The long-awaited first-born, with a serious pathology. Nick and Kanae Vujicic: love without barriers

Greetings friends!!!

Today we will talk about a very unusual person and an extraordinary story about which I write in the rubric. His story just fascinates me and motivates me a lot.

You can get motivation from pictures or videos, but I always remember one very strong person.

Strong not physically, but strong in spirit.

You ask: Who is this person?

If you haven’t heard and don’t know yet, I invite you to get acquainted - Nick Vuychich ( Nick Vujicic). Man without arms and legs from birth. Preacher. Missionary.

But the most interesting thing is that this person is very successful and lives a full and rich life. Millionaire.

I bow to this man. The optimism that comes from this person is simply amazing.

When I first watched the video with Nick (see this video below), my jaw dropped for about five minutes. I sat with my mouth open, literally.

I sat and thought. This guy leads such an active lifestyle that every person with arms and legs can envy. I thought how much harder it was for him than for any person with arms and legs.

He has to put much more effort than me in any actions that we do and do not even think about it. It motivates me personally.

Many people lead such a way of life, as if they have no arms, no legs, no head. And only a few physically deprived people are role models for a full and active life. Learn to live and enjoy life every minute!

What does Nick Vujicic say about himself?

Especially for you today I have prepared a translation of an article from Nick's official website.

If just one person finds eternal life in faith in Jesus Christ... it's worth it. You can help me spread this slogan today!

Imagine how difficult a day is for a person without arms or legs. Imagine your life without being able to walk, cope with your daily needs, or even be unable to hug the ones you love.

Meet Nicholas Vuychich ( Nicholas Vujicic).

Nick was born in 1982 in Melbourne, Australia with no arms or legs. There were no medical reasons for this. Three sonograms failed to detect such a complication. And yet, the Vujicic family was destined to overcome this challenge and raise a son with blessings who refused to let his physical condition limit his style and way of life.

From the first days it was very difficult. Throughout his childhood, Nick not only faced the typical problems of school and adolescence, but also struggled with depression and loneliness. Nick constantly wondered why he wasn't like all the other kids. He questioned the meaning of his life, even with some goal in front of him.

According to Nick, the victory in his struggle, as well as his strength and passion for life today, is all thanks to his faith in God. His family, friends and the many people he crossed paths inspired him to continue.

Since his first public appearance at the age of 19, Nick has traveled the world, telling his story to millions, drawing stadiums to capacity, speaking to diverse social groups such as students, teachers, youth, business professionals, and church flocks of all sizes.

Today, this dynamic young evangelist has achieved more than many people achieve in a lifetime. He is a writer, musician, actor. His hobbies include fishing, painting and swimming.

In 2007, Nick made the long journey from Australia to southern California, where he is president of the international non-profit Life Without Limbs, which was founded in 2005.

Nick says:

If God can use a man without arms and legs to be His arms and legs, then he will certainly use anyone with an open heart!

Official site:

I also follow Nick's Facebook page.

Must see another short feature film "Circus Butterfly" featuring Nick Vujicic. I am sure you will like it. Happy viewing:

Family photo of Nick Vuychich:

This is such an amazing person. Agree Nick has a lot to learn. Leave comments and thoughts about this person. Everything today.

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It was their long-awaited firstborn. The father was in labor. He saw the baby's shoulder - what is it? No hand. Boris Vuychich realized that he had to leave the room at once so that his wife would not have time to notice how his face had changed. He couldn't believe what he saw.

When the doctor came to him, he began to speak:

"My son! Doesn't he have a hand?

The doctor replied:

"No... Your son has no arms or legs."

The doctors refused to show the baby to the mother. The nurses were crying.

Nicolas Vuychich was born in Melbourne, Australia, in a family of Serbian emigrants. Mother is a nurse. Father & Pastor. The whole parish lamented: “Why did the Lord allow this?” The pregnancy proceeded normally, with heredity everything is in order.

At first, the mother could not bring herself to take her son in her arms, she could not breastfeed him. “I had no idea how I would take the child home, what to do with him, how to take care of him,” Duska Vujicic recalls. I didn't know who to contact with my questions. Even the doctors were confused. Only after four months I began to recover. My husband and I began to solve problems without looking far ahead. One by one."

Nick has a semblance of a foot instead of a left leg. Thanks to this, the boy learned to walk, swim, skateboard, play on the computer and write. Parents made sure that their son was taken to a regular school. Nick became the first disabled child in a regular Australian school.

“It meant that the teachers gave me too much attention,” recalls Nick. - On the other hand, although I had two friends, most often I heard from my peers: “Nick, go away!”, “Nick, you can’t do anything!”, “We don’t want to be friends with you!”, “You are nobody !"

drown myself

Every evening, Nick prayed to God and asked him: "God, give me arms and legs!" He cried and hoped that when he wakes up in the morning, arms and legs will already appear. Mom and dad bought him electronic hands. But they were too heavy, and the boy could not use them.

On Sundays he went to church school. They taught that the Lord loves everyone. Nick did not understand how this could be - why then God did not give him what everyone has. Sometimes adults would come up and say: “Nick, everything will be fine with you!” But he did not believe them - no one could explain to him why he was like that, and no one could help him, not even God. At the age of eight, Nicholas decided to drown himself in the bath. He asked his mother to take him there.

“I turned my face into the water, but it was very difficult to resist. Nothing worked. During this time, I presented a picture of my funeral - here are my dad and mom ... And then I realized that I could not kill myself. All I saw from my parents was love for me.”

change heart

Nick did not try to commit suicide anymore, but he kept thinking - why should he live.

He won't be able to work, he won't be able to take his bride by the hand, he won't be able to take his child in his arms when he cries. One day, my mother read an article to Nick about a seriously ill person who inspired others to live.

Mom said, “Nick, God needs you. I do not know how. I do not know when. But you can serve Him."

At the age of fifteen, Nick opened the Gospel and read the parable of the blind man. The disciples asked Christ why this man was blind. Christ answered: "So that the works of God may appear on it." Nick says that at that moment he stopped being angry with God.

“Then I realized, I am not just a person without arms and legs. I am a creation of God. God knows what and why He does. It doesn't matter what people think, says Nick now. God didn't answer my prayers. It means that He wants to change my heart more than the circumstances of my life. Probably, even if I suddenly had arms and legs, it would not calm me down like that. Hands and feet by themselves.

At nineteen, Nick studied financial planning at university. Once he was asked to speak to students. Seven minutes were allotted for the speech. Three minutes later, the girls in the hall were crying. One of them could not stop sobbing, she raised her hand and asked: “Can I go up to the stage and hug you?”. The girl went up to Nick and began to cry on his shoulder. She said, “No one has ever told me that they love me, no one has ever told me that I am beautiful the way I am. My life has changed today."

Nick came home and announced to his parents that he knew what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. The first thing my father asked was: “Are you thinking of graduating from university?” Then other questions arose:

Will you ride alone?
- Not.
- With whom?
- I do not know.
- What are you going to talk about?
- I do not know.
- Who will listen to you?
- I do not know.

One hundred attempts to rise

Ten months a year he is on the road, two months at home. He traveled to more than two dozen countries, he was heard by more than three million people - in schools, nursing homes, prisons. It happens that Nick speaks in stadiums with thousands of people. He performs about 250 times a year. Nick receives about three hundred offers for new performances a week. He became a professional speaker.

Before the start of the performance, the assistant brings Nick onto the stage and helps him get on some kind of platform so that he can be seen. Then Nick tells episodes from his everyday life. About people still staring at him on the streets. About when kids run up and ask, “What happened to you?!” He replies in a hoarse voice, "All because of the cigarettes!"

And to those who are younger, he says: “I didn’t clean my room.” What he has in place of his legs, he calls the "ham". Nick reveals that his dog loves to bite him. And then he begins to beat off a fashionable rhythm with a ham.

After that, he says: "And to be honest, sometimes you can fall like this." Nick falls face down on the table he was standing on.

And continues:

“It happens in life that you fall, and it seems that you have no strength to rise. You wonder then if you have any hope... I have neither arms nor legs! It seems that if I try to rise at least a hundred times, I will not succeed. But after another defeat, I do not leave hope. I will try again and again. I want you to know that failure is not the end. What matters is how you finish. Are you going to finish strong? Then you will find the strength in yourself to rise - that's the way."

He leans on his forehead, then helps himself with his shoulders and stands up.

The women in the hall begin to cry.

And Nick starts talking about gratitude to God.

I don't save anyone

- People are touched, consoled, because they see that it is harder for someone than for them?

Sometimes they say to me: “No, no! I can't imagine myself without arms and legs!" But it is impossible to compare suffering, and it is not necessary. What can I say to someone whose loved one is dying of cancer or whose parents are divorced? I don't understand their pain.

One day a twenty-year-old woman approached me. She was kidnapped when she was ten years old, made into a slave and subjected to violence. During this time, she had two children, one of them died. Now she has AIDS. Her parents don't want to talk to her. What can she hope for? She said that if she did not believe in God, she would commit suicide. Now she talks about her faith with other AIDS patients so they can hear her.

Last year I met people who had a son with no arms and no legs. The doctors said, “He will be a plant for the rest of his life. He won’t be able to walk, he won’t be able to study, he won’t be able to do anything.” And suddenly they found out about me and met me personally - another such person. And they had hope. It is important for everyone to know that he is not alone and that he is loved.

Why did you believe in God?

I couldn't find anything else that would give me peace. Through the word of God, I learned the truth about the purpose of my life—who I am, why I live, and where I will go when I die. Without faith, nothing made sense.

There is a lot of pain in this life, so there must be absolute Truth, absolute Hope, which is above all circumstances. My hope is in heaven. If you associate your happiness with temporary things, it will be temporary.

I can tell many times when teenagers came up to me and said, “Today I looked in the mirror with a knife in my hand. It was supposed to be the last day of my life. You saved me".

A woman came up to me one day and said, “Today is my daughter's second birthday. Two years ago she listened to you and you saved her life." But I can't save myself! Only God can. What I have is not Nick's accomplishments. If not for God, I would not be here with you and would not exist in the world. I couldn't handle my trials on my own. And I thank God that my example inspires people.

What can inspire you besides faith and family?

The smile of a friend.

Once I was informed that a terminally ill guy wanted to see me. He was eighteen years old. He was already very weak and could not move at all. I entered his room for the first time. And he smiled. It was a precious smile. I told him that I don't know how I would feel in his place, that he is my hero.

We saw each other a few more times. I asked him once: "What would you like to say to all people?" He said, "What do you mean?" I replied: “Now, if there was a camera here. And every person in the world could see you. What would you say?

He asked for time to think. The last time we spoke on the phone, he was already so weak that I could not hear his voice on the phone. We spoke through his father. This guy said, “I know what I would say to all people. Try to be a milestone in someone's life story. Do something. Something to remember you."
Hug without hands

Previously, Nick fought for independence in every little thing. Now, due to the busy schedule, I began to trust more cases to the patronage worker, who helps to dress, move around and in other routine matters. Nick's childhood fears did not come true. He recently got engaged, is going to get married, and now he believes that he does not need hands to hold the heart of the bride. He no longer worries about how he will communicate with his children. The case helped. An unfamiliar two-year-old girl approached him. She saw that Nick had no hands. Then the girl put her hands behind her back and put her head on his shoulder.

Nick with fiancee

Nick can't shake hands with anyone - he hugs people. And even set a world record. A guy with no arms hugged 1,749 people in an hour. He wrote a book about his life, typing 43 words per minute on a computer. Between business trips, he fishes, plays golf and surfs.

“I don’t always get up in the morning with a smile on my face. Sometimes my back hurts,” says Nick, “But because there is great power in my principles, I continue to take small steps forward, the steps of a baby. Courage is not the absence of fear, it is the ability to act, relying not on one's own strength, but on the help of God.

Usually parents of children with disabilities get divorced. My parents are not divorced. Do you think they were scared? Yes. Do you think they trusted God? Yes. Do you think they are now seeing the fruits of their labors? Quite right.

How many people would believe if they showed me on TV and said: “This guy prayed to the Lord and he got arms and legs”? But when people see me for who I am, they are perplexed: “How can you smile?” For them, this is a visible miracle. I need my trials so that I understand how dependent on God. Other people need my testimony that "the power of God is made perfect in weakness." They look into the eyes of a man without arms and legs and see in them peace, joy - something that everyone aspires to.

A man born without arms and legs due to a rare disease inspires millions of people around the world with his example. recalled the most revealing facts from his biography.

Shocking birth

Nick was born into a family of immigrants from Yugoslavia. His mother's pregnancy was going well. Doctors did not reveal any pathologies and abnormalities. During the birth, Nick was the first to see his father. More precisely, he saw the shoulder of his son, on which the arm was missing. This shocked him so much that he jumped out of the room in which the birth took place. An even greater shock for him was when he learned the whole truth from the doctor. At first, the child did not even want to show the mother. But it had to be done. Over time, they reconciled and accepted Nick with all his features.

Trying to get away from life

Unlike his parents, Nick, of course, took longer to try to accept himself. Today, he recalls that at first it was very difficult. When he was seven years old, Nick even tried to drown himself in the bathtub. At the last moment he stopped. Nick suddenly realized that his parents would blame themselves for his fate until the end of their days. After this episode, Vuychich, much earlier than his peers, began to wonder why he was born, what is his purpose.

The fateful role of the school janitor

It was not teachers or psychologists who helped Nick find himself, which would be obvious, but an ordinary school janitor. He once told a guy that he simply had to speak to his peers, tell them his story, open up his experiences. Nick didn't react to that. But the school janitor was incredibly persistent. For three months, he kept telling the guy that his destiny was oratory. Finally, Nick gave up and tried to speak to his peers. The effect exceeded all his expectations. It became clear to Nick that perhaps the janitor was right. He began calling other schools with an offer to speak to teenagers. But he was denied for a long time. Nick didn't give up. And when his second, and after the third performance nevertheless took place, a flurry of calls fell upon him, including from those schools where they had previously been refused. By the seventh grade, he was elected class president. And after graduating from school, he received two higher educations - in the field of financial analytics and accounting.

Became a man of the world

Today Nick receives up to 100 offers per day for interviews and lectures from all over the world. He has already traveled to over 25 countries. He wrote several books, acted in films, learned to ride a skateboard, became interested in surfing and parachuting. His name is known all over the world.

Happy father and loving husband

Five years ago, Nick married a beautiful Asian girl. Their wedding photos went around the world. And in February 2013, an event happened that Nick dreamed of almost more than marriage - his first son was born. Today, the couple has two sons. They are absolutely healthy and truly proud of their father. “My life, my destiny is a clear proof that miracles happen in this world,” says Nick.

The parents arrived at the hospital. The woman was about to give birth to the first child, whom they had been waiting for a long time. The husband was in the ward, he supported his wife. However, when he saw the child, he went out into the corridor so as not to frighten his wife with his facial expression.

After a while the doctor came out. The husband began to ask what happened to the child. The doctor replied that the child was missing limbs, he was not shown to his mother.

The nurses began to cry, they could not look at it calmly.

Nick had only a semblance of a foot instead of a left leg. Thanks to this, the boy learned to walk, swim, skateboard, play on the computer and write. Parents made sure that their son was taken to a regular school. Nick became the first child with a disability in a regular Australian school.

At the age of eight, Nicholas decided to commit suicide. He asked his mother to take him to the bath. “I turned my face into the water, but it was very difficult to resist. Nothing worked. During this time, I presented a picture of my funeral - here are my dad and mom ... And then I realized that I could not kill myself. All I saw from my parents was love for me.”

Nick did not try to commit suicide anymore, but he kept thinking - why should he live. He won't be able to work, he won't be able to take his bride by the hand, he won't be able to take his child in his arms when he cries. One day, my mother read an article to Nick about a seriously ill person who inspired others to live. “Then I realized, I am not just a person without arms and legs. I am a creation of God. It doesn't matter what people think."

At nineteen, Nick studied financial planning at university. Once he was asked to speak to students. Seven minutes were allotted for the speech. Three minutes later, the girls in the hall were crying. One of them could not stop sobbing, she raised her hand and asked: “Can I go up to the stage and hug you?”. The girl went up to Nick and began to cry on his shoulder. She said, “No one has ever told me that they love me, no one has ever told me that I am beautiful the way I am. My life has changed today."

In his speeches, he often says: "Sometimes you can fall like this" - and falls face down on the table on which he was standing. Nick continues:

“It happens in life that you fall, and it seems that you have no strength to rise. You wonder then if you have any hope... I have neither arms nor legs! It seems that if I try to rise at least a hundred times, I will not succeed. But after another defeat, I do not leave hope. I will try again and again. I want you to know that failure is not the end. What matters is how you finish. Are you going to finish strong? Then you will find the strength in yourself to rise - that's the way."

He leans on his forehead, then helps himself with his shoulders and stands up. The women in the hall begin to cry.

Ten months a year he is on the road, two months at home. He traveled to more than two dozen countries, he was heard by more than three million people - in schools, nursing homes, prisons. It happens that Nick speaks in stadiums with thousands of people. He performs about 250 times a year. Nick receives about three hundred offers for new performances a week. He became a professional speaker.

On February 12, 2012, Nick Vujicic married Kanae Miahara. Then the good news spread around the social networks: the young had a son.

The future is much better than you thought.

Quotes from Nick Vujicic from his autobiographical book Life Without Limits

“Do you know why SAD is a mortal sin? Well, it would seem that this is so terrible, you think, “chewed snot” for a day, another, third, after all, this is not MURDER? No, not murder… Not yet… While I didn’t think about it, everything seemed doubtful to me, but it was worth delving into the question… SAD is on a par with all other sins because it is closely interconnected with them and they all smoothly flow into one into another. Where one ends, another begins. To believe or not in religious postulates, everyone decides for himself, but it is impossible to get away from the concepts of simple logic and good and evil. Beware of SAD - it drags us into the abyss.

“You have complexes about the fact that you have freckles, your hair is not lying properly, your ears are not like everyone else, your nose is too big ... How do you think I felt?”

“If you are tired, and I get tired very often, then I want to encourage you: we will have an eternity to rest!”

“I learned how to swim, how to type 43 words per minute on a computer, how to brush my own teeth. And he continued to pray for a miracle, asking God for arms and legs. But God did not give me a miracle. And then I realized that in this form I am a miracle for other people. Now I travel the world with the Life Without Limits ministry. There are many people with arms and legs, but they are handicapped in mind. They need help finding truth and happiness."

“We cannot predict the future. This is both good and bad at the same time. I mean, the future may turn out to be much better than you imagined. But you must achieve it! Get up and go ahead!”

“Hope is the catalyst. She overcomes seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Keep working, don't give up, and you'll create momentum. Those who can help you will reach out to you. The doors will swing open. The road will clear up. Remember: action causes a reaction. When you feel like betraying your dream, push yourself to work one more day, one more week, one more month, one more year. You'll be amazed at what happens if you don't give up."

“Often the problems that we think are holding us back in the past actually make us stronger. Believe that today's problem will be your advantage tomorrow. I learned to see the positives in the absence of arms and legs. Men, women and children who do not speak my language immediately understand that I have overcome many difficulties. They understand that my lessons are not empty words.”

Imagine that you were born without arms.

There are no hands, it is impossible to hug anyone, there are no hands to feel the touch, or to take someone's hand. What about being born without legs? Not being able to dance, walk, run, or even just stand on two legs. Now combine these two scenarios together... No arms and no legs. What would you do then? How would this affect your life?

Meet Nick.

In Melbourne in 1982, nurse Duska Vujicic and pastor Boris Vujicic were preparing for the birth of their son. It was their long-awaited firstborn. The father was in labor. He saw the shoulder of a baby - what is it? No hand. Boris realized that he had to leave the room at once so that his wife would not have time to notice how his face had changed. He couldn't believe what he saw. When the doctor came out to him, he began to say: “My son! Doesn't he have a hand? The doctor replied: "No ... Your son has neither arms nor legs." The doctors refused to show the baby to the mother. The nurses were crying. Without any medical explanation or warning, Nick Vuychich came into this world without arms and legs. His mother's pregnancy was going well and there was no heredity to expect such a condition. Imagine how shocked his parents were when they saw their first child, this boy, and found that he was what the world considers imperfect and abnormal. How will their son live a normal, happy life? What will he be able to do or become while living with what the world considers to be such a severe disability? Few thought that this beautiful, limbless child would one day be the one to inspire and motivate people of all walks of life, touching the lives of people from all corners of the world.

Nick had only a semblance of a foot instead of a left leg. Parents made sure that their son was taken to a regular school. Nick became the first child with a disability in a regular Australian school. Nick faced more than the usual school challenges, such as bullying from classmates or lack of self-respect. He also suffered from depression and loneliness when he asked why he was different from all the children around him; why he turned out to be the one who was born without arms and legs. He often wondered what the purpose of his life was, or whether there was any purpose at all. When he was eight years old, he even tried to commit suicide - he dived into the bathroom face down and tried several times not to emerge in order to choke. But could not. He felt unbearably sorry for his parents, who loved him so madly and whom he loved. Nick did not try to commit suicide anymore, but he kept thinking - why should he live. He won't be able to work, he won't be able to take his bride by the hand, he won't be able to take his child in his arms when he cries. One day, my mother read an article to Nick about a seriously ill person who inspired others to live. “Then I realized, I am not just a person without arms and legs. I am a creation of God .. And it doesn’t matter what people think.”

One hundred attempts to rise

After a lot of frustration and feeling like he was the only weird person in the school, he tried out specially designed electronic arms in the hope that he would be a little like the other kids. After a short trial period, Nick realized that even with his arms, he still didn't look like his classmates, and besides, in practice, they were too heavy for Nick to control, greatly affecting his mobility.

As Nick grew up, he learned to deal with his shortcomings and began to do more and more things himself. He adapted to his situation and found ways to perform many of the activities that people can do using only their limbs, such as brushing their teeth, combing their hair, typing on a computer, swimming, skating, and more. Over time, Nick began to take advantage of his situation and achieve great things. In the seventh grade, Nick was selected as the school's head boy and worked with the student council on projects to raise money for local charities and for disabled companies.

According to Nick, the victory in his struggle along the entire route of his journey, as well as the strength and passion he had for life, can be attributed to his faith, his family, his friends and many people he met in his life, and who supported him all the time.

After school, Nick continued his studies and received two higher educations. One, as an accountant, the second - in the field of financial planning. One day, when Nick was studying financial planning at the university at the age of nineteen, he was asked to speak to the students. Seven minutes were allotted for the speech. Three minutes later, the girls in the hall were crying. One of them could not stop sobbing, she raised her hand and asked: “Can I go up to the stage and hug you?”. The girl went up to Nick and began to cry on his shoulder. She said, “No one has ever told me that they love me, no one has ever told me that I am beautiful the way I am. My life has changed today." After that, Nick began to fulfill his dream: to be able to inspire other people, give them hope through his motivational speeches and telling his story. "I have found the purpose of my existence, as well as the reason for my circumstances ... There is a reason why you are on fire." Nick truly believes that there is a reason why we face struggles in our lives and that our attitude towards those struggles is the single most effective factor in overcoming them.

In 2005, Nick received the Young Australian of the Year nomination. This award, which is very prestigious in Australia, recognizes young people for their excellence and service to their local community and their nation, as well as their individual achievements. This award is given only to truly inspiring people.

A speaker who goes beyond pure motivation

Today, at age 29, this limbless guy has achieved more than most people twice his age. Nick recently moved from Brisbon, Australia to California, USA, where he is president of a charity. In addition, he has his own motivational speaking company called "Attitude Is Altitude". Since his first motivational talk at the age of 19, Nick has traveled the world, telling his story to millions of people, speaking to different groups such as: students, teachers, youth, businessmen, entrepreneurs, church gatherings of all sizes. He also told his story and gave interviews to various TV companies around the world.

In his speeches, he often says: “Sometimes you can fall like this” - and falls face down on the table on which he was standing. Nick continues: “It happens in life that you fall and it seems that you don’t have the strength to get up. You wonder then if you have any hope... I have neither arms nor legs! It seems that if I try to rise at least a hundred times, I will not succeed. But after another defeat, I do not leave hope. I will try again and again. I want you to know that failure is not the end. What matters is how you finish. Are you going to finish strong? Then you will find the strength to rise up in yourself – in this way.”

He leans on his forehead, then helps himself with his shoulders and stands up.
The women in the hall begin to cry.

Nick's performances go far beyond pure motivation. He had and still has the opportunity to communicate with several leaders, including, for example, the Vice President of Kenya. Next year, Nick plans to perform in more than 20 countries around the world.

"People say to me, 'How can you smile?'" says Nick. They then realize that "there must be something more than what's seen at a glance if a guy with no arms and legs lives a more fulfilling life than I".

These two short videos clearly show all the powerful charisma of this man. Try to watch them and not cry.

Nick talks to his audience about the importance of having your own vision and dreaming big. Using his own experience around the world as an example, he challenges others to consider their perspectives and look beyond their circumstances. He shares his point of view on how to stop looking at obstacles as a problem and instead start seeing them as an opportunity for growth, how to influence others, etc. He emphasizes the importance of our attitude and that it is the most powerful tool we have at our disposal; and also shows how the choices we make can have a profound effect on our lives and the lives of those around us.

Through his life, Nick shows that the main key to achieving our biggest dreams is consistency and the ability to use failure as an experience, as well as the ability to not let the guilt and fear of failure paralyze us.

How does Vujicic feel about his disability now?

He accepted it, took advantage of it, and very often he laughs at his circumstances when he shows many of his "tricks". He meets challenges with a special sense of humor. His perseverance and faith always inspires everyone around him to learn their perspective, to create and define their vision. Using these new definitions, he challenges every person he meets so that they can change their lives so that they can begin to fulfill their biggest dreams. With his extraordinary ability to connect with people from all walks of life and his incredible sense of humor that captivates children, teens and adults alike, Nick is truly an inspiring and motivating example.

This year, Nick Vuychich married Kanae Miahara. The wedding took place on February 12, 2012 in California, after which they went on a honeymoon to Hawaii.

He has a healthy and very beautiful wife. Now they live happily together in California.

Butterfly Circus

In 2009, he starred in the movie "The Butterfly Circus", which tells about a man without limbs, Will and his fate.

In the midst of the Great Depression, the showman and owner of his own small circus tours with his troupe through the ruined American province, delighting and raising the spirits of ordinary people at this difficult time. During his journey, he visits a fairground booth where he discovers a man with no limbs who is being exploited as a living freak show exhibit. As a result, this man becomes part of a traveling troupe of circus performers. Later, with the help of his new friends, he gains faith in himself, and does what he never even dared to dream about before ...

Short film lasting 22 minutes. You can watch it with Russian subtitles.

And finally, check out the amazing clip he shot in 2011.

In life, always remember that any "difficulties" are relative. With the will, one can overcome them and then mock them from new heights. Fortunately, the world around us is full of examples, such as Nick Vuychich.