What to wish a friend before leaving the army. How are the wires in the army, which traditions exist. Wishes for wires in the army: speech in verses, prose

You are about to leave somewhere
On the expanses are fragile yours.
You will soon become a brave soldier,
Do not grieve, look more fun!
Will you not notice how to come back
Having matured a man home.
Remember the army, and smile.
Let your path be everywhere else!

The army of the Russian guys are so needed
Guys to her sporting are important!
So we have a soldier today,
With honor, I wish him from the heart!
To shooting-hit,
In the march did not lose
And beloved to call
I did not go to the self-war!

We wish you:
In the army serve
Do not grieve and not trust.
Someone in the buzz, someone does not.
Who will try to Paneru's grandfather.
Who cleans the bluff with boots,
Who walks like a deer with horns,
Who slows down who has time
No one is bored in the service!

Show, Kuzkina Mother,
How to fight everyone!
You have a hard boyfriend,
And the brains are lucky!
And the slyty you are also rare,
Will you get the rays!
Honestly you serve and right
Do not be offended by babies.
Be alive in all of you first!
And friends do not forget!

Sometimes it happens to serve:
Days slowly behave.
Two years have been injured, poor thing,
And there, Dembel is suitable.
Come home and in the first evening
We will gather, sit down in a circle
And so we note our meeting,
What trembles land around.
In all its glory, we will show myself -
Two years must be shown.
But it will be. But still
You are time to become a soldier.
And serve native debris
Called a cunning enemy
In the name of a bright peaceful life ...
What else can I say?
And only one thing: Nallem wine glasses
And throw a clear look forward:
Two years - the term although considerable,
But still and it will pass!

Winter will pass, and summer will pass
Maybe even years
Everything in life can be placed
But years of service never
For happiness beloved
Smiles friends
I gave away from life
730 days.

Having fun guys and
Girls dance:
Watch in the army
Falcs of our best!
Chance to them under the oath
Dadden distinguish:
We will be overwhelming
Your proud!
The country has reasons
To be grateful!
We continue the wires!
Congratulations, guys!

Soldier, I wish you,
So that this year was joining the arrow,
And you waited for you,
And then you married her!

Congratulations to you guys
You are now recruits!
Five minutes of soldiers!
You are the shoulder and strong!
And decided without excuses,
Honestly to serve!
And let the army is not a fairy tale,
But you are not kids!
Today I am accomplishing you,
Hand you want to shake!
Good service wish
And we will wait for your return!

You are a conscript, soldier!
Already everything is different
Everything has changed in your life.
Let the service be peaceful and calm
And most importantly - you take care of yourself!

Today is celebrating friends
And for fun there is a reason
After all, people say no in vain:
"You after the army man"!
We wish you all;
You are strong, be soul and body,
Success - in the convoy, in shooting,
And get marine "grandfather".

This duty is sacred, we all know it.
Perform with honor with conscience.
With faith and hope we wiered you.
All you are good, good all!
Let your yard wait a little:
You will return to him, and your friends.
You have an endless road ahead.
We are firmly believed in you, and on that we stand.
Let it be difficult to pain an ordinary service
Under the leaf lute, torrential rain.
You are fastened, the drains, we are not forgetting
You serve, cute, we will wait for you.

Recently there were plans
On the disco until the morning
With friends you lived freely,
Everything was understood
More recently plans careless plans
Fucking time like a bird,
You dressed stylish, fashionable,
Could not stand and not shave
I did not think about that brother,
What the agenda comes to you
Comfort free life - cover
And change everything sharply
That you are on the wires today
Sit with friends you will be night
What will lead the hand of the Lord
You are in the troops from home away ...
Such life, brother, thing,
Impermanence in it - in everything,
Events come to us without a knock,
And everything changes around ...
But you are not afraid of change
Only believe in us in our relatives
Live without fears and confusion
Read this verse
Let him serve you to help you
Deep essence - protect
Sadness with longing will disturb
When in your soul hurts
Leave all fears and doubts
Persistent be, smart, Silen,
Grow your skills
So that the enemy is ever defeated
Mix the science of the battle
Crepe his spirit and be stubborn
Remember Rule Simple:
Who rested - only that victories are worthy!
Be patient and weighed, brother,
Conflict at the beginning of perplex.
But since it came to the cannonad -
Enemy to break out!
We wish you, brother,
It was to joy the reason.
Go to the army - a boys,
You will come from the troops - already a man!
Drive to service, brother, calm
And believe in your star always,
Serve as conscience worthy
And let the destiny keep you !!!

What happiness is you
Defenders relatives!
There is a word: warrior, word: honor,
And there are other words:
Courage, fame and success,
And the winner is best!

You'll go to the army tomorrow!
You all we win,
And we know - we will not let us down!
You wish you a bigger strength!
Successes in the service reach
And the best one to the soldier!
We are waiting for you - you and know -
With everyday experience rich!

Call for military service is an important event in the life of every man. But this means that he will have to part with the house, parents, friends and his beloved girl for a long time. Therefore, the feast is always a bit sad. Break atmosphere will help cheerful toasts to the army.

You can support the recruitment using fun toasts.

Set a cheerful tone to the feast and maintain a conscript with cool toasts, for example:

"Soon our recruitment will have to find out, what is the main purpose of a man. And it is to protect their homeland and expensive people. So drink so that the form come to you fit, and the ports do not bother! "

"If a girl needs only one night to become a woman, the young man can be called a man only after the year of military service. Today I want to drink for the fact that these 12 months swept as quickly as one night! "

"So you accompany your youth today. You have to give duty home! With your appearance in the ranks of the army, you can be sure that our whole world will be afraid! "

Wishes from friends

A conscript always come not only relatives, but also come.

Wires in the army - a little sad holiday, but congratulations from friends can correct the situation.

As a toast on wires in the army, you can pronounce the following text:

"Do you know what army is? This is a special school where the boy becomes a man. No need to be sad and fear upcoming parting, I wish that the time spent in the army passed with benefit for you! "

"Military service is a path that every real man must pass. I wish you to gain masculinity, will, strength and become a real defender of the Motherland! "

"A friend of mine! You did not "drank" from military service, and this suggests that you are a real man! I wish you to fully develop these qualities, but at the same time stay as you are now! "

Original toasts in your own words

Probably the best will be the wish expressed in your own words.

Toast, said in your own words - toast from the soul.

With a winere or a glass in hand, it is important to pronounce the word recruitment, namely, the assurances are that they love him, and will always wait:

"Today we escort into the army of our Conscript, this holiday remember him for life. I am glad that you chose this path and not frightened upcoming tests! But at the same time, it becomes sad because we will see you very soon. I want you to know: We will always remember about you and look forward to the day when we can get together for this table on the occasion of your return. "

"It is impossible to live life without parting, but I am sure that time will fly quickly, and you will be with us again. I want to wish you good luck, courage, patience and huge soul forces. I believe that you will withstand difficulties with honor, and we can rightfully be able to be proud of you! "

Funny and short toasts

Short toasts as it is impossible to fit the wires to the army.

Cheerful and sparkling awareness of the recruit:

"Defender of the Motherland, do you know that when the soldier sleeps, the enemies do not sleep? In this regard, I give you a great advice: more sleep and inspires enemy insomnia! "

"As you know, the best means from any problems are laughter and sleep. I raise my glass for the fact that you had everything in order with a laugh in service, and sleep after demob! Good luck to you!"

"One guy asks another:" Sanya, do you love me? Seryoga, I respect you! No, Sanya, you need to love, but you can not sleep! " So let's drink for our expensive recruit that did not disappear! "

Wishes in verses and prose

Wires to the army - an important and touching event not only for the culprit itself of the celebration, but also for his friends and relatives.

To brighten the breakdowns, beautiful and cheerful faces in verses and prose will help:

"Now the agenda came, waiting for the military registration and enlistment office,

On the protection of the Motherland of Breshing Go, soldiers.

Although mom is worried, frowned his father's forehead,

Approximately serving the homeland - the lot of our hearts. "

I always want to choose the warmest words for a close person with whom you have to part for a whole year.

You can congratulate the conscript with the beginning of a new life and in prose-form, uttering such a text:

"Somewhere at the bottom of the sea, among the stones, there was a huge beautiful pearl. Many jumped into the beams of the waves to get it, but it was so deeply that the sneakers died, choking without oxygen. But the young man found, who guessed to fall on the bottom with the aqualung, and got a treasure. I want to wish you smeuffles and resources that will help in the service! "

"Today you go to serve, and I want you to remember: a real soldier can get out of any situation. He and Kashki from the ax is a cook, and will find out fires, and to cope with a witch, and successfully marries. I wish you so that Cashki was satisfying, lightning with you, and at home I met a beautiful royal! "

Toasts to the wires in the army of the son, brother

The future soldier is always important to hear the kind words from their native people.

Toasts for wires to the army are remembered for a long time.

Conducting a son in the army, you can pronounce this text:

"My boy! Now you have a new life, you are a defender of the Fatherland. Be bold, strong and courageous. I wish you a good service and reliable colleagues, and let the communication with weapons for you to limit only the exercises. "

"My dear son! I think you understand how hard I let me go for the whole 12 months. But nothing can be done, it is the fate of most mothers. I want you to always remain healthy, cheerful and strong, and quickly returned to the native home! "

It is possible to conduct brother in the army with such words:

"My dear brother! You already know that the army is a school of life. Today I drink for the fact that at the end of your studies you got a gold medal and quickly returned home with a graduation demobel album! "

The most important thing is to pronounce toasts in honor of the future defender easily and easily. No need to upset young tears, he must enter a new life with a light heart.

Regardless of the opinion about the army as a whole and the perspective of the service in it developed at the recruit, it will be sent to the place of execution of debt will be significant. A similar event happens once in the life of a young man. In addition, it is due to the fulfillment of a real male mission.

I would not like to touch on negative themes, but close recruits perfectly understand that during the entire period of service, there is a potential danger to a native person. The share of the serviceman is such that he can perish for the sake of peace in his country. Therefore, the wires in the army still in the tsarist Russia were arranged as if she was forgiven with a man.

Total moments

Such reflections should not eclipse the minds of relatives, especially since the rite itself is organized in order to positively configure the young man. We will discuss the event to carry out more detail to organize wires, without turning them into a banal drinking alcohol, but to consider the customs and traditions of older generations. After all, they are all aimed at the fact that the service of the guy has passed easily, and he himself returned home in full health.

There are several main tips that are relevant to the organizers of the event:

  • It is necessary to realize that despite the absence of a joyful reason (although before the status of the conscript indicated that the young man is worthy of manifesting valoring), tears and investigations on the specified day. Mother, beloved girl, sisters must hold back their emotions, so as not to bring melancholy-sadness to the culprit.
  • In order to avoid spontaneous events, organize the procedure, without forgetting about the fact that quite relevant in the scenarios will not only share speeches, but also contests with games. It discusses the situation and will allow the young man to spiritually eat before separation.
  • Be sure to invite representatives of the older generation. They with trepidation belong to the observance of traditions and, most likely, ask words for a fare.
  • Take care that every relative and a close friend will tell a speech containing warm wishes. Even if a friend is attended by a friend, but I haven't had to think about the wedding yet, then she also must say. The whole salt of the event is that the young man takes the memories as much as possible as possible, because they will warm him away from their relatives.

Some signs that came from the past

We have a special attitude towards folk signs. Only we can laugh at them and believe in them at the same time. But the paradox is that even the most avid skeptics try to fulfill some actions, observing the established traditions, and when we accompany the closest person, even for a short time, still many, I do not suspect, are afraid to break some rite.

The culprit of the celebration (it is necessary to treat it that way to this) is obliged to sit at the most honorable place so that parents and close relatives can be located on both sides. Start the ceremony, let the elder of the male floor, and if he also served in the army, then more logical entry and do not come up with.

In the process of taking food, the instructions of native can be organized in the form of toast. The honorable place in the script should take the speech of the mother. It was the mother who always blessed her son for a distant campaign. At the end, it should cross over his back three times.

If cooking to trust men can not (it happened), then the organization of the holiday should be imposed on the experienced mighty shoulders. Moreover, often the gatherings are crowned with the preparation of kebab. Already in this craft, the men succeeded.

One old tradition, which reached many families in modern times, is to hang the tape on the wall of the native home. Nobody should shoot it except returned. Such a rite symbolizes a particle left at home. She serves as a reason to return safely. In addition, relatives will constantly remember their soldier, and this will give him strength in hard trials.

Before wires, visit the church. If you don't even want to advertise this, then you should not do it, because it is not necessary to pray not for people, but sincerely ask for help.

Do you need gifts in the army

There are two opinions different from each other. And both of them may be erroneous.

  • Some argue that the wires are not a holiday, therefore, the gifts are not appropriate here.
  • Others try to give some expensive gift.

And what actually give relatives to the wires, because in the army it will be possible to take with me only certain things?

Our advice is such: Gifts are necessarily needed, but inheritance to give up expensive ideas. Even the smallest thing that has tremendous practical importance in service, present it so that it really was a guarantee, the wish of all the best.

Every invited thinks to give to the wires? Pre-discuss this question so that there is no repetition. So, the stationery was always considered a deficit, but it will understand this young man only after it is in the barracks. Mobile phones are now allowed, so such a gift began to be considered controversial, and earlier the young man was perplexed, having received a pen and a pack of envelopes in the form of a present. But then it was recognized that it was they who helped keep contact with their relatives.

From the girl requires loyalty and memory. The best gift to the army is your photo with the signature on the back. Who served, he often recalls how it had to talk to the relatives of relatives. Modern print media allow you to issue a gift calendar with a picture of a girl.

Friends can hand. Despite the fact that according to the new laws of the soldier provide hygienic accessories, the practice shows a certain breech in the execution of this resolution.

In civil life, it can be different in the form of money in different ways. Watching a friend or relative, take care of the availability of funds for pocket expenses, it is considered a useful gift. But it is not necessary to move the boundaries of reasonable, there is always a risk of disappearance or theft.

Final event

Usually, the wires in the army continue until the morning. But even if they ended earlier, it should be remembered that the next day all guests are obliged to spend a conscript to the place of collection, it can be a train station or a military board. No excuses of entered friends are accepted. At the very least, the closest people must be present to the end.

After all the events passed, usually parents and relatives in the house where the young man lived, satisfied the gatherings. There are conversations, they remember childhood, wish a successful service. It is not rushing from the table, this is also the essence of a certain tradition. She suggests that the guy "swept" the guy from home. It may happen a trouble, so the hostess is slow a certain time.

End to finish in secondary accessories. It all depends on the possibility and fiction of the organizers. It will be useful to decorate the house with the posters of humorous content. The subjects can be emphasized by balls with the image of military equipment, and if you can get a cake in the form of a tank, it will be the highest pilot.

Does your friend go to the army in the spring or autumn appeal of 2019? He is full of optimism and hope that the Army Service will present him important life lessons. Therefore, there is no reason for sadness. It is worth wishing the future soldier of successful conquests of the vertices of military business, reliable comrades, wise commanders.

Merry scenes, comic gifts, funny contests and draws will help you create a relaxed atmosphere. And, of course, do not forget about funny toasts to the army.

In folk fairy tales, the soldiers always get out of any situation: it can cook porridge from the ax, and the magic fire is to find, and to marry the princess. And I want to wish the recruit that it would have been a fabulous: porridge is always tasty, even if you don't care about the ax, in my pocket, but something is magical, and at home let him rain the most beautiful princess in the world!

Dear our comrade, future soldier! We decided to give you a wise order. Remember in the army: when you sleep, the opponent does not sleep! Sleep longer and more often - Izmazy the enemy with insomnia!

On this page of our site you will find funny, romantic and cool toasts selected for wires to the army that will help raise the mood to all those present at the holiday.

Dear friend! You could "disappear" from the army, but did not do this, it means that you already in the soul, a real man - brave and decisive. You leave home for a whole year. Usually, people wish some changes, but I wish you so that nothing has changed. For parents to be as healthy and also proud of you so that your girl still loved you, and only you, and that our friendship remains as strong!

The girl turns into a woman in one night. The process of becoming a young man in a man who goes to serve in the army, stretches for twelve months. I suggest a drink for this year for you swept like a single night!

Dear friend! Before you it opens the ability to change the plumage, turning into a courageous eagle. Carrying the service with dignity in order to proudly celebrate after your return. For a new soldier!

It is said that the best medicine from any diseases are laughter and good sleep. Today I want to raise this glass in honor of our recruitment and say that everything is in order with a laugh in the army, well, and about the dream will have to wait until Dembel! Successful to you service!
Funny toasts for wires into the army.

Soldier came from the army and speaks to the audience:
- Yes, guys, service is not sugar. We had to spin at twenty-five hours a day!
"But in the days of twenty-four hours," said one of his friends.
- It's on your "Citizer". And in our army we get apart earlier.
Let's drink for the army routine!

The army is 1 year, 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 (6) days, 8750 hours, 525600 minutes, 31546000 seconds. And we wish they fly to you so fast so that you do not have time to get off the bill.

In the army dining room:
- Comrade Starin, we are put on meat, "the soldiers say.
- Once it should be, so eat!
- But not supposed.
- Well, if not supposed, do not eat!
So drink, friends, for the army charter!

There is a call commission.
- Your surname?
- Tr ... Tr ... spentatamine.
- Well, dovetone, in the machine-gun company?
Let's drink for official compliance!

The ensign built a platoon:
- Comrades of soldiers who love heavy music - two steps forward!
Two soldiers failed.
- That's good! I was brought by a piano, take it to the sixth floor in my apartment.
So drink, friends, for rare moments of rest in the army!

Wires to the army - a wonderful reason to wish the future soldier to not scared the difficulties of soldiers' life. Time will fly quickly and after a year your friend or brother will remember army days with a smile.

Choose for him in honor of the wires in the army the best and fun toasts so that this holiday will be remembered for him for a long time, and the good mood charge received on it could support him in the hard moments of the army service.

The army is another school life. So let's raise glasses for getting our conscript at the end of this school a gold medal and a graduation soon Dembel train arrived at us.

Today we have been in the army not just a friend, but also his childhood. A young man goes from us, and already a man will come back. Let's drink to ensure that this period of life has passed easy and interesting for you. Be it yourself and with honor, pass this test!

Today, dear, we part with you, but do not say goodbye. We will remember you as a perky and smart boy, and we will meet you already adults, a strong and decisive man, who seeing whose girls will fall stacks. Let you have soldiers' boots, giving power and patience of legs, clothes that feeds the body endurance, and a haircut that will carry everything sorrow away and give you happiness and health. For the future soldier and man!

Funny toasts to the army in verse

Day call on the threshold
Call day came up
And today in these doors
Looked for a whole year.
Conscript has long been in place
And soul sings him,
Because with you
Town first he is waiting.
Toast to postpone
We drink for the recruit everything is standing!

The agenda in the box is embedded, and the military enlistment office is waiting,
Forward on the guard of the birthplace of bold Go, soldiers.
Let mom be worried and frowning her father's eyebrow,
But the service of carrying the faithful - the wing of male hearts.

You prove girls that gunpowers in you
To defend your blood and honor.
Let him be waiting for you, you will come back home
And heal in a new way, the defender removed.

For the future soldier
I suggest a toast
So that service is worthy of
And matured seriously.
Not ahal so as not oh he
In school combat
And strong and descendant
Returned to the home of the native.

It works well with us a draft board:
18 years old, agenda - And you are already soldiers!
In the army today we win you,
Brave becoming a soldier from the soul, we wish you!
Serve, son, about native not forget,
Remember: We are always with you, hold on, do not be sad!

You are a conscript today,
Praise to you and honor
And soon valiant awards
We will not consider everyone.
With army experiences are you in life
Step, looking forward.
Well, as long as a friend, hold on,
Bresh, the pipe is calling.

Conscript Our delets,
Nice guy, well done.
And he is not a coward, he did not hill
Young, strong, full of strength!

And for this reason
To deserve respect,
True man
It is necessary to serve in the army!

Conduct a recruit to serve in the army should be beautiful and warm words.

Wires - important event for the recruit and his family. As a rule, people close to the young recruitment, organize a lush feast with contests, entertainment, couples, verses and wishes. Each word said should be impregnated with great love for the young man and respect for his debt.

Wishes in prose Conscript for wires:

Dear (human name)! I want to tell you one important thing - the responsible stage has come in your life. Now it's your time to become a real man and prove others that you can fulfill your hard, responsible debt. I want to wish you a lightweight service, without the "hot spots" and heavy battles, as well as loyal comrades. For the recruitment!

Let's have fun and with a light heart spend on the service of our good friend. Today he is still a young man, but tomorrow will become a real man. I want to raise a glass for the way to be easy and interesting to surround it only worthy and honest people, so that he can realize his potential and become proud families!

Dear friends! Of course, the army makes the little boys of real valiant men. Today we accompany in a good way (name of the recruitment), which should pass it with proudly raised head and serve all obstacles on his not a light path. Let's drink to make sure that the recruit is lucky to get acquainted with good people and he was able to return from his service in time!

Wishes in verses Conscript on wires:

Oh, not easy fate of the soldier:
Serve and protect the country
How did his grandfather
Steping boldly at war.

I am your duty, my son, respect
A man must be brave to be.
I'm with a kind heart I escort
After all, you can protect us!

Let in your army life
It will be beautiful every day,
Let not injure thoughts
Your work will not be in vain.

Let in the life of Army friendship
I could find you b,
To easy your service
And she was.

How beautiful to congratulate the conscript with words and prose?

We are talking to the army for mom: poems and prose

Mom is the most expensive man. Conducting a son in the army, Mom must definitely say the most important and touching words. After his words of the mother, it is necessary to cross your son behind the back and say "God keep you!"

We are talking for your mother in your own words:

Let my words be offended, but for me you still have a child. The maternal heart is poured by tears when he understands that he should let go of his mind in a difficult path. I want to wish you to be strong, bold, confident man, defend yourself and be able to stand up for comrades. I am madly proud of you and I want everyone to consider the one spark in you that he sees his mother. You are the best son in the world! Happy you road!

Dear (Conscript name)! As quietly and quickly flew time. Today you are a conscript, and tomorrow you are already soldiers. I want to ask you to be reasonable, calm and good friend for comrades, respect the officers and always strive for the better. For me, you are the best child in the world and I sincerely want it to be able to notice others!

Favorite son! You are still at home, and I already miss you. I want to wish you a light start and interesting service. Let all you succeed, let them in the eyes of the officers you will be a decent ordinary and man with outstanding courage. We are all waiting for your return on time, we love you endlessly and worry about you!

We are speech for Mom in verse:

Today is a little my son
Suddenly became a defender, man,
But for me among men
He remains a cute son.

Serve and believe in our only strength
You are my defender and hero.
Grab Military vertices
And guard your land native!

I am in the path of my son,
For me, this is anxiety.
Cork albeit
There will be a road for you.

Heart crying, I miss
Although you are up with me,
After all, I am accustomed to you,
Where to find peace now?

Come back as soon as
Waiting for you your land of native
Choosing your soul is warming up.
I am proud of my son, you!

Motherwords for a soldier

We are talking to the army for a loved one in verse and prose

Favorite girl is often painful experiencing guilty of his beloved in the army. Nevertheless, this is an important mission that every young man must implement. Decorate the event and give pleasant moments to the recruit help toasts and poems from her beloved.

Speech on the wires for your loved words:

My beloved (Conscript name)! Although we accompany you today to the service, but I still can not believe that we have to survive a long separation with you. I am proud of your choice and promise to wait for the day of return!

Dear (Conscript name)! You can't even imagine what pride it is for me to serve you. I will wait for you and believe that a successful, valiant and strong man will return to me with a huge experience of battles, tests. Good road to you and lightweight service!

(Conscript name)! I want to let you down on the road not with anxiety, but with joy and good heart. I believe that you will achieve incredible success, you will achieve victories and awards! I will consider every minute to your demob and I will try to inspire you for good deeds!

Speech on the faults for your beloved in verses:

Today you are only my favorite,
And tomorrow you are already soldiers.
Today at the table is beautiful,
And tomorrow will be handed the machine.

I'm not easy for you,
I will bother infinitely.
I leave you from the heart,
I will wait for you every day!

My soul is crying today,
After all, you are a loved one - a draftee.
Go and let you luck,
Light every complex moment!

Serve with love, I'm on it
You bless you with soul.
I will sleep and believe: somewhere,
Favorite protects country!

Return home you are unsolved -
Only you ask you about it.
And God be always stored
Only so I will let you go!

Beautiful words for beloved she is in the army

Speech on the wires in the army for friends: words

Friends are important guests on the wires. They raise the mood, inspire a conscript for a happy service, bless his way. Friends often have many ideas for organizing the event itself: songs, poems, toasts, contests, scenes and posters.

We are talking from friends in prose:

Our dear (Conscript name)! We will miss you and remember the time spent together every day. We want to say that they are incredibly proud of you for a conscientious and male choice - to go to the service. We promise to wait with impatience and arrange a magnificent holiday in honor of your return.

(Conscript name)! You are a wonderful friend and faithful comrade! Thank you for always supporting, pay attention, help the word and work. Today we let you go with a kind heart, we know that you will become a responsible soldier who can be proud of!

Conscript! As rarely, you can gladly be happy for a person in modern life who wants to protect their loved ones and relatives just like that, knowing their duty. We love you and respect the decision made. We will wait for you every day and miss the cheerful time spent together!

We are speaking from friends in verse:

Today you are not just a friend,
You are today for us - a man!
You decided to protect the country,
Congratulations to you, Conscript!

Best friend and comrade in life,
Congratulations, because you recruit!
Let not torment you thoughts,
We are proud of you in this moment!

Our friend is a soldier, imagine only!
How fast the time flies!
Know, accompany you bitterly
And my heart hurts!

Serve easily, breathe freely,
We are waiting for you, in the success of your belief.
Let you not be bad
And all open doors!

Wires in the army: Beautiful wishes and facilities from friends

Funny wishes for wires in the army for friends

Cool wishes to the serving recruit must necessarily raise the mood. They will be able to customize his thoughts on a positive way, to give pleasant memories and recall that he means a lot for his friends. Such wishes can be said personally instead of a toast at the table, send an SMS message or write on a farewell poster.

Funny wishes for wires in the army:

Serve, buddy, and what to do?
Steps with a smile on the face.
And you will become a spirit - chasing boldly,
All those who are "Fresh" at the Place!

You recruit today - super!
Do not hang nose, because it is the honor!
Not to avoid you that service
There is a place for you!

This service will be easy,
There will be many bright days,
Will be true, clean friendship
In the life of a cruise you!

Smile, brother, well,!
What did you fell in spirit?!
You have a service tomorrow,
I so the officer said.

Let the road be easy
Let free be the way
I wish you in the army,
From us all there to relax!

Funny wishes from friends Conscript

Short SMS greetings to the army

Short SMS can be sent to a recruit that went to his military path. He will be pleased to keep in touch with close and regularly receive attention signs to maintain the Spirit.

Short SMS:

Be happy, recruit,
Be decent service.
Lear your every moment
In military service.

Eh, military routine:
March, building, commander,
Weekend, grandfather,
Ports, erased to holes.

See you, Soldier.
Serve, dear!
Let go in the military registration and enlistment office
You will be our hero!

Your service is not easy
You accept her loving.
The road road is far away
But we believe everything in you!

Prove the country, hero,
What is a man.
Pretty female half
Show who you are!

Cool SMS for Conscript

Funny and beautiful toasts for wires in the army

Cool and beautiful toasts for wires:

Conscript! Tomorrow you will replenish the ranks of successful and worthy soldiers. Proudly serve your homeland. Make everything so that the family can be proud of you, and others to respect! Each of our wishes you only light and happy service. Let the shoulder to shoulder with you be faithful friends and wise officers!

Dear (Conscript name)! Perceive service is not like duty, but as a useful life experience, which is not everyone in this life. Remember all their army days and serve as an example for those who are not confident or weak spirit. We will wait for you in a citizen, and when you come back - you will arrange a lush fun!

Today we will say goodbye to you, but only for a while. For us, you are now not just a good person, but a brave and brave man! Be decisive and always positively perceive any, even a difficult situation. I wish you patience, strength and endurance!

Song texts for wires in the army

Songs for wires in the army are very soulful and touching. They occupy an important part of the whole event, leave pleasant memories and customize the desired way, in one word: inspired.

Song texts for wires in the army:

Song "We will serve in the army", text

Test songs "We will be soldiers"

Lyrics "We love your army"

Chastushki for wires in the army: words

Like songs, chastushki can raise the mood to the future soldier and diversify the holiday by jokes, as well as fun.

Status will be useful to recruits and his native. They can be placed on social networks.

Statuses for recruits

Video: "Future Recruitment on a notes"