What to cook in the summer for a wedding on the table for guests and newlyweds - a selection of delicious and unusual dishes for the menu. Banquet menu for the wedding. We calculate the menu for the wedding table

A wedding is a very important event. Everyone prepares for it in advance. Now we will tell you what to cook hot dishes for a wedding. Different recipes will be presented with the photo in the article. From them you can choose the right food for the holiday.

Meat rolls with original filling are an excellent dish that can be prepared for a wedding

If you are interested in a wedding, then pay attention to this one. The recipe is simple, but the products are very satisfying and tasty. The highlight of the dish is the original filling, which has a bright taste.

To prepare a hot meal for a wedding at home, you will need:

  • one egg;
  • 400 grams of pork tenderloin;
  • salt;
  • half an orange;
  • pepper;
  • two tablespoons of olive oil (required for frying);
  • a tablespoon of bread crumbs.

Step by step recipe

  1. Prepare all components. Use fresh meat, not frozen. Then the products will be juicier.
  2. So, cut the tenderloin like a chop. Then beat each slice on both sides. Then season with pepper and salt to your liking. Next, place a slice of orange on each slice.
  3. Then roll up the rolls.
  4. Then beat the egg. Then dip the products into it first. Then roll in breadcrumbs.
  5. Then put in a preheated pan with oil (olive). Fry on all sides over low heat for about fifteen minutes.
  6. Serve the rolls whole. You can cut them into pieces. Bon Appetit! Enjoy your meal!

French meat

If you are interested in a hot dish for a wedding, we will consider simple recipes. Now we will describe how to cook meat in French. This dish is quite popular at celebrations. The food looks spectacular, it turns out satisfying.

To prepare this dish you will need:

  • one kilogram of potatoes;
  • 250 grams of cheese;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt;
  • three large onions;
  • pepper;
  • five hundred grams of pork;
  • vegetable oil.

Step-by-step recipe for preparing a hot dish

  1. Peel the potatoes first, then cut into thin slices. Then place on a greased baking sheet.
  2. Then peel the onion, cut it into rings (thin). Lay the potatoes evenly over the top. Then pepper the dish and season with salt.
  3. Then cut the meat into small cubes. Then place them on top of the vegetables. Then add salt and pepper to the dish.
  4. Then cover the meat generously with mayonnaise.
  5. Then the dish is sprinkled with grated cheese.
  6. It is baked in a preheated oven until tender. This process can take approximately one hour.

Ball of thread

What hot dishes to make for a wedding? For example, a ball of thread. This dish is made with chicken. The dish will delight guests with its unusual appearance.

For cooking you will need:

  • one onion;
  • seasonings;
  • three hundred grams of minced chicken;
  • 125 grams of puff yeast-free dough;
  • salt;
  • yolk;
  • pepper.

The process of preparing a dish for a wedding: a step-by-step recipe

  1. Knead the filling first. Add finely chopped onion to the minced meat. After that, salt and pepper the filling, mix well.
  2. Then make meatballs from the resulting mass.
  3. Cut the dough into thin strips (equal in thickness).
  4. Wrap the stripes around the meatballs.
  5. After the balls, put on a baking sheet (oiled).
  6. Then brush the balls with whipped yolk. Then send to the preheated oven for forty minutes.

Duck baked with oranges

What other hot dishes can you make for a wedding? For example, duck baked with oranges. Such a festive meal turns out to be very tasty.

For cooking you will need:

  • three large oranges;
  • two tablespoons of honey;
  • three celery (petioles);
  • two-kilogram duck;
  • one medium-sized lemon;
  • Art. a spoonful of olive oil;
  • three oranges;
  • salt;
  • two tbsp. spoons of sweet wine;
  • a tablespoon of olive oil;
  • spices (herbs, sage, etc.).

The process of cooking duck with oranges at home: a step-by-step recipe

  1. Gut the duck first.
  2. Then cut off the tips of the tail and wings. Remove excess oil and skin as well. In other words, just prepare the carcass.
  3. Then in a bowl until smooth, mix the lemon and orange juice, pepper, olive oil, spices and salt.
  4. Put the duck in the resulting marinade. Then send to marinate in the refrigerator for about five hours.
  5. Then cut one orange into quarters.
  6. Then remove the pickled duck from the marinade. Fill it with oranges, celery stalks. Then place in a greased baking dish.
  7. Place the duck in a preheated oven. Bake for two hours. Water the duck with the juice every twenty minutes.
  8. While the bird is baking, prepare the frosting. To do this, combine honey, wine and the juice of one orange.
  9. Pour the mixture into a saucepan, bring to a boil. Cook until syrupy. Then remove from heat.
  10. Then, when the duck is already cooked, remove the orange inside it, as well as the celery, cover with glaze.
  11. Serve with fresh orange wedges.

Minced meat roll with filling

To prepare a dish you will need:

  • two eggs;
  • salt (to taste);
  • 500 grams of minced meat (of your choice);
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • one large onion;
  • a glass of milk;
  • two slices of a dried loaf;
  • pepper.

Making a roll at home

Chicken with garlic and thyme

What other hot dishes can you cook for a wedding? For example, chicken with garlic and thyme. The bird in this case is baked in the oven. Thanks to the marinade, the chicken is very tender and aromatic.

For cooking you will need:

  • five cloves of garlic;
  • one chicken;
  • salt;
  • forty grams of butter;
  • pepper;
  • two tablespoons of dried thyme;
  • forty ml of olive oil.

The process of cooking at home

  1. Wash the chicken first. Then rub it liberally inside with thyme, salt and pepper. Rub on the outside of it too. Then put some crushed garlic inside.
  2. Then the legs of the chicken are tied so that it does not fall apart.
  3. Then melt the butter in a skillet.
  4. Then place the chicken on a greased baking sheet. Top it with butter from a frying pan.
  5. The chicken is baked in the oven (preheated) for about forty minutes.
  6. Turn over several times during cooking and pour over the liquid that comes out of the baking sheet.

A little conclusion

Now you know what hot dishes can be prepared for a wedding, recipes with photos will help you create delicious dishes. We hope that this information was useful and interesting to you!

Luxurious outfits of the bride and groom, exquisite decoration of the hall, an interesting entertainment program - all these elements of a wedding celebration, most likely, will remain invaluable if the organizers of the holiday are inattentive to the preparation of the menu. Therefore, to take the "path of least resistance" by approving the list of dishes proposed by the restaurant or cafe where the holiday will be held is a decision, possibly correct in terms of saving time and effort, but fundamentally wrong if young people dream of their holiday was a success. In a wedding menu, carefully thought out and composed with love, invention and care for each of the guests, several factors must be taken into account.

The menu depends ... on the composition of the guests

Tables reminiscent of a fabulous self-assembled tablecloth, exquisite delicacies, excellent presentation of dishes, expensive alcohol, but ... some guests still leave the wedding hungry and, accordingly, disappointed. This is exactly what can happen if the individual preferences of the invitees were not taken into account - for example, the refusal of some products for one reason or another. If the celebration is designed for a small number of guests, then you can clarify their tastes individually. In the same case, when the number of guests is more than 30, and some of them are not close acquaintances (second cousins, "necessary" people, etc.), it is better to plan the menu in such a way as to take into account all possible wishes.

For example, vegetarians may be present at the festival. This is perhaps the most "uncomfortable" category of guests: there are always fresh vegetables and fruits on the wedding table, and baked vegetables can be one of the hot snacks. As a dessert, guests who do not eat animal food can be offered fruits with berry sauces, nuts, honey. You should not ignore people who do not eat pork (for example, Muslims or Jews). At most weddings, one of the hot dishes is prepared from pork meat, so it is advisable to include a fish or, say, poultry dish in the hot list.

In the event that there are many children among the guests, it makes sense to organize a children's table, the main requirements for which are the minimum amount of "harmful" dishes and drinks and a beautiful, bright design. Let the kids take time to prepare such a gift, but they will be satisfied and allow adult guests to relax and enjoy the holiday. On the children's table you can put sandwiches, vegetables and fruits, stuffed eggs, dietary hot (from chicken, rabbit or turkey) and, of course, sweets and delicious desserts.

When planning a wedding menu, it is worth considering the gender composition of the invitees. Most men are lovers of spicy, hearty food and strong alcohol, while ladies, as a rule, prefer fish, vegetables, and wine. Finally, the age of the guests also plays a significant role: the older the majority of the participants in the feast, the more traditional the dishes should be (children, by the way, will also give preference to the familiar "home" tastes). Young people, on the other hand, are not afraid of experiments and will willingly appreciate new tastes and unexpected combinations.

... from the season

When composing a wedding menu, it is necessary to take into account the time of the year in which the celebration takes place. Juicy, steaming pork knuckle looks, of course, very appetizing, but in the midst of the summer heat, its appearance on the festive table will still not be entirely appropriate.

Summer wedding menu should be as easy as possible, with an abundance of treats from vegetables and fruits, because the use of fatty, very satisfying dishes is a serious blow to the body, already exhausted by "battles" with the heat. In the list of cold appetizers, preference should be given to portioned salads, such as "Caesar" or, for example, "Greek": in the summer heat, salads laid in a common dish will quickly give juice and will look far from presentable. And so that they are not only beautiful and healthy, but also nourishing, you can dream up with the ingredients by adding protein components - tender chicken, tiger prawns, feta cheese or pine nuts.

Cold snacks such as stuffed tomatoes (cherry tomatoes will look more interesting and elegant), tartlets, canapes are also relevant in summer. Do not forget about mushrooms, because there is an opportunity to refuse "winter" champignons or oyster mushrooms and pamper guests with mushrooms that have retained a delightful forest aroma.

You should also think about dressing, since traditional mayonnaise is not healthy in principle, and in summer it is simply harmful. Therefore, it is better to stop the choice on olive oil, sour cream and yoghurt sauces, which, in combination with lemon juice, not only improve the taste of dishes, but also refresh. It is quite possible to refuse hot snacks at a summer wedding or choose lightweight options - for example, small kebabs made from vegetables, chicken, seafood, which do not lose their taste even when cold.

By the way, barbecue cooked on the grill is also a good option for a hot dish. To take into account the wishes of all guests, it is better to take care of its diversity by offering dishes from lamb, pork, chicken and certainly fish. Sauces for barbecue open up a real scope of imagination: bright tomato, Mexican with chili and lime, spicy garlic, piquant lingonberry, exquisite sauce with capers and rosemary, spicy mustard with tarragon, white fish sauce with wine and horseradish, tart nutty, unsurpassed Georgian and Azerbaijani narsharab - it can take a very long time to list the possible variations.

It should also be borne in mind that in the heat, intoxication sets in faster, so it is advisable to focus on not too strong alcoholic drinks. The ideal solution for a summer wedding is cocktails with ice cubes and refreshing ingredients such as lemon, lime, mint, hibiscus. Berry season allows you to "play" with soft drinks. Fruit drinks made from fresh berries, homemade lemonades with a minimum amount of sugar (sugary drinks are known to be bad for quenching thirst), chilled fruit or mint teas are just some of the drinks that are relevant at a summer wedding.

Finally, a wedding cake should correspond to the warm season. Whipped cream and butter cream are not his best decorations, as are the chocolate, which will surely melt, if not on the cake itself, then in the guests' hands. But a light, like a cloud, curd or yoghurt soufflé surrounded by fresh fruits and berries will come in handy. In addition, the ideal desserts for a summer wedding are ice cream with fruits and nuts, smoothies, sorbets, waffle baskets or mini skewers with fruits, strawberries or raspberries with cream.

Winter wedding menu cannot be called the complete opposite of the summer one, however, some features are still worth considering: the basis of the wedding banquet in this case is hot, hearty meals and warming drinks. A non-standard, but at the same time a good option for one of the hot dishes - soup. True, cabbage soup and borscht are unlikely to be appreciated by guests, but exquisite puree soups or cream soups are quite capable of decorating a holiday and even adding a touch of sophistication.

In general, in world cuisine, you can easily find many first courses suitable for the holiday. So, lovers of fish and seafood will be delighted with French bouillabaisse, and fans of spicy dishes - from the famous Thai tom yam. Even the usual and banal, seemingly, meat broth will get the right to be called "consommé" if it is a strong, clarified egg and supplemented with aromatic spices.

Welcome guests on the winter festive table are all kinds of spicy dishes, as well as pickles and marinades, the use of which makes the blood circulate faster. The list of hot dishes must also include meat - portioned or served on common dishes (for example, stuffed pig or goose). Flambéed dishes will look very impressive at a winter wedding, that is, poured over with a strong alcoholic drink (usually cognac or brandy) and set on fire. Firstly, the appearance of the chef in a semi-dark room with flaming meat is an unusual "feature" and decoration of the holiday; besides, flaming is not just a gimmick, but a culinary trick, because it gives the dish an incomparable taste and amazing aroma.

By the way, you can find ideas for a winter wedding menu in any cookbook dedicated to Russian cuisine, most of whose dishes are just hearty and designed for severe frosts. At the same time, it is an unforgivable mistake to think that they have a certain "peasant" character and are not suitable for an exquisite celebration: are they not worthy of becoming a table decoration, for example, pancakes with caviar or salted salmon, chicken with several fillings or kulebyak with sturgeon, not speaking of jelly or aspic? Why not replace the canapes with small pies with a variety of fillings?

Traditional winter alcoholic drinks are usually strong. Interesting options are grog, steaming mulled wine, aromatic punch. By the way, these "overseas guests" are in no way inferior to Russian honey sbiten prepared with the addition of wine, nutmeg, cloves and lemon peel. The decision to serve them to every guest is unlikely to be advisable; it is wiser to organize a bar where you can drink not only alcohol, but also teas, several varieties of coffee, hot chocolate.

Spring wedding menu must take into account two circumstances: firstly, in the spring I really want vitamins, fresh vegetables and fruits; secondly, with the melting of the snow, many women (and men) begin to think that it would be nice to get rid of a couple of extra pounds by the beginning of the beach season. In a word, the spring table should be light, healthy, but not dietary - after all, we are talking about a holiday!

Since it is not so easy to buy juicy southern tomatoes or tender peaches (grown naturally, without adding a lot of growth-accelerating fertilizers) in the spring, you can opt for overseas seasonal vegetables and fruits. For example, "cheers" are usually found in salads with mango and avocado combined with seafood. Fat mayonnaise in the "general weight loss" season is a battle, the best dressing for such exotic is natural yogurt with lemon or lime juice.

An obligatory component of the spring holiday is all kinds of greens, including leafy salads, which grow well in greenhouses all year round: arugula, lettuce, watercress, iceberg, corn, lollo rossa and others. They go well with fish, and with chicken, and with meat, and with nuts, and with cheeses. Despite the fact that experts in the process of losing weight recommend eating fish (which, of course, should be on the table), you should not give up meat. However, even if it emphasizes the spring mood; we are talking not only about using vegetables as a side dish for the main course, but also about choosing the meat itself: it can be veal, chicken, rabbit, young lamb.

Wedding desserts in spring are usually light: yoghurt or curd cake, jelly, fruit baskets. At the same time, they should not be cold in summer: it is better to refuse ice cream or sorbet, because the dessert is served before the end of the holiday, and it will not be very comfortable to go out on an even cool spring night after such a treat.

Autumn wedding menu simply must abound in vegetables and fruits, as well as bright colors. Vegetables can be served both baked on the grill - as a hot snack, for example, and fresh, and in the second case, you can not be limited to standard cutting, but cut out hearts, initials of newlyweds and other cute figures from vegetables.

It's a good idea to serve a variety of sauces at the same time with vegetables (fresh and baked): yogurt or sour cream with herbs or feta cheese, olive oil, garlic, nut, cheese sauces and others. In this case, each guest will be able to prepare a salad at their own plate that matches their taste preferences. Vegetables can also function as tartlets: it is very convenient to fill halves of peppers, tomatoes, young potatoes with salads.

With such an abundance of gifts of autumn nature, it is better to plan simple meat dishes - for example, abandon cabbage rolls in favor of steaks or roast beefs. Seasonal sauces can be served with them - say, berry, cranberry, sea buckthorn or lingonberry sauces, or mushroom sauces. In general, almost any dishes made from mushrooms, as well as from eggplant, are win-win, which are delicious in combination with curd cheese or feta cheese, garlic, tomatoes, walnuts and basil.

By the way, autumn is also a hunting season, so it is advisable to plan baked or stuffed quails, duck with apples, mushrooms, pears, quince or prunes as a hot dish. It is desirable that the "time of vitamins" be traced in every detail of the menu. So, along with regular bread, you can serve freshly baked with olives, tomatoes, onions, herbs or nuts.

Excellent desserts for an autumn wedding are watermelons and melons, and baskets filled with fruits can be carved out of them. By the way, fruit will be decorated with delicious additions - whipped cream, nuts, honey. It is reasonable to offer freshly squeezed fruit juices as a dessert. And the main alcoholic drink of the holiday, of course, should be good wine. At the same time, you should not refuse from a stronger alcohol, since the autumn weather is unpredictable, and it is possible that guests will want to warm up.

... from the script

Let's make a reservation right away that it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve full correspondence of all the dishes served at the banquet to the chosen theme, and this is not necessary. The main thing is that there are several thematic treats on the table that fit into the atmosphere of the holiday and emphasize the idea of ​​the organizers. We offer several options for such dishes for different weddings.

Antique wedding

Preparing for such a holiday will require reading the relevant literature with a description of the dishes traditional for the selected period of time. For example, according to historical sources, the main products on the tables of the ancient Romans were cereals, vegetables, meat of wild animals and birds, including minced meat, from which the similarities of today's steaks were fried on wire racks.

It is known that cabbage was very widespread in ancient Rome; even the emperor Diocletian, tired of state affairs and military exploits, retired to a quiet province to grow this vegetable. At an antique wedding, cabbage salad with cranberries, cabbage rolls, Peking cabbage rolls, as well as game as one of the hot dishes, will be quite appropriate.

It is noteworthy that it was in Ancient Rome that the first salads appeared; it was a mixture of various chopped fragrant herbs, seasoned with lemon juice, honey, vinegar, olive oil, so an abundance of greenery on the wedding table is welcome. Finally, Roman feasts cannot be imagined without grape wine, which was served in clay jugs, which means that this alcoholic drink can become a real highlight of the holiday.

Knight's wedding

In order to fight for the honor of beautiful ladies in times of wild morals, brave knights had to eat well. On the tables in medieval castles there was always meat, mainly game, as well as pork, which was often salted for the winter. A favorite treat is mutton in a wide variety of variations, usually grilled on a wire rack or skewer.

Fish was also an obligatory part of the diet - poor families ate herring, the rich could afford more refined varieties (trout, grayling, salmon). It is noteworthy that salting fish was considered a way to preserve its freshness longer in the era of the absence of refrigerators, so salting was one of the most common types of culinary processing.

Of course, there were also more exotic treats such as wild boar, deer or swan. In modern conditions, it is almost impossible to reproduce old recipes from such meat with the expectation of a large number of guests, so it is quite possible to plan more familiar, but no less festive meat dishes.

The favorite spices of medieval chefs, by the way, are saffron, ginger, black pepper, anise, caraway seeds, almonds that are quite accessible today; you can "play" with them, diversifying the taste. It is noteworthy that most of the dishes were served in the same dishes in which they were cooked, so at a knightly wedding it would be appropriate to cook hot in ceramic pots or in small portioned pans.

Of course, medieval cookbooks contain absolutely fantastic recommendations - for example, in the work of the 14th century chef Guillaume Tyrelle "Tallevant's Food", he tells in detail how to cook a chicken in knightly armor or how to fry a peacock so that you can put it back into plumage. However, on their pages you can find some good "chips" that are easily adaptable to today's reality. For example, there was a tradition of making grooves in slices of bread in order to place lavishly spiced meat in them. Why not borrow this idea and serve, for example, a salad or a hot appetizer in tender buns or mini loaves of rye flour?

Retro wedding

In this case, we can talk, say, about holidays in the style of the movie "Hipsters" or the era of NEP - in a word, these are, as a rule, celebrations in the style of one of the periods of the 20th century, imbued with subtle charm and chic. When drawing up a menu for such celebrations, it is appropriate to refer, for example, to literary works.

For example, Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov describes very colorfully restaurant dishes of the early 1930s in "The Master and Margarita": in the famous restaurant "Griboyedov" they served "portioned perches", fried meat in lemon sauce, "sterlet pieces, arranged with crayfish tails and fresh caviar ", pork escalopes," cocotte eggs with mushroom puree "," Genoese quail ", fresh caviar and many other delicacies.

Well, when preparing for a wedding in the style of the 1960s, advice from mothers and grandmothers, who probably remember the restaurant menu of that time, and films, and books, and the Internet, where you can find many options for Soviet cuisine, will also help. Do not think that these are just banal salads "Spring", "Capital" and "Herring under a fur coat"; real culinary masterpieces were often prepared in good catering establishments. Among them, for example, tobacco chicken, jellied sturgeon, Kiev cutlet, sturgeon in tomato sauce, roast beefs, entrecotes, escalopes, schnitzels, chakhokhbili, lamb chops and much more.

Provence style wedding

When drawing up a menu for such a celebration, it is very important to strike a balance between simplicity and sophistication, spontaneity and grace. Of course, whole boiled potatoes, drizzled with melted butter and sprinkled with young dill, combined with tender herring, is a wonderful dish, but it is unlikely to be appropriate for a wedding celebration. Whereas the same potatoes, but baked in cream with rosemary sprigs, will take quite a worthy place at a banquet as a side dish.

Perhaps the main requirement for the menu of a "rustic" wedding is maximum naturalness and naturalness. This, however, does not mean at all that the dishes should be prepared very simply or that they can be dispensed with. Rather, it is about a list of treats and a set of products that will be used to create them.

It is desirable that vegetables in different variations are present on the table, including salted and pickled ones. Have a hot meal made from domestic animals and poultry — pork, beef, chicken, or turkey. For both snacks and hot meals, it is advisable to use river fish; this can be, for example, pike perch or pike fillets, fried carp, salted trout or grayling, stuffed sturgeon.

It is better to replace champignons with forest mushrooms; in winter, you can make wonderful fillings or caviar from dried white or boletus. Berries, nuts, honey in desserts and sauces will emphasize the atmosphere of the holiday; homemade tinctures, for example, on mountain ash, cranberries or pine nuts, can also become a highlight. It is not worth completely replacing vodka or wine with them, but a few bottles will undoubtedly decorate the celebration.

"Pirate" wedding

A romantic, but at the same time somewhat hooligan, pirate-style wedding is unlikely to do without fish and seafood, because filibusters spent most of their adventurous life on the high seas. At the same time, it is important not to overdo it with the inclusion of squid, shrimp, mussels and other sea creatures in the menu: it is possible that among the guests there will be people suffering from allergic reactions to such food.

In addition, it is unlikely that at least one pirate will refuse a juicy piece of meat fried on a spit. In modern conditions, the role of a skewer can also be played by a skewer or a grill grate. Other must-haves on the pirate menu are exotic fruits, dates (they are very good in salads combined with chicken, apples, nuts), fruit juices and cocktails (they can be served in halves of oranges or coconuts).

And finally - yo-ho-ho - you can't do without the pirate drink itself - rum, which can be displayed on the table in bottles or in a real wooden barrel. Another option is to offer guests rum or brandy based cocktails. In both cases, it should be borne in mind that there are not so many fans of this drink, so more familiar alcohol must be present on the table.

Italian style wedding

Probably, the statement that Italian cuisine is one of the most popular in the whole world today will not be an exaggeration. Russia is no exception, so a wedding menu in the style of sunny Italy is probably a win-win option. It can take a very long time to talk about what dishes can be served to guests at such a holiday. Let's name just a few of them that will surely please the taste of the majority of those invited.

The usual bread should be replaced with ciabatta or focaccia - wheat cakes with different fillings. One of the hallmarks of Italian cuisine is a variety of cheeses, so it makes sense to offer guests cheese plates with parmesan, gorgonzolla, mozzarella. It is unlikely that pizza can be called a banquet dish, but at an Italian wedding it is quite appropriate, especially when it comes to a buffet table. However, it is better to give preference to small mini-pizzas with a variety of fillings.

A great option for a hot first course is pasta, to which several sauces should be served so that guests can choose according to their personal preferences. This is fresh pesto with basil, parmesan and olive oil, and hearty bolognese, and spicy tomato, and refined carbonara, and creamy sauces with seafood or salmon. Well, as a second hot dish, you can serve juicy veal medallions baked with Provencal herbs, or fish dishes, which, as a rule, are prepared quite simply - baked in olive oil with lemon.

The main dessert is, of course, the most delicate tiramisu with airy mascarpone cream. Alternatively, lemon sorbet can be served or, for example, gelato soft ice cream with fruit, nuts or chocolate. Finally, the table should be decorated with real fine and aromatic Italian wines, without which the menu cannot be considered complete.

Arab wedding

The thematic menu will help newlyweds and their guests plunge into the enchanting world of "1000 and 1 nights". Perhaps the main dishes at an Arab wedding are fantastic sweets: Turkish delight, baklava, cakes with dates, honey or pistachios, gata, marshmallow, fruit marmalade, candied fruits, candied nuts. Unleavened wheat cakes - pita - should also be present on the table; appetizers can be stuffed eggplants, peppers with couscous, pies with meat or chicken, dishes with tuna and olives.

As a hot dish, you should give preference to juicy lamb with aromatic herbs, cooked over charcoal in pieces or in the form of a kebab. Traditions dictate that pork should be abandoned, so stuffed chicken, which is cooked with lemon or pomegranate juice, or beef with almonds and prunes can be an alternative to lamb.

Another option for a hot dish is tagine, a treat of vegetables and meat stewed over the fire; it is cooked and served in a dish of the same name, which is a ceramic pot topped with a tall cone-shaped lid. Lovers of exotic may also be interested in shorba - a hearty soup with beef and vegetables; if served, the second hot should be lighter, such as fish marinated in tomato sauce and baked whole.

The feast will not do without fresh vegetables and fruits, including tangerines, peaches, melons. The main non-alcoholic drink at an Arab wedding is, of course, coffee, with the preparation and consumption of which, in the traditions of many countries, a whole ritual is associated. However, it is appropriate to offer guests several types of tea - black, green, hibiscus, as well as homemade lemonade infused with raisins and dates.

Approximate calculation of food and alcohol

So, adjustments in the menu must be made depending on several circumstances listed above. However, it is worth keeping in mind some of the standard principles of organizing wedding banquets, which catering establishments rely on and which will help determine the number of dishes and alcohol. It is generally accepted that at a banquet lasting 5-6 hours one person can "master" no more than 1.5 kg of food. Let's try to determine the basic menu for one guest based on this principle (the approximate total amount of the dish is indicated in brackets):
- salads: 3-4 types of 50 g (200 g);
- cold snacks: 3 types of 50-60 g (150 g);
- cold cuts: 3 types of meat, 40 g each (120 g);
- red and white fish: 2-3 species of 40 g (100 g);
- cheese: 2 types of 25 g (50 g);
- pickles: 3 types (cucumbers, mushrooms, tomatoes), 30-40 g (100 g) each;
- red caviar: 20 g;
- vegetables: 4-5 types of 50 g (200 g);
- hot snacks: 2 types of 50 g (100 g);
- hot: 2 types of 100 g (200 g);
- side dish: 2 types of 50 g (100 g);
- dessert (including fruit and cake): 150-200 g.

Professional wedding planners give specific advice regarding the number of drinks. As a rule, 2-3 types of juice or fruit drink are served (at the rate of 1 liter per person, and in the warm season - 1.5-2 liters), mineral water (the same calculation), if desired - lemonade (no more than 1 liter ).

It is somewhat more difficult to calculate the amount of alcohol. The traditional "wedding set" - vodka, cognac, champagne, wine (in a ratio of 2/3 - red wine and 1/3 - white). Depending on the wishes of the newlyweds and the preferences of the guests, whiskey, liqueur, martini, brandy and other drinks may be present on the table, but, as a rule, only amateurs choose them. So, the standard rule for calculating alcohol for a wedding is as follows:
- vodka or cognac - bottle for 2 people;
- wine - a bottle for 1 person;
- champagne - bottle for 3 people.

It is better to purchase alcohol with some supply; even if a few bottles remain after the celebration, they are unlikely to find use, given the lack of an expiration date, unlike food. It should also be borne in mind that alcohol may be required during the bride price, at the registry office or on a walk after marriage registration (if these events are planned). For these purposes, champagne is better; you must also take juice, mineral water or lemonade with you.

It is important, when planning a wedding menu, not to forget about those who help the young in holding the holiday - the toastmaster, musicians, photographers and cameramen, invited artists. During the many hours of banquet, they will definitely get hungry, so it is worth including them in the general calculation.

Modern trends in the wedding menu

From time immemorial, weddings among different nations were not just a celebration of the birth of a young family, but a set of rituals, the adherence to which guaranteed a long and happy life together. To some extent, the wedding menu was also "ritual", meeting certain requirements. For example, in Russia, jelly was considered an obligatory wedding dish, which was intended to restore the strength of the young for the first wedding night.

In Hungary, stuffed cabbage rolls were always served at weddings, and they were made especially large for the bride and groom - as a symbol of wealth and prosperity. In Israel, at least 18 treats were prepared for the wedding, since the name of this number in Hebrew sounds like "hai", which means "to live." In Barbados, the main dish of the feast, symbolizing the sweet life, is prepared six months before the celebration, since its filling - dried fruits - is soaked in rum for 6 months.

The wedding tradition of Korea is interesting: here a boiled rooster with red pepper in its beak is served on the table, which is designed to personify eternal love, and in Morocco, it is not customary to mix wedding dishes so that subsequent life is not overshadowed by unpleasant incidents. The preparation of the main festive dish of the Berber nomads requires great skill and talent: it is a camel stuffed with eggs, chicken, fish and fried lamb.

However, today there is nothing "obligatory", because the possibilities of newlyweds in organizing their holiday are limited only by the size of the budget, so it is more appropriate to talk about hospitality, the desire to please all guests, the expediency and convenience of certain dishes. Nevertheless, it will be useful to have an idea of ​​the current trends in the preparation of a wedding menu - if you like, gastronomic fashion, as it is presented by Russian restaurateurs.

Firstly, serving soups as one of the hot dishes is gaining popularity. Interestingly, in the hot season, cold soups, such as tomato gazpacho, are quite appropriate. True, not all guests will want to try this masterpiece of Spanish cuisine, so it is wiser to serve it not in portions, but in elegant common tureens.

Another wedding culinary trend is maximum naturalness, a combination of simple, familiar tastes and exquisite "zest". Multi-ingredient salads, especially the once incredibly popular flaky ones, are a thing of the past; their place is taken by dishes consisting of only a few seasonal ingredients, the taste of which is emphasized by an unobtrusive dressing. It is worth mentioning the mini-format that is relevant today: guests prefer small snacks and desserts - probably because in this case it becomes possible to try as many treats as possible without compromising health and shape.

Another wedding trend is the serving of refreshing homemade lemonades made from lemon, orange, mint, strawberry, currant as soft drinks. But at European weddings, a rosemary drink is popular, for the preparation of which rosemary sprigs are poured with water, infused for several days, after which this "elixir" is served with lemon juice and ice cubes.

At some Russian weddings today there are appetizers popular in the West - light snacks that precede the main meal and whet the appetite. This can be avocado paste with salt or olive oil on toasted toast, tomato tartini, baked mushroom pate, pickled olives, and so on. Finally, another trend is serving fruit sorbet in between snacks and hot meals. This, in general, non-standard solution is explained quite simply: a cold delicacy helps to refresh the taste buds and prepare them for the perception of new treats.

What is worth giving up

Despite the fact that today's brides and grooms are free to plan their holiday the way only they want, forgetting about conventions and stereotypes, there are still some dishes that it is better to refuse to serve - first of all, so that the banquet is successful. For example, guests are unlikely to be delighted with treats that include components that, albeit improving the taste, but possessing a pungent smell - these are raw onions, garlic, and radishes.

Dishes from river fish containing a lot of bones will be inappropriate. An excellent option in this case is to serve fillets or, for example, stuffed pike (for its preparation, the pulp is separated from the bones, mixed with the rest of the ingredients, after which the prepared skin, previously removed entirely, is filled with this mass).

Exotic and not quite familiar products (for example, mussels, pomelo, lychee and others), of course, can be present on the table, but in limited quantities, since not everyone likes them. If they are used as ingredients in dishes, then these culinary masterpieces should be pre-tasted by the young. In short, all the recipes for a wedding banquet must be tasted. This condition applies, by the way, to the choice of manufacturers: it is better to purchase proven products, from which you can not expect unpleasant "surprises" (including alcoholic beverages).

Good afternoon, my regular readers! And to everyone who is visiting me for the first time, have a great day! So today I decided to pay attention to a really tasty topic. I am sure that delicious recipes for a wedding will not only decorate your festive table, but will also be added to your culinary notebook.

You have a wedding celebration ahead of you, which means you need to surprise your guests, and not only with creative design ideas and originality of style, but also with delicious dishes. If you haven't had lunch yet, I recommend grabbing a snack, because after reading the article to the end, you will definitely whet your appetite. So let's get started.

Direct communication

Have you already decided what your wedding will be like? In what style and for how many people is the celebration planned? I'm not just asking, believe me! Indeed, what your festive table will be depends on the answers to these questions. But since I have not yet learned to read your thoughts, but I am working on it, I decided to play it safe and make out several of the most common options for a banquet at a wedding.

Classics of the genre

Most often, the bride and groom choose the classic version of the banquet. I hope you have read my articles about and about the nuances of choosing a restaurant, if not, then I recommend getting to know them.

So, your wedding is designed for 30-100 people, and possibly more, but in any case, you decided to celebrate it in a cafe, restaurant or banquet hall.

Before concluding an agreement for a banquet, visit it on a regular day, taste the cuisine, pay attention to the serving of dishes and the work of the waiters.

The restaurant staff will help you draw up an approximate menu for your festive event, depending on your preferences and the theme of the wedding. I recommend choosing European, Russian or Oriental cuisines that satisfy the gastronomic preferences of most of the guests. It can be:

  • Greek cuisine: vegetables and seafood, lots of olives, feta cheese and delicious wine. This option will be appreciated by vegetarians.
  • Italian cuisine: seafood salads, grilled meats, cheeses and legumes. If the wedding is in the style of a youth party, pizza will be the main dish of the evening.
  • Russian cuisine: sandwiches with caviar, Russian salad with tongue, herring under a fur coat, potatoes with herbs and aspic with horseradish. On the tables tea in a samovar, bagels and apples. Well, what is a Russian wedding without strong alcoholic drinks and mead?
  • French cuisine: baked trout, cocktail of mussels and king prawns with Provencal herbs, all kinds of julienne, tiramisu and profiteroles.
  • Eastern cuisine: lamb shashlik, grilled lamb ribs and kebab, pilaf, veal in the oven, salads from baked vegetables and funchose, and sweet baklava for dessert.

And then there is Mexican and Ukrainian, Japanese and Korean cuisine. Choose based on the preferences of your guests, for sure you know how to please them. And do not forget about drinks - each dish has its own one.

In the restaurant, negotiate in advance the time for serving dishes, taking into account the entertainment program, and discuss this moment with the host. Just please don't keep your guests hungry!

Simple and tasty

A soulful little wedding planned? Alternatively, you can mark it, you can read about ideas for such a cozy holiday. In this case, the dishes will be appropriate. Most likely, you will cook them with your own hands, well, do not give up the extra hands of your mother, aunt and girlfriends. In this case, any help will come in handy! If you don't want to bother, you can order food to the dacha or recreation center by contacting the professionals.

The food delivery service and cooking to order is now very popular, only this should not be done on the wedding day. And at least a week before the celebration.

Take care of light snacks, they are perfect for a buffet table:

  • Lavash rolls with Korean carrots and smoked chicken, fish, etc.
  • All kinds of sandwiches.
  • Portion salads in tartlets.

For a hot meal, offer your guests barbecue and grilled vegetables, potatoes baked in coals and fish soup in a cauldron over a fire. And for dessert, make a homemade sponge cake with sour cream and fresh berries.

Like a fairytale

Dreaming of an outdoor ceremony and outdoor wedding? And so that treats appear on tables in the middle of the forest, like in a fairy tale with a self-assembled tablecloth? Then catering with its magic wand will come to your rescue!

Advice on how to choose a catering company. Pay attention to their wedding experience, pricing and equipment, and the number and level of staff.

Buffet weddings are very popular today. Let your guests choose what they want from the splendor of the varied buffet. Organize a candy bar with sweet cakes instead of a cake. Take care of the table with drinks, the table with refreshing lemonade will be appreciated by both children and adults.

Will a lot of kids come to your wedding? Then you can't do without a children's menu. The main thing here is simplicity of preparation and original design of dishes in the form of animals or funny faces. Just look at the photo with such examples. What do you think? In my opinion, the kids should like it! If you have any questions, ask, I will answer everything.

Everything is for you

And although your faithful servant is far from a cook, nevertheless, I tried to collect for you the most delicious and original recipes for your unique wedding.

It is important that the products are fresh, then the finished food will turn out to be tasty and appetizing.


For a buffet table on a walk or for a picnic wedding, you definitely cannot do without light snacks. Here are the most interesting recipes for you, and I tried them myself! So I am responsible for the quality.

  • Lavash roll with chicken is a great alternative to sandwiches for a festive table.


  • thin pita bread - 3 sheets;
  • chicken breast - 1 pc.;
  • sweet bell pepper (color does not matter) - 1 pc .;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • lettuce leaves - 100 gr.;
  • fresh tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • fresh dill - 50 gr.;
  • garlic, salt to taste;
  • mayonnaise - 250 gr.

How we cook:

Boil the breast and chop finely with a knife or in a blender. Boil the eggs and cut into cubes. Wash the bell peppers and cut them lengthwise into thin strips. Finely chop the tomatoes and fry in butter, let cool (you can remove excess juice with a paper towel). Finely chop the dill and garlic.


Apply 80 gr on 1 sheet of pita bread. mayonnaise with dill and lettuce. On top of 2 pita bread, spread on it a mixture of chicken breast, bell pepper and 80 gr. mayonnaise. Next, the last 3 sheets of pita bread put the remaining mayonnaise and tomatoes mixed with garlic on it. We carefully wrap the roll, wrap it with cling film or foil and send it to the refrigerator for 10-12 hours.

As the roll is soaked, cut into pieces of 2-3 cm. The appetizer will turn out to be such that you will lick your fingers! And no extra decoration is needed, the dish will turn out to be colorful and appetizing.

  • Cheese balls can be so different and so tasty, colorful and flavorful, and in the truest sense of the word. Putting a plate with them on the table, you will not even notice how quickly they scatter. And here is a video with recipes.

  • Russian appetizer - beautiful presentation. Herring with potatoes, and with vodka ... oh, walk your soul! And here are some budget ideas on how to serve a versatile snack beautifully.

Or maybe make a surprise for a strawberry? Here's a video with such a simple recipe. What do you think? Please share your opinion in the comments!


From a huge number of unusual salads for a wedding, I have collected a couple of delicious recipes. Here they are, write it down.

  • Festive salad "Two hearts" - emphasis on decoration and decoration.


  • boiled potatoes - 2-3 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc .;
  • pickled cucumber - 1 pc .;
  • chicken fillet - 1 breast;
  • prunes - 8-10 pcs.;
  • fresh champignons - 100 gr.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • hard cheese - 100 gr.;
  • mayonnaise, vegetable oil, pomegranate seeds.

How we cook:

Boil the chicken breast and chop finely. Chop the champignons and onions and fry in vegetable oil. Cut the potatoes into cubes. Grate raw carrots and cheese on a fine grater. Add garlic to carrots, this is optional (you can do without it). Chop the walnut.

How to grind nuts without loss: pour the nuts into the food bag and break them with a rolling pin or hammer for beating.


We collect the salad in layers, each of which we grease with a mayonnaise mesh.

  1. potato;
  2. pickle;
  3. breast meat;
  4. diced prunes (before this, steam with boiling water);
  5. fried mushrooms with onions;
  6. carrots with garlic;
  7. Walnut;
  8. pomegranate seeds.

And that's it! A festive beautiful salad with pomegranate hearts is ready! The form can be bought ready-made or made of thick cardboard. Before decorating with a pomegranate, we assemble a structure of two hearts.

It is ideal for a wedding, because rings are a symbol of the union of two hearts. And for such a salad, you can use any of your favorite puff salad recipes, the main thing is the shape. For a round shape inside, use a container (jar, saucepan or salad bowl). When the layers are assembled, carefully remove the base and make the second circle with a smaller diameter. Well, then it's a matter of technology, connect the rings and decorate with what you like best (grated eggs, corn, peas, pomegranates, etc.).

On hot

  • Would you like to treat your guests with fish? Then see how easy and simple you can cook carp on the grill. In my opinion, a beginner can do it too.

The only thing, if you do not like to peel fish, ask to do it in the store or in the market where you will buy it.

If you have an oven, then prepare tender portioned dishes with potatoes and salmon in foil.

  • Stuffed pike - aerobatics on the banquet table. It will take experience and skill to prepare this dish. But why not give it a try? Here's a video to help you.

  • Kebab is the perfect hot spot for a picnic-style wedding. Here are some options for a meat kebab marinade.
  1. Marinade with mineral water, juice of two lemons and spices will make the meat very tender due to the bubbles.
  2. Marinate meat in light or dark beer with spices, and get tender meat with an unusual aroma of malt.
  3. A spicy marinade on natural pomegranate juice with three onions and spices will create a pomegranate miracle, make the meat very soft.

Lenten recipes

If your wedding is planned during the fast, take care of the guests observing it. Here are some recipes for such a case.

  1. Bake potatoes in the oven with wedges, having previously greased them with vegetable oil, salt and spices - it will turn out satisfying and beautiful.
  2. Grilled vegetables are perfect for a delicious lunch as a side dish or as an ingredient in a salad dressed with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
  3. Make boats from boiled potatoes, and then fill them with a mixture of honey agarics with onions and herbs.
  4. All vegetables, mixes, legumes, beautifully served in the menagerie, the guest will be able to assemble into an independent dish according to his taste.


If you do not want to deviate from traditions and do not see your wedding without a beautiful three-tiered one - order it from professional pastry chefs. They will skillfully and beautifully create your wedding delicious masterpiece.

Well, what is a wedding without a loaf? Of course, this is not a classic dessert, but rather a tribute. But, nevertheless, I decided to give you a video of a master class on decorating a loaf for a wedding, and you can find a simple and delicious recipe.

Summing up

It is difficult to please all tastes, and in one more article. But, as you can see, I tried not to forget about anyone. Finally, some important information.


Of course, the price for one guest invited to a banquet in a cafe will be more expensive than in the case of a wedding in the country. Assume that the average price per person in this case will be from 1,500 rubles. More precisely, they will tell you already in the restaurant itself.

This is fine

What food norms should be taken into account when developing a menu for a wedding? Here is the answer to the question - how much food per person should be on your holiday table.

  • Cold snacks - 400 gr.
  • Salads - 200-250 gr.
  • Hot snacks - 100-150 gr.
  • Hot fish and meat dishes - 300 gr.
  • Garnish - 150 gr.
  • Fruit - 200 gr.
  • Cake - 150-200 gr.

Total: 1400-1500 gr. food, designed for a 5-hour banquet.

An important part of the wedding event is a banquet. It depends on him what impression the guests and newlyweds will have from the celebration.

For a festive event to be held at the highest level, it is necessary to correctly calculate the menu, take into account all the nuances.

Menu compilation

  • Criteria to look out for:
  • Know the exact number of guests.
  • Calculate how long the event in the restaurant will last.
  • Discuss the menu in advance with the restaurant staff.
  • Form a list of required products.
  • Calculate the cost of the wedding menu per person.
  • Know the program of the celebration in order to discuss with the restaurant employee in what order the dishes will be displayed.

Organization of a wedding banquet

When organizing a banquet, you need to know that there should be at least two hot dishes. The first is served at the beginning of the celebration, and the second during a break in the competition program.

Many people believe that there should be only one hot dish, but this is not correct. Those gathered come to the banquet a little tired and hungry. Since most of the day was spent in the registry office, and then we walked around the city.

Cold appetizers and salads are served at the beginning of the buffet table as an addition to the hot dish. Further, after the guests have eaten a hot meal, snacks of meat and fish are served. Most often, they are enough for the entire duration of the holiday.

The order in which the dishes are served is important because people drink alcohol during the holiday. The abundance of dishes is also very important.

The second time a hot dish along with a side dish is served 4 hours after the start of the banquet.

At the end of the celebration, guests are served dessert. And the most important thing is the wedding cake, which the newlyweds treat all those present.

It is worth noting that according to statistics, the quality of the event depends on how many guests will consume treats.

In those cases when the toastmaster is active, holds a large number of competitions, then food is needed much less.

Approximate calculation of the menu for a wedding table for one person

For one guest you need approximately:

  • about 200 grams of meat and fish cuts;
  • 50 gr cheese snacks;
  • 100 gr cut vegetables;
  • 15 grams of red caviar in tartlets;
  • 150 grams of each type of salad;
  • 300 gr of meat or fish dishes;
  • 200 gr of any side dish;
  • 150 gr wedding cake.

Approximate calculation of the amount of alcohol

The wedding celebration is attended by both drinking and non-drinking guests. How, then, to make the calculation?

To ensure that there is enough alcohol for everyone, all guests are taken into account in the calculations, regardless of whether they drink or not.
As a rule, for 5 people you need:

  • 5 bottles of vodka, 0.5 l each;
  • 2 bottles of red and white wine;
  • 2 bottles of champagne.

There must be a lot of soft drinks. One person has more than 1 liter of juice, lemonade, mineral water.

The photo of the wedding menu shows an approximate calculation of the number of dishes, as well as an option for decorating a banquet.


Often, guests arrive at a restaurant earlier than young people. Therefore, it is imperative for them to organize a small buffet with light snacks.

On the table you can put meat, cheese, chocolates, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, mineral water without gases.

There are no dishes that cannot be served at a festive banquet. When drawing up the menu, the bride and groom rely on their own food habits, as well as family traditions.

However, there are some rules for preparing a wedding menu:

  • Soups are not served on the table.
  • You don't need to be guided by the tastes of each guest. Guests who are vegetarians are an exception.
  • You should not put exotic dishes on the festive table.
  • If people of other nationalities are present as guests, then you need to put their traditional dishes on the table.
  • The menu should include pickles, various sauces, bread.
  • In the warm season, the menu should not include salads that contain mayonnaise. Give preference to salads, which are seasoned with vegetable or olive oil, sour cream sauce.
  • Avoid cuts and main courses in portions, as there may be slightly more guests. A wedding menu at home is no different from organizing in a restaurant. The calculation of products is exactly the same.

The above calculation was made for 5 people, this will help to create a wedding menu for 30 people, or even 50.

The most important thing is to draw up an approximate list of dishes for one guest in order to understand what main dishes and snacks will be present at the gala event.

Photo of the wedding menu

The hot menu for the wedding is not deprived of attention and is chosen with the same care as the dishes served earlier.

Hot meals are served only after cold appetizers, salads and egg dishes. Before serving hot meals, guests are advised to relax a bit, chat, and participate in contests. In a word, give time to the stomach and intestines so that they prepare for a new portion of food. This time, hot.

You should check your guests' preferences in advance. Perhaps among the guests there will be those who do not eat a certain type of meat, fish or poultry. Don't forget about vegetarians and raw foodists. They can be offered an alternative dish.

Below you will find options for hot menus for a wedding and recipes for preparing individual hot dishes.

Hot dishes at a wedding are designed to perform, in addition to their main function, an additional aesthetic one: a pig with an apple in his mouth, stuffed fish.

Why do you need a portioned hot dish

Before serving the main decoration of the table - a large hot dish, for example, a piglet - portioned hot dishes are brought to the guests.

It can be julienne with chicken breasts.

You will find the Julienne recipe in the video:

Or you can serve fish baked with potatoes and cheese.

The recipe for this dish is very simple, if you wish, you can cook this dish yourself. How to do this - see the tutorial video:

There are many options for a la carte hot meal.

The main task of this small dish is to moderate the guests' appetite for half an hour, for an entertaining festive program, and not get hungry while preparing the chefs for serving the main dish of the hot menu.

Portion hot dishes are ordered according to the number of guests, in portions.

The main dish of the celebration

Before serving the main course, the waiters make room on the table, take away the dirty plates and bring in new dishes and cutlery.

The main hot dish can be a classic stuffed dish:

  • hen;
  • goose;
  • pike or sturgeon;
  • piglet;
  • stuffed seafood.

A hot dish is not served without a side dish. Served as a side dish:

  • vegetables;
  • baked potato;
  • mashed potatoes;
  • buckwheat, etc.

The menu may contain 2-3 hot dishes. Their number depends on the number of guests.

It should be noted that in the summer months, it is best to take fish and lean meats as the basis for the hot menu. Fat restrictions are not required in winter.

Hot dishes for a mini wedding in nature

On the second day of the wedding, which is held in a narrower circle, you can use homemade hot dishes. In nature, you can cook kebabs, hot dogs and hamburgers. If you combine rest with fishing, then you can cook freshly caught fish.

Hot menu options for a wedding

Hot menu "Gourmet"

  • Main course - Fried pike perch dish

Method of preparation: cut the fillet of pike perch into rhombuses or flaxes 20-25 cm long. Breaded fillets: roll in flour one by one, moisten in an egg and roll in breadcrumbs. Repeat several times.

Fillet in the form of ribbons should be rolled up in the shape of eights and chopped onto a metal skewer. Fry the fillets for 3-5 minutes in deep fat or in a container with a lot of vegetable oil.

Then put the pike perch fillets on a baking sheet and fry in the oven for the next 3-5 minutes.

Decorate the dish with lemon, slices of vegetables.

  • French beef

In the following video, see how to cook French beef:

  • Grilled lamb ribs:

Recipe for 6 servings

  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • olive oil - 4 tablespoons;
  • rosemary - 4 tablespoons;
  • wine vinegar - 1 tablespoon;
  • lemon juice - 2 tablespoons;
  • basil - 1 tablespoon;
  • thyme - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Wash and dry the ribs. Chop the garlic and onion, add to the pre-mixed: olive oil, vinegar, lemon juice and seasonings.

Place the ribs in a bowl and pour over the resulting mixture, wrap in foil and put in the refrigerator.

After 3 hours, take out, bake on the grill, periodically pouring with marinade and turning over.

Here's what happens in the end:

Hot menu "Birds of Paradise"

  • Goose with apples and prunes

  • Chicken Galantine

Hot menu "Classic"

  • Fried duck with wine sauce, buckwheat porridge with cracklings
  • Stuffed pepper
  • Julienne with chicken breasts

    Hot menu "Chic"

  • Pheasant baked with vegetables
  • Beef tenderloin medallion

  • Pork knuckle

Hot menu "Special"

  • Wedding rabbit
  • Chicken with spices
  • Australian steak

Hot menu "Sea hunting"

  • Trout stuffed - fried trout stuffed with salmon, mushrooms, cocktail shrimps, on a spinach pillow, with champagne sauce
  • Sterlet with eel
  • Salmon steak with creamy spinach sauce
  • Fried shrimps