What to give when stroke before arriving soon. First aid in stroke. Emergency Prefigure Assistance in Stroke

It happens when blood ceases to enter some kind of brain section, the bunch blocks blood flow, and the cells begin to die away without oxygen. If you have a timely assistance, there is a chance to save human health and even life.

How to recognize stroke?

It is very important to recognize the stroke on time to assist. The faster the measures will be taken, the more favorable the forecast of recovery. The optimal result can be expected if no more than 3 hours passed after the attack. Symptoms of stroke can grow gradually or manifest unexpectedly. It happens that only part of the characteristic symptoms is noticeable, which lubricates the common clinical picture. As a result, the patient does not bind them to stroke and misses the chance to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Characteristic signs of stroke:

  • numbness in the muscles of the face, arms or legs;
  • dizziness;
  • poor equilibrium;
  • strong headache;
  • impairment;
  • difficulties with swallowing;
  • confused consciousness.

To accurately determine the stroke helps a very simple test, which can easily conduct relatives of the patient. If there are at least one of the signs, there are already permissible violations of the cerebral circulation.

Test Cincinatti:

  1. A person can smile only half the mouth, the second cheek and eyelid sags a little.
  2. Only one hand rises if you ask for both.
  3. The victim vaguely pronounces the simplest phrase or can not speak at all.

The process is able to switch to other parts of the brain, which affects the important functions of the body.

First aid

If the stroke happened at home, it is important to reanimate the victim correctly.

If the patient is conscious

The main thing in this situation is to reassure a person, assure that everything will be fine. Even if he cannot speak, it fully understands speech and reacts to the words heard. Additional stress is able to additionally aggravate a difficult state. Immediately call "ambulance". If there is a mobile phone, inform relatives.

  1. Put the patient on a rigid surface, the legs to raise a bit, providing blood access to the head.
  2. Remove the dentures if they are.
  3. Give access to fresh air, opening the window or sending the fan stream.
  4. Loosen clothes that make breathing.
  5. If vomiting began, put a person on his side so that these masses would not trigger the suffocation.
  6. Do not give food, water or familiar medications, the exception is only drugs from hypertension.
  7. If there is a tonometer, measure the pressure. With high digits, try to reduce them. During the attack, the body tries to compensate for the air intake in the brain, but the danger arises that the thrombus will break.
  8. If there is no tablet at hand, you need to put heat to your feet, and under the bottom of the jaw - cold.

It is impossible to turn the victim on the stomach, allow him to give his head much.

If the patient is unconscious

In this case, you need to act in a different order, but keep calm and the clarity of action is necessary exactly as in the case when the victim did not turn off. When calling "ambulance", you must report that a person does not control himself.

  1. Rush the pulse, better check on the carotid artery in the neck area.
  2. Check if the patient breathes. To do this, make a mirror to her lips.
  3. If the surface of the glass is not cloudy, start making artificial respiration and indirect heart massage.

If the patient does not breathe or not the pulse

Before arriving soon, it is necessary to try to reanimate the patient.

Precardial strike

We are needed in the event of a heart stop. In the chest area they apply a strong - precordial - blow, this is a kind of replacement of the electric shock. The heart begins to fight after a tangible concussion. The patient before that should be turned over to the back, unbutton the buttons on the chest, make sure there are no chains and pendants.

Massage heart

For many years there is a tested method of indirect heart massage. Actions must be clear and verified.

Action Scheme:

  1. One palm put on the center of the chest, the second one.
  2. Make strong presses, their frequency should be up to 70 times per minute. The duration of movements is 3 minutes.
  3. Hands can not be bending or bothering them with all the weight of your body.
  4. If the victim began to breathe, presses need to stop.
  5. In case there is no result, continue massage before the arrival of physicians.

It is carried out simultaneously with the indirect heart massage: 2-3 inhalation on 6-7 clicks. You need to do it together, but if there is no helper, it is permissible to resort to one procedure.

Action Scheme:

  1. Be the knees to the right of the patient.
  2. Holding the jaw, the second hand to backpad the injured head, put the nose to the palm. This will help free the respiratory tract and will not let the languages.
  3. Make a deep breath and breathe air into the nose or human mouth.
  4. When blowing air into the mouth, you need to clamp the nose if the procedure goes into the nose, it takes to close the mouth.
  5. Repeat actions before the arrival of physicians.

Additional help

There is another series of important tips in which additional measures are noted, taking into account the type of stroke. There are distinguished, occurring when the brain vessels break, and when the thrombus clogs the vessel.

First aid in suspected hemorrhagic stroke:

  1. A bottle of cold water or a piece of ice is applied to the head, the area is selected opposite from the onmight side.
  2. Hold a warm blanket to maintain blood circulation in the hands and legs. You can attach to the limbs of the heater or mustard pieces.
  3. During the paresa, the brushes of the hands and foot with any oil-alcoholic solution are slightly lighted.

First aid with suspicion of ischemic stroke:

  1. Wipe the face, whiskey and neck.
  2. Estate belts and buttons on clothes to ease your breath.
  3. Roll hands and legs to maintain blood circulation.

What to do when found signs of stroke at home:

  1. Do not be nervous. Keeping calm, inform the poor health of native or neighbors, to those nearby.
  2. Call as ambulance.
  3. Open the entrance door.
  4. Going more comfortable, weaken buttons and nodes of clothing.
  5. Do not take vasodilatory drugs that provoke a large load on damaged brain areas.
  6. Nothing is not to drink.

What can I do?

There are also a number of actions that cannot be done in any case, otherwise the harm caused by the victim will be much more.


  1. Anxiously disturbing with conversations, move from place to place.
  2. Make him sit comfortably.
  3. Use the ammonia that can cause a respiratory stop. The drug still affects blood coagulation, which is particularly dangerous during strokes.
  4. If the stroke is complicated by the attack of epilepsy, it is impossible to squeeze his teeth and forcefully to hold. The only thing that remains is to throw the time of the attack to report the duration of doctors, and remove the acute items away.

First aid to stroke is a thin, but quite sat for everyone. The main thing is to keep calm, do not panic and call doctors in time. If you comply with all the recommendations mentioned, there is a chance to save a person or at least return its workable condition.

A stroke is a dangerous disease, in most cases leading to disability and even death. The probability of the development of hazardous consequences depends on the temporary gap between the peak of the attack and the provision of drugs in the hospital. At the victims of the stroke surrounding his people and doctors to restore the blood flow of the brain there are no more than 4 hours. Therefore, the operationally rendered first aid in stroke is extremely important, during this period it is necessary to recognize the attack on characteristic symptoms, to reduce the priority of physicians the impact of attack by providing primary care, to deliver the victim to the hospital and appoint treatment to him.

Recognize stroke and the nature of its development mechanism can be used by the complex of common neurological and specific symptoms in order to provide first aid in a timely manner. To the general primary signs that arise spontaneously without any precursors include:

  • numbness of the limbs - in most cases on one side of the body;
  • darkening and bias in the eyes;
  • breach of coordination and orientation;
  • short-term amnesia attacks;
  • violation of speech.

Manifestations ischemic stroke have their own characteristic features:

  • paralysis of the body or limbs is developing on the one hand, almost always the opposite side of the brain cell damage;
  • the gait becomes an insecure and shaky, often the victim cannot resist independently on his feet;
  • it is difficult for speech, the articulation and perception of the said;
  • it occurs, accompanied by attacks of vomiting.

Row hemorrhagic stroke Quite often preceded a sharp increase in blood pressure - hypertensive crisis. As a result, the artery and hemorrhage in the brain tissue occurs. At the time of the attack, a person emerges:

  • acute and unbearable pain, sensations of a tearing head;
  • rapid heart rhythm;
  • facial distortion against the background of increased muscle tone;
  • paralysis;
  • high light sensitivity, points and blurry circles before your eyes.

Signs that allow us to finally diagnose stroke before the arrival of physicians include:

  • an asymmetric smile and the impossibility of raising one of the corners of the lips;
  • disturbed articulation and inhibited speech;
  • asymmetric movement of limbs when trying to simultaneously raise them up.

If, with a sudden deterioration of well-being in humans, at least several of the described signs should be immediately caused by resuscitation ambulance and deliver it to the hospital.

At the first signs of a stroke, despite the presence of the victim's consciousness and his assurances that everything in order, which are nearby, people must quickly call ambulance, while describing the dispatcher manifested by the symptoms of brain deficiency. Prior to the arrival of physicians, the patient must provide primary help to facilitate the state:

Does something bothers you? Disease or situation?

  1. In the case of special indications of the dispatcher - to perform them uncorrectly.
  2. Gently put the victim in a position in which the head is raised to 30 ° and the side is turned a little. This is necessary so that with a sudden vomiting, the residues of food did not fall into the respiratory organs, and also in the case of the loss of consciousness did not sing the tongue.
  3. Open the window or window to the room where the victim is located, fresh air arrived.
  4. Soothe the patient if it is over-excited or begins to be nervous due to limiting mobility. It follows a calm tone to explain that he will soon be provided with medical assistance to him.
  5. Measure pressure and, if possible, the level of sugar, the results of measurements will fix in order to report to doctors.
  6. Remove or unbutton details of clothing, squeezing throats, chest, belt.
  7. In the absence of consciousness, breathing and heartbeat immediately perform indirect heart massage and artificial respiration.

There are also methods of primary aid in stroke, which are not always recognized by specialists of traditional medicine, but are quite effective in practice. The main of them is the acupuncture method. The victim unconscious is pierced with a needle-treated with a needle of the pillow to the pillow before the appearance of 2 or -3-kaps of blood.

Also, with a pronounced asymmetry, the patient is intensively tricious by the ush, after which they pierce their needle before the appearance of blood. This technique often results in a patient consciousness and allows you to remove the stress in the structures of the brain.

To action that prohibited Perform in suspected stroke include:

  • strong shaking of the victim, sharp movements, screams and hysteria of others;
  • feeding and abundant drink;
  • bringing to the feeling of ammonia and other acid-containing means;
  • attempts to eliminate the symptoms of brain deficiency independently pharmaceutical means;

First medical care at stroke

The victim before the arrival of the ambulance brigade is not recommended to independently give any drug drugs with the exception of cases where the ambulance dispatcher according to the symptoms described can make a one-time assignment.

Medical assistance turns out to be ambulance hospitmen. Directly in the intensive care unit doctors are performed by operational actions aimed at maintaining the body's life indicators. These include:

  • indirect heart massage;
  • artificial respiration;
  • trachea intubation;
  • introduction of the blood dummy drugs in symptoms of ischemic stroke;
  • introduction of anti-kvulsants with a pronounced convulsive syndrome;
  • reduction in blood pressure by drugs, if its indicators are critical;
  • the introduction of osmodioretics, if the victim appears signs of brain edema;
  • the introduction of thrombid-forming agents, if hemorrhagic stroke is diagnosed;
  • the introduction of drugs that improve blood flow through vessels and arteries.

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After the patient delivery to the hospital is extremely important to promptly confirm the preliminary diagnosis of tool methods and assign adequate treatment aimed at restoring blood flow and damaged nerve tissues.

Syndrome of acute violation of cerebral circulation (strokes)

Stroke, (ONMK) - a rapidly developing focal or global violation of the brain function, which is located more than 24 hours or leading to death.

OnMK manifests itself clinically due to hemorrhage (subarachnoid or intracerebral) or brain thromboishemia - hemorrhagic and Ischemic strokes.

Distinguish back transient violation of cerebral circulation, In which the focal symptoms are subjected to regression up to 24 hours.

Leading symptoms:

· Headache, dizziness;.

· Pares, paralysis;

· Violations of consciousness.

Etiology. The cause of strokes can be: atherosclerosis of the brain vessels, hypertensive disease, symptomatic arterial hypertension, increased blood coagulation, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

Contributing factor Mental and physical stress, alcohol consumption, overheating and others.

For Hemorrhagic stroke Hemorrhage occurs in the brain fabric or in the brain ventricles, or in the sub-spacing space.

For Ischemic stroke The blood supply to the brain section (Trombus, a vessel spasm) is disturbed and the brain infarction (necrosis) is developing.

Clinical picture and symptoms

Hemorrhagic stroke

It comes, as a rule, sharply without harbing at the time of physical or emotional tension.

Symptoms in the first 1-2 hours (first period):

· Strong headache;

· Fall and loss of consciousness;

· Pares and paralysis on the side opposite to hemorrhage;

· Hell can be even increased.

Symptoms of the II of the period:

· Hell decreases;

· Breathing wheezing, noisy;

· Pupils for light do not react;

· Pupils are narrow or extended;

· Vysiva for vomiting;

· Facial facial;

· Head and eyes are turned towards the hemorrhagic focus;

· The smoothness of the nominal fold on the side of the pair of lich;

· Out of the angle of mouth;

· Reduction of muscle tone;

· The appearance of meningeal symptoms is possible;

· Fever in the first day.

Dmi. Inspection of the eye dna (hemorrhage). Oak - leukocytosis. EEG - Teta and Delta Rhythm.

Ischemic stroke (brain infarction)

Starts gradually. It is characterized by precursors who appear in a few hours, day or even months before stroke.


· Stupid headaches;

· Temporary visual or speech disorders;

· Short-term paresa.

Developing against the background of low blood pressure or even in a dream.

Symptoms of stroke:

· Sudden beginning;

· Skin pallor, acricyanosis;

· Consciousness stored or coma;

· Hemipreps, aphasia (during localization in the left hemisphere);

· "Flickering symptoms" (reduction-deepening);

· Hell within the normal range.

Dmi. Oak- Leukocytosis. TANK - an increase in the prothrombin index to 110-115%. EEG- Pathological slow waves. Rag - Reducing the ripple on the side of the lesion.

According to the testimony: angiography (change in the shape and width of the lumen of the vessel); Spinal puncture, Echo EG.

Differential diagnosis

At the pre-hospital stage, the differentiation of the character of stroke and its localization is not required. Differential diagnosis should be carried out from the cranial and brain injury (history, traces of injury on the head) and less often - from meningoencephalitis (history, signs of the infectious process, the presence of rash). For differentiation from comatose states, see Table. 39, 40.

Examination, tactics, drugs with strokes unspecified as hemorrhage or infarction.

Collection of anamnesis and complaints.

Measuring cardiac frequency.

Pulse study.

Measurement of blood pressure 'on peripheral arteries.

Breathing frequency measurement.

Purpose of drug therapy for diseases of the central nervous system and brain.

Intravenous administration of medicines.

Inhalation administration of medicines and oxygen.

Installing the air duct.

Suction of mucus from the nose.

Trachea intubation.

Artificial lung ventilation.

Registration of electrocardiogram.

Decoding, description and interpretation of electrocardiographic data.

Patient transportation by emergency medical care.

Table 44.


Name of the drug ODD EPD
Means affecting11Auehtpaj. Anxiolitics (tranquilizers)Diazepam other means affecting the cent) magnesium sulfate Whose nervous 10mg. little nervous1000 mg 80 mg system \u003e System2000 mg
Methionyl-glutamal-histidyl-phenylalanyl-podlil-glycil proline 3 mg 3 mg
Aktovegin 1000 mg 1000 mg
Means affecting the cardiovascular system
Hypotensive Tools Captive Enalaprilat Propranolol Nifedipine 25 mg 1.25 mg 10 mg 10mg . 2 $ mg 2.5 mg 80 mg 20 mg
Preparations and plasma
Dextran 200 ml 400 ml
Non-treat hormones
Dexametanone 4 mg 8 mg
Means for the treatment of gastrointestinal tract
Safety media atropine 0.5 mg 1 mg

Urgent help in stroke

Put the patient on the back, slightly raising his head.

Remove removable prostheses, unzipped clothes.

In the presence of vomiting, turn the patient's head side and clean the oral cavity.

With the obstruction of the respiratory tract - intubation.

With hell above the worker - reduce it to the worker or, if it is unknown, - to the level of 180/90 mm Hg. Art. For what to enter:

· 0.5-1 ml of 0.01% clonidine solution (clofelin) in 10 ml of physiological solution sodium chloride in / in or per / m (or 1-2 sublingual tablets - elderly);

· Or pentamine is not more than 0.5 ml of a 5% solution in / in with saline (elder - in / m).

In the presence of cramps, excitement - Diazepam 2-4 ml with 10 ml of physiological sodium chloride intravenously or 2-4 ml intramuscularly.

When repeated vomiting - Cerucal (Rellan) 2 ml of intra-VNH0 with saline or intramuscularly.

Vitamin B 6. 2 ml of 5% solution intravenously.

With headaches - 2 ml 50% Analgin or 5 ml of baralgin intravenously or intramuscularly.

To attention! Anticoagulants do not enter! (The danger of exacerbation of bleeding with an unclear diagnosis.)

Aminazin and Propazin - contraindicated in any form of stroke (oppress the functions of stem structures),

Furosemid (Laziks), Mannitol And other dehydrating agents on a pre-deputy stage are not entered.

Magnesium Sulfat. Not applied to remove cramps and to reduce blood pressure.

Feldscher tactics

To the patients of working age in the first hours of the disease, a challenge to a specialized neuro - resuscitation brigade is required. Hospitalization - on stretchers in neurological (neurosistrial) department of the hospital.

When transporting, care caution, transfer, avoiding the jolts, while maintaining the balance when lifting and descending from the stairs.

Contraindications for transportation: Patients in deep coma (5-4 points on the Glasgow scale - see above), the agonal state, the presence of severe somatic diseases in the decompensation stage, patients with a sharp non-binding abnormalism.

If there is a refusal of hospitalization - the challenge of the neurologist from the clinic, if necessary, is a retest (active) visit to the ambulance doctor.

"Stroke" is a terrible word familiar to every modern person. It often seems that it comes completely suddenly, provoking serious consequences - from the simple inadness of speech to death. The main feature of the disease is the speed of its development - when it goes into the acute phase, the doctors remain just three hours at the beginning of resuscitation.

If the time is missed, they begin to change and damp the brain cells, which can bring a person to paralysis, to the state of "vegetable" or even to death.

The cause of the stroke varies depending on the view to which it belongs. It is usually taken to allocate two main groups:

  • . It is its 80% of all patients. With timely, the beginning of the treatment and lack of aggressive circumstances the forecast is favorable. Developed due to blood stagnation: one of the vessels turns out to be blocked, the tissue is deprived of the vital oxygen around it and begin to die. Stagnation can begin due to:
    • stenosis - narrowing of large vessels;
    • thrombosis - blockage of a large vessel, in which blood clots are in the quality of the neck;
    • embolia - clogging of a large vessel, in which clot of fat cells protrudes as a plug.
  • . It is much less likely and is distinguished by a much worse forecast: more than 80% of patients die. It arises due to the rupture of the blood vessel in the brain, in which the blood splashes uncontrollably, forms a clush, blocking intact vessels, squeezing fabrics and causing extensive necrosis.

The chances of developing a stroke in different groups of the population are different. There are factors that increase the risk:

  • harmful habits - smoking and alcohol not only negatively affect the brain as a whole, but also make a more likely development of thrombosis;
  • increased pressure - both diseases caused and provoked by the systematic drug intake;
  • diabetes - any of the possible types, more about it already told about it;
  • a sedentary lifestyle - provokes a decrease in tone, and weight;
  • excessive weight - often accompanied by high pressure;
  • stresses and frequent experiences - if a person is nervous, he can dramatically rise pressure, accelerate the pace of heartbeat;
  • elderly age - with time vessels wear out, their walls are thinned.

The more factors are combined, the more chances of a person die from the stroke.

Symptoms and first signs of stroke

Symptoms of stroke are divided into two large groups:

  • General symptoms of brain lesions are found in any disease affecting the brain. It:
    • dizziness, fainting;
    • equilibrium loss;
    • emotional instability;
    • evil, weakness, nausea;
    • excited or, on the contrary, a stunned state;
    • strong headache;
    • epileptic seizure.
  • Focal symptoms are predominantly in strokes and depend on what part of the brain was amazed. It:
    • sensitivity disorders - decrease, goosebumps, tingling;
    • violation of motor activity - stiffness or full paralysis, ticks;
    • violation of the position of the head - the head shifts to one shoulder, the language can be shifted;
    • violations in the work of the nerves governing the work of the person - the squint, the release of one eye, the full paralysis of the Mimic muscles on one side, the backlog of the angle of the mouth on one side;
    • violations of basic functions - swallowing, breathing, heartbeat.

Not all the symptoms can develop at the same time, not all of them can be seen from the same person. Often with stroke people look like drunk.

To determine whether a person is sick, an express test can be held:

  • Ask a person to smile - if he has a stroke, one corner of the mouth will be reacted with the reaction, perhaps sore a cheek, will not obey eyelids.
  • Asking it to pull your hands straight and hold them smoothly. In parallel to count to ten. If a person has a stroke, one hand will fall behind or do not move at all.
  • Ask him to repeat a few words, for example: "Tomorrow morning it will rain." In stroke, it will be a challenged, confused or will be absent at all.

It should be remembered that:

  • for the disease, a confused state of consciousness is characteristic - perhaps a person will not be aware of the severity of his own state;
  • for the disease, the absence of strong pain at the time of the attack - a person may deny that something is wrong with him.

If the stroke suspells, it is better to be restred, even if the patient himself is not sure that he needs help.

Signs of stroke in men

Men and women endure many diseases in different ways - and they can manifest themselves in different ways. Moreover:

  • men enters a risk group for strokes after 40 years, while women are only after 60;
  • young men have stroke less often than young women;
  • for men, the disease less often ends with a fatal outcome;
  • men are easier to restore.

Despite the fact that according to statistics, the middle man is easier to survive the stroke than the average woman, the disease will remain as serious for him. Most often in men meets:

  • weakness and headaches;
  • difficulties with swallowing;
  • coordination and speech disorder;
  • impairment of hearing and vision;
  • fainting.

The cause of strokes for men is more likely to become bad habits than anything else.

Not all men who seem drunk are really like that. Lack of alcohol smell - reason to suspect stroke.

Signs of stroke in women

If men are more likely to suffer because of alcohol and smoking abuse, women become victims of strong emotional experiences and are harder to cope with the consequences. The risk of producing a stroke can increase due to specific factors to which:

  • pregnancy at which the body is experiencing constant stress and increase blood pressure;
  • uncontrolled reception of hormonal contraceptives, in which unwanted and unexpected side effects may appear;
  • genetic predisposition to and vascular complications, which in statistics in women are higher.

In addition, in the case of a stroke, women may occur atypical symptoms:

  • neurotic - weakness, idiot, feeling of weakness;
  • dry mouth;
  • sharp pain in the face, in the chest, in one of the sides of the body;
  • student heartbeat and shortness of breath.

Special studies were conducted, which showed that half of women develop at least one atypical symptoms.

The strokes are more very susceptible to nonsense, sensitive nature, which are constantly experiencing stress - especially risk increases if emotions do not find expressions.

First aid in stroke

First aid is the most important stage in the treatment of stroke. 3 hours after the start of the attack, the patient starts to change and damp the brain cells - that is why it is so important that everyone knows how to determine the stroke and what to do with a person who began the attack.

What you need to know and make first of all to save your life

When the express test was carried out and there is some confidence that a person has a stroke, you can start resuscitation actions.

General rules are simple and there are only three of them:

  • Calm. A person who is trying to assist cannot be panicing himself, it is impossible to fuss and hurry, it will only increase the likelihood of error. Therefore, you first need to breathe deeply and take up to ten.
  • Lack of help better than unskilled care. If it does not work out calm down and a memo does not pop up in my head, it is better not to do anything, just call "ambulance".
  • First step - challenge specialists. Even if a person does not breathe, you must first call the doctors, then start artificial respiration. When calling it is better to immediately report the dispatcher that the patient stroke - the brigade will need specialized equipment to immediately start working.

When the first actions are performed and "ambulance" is already on the way, you can start. If the patient is conscious, it follows:

  • Soothe and distract him - even if he is not capable of a self-partition, there is a chance that other people he understands. The smaller the patient is nervous, the slower he has a pulse and the less tension in the brain. Well suitable soothing tone, rhetorical questions. It is worth reporting that help is already riding.
  • To put it on the back, on solid. Raise legs - it will contribute to improving blood circulation - you can put a rolled jacket under them.
  • Provide better air access. Open the window, unbuckled on sick clothes, weaken the tie, remove shoes. If the actions are unfolding outside - to ask passersby to disperse and give a place.
  • Do not give a patient nor drink. Do not give him any drugs - even those that in ordinary circumstances take "from the heart."
  • If there is a tonometer at hand, measure pressure. If it is increased - give a drink tablet. If there is no pill - attach cold under the bottom jaw on the side and heat to the legs. Despite the fact that an increase in pressure, the body is trying to compensate for the lack of oxygen in the brain, the pressure is rather harmful than it is useful and can trigger a tombar.
  • Follow the sick. Do not allow him to move. If vomiting starts - to help, hold the head, clean the respiratory tract, if something goes wrong.

The main thing in this situation is to prevent deterioration.

If the patient is unconscious, first aid becomes more difficult, but the basic principles are calm, it is better in any way, which is wrong, the priority challenge "Emergency" - do not change. First you need:
  • check for breathing - you can see if the chest rises, to evaluate whether the nostrils are treated, whether the lips will not shine, bring the mirror to the mouth, listen;
  • check the availability of the pulse - easier and more reliable to check the carotid artery on the neck.

If there is no breathing and pulse, you should immediately begin resuscitation activities:

If the patient has gripped her lips, he breathes again, the heart beats - or it did not stop being stopped - you can move to simple first aid:

If the epileptic seizure begins - it is definitely not worth:

  • trying to break the sick teeth to prevent language injuries - much more likely to inflame injury yourself;
  • trying to keep the patient in the same position - the chance is very great to injure him.

It is necessary to push all the solid objects that the patient may hit and damage the start time of the attack. Then this information is worth informing the ambulance.

Two main rules: "No panic" and "Calling specialists is the main task."

Ambulance and hospital hospital

Before the "ambulance" gets to the place, the task of providing first help is to hold out without allowing the deterioration of the state. At this time, it is necessary to be unrealized with the patient.

When the "ambulance" comes, follows:

  • report by the doctors, everything that is known about the diseased, describe the state and transfer documents - if they have had the first help;
  • if necessary, help bring the patient into the car;
  • to follow him to the hospital is needed to control.

If the sick is a relative, you should collect everything in advance that it may be necessary - documents, hygienic accessories, shifting.

When the patient enters the hospital, nothing is required of the assistant, everything else will do doctors:

  • will be examined, the tests will take and remove the ECG;
  • will carry out computer tomography;
  • appreciate the results of analyzes and tomography;
  • start the main therapy.

The main therapy includes:

  • with ischemic stroke - improved blood circulation, acceleration of metabolism, increase the stability of tissues to oxygen starvation;
  • with hemorrhagic stroke - the removal of the edema, the correction of the pressure level in the arteries and inside the skull.

At this time, the patient is in resuscitation, doctors try to reduce the consequences for the body. When the pressure stabilizes, the patient begins to breathe himself and returns its ability to communicate, it is transferred to the hospital. How much he will conduct there, depends solely on the severity of the stroke.

After discharge, the patient will need:

  • limit yourself in bad habits and in harmful food;
  • start doing gentle physical activity;
  • walk on physiotherapy;
  • do the exercise of the exercise.

If the stroke was not too strong and the first aid was rendered correctly, he has every chance to recover.

If the stroke suffered a relative, the task of its loved ones is to trace so that it reduces the likelihood of the re-stroke.

Folk methods of help

Folk remedies seem to be dubious doctors, but can help - most importantly, do not prefer their treatment with a doctor, especially if we are talking about stroke.

Really working ways folk treatment and folk recommendations at the first signs of stroke DOES NOT EXIST.

The most valuable than you can help - immediately call ambulance.

Folk methods can be useful for prevention purposes stroke. But we will talk about it in other articles.

A brief memo "Algorithm of Action - First Assistance in Stroke Before Run

Long descriptions are good, but in the critical situation can fall out of memory. It's easier to rely on a short memo:

  1. Call an ambulance.
  2. Determine whether a person is conscious:
    1. Lee breathes.
    2. There is a pulse.
  3. If conscious:
    1. Reassure.
    2. To put the legs above the head.
    3. Do not move, do not give to eat and drink.
    4. Measure pressure, give a tablet if elevated.
  4. If unconscious and do not breathe:
    1. Clean the respiratory tract.
    2. Apply a precordial blow.
    3. Start indirect heart massage and artificial respiration.
  5. If unconscious, but breathe:
    1. Put on side.
    2. A little thump your head back and down.
  6. Wait for "ambulance".

Stroke is not treated at home. Stroke is not treated if too much time has passed. Stroke is not treated if the first aid was incorrectly provided.

That is why it is so important to gradually follow the plan, act carefully and confidently, clearly by remembering signs and rules.

Perhaps one day it will allow you to save a life.

The video on which it is most clear and intelligible about how to provide first aid in stroke.

Stroke brain - acute violation of cerebral circulation. In most cases, the cause of stroke is hypertensive and atherosclerosis, less often - the disease of the valve apparatus of the heart, myocardial infarction, congenital abnormalities of the vessels of the brain and arteries.

At the pre-hospital stage it is necessary:

Release the respiratory tract from the vomit; introduce the air duct, if necessary - IVL;

Posted by a headed position to reduce intracranial pressure, put ice ice. With urination delay, it is necessary to lower the urine catheter; Clean the intestines with the help of a cleansing enema;

First urgent help in stroke

Stroke refers to the number of the most dangerous diseases of the cardiovascular system. According to statistics in Russia every minute someone has a violation of cerebral circulation - stroke. Including microinsult. Stroke arises even more often than myocardial infarction.

The mortality from stroke in the first month is 20-25%, in the first year, more than 1/3 of patients die from the complications of the impaired brain circulation, and 30-40% become disabled. Such depressing statistics is caused not only by the severity of the disease, but also inexpressive (unqualified) assistance provided. Patients who were provided by qualified medical care in the first three hours (maximum 6) have chances of fully (as it is possible) to restore all functions lost as a result of a stroke. This period (3 hours) even received its name "Therapeutic Window", then the irreversible pathological changes begin.

All patients with such a diagnosis must be hospitalized - especially if brain circulation disorders occurred at work, on the street, in transport. The doctor, making a computer or magnetic resonance imaging, should determine what caused a violation of cerebral circulation: blockage of vessels or hemorrhage. If it is hemorrhage (hemorrhagic stroke), then in what place it happened, it is also necessary to restore the vessels and remove blood as quickly as possible. If the blockage of the vessels, then the doctor will introduce the drug dissolving thromb.

The first symptoms of stroke

The disease proceeds individually for everyone. Symptoms of stroke depend on what type of stroke in the patient and which brain area is damaged. The most common symptoms:

  • headache;
  • dizziness, sometimes accompanied by nausea. vomit;
  • possible loss of consciousness;
  • weakness, numbness in half of the face, paralysis in hand, in the leg;
  • violation of speech, memory, the ability to logically argue;
  • increased painful sensations in half of the body.

With the appearance, at least two of the above symptoms, you, family member, colleagues - a reason for an immediate challenge. Describe the symptom manager so that the "ambulance" team arrived well prepared with the planned action plan. Do not self-medicate, remember that you have three hours to return to normal life.

Actions before the doctor's arrival

The patient must be put, putting him under his head, shoulders and blades a pillow, so that the head is an angle of about 30 ° to the bed, the floor, bench. Provide fresh air access, to do this, remove the shirt shirt, unset the shirt collar, open the window if there is air conditioning - turn on. Remove removable dentures.

If there is vomiting, turn the head of the side, wrap the hand with a clean scarf or gauze and clean the oral cavity from the vomit. Throwing them into the respiratory tract threatens the hardest form of pneumonia, which will be difficult to fight.

Be sure to measure blood pressure. Previously, considered: if it is increased, it is necessary to reduce to 120/80 mm Hg. Art. A sharp decline in pressure is no less dangerous than its high values! What to do? Usually a person knows his "workers" numbers. For example, it feels well at 150/80 mm Hg. Art. It is necessary to focus on the numbers exceeding the "workers" by 5-10 mm Hg. Art. And give a hypotensive drug (better one to which the victim is used to, uses in everyday life). A sharp drop in blood pressure can increase the center of ischemia, which in turn will cause new violations, in particular, paresis is able to turn into paralysis.

Note to reduce the pressure? Are you afraid to overdose medicine? Do not be scared and consider if the blood pressure rose to 180 mm Hg. Art. A person who has no arterial hypertension suffered, and up to 200 mm Hg. Art. - Hypertension, it is not very scary. It is better not to adjust it at all. You can resort to non-drug methods: ask the patient to breathe deeply and to delay your breathing as much as possible. It is very important to measure the pulse. After all, some types of stroke are called just flickering arrhythmia. If the pulse "breaks down", give the patient that the drug that it usually takes in such cases. Do not carry out self-medication, do not enter any drugs acting on the vessels and brain structures! It is possible to recommend the Glycine preparation (aminoacetic acid). In the critical situation, it is recommended to give one gram (10 tablets under the tongue) to receive or 5 tablets 3 times with an interval of 30 minutes. It will not harm any harm and facilitates the course of the disease.

If the stroke attack happened on the street, your aid aid are similar. Ask someone to call "ambulance". Lay the victim. Ensure that it does not choose the vomit's masses, provide air access, unbuttoning buttons, belt, belt. The solution is always definitely - we must drive to the hospital. If there is no possibility to call an ambulance, take a patient with any transport, remember the therapeutic window.

If you use personal transport, then spread the seats of the machine, put the patient (at an angle of 30 °), be sure to remove the dentures, turn the head of the side and follow that it does not choose his own saliva or vomit. Do not forget the tonometer, measure arterial pressure and pulse. Even if you have nothing to adjust them, information about the changes will help doctors correctly diagnose and quickly start adequate treatment.

First aid in stroke

Stroke is a violation of cerebral circulation. The arteries supplying the blood of the brain can be clogged, and then ischemic stroke occurs, or the artery can break and this is a hemorrhagic stroke. As a result of this vascular catastrophe, part of the brain remains without normal blood supply, is experiencing oxygen starvation. As a result of hypoxia, the lack of oxygen in the tissues, nerve cells die. This leads to a variety of neurological symptoms, it can be a complete or partial loss of speech, dips in memory, paralysis of body parts (hemipreps).

Among all strokes - ischemic option occurs in 80% of cases. Blocking the arteries supplying the brain with oxygen-enriched blood, most often occurs cholesterol sediments. Ischemic strokes most often occur against the background of reduced blood pressure and happen mainly in the morning hours. If the artery is not very large diameter, then the clinic of such a stroke is developing gradually, begins with weakness, dizziness, feelings of the face, hands and (or) legs on the one hand, the appearance of violations of vision and speech, the corners of the mouth are becoming asymmetrical, possibly the appearance of a headache , Loss of equilibrium. When blocking the artery of a large diameter, a differential diagnosis between ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes on the prehospital stage is extremely complex.

Hemorrhage into the brain (hemorrhagic stroke) occurs when the blood vessel is broken and filling the blood-surrounding tissues. This disrupts the normal influx of blood to the brain, the flowing blood squeezes the brain tissues, leading to their further damage. Most often, hemorrhagic strokes occur against the background of improving blood pressure.

With a decrease in the lumen of the vessels supplying the brain with blood and, accordingly, the deterioration of its nutrition is necessary to prescribe drugs that reduce blood coagulation (blood liquefaction) - this may be aspirin, which is used for a sufficiently long time by ¼ tablet per day, or newer products - warfarin, in a dose prescribed by the attending doctor. Application is now a drug clopidogrel or ZILT, which is also recommended by neurologists, including in the prehospital stage.

What to do

Emergency assistance in the difficult flow of stroke at the pre-hospital stage does not require an accurate determination of its nature (hemorrhage or ischemia). The basic principles of such emergency care are to create conditions for the normalization of vital functions of the body - this is breathing and blood circulation, the fight against the brain. Respiratory disorders When losing consciousness may be due to a violation of respiratory tract, and therefore it is necessary to eliminate the spares of the language, hitting the masses in the trachea and the bronchial tree, and for this, the patient's head must be rotated. According to modern recommendations of neurologists, the correction of arterial pressure is carried out only if it significantly exceeds normal indicators, since low pressure in patients with stroke leads, as a rule, to deterioration of its condition and further forecast.

The patient needs to ensure the supply of oxygen, preparations are prescribed with antihypoxic effect. To date, preference is given to the drug - Mexidol, which must be administered intravenously, at a dose of 5 milliliters, spreading to saline. From drugs that improve cerebral circulation, neurologists today are recommended to use magnesium sulfate solution at the prehospital stage. From the use of euphillin insults, they currently moved away and no longer recommended. In the threat of brain edema, oxygen therapy continues, diuretics (Laziks) are prescribed. In case of seizures - anticonvulsant therapy (relaignation). The patient should be hospitalized into the vascular center, in the primary vascular department or to the nearest medical institution having a resuscitation separation, since quite often such patients require intensive therapy, including resuscitation activities.

Prevention measures are to protect vessels, and this is, first of all, the disclaimer of smoking, since nothing destroys the vascular wall as components of tobacco smoke (and their more three hundred components!), Control and treatment of arterial hypertension, diet, regular physical exertion. It is worth reminding that 80% of our health according to WHO data depends on our lifestyle.