Tribute to Tradition: Wedding Customs. Wedding traditions and customs


  • The bride's dress should be with long sleeves and a closed back, long and without flowers, boutonnieres at the waist.
  • Warn all relatives and future guests not to receive stabbing or cutting objects.
  • Misfortune will befall a young couple who announces their upcoming marriage at the end of one quarter of the year, and get married at the beginning of the next.
  • When you go to your future daughter-in-law to woo for your son, let the son come in first. He does not take off his hat in front of the matchmakers until he is seated at the table. If one of the interlocutors manages to take a spoon out of the bride's house, then the son will be the master in the house and his wife will never leave. Three months after their wedding, the spoon should be thrown into the bride's house.
  • A wedding dress, ring and veil should not be allowed to be measured by either girlfriends, sisters, or anyone else. Otherwise, there will be quarrels in the family or the marriage will not take place at all.
  • You cannot invite an even number of guests to the wedding.
  • Don't buy lace-up shoes. The bride should have exactly shoes without laces.
  • You cannot let guests into the bedroom of the young people before the wedding, much less show their bed.
  • A wedding towel, candles are not left in the church. They hide at home - it will definitely come in handy.
  • The bride's dress, veil, shoes and wedding rings should be under special supervision, as they can be easily damaged and even spoiled by accident. The damage that came from the wedding is heavy and difficult to remove. Therefore, you need to take care of the unknown dress until the year of their life together.
  • The change received from the purchase of veils, shoes, dresses is not spent as long as possible, at least at least three months. Take this money away so that no stranger would pick it up.
  • The bride's dress can be white, beige, gold, golden, pink. The bride's dress should not be black, blue, blue, red, green, gray. The same applies to underwear.
  • The bride should not have pearls and it is never given. Moreover, for a wedding.
  • The groom must be wearing a black suit. Gray, white, gold are allowed. The same goes for shoes.


So that the mother-in-law does not harass

The young woman washes her face three evenings before the registry office or the wedding, wipes herself off with a spoken towel. which he leaves with his parents, he does not take with him to a new family.

How sweet I am to my mother and my father. The way they held me in their arms, protected me more than their eyes, did not give me offense to anyone, so my mother-in-law would love me. would not torment, not scold, would not squeeze out of the light, would pity and protect. My word is strong, tenacious to my business. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Wedding blessing

To prevent the young from quarreling, they say on their cutlery before they sit down at the table:

As the church is unshakable and indestructible, faith is strong, mead is sweet, so the slave (name) and the slave (name) would be inseparable and unshakable. They could not be without each other, they could not live apart, not a day, not an hour from this time, from the wedding table, as I, a slave (name of the master), read a slander. Amen. Amen. Amen.

When buying an outfit for a bride, try to get the veil and dress on Wednesday, shoes on Friday.

Before leaving the house to the store, they read a slander and go out with their backs, i.e. backwards from the apartment:

My angel, a golden crown. cut with a clean veil not for a month, not for a year, as long as the slave (name) will live. Amen. Amen. Amen.

So that the bride liked the bride

Splash cold water in your face with both hands and say:

I am God's servant (name).

The sun is high and I am higher.

My eyebrows are tar, my curls are golden

my eyes are clear stars,

my lips are petals red.

Who will see me

he will not offend me with a single word.

God help me!

Mother of God, bless the marriage.

Marriage against the will of the parents

In difficult cases, if the parents do not bless the lovers for marriage, there is a prayer that softens the parent's heart.

Buy two candles, put one near the Softening Hearts icon, light the other at home and read the plot twelve times.

Angels of heaven, sing Hallelujah!

Glory to the holy church that crowns for marriage!

God created people, God baptized them, God forgave them,

God blessed them for marriage.

Remember, Lord, all the meekness of King David,

so let the relatives be meek

sisters, brothers, sons-in-law, all relatives,

mother, father give a blessing

for marriage and a crown to the servants of God (names). Amen.

Buying wedding rings

Without entering the house with rings, you need to say:

For a good life, for a faithful family. Amen.

On the wedding day


  • The mother of the bride should not be present at the wedding.
  • If the bride was presented with roses, then the bride herself should cut off all the thorns with scissors. See, do not prick.
  • A wreath with a veil is put on the head. There should not be any flowers, separately inserted into the hair, hats and tiaras.
  • The bride should put on a dress first of all, sticking her head through the neckline. A friend with the same name does not dress up the bride.
  • The dress should have an even number of buttons, if any. The bride's underwear should only be white.
  • If the bride's hem is cut off during the wedding, the bride herself does not hem it.
  • Young people are seated at the table on a shaggy fur coat or sheepskin coat turned out with the fur. To live richly.
  • The spoon that the groom ate at the wedding table is tidied up before the fortieth day. On the fortieth day, the husband is given her to eat again. To live well and long together.
  • On the wedding day, it is good to plant a tree for the bride and groom. Plant so that they can start.
  • Leaving the church after the wedding, the bride distributes a change in order to remove unnecessary troubles in her family life.
  • During the wedding, when the crowns are on their heads or over their heads, the young should not look into each other's eyes: there will be betrayals. Don't look at your candles either. Look at the priest.
  • During the wedding, try to leave the doors that you entered, otherwise it will be a disaster.
  • If all the pins from the bride's outfit were taken out by one woman, then every girl who received such a pin within one year will get married. If the pin is bent, it remains a spinster.
  • A wedding after sundown will do no good.
  • The girl who received a piece of cheese from the bride, cut off before leaving the table, will be the next bride among the girlfriends.
  • Matchmaking: 3, 5, 7 and 9 are good days.
  • No matchmaking on Wednesday and Friday.
  • The wedding ring does not fit over the glove.
  • A hat on the wedding day on the bride - to divorce.
  • So that the son-in-law does not offend her daughter, the mother-in-law should (while they are going to the wedding) pin a pin on the bra near her right breast, and pin it on the left breast on the way back. Upon arrival from the church, the mother pins this pin on the skirt of her daughter. Do not remove the pin until the first wash.
  • Salt doesn’t interest them - their children will not live, they will disperse.
  • If the wife's ring fell during the wedding, she will die first, if the husband's ring fell, he is a short-lived tenant.
  • If, at the wedding, one of the young people first steps to the altar, he will be the head of everything.
  • If someone throws the shoes of salt at the bride, first on the right and then on the left, the young woman will cry with her husband all her life. According to custom, shoes are stolen at a wedding, be careful.
  • If during the wedding of the choristers someone coughs, then this means that one of the newlyweds will not live so long.
  • If the wedding car encounters a funeral procession, consider: Wreath wreath strife. Amen.
  • If the candles go out at the wedding, the bride and groom should exchange candles, otherwise there will be no life.
  • When crowning your children, make sure that they do not have three same-sex people, that is, three men or women, from their backs. Children will not live.
  • If a wedding tablecloth is laid for three years in a row on the anniversary of the wedding, then the young will live to a ripe old age.
  • If during the wedding something is dropped by the groom or the bride, it is prohibited to lift this thing (flowers, gloves, etc.).
  • Try to avoid scandals during the wedding, so that you do not hurt anyone, that your car does not hit either a dog or a cat, and, of course, the dead are not remembered at the wedding table.
  • The guests do not eat the loaf with which the newlyweds are greeted. If it is very large and it is impossible to eat it right away, dry the croutons and eat it with soup. Loaf is eaten only bride and groom.
  • You cannot hold a crown over the heads of the bride and groom. The crown should be put on their heads.


Very often, due to your happiness, many seek to improve their unhappy family life. On the wedding day and during the wedding, such people change places between your happiness and their grief. To prevent this, the bride and groom should be pinned in invisible places by saying the following to them:

There is a throne, in front of it is a wedding table, the young people are sitting at the table, not drinking, not eating, but looking at the icon. Mother of God, save, Mother of God, protect from all deeds and all misfortunes. Bless and save. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

On the day of the wedding, all the household, starting with the mother, should greet the bride and groom in the morning. If there is no one but her, then the mother should tell her child three times (but not at one time): "Hello, (name)!" In this case, the bride or groom should be silent in response.

Then they give to eat a pancake, spellbound from spoilage:

Mother of God, mother to all mothers, do not let people take happiness and share from the slave (name). In the name of the Father and the Son, manifest your will. Lock it up with the key and take it away. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Charms for the bride

The bride should wash herself with the spoken beer.

"As you, pure gold - silver, pure and decent; as on you, gold - silver. Everyone cries, looks in, old and young, married and single, old old women and young young women, beautiful girls and young fellows, so you, the servant of God (name), would shave and all would look in. It would seem that you were gold - silver to them, they would look and look. And they would not take their eyes off you. "

After the wedding, entering her husband's house, the young woman says: "The first, the other, I go the third, but not the last! All out, I have one house."

To be the most beloved daughter-in-law.

If the young man goes to live in the bride's house, he, entering the hut after the wedding, says: " I walk - a beast papist and proud, loud, a wolf toothed, I am a wolf, and you are my sheep. "

Wedding charm

So that the bad person does not do something wrong at the wedding, because of which the whole life of the young can be ruined, they read from the very morning:

"Lord, God, bless. I got up, blessed, I see an open field where Christians have a wedding, where they called me to this wedding. I will pray, I will obey him, the most true Christ. I have an aspen staff, an old incense, I will eat prosvira, drink holy water, save the Christian wedding, let it go in fun and joy. Nobody could pinch, stick to my wedding, nobody would spoil it. I will close this wedding, no one would have seen it. God-given parents, with happiness, with joy my wedding. Salt - to the evil, trouble - to the bad, and to the young - good luck and a long life. Be, my words, strong and molded. From now on and forever and ever. Amen. "

This slander is read by the eldest in the family.

Love spell on a wedding dress

Before putting on a wedding dress, stand on it with your right bare foot and read the conspiracy so that your husband does not leave his family for another woman.

I stand, the servant of God (name),

white foot on a white dress.

So I would stand firmly and stucco on the white chest

servant of God (name).

I would have entered his heart from now on and forever,

so that not a single person: neither a woman nor a girl,

no nun and no gulnitsa

he did not answer the yar of love, no one but me,

servants of God (name), did not notice.

I cause longing for the servant of God (name),

torment from all over the world,

longing for widows, for orphans, for nursing babies,

from the sick, the drunk, from the abandoned.

Go, all as is longing,

on the servant of God (name).

So that he yearns for me,

toiled, grieved, at all daily allowances

twenty four planetary hours

in the heat he would be cold, in the cold he would sweat,

I didn’t want anyone but me, by the very fact of death.

My wedding dress

how the servant of God (name) will take on you,

so his heart from my conspiracy will beat.

The key to my words in the sky high

and the castle is in the depths of the sea.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

So that they do not spoil at the wedding

Before the guests arrive, speak on the poppy and sprinkle it on the doorstep. Then all bad wishes will be killed by your amulet.

Read like this:

Which man hears

who speaks evil,

who thinks evil,

interrupts my word.

so my amulet cannot be prevented.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If during the wedding, someone sits in the place of the bride or groom, then this marriage will fall apart.

Brownie, my master,

protect the holy place of the bride and groom.

Key, lock, tongue.


Whisper over bread and salt

As people love bread and salt, so would a husband love his wife. Just as salt cannot be substituted for sugar, so a husband cannot change his wife, neither with a dark, nor with a light, nor with a full, nor with a thin, nor with a clever, nor with a stupid, nor with any other slave.

As people love bread and salt, so would a husband's wife love. Just as salt cannot be replaced with sugar, so a wife cannot cheat on her husband either with the dark, or with the light, or with the full, or with the thin, or with the clever, or with the stupid, or with any other slave. Amen.

They talk about bread and salt and give it to the young during the wedding at the wedding table, so that they love each other and there is no betrayal in the house.

All the Saints take the slave (male name) by the hand, they lead to the altar. A slave (female name) stands at the crown, looks at the Saints. Lord, Heavenly King, crown the slave (name) with the slave (name) with a crown forever, do not part until death. Amen.

If at the wedding the candle burned out

If one of the spouses has a candle burned out during the wedding, one should make a vow to God and observe it all their lives. For example, you will help someone all your life. You can sometimes buy toys for an orphanage or send at least a little money to a nursing home.

Excuse: the stub of a candle is put in water, after reading a plot, they wash their face with this water. Then the candle is removed.

Read like this:

God help me!

To every person

the Lord measured out the age.

God help me,

the age of the slave (name) was extended.

How you did not let Lazarus die.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Wedding toasts that lead to divorce

"Love her like your soul, and shake her like a neighbor's pear."

"Hit her more often, love will be sweeter."

If someone during the wedding, without hesitation, wished bad things to the young, you should do this:

First, immediately cut off a piece of bread, saying:

How I cut this piece of bread,

So I also remove your (name) promises.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Then, this piece of bread must be put next to the one who wished the young bad.

But the simplest thing: you need to make a wedding amulet in advance. Read to yourself at the wedding table:

My oak table

The guests are pewter, all the promises are evil glass.

How fragile glass breaks, breaks

So more than one word of evil in the promise does not come true.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Amulet for the groom

Before the young man goes to the bride's house to pick her up for the wedding, the groom's mother should baptize him and say:

Heavenly heights cannot be reached

Heavenly beauty cannot be taken away.

So no one will subtract my son

And nothing will add to him.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Charm for the bride

My daughter is going from yard to yard,

On her hem is God's shutter.

No one will damage that shutter,

No one will win my amulet.

My leg is left, her leg is right.

Key, lock, tongue.

Words on church steps

Going to get married, step firmly on the entire sole of the stairs and say to yourself:

I step on the first step -

I stand up for my husband.

I step on the second step -

I intercede with my father-in-law.

I step on the third step -

mother-in-law I intercede with myself.

I step on the fourth step -

trees with me stand up.

I step on the fifth step -

I intercede with my sister-in-law.

As on my hand there are five fingers and one fist, so I will rule over everything. Amen.

Whisper at the wedding

The bride's mother should say these words at the moment when the wedding candles are lit:

Lord help, Lord bless.

Let the tears of your candles flow.

And only when these candles develop

only then will the husband and wife part. Amen.

Love spell during a wedding

When "bitter" sounds at the table for the third time and the young people kiss, the bride should leave the table, touch the first corner with a ring worn on her right hand, and say:

How are you, corner, inseparable from the wall,

so be inseparable husband from his wife. Amen.

After the wedding, when leaving the church, tie it on a handkerchief and immediately untie the knot with the words:

As I can easily untie a knot, so I easily give birth in due time. Amen.

If you do this, then no matter how many times a woman gives birth, all childbirth will be easy.

If the ring slips or falls during registration or at church, you should say to yourself three times:

"The ring is on me, the trouble is not for me. Amen".

After the wedding

  • A wedding dress, veil, shoes are not rented to anyone or sold, therefore, if you have financial difficulties, then the dress should not be expensive or one that can be worn on holidays.
  • Dried wedding flowers are not stored.
  • You should not give wedding photos to everyone. It is very easy to spoil them.
  • Ask a parent to read the conspiracy during Easter breakfast:

The Easter egg lies calmly, so do the young live calmly. The Easter egg is silent, so don't scream between the young ones. Christ is risen, and they have peace and harmony. Amen.

  • So that your husband never in his life could be bewitched to another, on the first Wednesday after Christmas, go to the crossroads of four roads, stand facing the sunset, cross your ring finger with your thumb and read like this:

Dawn is the body, the head is the Sun. Blood in the meat, in the skeleton of the bone. Everyone sees me, everyone hears my words. Mother - Earth, four daughters, four roads, meet on the slave (name), my amulets. So that they do not drive up to him, do not approach him, they do not take away from his wife with love spells. They didn't feed them, they didn't drink them, They didn't put them to sleep with a black word: not with wax. no candle, no salt, no tear, no pins. no knives, no blood, no churches. Not in the cemetery and not at the table, not under the door, not under the window. As from a stone there is no fruit, from coal there is no color, there is no sorcerer for it from all over the world. So it will be of no use: neither from the sorcerer, nor from the sorceress, nor from the old woman, nor from the maiden. There is no bridle on my husband. As the nameless finger does not have a name, so there is no dryness on my husband. Now, everlastingly, forever and ever. Amen.

With the last words, separate your fingers. All this is done, naturally, by the young wife herself. Which is never told to anyone. You need to return home in silence and do not look back.

  • The engagement ring also stays with you for life. If a person died in marriage, then the ring is put on his finger. If it is not put on, then it is placed next to it. Wedding rings are never inherited.
  • Exactly one month after the wedding, you need to send your husband somewhere and dress up as for a wedding (veil, dress, shoes - everything as it was that day). Bow to the east 33 times and say, " Eternal glory to our Lord, and with me my husband, the servant of God (name). " Immediately go to the matrimonial bed and beat the pillows. If there is a feather bed, then hers. Then your husband will never leave you for another and you will live in harmony.

Wedding wedding traditions in Russia are a mixture of old Russian rituals, traditions of the Soviet period and Western influences. Recently, more and more often we can see how Western-style weddings are held in Russia: with off-site registration, without toastmaster, contests, accordion player, ransom and loaf, but still, most of them still prefer classic Russian weddings. In this article, we will take a closer look at how a traditional Russian wedding goes.

There are many signs and traditions, and some of them relate to the preparation period for the wedding: this is a traditional matchmaking, which now takes the form of a small feast for parents and newlyweds.

There is also a tradition of bachelorette and bachelor parties. According to Russian traditions, the bachelorette party was held before the wedding day: the bridesmaids gathered there, the bride cried and lamented, said goodbye to girlhood, unweaved her braid.

Nowadays, bachelorette and bachelor parties are increasingly being carried out as we often see in Hollywood films - fun, noisy and with alcohol.

Let's go back directly to the day of the celebration. What ceremony begins almost any Russian wedding?

Ransom of the bride

Previously, the word ransom was not a metaphor at all! Indeed, the bride was ransomed from the parental home.

Now money has faded into the background. The buyback, which is usually arranged by the bridesmaids, takes place at the girl's parents' house and includes competitions. By going through these contests, the groom proves that he knows and loves the bride well, and the groom's friends should come to his aid.

This is how the wedding fun begins. Having risen to the bride's house, the groom takes her to register the marriage. Usually, during and after the bride's ransom, the bride's parents arrange a small buffet table.

Wedding ceremony

After the redemption, the couple is traditionally, and after her the guests leave for the registry office, where the marriage is officially registered. There, the newlyweds perform their first dance, for which they often order live music.

After accepting congratulations from the guests, a small photo session is usually held, first for everyone, and then only for the newlyweds, during which the guests prepare for the exit of the bride and groom from the registry office.

Guests sprinkle newlyweds with rice (for the early birth of children), sweets (for a sweet life), coins (for wealth) and rose petals (for a beautiful, romantic life together).

Orthodox churched couples also undergo a wedding ceremony in a church.

Wedding walk

After registering a marriage, guests (often only young friends and girlfriends of the newlyweds) go for a walk around the city. At the same time, they try to visit the most beautiful sights in order to take pictures there.

Seven bridges

We have all seen how the groom carries the bride across the bridge. It turns out that this rite also applies to wedding customs and traditions in Russia.

It is believed that the newlyweds will cross the seven bridges on their wedding day, then their marriage will be strong. It rarely happens that a couple manages to bypass all seven bridges, but at least one is trying to cross all.

Also, a lock with the names of the newlyweds is often hung on the bridge, which, according to belief, seals the marriage.

Bread and salt

Traditionally, after the wedding, newlyweds come to the house of the groom's parents, where they meet them with bread and salt.

Usually, a newly-made mother-in-law holds a loaf on a towel (a special towel), from which the bride and groom must bite off a piece. Whoever bites off more will be the head of the family.

Wedding traditions and customs of the Russian people today are losing touch with religion: earlier in this way the groom's parents blessed the newlyweds, the groom's father kept icons for this. A loaf for a wedding is a tradition that originated from here.

Now they are greeted with a wedding loaf at the restaurant, where a banquet will be held on the occasion of the celebration.

Festive feast

The holiday continues in a cafe or restaurant, where everything is already ready for the arrival of the newlyweds. The decoration of the hall, tables and menu is usually chosen in advance.

This is a separate topic worthy of a huge post. Now we are talking about the traditions of the wedding feast.


The whole holiday is arranged in such a way that special attention is paid to congratulations: everyone will have time to congratulate! Usually, the parents are the first to congratulate, they are given the floor, and they kind of bless the children for marriage.

After that, relatives congratulate: first on one side, then on the other, and then friends. Often, the bride prepares a special box in advance, in which she puts envelopes with money so that they are not lost.


After the guests have eaten, the dancing begins. But even here it is not without traditions. The first dance of the bride and groom is obligatory. Recently, it has become fashionable to prepare this dance in advance, to make it unusual, brides change their dress for the dance, grooms can also change clothes. Of course, such dances are remembered by the guests.

Another dance, without which it is difficult to imagine a Russian wedding, is the dance of the bride and her father. With this dance, dad, as it were, escorts his daughter to another family, says goodbye to her. This touching dance reminds of a completely new time in the life of the bride.

Family hearth

An ancient tradition that is still popular today. How to conduct a family hearth?

  1. The organizers and assistants distribute small candles to the guests.
  2. The guests stand in a circle and light candles.
  3. The light goes off in the hall.
  4. To slow music, the presenter tells a parable about the family hearth.
  5. Parents light their candles and go up to the young.
  6. A new flame of the newlyweds' candle is created - a family hearth.

The ceremony of removing the veil

Traditionally, at the end of the holiday, the mother-in-law or mother of the bride takes off the veil. At first, the bride should not agree, only the third time does the mother manage to persuade her to take off the veil.

After the veil has been removed, the groom undoes the bride's braids. During the ceremony, the presenter usually explains what is happening, tells the story of the ceremony. This moment of the wedding always turns out to be very touching.

Second wedding day

But the holiday does not end there! The first day is followed by the second wedding day, the traditions of which already provide for an unofficial celebration.

On the second day, guests most often gather in nature, where they drink, sing songs and grill a barbecue. Nowadays, a wedding is rarely celebrated for more than two days. After the wedding, the newlyweds can go on a honeymoon trip.

These are the traditions of weddings in Russia. Of course, these are not all the rituals that exist, many of the traditions are already leaving, but new ones are replacing them.

So, less and less, fortunately, at weddings we can meet vulgar contests that were very popular 10 years ago. Themed weddings and outdoor weddings are gaining popularity now.

In any case, you are not obliged to follow all wedding traditions and customs, the main thing is that your wedding is remembered and liked by you!

Wedding traditions and rituals were invented by our distant ancestors for a reason: they all wanted to seal the future union as firmly as possible, and it was the numerous rituals that engendered in the souls of the newlyweds a sincere belief in the strength of tradition and the strength of the family. Today, many rituals have exhausted themselves, but as a sign of respect for their ancestors, the newlyweds still hold some symbolic ceremonies that fill the holiday with an atmosphere of love, warmth and respect. On the portal, you will learn about modern views on wedding traditions and will be able to choose for yourself those that seem to you the most interesting and relevant.

Classic wedding traditions

Many wedding customs are already so ingrained in celebrations that we can hardly imagine a traditional wedding without them. Almost no newlyweds can do without these rituals, since they are designed to seal bonds and make the wedding exciting and vibrant.

5 favorite wedding traditions:

Many more classic traditions can be found at modern weddings, including:

  • shower of newlyweds with rose petals;
  • throwing sweets;
  • wedding castle;
  • breaking glasses;
  • the first dance of the newlyweds;
  • collecting money for a boy and a girl;
  • cutting a wedding cake and many others.

Outdated wedding customs

Many wedding ceremonies and traditions have long become outdated and seem simply incredible. With the rapid development of the modern world, most of them have lost their relevance and look really strange from the outside.

Unusual ancient wedding traditions:

  • Matchmaking. Wedding customs and traditions in ancient Russia were more strict, and, often, the bride, as in the tradition at a Turkish wedding, was not asked at all about her consent to marry. The matchmaking could take place at the most unexpected moment for the family, when it was unprepared to receive guests. Matchmakers and the groom arrived in a horse-drawn carriage decorated with bells and bright ribbons so that the bride-to-be could hear her groom. The matchmakers talked with the bride's family at a lavish table, presented their parents with expensive gifts, showing their serious intentions for their daughter. On the same day, the girl's parents had to give their answer.
  • Disposal. Among the ancient wedding rituals and customs is the so-called bathing, or the crying of the bride before the wedding. For this ritual, a special vytnitsa was invited into the house, a woman who sang mournful songs, to which the future bride shed bitter tears, saying goodbye to home and family.
  • The ransom of the bride. Ransom in ancient Russia represented the passing of a real obstacle. First, the groom tried to go into the village, then through the gate, and only later - into the house of his betrothed. The whole ceremony took place in a large company of relatives and fellow villagers, who created obstacles to the groom, who, in turn, could buy off with a coin.

Among the ancient customs could also be found.

A wedding is one of the main events in the life of every person. Over time, wedding traditions have changed, and the roots of certain rituals have been lost. However, some modern wedding ceremonies carry the power that truly unites two people into a happy family.

Since ancient times, great importance has been attached to wedding signs and traditions: a wedding was considered and is still considered an event that connects the hearts and souls of two people for the rest of their lives. Different countries have completely different traditions, which still have one goal: to emphasize the moment of reunion of two loving people and leave memories for a lifetime.

Wedding ceremonies of the world

Each country has its own customs, formed over several centuries and passed from generation to generation. Although modern weddings differ significantly from ancient traditions, the roots of wedding ceremonies remain unchanged.

For example, young people in India still don't get married until they make sure their horoscopes are compatible. Checking the personal horoscopes of the bride and groom is a whole ritual: the family astrologer checks the natal charts, starting from the earliest years of the future spouses. If, according to the horoscope, the young suit each other, permission is given to enter into marriage. If not, then the desire to start a family can be met with disapproval.

The very ceremony of marriage in India has the highest sacred meaning: Hindus believe that marriage binds two lovers not for one, but for seven whole lives. Needless to say, the choice of a spouse is taken incredibly seriously in this country?

This attitude is bearing fruit: the institution of marriage in India is extremely strong. Divorce is an extraordinary phenomenon and only happens in the families of the so-called "lower" strata of society.

They marry in a similar way in China: the groom proposes, but the matter does not go further until the horoscopes of the young are checked for love compatibility. If, according to the horoscope, the couple fits each other, then the engagement is considered concluded, and the fortune-teller comes to the bride's house to find out the auspicious date for the future celebration. The wedding itself takes three or more days, and the bride must change at least three different dresses, transforming from an unmarried girl into a family woman.

Wedding ceremonies in Russia

A wedding in our homeland also presupposes a large number of traditions and ritual actions that come from antiquity. For example, the tradition of sprinkling millet on newlyweds and throwing small coins “for luck” at their feet has existed for more than one century. The wedding loaf has turned into a large cake, which is cut by young people to keep the common household strong.

The tradition of organizing a bachelorette party and a bachelor party exists in many countries, but it is in Russia that so much attention is paid to it. Farewell to single life is an important attribute of any wedding: we believe that only by saying goodbye to our single status in the circle of friends or girlfriends, we can start a new, happy family life.

The color of the bride's dress, her veil and the groom's suit have undergone significant changes: the modern tradition of getting married in a white dress has existed only since the time of Catherine II, who for the first time in history wore such a wedding dress herself. Prior to this, brides' dresses were red: it was the color of blood that symbolized the girl's transition to the status of a married woman.

The groom's clothes have also changed beyond recognition: a strict black or white suit has become fashionable not so long ago. In Russia, men celebrating a wedding traditionally dressed in a richly embroidered shirt, ports and a caftan. Over time, the costume changed and gradually came to a modern version of the festive outfit.

Another great modern tradition brings together all countries and times. When registering a marriage, the groom publicly kisses his bride, thereby declaring his rights to her and showing others that from that moment on, his heart, body and soul belong to only one woman - his young wife. Responding to a kiss, the bride says the same, confirming and confirming her verbal oath.

The tradition of throwing a bridal bouquet during a festive banquet at a modern wedding is borrowed from European countries and is completely new. By throwing a bouquet, the bride transfers her status to another girl by means of a random lot. It is believed that a friend who has caught a bouquet has no right to refuse if an offer is soon made to her: by rejecting it, she rejects Fate itself.

Breaking the dishes of the newlyweds is a recent custom: it is believed that in this way the new family protects itself from the evil eye and curse, and also decisively shows that it is ready for a new life together. From the fragments from the plates, they guess what gender the child will be: large fragments indicate a boy, and small fragments indicate a girl.

Although a modern wedding in Russia is very different from the wedding ceremonies of the Slavs, marriage has retained the main meaning: the connection between two people who love each other for life and responsibility for the decision. We wish you a happy family life, love and joy. Be happy and remember to press the buttons and

In our century, many ancient traditions of wedding ceremonies have turned out to be irretrievably lost, and those that still remain are observed conditionally and in modified versions. Fortunately, now young people are showing more interest in their own roots, and more and more couples want to organize in the spirit of old Russian traditions.

Why observe traditions

Most modern weddings are played in the same typical scenario. Newlyweds try to adhere to basic traditions, often not understanding their meaning. The unwritten rules of weddings are followed out of habit to keep up with others.

Meanwhile, wedding ceremonies in the Russian people took shape many centuries ago. Every action at the wedding had a specific meaning. Therefore, whenever possible, it is necessary to follow all the traditions of the Russian wedding. Such a wedding in the old spirit will surely turn out to be fun, well-organized and eventful. In addition, by arranging in the spirit of ancient customs, you will show respect to your ancestors, perform a small civil feat and be able to feel a connection with your roots.

Russian wedding customs

A whole complex of obligatory rituals and ceremonies was used during the Russian wedding. All of them were carried out in a certain sequence and according to the prevailing scenario. Each such action carried a certain load. For example, a wedding was a religious accomplishment of a marriage, and the first night of the newlyweds became its physical conclusion.

What rituals were included in the traditional wedding celebration in Russia:

  • Matchmaking was essentially a negotiation between the families of the future bride and groom. This item was required. Previously, they entered into marriage at a very young age, so the parents of the newlyweds were involved in all organizational issues. Matchmakers were chosen from among close relatives or respected people, who were supposed to conduct a conversation and negotiate with the bride's parents, establishing contact between families.
  • Sprinkling grain on the young, or the so-called "rain of abundance" symbolized prosperity in the future family life. Previously, the bride and groom were showered with rye or oats. Now rice is used for this purpose. Sometimes young people are thrown under their feet so that their life is full of love and beauty.
  • The meeting of young people with a loaf was designed to give young people family happiness. The loaf was specially baked for a wedding celebration, decorated with different patterns. Traditionally, the loaf was decorated with a viburnum twig, which was a symbol of love. The loaf itself was baked according to a special recipe in compliance with many rituals.

  • The ransom and bride kidnapping symbolized the confrontation with the forces of evil trying to darken the happiness of the future family. During the ransom, the groom had to complete many tasks and go through various tests that were invented by the bridesmaids. So he showed his strength and dexterity, the desire to resist evil forces. At the end, the groom could put a ring on his bride's finger and give her a kiss.

  • The transfer of the hearth is perhaps the most touching ceremony. Now it is being held at the end of the wedding celebration. Mothers of newlyweds with lighted candles approach the young and they light a common large candle from their candles, which symbolizes the family hearth. Then they dance the last dance, saying goodbye to the guests. This ceremony looks very nice in the twilight.

Wedding traditions of the bride

A few days before the date of the wedding, the bride had a bachelorette party. It was a kind of ceremony of parting with girlhood and entering into a new family life. During this event, the girls gave each other symbolic gifts, had fun and amused themselves.

Removing the veil was considered an important ceremony, which is still observed today. In ancient times, the bride would unbraid a braid and plait two braids from her hair, which were then laid around her head and tied with a scarf. This meant that the girl was now married.

Now this ceremony is carried out in a different way. A chair is placed in the center of the room and a pillow is placed on it. The bride should sit in this chair. This means that now the young wife has her own cozy place in the groom's home. The mother-in-law takes off the veil from the bride. Then she ties the bride with a scarf or an elegant shawl and says good wishes. Finally, the bride must dance with the unmarried bridesmaids carrying a veil over their heads. You can't try on a veil that has been taken off - you will remain in girls.

Another ceremony for the bride is associated with her bouquet. Now the bride, by tradition, throws her bouquet to unmarried girlfriends, turning her back to them. At a traditional Russian wedding, this ceremony was carried out differently. The blindfolded bride chose the future owner of the bouquet from among the unmarried girlfriends, while the girls danced around her.

Wedding traditions of the groom

Now, before the wedding, the groom is arranging a fun evening for his friends. This event usually symbolizes goodbye to bachelorhood, it is celebrated on a grand scale, funny events, pranks and jokes are held. Friends congratulate the groom on the upcoming wedding.

This custom, unlike the bachelorette party, appeared not so long ago. Previously, the groom on the eve of the wedding celebration simply washed in the bath alone.

Preparing a bouquet for the bride was an essential responsibility of the groom. He had to personally compose a bouquet of flowers that would suit his taste and present to the bride along with the wedding ring after the ransom.

By analogy, with the transfer of the bride's bouquet, not so long ago, the custom appeared to throw a garter taken by the groom from the bride's leg into the crowd of unmarried guests. A caught garter should symbolize a quick and successful marriage.