborn babies, special baby cosmetics are being developed to preserve the natural skin barrier and increase its protective forces.

Inexperienced mothers can get lost in the variety of products for babies and buy a lot of unnecessary, if not completely unhelpful. Before you take care of the purchase of baby cosmetics for newborns, you must familiarize yourself with the selection criteria.

Making the right choice

What cosmetics to buy for a baby? The question is very important, because we are talking about the health of the little man. Therefore, we do not point our finger at the sky, but we study the important points of choice.

Enemies of quality cosmetics

  • dyes;
  • silicones;
  • animal fats;
  • petroleum jelly, paraffin - refined products;
  • parabens (although their harmfulness has not yet been proven, it is better to choose products marked free paraben);
  • sulfates SLS and SLES ¬ - these surfactants should be avoided;
  • if cosmetics for newborns contain substances such as silicone (silicones), formaldehyde (formaldehydes), sulfate (sulfates) and various compounds with them, then you should not buy it.

Important requirements for baby cosmetics:

  • The components must be natural, hypoallergenic, non-toxic.
  • The package must contain the full composition of the components that make up the cosmetic product.
  • The product must have a quality certificate.

Certification is a kind of "quality mark" of a product. Eco-labeled cosmetics are guaranteed quality.


  • ECOCERT: the products are 100% free of any harmful substances (dyes, silicones, emulsifying agents, mineral oils, fragrances, fatty alcohols, propylene glycol, etc.).
  • BDIH: products with this quality mark are made without GMOs, they do not contain petroleum products, fragrances, dyes, only beeswax can be found from components of animal origin.
  • ICEA: products with this certificate are strictly standardized. All ingredients in cosmetics are environmentally friendly, all have certain requirements, there are no prohibited and harmful components in the composition.
  • COSMOS (COSMetic Organic Standard) includes several other significant European certification schemes and combines them into a single standard, which, by the way, is the most stringent in terms of the quality of cosmetics. Two levels of certification are distinguished here: ORGANIC and NATURAL. The packaging will bear the primary certification label (for example, BDIH or ICEA).
  • NATRUE: This mark on the packaging indicates that the cosmetics are guaranteed to be natural.

Cosmetics for newborns

Now that we have figured out the quality and safety of cosmetics for babies, it's time to understand which cosmetics are suitable for newborns in the first place, and what you can wait with the purchase of.

So, the set of products for the care of a newborn includes:

Wet wipes

Many pediatricians teach parents that no makeup is required for babies up to 3-4 weeks old. Moreover, such small ones cannot yet be bathed, and it is not particularly recommended to take them outside. Babies are washed off with clean running water from the tap, and this is enough. Soap, shampoo, creams and other products can be used a little later.

Wet wipes are a must-have for caring for a newborn. They "save" not only on a walk or on a trip, but also at home when the baby is slightly dirty.

But as for wet wipes, then they are irreplaceable. The kid burped up, got dirty pens, you could not wash him cleanly (very important for young parents) or you have nowhere to wash him (you are at the dacha, on the road, there is no water) - use a napkin. And of course, it is impossible to do without napkins for a walk.


  • You only need to buy wipes that do not contain alcohol. Alcohol can dry out the skin, leading to irritation.
  • Do not use wipes instead of water treatments. The child must be washed with water. No matter how good the wipes are, they can still cause irritation. Treat them as a handy tool designed to make your life easier.

Diaper cream or lotion

To buy or not to buy this product depends on which diaper you are going to use. Some premium diapers already contain a moisturizing body lotion (such as Pampers Active Baby or Pampers Premium Care). The Sun Herbal Phyto-diapers do not require a special cream. If your choice is a more budgetary option, then it is better to purchase a diaper cream to protect the baby's skin.

If your baby's skin turns red and bumps under the diaper, you will need a special diaper cream to reduce irritation.

As a rule, such a cream or lotion has a drying effect, so its analogue can be ordinary talc or.
Newborn oil

should be in the arsenal of cosmetics. It is needed for massage, to soften dry and rough spots on the skin. It is good to wipe the ass and folds on the legs with the oil after washing the baby.

Another remedy that a newborn will need from the very first days of life. It can be used for massage, and after bath procedures, wipe the folds on the arms and legs. It is good to soften rough and rubbed places (folds between the legs) with oil. It is indispensable for dryness and flaking.


  • Buy with a delicate, pleasant scent. A pungent aroma indicates the presence of odorant.
  • The texture should not be very greasy.
  • Oils should not be abused, use them only when necessary, because baby's skin "breathes" with pores, and excess cosmetic product clogs them.


Many mothers believe that the use of shampoo at such a tender age is not necessary: ​​"less chemistry - less allergies", "there is still nothing to wash" - these are their main arguments.

However, do not rush to give up the shampoo! Modern pediatricians and therapists are confident that caring for children's hair at a very early age is a guarantee of their beauty and health in the future.

While washing your hair, you not only wash away impurities, fat and dead cells, but also massage, heal and nourish the skin and hair (of course, subject to high-quality shampoo).

The shampoo will be needed a little later - after 1 month. This is an important remedy for the care of the hair of the crumbs, and do not look that he has a few more of them.


  • Shampoo should be used no earlier than 3 weeks of age, or even later. The skin on its head is very thin and easily injured.
  • Even high-quality shampoos are applied in a microscopic dose and no more than once a week.


Until 5-6 months, the baby still does not sweat, does not get dirty with food, does not crawl on the floor, where he can crawl into dust and dirt with a pen. During this period, you can do without soap.

You will begin to fully use soap from about six months. You should choose one that does not contain aggressive substances. You don't need an allergy! You can use regular soap (bar), liquid and cream soap.

The choice of soap should be very careful, as this is the product that the child will use much more often than others.

It is better if the soap contains emollients (lanolin, glycerin, oils, etc.) and nutrients (wax, honey), as well as anti-inflammatory additives (eucalyptus, sage, chamomile, etc.).


  • It is very good if the selected soap is used by the whole family. This will help avoid allergic reactions when coming into contact with the baby.

Body milk

Moisturizes and protects baby's skin after bathing. The milk has a liquid consistency, so it is easily absorbed and quickly restores the water-fat balance of the skin.

Body milk (unlike cream) usually has a liquid consistency, is well and quickly absorbed, does not grease the skin. If the baby's skin is not too dry and flaky, then it is better to choose milk.


  • Before buying, be sure to read for what age the product is (0+ or ​​6 months +).
  • For newborns, choose milk without a harsh aroma: if it irritates the baby, then the child will not be able to fall asleep and will be nervous.

Bathing gel

Gel differs from soap in that it is softer and more nutritious, it moisturizes the skin better by adding various beneficial additives to its composition. It is made on the basis of vegetable oils (sunflower, olive, palm, etc.). Thus, the gel is less aggressive, but at the same time it washes away dirt as well as soap.

When choosing what to bathe their baby with - soap or gel - many mothers lean towards the gel. It is softer, enriched with beneficial additives that make the skin soft and velvety.


  • Up to 5 years old, you cannot wash a child with anibacterial gels - they dry the skin very much.
  • Before the first use, the gel should be checked for an allergic reaction, for which a small amount is applied to any part of the skin. If the skin does not turn red, does not peel off, then the product is right for you.

These are not all cosmetics for children that are offered in stores. However, this is the most necessary. Optionally, you can include in the list such products as body cream (for nourishing, relieving redness and inflammation, eliminating peeling), bath foam, protective (from the sun), anti-inflammatory and wound healing cosmetics.

Manufacturers you can trust

There are a lot of brands that produce baby cosmetics. But good manufacturers can be counted on one hand. Let's count.

TOP 5 best brands

  1. Weleda (Germany) is the best you can choose for your baby: safe ingredients, high quality production. Natrue and BDIH certified and that says it all. Of the minuses, it's expensive.
  2. Little Siberica (Siberia) is a children's line of the Natura Siberica brand. This Siberian company managed to obtain European certification, which testifies to the high quality of its products and absolutely harmless composition. Indeed, in the composition of this series of cosmetics, you will see only natural ingredients. And the price doesn't bite, although in order to maintain its lower limit, the company had to save on packaging. It should be noted that not all Little Siberica products are certified (certification is given not to the entire line, but to each product separately). If the product is certified, there will be a mark on the bottle - COSMOS-Standard organic.
  3. Sanosan (Germany). The main advantage of the products of this company is that they are made using vegetable oils, not mineral ones. But there is also a minus - it contains parabens.
  4. Bubchen (Germany). The cosmetics of this company are quite widespread; they combine good quality and adequate price. It is worth noting here that Bubchen produces many lines, and not all of them are of high quality and safe. Without a doubt, you can only take funds from the "From the first days" series. There is not a single harmful component in them.
  5. Pigeon (Japan). Japanese cosmetics are rapidly taking over the world. It is also becoming more and more popular in Russia. Pigeon cosmetics are declared as high quality and safe for baby skin. In general, this is so, but there is a drawback: in the composition you will find TEA (triethanolamine can cause allergies, dry skin), parabens and compounds with sulfates. If you want to save money (Japanese cosmetics are quite expensive), then choose a product in soft packaging.

Look for your remedy

It is not always easy to answer the question which cosmetics are the best, because everyone has everything individually. The use of even the highest quality product cannot guarantee that any of its natural ingredients will not cause allergies. Therefore, advice: if this or that product suits you, continue to use it, do not change it. In this age of allergies, any experiments with cosmetics can be expensive. Protect the health of your children!

Already in the last weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother thinks about the shopping list for the newborn. Of course, first of all, a crib, a stroller, a changing table, clothes and other items are chosen to provide mother and child with comfort and convenience. But few people think about the fact that in addition to nipples, bottles and diapers, you also need to carefully select baby cosmetics. Good creams, oils, and bath products should be at the top of every mom-to-be's list.

Soap should be selected with special attention, because children's skin differs significantly from adult skin in many ways, so parents need to think in time about purchasing high-quality cosmetics for their baby.

In this article, we will analyze the optimal composition of baby soap, help determine the selection criteria and consider the best products for a child.

Features of the delicate skin of a newborn

It is believed that most of the newfangled products, such as baby shampoos, shower gels, laundry detergents, conditioners, and many other products labeled "designed for children" are made for the purpose of making money. Until now, many are sure that children's products are no different in composition from adults. But this is absolutely not the case. Baby products go through more rigorous quality control than adults and have a special composition without sulfates and parabens, which does not harm delicate skin.

Some doctors do not recommend using any products during the first week after birth, since the baby's skin is still very sensitive and thin, so it should be washed in ordinary or preferably boiled water. And then you can use soap. The child's face is wiped with cotton pads dipped in cool boiled water.

So, let's consider the reasons why you still need to give preference to children's products for caring for newborns.

First of all, one should take into account the fact that the skin of children is incredibly thin and very sensitive to all external factors. Accordingly, such a skin requires particularly gentle and gentle care.

Another feature of baby skin is the unregulated work of the sebaceous and sweat glands, which are responsible for creating an invisible protective film over the baby's epidermis and guaranteeing its safety. In addition to the fact that this layer is very thin, it is also quite easily washed off if you use coarse soap, as a result of which the skin becomes vulnerable. Children's products not only gently wash the skin, but also do not harm the work of the glands and do not wash off the protective film, carefully taking care of the baby.

Since the epidermis of a newborn actively promotes gas exchange, it needs a good, but at the same time gentle cleaning, so as not to block the process in some areas and not to worsen the condition of the child.

Children's products are developed taking into account all the features of the skin of newborns, they gently cleanse and do not dehydrate the epidermis, providing an optimal level of moisture and without washing off the protective layer.

It is important for every parent to know that in no case should you wash your child or wash his clothes with laundry soap. Despite the fact that it has excellent cleansing properties, this soap has a high alkaline content and can dry out the skin of babies greatly, which can cause irritation, itching and allergies. Therefore, this is far from the best soap for newborns.


Manufacturers provide several types of products for washing children, each of which has its own advantages.

The most common type of baby soap is liquid. Its composition is as safe as possible, therefore it is well suited for newborns. You can use it every day, it will not harm the delicate skin of the baby. Liquid soap, aka shower gel, does not dry out the skin and does not cause itching or allergic reactions and acts very gently.

The advantage of this type of products is that they usually have very convenient dispenser bottles that provide optimal dosage and do not require additional help if you have a child in one hand and wash him with the other.

The next most popular is a cream soap, which contains such components as lanolin and glycerin. These ingredients help moisturize, soften the skin and relieve inflammation. These products are also great for daily use.

But some of them contain fragrances that can cause an allergic reaction, so you should carefully study the composition of such products before buying.

Standard bar soap Once upon a time it was the only means for bathing not only adults, but also children, but with the advent of more gentle products, it was pushed into the background. It perfectly cleanses the skin, creates a good protective layer, but due to the fact that it greatly dries the epidermis, it can be used only once a week and only when the child reaches one month of age. It should be noted that such a product is ideal for washing hands after a walk or before eating.

Also, solid soap will be an ideal product for washing children's clothes, its composition is more gentle and suitable for children's skin than washing powders, even for children.

Another subtype of these products is soap with a variety of additional ingredients in the form of chamomile, aloe, fir, sage and other extracts that have their own properties. Such products soothe, relieve itching, reduce diaper rash and generally have a beneficial effect on the skin. But if the baby has too sensitive skin, you should still refuse such soap so as not to cause irritation once again.

And in general, it is advisable to use this type when the baby reaches two or even three months.

How to choose

Before purchasing this or that type of soap, you should pay attention to certain details that will help you choose the best and most suitable product for you, because each child is different. First of all, there should be an inscription on the packaging indicating that this product is intended specifically for children. Even products for sensitive skin, but intended for adults, can harm the baby, so you should only buy a product adapted for the skin of newborns.

Study the packaging of the product carefully. Each product must indicate the age of the child from which it can be used, the expiration date, and also the composition. Try to buy soaps marked "hypoallergenic" or "GA". Such a product will definitely not irritate the skin. It is possible that the bottle will contain a note about the environmental friendliness of the product. Such markings are only issued in the case of a truly pure formulation without silicones, parabens or colorants. As a rule, these are the following inscriptions: “Ecocert”, “Icea”, “Natrue” and “Cosmos Organic”, “BDIH”.

It is desirable that the liquid soap is completely transparent, since too rich or thick composition may indicate the presence of a large amount of fragrances or dyes. Also pay attention to the smell - it should not be too harsh or intrusive.

Ingredients such as glycine, lanolin, and vegetable oil are considered safe, so don't worry if they are included in the soap. Additional ingredients in the form of herbal extracts should be selected depending on the child's skin.

For example, soap with chamomile or celandine is suitable for very sensitive skin prone to diaper rash. This product will moisturize the skin and preserve its protective layer, as well as soften it. Sage, eucalyptus, and calendula extracts are good for relieving irritation or inflammation.

Avocado extract is excellent for flaking, and plantain for minor scratches. Lavender or fir oil promotes relaxation and ensures a restful night's sleep for your baby. Honey tones the skin well.

You don't have to buy soap from the store, you can make it yourself at home. A natural handmade product is always of higher quality than a factory one.

For swimming

For bathing a child, it is better to buy liquid or cream soap. Both products have a gentle composition that will have a beneficial effect on the skin even with daily use.

Liquid soaps of such domestic brands as "Spring" or "Eared nanny". They have a wide line of childcare products. As a rule, all products of these companies are hypoallergenic and suitable for babies with sensitive skin. Leading among European brands Weleda... The products of this brand are of high quality and completely natural and safe composition, suitable for children from the very first weeks.

Why do babies need special hygiene and cosmetic products? Babies' skin is so delicate and delicate that any friction can cause irritation and itching. Due to the weak function of the sebaceous glands, the skin of newborns is drier than that of adults, and therefore needs additional nutrition. It has almost no acidic protective layer of its own and is easily exposed to harmful bacteria.
Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to the choice of cosmetics for the care of delicate, capricious baby skin.

Baby soap
It is better not to use solid soap for bathing newborns, as it contains alkali and can be quite aggressive on baby skin, thinning its protective film, causing dryness and irritation. Therefore, for sensitive baby skin, cream soap or liquid soap with a neutral pH is more suitable. It can be used to wash the baby or while bathing.
Liquid soap is part of some cosmetic series for children: "Our mother" offers liquid soap with extracts of string, celandine and chamomile, Chicco- with chamomile and hawthorn. There are two types of cream-soap in the assortment of the series " Eared nanny ".

Bathing products
To ensure proper care for your baby's skin while bathing, it is best to opt for products specifically designed for babies. They act gently, protect the skin of babies from drying out, preserve its water-fat balance, do not irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes. The optimal means for bathing a newborn are special gels and foams based on surfactants (surfactants), without alkaline components. They gently cleanse your baby's skin. A little of the product is added to the water before bathing to form a light lather, and a few drops are massaged onto the skin, then thoroughly washed off with water. Dermatologists recommend using the bathing product no more than 1-2 times a week.
Many manufacturers produce 2-in-1 products that can be used both as a shampoo and as a body gel (for example, a bath product " Eared nanny ", which contains aloe vera extract, which tones and softens the skin, as well as white grape extract, which accelerates the regeneration of new cells). A good bathing product not only cleanses the skin of impurities, but also takes good care of it (for example, children's vitamin bath foam " Eared nanny " contains provitamin B5, which eliminates irritation and cracks, as well as sea buckthorn extract, which saturates the skin with vitamins). Bathing agent Bubchen does not require rinsing with water, as it contains natural herbal active ingredients - tensides, which actively act directly on skin impurities.

The fluff and hairs of a child are much thinner and weaker than the hair of an adult, and the forming upper epithelial layer of the scalp is still very delicate, vulnerable and can easily be irritated. This means that caring for your baby's hair requires specially formulated products. Baby shampoos do not dry the skin and do not stay on the hair, do not irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes, and contain a neutral pH level. Shampoo for newborns can be used when the baby is two weeks old. But it is better not to abuse it, as well as a bathing agent, and apply it 2-3 times a week (it also depends on the amount of hair in the baby). The rest of the time, it is better to just wash the child's head with water. Baby shampoo brand "Eared nanny" suitable for frequent use, contains chamomile extract with anti-inflammatory and emollient properties. Foam shampoo for newborns is suitable for softening and exfoliating seborrheic crusts. Mustela, you can use shampoo to keep your baby's hair soft and silky Avent with milk proteins.

Baby cream
When choosing a baby cream, you must remember that it must meet several requirements: protect the skin, eliminate and prevent irritation and inflammation, moisturize and nourish. The modern market offers creams with different structures: both oil / water emulsions, where oil droplets are in an aqueous medium, and water / oil, where water droplets are suspended in an oil medium. Babies need both types of creams. After all, light creams ("oil / water") perfectly cope with the task of moisturizing and nourishing, they are quickly absorbed into the skin; while fatty ones ("oil / water") have a protective function.
The moisturizer can be used repeatedly throughout the day to keep your baby's skin soft and smooth. This is especially necessary after taking water procedures and in the hot season to replenish the loss of moisture, since children's skin loses moisture much faster than adult skin. A cream with a thick consistency is more suitable for the care of very dry skin and to protect against chapping in the cold season. Baby creams also have additional properties: anti-inflammatory and antiseptic (baby cream "Eared nanny" with calendula and chamomile), healing (baby cream Sanosan with olive oil and milk proteins), nutritious (baby cream Chicco with vitamins A and E).

Body milk
After bathing, baby's skin can be moisturized with body milk. In consistency, it is more liquid than cream, therefore it is easier to distribute and absorb. The milk can also be used to cleanse the baby's skin: apply to a cotton pad and wipe the baby. For the prevention of irritation and redness, body milk is suitable. "Our mother" with extracts of chamomile, calendula and string, for cleansing and moisturizing - body milk "The world of childhood", "Eared nanny" or Bubchen.

Baby oil
Baby oil is a universal product that can be useful in several situations at once. It can be applied to the baby's skin after bathing or when changing a diaper, it is also used to massage, cleanse the baby's nose and ears. Newborns often develop seborrheic crusts on the scalp. To remove them, the baby's scalp is smeared with baby oil an hour before bathing, and after taking a bath, the softened crusts are combed out. You can use baby oil for massage Johnson's Baby, which provides good glide and does not leave an oily film on the baby's skin. A light spray oil is suitable for sensitive skin. "Our mother", to relieve irritation - oil Sanosan.

Diaper cream
To make the baby comfortable in disposable diapers, you need to take care of proper skin care - to protect it from redness, diaper rash, irritation. When changing the diaper, give the baby the opportunity to take an air bath for 10-15 minutes. Then apply a special protective cream to your skin and put on a diaper. The diaper creams contain antiseptic, absorbent, softening and moisturizing ingredients. For example, a cream brand "Eared nanny" contains peach and calendula oils, as well as zinc oxide, which dries the skin, relieves irritation and inflammation. Convenient to use is a protective diaper cream with a pump-dispenser Mustela which contains zinc oxide and vitamins B5 and F.

Wet wipes
It is convenient to use wet wipes when changing a diaper both at home and on a walk, at a party. The wipes are usually soaked in lotion, oil, or cream. The first thing to look for when choosing wet wipes is the softness of the material they are made of. Also, when buying the first wet wipes, you should not experiment with the smell; it is better to buy wipes with a neutral aroma or without fragrances. Baby Wet Cleansing Wipes Brand "Eared nanny" contain extracts of chamomile and calendula, due to which they have a bactericidal and antiseptic effect, soothe the skin, and creamy cleansing wipes "Eared nanny" provide additional care for baby's skin thanks to a creamy impregnation. Wet wipes can also be used for daily care "Our mother", soaked in baby lotion with extracts of chamomile and aloe vera, and oiled wipes are suitable for the care of sensitive and inflamed skin with diaper rash or prickly heat Bubchen.