Skull goats with horns. The head of the head of the goat skull goat sketch

Being a frequent visitor of various esoteric forums, the author of these lines of what just did not re-read. However, there are such topics, after reading which the spirit captures and tears of diesel moves begin to flow from the eye, for such nonsense needs to be in the white light and search. And here you are ... and completely free ... Well, at least this dialogue ...

In the Christian religion, the power of the saints have great strength, as with this GCC, maybe it can have extraordinary power, for example, a skull of a goat?

(visitor site

To confess, the goat in the CGC (Gnostic Catholic Church) has not yet been canonized. And we do not have the cult of saints.

(site moderator

This cute conversation inspired me so much that I thought: why not?

It is necessary to write a special ritual for canonization. What I did!

Canonization of goat turtle

(Ritual for Esoteric kindergarten)

Decoration of the temple

The temple is draped with a black cloth. On four sides of the light, the skull hangs: East - the human skull, South - Skull Lion, West - Scorpio Skull, North - Skull of the Bull. In the center on the Black Altar - Skull Goat. Nearby a bowl, filled with the blood of a goat, as well as a goat wool, goat hooves, goat escrements.


Deacon enters and 666 times he knocks his forehead about the skull goat.


Do that it makes it in the head - maybe sometime this will be called law.

Deacon comes up to the priest and gives it to get a goat blood from the bowl.

Priest, wiping a goat blood flow sleeve from lips:

You, who is the symbol of an esoteric kindergarten, you who worship inadequate snotty girls and boys whose hugness - a sign of their divine anointing, curing their mouth and give you to kiss you, as the greatest symbol of our father K-O-L-A -R-ah-oh-Mr!

The priest kisses the skull of the goat.

From now on, we cannonize this skull and announcing it our shrine!
May you bless you, K-O-Z-E-L D-R-A-N-s!
May this skull will lead you to the fulfillment of your dullness!
And yes, there will be the fulfillment of your desires and happiness of oligofren!

Harvesting (chorus):

We go, go, go.
Someone from behind Ahaet!
Looked back; Priest and Dyacon
Goat skull fuck!

The priest is baptized by a goat skull of parishioners, uttering:

There is no uniform part of me, in which there would be no K-O-Z-L-A D-R-A-N-Mr. !!!

Cononation ceremony ends. Priest Blue Blood. Djcon sprinkles his goat wool. Parishioners eat goat escyrims. The skulls are happily bitten by the jaws, knocking off the chief.

Canonized goat skull.

Skull, hardly, calls positive feelings. The first association with this symbol is death. This is quite deserved. After all, the skull is an integral element of horror films and other horror stories. At the same time, in a number of crops, the skull is a symbol of good luck. In this article, we will find out the meaning of the symbol in history, culture and tattoo art.

Who will fit?

Tattoo with such a symbol is more common among men. But the symbol itself is still universal and fits perfectly for girls. This explains the huge number of sketches with turtles for girls.

Often, this tattoo causes people whose life is invariably connected with risk. In the number of gambling players.

Tattoo Places and Style

Skull with crown is an absolute leader. This is the most common sketch for such a tattoo. On the one hand, it is bad, because everyone wants to be the owner of an individual drawing. But look at the collage below. Is such jobs to call the same? To compare the skull in hats, similar to Gangsters. And the skull in the beret is the symbol of the military.

For men

Sketches of male tattoos, as a rule, are distinguished by brutality. It can be a stylized black and white image, from which the subject of death believes.

Tattoos at brushes are only gaining its popularity. Before, pick up a sketch for such a job, you need to take into account a couple of nuances. First: this place is always in sight. Secondly: you need to think well how to arrange a sketch. During meals or at the time of an important tense conversation, people usually gesticulate a lot.

Most often, tattoo with a skull is applied to the hands. Tattoo placed on the wrists, forearms, shoulders. Sometimes even on the brushes.

Skull on her face - This is a common search query. But it is not connected with the popularity of this place to apply a tattoo. So people are trying to find the name of the Canadian tattoo model.

Rick Genst (English Rick Genest; born August 7, 1985, Shatoga, Canada) - Canadian model from Montreal, more famous as a zombie guy (eng. Zombie Boy) due to a tattoo depicting a human skeleton.

The image in which the skull is crowned with crowns occurs more often than others among sketches of such a tattoo. Also, you can call the sketch: Skull goat, bull, ram, indian, skull with wings, in beret.

Symbol value

In Pain common sense The symbol indicates truck of human life . The symbol is a reminder that the life is short. But, at the same time, you should not be afraid of this fact, but to live every moment. Such a tattoo is often applied as an overlap. No wonder, it is especially popular in biker circles. Skull, as not a particular symbol of death reminds the owner that all people are mortal and the question is only how rich life we \u200b\u200bwill live.

The thesis value of the symbol can be represented as follows:

  • trucks of our life
  • death
  • truth
  • rebirth

For men Skull means determination and courage In actions. Sometimes the symbol means a dismissive and chauvinistic attitude towards women.

Skull with Snake. If the sketch adds a snake caring from the eye of the skull, the symbol will change the meaning of immortality and wisdom. The symbol indicates that knowledge and wisdom will remain and after physical death.

Skull with crown - Symbol of power, or striving for power. In Mexico, a different value: in the next life you will be lucky.

Skull with wings - Freedom and carelessness. Equally easy attitude and to life and death.

Tattoo skull with a clock It has the meaning of reminding the owner of the limb. Symbolizes the need to develop in each current moment.

Skull Indian In tattoo culture means unity with nature and beyond knowledge.

Tattoo value skull Bull Depends on the style of execution. Celtic tattoo style is suitable for fighters, such a symbol was decorated with the real wars of antiquity.
Tribal style is suitable for those who believe in contact with spirits. In such work, the red color is used to emphasize the motive of the ancient shamanic rituals.
The skull of the bull can use as a symbol of the zodiac sign "Taurus". Such a sketch will suit you, in case the horoscope is not an empty set of random facts that are suitable in any situation, any person.
If the sketch is present in the sketch of the flame symbol means aggression and harsh temper of the owner such a tattoo.

Sugar SkullHis correct name "Caalacher". The symbol value is an immutable cycle of life. Eternity of the existence of human souls.
The symbol was first used in Mexico on a celebration in honor of the Day of the Dead. Caalacher is the goddess of the dead, a lovely girl with a skull instead of face. It is believed that on this day the soul of the deceased go down to the ground. And Mexicans meet their joyful dancing and dances.

Tattoo swallows with a skull Mean a single end for all living people.

Skull and crossed bonesLocated at its foundation is. The unchanged symbol that was depicted on the flag of real pirates.

IN environment Bikers Skull is a symbol of good luck. This tattoo is more often perceived as protective. Many believe that such a tattoo helps lovers of roads and their iron horses.

Skull with rose Symbolizes simultaneous duality: love and hatred, death and life.

Anyone plant, chunks or located at the base of the skull indicates the loss of a loved one.

Flower or another plant in tubah "The desire to live in his pleasure, enjoying every moment of a vehicle human life.

Skull goat - Peace and good. Large stock of vitality.

Skull Baran. - Perseverance, resistance to its goal.

Raven on Skull - Destruction of bearing death. If you depict the nest next to the bird, the value changes almost to the opposite. Such a symbol will mean longevity and wisdom.

History of the symbol

IN Christianity It is an important symbol. In individual currents, for example, in Orthodoxy, the skull is depicted on crucifixes at the legs of Christ. This is due to the legend, according to which Christ was crucified on the cross and his blood flowed onto the Skull of Adam, so the sins of mankind.

IN Buddhism It is used in chambers and amules as a symbol that resembles the priety of human existence.

Among residents tribes Maya., Only shamans had the ability to control evil. This was confirmed by a ritual taking place made of skull. It was believed that only shaman could keep her in his hands.

Ancient Celts. It was the skull that believes the habitat of the human soul. Therefore, they carefully kept the skull of their departed ancestors and distinguished warriors. Among this, it was believed that together with the skull to its owner, courage and other important qualities of the deceased.

IN Latin America Tatoo often accompanied the inscription "Do not forget that you have to die." The meaning of such a phrase is to enjoy every moment and live at the maximum. Because the end is all one. The holiday of death is held annually in this country. Here it is really a holiday, i.e. Very fun event.

Value at zone

The symbol indicates the desire for power. May indicate belonging to thieves caste.

Skull with a blade or dagger - blood revenge of the enemy.

Skull with a rose - met sixteen years in prison.

The tattoo of the goat, the photo of which are presented below, looks very eccentric and can be filled with a deep meaning. On the meaning of such a tattoo, as well as about what style it can be done, you will learn from this article.

Main values

Many may seem to make a tattoo with a goat is not worth it. However, tattoo art implies freedom of choice, and if you want to decorate your body in a similar way, then why not do it? True, first it is necessary to find out the symbolism of the goat tattoos: it can be different depending on the additional elements and even from the style of execution:

  • belonging to satanic culture. Goat is one of the symbols of Satan. Therefore, people who carry themselves to Satanism for any other reasons or simply follow the postulates of this "religion" make a tattoo with a goat. In this case, the goat is performed in a special style and complemented by sacral symbols, for example, an inverted pentagram;
  • the goat has a more innocent meaning. He can only emphasize the sense of the humor of the tattoo owner or beat the famous expression that all men are representatives of a certain biological species;
  • wild goat may be a symbol of love for freedom;
  • in rare cases, the goat personifies the failure of the carrier tattoo. After all, it is known that people who are constantly dumping the hardest work or, as they say, "arrows translate", sometimes called "scapegoats".

Tip! Before making such an ambiguous tattoo, it should be thicker to think about your decision. After all, the tattoo will remain with you for many years: it will not be easy to bring it out or overlapping it. In addition, the laser tattoo eliminates is a much more painful process than its application.

Styles of execution

The tattoo of the goat, the sketches of which are presented in the article, can be executed in all existing styles. People, with respect relating to Satanism, can make such a tattoo in an engraving style. In this case, the image resembles an illustration to medieval treatises.

In the styles of Old-Skul and New School, the goat may look bright and optimistic. Add image to help ribbons with quotes, compasses, clocks and even flowers. Although such a combination may seem eccentric, the idea can be played quite interestingly.

It is possible to make a tattoo with a wild goat in a graphic style. The image looks as if it is based on the basis of the zoology textbook. Usually, the tattoo in the graphic style is complemented by bright color divorces that resemble watercolor "blots" and geometric patterns that make tattoo completed.

A realistic goat is a tattoo on which not everyone will decide. However, such work will surely attract a lot of attention to its owner. You can also choose Tresh-Polka style, involving expression, conciseness and style eclectics. Tresh polka allows you to beat complex philosophical ideas in graphic terms.

Tip! Decide with the style of the tattoo is not easy. Show the master workman who seem attractive to you, or even bring him aesthetic from your point of view illustration. This will help you decide on the choice of a suitable style for you.

Choosing a place to apply

Choose a place to apply a tattoo with the image of a goat with caution, because this motive can perceive very ambiguously. Bold nature, non-conventional, can choose open areas of the body, such as hands or feet. If you are afraid that the presence of a tattoo can affect your career and social position, better choose parts of the body that can be hidden under clothing. Then about the presence of your tattoo will know only close people. Special caution should be taken if you plan to make a tattoo with a goat, personifying the commitment of Satanism. After all, glances can change over time, and it will be very difficult to get rid of the tattoo.

The skull is a symbol of knowledge or valuable thing that you can not use. Historical person or influential rival.

Skull to find - on the trail, to come across an important idea.

Skull from the ground to dug - in the past answers to something important to look for.

Skull buried - eliminate what contributed to delusion.

On the table of your skull to hold - help in spiritual work.

Collection of skulls - significant ties, interesting friends.

Skull in gold was imparted - a meeting with a scientist or acquaintance with him.

Skull in the form of a bowl or drinking from it - to plunge the world of religious ideas, fruitful ideas at all.

From the skull of water to loss - strive for moral ideal.

On Earth, water is pouring from it - lose spiritual forces.

From the river Skull, you will cry out - find fruitful ideas in the fantasy world.

In the skull, keep money - get the benefit from spiritual figures.

Skull is broken with a hammer - ruin, deception.

Skull on the pole carry - with a false goal to go to the way.

On the skull pray - to overestimate the role of the mind in life, from a certain man to themselves an idol.

Skull kiss - longing for the dead.

Skull throw out - trying in vain to start a new life. From good principles to refuse, the deceased to forget undeservedly.

In the skull, the water is boiled - the crazy ideas are given to the Great to the little things to waste.

Giant skull see - false judgment about authority to have.

Too little skull - the ability to underestimate your mind.

Skull with three eyes - indicates a great man in your environment, on the magician, etc.

Metal skull is an evil person.

Interpretation of dreams from the noble dream

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The human skull means sad news from afar. Perhaps learn about the death of someone from relatives. Animal skull (any) - home quarrels and shocks. Your family happiness faces trouble.

Imagine that the skull you saw is not real. He never belonged to a living being. This is just a training plastic dummy.

Interpretation of dreams