Children's handicraft at Easter Simple lesson. Original crafts for light Easter. Easter outdoor and silhouette cutting to Easter holiday

Schemes, instructions for creating crafts for Easter from pasta, cardboard, ribbons, salted dough.

Children, in turn, can improve the mood of loved ones or decorate a festive table, making a variety of crafts. An excellent option for Easter will be a cheerful bunny from cardboard or Easter basket. It is necessary very few materials. Visit the economic and stationery store in advance and purchase all the most necessary.


  • 2 packs of wooden clothespins of linen
  • 1 plate of cardboard or cardboard sheet
  • Scotch
  • Colored paper
  • Tape

Video: Stands under paper eggs

Instructions for making an Easter cardboard basket:

  • Take a plate or a circle of cardboard with a diameter of 22 cm and cut down the entire length of the circle by 3-4 cm.
  • Now cheat the cuts to work out, something similar to the tray. Stick across the scotch or piece of paper by the usual stationery glue. It is necessary to fix this thoroughties.
  • Stick a handle from a piece of cardboard. To do this, cut a strip with a length of 30 cm and a width of 4 cm.
  • Now across the circumference of the rim attach the clothespins. It is necessary that they firmly lightened one to another. There should be a framework.
  • Stick the length of the handle wide ribbon. On the circumference of the frame of the clothespins, too, make a rim from the tape, knitting the bow.
  • At the bottom of the tank, put the straw or thin strips of green colored paper. It will imitation herbs. Top on the pillow lay out eggs.
Crafts for Easter with your hands from corrugated paper and cardboard: Schemes

Crafts for Easter with your hands from corrugated paper and cardboard: Schemes

Crafts for Easter with your hands from corrugated paper and cardboard: Schemes

Crafts for Easter with your hands from corrugated paper and cardboard: Schemes

Crafts for Easter with your hands from corrugated paper and cardboard: Schemes

Crafts for Easter with your hands from corrugated paper and cardboard: Schemes

Crafts for Easter with your hands from corrugated paper and cardboard: Schemes

Cottage discs are in the cosmetic bag every woman. With their help, you can delete and adjust the makeup and even make Easter crafts. You can decorate the Easter basket using a chicken from cotton disks.


  • Several cotton discs
  • Yellow Egg Paint
  • Red colored paper
  • Wire


  • Pour a little dye into the vessel and the water. Pulse your cotton in the solution and lay out on the plate. Let the cotton dry completely dry.
  • Attach thin wires at the bottom of the disk, giving them the shape of the paws. Plug your paws with wool pieces and scratch them into red.
  • Cut from red paper scallop and beak. Stick eyes. You can separately cut the wings from the cotton disk and glue them to the body of chicken.

Crafts for Easter do it yourself from cotton disks

Crafts for Easter do it yourself from cotton disks

From the napkins you can make a lot of interesting crafts. One of the most attractive is an Easter tree.


  • Packaging Blue or Pink Wipes
  • Cute dry branch
  • Wire
  • Cigarette paper
  • Paints
  • Plastic pot
  • Styrofoam
  • Colored paper


  • Take a snag and process it with sandpaper. If there are no snags, glowing among themselves a few wires to imitate the tree. Place the wire with tissue paper.
  • Take the napkin, expand it and crumple. Slightly shakeped with water, give her shape of the ball. Let's dry completely.
  • Stick balls to the crust. Take a pot and put foam in it. Stick a snag with balls and put a pillow with colored paper on the foam.
Crafts for Easter do it yourself from napkins

Crafts for Easter do it yourself from napkins

Crafts for Easter do it yourself from napkins

Foamiran is a fairly new material in the domestic market. It is also called plastic suede or velor. He perfectly changes the shape right in the hands of the craftsmen, because in order for the material to be pliable, it is enough to heat in his hands. We offer to make an Easter basket of Foamiran.


  • Foamiran of different colors
  • Adhesive Pistol
  • Beads
  • Filler for baskets


  • Cut from the phoamioran a circle and strip, which in length is equal to the length of the circle. Stick the rim to the circle to get a container.
  • Stick the handle. Connect the items using a thermopystole.
  • Cut the foamiran on the petals. Hold them a little in your hands and stretch. Put the details on the soft cloth, and on top of the corrugated paper. Find the items of the iron. This technique will give the petals of texture.
  • With the help of an adhesive gun, glue the petals, and attach a bead to the center. Stick flower to basket handle. After that, you need to decorate the handle with a thin satin ribbon. Fill the basket with crumpled strips of green paper and put eggs.

Crafts from Foamiran for Easter: Templates

Crafts from Foamiran for Easter: Templates

Crafts from Foamiran for Easter: Templates

There is a mass of crafts, for the manufacture of which you need a minimum of time and materials. One of these crafts are Easter hares from the shell.


  • 2 eggs
  • Faux fur
  • Paper
  • Paints
  • Thin wires


  • Take a raw egg and gently through a small hole remove the fluid. Wash and dry the basis. Color egg in white or beige color.
  • Attach the legs of the wire, prelayed it with paper or corrugation
  • Adhesive an artificial fur pot. Draw your eyes and mouth.
  • Cut long ears out of paper and stick them to the head of the hare.

How to make crafts for Easter with your own hands fast?

How to make crafts for Easter with your own hands fast? How to make crafts for Easter with your own hands fast?

From the plastic capsules from the kinder surprises, you can make a lot of interesting crafts. It may be chickens, rabbits or bees.


  • Capsule from surprise
  • Yellow foamiran leaf
  • Colored paper


  • Cut the tail and wings from the phoamyran. Purify the texture with the help of hands, stretching and twisting the items.
  • Get the details to the yellow capsule. Cut out of thick paper or cardboard legs and attach them using glue.
  • Get keyboards and eyes.

Crafts for Easter from the Kinder Eggs

Crafts for Easter from the Kinder Eggs

Macaroni is a rather strange and unusual material that is used in the manufacture of Easter crafts. Of these, you can make an Easter basket.


  • Makaroni "Wheel"
  • PVA glue or adhesive gun
  • Balloon
  • Paint in bells


  • Inflate the ball and stick to her pasta. From the bottom and to half the ball should be blocked completely.
  • Starting in the middle of the ball, lay out a pen from the macaroni. Try to make pasta tightly fit to each other and there were no clearance. They must connect to one whole.
  • When the pasta is completely dried, pour the ball with a needle and carefully remove it remnants.
  • With the help of gold paint from the canopy, paint the basket. Now you can safely fill it with eggs.

Crafts for easter do it yourself from macaroni Crafts for easter do it yourself from macaroni

Crafts for easter do it yourself from macaroni

From the fabric you can make a lot of interesting crafts. These are garlands, Easter rabbits, chickens and garlands. Take advantage of schemes and drawings.

Fabric crafts for Easter: Schemes

Fabric crafts for Easter: Schemes

Fabric crafts for Easter: Schemes

From salt dough you can make a lot of interesting and unusual. Try to hold the stand under the egg - a chicken.


  • 320 g of wheat flour
  • A glass of shallow salt
  • Incomplete glass of water
  • Paints
  • Toothpick


  • Check out the dough from the specified products. Roll out a circle from it. Make the bezel dough and stick to the mug, make a tail and head.
  • Stick details to the deepening. Using toothpicks, give the product relief. Place the product in the refrigerator.
  • After the dough hardens, paint it with yellow paint.

Crafts from salt dough for Easter

Crafts from salt dough for Easter

Crafts from salt dough for Easter

Crafts from salt dough for Easter

Ribbons - inexpensive material that can be found in any fabric store. From this material you can make a basket, eggs and even Easter wreaths. In the photo many ideas for creating such crafts.

Crafts for Easter from ribbons do it yourself

Crafts for Easter from ribbons do it yourself

Crafts for Easter from ribbons do it yourself

This option is suitable for the smallest. These are children of preschool age, which the modeling will allow to improve the shallow motility of the hands. The easiest option is an easter egg.


  • Several pieces of multicolored plasticine
  • Capsule Kinder Surprise
  • Toothpick


  • Skate from plasticine tonic sausages. They must be different colors.
  • Purley the helix capsule from surprise with thin sausages. Using toothpicks, apply a relief pattern.
  • Decorate eggs with bows or florals from plasticine.

Crafts from plasticine to Easter Crafts from plasticine to Easter

Crafts from plasticine to Easter

Crafts from plasticine to Easter

The easiest option is to make a garland from Easter eggs.


  • Felt of different colors
  • Tape
  • Hole puncher


  • Cut from the fetra of the figure in the shape of an egg. Make from two sides with hole punch holes.
  • Stick to the eggs strips and mugs from the felt of another color.
  • Lunch the details on Lena and attach the garland to the chest or window.

Crafts for Easter from felt do it yourself

Crafts for Easter from felt do it yourself

Crafts for Easter from felt do it yourself

Crafts for Easter from felt do it yourself

In order to make a craft to the contest, you can use your favorite technique. It can be a postcard in a federation technique or an Easter egg from beads. The main thing is to make a favorite thing and show the maximum fantasy.

Crafts for Easter do it yourself for the competition

Crafts for Easter do it yourself for the competition

As you can see, Easter is a wonderful holiday that will help you get close to children. Do not miss the opportunity to make together crafts for the holiday.

Video: Easter baskets

Easter is the most important holiday of Christianity. To this day they are preparing, fasting, they are cleaned by the body and soul. By tradition, it is customary to visit, give gifts to relatives and loved ones. For children, this holiday is anticipation of sweets after long restrictions associated with post. Waiting for this bright day, they can make commemorative crafts for Easter in kindergarten or home with parents. Souvenirs made by their own hands will decorate a festive table, bring a novelty to the interior of the house or room.

Children's creativity

Applied creativity is not only fascinating, but also useful. The interests of the child in preschool age are changing rapidly, it is worth seeing something new. No one knows who he will become when he grows. The child will have more options for the development of the individual, if in kindergarten it will get acquainted with the basics of applied art. It is important that any creativity has a semantic load. To select the idea of \u200b\u200bhandmade, it is advisable to use the topics of holidays: New Year, Christmas, Mother's Day ...

Crafts for Easter in kindergarten is not only an interesting occupation, but also a useful lesson in terms of admission to the young generation. Such creativity develops the Motoric of Hands, the memory and thinking trains, teaches to bring it to the logical completion. At the same time, in the process of communication, it is easily and naturally worked out.

Crafts. Easter. Kindergarten

The bright holiday of Christ's Resurrection does not have a permanent date, but he always falls on the day off and sometimes in April or early May. Waiting for the holiday for kids can be done not so void, if in anticipation of joyful moments to engage with them exciting applied creativity. The result of such studies at home can be successful appliques from colored paper, greeting cards for Easter, thematic compositions from natural material.

To make kids crafts for Easter in kindergarten, with your own hands, it will be much easier if parents at home will be well prepared. It is important not only to be able to correctly handle scissors, pencils, glue, tassel, markers and other devices, but also to understand the meaning of the conceived work. The ability to clearly and clearly express their thoughts, to form its position on controversial issues is simply not given. This ability is produced in and is also an important and integral part of applied art.

The creative process for kids of preschool age has its own characteristics. At this stage, the final result is not as important as the classes themselves. From how much educators will be able to interest children will depend on their involvement in the process. Whatever the result of labor, it will be important for the development of the emerging personality.

Crafts for Easter in kindergarten for different age groups should differ in terms of complexity. Here, a special role is assigned to caregivers. They, like no one better, see the degree of development of a child. In one case, they can suggest how to do it better at a certain stage of classes, in the other - to make a complex element for the baby so that it does not lag behind the general group.

When making a child, crafts for Easter in kindergarten in the middle group requires the participation of a mentor. But caregivers do not need to be overly imposed on their help to the pupil. Not allowing him to express his individuality to him, you can miss the moment of the manifestation of fantasy, and this is the component of talent. Let even his work come out not perfect, the main thing is that it will be original, and he will be proud of it from it.

Colored paper wreath

Simple crafts for Easter in kindergarten are easily made by appliqués. Wreath, which can be hung on the wall, refrigerator door or cabinet, will serve as a good reminder of the holiday.

For its manufacture, it will take a dense cardboard for the base and colored paper. The composition is selected depending on the age of the baby. It can be carved from paper flowers, butterflies, birds, insects. The number of elements glued and the complexity of their execution depend on the ability of children to cut minor parts.

To speed up the process and do not tire the kids with this occupation, all components can be prepared in advance or give a job task to help parents. Their participation is also important, because the results of the work will be assessed in the garden.

Finished elements are placed on the basis of cardboard or tight paper. Wreath frame can be round or oval shape. If you do a longitudinal jumper in the middle, it will be possible to additionally stick the letters in the sequence in advance, so that the words "Christ are resurrected!"

Natural material

A traditional gift for Easter is optional to cook it. After removing it in the protein and yolk, it can be stored for a long time to flush the shell water. It can be reeded in a different way.

This kind of souvenirs decorated with different croups originally look original. Crafts for Easter in kindergarten (senior group) can already be made at a fairly high artistic level. The shell is cooked with glue or a hubber cooked on flour. Craises pick different colors, shades, sizes and textures. You can take a gun, buckwheat, rice, barley. Suitable millet, lentil, crushed peas.

These components can be laid on a lubricated leaving shell rows in a different sequence or lay out them as traditional Easter patterns. It is convenient to do in advance outlined contours. You can use stencil for these purposes. The color and texture of the croup are chosen in contrast. Such Easter eggs look very original and elegantly.

Suspended souvenir

Decoratively decorated crafts for Easter in a kindergarten of a blown egg beautifully look susceptible on a thread or ribbon. In the child's room, such a souvenir will constantly remind the first or next creative success. With each new holiday, the collection may increase, complicate decorative finish. It will be a visual example of creative growth, change preferences in the process of growing up and choosing new techniques for the design of crafts.

To begin with, the flared egg is washed with water. The holes in the shell expand depending on the thickness of the thread or ribbon. A needle or bent a wire suspension is skipped into both holes. There is a beautiful node in the form of a bow in the bottom, and the loop is formed from above. The length of the thread is chosen arbitrarily. The decorative finish of such a souvenir can be made by paints or appliqué.

Using girlfriend materials

For the manufacture of simple crafts for Easter with their own hands in kindergarten from the "Kinder", the plastic container-egg of this "surprise" will be required. There will still be scissors, threads of Moulin of different colors, beads, sequins, semolina, colored paper. You can fix it all or "moment." For the convenience of applying it is better to use a brush.

One half of the "eggs" is lubricated with glue and, while it is not frozen, wrapped in a spiral thread, starting from the top. The layers are stacked alternately. After drying the glue, the procedure is repeated with the second part of the container.

The top and bottom is made by sequins. From the beads in the middle of the egg, the Easter pattern is laid in the form of a cross. From above, everything can be sprinkled with semolina, and cut out small flowers from colored paper and glue them into the joints of the threads of different colors. Whatever the level of difficulty, neither the handicap to Easter, the souvenir made by children's hands will always be an expensive and pleasant gift for relatives and loved ones.

20.03.2018, 23:46

Crafts for Easter 2019 do it yourself. The most interesting to school and for kindergarten for Easter

Published in March 20, 2018

Good afternoon dear friends. If you decide to thoroughly prepare for Easter 2019, then this note will help you make something unusual with your own hands. In the bulk, all crafts will be similar to Easter rabbits, chickens, eggs. All this is related to Easter and therefore will be very in demand in the coming days.Of course there will be more information for teachers and educators and parents. In schools and kindergartens closer to Easter, all possible competitions will be organized for the best craft made by their own hands. And our note will help you be ready and take first place.

Mainly make it possible to make it easily found in the forehead in the forehead. And the more simpler and not the usual will be your handicraft will be the more chances will take the first places in contests and get a great reward for your works as a prize for first place.

If your school has begun a competition for the best craft made with your own hands, and it does not come to mind what to do this is not usual. This selection will help you make a choice. Most often, contests are held in primary classes, and at this age it is possible to offer a child for example a beautiful applique on the theme of Easter.

For this applique you will need the next set.

  • Color dense cardboard.
  • Colored napkins.
  • Satin ribbons.
  • Stapler.
  • Glue.
  • Scissors.

On a sheet of cardboard, draw an egg and cut it and cut out the cardboard from the inside that such a frame would be.

Take the satin ribbon and wind the frame. Color You can choose any green, pink, or blue.

On yellow cardboard schematically draw chickens and cut out along the contour. Also designate the pattern elements and also cut out.

From the colored napkin you need to cut several (minimum of 7-10 layers) of circles and bore from using a stapler.

Glit a circle to chicken and fold it as a rose. And also glue the beaks and paws.

To the frame of the wrapped ribbon to glue the chickens and cut patterns. From the fine tape of another color to make a bow and glue it to the top.

Crafts from a ball

Crafts at first glance may seem complex, but it really is not so. Everything is done so easily and just that you want to repeat it again.

You will need.

  • 1 air balloon.
  • 2-3 Mokes of thread.
  • Glue PVA or Klezter.

Inflation ball. And begin to wipe it with threads. Threads can be used in different colors. After each layer of the threads, we scroll the ball with glue and again we apply a layer of threads. Apply threads in different directions. The more layers are the more beautiful. After just hang the ball in the room and we are waiting for the glue.

When the adhesive dry well jumps the ball with a needle and you will have such a form of threads.

In order for such a ball to be put, take the appropriate lid and also enclose it with wool threads or twine.

That's all and not as difficult as it seemed at first glance.

Crafts for kindergarten do it yourself

In the kinders, very often gives tasks to make a craft with your own hands for the holiday. Here you have an excellent idea of \u200b\u200bcrafts that can be done in a place with a child in kindergarten.

You will need.

  • Cold cardboard.
  • 1-2 Sheet White Paper A4
  • colored paper.
  • Glue.
  • Scissors.
  • Colored ribbons.

Print templates for eggs.

Draw a sketchy chicken.

We carry the template on the color cardboard and cut out all the necessary decorations for the chicken and glue all parts into place.

Also that the eggs are not monotonous cut out small decorations and stick them.

Glue ribbons to the jacket and the snaps are completely ready.

Egg on Easter with his own hands. Interesting paper

Of course, it is possible to complicate your task, but if you are patient if you are patient and all the same, this first place will definitely be yours.

Transfer the pattern on paper.

In fact, the exercise is not so complicated just needed very patience and a little time.

There is an alternative. Cut 5-10 ovals in the form of an egg. Glue them in the middle and bend on the form of a flashlight.

Papier Masha Egg

Take an ordinary egg.

Old newspaper.

PVA glue.


We tear the newspaper on small pieces and soaked in water to the water add glue.

We take pieces of the newspaper and stick the slicing on the shape. In several layers. After each layer, let him dry a little.

When 3-5 layers dry gently cut the paper and remove the template.

Two halves glue give a couple of layers and apply white paint as a basis.

After drying, paint paint an egg on the theme of Easter.

Also as a template, you can take a regular ball.

Felt crafts for Easter 2019

Look at what beautiful eggs can be made of felt for Easter.

You will need.

  • Color felt.
  • Braid.
  • Threads.
  • Needle.
  • Beads.
  • Pins.
  • Wool.
  • Scissors.

We take the template of the egg and cut out the same billets from the felt of different colors.

For each template, the sequencing decorations from ribbons, colored lascots, beads.

We take two templates stitched around the edges, and the middle stuff your cotton. Send a ribbon and handicraft ready.

The following examples of crafts can be made with children. We will make a bunny, a chicken and egg.

You will need.

  • felt of different colors;
  • decor in the form of ribbons, beads, lace, etc.;
  • long wooden toothpicks;
  • sintepon;
  • a piece of chalk;
  • needles;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

We draw templates and cut out all the necessary parts from the felt.

In more detail how to make this craft can be understood by looking at the video clip.

Original crafts from macaroni. Caramel

Original crafts from macaroni

It's not a secret to anyone that from ordinary macarons you can make real works of art. And I'm not talking now not to Makarona on the fleet, but that if you take the pasta of different shapes and glue them to a pattern and paint, it may be excellent handicraft for the competition.


Easter holiday - all Christians are waiting for this day with a special trepidation. The brightest and pure Easter holiday in one day celebrate Catholics, and Orthodox. In stores traditionally will appear different kinds of Easter souvenirs, but why not try in their manufacture yourself? After all, the Easter crafts made by their own hands are little inferior to shopping counterparts.

There are a lot of wonderful Easter ideas, many of which can be made by the whole family, introducing even small children to the needlework. Making DIY handicrafts for Easter can be accompanied by stories about the history of this holiday.

The symbolism of the holiday is very important. Traditionally, its symbols become what one way or another means updating life - these are Easter streams, light is Easter fire and life itself (cakes, eggs and rabbits).

Easter eggs are the most common festive symbol that marks the victory of life over death. Traditionally, they must have a red color, but today eggs are decorated with all the frets. But still red is of great importance. After all, according to legend. When Maria Magdalena came to the ruler Tiberius, report the wonderful Resurrection of Christ and brought him a gift, he said: "It is impossible as it is impossible that the egg will redden." And the egg has become red in the hands of Tiberius! Since then, red is the victory of life over death, update.

Already more than a century, such a tradition lives: send beautiful Easter cards to close and native. They are depicted not only the symbols of the holiday, but also the beauty of spring flowering. As well as pretty chickens, rabbits, flowers, Easter cakes.

Easter eggs decor variants are a lot. They depend on what materials are used: paper, embroidery, just threads or beads. But first you need to make it a workpiece.

Blank for Easter eggs

As a blank in the shape of an egg can be:

  • wood blank
  • foam blank
  • blank from natural material
  • non-standard billets

Wooden billet for eggs

Perhaps the most convenient will be a foam blank. And all because it is perfectly holding a form, while not too hard. In her, it is easily possible to stick pins and so on.

Foam egg billet

But make Easter crafts with their own hands well also because even the workpiece can be made of girlfriend!

In the most common egg cheese, we have to do two small holes: from above - no more than 2 mm, and below - somewhere 5 mm in diameter. For this purpose, we will need a sewer or a sufficiently thick needle. After these procedures, protein and yolk are easily abandoned below. You will stay rinse the shell and dry it.

The plastic egg from the well-known children's chocolate delicacy can also be used as a blank - it is quite realistic to lay beads or tied up.

Easter eggs from beads

Eggs from beads are distinguished by their grace and always attract attention. This is quite painstaking, fine work, but the result is always impressive. We need to weigh a special pattern, and then carefully transfer it to the egg, on which we are already making the thermalclock. But if you were not previously engaged in beadwork, it will have to be complicated, although such a detailed master class, as, will be a great help in the first creative experience of this kind.

Easter eggs with embroidery

Why not move away from the standard of volumetric egg without making a flat suspension with embroidery? It looks very cool, original, and not to say that some kind of difficult work is done. In a detailed master class, it is described how to embroider and collect such an unusual egg. Complexity, perhaps, will be only that the embroidery itself will take some time. But the result is worth it!

You can still stay with the traditional idea of \u200b\u200bthe volumetric egg, and in this case the "cross" recommends paying attention to the master class on creating. Only instead of the Christmas ball, we will use the billet in the shape of an egg. Be sure the souvenir will be very gentle, everyone wants to consider it closer, or even become the owner of such beauty.

Fetra and Fleece Easter Eggs

If you make such an unusual gift for Easter with your own hands, be sure of it to appreciate. He may even act as a talisman, because souvenirs look at these materials are always bright and unusual.

And, by the way, in the preparation of this souvenir you can accurately use children. The main requirement is accuracy, but the complexity in the process of manufacturing such an egg will not be, everything is simple. However, appreciate yourself by spilling out the master class "Fetra Easter Eggs - a wonderful souvenir in a bright day!"

Garland of eggs made from felt

It is only necessary to stock up with these incredibly winning materials in needlework, and then work will go like oil.

Knitted Easter eggs

Even if you know little in knitting, you can make beautiful knitted Easter eggs on the shoulder and you. It is enough to take a hook, bright yarn and master the reception of a column without a nakid.

Of course, there are options and more complicated. More experienced knitters will probably want to attach a bright flower with a simple way to attach a bright flower with a beautiful button in the core. But over its creation already have to try, although it is not so difficult to do.

Easter eggs are very cool, "dressed" in openwork cobwebs. It is gentle, delicate, and simple work at all. Master class with a beautiful title "Lace splendor" describes in detail all moments of manufacture of this needlewood souvenir.

Also a very interesting version of the souvenir - such a gift for Easter, made by your own hands, will have to do many to the soul. In order to make it, we need:

  • foam blank
  • silk or Cotton White Threads
  • pVA glue
  • pins
  • polyethylene film
  • details of decoration

First, the foam blank we close with polyethylene. It is necessary so that our threads do not stick to foam and subsequently starred without difficulty. Then we need to be very gently inserted into the harvesting needles. One row will be around the edge of the future window, and the second row will go to Oval Easter eggs.

In the second half the window will not be, so we will make a series of needles exclusively at oval eggs.

Halves are made separately from each other!

We welt the threads in PVA Clee, and wind our workpiece. It is better to wrap not chaotic, but observing the "zigzag" pattern through the pins of the external and inner rows.

When winding is finished, the threads can be covered with glue for the second time. Next, we are waiting when the workpiece will dry well. As soon as it happened, we are very and very carefully removing the pins, and then we remove the half from the workpiece.

We do a second half according to a similar principle. Now you need to connect them with each other. You can tie them with a satin ribbon or fix with a hot pistol.

It's great, if you plant a fluffy miniature chicken or rabbit inside such a gentle Easter egg. The egg can be tied up on a thin ribbon, on top for beauty decolating a bow. It turned out a very beautiful handicraft: many will be surprised that you did it with your own hands!

Easter egg in Origami technique

Color paper and triangular modules - if this is about what you say, it is clearly worth experimenting with such an Easter souvenir.

How to make a triangular origami module

First you have to learn how to make modules from colored paper, subsequently this skill will be useful to you in new origami-crafts.

For this you raise the color paper in a special way. However, there are at least two ways to manufacture modules. Usually, the paper is folded several times, at a certain stage it is cut, and then the same pieces turn into future modules. How to cut the paper correctly, you can look at the video:

Step-by-step master class on creating an Easter egg in Origami technique

We will act as follows:

  1. We need to prepare 99 green and 112 pink triangular modules.
  2. In the 1st, 2nd and 3rd rows there will be 8 green modules. They are easily attached to each other.
  3. In the 4th row there will be 16 pink modules, it is necessary to wear one pocket.
  4. The 5th row is done according to the principle: 2 green modules - 2 pink modules - 2 green, etc.
  5. 6th row: the same principle, but the pattern itself needs to be shown a little to the side.
  6. Next, we try to give the egg shape of the bowl and continue to lay out the same pattern, not forgetting to shift it aside.
  7. Make 8 rows with a pattern.
  8. The following row will be out of 16 pink modules.
  9. The work is completed next to the green modules, which will be on three corner.

Video master class will instruct you in detail how to create an egg-origami:

And the next master class will tell you how to improve work. But for beginners, the best choice will be exactly the first way, since it is most simple as possible, but the result is as attractive.

Easter egg in a quilling technique

To perform work in this technique, you will need:

  • blank egg
  • pins
  • paper pins

First of all, think over the egg. Elements can be glued to the workpiece itself:

And you can then remove the workpiece. It is necessary so that the egg is hollow and openwork.

If you have chosen the second option, the principle of manufacture will be the same as the implementation of the Easter egg from the thread. That is, we go as follows:

  1. The egg is closed with polyethylene, and then, starting from the very top of the billet, glue the elements of the queen. Each item should not only attach to the previous one, but also fasten two or three pins.
  2. So the upper half of the egg will be made, then you need to cover it with varnish, leave to dry.
  3. Now you can do a second blank (bottom half), and already after drying, glue both parts.

Qwill elements twists the way we need it. It is better to exercise in advance in order not to waste time in the process of making an Easter egg. To not be knocked out, it is better to follow this video master class:

Prosperity and abundance in Easter symbols is a rabbit. It is believed that he will bring good luck to the one who receives him as a gift. You can land it next to a basket with Easter eggs, he will be her cute and cute guard.

You can sew a simple rabbit of gray flax, you can put the colored charming rabbit, using all your fantasy. It is not necessary to remove this souvenir until the next Easter, because he may be a good talisman for a year.

Look at our master class "Easter rabbits, bringing good luck and select the one who came to your shower)

Without spending a lot of strength, you can make a pretty Easter basket with your own hands, in which painted eggs will look so great. And variations a lot:

In addition, the craftsmen make baskets even from paper! Especially beautiful baskets made in a quilling technique.

And how do you like a basket, decorated with knitted flowers? True, beautiful? !! Easter cakes and eggs associated with amigurum techniques will serve as excellent filling!

Easter candles

Candles in the shape of an egg - an original souvenir for Easter. Our master class "Eastercards and their protective properties" will not leave any questions on "And how to do them."

By the way, the same eggshells can be the best candlesticks:

Easter napkins

Classics of the genre! However, already now you can start making them, because time on such an embroidery need considerable. Schemes for which you will embroider, very much. Evaluate your skill level and choose.

Why do we love holidays? Probably because it is nice to prepare for them: think about gifts, tow the table. But there are special, bright celebrations in our lives, such as Easter. For Easter, people give each other small Easter gifts: painted eggs, cakes, baskets, easter souvenirs. Children love to cook crafts for Easter with their own hands, they are so interesting to take part in preparing and in work. We chose the most interesting master classes for children and adults from the variety of crafts.

We offer crafts for Easter from the simplest materials whose purchase does not hit the pocket, they are always in any regular store.

This is such an interesting basket for eggs can be easily made from a disposable plate, wooden clothespins and scotch.

We cut a disposable plate with scissors:

We glue the sides and we rush on top with paper or tighten your scotch. We divide the clothespins, glue the moment the moment. From above, fasten the thin braid.

On the bottom cut paper strips, make a handle from the cardboard. Decorating a bow or a few.

Print the bunny pattern or draw on a sheet of cardboard or tight paper. Color from two sides, glue and put in your paws a beautiful Easter egg.

Chickens make from disposable spoons, cotton disks, colored paper.

You can make the same funny bunnies:

Even crafts on Easter: Unusual plates for eggs. How beautiful will watch multicolored eggs on such an original plate! Cut from white paper 4 paws and bunny head, make up the muzzle. Lower clothespins put on a plate, glit paper legs to them. On the bottom of the plates put the chopped white paper.

Similarly, we make a plate with a chicken. Difference: Yellow paper and the magnitude of the paws.

Gifts do it yourself for Easter

Ideas for gifts for Easter Great set, you get tired of choosing. I would like to hope that our master classes will help you in choosing.

From paper

Easter basket to the upcoming holiday can be made from a regular paper package. Or from beautiful wrapping paper, perhaps you have remained boxes from candy. Many options. In such an interesting basket, multicolored Easter eggs or delicious delicacies will look original.

To work, you will need:

  1. Paper.
  2. Scissors.
  3. Line.
  4. Thermopystole or ordinary paper glue.
  5. Pencil.

If you have taken a package for work, you need to cut off the bottom. Cut the side. A ruler and pencil flashed on a strip of 3 cm wide.

Bend all the strips in half throughout the length.

We start from the strips to weep the basket, as in the photo.

So that the parts are not confused, we glue the strips on the top of the baskets, then this is all withdrawing. We glue the handle and lump up the top of the basket.

We will sculpt an interesting snack-stand for Easter eggs, as a gift. There are several recipes for the manufacture of the test.

Recipe for wheat flour test:

  1. Flour - 2 glasses.
  2. Salt "Exar" - 1 cup.
  3. Cold water - 250 grams.
  4. Package for storage of products.
  5. 1 tbsp. Spoon of sunflower oil.

Recipe for products from rye flour:

  1. 3 cups (300 gr.) Wheat flour.
  2. 1 cup (100 gr.) Rye flour.
  3. 2 cups (400 gr.) Salts of shallow.
  4. 250 ml of water.

Rye flour gives figures with a warm color of bread. To prepare any dough mix the flour and salt, then we pour gradually cold water and mix again. The degree of readiness of the test can be determined as follows: if the dough stretches and sticks to the hands, it means there is a lot of water in it. Consequently, you need to add flour.

To work, you will need:

  1. Salted dough.
  2. Stack.
  3. Vegetable.
  4. Toothpick.
  5. Pillet manicure.
  6. Black pepper peppers.
  7. Paints, brush.
  8. Varnish transparent.
  9. Cheschnodavka.

Roll out the cake with a thickness of 0.5-0.7 cm, it will be the nest of the chicken. Side pieces of sockets are made using a garberody. We decorate the "straw", wetting water.

We leave the job on 1 day for drying, so that the dough is still well held by the form. We begin to sculpt the chicken. We sculpt the workpiece of the body. The chicken is needed, as the stand under the egg, it means that we must make a deepening for an Easter egg. We take a round shape, make a recess, sculpt the breast and neck of the chicken. Vegetable make a plumage on the breast.

We insert the toothpick in the neck of the church, leave 1.5 cm. Connect the nest and the body of the chicken. Roll over the dough, we make the blanks of wings with a thickness of 1 cm. We draw a vegetable feet of a plumage, kpripim to the body of a chicken, wetting water.

Further, our task is to make a griech with a beautiful tail. We take the oval cake with a thickness of 0, 7-1 cm. Making a vegetable cuticle. Cut the tail of the edge of the tail to the knife to remind the drawing of the feathers. Cuts make neat, smoothing out their fingers. Attach the tail to the body of chicken. Place something under the tail, for example, a ball or an apple. After the product gets up, we remove the apple.

Roll round ball for head. We decorated the scallop, fingers and stack by giving it the desired look.

To make your eyes, you need to outline their place. Making a stack of dents for the eyes. Next, we make dents to be dents to become curly.

Insert pepper peas instead of pupil. We make the beak and sculpt to the head.

We fasten your head and torso, putting your head on the toothpick. Fresh a small dough strip for head stability. Decorating the neck of the chicken by troughs from the dough. You can make a chicken "serving" from pieces of dough.

Similarly, sculpt chickens. Do not forget to make items to be better fastening.

We leave the product for 1-2 days to dry, putting them in a long place, you can even on the closet. In a day or two, when chickens with chicken harden, finally make up the job: plant figurines on leaves, moistening with water. We leave in the air, for 1-2 days. Hanging products first in the air, and then put in the oven with a temperature of 50 degrees for 1 hour. After drying, paint paints and coated with colorless varnish.

Another option: Figures from the dough: sculpt the Easter hares, chickens, chickens. You can make from them the magnets to the refrigerator, and you can the suspension on the winds of the willow.

The fastest gift option is paper multicolored napkins and ribbons. We spin the boiled egg into the napkin and tie the ribbon. Can be replaced with corrugated paper.

Such a ridiculous interesting Easter chicken can be born with a crochet.

To work, you will need:

  1. Yarny yarn, 100% cotton or 50/50,
  2. A little yarn orange and white.
  3. Hook number 3.

We begin to knit from the body. The first 7 rows:

1st - 8 SBS knit in a loop amigurians
2nd - knit into each loop of 2 failures (16 fails)
3rd - 1 TBI, 2 fails, and so on (24 fails)
4th - in each third loop add 2 fails, 2 failures (32 fails)
5th - in each 4 p. Add: 3 fails, 2 failures (40 fails)
6th - in each 5 p. Add: 4 fails, 2 failures (48 fails)
7th - in each 6 p. Add: 5 fails, 2 failures (56 fails)

15th - to lines the 5th and 6th p. Together (40 fails)
16th - 2 rows knit without grazing (40 fails)
18th - to dwell 4 and 5 p. Together (32 fails)
19th - without grazing (32 fails)

Fill the chicken with cotton or syntheps.

20th - I check each 2 and 3rd n. Together (16 fails)
21st - knit every two loops together (8 fails)
Cut the thread and gently sew a hole.

Wings (2 wings):

  • 1st - We recruit 7 remuneration. The hinges of yellow yarn, 1 injection into the second loop from the hook, 4 fails, 3 fails in one loop, 4 fails, comprehensive. P.
  • 2nd - 1 VP, 4 fails, twice 2 fails to one p., 3 fails in one loop, twice 2 fails in one loop, compound. P.
  • 3rd - 1 VP, 1 TB to each loop
  • 4th - 1 VP, 1 SEDA. p. in every loop

Knit orange yarn footsteps:

  • 1st - 2 VP, 6 ISBS in the second loop from the hook (6 fails)
  • 3rd - We make an increase in each second paragraph (18 fails)
  • 4th - a number of no changes (18 fails)

Beak (1 part)

1st - We recruit 5 VP, 1 ISP in the 2nd loop from the hook, semi-sololbik, 1 SSN, and 1 CC2H

Eyes (2 details)

  • 1st - 6 ISBS in the amigur loop (6 fails)
  • 2nd - We make an increase in each loop (12 fails)
  • 3rd - We make an increase in each 2nd loop (18 ISP)
  • Beads are different (colors are located next to the schemes).
  • 2 meters of thin fishing line or caprony thread.
  • 2 needles for beading.

Weaving start from the central row from the figure 1 to figure 2, then we perform each part separately at different ends of the fishing line, we use the table.

In the scheme of weaving eggs, pay attention to the double rows (12 and 13 in the upper part 13 and 14 at the bottom). The keychain in the form of a chicken at the top first weave the right wing (numbers from 5 to 9), and then the left (numbers from 10 to 16). Next, we turn to the design of the head (figures from 17 to 40).

What can be Easter without a crib, Easter eggs, souvenirs and angels? These original Easter angels can be made with their own hands from ordinary macaroni. Macaroni can be any: stars, horns, spirals, vermicelli. Such angels can be hung on the Willow twig or put in the Easter basket.

To work, you will need:

  1. Pasta.
  2. Tests or sticks.
  3. Thermopystole or glue moment.
  4. PVA glue.
  5. Salted dough balls.

Adhesive gun connect the head (the ball of the dough) with the torso. Next, glue the back on your back. We choose the wings from pasta and glue from above.

Gustoving the angel's head of the angel and lowered in a small vermicelli or stars. This is the "hair" of an angel.

For hands, use openwork pasta. Take a thick glue on the sides, near the wings and glue.

Mobile or simple paint golden color or aerosol.

If you want to insert them into the Easter basket, insert the wand inside the pasta and glue, crafts are ready.