Clock from plastic bottle caps. Mounting and mounting methods. On a wooden plane

It would seem that such a simple and primitive material as plastic caps cannot be used at all for creativity, but we will dispel this delusion once and for all by demonstrating how unique and unusual bottle cap crafts... Most often they are used to decorate surfaces with bright mosaics, which perfectly complement the landscape design of your personal plot in the same way as.

Crafts from bottle caps for summer cottages

If you will create mosaic crafts from plastic bottle caps, diagrams it will definitely come in handy to get a beautiful and neat drawing. Often, mosaics are used to decorate paths and paths, to decorate walls in the country, you can use this idea and create a beautiful drawing on a gazebo in a kindergarten or completely decorate a children's playground.

Once you have chosen a work surface for your creative venture and picked up a beautiful design, be it a geometric pattern or any fancy picture, you still have to collect enough material. For example, if you want to decorate a gazebo or a wall in a kindergarten with a mosaic, then all parents can be involved in the collection of covers. Invite everyone to put a bottle in their kitchen, in which all family members will fold plastic material for a week, a month or several, so with joint efforts you can collect a sufficient number of elements in a shorter time than alone. To implement your creative venture, you can also contact the townspeople through social networks, perhaps you will find like-minded people who will help you collect the required number of caps so that you can complete crafts from bottle caps for giving.

Before starting work, all material must be sorted by color, so that in the future you can quickly lay out a segment of a certain color. The picture that you want to lay out with a mosaic must be redrawn onto the work surface, selecting all the segments. Before laying out the mosaic, you need to paint the working segment in the appropriate color so that the gaps between the covers do not show through. This way they will look neater. crafts from plastic bottle caps, photo a wide variety of works will help you make sure of this.

The plastic material adheres perfectly to almost any surface, be it iron or plywood, but you are faced with the difficult choice of the right adhesive. For polyethylene, it is best to choose BF-2 or BF-4, and if you create with a child from junk material, then you have a glue gun at your disposal. For those craftswomen who decide to lay out a path with a plastic mosaic in their dacha, you can advise a special solution that will fix the elements on a brick or concrete surface. But the lids on the tree can be fixed with nails, especially if you are doing gardening for the first time crafts from plastic bottle caps.

Crafts from bottle caps with your own hands

When laying out a certain color segment of the image (you can divide it into segments not by colors, but by area, for example, divide the whole picture into squares), you should definitely lay out the caps tightly to each other. The gaps between them should be minimal, and after the end of the work, the seams are masked with a solution of cement and sand. As a rule, the elements are laid out upside down, then they turn out beautiful and bright and crafts from bottle caps, photo such works will show you that it does not matter at all what drawing or inscription is applied to the surface of the plastic. The brand inscription will not spoil the overall picture at all, and during operation it will most likely be erased.

For his first DIY bottle cap crafts you should choose the simplest image, it can be any pixel pattern or geometric pattern. With a little practice, understanding the principle of working with this very simple material, you can even perform such an unusual reproduction of famous paintings or implement a creative project in the Eco-park of your city. And you can also use it for decoration, you can even use the caps as a material for the production of garden furniture, the main advantage of which will be unpretentiousness and long service life.

Craft from bottle caps for children it can be quite simple, and while the parents are laying out the garden path with mosaics, the children can make an original curtain. In each cap, you need to make a hole in the middle, and then string them in a chaotic color sequence on a thick fishing line. A very simple solution for a veranda for summer cottages, because such a curtain is definitely not afraid of rain. If you select elements by color, you can get a "hanging" composition.

Bottle cap craft workshop can be used for children's creativity: if you connect imagination, then the colored cap can turn into a bee, ladybug or mustache cat. To do this, additional elements must be cut out of cardboard and drawn on the surface with colored felt-tip pens. Children with their own hands can create an unusual underwater world with plastic striped fish. Instead of paper, you can take the remnants of felt, which will allow you to supplement the appliqué with the missing details.

Bottle caps are great material for crafts and decor. In the country, they can be used in a variety of ways. You can decorate an old basin, a bucket, a fence, a flower container or a structure for mulch, an unsightly corner of the house, a tabletop for a table, a rug for a summer shower, and instead of a regular plate with a house number, make an inscription from corks.

The most painstaking and difficult, although at first glance it does not seem, is the garden path. Definitely, such an element of decor at the summer cottage will be original and exclusive. The main problem will be the number of lids, it will take a lot of time to collect them, even if all relatives, friends and neighbors will help in this. Let's leave the idea of ​​bringing a garden path made of lids to life for a “snack”, but for now we need to learn how to make simple patterns out of them.

Yes, you can attach caps from plastic bottles in different ways, the main thing is to learn how to work with them and you need to start with soaking in order to wash off all the inscriptions or use a solvent.

How to create simple patterns from plastic bottle caps

Before starting work, all the caps must be sorted by color, with chalk draw a pattern on the selected surface. If it didn't work out for you with drawing, then print the drawing in full scale, it is more convenient to compose it from several sheets, glue it, cut it along the contour of the drawing and circle it with chalk in the area.

Plastic corks are laid out in rows, glued to the surface or nailed, 1 nail per cover is enough.

How to make a garden path from covers

For its manufacture, select high-density covers, given that the load here will be considerable. The layout can be done with an ornament, a picture or randomly scattering, any method looks spectacular, bright and fun, especially if the covers are multi-colored.

If you do not plan to make a track of the lids for a long time, then it is enough to level the soil and press the lids. Keep in mind that such a haste "carpet" is very short-lived, the grass will begin to sprout in the inter-roof space and the lids themselves will gradually fly out or press deep into the ground.

For a solid garden path from plastic bottle caps, you first need to make a base: remove the top layer of soil, dig a trench 10 cm deep, drive stakes around the edges and make formwork. Lay a drainage layer of broken brick, crushed stone or gravel on the bottom, then knead the cement mortar (4 parts of cement, 1 part of sand, 1 part of glue), pour on the drainage layer, lay the covers, pressing into the solution almost to the edge of the surface. When the cement dries up and you see excess on the surface, take a stiff brush and clean. In summer, cement quickly sets, so they don't make a big batch right away, do the work in parts.

Advantages and disadvantages of covers

The advantage of the cover track will be durability, brightness, resistance to temperature extremes, ease of repair and budget.

The disadvantage of a solid garden path or area in front of the house made of covers will be their slipperiness after rain or snow. But this can be compensated for by partially laying out the mosaic in the central part.

For a rough estimate: there are about 1100-1200 corks from 1-2 liter bottles per 1 square meter.

Plastic bottle caps can be combined with metal, as well as broken ceramic tiles or paving stones. Wine corks are also popular with plastic.

Since the beginning of its distribution in Russia, in the mid-90s of the twentieth century, plastic bottles and multi-colored caps from them have become ubiquitous as materials for creating a variety of handicrafts. At the present time, a very solid experience of such creativity has already been accumulated.

Enrich your collection of sensory, math and other educational games using the publications collected on the pages of this section. There are a huge number of options for non-standard use of caps and caps from plastic bottles - to create original crafts, toys and didactic games.

We are not in a hurry to throw away the plugs and caps, but we save them - they will come in handy!

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Crafts from corks. Didactic games with plastic bottle caps - Didactic guide "Find a Pair"

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Crafts made from plastic corks are a great way to get creative. Plastic for crafts is downtime and affordable, there is such a container in almost every apartment. You can update with interesting crafts.

An example of decorating a garden fence with plastic corks

Children's imagination is highly developed, educators and parents are working on this. Children can build an original object from each material, without effort. Plastic corks are ideal material for a child's creativity. Corks can be glued to almost any plane - this contributes to the creation of paintings, panels, figurines, rugs. Children love to make crafts from plastic bottle corks, the flight of imagination in this situation is unlimited. There are three types of kids crafts that you can do:

Using this technique, you can make any animal with the child that he prefers.
Volumetric figures are easy to make, they are more interesting for a child than applications, you can play in them.
Let's try to make a small turtle - take two cotton swabs and glue them crosswise on an ice cream stick. The structure should be painted in any shade. Then a large plastic cover is attached to the stick, specks are drawn, eyes are attached.

Plastic cork turtle construction and design

See what a fun turtle you can play with. To make a spider, apply the same principle, only form the legs from wire with an insulating layer. You can draw a cross on the back of the spider. Making eyes out of beads - done. This spider can become. Any child can make any insect out of plastic corks:

  • butterfly;
  • bee;
  • ladybug.

Black fishing line can be used as antennae, the wings are cut out of cardboard and painted in the desired colors. This is a very useful activity for both the child and the parents. The toddler develops creativity and fine motor skills, while the parents enjoy interacting with the child. And if you just string the corks on the wire, you get an interesting, multi-colored snake.

Mosaic panels

Mosaic pictures from bottle corks are widespread and especially popular.

An example of decorating a summer residence with a mosaic panel made of plastic corks

To create, lids of different sizes and colors are used. The work is done quite simply, the covers must be glued together in a certain order.
Important! You need to use only high-quality glue, which has high tenacity. To simplify the task, use a glue gun.

It is necessary to prepare a base on which the covers will be attached, if it is supposed to make a panel by attaching the covers with the back side, then you can use screws.

A variant of the pattern of the mosaic panel from the covers

If you take several yellow corks, you can easily make the sun, it will look especially impressive if the covers are of different sizes and put them together. If you have a lot of traffic jams, then you can create a cockerel, of course, it will take a lot more time and effort, and some skills are needed for this craft, but you will get a very original and beautiful piece that will delight not only you, but also your guests.

You need to take plywood of the right size as a basis. The material must be well primed. After that, apply a drawing to the base, and then glue the corks from plastic bottles according to the drawing, according to the drawing.

Cork fridge magnets

Everyone has magnets on the refrigerator, which we buy for beauty, for attaching important messages or reminders, or hide defects that appear on technology over time. The lesson is interesting and exciting. Let's get started!
Materials required for magnets:

  • corks of different colors;
  • magnets are sold in art stores;
  • alcohol solution;
  • glue;
  • colored paper;
  • paints;
  • pencils;
  • felt-tip pens.

Manufacturing technology

Thanks to these simple steps, you get a fun, colorful and unusual alphabet.

An example of a refrigerator design with plastic lids

In the same way, you can make a big picture on the refrigerator using different colors and shades.

Cork foot massage mat

One of the popular DIY handicrafts is the massage mat. There is no need for special skill to make it, and the look of this craft is very effective and unusual, especially if it is made of multi-colored material.

The product is not only beautiful, but also useful, daily walking on this rug for 15 minutes will bring many health benefits.

Even doctors advise to walk on such rugs. There are a lot of nerve endings on our feet that are responsible for internal organs, and foot massage is an exercise for the body. Material for production:

  • sharp awl;
  • strong fishing line;
  • a lot of traffic jams.

The mat will be hexagonal, with a side equal to 10-15 plugs.

The construction of the massage mat made of plastic corks

If you do not want a hexagon, then it is enough to calculate how many traffic jams there will be on one side and multiply by the number of sides. This action will help you to calculate the cork repeating in color.

As soon as all the material is ready for you, you need to make holes in each cork with an awl, 6 pieces per cork. Outside plugs are strung on a line and braided, while a hexagon is immediately formed. If you have a desire to make a rug with a pattern, then you should decide in advance on the ornament, and put it on the shelf to make things easier for yourself. And only after that, start weaving according to the pattern.

Corridor mat made of plastic bottle corks

The corridor rug is one of the most original crafts that are of great use. Made with your own hands, it will delight for a long time. The plugs are glued with a special glue for glue guns.

Corridor rug decoration

Ornament can be done in any way, from ornament to simple colorful variety of multi-colored covers.
Attention! The advantage of this mat made of corks from plastic bottles is its quick cleaning from any contamination.

But it is also worth remembering that bottle caps have sharp edges, so you should not put them in a room where linoleum is laid on the floor, but this is ideal for tiles.

Plastic is a very wear-resistant material, so the mat will last long enough, the only thing that can fail is the color. But you should not be afraid of this, because there are special paints with which you can simply paint the rug, or, in extreme cases, make a new one - it is not difficult.

Would you like to know what can be made from plastic bottle caps? Then let's look together at the most popular and interesting directions that home craftsmen have already mastered. A lot of photos and diagrams will help us make sure of their availability and ease of manufacture.

From paintings to garden furniture

Plastic cork has several amazing properties that make it an excellent finishing or building material.

  • Strength... A round patch with a lateral elastic wall around the perimeter is not so easy to deform;
  • Cheapness... What is the price of a cork? In fact, none, since it comes with the bottle and its contents;
  • Do-it-yourself ease of processing... Plastic is easy to cut and make holes in it;
  • Wide range of colors and shapes.

  • Durability... Without deliberate disposal, plastic will easily outlive generations of people.

Of course, not everything is so smooth, because although this material in itself is not worth anything, you will have to try to get it in large quantities. You won't buy a few cases of soda for the sake of making a craft, will you? But, gradually putting aside from each empty container, over time it will not be difficult to collect the corks.

To speed up the process of accumulating the necessary bottle caps, connect family and friends to it. It will not be difficult for them, and in the end you will be able to start work much earlier.

And now, when you already have a sufficient amount of material on hand, you can take the following directions for creative activity:

Direction number 1: decorating fences, walls and furniture interior items

These can be both real paintings and less complex ornaments. The principle of their manufacture is simple:

  1. Spread on a level ground, an image of multi-colored lids. The abundance of shades allows you to create quite expressive patterns using this method;

  1. Carry over the resulting ornament on cardboard or immediately on a wall or fence. Most often, glue is used for this, but you can also use nails, self-tapping screws or other methods of attaching the covers.

And here are the images that can be obtained from corks from plastic bottles as a result:

Photo Description

Adorable cartoon animals will revive the boardwalk and will surely please the children.

Mosaic of complex geometric patterns that resembles embroidery can decorate the facade of a country house.

Panel of poppies will turn the fence into a real work of art.

Portrait creation will require artistic talent and a wide variety of plastic bottle caps, but it's also possible.

Lighting fixture shade can also be decorated with a composition of multi-colored lids.

Direction number 2: rug

Rugs can be made using two technologies:

  1. Stick the cork ornament onto the cardboard sheet... In this case, the course of work is similar to that which is carried out when decorating vertical surfaces. But the finished product in this case will have a significant drawback - the fear of water;
  2. Line connection... In this case, you will have to work harder, but in the end you will get a moisture-resistant, easy-to-roll rug.

When using the second method, they do the following:

  • Burn in traffic jams, six holes around the perimeter;
  • Bind their pieces of fishing line according to the following scheme:

If you turn the mat knitted of corks over, then it will immediately become massage, since in this case you will have to contact the sharp edges of the lids.

In the same way, you can do the coasters for hot dishes in the kitchen:

Direction number 3: toys, souvenirs and decorations

Crafts made from plastic bottle corks can also be used as souvenirs, garden decorations, and even children's toys. Such products usually do not require as many closures as in the above cases, but additional materials may be required. Here are some illustrative examples:

  1. Dragonfly... It is hung on a tree branch, thus enlivening the interior of your garden. It is made in three steps:
Photo Description

    • We glue together four blue covers (body of a dragonfly);
  • Then we glue to them two green (dragonfly eyes).

Cut out from a plastic bottle wing.

  • Glue wings to the body of a dragonfly;
  • We hang the finished product using a thread on a tree.
  1. Octopus... You can even play with this friend in the bathroom. It is also easy to do: it is enough to fix eight pieces of fishing line or rope in a small cylinder or cone and put caps on them that will form the legs;

  1. Snake... If you use an egg from "KINDER SURPRISE" as a head and attach a garland of corks to it, you get a great snake;

  1. Watch... Of course, here you still need the clockwork itself, but in the end you will become the owner of an original looking device.

Direction number 4: curtains

Crafts made from plastic corks can be very practical. These include, for example, stylish curtains. True, they require a lot of caps, but the result is quite interesting, and it's not very difficult to make them:

  • Enough to do each plug has two holes opposite each other;
  • Thread through them pieces of rope or fishing line long in the height of the door;
  • Hang up the resulting garlands in the doorway.

Direction number 5: garden paths

The material in question is strong and durable enough to refine the paths in your summer cottage with it. In addition, this does not require any additional materials, it is enough to put the cork in the desired ornament and tamp them slightly.

Even famous paintings can be recreated from plastic corks