What is a honeymoon and why is it needed? Where to go on a honeymoon trip in Russia? What to do on your honeymoon

A rare wedding is complete without a final climax in the form of a honeymoon. Most often, newlyweds prefer to go on a honeymoon immediately after the celebration.

Less often, the honeymoon is postponed to a more convenient time. But no matter how the young people decide, the main thing is that the honeymoon should still take place, because it becomes the beginning of a long now common path, and, as a rule, brings with it a lot of good impressions, which is certainly useful for people starting a life together.

  • In which calendar month your honeymoon is planned,
  • How long do you plan to travel,
  • Your own desires and preferences,
  • Estimated or available travel budget,
  • Restrictions on the part of state authorities,
  • Health restrictions and other points that matter to you.

Couples who wish to spend their honeymoon in Russia do not have many opportunities for a beach holiday. Due to the temperate climate of our latitudes and a sufficiently long winter, it is possible to relax at sea only in the summer months. A favorable period for a beach holiday in Russia is from June to September.

The time from May to September is also the best for organizing excursion trips across Russia. The largest number of various excursion routes are offered by travel companies during this period.

During the winter months, you can spend your honeymoon at the ski clusters: Roses Khutor, Altai, or go on a trip with excursion purposes to St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kaliningrad, Kazan and other historically significant cities of our Motherland.

In any season, you can have a good rest and spend an unforgettable time with health benefits at the healing springs of Mineralnye Vody, in Altai, in the Urals, in the republics of the Caucasus and in Siberia. The most daring can go to Kamchatka and spend their honeymoon surrounded by almost wild nature.

The nature of Karelia is also an excellent place for a honeymoon in Russia.

Honeymoon in neighboring countries

The neighboring countries, the former union republics of Abkhazia, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan are also popular tourist destinations today. They can also be considered as a honeymoon destination.

Many cultural and historical monuments, national flavor and features of architectural structures, national cuisine, traditions and customs - all this is the subject of research during excursion tours to these countries.

These are also insanely interesting travels. And visiting those of these countries that have access to the Black Sea or the Caspian Sea in the summer, you can combine the cognitive pastime with the rest at sea. Now let's take a closer look at each of them.


Favorite tourist route. A foreign passport is not required, entry is allowed with a general Russian passport.

  • These are resorts in Asia with access to the Indian Ocean: Thailand, GOA, Maldives, Seychelles, Mauritius, Sri Lanka, Vietnam. Pacific Islands - Fiji, Bora Bora.
  • Caribbean countries: Dominican Republic, Cuba, Mexico, Jamaica, Costa Rica.
  • And also the United Arab Emirates.

In the summer period from May to October it is warm, good and cozy in the Mediterranean countries: Greece, Italy, Spain, Turkey. You should also go to the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean, Morocco and Egypt on the Red Sea at this time.

When organizing your honeymoon trip, it is difficult for a common man to foresee all the difficulties and nuances. After all, there are visas, flights, hotels, currency exchange, and so on and so forth. It would be best to entrust the organization of your honeymoon to professionals.

No matter how young people are waiting for their own wedding, the pre-holiday bustle is exhausting and you want to take a break from the worries, worries and troubles as soon as possible. Therefore, in parallel with organizing the celebration, the couple will learn how to properly plan their honeymoon so that family life begins with vivid and memorable emotions. But do you know what a honeymoon is? Where did the tradition of calling the first weeks after marriage "honey" come from? And what should be done during this period?

The team of the Novelty.ws portal decided to acquaint you with the history of the honeymoon, and at the same time to figure out what is hidden in the first time after the wedding, and what, in principle, should be expected for newly-married spouses.

Why is the honeymoon called "honeymoon"?

On the territory of Russia, the tradition of going on a trip after the wedding appeared in the 19th century, but in those years it was, by and large, adhered to only by representatives of the secular society. Moreover, during the honeymoon, the couple had to undergo a wedding ceremony.

It is worth noting that many peoples ascribe to themselves the custom of spending a joint vacation after the wedding. But where did he come from, it is difficult to answer. Currently, there are several versions of why the honeymoon has such a name.

The main task of the honeymoon is to smoothly introduce young people into family life, to help them understand what it means to be not just a couple, but a family. Psychologists say that it is during this period that a man should help a woman to reveal her libido and femininity. This is especially true for couples who did not have an intimate relationship before marriage. Therefore, it is worth choosing places where everything contributes to relaxation and is saturated with romance as much as possible: a honeymoon in the Maldives or on other islands will be an excellent choice.

Signs and honeymoon

It is believed that the honeymoon begins from the moment the garter is removed from the bride's leg. Popular beliefs and the post-wedding time were not spared.

So, what the ancestors warn about:

  • To conceive a child on a honeymoon means an easy childbirth and a healthy, smart baby.
  • For a banquet, it is worth purchasing separate cutlery for the young so that the couple can use them again a week after the wedding, after 10 days and after 40 days. It is believed that after this, the lovers will live in understanding and peace for many years.
  • The bride and her mother-in-law should not borrow salt from each other during their honeymoon, the ancestors believed that this would lead to an early divorce, which means that even the most fabulous honeymoon in unusual places will not be able to maintain a relationship.

In Russia, in the first month of their life together, the newlyweds were protected, they tried not to overload them with work. Everything so that young people can get to know each other, both physically and morally.

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The most romantic thing that can be found at the height of the tourist season at a stuffy airport is a fragile figurine of a bride, the white foam of a veil swaying over the heads of those leaving. Once upon a time, honeymoon was considered the height of extravagance. Now it is already a tradition to spend a week or two after the wedding abroad, in order to dive into the turquoise waters of exotic seas in the first days of marriage, and not into mountains of dirty dishes and linen. The most important thing is that even at the stage of preparing the honeymoon, the relationship of the newlyweds should be tested for strength and the joint vacation does not turn into a continuous headache. And for this it is necessary to think over everything to the smallest detail.

Where to spend your honeymoon?

It is better to plan a honeymoon trip in advance, 4 months in advance, so that on the eve of the wedding you will not be torn between the choice of filling for tartlets and a hotel on the coast you like. And the first thing to determine is the country and the type of vacation that both like.

Honeymoon on the beach

If the main goal of a vacation is to restore the nerves and physical strength spent on wedding chores, then do not hesitate to choose the main beach resorts in the world.

An amazingly beautiful ceremony of joining hearts under an airy white fluttering dome stretched between palm trees, with a breathtaking view of the sea as the main decoration - is this not the best replacement for the halls of Russian registry offices?

Honeymoon in the Dominican Republic

A honeymoon trip to the Dominican Republic promises leisure activities for every taste: sandy beaches, excursions, exotic cuisine, walks, diving and even mountain climbing. While vacationing in the Dominican Republic, explore Haiti far and wide: visit the Cibao Valley, where tropical plants grow, the Boca Chica coast with its coral reefs - the beaches here are considered the best in the Caribbean. Fans of outdoor activities will be offered to test their strengths in rock climbing and mountaineering, conquering the peak of Duarte.

Honeymoon in Turkey

If, nevertheless, the long flight frightens, but the foreign sun beckons, hospitable Turkey is ready to organize an inexpensive vacation for you. The all-inclusive system, sun and sea, oriental cuisine, rich nightlife, and at the same time affordable prices - so, you see, the young family will still have money when they return home. Active couples can devote time here to diving, rafting, windsurfing, sailing on yachts, scooters, boats, "bananas". At the same time, you can go on excursions and see the monuments of ancient architecture.

Honeymoon in Asia

The countries of Asia are an explosive mixture of colorful markets, snow-white mosques, skyscraper hotels and, of course, monuments of ancient civilizations. Major resorts in Egypt (El Gouna, Hurghada, Safaga, Sharm El Sheikh) offer high quality service and a lot of entertainment. The biggest plus of these tours is their low cost.

Honeymoon on Koh Samet, Thailand

Another ideal destination for newly married couples is Dona Paula Beach in the exotic and trendy Indian state of Goa. Low prices, a huge number of restaurants, a democratic atmosphere, an endless disc-marathon of local clubs - young energetic people will find everything here for a stormy, bright and inexpensive honeymoon.

Honeymoon in Maldives

If you are looking for a relaxing holiday, take a look at the Maldives. Of the most active types of entertainment - diving, otherwise your leisure will be quiet evenings and a visit to spa salons, the cost of a session in which, however, is somewhat different from the democratic Thai. But only here all their free time lovers, cut off from mobile, satellite, social networks, will enjoy each other exclusively.

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Honeymoon trip to Europe

Honeymoon in Rome

Roman wedding holidays are another popular honeymoon option due to the special atmosphere of the ancient city, friendly sea, pleasant climate and European comfort. Prepare comfortable shoes and strength for endless walks and excursions, because Rome and its surroundings are the center of unique monuments of ancient architecture that have witnessed historical events of world significance.

Honeymoon in Prague and Paris

Lovers of European style and attractions should buy tickets to Prague. The list of monuments is long: Charles Bridge, Prague Castle, Old Town, but in between visiting them, you can have time to take the other half to an opera or an expensive restaurant. Night walks on glistening cobbled pavements and long kisses under vintage street lamps are no match.

Or you can rush away from all worries and problems to the most romantic city in the world - Paris, to endlessly kiss under the Eiffel Tower, eat croissants, drink them with French champagne and play hide and seek in the endless corridors of the Louvre. Moreover, in this city every minute will be filled with adventure: at noon you can feed the swans in the parks of Monceau and Buttes Chaumont or in the Tuileries gardens, and after dinner you can admire the sunset on the deck of a yacht swaying on the waves of the Seine.

On average, a romantic trip can cost a newlywed significant expense. But if you are planning a honeymoon trip for the spring or fall, you will find some nice savings. In the hot season, the cost of tours almost doubles.

When planning a wedding, the newlyweds get so tired that they often wait not so much for the wedding itself as for a well-deserved rest together after the completion of all worries and obligations. One of the main questions that come up is where can i spend my honeymoon?


The Hawaiian Islands are part of America. This is one of the most pleasant places on earth: clean beaches with clear water will allow not only swimming, but also practicing surfing, active volcanoes and unique landscapes will forever be remembered, and the ukulele playing at sunset will touch the soul of even the most serious person.


This Indonesian island is another heavenly place on earth, perfect for a honeymoon. Everything is great in Bali - landscapes, historical sites, beaches and especially open people. The locals will be happy to help the newlyweds make their honeymoon unforgettable, so the spouses can only remember everything in great detail.


Those who want to take a break from civilization in a calm atmosphere, indulging in heavenly pleasures, can be advised to go to the Seychelles. On these African islands, newlyweds will encounter exotic birds and animals, white sand beaches lapped by crystal clear waters and endless tranquility. Honeymoon in Seychelles is not available to everyone only from a financial point of view.

Hong Kong

Lovers of oriental culture with an active lifestyle must visit Hong Kong. It seems that this Chinese city never sleeps - life is constantly raging in it. During the day you can stroll around the local attractions, in the evening you can admire the symphony of lights from a bird's eye view, and at night you can have fun in clubs and bars.


This African island state is literally created for exotic lovers. Newlyweds can soak up the warm sun on the white beach, swim in the clear waters of endless lagoons, admire giant turtles and other representatives of the local fauna. Those interested in history can visit museums, attractions and parks.


These islands are often featured in stories of medieval pirates, but today they are one of the most peaceful places on the planet. Fans of beach holidays, diving and surfing from all over the world come here. Newlyweds can visit the gardens with exotic animals, the pirate museum, the royal staircase or the straw market.


It is the largest island in French Polynesia. In Tahiti, newlyweds are expected not only by clean beaches, but also by unforgettable waterfalls, mountains, jungles and other beauties of nature. Lovers of historical values ​​will also find something to do - the densely populated northern part of the island will delight you with several museums and cultural monuments.


It is an island state that is 1/3 uninhabited. The inhabited areas offer newlyweds resort areas with clean beaches, untouched tropical nature and sand dunes. On many islands there are historical sights - churches, temples, museums.


If the newlyweds want to relax in a big way, then it is worth going to Thailand. G de celebrate your honeymoon? It offers tourists not only entertainment facilities, but also beaches, Buddhist temples and beautiful landscapes untouched by man. The country of a thousand smiles, as Thailand is also called, will delight not only with its capital, but also with its provinces.

Bora Bora

This is another island that is part of French Polynesia. Locals greet tourists with smiles and garlands of flowers. Newlyweds can indulge in a relaxing holiday or tickle their nerves - on Bora Bora, in specially designated places under the supervision of an instructor, you can swim with giant turtles, stingrays and even sharks. Such a vacation will definitely remain in the memory of the newlyweds for life.

Napa Valley

This is another quiet place for lovers of measured relaxation. The Napa Valley is located in California and is famous for its vineyards. Newlyweds will be able to enjoy not only unique landscapes that amaze with their tranquil beauty, but also natural wines from the best wineries.


This Russian resort is ready to welcome newlyweds at any time of the year: in warm weather, you can arrange a beach holiday or stroll around the sights, and in winter ski resorts open. The abundance of all kinds of festivals, following one after another, will not let the spouses get bored.

St. Petersburg

The northern capital of Russia is considered one of the most romantic places in the country. The ancient architecture evokes a lyrical mood, so even a simple walk along the streets of the city will remain in the memory of the newlyweds for a lifetime. Where to spend your honeymoon staying in St. Petersburg? Advise visit museums and galleries - impressions will be indescribable. More details


We hope that thanks to our article you now know where to relax on your honeymoon and what's in in the whole world there is at least one place suitable for a particular couple in all respects - you just need to try and. You can relax on a grand scale both abroad and in Russia, but the main thing is not even a place, but a company, because a honeymoon trip is organized with a soul mate.

One of the most beloved post-wedding traditions is the honeymoon, during which the newlyweds can finally relax after the pre-wedding chores, be alone, enjoy each other's company. A honeymoon means a certain period of time, moreover, of any duration, from a couple of days to several months, when it is desirable that no one interferes with starting the first steps in the formation of a young family, so that young people can get to know each other better, understand the habits of their soulmate, enjoy the whole completeness of happiness next to a loved one.

There are couples who, before the wedding, already lived together, even kept a common household, maybe even more than one year, but even in this case, this wonderful custom should not be ignored. After all, how great it is that a completely new stage in life begins - a family one, that now two people form an official family, with their own duties and orders. their way of life and their foundations. How not to rejoice at this! Therefore, after the wedding, it is necessary to prolong the holiday atmosphere, to live together in love and harmony, starting your married life with pleasant impressions.Most often, these joyful feelings remain for life, are remembered as the happiest ones.

Why honeymoon?

It doesn't matter where exactly you decide to spend your

It can be a chalet in the mountains, away from people, or maybe a small country house near a forest with a river, exotic islands or a trip to a large city, even a tourist tent on the shore of a reservoir can become a paradise if you feel good together in it, next to together. Do not give up this wonderful tradition, try to plan in advance where and how you will spend this time, find the best option that will suit both halves, not forgetting about the possibilities of the now family budget.

Planning a honeymoon, finding suitable options, developing a route and your program for this period will help you to unite, because a common cause always brings people together. When choosing a honeymoon, it is impossible to ignore someone's wishes and preferences; it is worth looking for a compromise solution, taking into account the interests of both husband and wife.