Man's actions if he likes you. How to understand by various signs that a guy likes you? How to understand that a guy likes you - women's secrets

The realization that a guy likes her is a great happiness for a girl. Conviction in this makes her more confident and happy, relieves of painful torment, doubts.

But how do you recognize male interest? To do this, it is enough to analyze his behavior. People cannot, by volitional efforts, control their behavior 100%. A person in love will certainly give signs. They signal his sympathy and he makes them unconsciously.

Psychologists have long identified actions that "betray" sympathy. It is worth studying the main signs of the behavior of a young man in love and you will be able to understand him without words.

The first thing that betrays a person's sympathy is his look. The young man will always admire the girl he likes. He can do this openly, or furtively.

A guy likes you if:

  • you constantly “catch” the eyes of a young man;
  • he looks at you (intently or cautiously) when you turn to the side (this can be seen with peripheral vision).

When you meet your eyes with a young man you are interested in, be sure to pay attention to his pupils. A clear sign of interest is the dilation of the pupils when looking at you. In this case, we can even talk about falling in love.

A good sign - a guy periodically looks at you when he says something in the company. So he wants to track your reaction to the words he uttered. It is worth paying attention to the meaning of the text. This can be a brilliant tip for a girl.

If you haven't chatted yet

It often happens that a young man has aroused sympathy. But you don’t communicate with him personally (or you don’t even know him). You can meet with him periodically at school, at work, in places of rest, entertainment. He might like you too. Similar conclusions can be drawn if he watches you, seeks to be near. Particularly courageous individuals start a casual conversation, ask questions.

A sure sign of sympathy is a person's emotions, his state changes when you appear. You find yourself in his field of vision, and he begins to smile or be embarrassed, blush, and express himself more actively.

A guy who wants to check if you are interested in him may go for a little provocation: flirt with another girl. At the same time, he will imperceptibly observe your reaction. You can repeat this manipulation by talking sweetly with another young man. If a guy you like will cause a negative reaction, you can talk about a manifestation of jealousy.

By correspondence

Many young people often communicate on the Internet. Analyzing emails is a great way to understand a guy's feelings. An interested young man regularly writes first. He will be interested in the girl's affairs, her mood, thoughts, preferences. In communication, he regularly takes the initiative, answers questions in detail, and not briefly and concisely, asks questions. They contribute to the continuation of the dialogue.

A very positive sign in correspondence - the guy actively manifests himself, but he is embarrassed in personal communication. This is how young people in love behave.

Signs at school

It's easy enough to sort out a guy's feelings if you go to the same school. At this age, he can choose radically opposite behavior strategies:

  1. Be nice, look at you furtively, congratulate you on the holidays, protect you from others, look for an opportunity to be together, entertain, offer help or ask for it.
  2. Show yourself a little aggressively, joke viciously, cling. This is how some teenagers behave. They try to hide their interest. Many boys believe that this will be able to hide their sympathy.

In contact with

The social network VKontakte is an excellent tool for studying the behavior of a young person.

An interested interlocutor will be the first to write, like photos and published posts. He often accompanies his messages with emoticons. This emphasizes the emotional significance of the dialogue.

If a girl does not go to her own page for several days, he may ask where she disappeared. Such a gesture indicates the presence of a certain attachment. It is with you that he is looking for VKontakte communication, if he goes offline, after you have done such an action.

3 main signs that a guy likes a girl:

  1. He shows attention.
  2. He is interested in you, asks questions about you to mutual acquaintances.
  3. He shows certain actions towards the girl.

Test to understand what a guy likes

A simple test will help test a guy's attitude. The questions should be answered “Yes” (2 points are awarded), “Sometimes” (1 point is awarded), “No” (0 points are awarded).


  1. He tries to speak to me.
  2. Smiles at me.
  3. Shows concern (helps to put on a coat, offers help).
  4. Embarrassed at the sight of me.
  5. I think he likes me.


  • 7-10 points - in love.
  • 3-6 - interested.
  • 0-2 - does not show sympathy, or is too modest.

Guy behavior if you like a girl

There are many other behaviors that indicate male sympathy.

Among them are:

  1. Constant provision of signs of attention.
  2. Compliments.
  3. Positive reaction to the girl's jokes, her stories.
  4. Attempts to "mirror" the girl's behavior are to unconsciously repeat the movements.
  5. In the presence of a girl, a young man straightens his hair, clothes, straightens his posture.
  6. When standing or sitting, orientates the toe in your direction.
  7. Tries to touch.
  8. He tries with all his might to please, to make a positive impression.
  9. During communication, puts one leg forward.

The girl should analyze in detail the behavior of the guy. Then she can understand his attitude towards her. You should also rely on your own intuition.

Many girls in relationships with guys lack decisiveness and sometimes only the conviction that they are not indifferent to their beloved men, gives them strength and self-confidence, allows them to take the first step. But how do you know if a guy likes you? There are a number of signs by which you can almost confidently determine the degree of his interest in you. Let's analyze them together.

1. Look

Not for nothing they say - men love with their eyes. If a guy likes you, you can be sure that it is openly or furtively, but he is always watching you. Notice how he does it.

Direct and prolonged eye contact or a timid and fearful glance indicate an undeniable interest in you. Quite shy people often try to create the appearance that something located at a distance has attracted their attention, while with their peripheral vision they try to see you and catch your gaze. This can be easily seen from their absent or overly intense gaze.

2. Lips

If, communicating with you, a guy looks at your lips and at the same time licks his own, do not hesitate, you definitely attract him

3. Body language

Body language and non-verbal communication can say a lot about a man. When you are near him, pay attention to his movements. Chaotic, unnecessary, tortured movements of hands and feet can give out strong excitement. Arms and legs crossed during a conversation can testify to the same. This is a defensive posture that occurs involuntarily in a person in response to intense anxiety or self-doubt.

4. Breathing

Rapid breathing with frequent deep breaths and exhalations indicates intense excitement, which may be caused by you.

5. Touching

Pay attention to every "accidental" touch of your interlocutor. Sexual attraction seeks a way to express itself, and light touch or friendly hugs are one of them.

6. Communication

Much can be learned from simple, ingenuous communication. If a guy likes you, he will certainly try to somehow get your attention. This can be expressed in a manner of speech that is usually not inherent in him, loud laughter, numerous attempts to make a good joke, in a word, he will try to impress you. Don't be in a hurry to turn your back on a guy if he starts praising himself. Perhaps selfishness has nothing to do with it and he just wants to please you.

7. Attention

If during a conversation a guy is distracted by others or, listening to you, sees off passers-by with his eyes, it means that he is not interested in you. Otherwise, he would have caught your every word and laughed at every joke.

8. Clumsiness

At your approach, he may become somewhat awkward, drop everything, pick up the first object that comes across and fiddle with it. This also indicates intense excitement.

9. Appearance

Men are peacocks without feathers. Their main goal is to attract the attention of women in all available ways. One of them is clothing. A change of style coupled with other signs may indicate his hobby, perhaps even you.

10. Friends

To get your attention, men can talk and ask about you among your friends.

11. Hobbies

Nothing brings you closer than joint hobbies. He can listen to your favorite music, join your hobby or, having heard about your passion, for example, for sports, suddenly become an avid athlete.

12. Accidental encounters

At some point, you may notice that one guy in your life has become too much, and random meetings occur almost every day. Maybe they are not so random?

And remember, only a combination of the above mentioned signs can indicate sympathy for you. Take your time to jump to conclusions, and always listen to your inner voice. Sometimes only he knows the correct answer.

Daya Consuelo

Discussion of the article "How to understand if a guy likes you?"


Hello everyone! Help! The guy is usually sociable, laughs with everyone, communicates, but not very much with me, but often looks at me. Shoots with eyes

23.01.2019 (00:06)


A high school student appeared in our school in the 11th grade, and he has only a year left here. And me too, but I leave after 9, too, as it were, the last year. And when I saw him I just liked him, and then I fell in love. To be honest, he doesn't look like an 11th grader. Then he began to frequently visit my page a couple of times a day. We often crossed glances, and at school we often collided, a friend says that he looks at me when I stand with my back to him. And even when a friend was in an awkward situation, he stood with a friend and laughed, it was in the corridor that he and his friend (but it was really funny there) And I don’t even know if this is mutual, whether he will take the initiative with modesty.

18.11.2018 (23:25)


Hello everyone. I am 15 years old, I graduated from high school and work as a storekeeper. But at the same time, I have a friend, and she has a brother. Emu is 21 years old. And I like him very much. When he sees me, he has a smile on his face. But at the same time he pretends that he is not interested in me, but when I direct my eyes to him, he begins to be embarrassed and turns away. Although we had such a period of time that we kissed, and he came up first, not me. Girls, I understand that I need to think about studying and working, but he does not get it out of my head. God, what should I do, tell me please.

30.09.2018 (22:15)


I am 12 and he too, he is 3-4 months older, I like him for 1.5 years, last year he did not show ANY signs! Even indifference, probably, only tough jokes, but this year he became softer, he began to look in his eyes, smiles, smiles in front of me, all online tests say that he is in love, our mutual friends tease him and me, he is embarrassed by this, flirts , but he seems to have a girlfriend, although a friend told me about it back in July, but he already showed signs then from all sites like "how to understand that a guy likes you, signs" I collected 12-13 signs, you can do this considered interest or love?

25.08.2018 (19:16)


I apologize, there is a mistake, it is glued

17.06.2018 (00:29)


Hi, I'm 17, I met a guy less than a week ago. We decided to take a walk yesterday, it seems that several signs coincide. I really liked it. It seems that everything is slowly gluing. But I'm afraid I scared him off with my indecision and modesty. I am very worried about this. He stopped wanting a good night before bed after meeting. Suddenly I grew cold. I don’t know what to do, I’m already writing to him for the first time, but about meetings he cannot yet, he’s leaving for the village. Eh, what if I completely dislike him until we see each other. That's it

17.06.2018 (00:24)


I am 12, and he is 15) played somehow in truth or action and he said that he didn’t know whether he loved me or not, and when she started asking him (or rather, to say) whether he loved me, he showed her the gesture “quietly "We walked often, but now they don't even say hello, at school they often look at me. When we walked, he began to pull my hair and say that he likes to get me. He did something to my name. Suppose my name is Milana (but, no, I'm not Milana), he says Milana (as a Caucasian twisted his name only to me

10.06.2018 (02:29)


I like the boy in our class, but I don't know if he likes me. He's acting very strange. On VKontakte, we correspond and owe it, and at school we hardly communicate, he doesn't even want to stand next to me, but in VK everything is as usual. Help me please. He likes me or not

26.03.2018 (18:40)


I like my classmate since the 3rd grade (I'm 6). But recently he confessed his love to my BEST friend! I do not know what to do!! She seemed to say that she didn't want to meet with him, but they often talk about something together !! And I'm not pleased! Valentine's Day is very soon and I want to either get a valentine from him or write to him myself. Tell me what to do! Pliz.

07.02.2018 (16:33)


I am 11 years old. I really like the boy (also 11 years old). He used to beat in my class, but unfortunately he moved. On the last day at the disco before the new year, he invited me to a slow pace and we danced. We also lived earlier and we were beaten by a company of 3 boys and me and my girlfriend.
On February 14th, we are going on a tour with the class. He will come with us. How do you think I should fry Valentine first, and even if I don't get anything from him?

05.02.2018 (23:29)


Love is a piece of shit. Take your studies and you'll find that.

18.01.2018 (00:39)


I'm 12, I'm in the 6th grade, I really like 1 boy, he's handsome, but no one from the class loves him except me (although I'm not sure), but in grade 1 and in 2, he loved me and gave gifts of postcards. And now I'm 6 and all the other way around. and not given my friend asked him whom he loves well, she persuaded him for a long time and he said that he liked her and me. but it seems to me that he doesn’t like me and he doesn’t like my friend, but there is one caveat we recently went with class for an excursion just yesterday and we even sat next to each other in the theater and when we drove back we sang songs and he constantly looked at me and I at him and the day before yesterday we even walked with nm together we launched a quadrocopter and fired firecrackers, but then not very often I didn't notice

02.01.2018 (22:09)


I have a friend, well, they have known each other for a long time, but we do not see each other very often.
And when I see him, I can't help it, the pupils dilate, and ... in short, I go crazy ... and it's VISIBLE! My relatives tell me that this is very noticeable, but what I read here exactly coincides with the way he behaves with me, well, almost everything

I don’t know if he likes me, although I think YES, but I don’t know ..
Do you think help please

29.12.2017 (21:44)


Hi! Help me pliz! I'm 11 and I have a guy in my class who really like it! He tries to sit down next to me, looks at me, jokes jokes .. But lately he doesn't even notice me. But the girls say that I am tough as he likes. Does he love or still doesn't love?

It all starts with school! Do you remember how annoying boys pulled your pigtails and tried in every possible way to "cling" to you? Yes, this is sympathy, and men are no different from boys. Only now they no longer hit you on the head with a book as a sign of a special attitude, but in every possible way they pin up, try to scare you so that you can see you, let you go forward to see how you look from behind, and much more. Do you think he has good manners.


If a man speaks a lot in your presence and, in spite of other interlocutors, while telling something, looks at you - at least he noticed you.

And, as often happens, a man behaves extremely ridiculous when he likes a woman - this is a way to attract attention to himself, albeit subconsciously. And like all creatures in nature, the male must perform a mating dance, although it looks really ridiculous.

A simple and straightforward approach - ask him if he likes you. You will draw conclusions from his behavior:

- he dodges and jokes - he has no sympathy for you, he just flirts.

- he was embarrassed and possibly frightened - perhaps he is experiencing something for you, or is so notorious that he does not even know whether he likes you or not. In this case, he will list what he is interested in talking or laughing. You can not let him finish - this is just a friend for you, at least for now.

- he replies with a sharp "Yes!" - everything is clear, he likes you.

An important aspect in understanding can be his willingness to sacrifice his interests for your sake. A trivial example, you spilled coffee on him, and he broke out - this is not a man in love. Or you walk along the carriageway, and he changes places with you, so that he would walk closer to passing cars - you are already dear to him!

Look and smile

If you very often “catch” his gaze and, looking back, see how he no longer looks at you or lowers his eyes, it means that he has a certain interest in you. If he continues to look - he is just a self-confident womanizer or, for now, only looks at you without much interest.

If, when communicating with friends or in a team, after his joke, he looks at you, he is clearly looking for approval, then you are not indifferent to him.

In a company or at work, a guy or a man who likes you will always keep you in sight and he will definitely peel his face and never turn his back on you. Watch him and understand his feelings.

If a man smiles often, then he is just a cheerful person. But, if you notice that at every meeting he smiles at you personally, then he demonstrates his location.

Change in dress

Of course, a man who likes a woman wants to please her. And if you notice that he is trying to "match" you, that is, clean-shaven, began to put on a jacket to work or bought a new sweater and trousers, began to stifle and bought a fragrance for the oral cavity - he is clearly interested in you.

He may even ask you if he should grow a beard and mustache. This is not just a joke, he wants your opinion. And now your hour has come to find out how he treats you. You can say, "If you and I met, I would say." Then everything will be clear. But don't play with it if you don't like it.

Be discerning! Some male swindlers skillfully pretend to be in love, giving all the signs that you expect to see. Therefore, do not go to dessert quickly, so you can finally make sure that you really like the man.

In fact, there is no way to absolutely say exactly how to understand that a man likes you or not. You can ask a question directly on the forehead, however, if a man is cautious or shy, then he may answer "no" or change his mind about caring for such a brave girl. How to be?

Below we will give you some tips on how to still understand how to understand that a man likes me or not.

If a man is very shy, then this prevents him from starting a relationship with a girl he really likes. This can be determined by paying attention to his gestures and phrases. See how he looks at you, as the gaze will give away all his hidden feelings.

You just need to learn how to correctly identify the signals that a young man subconsciously gives to the girl that he likes so much.

As stated earlier, one of the first signs that a man likes you is the look. A young man who tries to hide his feelings will look timidly and hesitantly, or, on the contrary, will look at the girl with an appraising look. When a man tries to catch your eye as often as possible, then, most likely, he really likes you, and he shows sympathy for you.

The second sign that betrays a guy's true feelings is gestures. When a guy sees a girl that he likes so much, he begins to correct his hairstyle and clothes, to see if he has gotten dirty somewhere, to shake off dust particles from his trousers.

Sometimes, when a man sees a girl he likes, he subconsciously holds onto the belt with his thumbs. You should also pay attention to the facial expressions of a young man. When he raises his eyebrows while talking to you, he likes you.

If a man shows sympathy for you, then he does it with the help of verbal contact - he tries to touch or hug you in any way, wants to take over your personal space.

If a man tries to involve you in a conversation on absolutely any topic, then, most likely, he is not indifferent to you. A sociable and quite adequate young man may suddenly become taciturn or be sarcastic, although this is a strange way of showing sympathy, but it is so. The guy starts a lot and sometimes obsessively helping the girl that he likes.

How to understand that you like, by the behavior of a man

If a woman understands sign language very well, then it will be very easy to understand whether this or that man liked her or not. This can be shown by various gestures, movements, which can very well reveal the most secret thoughts of any man.

The behavior of this or that man, his reaction speaks volumes. You can learn a lot, including about yourself, or rather about the attitude towards yourself. Does he like your communication or your presence in general. Men are always trying to somehow stand out to show that they are the original.

This can be understood even by the man's gait. If a man likes a woman, then in front of her, or rather when he passes by, every man tries to straighten his back, turn his shoulders, show his masculinity.

If a man is in a large company, then he will try in every way to stand out or be in the center, so that it is to him that there is the greatest attention. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows how to do this. You can also tell that a man likes you by looking at you. If a man likes a woman, he will drop quick glances at her every time, as if by accident.

How to tell if a man likes you? There are many ways. It can also be identified by voice. After all, if any person is nervous, then he is worried, and his voice rises sharply. And if a man likes the girl with whom he is talking, then he will speak in a lower voice and velvety.

Do not forget about gestures, which can also indicate that a man likes you. If a man will often straighten his tie, also, a sign of sympathy can be shown by a man if he straightens his hairstyle. After all, by this he is trying to say that he likes you, he is trying to look his best and show himself in all his glory.

Also, the look of a man can give out in sympathy. His eyes will be well opened, and there will be no hostility or hatred.

If you have not seen any such signs, then do not worry and observe well the further behavior of the man. If he tries to meet you, then this is a very good sign that shows a lot.

In general, there are a lot of signs by which you can understand that a man likes you. The main thing is to be very intent and attentive. Treat with the most important attention to small details, because they are very important and from them, you can understand a lot, even more than was said from the lips of one or another man.

How to tell if a shy man likes you

Of course, if you yourself like to "shoot" your eyes and you are surrounded by constant male attention, then it will take you less than a minute to figure out these intentions. On the contrary, in the case when for you the interest on the part of a man is something more, you, accordingly, expect from him only the most serious relationship. It is already much more difficult to navigate here, since a man's misinterpreted intentions in the future can cause disappointment.

To understand that a man likes you, you should observe him very carefully, notice for yourself how he behaves in the company of other people. This will clarify his desires for you. It is possible that attentiveness and charm gush out of him to the right and to the left, being his everyday measure of behavior. In this case, this is a simple sign of attention on his part and nothing more.

Pay attention to his movements. How he touches his face, ear or lips, how he strokes his chin, touches his cheek and hair with his hand. How he tries to fix any imperceptible flaws in his clothes, does he notice them at all. How he strokes his tie and tugs at his sleeves.

It is important enough not to lose sight of his look and facial expressions. A man's gaze lingers on you a little longer, he tries to steal your gaze at the same time, slightly apart and running the tip of his tongue over his lips or biting it slightly, slightly and playfully tilt his head forward, wink, raise an eyebrow, and at the same time he works for the surrounding public ...

You can understand that a man likes you if you try to feel his signs of attention. He will always listen to what you say and express his approval in every possible way. He brings his palms together, supposedly applauding you. In addition, he very often leans in your direction.

Take a closer look at his posture. Noticing that you are looking at him, he instantly becomes dignified, trying to look more impressive, slimmer and more elegant in your eyes. He tries to expand his elbows, thereby visually enlarging his chest, sometimes he simply puts his hands in his pockets or leans against the wall with his hand at the height of his shoulder.

Arm yourself with the way a man touches you, completely by accident or on purpose, maybe trying to wrap you in a friendly hug.

Pay attention to the fact that every time he talks to you, he tries to discover his mind and talents, and after a while he may bump into arguments on the topic of loneliness and, of course, his long-standing desire to find his love, etc.

I must say that this is far from a complete instruction to understand that a man likes you. I think with a little thought, you can add a couple of three points from your own experience to it.

In addition, one should not forget that any of these signs, or even a combination of several of them, may well mean nothing, because we are all different, and, accordingly, behave completely differently.

Understanding the signs of interest on the part of another person will help you find out who you like, who you should start dating.

The first sign is words

Often times, the people you impress will tell you they've seen you before, when they haven't. If, upon meeting, a man tells you that he thinks that you have met, then this is a sign that he likes you.

The second sign is the look

To catch his interest in you by looking, you need a lot of attention. You can read sympathy for you in his eyes by the expression of his eyes. Watch carefully as the man looks at you. If, in your presence, he watches you barely noticeably, trying to hide his attention, then you have hooked him.

You can also understand his sympathy for you by the way his gaze walks when you look at him. If he lowers his eyes slightly, then you are not yet able to arouse his interest. And if his eyes immediately go down or to the side, then be sure that you intrigued him.

The best and surest way to find out about his attitude towards you is to look him in the eye. Take a close look at his pupils in the light. If his boundaries have expanded, then your man has not only shown interest in you, but also experiences a certain arousal. Test different topics in conversation and listen,

The third sign is gestures

You can also find out that a young man likes you by using certain gestures. Sign language cannot fool anyone. It is quite difficult to control your gestures for an unprepared person. Observe the man carefully, see where his gaze is directed, how he stands, how his legs are located, whether he waves his arms or they are calmly lowered. By these signs, you can see his attitude towards you, whether he likes you or not.

Pay attention to the position of the legs of your chosen one. If the toes of his shoes are pointed in your direction, you are undoubtedly his type.

Also, a sure sign that he has sympathy for you is copying your gestures. The young man will unknowingly repeat your actions after you. If you raise your hand, he will do the same, you will laugh - he will also laugh. And not even because he is really funny, but to support you, and thus, show his sympathy.

The fourth sign is touch

A young man trying to show his sympathy will try in every possible way to touch you. You, in turn, try to touch him, as it were, involuntarily, and see his reaction. By it, you can determine whether you are nice to him or not. This is one way if you don't mind it either.

The fifth sign is provocation and observation

To find out if a man likes you or not, try to provoke the man to respond. Hint to him, for example, that you would not mind having a cup of coffee or tea at the moment. Then watch his reaction. If he tries to immediately fulfill your request, he is not indifferent to you.

But remember that such provocations should be very gentle and accurate. Or spontaneous, but a little vague, so as not to show their easy accessibility. This will help lay a good

The channel's experts give advice to those ripe for a relationship. Watching the video!