Children's recipes: how and what to feed a child? An important element of proper growth and development is feeding newborns in the first days: suitable postures, diet and useful tips for young mothers

The correct, timely development of the child is the goal of every mother. One of the components of success is a well-composed menu for a child at 1 year old. At this age, many children are already weaned, transferring to artificial feeding. If the mother still has enough breast milk and she decides to continue to feed her baby, then it is still necessary for the child to eat regular food, although, as experience shows, all children are different. There are times when a child does not want to eat regular food, preferring only breast milk even at that age.

What does the menu of a one-year-old child consist of

It should be noted that there are certain norms, but in life everything is completely different, since all children are different and the nutrition of the parents themselves is different. TO

So, it is believed that feeding a child at 1 year old is carried out 4-5 times a day. The interval between feedings should be no more than 4 hours. The total amount of food eaten is 1000-1200 ml, not counting the liquid. A similar diet should be maintained for children until they reach 1.5 years. In real life, few people will count these milliliters, accurately measure the time.

The diet of a child at 1 year old may consist of the following meals:

  1. Breakfast (8:00);
  2. Second breakfast (10:00);
  3. Lunch (13:00);
  4. Afternoon snack (16:00);
  5. Dinner (19:00).

An approximate menu for a one-year-old baby can be represented by the following set of dishes:

  1. Breakfast - porridge is best. Porridge can be made with a piece of butter or fruit. In a year, a baby can be given rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, corn, millet, semolina or multi-cereal porridge (if the cereals contained in it were given separately in advance). There are recommendations that after porridge you can give tea or compote, but personally I take this recommendation with great doubt, compote is still okay, water is okay, but why tea? To accustom a child to this drink, which does not bring much benefit to adults, except for creating the habit of drinking tea after eating, which leads to a deterioration in digestion processes, overeating bakery and confectionery products, creates problems with water in the body, and so on.
  2. Second breakfast - children's yogurt and cookies, fruits. It is worth making sure that children's yogurt does not contain the entire periodic table. Carefully study the composition, the same applies to cookies. The best fruits, homemade cakes without yeast.
  3. Lunch - vegetable salad, soup, meat dish with a side dish. The soup is cooked in vegetable broth. It can be beetroot, cabbage soup or noodle soup. As a meat dish, a child at 12 months old can be offered meatballs, steam cutlets or meatballs. 1-2 times a week, a meat dish can be replaced with a fish one. You should think about tea, compote or water. About meat and fish at this age - it is extremely individual. Our children are not accustomed from childhood to drink food and feel great, sometimes they ask for water after a meal, but rarely. For lunch, they eat soups with pleasure, they don’t want a salad, they can refuse the second one. Soup is usually sufficient.
  4. Snack - cottage cheese, fruit or vegetable puree.
  5. Dinner - vegetable and meat puree, steam omelette, millet porridge with pumpkin.

Useful information for parents

A child's menu at 1 year old should not include products such as:

  • Citrus;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Nuts;
  • Sausages, sausages;
  • Caviar;
  • Chocolate;
  • Semi-finished products;
  • Canned food.

You should also follow important rules regarding meals:

  • do not arrange snacks for children;
  • feed at the same time, observing the regimen;
  • monitor the freshness and quality of the products that you use in the diet of a child at 1 year old;
  • feed your baby only freshly cooked food, do not leave soup or a second for tomorrow;
  • control the cleanliness of your own hands and the hands of the baby. Teach him to wash his hands before eating.

How to diversify the diet of a one-year-old baby?

Each mother has her own recipes, according to which she prepares delicious and healthy dishes for her crumbs. To diversify the menu, I would like to offer a few more recipes.

Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with cherries in a double boiler

This dish is perfect for a Sunday breakfast or afternoon snack.

You will need:

  • 1 pack of cottage cheese (preferably dry);
  • 3 art. l. sugar (plus a little more for sprinkling)
  • 5 st. l. flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • 10-12 pieces of frozen pitted cherries.


  1. Pound sugar with an egg, add cottage cheese, mix.
  2. Gradually add flour. The dough should be thick so that you can sculpt dumplings out of it.
  3. Wet your hands with water, take a piece of dough and make a palm-sized cake. Sprinkle some sugar on it and put a frozen cherry on it. Roll up a cheese ball.
  4. When all the balls are ready, put them in a double boiler and cook for 20 minutes.
  5. Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with cherries are ready! Serve them with yogurt or sour cream.

Beet and Apple Salad

A very simple and tasty salad for kids - beet and apple salad.

You will need:

  • 1/2 small beetroot;
  • 1/2 apple;
  • Vegetable oil.


  1. Boil the beets until tender.
  2. Peel the cooled beets and cut into small cubes.
  3. Remove the skin from the apple and remove the core. Chop it into cubes.
  4. Mix the apple and beetroot cubes in a bowl and dress the salad with a little vegetable oil.
  5. Salad of beets and apples is ready!

Fish under a vegetable blanket

The menu for kids includes fish 1-2 times a week. For children, choose low-fat types of white fish. It is better to give preference to fish fillets or small-boned fish. And if you chose a piece of fish, then before serving, you need to carefully examine and remove all the bones.

Not all children willingly eat fish. To "deceive" them, you can hide it under a vegetable blanket. This dish can be offered to the child for dinner.

You will need:

  • Fillet or piece of white fish;
  • 1/3 onion;
  • 1/2 carrot;
  • 1 cherry tomato.


  1. Boil the fish or steam it.
  2. Clean and chop the onion. Peel and grate carrots. Simmer the onions and carrots in a frying pan with a little water until tender.
  3. Free the lumpy fish from the bones and chop. Even if you choose a fillet, check it for small bones.
  4. First put a layer of chopped fish in a children's bowl, then cover it with a blanket of vegetables.
  5. Remove the skin from the cherry tomato and chop it. Arrange the tomato slices on top of the vegetable blanket.
  6. Fish under a vegetable blanket is ready!

Each child is individual, but experience suggests that a lot depends on the parent. The formation of eating habits depends on what foods a parent begins to give to a child from a young age, what dishes are on the table, what food is at home in sight. Eating soups, vegetables, fruits - this is often just a habit, although there are children who will never eat any type of food, no matter how you force it.

Very often, parents have to invent new and new ways to attract the attention of their children to food. For example:

Eat soup and broth, drink tea, compote, etc. through a straw. It is very important to do this with a serious face, preferably several times in the presence of the child. Later, he will be interested in this procedure and will be happy to repeat it. A very effective method for taking medicines. Under the guise of juice, you can offer your child to drink an unloved potion.

For feeding children, use interesting, bright and unusual dishes. It is desirable that something is depicted on its bottom. The child will be motivated to eat the food completely.

Children are very fond of sweets. You can put something useful in bright wrappers, such as mashed vegetables, cottage cheese, a piece of pie, etc. But this method only works with young children.

You can cook your child for lunch or dinner for several hours, repeating from time to time what delicious dishes will be served. After a while, the baby himself will begin to wait for this moment.

It is recommended to draw while eating, placing an album and felt-tip pens next to the plate. You can draw an apple, and let the child, eating a real apple, paint over the picture piece by piece. After that, you can invite the baby to depict, for example, a bowl of soup.

In many families, the main way is to feed the child with the help of television advertising, that is, at the moment when the child is infatuated. This is wrong and harmful to the health of the baby. It has long been noticed that advertising is the cause of aggressive behavior in children. This is due to a change in the functioning of the central nervous system in young children (in particular, the cerebral cortex), which is caused by a rapid change in bright pictures and audiovisual special effects. After frequent viewing of it, children experience tearfulness, irritability, increased nervous excitability, sleep disturbances, aggressiveness, etc. It is worth noting that the orientation towards the assimilation of ready-made solutions imposed by advertising limits the work of thinking, which subsequently negatively affects the intellectual development of the child. Also, feeding during advertising (as well as reading while eating), in addition to the above, negatively affects the digestive processes.

A fairly common mistake parents make is to draw their child's attention to food with the help of jokes. You should not turn eating into entertainment, you should also not persuade the baby for a long time "to eat a spoon for mom, for dad." It is also not recommended to threaten the child with something, for example: "If you don't eat, I won't buy you a car."

When serving food to a child, one should behave calmly, give him time so that he can eat everything, so to speak, do not stand over his soul. If the baby has not eaten anything, you just need to silently remove the plate, and after that do not give him any snacks, such as sweets and cookies, until the next meal.

From time to time, the child should be given the opportunity to exercise independence. You can invite him to choose what he will eat for lunch or dinner and even cook some interesting simple dish with him. It is very important for children to feel their independence, and even more so - the significance that is manifested in helping adults.

How to feed twins

In order to feed twins or twins, not to mention more children, you need to prepare in advance. Place toys, towels, bibs (for small children), food, spoons, etc. near the table.

The easiest way is to feed from one plate, in turn. But more often it happens that children have different tastes and preferences in food.

For all children without exception - both capricious and calm - the rules of feeding are the same:

1. First of all, you need to stock up on patience and endurance.
2. You should stick to the planned menu.
3. Portions should be of the appropriate size. Do not force your child to eat more than he can.
4. It is recommended to maintain a positive conversation, not to cry out, even if the children are naughty or naughty.
5. It is necessary to limit the time of eating to 20 minutes and allow the child to leave the table after this time, even if he has not finished eating.
6. Do not focus on the fact that children do not eat.
7. And finally, do not allow unplanned meals. Thus, it is easier to awaken the child's appetite during lunch or dinner.

Twins often imitate each other's behavior, especially at an early age. You can use this for your own purposes. For example, if one child is hungry and the other is not, you can safely feed the first, thus giving the second the opportunity to take a positive example.

It is very common that parents do not have enough time for twins, so they leave them to themselves by giving them a bottle of juice. Drinks create a feeling of satiety, and the consequences of this are refusals to take normal food.

You should not cook unusual and delicious dishes for especially picky children. This will create additional difficulties at present and certain problems in the future. A child should be taught healthy food and good manners from childhood.

Dishes for children

In order to increase the child's appetite, you can cook a dish with him. This event will become especially significant for the baby if it is timed to coincide with any holiday, preferably the birthday of the child himself.

In this case, you can make a menu with the baby, think about who to invite and where to plant, how to decorate the room, what games to play, what music to listen to. And of course, the kid will be interested in taking part in this. He will remember this birthday for a long time.

It is desirable that the whole family take part in the preparation for the holiday. You can assign responsibilities, for example, the older sister inflates and hangs balloons, mom bakes a cake, dad and baby help her.

Naturally, you should select a job for the child in accordance with his strengths, capabilities and skills. Do not blame him or even pay attention to the fact that he did not succeed.

It can be recommended to use a bright washable tablecloth, multi-colored napkins and dishes for the festive table. The menu should be designed in such a way that only those dishes that can be eaten without the help of a knife are present.

To decorate drinks (carbonated water, berry fruit drinks and natural juices), you can use multi-colored straws and animal figurines.

The menu compiled for a preschool child, in addition to fruits and soft drinks, may include the following dishes:

Cheesecakes in a hurry


Flour - 6 tablespoons
- Sugar - 4 tablespoons
- Sour cream - 2 tablespoons
- Chicken egg - 1 pc.
- Creamy margarine - 1/3 pack
- Soda quenched with vinegar - 1/3 teaspoon
- Butter
- Curd for stuffing
- Salt

Cooking method:

Mix flour, sugar, sour cream, egg, margarine, soda and salt, beat with a mixer, pour the mass into a separate bowl greased with butter, put the curd filling on top (you can use cottage cheese cheese), place in a preheated oven and bake for 20 minutes.

Dried apricot jelly


Dried apricots - 300 g
- Gelatin - 1/2 tablespoon
- Water

Cooking method:

Steam dried apricots in boiling water, chop in a food processor, mix with a small amount of boiled water and dilute gelatin in it. Divide the mixture into molds and refrigerate. After a while, the jelly can be removed from the molds by dipping them briefly in hot water and then tipping them onto a dish.

herring oil


Herring - 1 pc.
- Butter
- Onion

Cooking method:

Peel the herring, separate the fillet from the bones, chop in a food processor, mix with finely chopped onions and softened butter. Put the resulting mixture in the refrigerator for a while.

Stuffed potato casserole


Potatoes - 6 pcs.
- Minced meat, fish or vegetables
- Butter
- Cream or milk
- Salt

Cooking method:

Boil potatoes in their skins, peel, mash, salt and divide into 3 parts. Put 2/3 of the resulting mass into a baking dish greased with butter and make small sides. Put the minced meat on top, add cream or milk to the remaining potatoes, place the resulting mixture in a culinary syringe and put it on the filling. After that, place the form in a preheated oven and bake until golden brown.

Kiwi Cake


Sour cream - 200 g
- Butter - 350 g
- Boiled condensed milk - 1 can
- Kiwi - 3 pcs.
- Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
- Sugar - 1 cup
- Walnuts - 1/2 cup
- Raisins - 1/2 cup
- Flour - 2.5 cups
- Lemon juice - 2 teaspoons
- Soda - 1 teaspoon
- Melted butter - 4 tablespoons
- Vinegar

Cooking method:

In a separate bowl, beat eggs with sugar until white. Add sour cream, 50 g of softened butter and washed raisins, mix thoroughly, add flour, add soda quenched with vinegar and stir again thoroughly.

Divide the dough into 2-3 parts and bake from them in the form of cakes said in oil.

Mix boiled condensed milk with 250 g of softened butter, grease the cakes with the resulting cream, put them one on top of the other and refrigerate for several hours.

Cut the kiwi and decorate the cake with slices. Peel the nuts, divide into quarters and sprinkle the cakes on top.

Chicken cutlets


Chicken fillet - 900 g
- White bread - 100 g
- Breadcrumbs - 2 tablespoons
- Butter - 5 tablespoons
- Milk
- Salt

Cooking method:

Soak bread in milk and squeeze. Pass the fillet through a meat grinder along with bread, add a small amount of butter, salt and mix thoroughly.

Form cutlets of small size from the resulting mass, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry in butter until golden brown. Bring to readiness in the oven.

You can serve potatoes, beans or green peas as a side dish.

Quick potato patties


Potatoes - 5 pcs.
- Chicken egg - 1 pc.
- Minced meat (meat, mushroom, fish or vegetable)
- Flour - 2 tablespoons
- Vegetable oil
- Salt to taste

Cooking method:

Boil the potatoes in their skins and, without cooling, peel and then pound. Add flour, egg and salt to taste to the resulting mass, knead the dough, roll it into a layer and divide it into rectangles.
Put a small amount of pre-prepared minced meat in the center of each rectangle, pinch the edges and fry the pies in vegetable oil in a preheated pan until golden brown.

Homemade cottage cheese


Milk - 500 g
- Kefir - 500 g

Cooking method:

Pour milk and kefir into aluminum dishes, put on fire, bring to a boil and cool.

Put a colander with gauze, strain the resulting mixture, squeeze out the whey, and serve the resulting cottage cheese to the table. You can mix cottage cheese with condensed milk or yogurt.

Pie with oranges


Flour - 250 g
- Butter - 125 g

- Water
- Salt

For filling:

Butter - 70 g
- Sugar - 150 g
- Chicken egg - 1 pc.
- Juice of 1 orange
- Orange peel
- Fruit for decoration

Cooking method:

Sift the flour on a board or on a table in a pile, make a well in the center, pour vegetable oil, a little water into it, crumble the butter, salt and mix thoroughly.

Roll the dough into a ball, cover with a plate and leave for a while.

After that, roll out the dough into a layer 0.5 cm thick, put it in a special form, greased with oil.

In a separate bowl, prepare the filling by grinding the egg with sugar, crushed orange zest and juice. Pour in the melted butter and spread the finished filling on the dough.

Place the form in a preheated oven, bake for 20 minutes, and then decorate with chopped fruit.

Pike perch in Polish


Pike perch - 1 pc.
- Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
- Onion - 1 pc.
- Carrot - 1 pc.
- Butter - 30 g
- parsley greens
- Salt

Cooking method:

Pike perch clean, rinse, separate the meat from the bones and cut into small pieces. Place the fillet in a separate pan, cover with water, add peeled onions, carrots and chopped parsley, salt and cook until tender.

Hard boil eggs, cool, peel and chop. Drain the broth, add eggs and butter to the fish. You can use mashed potatoes as a side dish.

Mackerel with mayonnaise


Mackerel - 500 g
- Onion - 200 g
- Carrot - 200 g
- Flour - 40 g
- Vegetable oil - 40 g
- Grated cheese
- Tomato sauce
- Mayonnaise
- Greenery
- ground pepper
- Salt

Cooking method:

Cut the mackerel into fillets, cut into slices obliquely, breaded in flour and fry on both sides in half the vegetable oil.

Peel onions and carrots, chop and sauté separately in the remaining vegetable oil.

Put pieces of mackerel in a separate bowl, add onions and carrots, salt and pepper to taste, sprinkle with grated cheese, pour mayonnaise and place in a preheated oven.

Bake for 15 minutes.

After that, pour over the tomato sauce and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

"Fingers" from the liver


Liver - 500 g
- Potatoes - 2 pcs.
- Bulb onion - 4 pcs.
- Carrots - 4 pcs.
- Breadcrumbs
- Vegetable oil
- ground pepper
- Salt

Cooking method:

Rinse the liver, cut into thin slices the size of a palm, beat off, salt and pepper to taste.

Peel vegetables. Grate potatoes and carrots, chop onions.

Put a layer of potatoes and half of the onion on the liver chops, roll up, roll in breadcrumbs and fry.

Fry the remaining onion with carrots in vegetable oil.

Transfer the rolls to a saucepan, add the fried vegetables and simmer.

Cottage cheese casserole


Chicken egg - 1 pc.
- Cottage cheese - 200 g
- Butter
- Flour
- Salt

For filling:

- Dried apricots or raisins

Cooking method:

In a separate bowl, mix the egg, cottage cheese, flour and salt. Put the resulting mass into a mold greased with butter, place the filling on top (boiled rice with raisins or dried apricots) and put in a preheated oven.

fish cakes


Fish fillet
- Onion - 1 pc.
- White bread - 1 slice
- Chicken egg - 1 pc.
- Vegetable oil
- Salt

Cooking method:

Soak the bread in a little water. Peel and chop the onion.

Pass the fish fillet through a meat grinder along with bread and onions. Add an egg and salt to the minced meat, form small cutlets and fry in vegetable oil.

Instant Apple Jam


Apples - 300 g
- Sugar to taste

Cooking method:

Peel the apples, grate on a coarse grater, transfer to an aluminum pan, add sugar and simmer over low heat. After that, spread the jam in glass jars.

Meat "Trio"


Beef fillet - 100 g
- Pork fillet - 100 g
- Chicken fillet - 100 g
- Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
- Walnuts - 4 pcs.
- Garlic - 2 cloves
- Vegetable oil
- Flour
- ground pepper
- Salt

Cooking method:

Chop the garlic and nuts.

Cut the meat into pieces, beat off, salt and pepper. Put a small amount of garlic and nuts on the beef, cover with a piece of chicken fillet on top, put garlic and nuts again, then a piece of pork.
Bread the resulting "trio" in flour, dip in beaten eggs, fry in vegetable oil and bring to readiness in a preheated oven.

Ice cream "Assorted"


Ice cream - 200 g
- Canned fruits - 20 g
- Fruit syrup - 2 tablespoons
- Blackcurrant jam - 1 tablespoon
- Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon
- Cocoa powder - 1 tablespoon

Cooking method:

Divide ice cream into 4 parts, arrange in different dishes and mix one part with cocoa powder, the second with lemon juice, the third with blackcurrant jam. Put ice cream in layers in a separate deep vase, pour syrup on top and garnish with canned fruit.

Fried chicken sandwich


White bread - 150 g
- Butter - 120 g
- Fresh cucumbers - 50 g
- Fried chicken - 150 g
- Greenery

Cooking method:

Cut the chicken flesh into small thin pieces. Cut the bread into slices, grease each of them with butter, put chicken meat, cucumbers cut into thin slices. Decorate sandwiches with chopped herbs.

Cake "Clown"


Flour - 250 g
- Butter - 250 g
- Sugar - 200 g
- Powdered sugar - 100 g
- Ground hazelnuts - 250 g
- Chocolate shavings - 50 g
- Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
- Fat
- Baking powder
- Colored sugar balls for decoration
- Icing (white and colored) for decoration

Cooking method:

Prepare a dough from butter, sugar, eggs, flour and baking powder, add hazelnuts and chocolate chips to it, mix thoroughly and bake in a greased form.

Decorate the finished biscuit with white icing, draw a clown's face in color and sprinkle with powdered sugar and balls.

Stuffed eggs


Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
- Boiled meat - 100 g
- Cheese - 25 g
- Butter - 20 g
- Greenery
- Salt

Cooking method:

Hard boil the eggs, cool, peel, cut in half lengthwise and remove the yolks.

Finely chop the meat or pass through a meat grinder. Grate the cheese.

Salt the meat, mix with chopped herbs, yolks and butter, stuff the halves of the proteins with the resulting mass, sprinkle with cheese on top, put on a baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes in a preheated oven.

Potato soup


Potato - 500 g
- Onion - 100 g
- Sour cream - 50 g
- Chicken egg - 1 pc.

- Flour - 1 tablespoon
- Water - 1 l
- Salt

Cooking method:

Peel and cut vegetables (potatoes - cubes, onions - rings). Fry the onion in vegetable oil until golden brown.

Dip potatoes, onions into boiling water, cook until tender, and then wipe through a sieve.

Fry the flour in a pan, mix with the resulting broth, grind thoroughly, salt, add to the puree, bring to a boil.

Hard boil the egg, cool, peel, separate the yolk and grind it with sour cream.

Before serving, season the soup with a mixture of yolk and sour cream.

Bananas with almonds


Bananas - 300 g
- Butter - 20 g
- Almonds - 40 g
- Apricots - 150 g
- Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon
- Orange juice - 3 tablespoons
- Apple juice - 2 tablespoons
- Sugar - 2 tablespoons
- cardamom
- ground nutmeg

Cooking method:

Peel bananas, cut lengthwise and place on a greased baking sheet.

After that, sprinkle bananas with sugar, pour over lemon and orange juices, sprinkle with cardamom and ground nutmeg.

Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven for 4 minutes. After that, sprinkle the bananas with crushed almonds and keep in the oven for another 2 minutes. Rinse the apricots and beat with a mixer together with apple juice. Put bananas on a dish and pour over the resulting mixture.

Cheese cookies with sesame


Flour - 1 cup
- Butter - 100 g
- Grated cheese - 100 g
- Chicken egg - 1 pc.
- Sesame
- Salt

Cooking method:

Chop the butter and mix in a separate bowl with sesame seeds, cheese and flour, salt, put in a plastic bag and place it in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Take out the dough, roll it into a layer 0.5 cm thick, form cookies, brush with egg and bake until done in a preheated oven.



Cream - 100 g
- Milk - 30 g
- Chicken egg - 1 pc.
- Sugar - 1 tablespoon
- Vanillin

Cooking method:

Separate the yolk from the protein. Grind the protein with sugar, add vanillin, warmed milk and cook with constant stirring until thickened over low heat.

Strain the resulting mixture through cheesecloth, cool, mix thoroughly with whipped cream, arrange on portioned plates and place in the freezer for a while.

Vegetable soup


Potato - 100 g
- White cabbage - 50 g
- Fresh tomatoes - 50 g
- Carrot - 30 g
- Turnip - 30 g
- Onion - 30 g
- Green beans - 30 g
- Green peas - 30 g
- Milk - 100 g
- Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon
- Water - 1 l
- parsley greens
- Salt

Cooking method:

Chop the parsley. Peel and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Peel and chop the onion along with the cabbage. Cut potatoes and tomatoes into slices, turnips and beans into strips. Fry the onion in vegetable oil with carrots and parsley. Put potatoes, turnips, cabbage, beans, onions, carrots with parsley, peas into boiling water and cook for 20-25 minutes.

5 minutes before the soup is ready, add the tomatoes and salt to taste. Mix with milk before serving.

Chicken salad with pineapple


Chicken - 1 pc.
- Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
- Canned pineapples - 1 can
- Cheese - 100 g
- Chopped roasted nuts - 1/2 cup
- Mayonnaise
- Salt

Cooking method:

Boil the whole chicken, separate the meat from the bones, chop.

Hard boil eggs, cool, peel and cut into cubes with pineapple. Cheese grate on a coarse grater.

Salt the chicken, eggs, pineapple, nuts and cheese and place in a separate bowl in layers, lubricating each layer with mayonnaise.

stuffed apples


Apples - 2 pcs.
- Egg yolk - 1 pc.
- Cottage cheese - 60 g
- Almond or walnut nuts - 30 g
- Vegetable oil - 1 teaspoon
- Sugar - 1 tablespoon

Cooking method:

Cut off the tops of the apples and carefully cut out the cores.

In a separate bowl, mix cottage cheese, yolk, sugar, vegetable oil and chopped nuts. Stuff the apples with the resulting mixture, close the tops and place on a baking sheet. Pour in some water. Bake in a preheated oven.

Canape with chicken


Bread - 350 g
- Butter - 80 g
- Chicken meat - 100 g
- Jelly - 50 g

Cooking method:

Cut out round croutons from the bread, grease them with oil, put the boiled chopped chicken meat on top and pour over the jelly.

"Apricots" from cottage cheese


Curd - 300 g
- Flour - 200 g
- Apricot jam - 100 g
- Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
- Semolina - 1 tablespoon
- Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
- Soda - 1 teaspoon
- Almond nuts
- Sugar - 3 tablespoons
- Salt

Cooking method:

Pass the cottage cheese through a meat grinder and mix thoroughly with eggs, flour, semolina, sugar, slaked soda and salt. Divide the resulting dough into several parts and form them into small balls.

"Apricots" fry in vegetable oil, insert almonds inside each, transfer to a dish and pour apricot jam on top.

Rassolnik vegetarian


Potato - 300 g
- White cabbage - 150 g
- Carrot - 100 g
- Cucumber pickle - 100 g
- Onion - 100 g
- Pickled cucumbers - 200 g
- Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
- Bay leaf
- Dill and parsley greens
- Ground black pepper
- Salt

Cooking method:

Peel and cut vegetables. Pour water into a separate bowl, bring it to a boil and lower the chopped white cabbage and potatoes and cook for 15 minutes. Fry onions with carrots in vegetable oil.

Add carrots, onions, cucumbers, bay leaves and ground pepper to the pan, salt, add brine and cook for another 5-10 minutes.

Sprinkle the soup with chopped parsley or dill before serving.

Ham with prunes


Ham - 250 g
- Prunes - 100 g

Cooking method:

Rinse the prunes, boil in a small amount of water, separate from the pits and dry.
Cut the ham into thin slices, place prunes in each of them and chop with skewers.

strawberries in foam


Strawberries - 300 g
- Powdered sugar - 100 g
- Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
- Coconut shavings

Cooking method:

Wash the strawberries thoroughly, separate from the stalks, cut into small slices and arrange in vases.

Separate the whites from the yolks. Whisk egg whites with powdered sugar. Put the resulting mass in vases on top. Garnish with shredded coconut before serving.

Decoration of dishes for children

To increase the child's appetite, dishes should be beautifully and interestingly designed, because the appearance of food plays an important role and contributes to better digestibility of food.

Products must match in color, shape and taste.

Red sauces are in harmony with meat, especially fried. Pink tomato sauce is suitable for fish dishes, and white - for poultry. In the event that products should have a natural color, do not use artificial dyes. Also, inedible objects or raw dough should not be used as a decoration for a dish.

Paying attention to decorations, it should be noted that if the products are served in dishes with a pattern, then the patterns on the dish itself should be minimal.

On the surface of a variety of large-sized products, you can make drawings, ornaments and jelly nets.

cold dishes

When preparing cold dishes, the right combination of food in terms of cut shape, color and taste is of great importance. Most often, various seasonings and vegetables are used for decoration, which not only make the dish more attractive and appetizing, but also enrich it with vitamins, organic acids, mineral salts and carbohydrates.

As a decoration, you can use raw, boiled, pickled, canned vegetables and herbs, as well as various figures from them.

When decorating, you should be guided by the main rule: the main dish should not be covered with a side dish and various decorations. We must also remember that beautiful dishes also affect the appetite.

In practice, the main principle of decoration is contrast. Green vegetables (cucumbers, peas), parsley, onions and dill go well with yellow (peppers, boiled carrots), red (tomatoes, beets, peppers) and white (cabbage, onions).

Snacks can be decorated with pickled fruits and berries, as well as flowers, etc. from vegetables.

Bluebells can be made from fresh or pickled cucumbers, beets or carrots. To do this, cut off the top of the vegetable to make a pointed cone. Then cut off a thin layer about 2 cm wide, turn the conical cap upside down, put an oblong piece of a vegetable of a different color and put it together on a dish or distribute one at a time.

A rose can be made from tomatoes. One tomato should be placed with the stalk down, cuts should be made on four sides from above, leaving about 1 cm uncut. After that, carefully remove the middle of the tomato with a knife. Remove the skin from the second tomato, starting from the stalk, to make a ribbon 1.5-2 cm wide. Twist this ribbon and place it in the center of the first tomato. Put parsley or dill next to it.

Baskets can be made from green pickled or fresh tomatoes. To do this, cut off the top of the vegetable, remove 1/3 of the pulp with a spoon, cut teeth along the edges and fill the baskets with finely chopped vegetables seasoned with mayonnaise or vegetable oil.

Baskets can also be prepared from various fruits. To do this, cut off the top from tangerines, oranges, lemons, etc., remove 1/3 of the pulp with a spoon, and make cloves on the edges with a knife. Baskets can be filled with cranberries, lingonberries, plums or cherries.

You can also make baskets from zucchini and squash. To do this, cut the bottoms of vegetables, cut out baskets and cook in salted water until half cooked. After that, marinate the baskets in vinegar, diluted with water at a rate of 1: 1, for 30 minutes. Such baskets can be filled with vegetable mixtures seasoned with vegetable oil.

Daisies can be made from eggs. To do this, boil the egg hard-boiled, cool, peel, cut off the sharp end, put the egg cut down and cut the protein into thin strips. After that, remove the yolk, and give the strips of protein the shape of chamomile petals. In the middle, you can put a circle of yolk or carrots, and next to it - parsley or dill.

You can also make roses from eggs. To do this, the egg must be boiled, peeled, cut off the blunt end to a height of 1 cm, carefully remove the yolk, cut off a strip about 1 cm thick from most of the protein in a circular motion, twist it into a roll, and cut several slices from the remaining protein and make petals out of them. . In the recess of the stand, place the roll and the protein petals.

A rose can also be made from beets. It is necessary to weld it, cut it in half vertically, put it with the cut down and cut into thin slices, from which then lay out the rose, placing them horizontally.

You can make bows from cucumbers by cutting the vegetable lengthwise into thin strips and folding each of them in half. Place two strips opposite each other, and decorate with circles of radishes, onions or carrots on top.

You can make an interesting side dish from cabbage leaves if you boil them, cut off the thickened vein, roll them into a bag and fill them with various fillings.

Tomatoes also make an excellent side dish if you cut them into circles without reaching the end with a knife, then push them apart with your hands, giving the shape of a flower, and place green peas or an olive in the center. This decoration will go well with various meat and fish dishes or salads.

Tomatoes, beets, carrots or apples can make magnolia. To do this, make a serrated incision in the middle, while trying to ensure that the knife does not reach the core. When the cut line closes, separate the halves. This way you can get 2 flowers.

From onions you can make a lily. To do this, a large onion should be cleaned, washed, cut into small triangles from its center and divided into 2 parts. The scales should be nested one inside the other so that their sharp ends fall between the petals of the previous row. You can slightly round the "lily" petals with scissors.

From green onions you can make a flower-decoration. To do this, its feathers should be cut in the form of panicles, cut lengthwise and placed in a glass of cold water. The feathers of the onion curl up and form a flower.

You can also decorate cold dishes with jellied vegetables. Before pouring, cut them into pieces, and pour small vegetables whole.

Sweet dishes

Sweet dishes are always bright and varied. There are many possibilities for this.

A very unusual and interesting dessert can be obtained by pouring layers of jelly of different colors into molds. This kind of dish can be served as an independent dish or cut into several parts and pour them with transparent jelly.

Cakes and pastries can be decorated with multi-colored creams, drawing various bright pictures on them. The child can also take an active part in this.

Other publications on the topic of this article:

How to make a menu for a one-year-old child. Features of feeding and diet.

How and what to feed a baby in a year? What diet should be observed and how to make a menu correctly? The article will answer all questions related to the nutrition of a one-year-old peanut.

What can be given to a child per year?

  • The baby is 12 months old or 1 year old. This is an important and significant event for both the baby and the parents. The little man continues to grow, which means that for his proper development and health, a balanced and nutritious diet is required.
  • Now is the time to review the child's feeding regimen, the composition and quality of the dishes offered. By this time, the baby has already become acquainted with some "adult" foods, he has his first teeth, he is becoming more and more active physically and mentally.

What foods can be given to a one-year-old baby?

Kashi remain the number 1 product in the nutrition of a one-year-old child. It is a source of carbohydrates to replenish the energy supply of a growing organism, vegetable proteins, minerals and B vitamins.

In addition to the beloved buckwheat, rice and oatmeal, the menu can be supplemented with no less healthy cereals: corn and wheat. At this age, the dish can no longer be turned into mashed gruel, but well-boiled porridge can be given.

They are boiled in milk and given to the baby for breakfast. With intolerance to milk protein, cereals should be boiled in water or vegetable broth.

Dairy and dairy products- the main component of nutrition for babies 1 year of age. And this is a source of protein, calcium, sodium, chlorine, phosphorus, necessary for the development of the child's bone tissue and electrolyte balance in the body.

Per day 1 year old child should receive up to 200 ml of kefir or before 300 ml yogurt. Should be used "live" yoghurts not heat treated. Such yogurts are useful for maintaining the normal intestinal microflora of the baby.

Cottage cheese can be used neat or diluted with a little yogurt. Children love sweet cheesecakes, casseroles or cottage cheese puddings. Cottage cheese should be given in an amount up to 70 g per day or up to 140 g every two days.

Hard cheese can be alternated with cottage cheese. It is rubbed on a fine grater and used in casseroles or sprinkled on pasta.

natural butter added to ready-made cereals or mashed potatoes. It can be spread on bread in the form of a sandwich. Daily allowance up to 12 g.

IMPORTANT: Dairy products for babies must be produced according to the standards for baby food, be appropriately labeled with an indication of the expiration date and product storage rules.

Bakery products as white bread give in quantity 100 g per day. Rye bread can cause fermentation in the baby's stomach.

Pasta can be entered in the menu of a one-year-old child in the amount 25-30 g no more often 1-2 times a week.

Broths and soups- dishes to which a child should be accustomed from 1 year. On weak broths from sirloin low-fat poultry or veal meat, they are cooked, seasoning them with vegetables, cereals, and pasta. Vegetable broths are an excellent base for baby borscht, soups with meat or fish meatballs, or mashed vegetable soups.

Vegetable and fruit puree It is an essential part of a baby's diet. It is a source of vitamins, microelements and other useful substances for a child. They prepare mashed potatoes from various ones, the main thing is that the baby is not allergic to these products.

Cherries, currants, apricots, cherries and other fruits and berries should be on the child's menu during the season. It is better to use "green vitamins" grown in your garden or in the area where you live.

Berries and fruits with dense skins are best mashed, and peaches, kiwi, apricots can be cut into small slices.

Beets, carrots, tomatoes, green peas and beans, broccoli are very good for vegetable puree for a baby.

IMPORTANT: Vegetables containing a large amount of fiber: beets, cabbage, legumes, etc. should be thoroughly boiled and ground to avoid intestinal colic and bloating in a child.

New fruits, berries and vegetables should be introduced gradually in small doses, watching how the child reacts to these products. Fresh fruits and berries give the baby in the amount - 200-250 g per day.

Fresh juices, compotes, weak tea from fruits, berries and dried fruits are given to the child during lunch or afternoon snack in volume 100 ml per day.

Meat- an important source of protein food for a growing toddler. It is preferable for a baby to give poultry, rabbit, veal meat in the form of steam cutlets, casseroles, meatballs. Meat should be in the daily diet of the child in the amount 60-80 gper day.

Veal and chicken liver- a valuable nutritious product for a little man. It contains iodine, zinc, iron, calcium, vitamin A, D, B-vitamins. You can diversify your baby's diet by adding liver dishes to the menu. Pates, puddings, liver steam pancakes, puree soup are tasty and healthy. Children quickly get used to food containing the liver and love it.

A fish in quantity 40 g once or twice a week diversify the child's diet. Soups are boiled, steam cutlets are cooked, zrazy or stewed in the form of fillet pieces.

chicken eggs fresh give up 3 pieces in Week. Steam omelettes from eggs and milk are well absorbed by the children's body and loved by kids. Boiled egg yolk can be given separately during breakfast or dinner. Added eggs to cutlets, soufflés or cheesecakes should be taken into account when calculating the norm of eggs for a child.

Water is a necessary link between meals and must be included in the child's diet without fail. For drinking, clean water for children, which has the appropriate certificates, should be used.

IMPORTANT: It should be remembered: juices, compotes, teas, herbal decoctions cannot replace water. It is recommended to give the child clean or boiled water to drink during the day as much as he wishes. Limit water intake only before bedtime.

Salt used to season food. Enough for a one year old 1 g salt per day.

Sugar it is better not to use in the diet of the baby, so as not to accustom him to sweets from childhood. It is better to prepare juices, drinks, compotes without adding sugar at all. If such a need arises, then the daily intake of sugar is - 30-40 g.

It is better to add it in small quantities, just to add flavor to the dish. Harmful for the baby sugar is better to replace fructose. Sometimes you can pamper the little one with sweets: a piece of marshmallow or jam cooked on fructose.

What can not be given to a one-year-old baby?

  • Sausages practically do not contain meat: 100 g of boiled sausage or 2 sausages contain no more than 7 g of meat. In addition, they contain a lot of “yes” that are dangerous for the child: stabilizers, preservatives, flavor enhancers, etc. In addition, these products tend to deteriorate quickly if stored improperly.
  • Sweet sparkling water not allowed in the diet of the baby.
  • Citrus fruit are provocateurs of allergies, so it is undesirable to introduce them into the food of a one-year-old child.
  • Mushrooms are considered heavy protein foods, especially for children.
  • nuts poorly digested by children.
  • Chocolate can cause allergies and excite the children's nervous system, which negatively affects the health of the baby.
  • Semi-finished and canned foods should not be present in the children's diet due to the large number of preservatives and stabilizers of synthetic origin.

Nutrition for a child at 1 year old: table

By the age of one, the peanut, as a rule, already has several teeth and the chewing apparatus is able to cope with more solid food. The amount of food for a one-year-old peanut should be 1200-1250 ml per day. It is recommended to distribute this amount of food as follows:

  • breakfast – 25%
  • lunch - 35%
  • afternoon snack (snack) – 15%
  • dinner – 25%

IMPORTANT: The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation has established approximate children's norms for nutrient intake per day. So for children from 1 to 3 years old, they are: 53 g of protein, 53 g of fat and 212 g of carbohydrates.

The food of a one-year-old baby should provide him with the necessary calories for full development. In a year, a child needs on average 100-102 kcal per 1 kg of body weight in a day.

So, a peanut weighing 10 kg should receive at least 1000-1020 kcal per day with food. Despite the fact that the child is actively moving and spending a lot of energy, you should not exceed the calorie content of food in order to avoid possible obesity in the future.

We offer an approximate table with a menu for a one-year-old baby for a week.

Sample menu table for a one-year-old child for seven days

Sample menu for a 1 year old

A one-year-old child grows intensively, therefore, for the normal physiological development of the baby, a complete and varied diet is required. At this stage of growing up a little peanut, mother's milk cannot replace products containing many vitamins, biologically active substances, and minerals.

IMPORTANT: If a child at this age is still receiving mother's milk, you should not refuse it. Attach your baby to your breast before bed. The baby will receive his portion of mother's milk and tune in to a good night's sleep.

We offer an approximate menu for a one year old.

  • Breakfast: 8.00 Milk - 200 ml or porridge - 150 ml, boiled chicken yolk - 1/2 pcs., fruit puree - 50 g, weak tea - 100 ml, white bread - 20 g.
  • Lunch: 12.00 Soup with chicken meatballs - 100/30 g, vegetable puree - 100 g, dried fruit compote - 100 ml, white bread - 15-20 g.
  • Afternoon snack: 16.00 Kefir, yogurt or milk - 150 ml, cottage cheese - 50 g, fruit puree - 50 g, cookies - 15 g.
  • Dinner: 20 00 Vegetable puree with minced meat - 150/30 g, fruit jelly - 50 g, white bread - 20 g.
  • Dinner before bed: 22.00 Kefir, milk porridge or breastfeeding - 150-200 ml.

The diet of a child at 1 year old by the hour: a diagram

  • The diet of a one-year-old child is very important for the proper development of the baby. The diet should not differ much from the usual meal of the baby up to a year.
  • But given that the baby began to spend more time in a state of wakefulness, the regimen should be adjusted, gradually transferring it to 4-5 meals a day, canceling feeding at night.
  • A 3-4 hour break between meals makes it possible for the child to get hungry and eat the offered portions of food with appetite. Such a diet will help the baby to adapt faster in the preschool in the future.

IMPORTANT: A child with poor appetite, weak and often ill, should not be denied nighttime feeding if the child requires food at this time.

  • It is recommended to observe the feeding hours of the child. Time deviations should not exceed 15-20 minutes. It is important to develop a habit in the baby to eat at a certain time.
  • This contributes to the timely release of digestive juice, which is necessary for high-quality digestion of food, as well as for developing a good appetite in the little one. It is desirable that a one-year-old child has breakfast in the time interval between 8-9 o'clock in the morning.

Snacking between main meals should be avoided. Sandwiches, cookies, bagels, some fruits can kill the child's appetite, which will subsequently affect during the main meal. Even a harmless piece of apple can serve as a reason for further refusal of food at the right time.

The norm of meat for a child of 1 year

  • Meat dishes are important in the child's menu. One year old needs 60-80 g meat per day. 1.5 year old child should increase this rate up to 100 g. It is recommended to use low-fat varieties of chicken, turkey, rabbit, lean beef and veal in the baby's diet.
  • It is advisable to give meat dishes in the first half of the day so that they can be absorbed by the children's body. Young children usually quickly get used to meat products and love food made from meat in the form of: steam cutlets, meatballs, meat pates, soufflés, zrazy, meatballs.
  • The range of animal proteins can be expanded by using offal dishes on certain days of the week: liver, tongue, heart. 1-2 times a week, meat can be replaced with fish dishes.

New dishes for a child at 12 months: recipes

How to introduce new dishes into the diet of young children?

  • New foods should be introduced to babies gradually, starting with small portions.
  • After eating new dishes, observe the reaction of the baby. Particular care should be taken to introduce products to children with signs of allergies.
  • It is not recommended to introduce several new products into the diet at the same time. This makes it possible to find out which product did not suit the child if this happens.
  • If at least minor allergic manifestations appear in the form of a rash or red itchy spots on the face and body, the product that caused the allergy should be excluded from the child's diet.
  • Do not be upset that some dishes did not please your little one. He also has his own taste preferences and not all new products can be accepted with a bang. Try again with the introduction of this dish in two weeks, maybe by this time the baby will like it.
  • Allow your child to skip a full serving of new foods unless he or she wants to. This is a new food for him to get used to. And that takes time and patience.
  • Make a menu for the child, taking into account not only the useful properties of the products, but also taking into account the taste preferences of the little one. Then the child will eat with appetite and eat the offered portions.

IMPORTANT: Feed your baby only freshly prepared food, reheating previously cooked food is unacceptable.

Soup with meatballs from minced meat and buckwheat

A new dish for your baby: meatballs with buckwheat in vegetable broth. We hope that it will be to the liking of the little man.

Required to take:

  • minced veal fillet - 100 g
  • potatoes - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • zucchini squash - 50 g
  • onion - 0.5 pcs.
  • buckwheat - 1 tablespoon
  • dill - 1-2 sprigs


  1. Boil buckwheat until tender
  2. Potatoes and zucchini are cut into cubes and thrown into boiling water.
  3. Carrots are rubbed on a grater.
  4. Onions are finely chopped and, together with carrots, are dipped in boiling water with potatoes and zucchini.
  5. Minced meat is mixed with buckwheat and small meatballs are formed.
  6. 10-15 minutes after the vegetables boil, add meatballs to the pan, bring to a boil and cook for another 10 minutes. If necessary, the soup is slightly salted and finely chopped dill is added.

Soup-puree from veal liver

This soup will appeal to the baby and is perfect as a first course for lunch.

Required to take:

  • veal or chicken liver - 100 g
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • white bread - 100 g
  • milk - 100 ml
  • vegetable broth or water - 250 ml
  • butter - 1 teaspoon


  1. White bread without crusts is soaked in milk and mixed with yolk.
  2. The liver is washed and ground in a meat grinder.
  3. The bread is mixed with the liver and the mass is ground through a sieve.
  4. The liver mass is poured with vegetable broth or water.
  5. Liver soup is brought to a boil and boiled for 10 minutes.
  6. Ready soup-puree is seasoned with butter.

Beet-apple salad

A healthy salad can be offered to the baby for lunch or during dinner. It is especially useful for children suffering from constipation.

Required to take:

  • 1/2 medium apple
  • 1/2 small beetroot
  • vegetable oil - 0.5 teaspoon


  1. Boil beetroot until soft
  2. Half of the peeled rubbed on a grater
  3. The apple is peeled and seeds are removed.
  4. Grate half an apple and mix with beets.
  5. The salad is dressed with vegetable oil.

Steam cutlets from fish

Children don't particularly like fish. Try steaming fish cakes for them.

Required to take:

  • fish fillet - 200 g
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 small onion
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • flour - 1 dessert spoon


  1. Fish fillet is scrolled with an onion through a meat grinder.
  2. Carrots, chopped on a fine grater, raw egg are added to minced meat.
  3. The mass is properly kneaded and slightly salted.
  4. Flour is added to the minced meat and cutlets are formed.
  5. Fish cutlets are steamed in a double boiler for 20-30 minutes.
  6. Cutlets can be served with mashed potatoes or other vegetable puree.

Cottage cheese with banana and peach

The child does not like cottage cheese? Prepare it according to the following recipe and the baby will appreciate this sweet and healthy dessert.

Required to take:

  • children's kefir - 500 ml
  • banana - 1/2 pc.
  • peach - 1/2 pc.


  1. Kefir is heated in a water bath.
  2. After 20 minutes, the resulting curd is thrown onto gauze to separate the whey.
  3. The cottage cheese is rubbed through a sieve.
  4. Wash the banana and peach thoroughly.
  5. Half a banana is peeled.
  6. Half a peach cut into pieces.
  7. Fruits and cottage cheese are placed in a blender and beat until a fluffy homogeneous mass.

Features of cooking for one-year-old babies

  • Food should be prepared by boiling, stewing, baking, steaming.
  • Spices, seasonings, sauces, canned foods for adult food, frying are not added to kids' dishes.
  • For vegetable soups, carrots and onions can be stewed in a pan in a small amount of water.
  • One-year-old babies should receive food in a puree state, but after two months it is recommended to chop food into small pieces. Later, when chewing teeth appear, food can be crushed to a size of 3 cm, leaving the child to properly chew food on his own.
  • Keep your hands clean while preparing food. Teach your child to wash their hands before eating.

How and what to feed a baby for a year, video

The first birthday of a baby for a mother is not only a holiday, but also new worries and questions. And one of them - what and how to feed the grown-up little one?

A lot has been written and said about the nutrition of babies from birth to a year. Breastfeeding and artificial feeding, supplementary feeding and complementary foods according to WHO recommendations - these issues have already been discussed and covered many times at children's forums and in communities.

What about after a year? Of course, at this age, the child needs more energy, because he actively grows and develops (both physically and intellectually), moves a lot. What foods to introduce, how to process them and how much should the baby eat? Let's deal with these questions.

How much should a baby eat

The diet of a one-year-old baby remains the same as in the last months before the birthday. It is recommended to feed the baby 5 times a day. Lunch should be the densest and most high-calorie, followed by breakfast and dinner. And it is better to leave an afternoon snack and a snack before bedtime very light: yogurt, kefir, fruit puree, cookies and, of course, a mixture or mother's milk are suitable for this. A one-year-old peanut's lunch may already consist of two courses (soup and main course), and by the age of 2 it makes sense to supplement it with an appetizer - for example, a vegetable salad.

At the age of 1.5 years, the baby can already get by with 4 meals at intervals of 3.5-4 hours. It is especially important to observe these intervals, because the habit of constant snacking is fraught with loss of appetite and indigestion: the baby simply will not get hungry yet when it's time for lunch or dinner.

As for volumes, at 1-1.5 years the child should eat about 1000-1200 ml of food per day, and from 1.5 to 3 years - 1200-1400 ml.

What to feed the baby

Regardless of the food preferences of the parents, the menu of a 1-3-year-old baby should be varied and complete - therefore, it is likely that you will have to cook for the child separately. Moreover, it is worth giving preference to homemade food: semi-finished products are not the most suitable and even dangerous food for the crumbs.

There are products without which a small organism will not develop harmoniously. They should be included, if not in the daily diet, then appear on the baby's plate several times a week. This:

  • meat (lean veal, beef, pork, rabbit, turkey);
  • fish (low-fat hypoallergenic varieties);
  • dairy and sour-milk products (yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, cheese);
  • vegetables (fresh, boiled, steamed, stewed, baked);
  • fruits (fresh and baked);
  • cereals;
  • bread;
  • butter and vegetable oil.

If the child does not have allergies or food intolerances, he needs to consume dairy products, butter, bread, vegetables, cereals every day. Meat should appear on the menu at least 4 times a week, and fish - 1-2 times. Cottage cheese and cheese can also be given not every day.

The diet of a healthy baby after a year can and should be gradually expanded by adding new cereals, vegetables, fruits and berries, chicken and eggs, sour cream, heart and liver, milk. Be aware of possible allergic reactions! Each new product should be introduced, starting with small doses, and observe if the crumbs develop a rash, if the stool changes.

Children under 3 years old can be offered boiled, stewed, baked or steamed dishes. Feeding your baby fried and smoked, of course, is not worth it. It is also unsafe to give your child whole cow's milk to drink, because its protein is one of the strongest allergens. Milk must be boiled, boiled porridge on it or added to other dishes. The best drinks for a child are bottled water, children's juices, homemade fruit drinks, compotes and herbal teas.

As for the consistency of dishes, one-year-old babies who do not yet have many teeth need to grind food with a blender to a puree state or rub it on a fine grater.

A crumb at the age of 1.5 years can already crush food with a fork or chop with a knife. He will also like omelettes, soufflés, cutlets and meatballs, well-boiled vegetables, pasta and cereals.

By the age of 2, the child can already use a spoon and fork, bite off and chew pieces of food. Therefore, it will be enough to cut vegetables and meat into small pieces, which are convenient to chop with a fork or pick up with a spoon. Porridge for a two-year-old can also be cooked from ordinary cereals and cereals without grinding them into flour.

For dessert

Many parents are concerned about the question, is it possible for a child to have sweets? Indeed, after a year, the baby is already beginning to realize that adults are eating something especially tasty, and regularly asks for treats.

Yes, sweet karapuzu is not only possible, but also necessary for the proper functioning of the body. The only question is, what are these sweets. Of course, you should not treat a small child with sweets, chocolate, cakes and pastries. But a small amount of marmalade and marshmallow (natural, without dyes), jam, marmalade or jam, honey, as well as diet cookies (without additives and preservatives) will not harm him. Choose sweets prepared, if possible, at home, and from hypoallergenic fruits and berries (apples, pears, apricots, plums, gooseberries, blueberries).

For parents, a long-awaited holiday is coming - their baby turns a year old. The first milk teeth have already appeared, the little one has grown up, has taken the first steps. It continues to develop rapidly. It is no longer as intense as in the previous 12 months, so it can be worse. However, in many ways, the usefulness of development depends on the child's menu at 1 year old.

Whether he was breastfed, mixed or artificial: by the year the baby's digestive system is already prepared to receive a variety of foods. But when feeding him from this age, there are certain rules and taboos. How to feed a child from 1 year old is a question that young parents often look for an answer to. Let's figure it out.

What to feed

Food for the human body is a source of energy and building material. This is especially true for the child's body. Receiving a balanced, nutritious diet, the baby grows rapidly, develops correctly, he has good immunity and good health. For children with a weakened body from birth, proper nutrition is even more important.

  • proteins - 53 g;
  • fats - 53 g;
  • carbohydrates - 212 g.

Milk and dairy products remain the food product that plays a major role in the formation of all systems of the child's body per year. He should consume at least 750 ml of milk per day. The breastfed baby continues to drink mother's milk, but he will do it less often - only 2-3 times a day. The baby's food becomes four times a day. These are breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. The last meal should be no later than two hours before bedtime. But if the child asks, he can drink some milk with cookies.

Soups cooked on vegetable or chicken, weak, fillet broth are introduced into the diet of the crumbs. An important place in his diet is occupied by milk porridges with well-boiled cereals (“slurry”). Sometimes they can be replaced with cereals in water or vegetable broth.

Meat and fish dishes should be on the menu of a 1 year old child daily. Chicken eggs (but not more than 3 per week), cottage cheese, dishes from it, yogurts also make up a significant part of the diet. The menu must contain jellies, puddings, casseroles, vegetable and fruit purees, steam cutlets, stewed vegetables.

Seasonal fruits are introduced into the menu gradually, in small quantities, taking into account the reaction of the child's body to them. This is especially true of strawberries, raspberries, apricots. Citrus fruits are not recommended for children of this age.

From drinks, it is advisable for kids to drink kissels, cocoa, weakly brewed tea, it is possible with herbs, children's juice, compote.

The total daily calorie content of food for a child at this age should be 100-120 kcal per 1 kg of weight. At one meal, he should eat 250-270 g.

Be sure to give your child clean drinking water without additives. Tea, compote and other drinks do not replace water.

Do's and Don'ts

From the age of one, a child can eat almost any food and dish, but there are a few exceptions to avoid digestive problems and allergic reactions. When finding out the answer to the question of how to feed a child from one year old correctly, it is better to familiarize yourself with the scientific approach to menu planning. It is developed by pediatricians, taking into account all the features of the development of the child's body.

It is very important for children from one year and older - compliance with the daily routine. This also applies to meal times. For the normal functioning of the body systems, the child must sleep and eat strictly on time. The exception is trips with parents, visits to the doctor. But here, too, it is necessary to allow as few disruptions as possible in the baby's daily routine.

Not desirable

Sugar in the diet for a year and up to three years is highly discouraged. The child can occasionally be given some honey, homemade jam, marmalade and not too sweet cookies. This is due to the prevention of obesity, caries, allergies, diabetes.

It is forbidden:

  • mushrooms;
  • chocolate;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • coffee;
  • strong tea;
  • smoked meats;
  • sausages;
  • fried foods;
  • fatty food;
  • canned food (except for children).

You can not overfeed the child, give him more food than provided for by the norms of baby food. This is usually the fault of grandmothers, who constantly think that the baby is malnourished. The result is often overweight and obesity.

sample menu

Many pediatricians recommend adapting the diet of a one-year-old baby to the family one, but excluding from it foods that are not desirable at this age. It is no longer necessary to grind the ingredients into puree, the baby should learn to chew solid food well. But at first, until the age of one and a half years, until 10 teeth appeared, you can knead some dishes with a fork or serve as before in the form of mashed potatoes. However, it is not worth rushing to seat a child of one year at the common table. In this case, the whole family should eat balanced, absolutely healthy food. If there are foods prohibited for him on the table, then it is better to cook and feed the baby separately.

The table below shows an approximate menu for a child at 1 year old for every day.

BreakfastDinnerafternoon teaDinner
Monbuckwheat milk porridge;

bread with butter and cheese;

weak tea

vegetable soup;milk with unsweetened biscuits;

kefir with cookies

Tuewheat porridge with milk;vegetable soup;

meatballs, steamed with garnish;

milk with unsweetened biscuits;stewed vegetables with steamed fish;

kefir with cookies

Wedoatmeal with milk;vegetable soup;

meatballs, steamed with garnish;

milk with unsweetened biscuits;stewed vegetables with steamed fish;

kefir with cookies

Thurice porridge with milk;

sandwich with soft cheese;

vegetable soup;

meatballs, steamed with garnish;

milk with unsweetened biscuits;stewed vegetables with steamed fish;

kefir with cookies

Fririce porridge with milk;

sandwich with soft cheese;

vegetable soup;

meatballs, steamed with garnish;

milk with unsweetened biscuits;stewed vegetables with steamed fish;

kefir with cookies

Satrice porridge with milk;

sandwich with soft cheese;

vegetable soup;

meatballs, steamed with garnish;

milk with unsweetened biscuits;stewed vegetables with steamed fish;

kefir with cookies

Sunrice porridge with milk;

sandwich with soft cheese;

vegetable soup;

meatballs, steamed with garnish;

milk with unsweetened biscuits;stewed vegetables with steamed fish;

kefir with cookies

Dishes and products can be replaced, depending on the capabilities of the family and the preferences of the child at one time or another. The menu of a sick baby is also adjusted - depending on the condition. The diet of weakened children with chronic diseases, allergic manifestations can radically differ from the general menu.

Breakfast should be approximately 25% of the daily diet, lunch - 35%, afternoon tea - 15%, dinner - 25%. Between breakfast and lunch, a snack in the form of an apple or unsweetened cookies is allowed. Daily norm of bread: white - 40 g, rye - 10 g.

Food with whims

A child in a year has already decided on his preferences in food and begins to complain or play pranks if he does not like the dish. Young parents often make the same mistake - they force him to eat a product that is useful, in their opinion, by force. The well-known pediatrician Komarovsky and other children's doctors are sure that this should not be done.

The baby does not want mashed broccoli today, which he ate with pleasure yesterday - give him a carrot. Refuses vegetables altogether - replace them with fruits for a while.

If you insist too much, then the child will generally have a persistent aversion to the product. The same goes for porridge. Potatoes and pasta can come to replace them for a short time. Even the milk of a child a year should not be forced to drink if he does not want to. Let some time do without it.

You should not persistently fight the whims of a baby a year and older regarding food. Even such a little man has already developed intuition in relation to food. What his body requires at this moment, he will eat with pleasure. Moreover, an equivalent replacement for one or another ingredient in his diet can always be found by choosing the required amount of vitamins and minerals in a serving. Such a policy regarding the temporary whims of the baby will help him forget about them and start eating what was rejected again.

The benefits of individual dishes

Some products have a special nutritional value and are indispensable in baby food. Some of their valuable properties are below.

This fermented milk product, due to the presence of valuable proteins and amino acids in it, has irreplaceable biological and nutritional value. In addition, it is easily absorbed by the body, without causing negative reactions even in children under one year old. In its composition:

  • folic acid;
  • vitamin B 2;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus.

The substances that cottage cheese contains promote growth, strengthen bones, weight gain, hematopoiesis, and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the child's digestive system.

early berries

At the end of May, at the beginning of June, strawberries and wild strawberries begin to ripen. They contain vitamins C, E, folic acid, biotin, organic acids, iron. These components well replenish the supply of vitamins in the baby's body after the depleted autumn-winter period, promote hematopoiesis. Weakened children can receive strawberries with cream or sour cream, strawberry puree can be added to cereals or cottage cheese. But if these berries cause an allergic reaction, then their number should be minimal or they are completely excluded from the menu.

green vegetables

Early cabbage, sorrel, spinach, green onions, green peas, dill, parsley are rich in biologically active substances, vitamins C, B, E. Since they are eaten without heat treatment, they retain all their beneficial qualities, help improve the condition of blood vessels , the work of the digestive system, replenish the reserves of vitamins and minerals in the child's body. These vegetables must be present in the menu of a one-year-old baby.

The composition of the red root crop includes carotene, flavonoids, provitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B, B 2. This is what makes it an indispensable product of the children's menu. Carrots and dishes from it help to improve vision, the condition of the skin, the development of the brain, improve digestion, metabolism, increase immunity, and have healing properties. It should be used with caution if there are problems with the intestines.

Recipes for a one year old baby

One way or another, mom or grandmother has to cook for a child of 1 year old separately. He can eat only some dishes from the common table if they are prepared in compliance with all requirements and recommendations. The basic rules for such cooking should be:

  • absolute freshness of the products used;
  • cleanliness and hygiene in cooking is more thorough than for adults;
  • the child should eat only freshly prepared, not warmed up food;
  • food should not be hot to avoid burns;
  • the appearance of the dish should be attractive to the baby.

Rice soup with meat broth

Required Products.

The broth for soup intended for a child of 1 year old should not be greasy, not strong. To prepare it, you need to take a chicken or turkey fillet - 100 grams.

In addition, you will need:

  • 2 glasses of purified water;
  • 0.5 cups of rice;
  • 1.4 sweet peppers;
  • 0.5 medium carrots.


Fill the well-washed fillet with water, bring to a boil over low heat, removing the foam. Boil the broth for 15-20 minutes. The meat must be removed, strain the broth through cheesecloth. In the broth we lay well-washed rice, finely chopped sweet pepper, grated carrots, add a little salt. Boil until the rice is ready, at the end add fresh parsley.


  • broccoli;
  • cauliflower;
  • cream;
  • purified water;
  • salt to taste.


Boil broccoli and cauliflower in salted water until tender. Cool, disassemble into inflorescences, put in a blender, add cream, puree the mass.

Instead of cauliflower, you can use pumpkin, zucchini or boiled lean meat. Instead of cream, you can add vegetable broth and a little vegetable oil.

It will take:

  • chicken fillet, turkey fillet, veal, rabbit meat (optional);
  • egg;
  • bread soaked in milk or oatmeal;
  • salt to taste;
  • onion.

How to cook

Wash the meat thoroughly, dry it in a towel, cut into pieces. Soak bread or oatmeal in milk. Grind the meat into minced meat, add bread or cereal, egg, onion (optional), add some salt. You can add finely chopped greens. Mix well and form into small balls. Then we shift the meatballs into a deep frying pan, add boiling water and simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes. At the end, you can add cream or sour cream, a little tomato (if the child likes). It is allowed and very convenient to cook meatballs in a double boiler or in the oven.

Products for the dish

  • cottage cheese - 0.5 kg;
  • semolina - 1/3 cup;
  • fresh chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 100 grams;
  • salt;
  • raisin;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.

How to cook

The whole family will enjoy this dish. Well, the kid will get a piece. There is no need to remind you that the products must be fresh. So. We knead the cottage cheese well or pass it through a meat grinder, salt a little.

Next, separate the whites from the yolks. Beat egg whites with half the sugar until fluffy. Yolks, remaining sugar, vanilla sugar, semolina, washed raisins - add all this to the curd and mix well. Add the whites last, gently mixing in one direction with a spoon. Leave some protein.

Pour the curd mass into a parchment-lined, oiled form, level the surface. Top with the remaining proteins mixed with sour cream.

We bake in the oven at a temperature of 180-200 °. Readiness is determined by a dry straw and a ruddy top.


To prepare a jelly for a child at 1 year old, you only need fresh fruits and berries or fresh fruit juices. There should not be any concentrates. Kissels for a child's body are very necessary and important, as they contain a lot of useful elements. There is no need to add sugar to the jelly, especially if there is enough of it in berries or fruits. Honey, when heated to high temperatures, releases harmful substances, so that it can sweeten a ready-made, cooled drink.

Cooking jelly is easy. Mix water with starch until a suspension is obtained, slowly pour into boiling juice or fruit broth with constant stirring. Bring to a boil, after 2 minutes the jelly is ready. A one-year-old child is enough one glass a day. But not daily.

Tasty and healthy jelly is made from milk with the addition of vanilla, cinnamon, cocoa. You can add milk to the ready-cooled jelly. It forms intricate patterns, and after stirring it will make the drink even tastier and healthier.


The most important thing in the menu of a 1-year-old child is complete, healthy food. Products that are offered to a baby at this age should provide his body with all the necessary vitamins, minerals and substances for proper development and growth. The main task of parents is to choose such food for the child. His future health, physical and mental development depends on this.