How to understand that you like your own. How to know if a guy likes you. Is the guy willing to spend money on you

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Many women's minds are tormented by the question: "How to understand that a man likes you?". But one hundred percent answer to such a question is difficult to find. It happens that a man does not show his interest in any way, simply being afraid. However, if you take a closer look, you can notice a number of signs that show that a man feels sympathy for you.

Signs that a man likes you

Carefully observe the behavior of a man and his change. If you like him, he will always strive to look good in your eyes. You can notice that with you he is more talking loudly as if trying to get your attention.


  • Pay attention to what pose there is a man, if you are near. If he likes you, all his gestures will be open in a conversation with you, palms and arms are open. This happens unconsciously, and the man will not be able to control it.
  • He will often throw gliding, wandering glances at you, as if evaluating. He looks at your reaction, at one or another of his actions.
  • Being next to you, he automatically straightens clothes- his desire to look good in your eyes is manifested.
  • When talking, pay attention to the guy's posture: a man who likes a woman often unconsciously puts forward toe of one foot towards the object of your interest.
  • His torso is somewhat tense and the top of his head stretches up - this is how a guy interested in a girl tries to look higher in her eyes.
  • When you look into his face, you will find that his eyebrows slightly raised.
  • In Your presence, he is obviously worried: twists the ring on his finger or pulling the watch strap.
  • How to understand that a man likes you by his posture? If a guy standing with hands on waist, which means that he subconsciously wants to show his physical strength, as well as self-confidence. In other words, he wants to please the interlocutor. And of course, the woman he's unconsciously trying to impress likes him.

The image above clearly demonstrates the poses of men, each of which feels sympathy for a woman.

Signs that a guy needs you

If a woman notices that a guy is looking at her with parted lips and slightly widened nostrils, then she can be sure that her appearance aroused his admiration.

The young man smoothes his hair or, on the contrary, involuntarily shaggy it. This gesture indicates that he is trying to look more attractive to you.

Feeling a cool breeze, the guy carefully offers you his jacket or sweater. Know that he considers you his woman, he is ready to protect and protect you!

The subconscious of a man is arranged in such a way that he definitely needs to touch the woman he loves. If, during a conversation with you, he, as it were, accidentally touches your shoulder or take you by the hand - it means that he is clearly not indifferent; more and do not puzzle over how to understand if a man likes you.

How to know that a man is not indifferent to you?

You can be sure that you are his beloved woman if you are talking with a loved one and during the conversation he begins unconsciously repeat your gestures. For example: You take out a phone from your purse, he immediately mechanically takes his mobile phone out of his pocket, and so on. These gestures are a clear sign that he likes you very much.

A man will try to show himself in all its glory, demonstrating what he is capable of. If he has a good physique, he will dress and stand in such a way as to better emphasize the curves of the muscles. If a man is very smart and understands a topic that interests you, you should contact him for advice. This will be almost equivalent and can serve as the beginning of your future relationship. At Your approach, a man who likes You will start to get a little nervous, which can be easily seen: he blushes, loses his thoughts.


A man's smile can say a lot, just like his eyes. Notice if he starts to smile when your eyes meet, then this is a sure sign of his sympathy. The longer and more closely he looks at you, the greater his interest. The look of an interested man also often stops at your lips.

Tactile sensations

Men basically love everything not only with their eyes, but also crave to touch the object they like. Therefore, he will try to touch You, perhaps by accident. Pay attention if he tries to accidentally run into you, hug in conversation or touch your hand(be it Cancer, Aquarius or Capricorn), then we can say for sure that he likes you. But, it is worth noting that some people generally relate to everyone due to the habit of stroking someone on the arm or shoulder. If you saw that a man touches many people in the hall, then you should not think that everyone is just as attractive to him.

Attitude towards other girls

Pay attention to his attitude towards other girls present. If this man likes you, then he will treat you not like the rest of those present, but as if highlighting you. If he communicates like this with everyone, then accordingly he equates you with everyone.

Violation of personal space

Each person has a personal zone, a comfort zone, it is equal to a meter or an arm's length distance. If a man tries to stand much closer than this distance, then he, as it were, deliberately invades your privacy, thereby emphasizing that you are his, and he wants to be much closer than on friendly terms.

But, even despite all these signs, any woman who liked a man will subconsciously look for all the moments that would indicate that this man really likes her. Here you need to be more careful, you should soberly assess the situation, and look at everything without daydreaming, and then you will definitely notice his attention.

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Orthodox calendar

Sunday, March 22, 2020(March 9 O.S.)
Week 3 of Great Lent
40 martyrs who suffered in the Lake of Sebastia: Kirion, Candida, Domna, Hesychia, Heraclius, Smaragda, Eunoice, Ualens (Valens), Viviana, Claudius, Priscus, Theodula, Eutychius, John, Xanthia, Iliana, Sisinia, Angia, Aetia, Flavia , Akakiy, Ekdikiy (Ekdikta), Lysimachus, Alexander, Elijah, Gorgonius, Theophilus, Dometian, Gaius, Leontius, Athanasius, Cyril, Sakerdon, Nicholas, Walerius (Valerius), Philoktimon, Severian, Khudion, Meliton and Aglaius (c. 320 )
Saints' Day:
Mch. Urpasiana (c. 295). St. Caesarea, brother of St. Gregory the Theologian (c. 369). Right. Tarasia.
Memorial Day of Confessors and New Martyrs of the Russian Church:
Sshmchch. Mikhail Maslov, Alexy Smirnov, Dimitri Glivenko, Sergiy Lebedev, Sergius Tsvetkov, presbyters, and Nikolai Goryunov, deacon, prmch. Ioasaf Shakhov and rec. Natalia Ulyanova and Alexandra Samoilova (1938).
Day of veneration of the icons of the Mother of God:
The Albazin Icon of the Mother of God, called "The Word Flesh" (1666).
Great post.
Marriage is not performed during Great Lent.
Readings of the day
Gospel and Apostle:
Morning: - John 20:1-10 In lit.: -Ap.: Heb.4:14-5:6 Ev.: Mark 8:34-9:1
Morning: - Ps.9-16; Ps.17-23

If you're spending time with a guy and you've become close enough, then there may be a question about his feelings for you. If you have fallen in love or just want to be friends, there are a number of signs that will help you find the answer. Pay attention to the guy's body language and behavior around you, as well as the further development of the relationship between you. You can always turn with such a question to mutual friends or directly to the guy!


Body language and behavior

    Eye contact. If a guy makes eye contact with you, try to meet his gaze with a smile and make eye contact for a few seconds. If he does not turn away, then it may turn out that he is interested in you, especially in the case of a return smile.

    • It's also possible that the guy just became aware of your presence, or that he has a habit of making eye contact with people.
    • On the other hand, some guys are very shy about the girls they like, so he may avoid eye contact if he likes you.
  1. Smile. If you like a person, it's hard not to smile in their presence. Does the guy constantly come to life at the sight of you? It's possible that he likes you!

    • Do not rush to conclusions, because he may smile at you as a friend.
  2. mirror behavior. If you're hanging out with a guy or spending time in the same company, you may notice that he repeats after you every time you touch your face or straighten your hair. Subconscious imitation of the interlocutor is a sign of sympathy, so it may turn out that he likes you.

    • To check, try repeating short movements - adjust your hair or collar and watch the guy.
  3. The guy's body and legs are facing you. We lean towards people we like and shy away from those we don't like, but we don't even realize it. Pay attention to the position of the guy's body during the conversation.

    • Also notice his feet. If the socks are facing you, this is a good sign.
  4. The guy is worried or uncomfortable in your presence. Some guys get shy around the girl they like. If he blushes, stutters, or becomes silent around you, it may be sympathy or innate shyness.

    • If the guy you like is shy, try smiling or touching his arm to cheer him up and help him relax.
  5. The guy finds excuses to touch you. If a guy is always ready to hug you, often touches your arm, shoulder, or finds reasons to be around, then he may like you. However, touching people can be a simple habit, so pay attention to his behavior with others. If only you have received such signs of attention, then falling in love may be the reason.

    • If a guy makes you uncomfortable with his touch, firmly ask him not to do this and step aside. Don't be afraid to hurt his feelings. A decent guy will only apologize and stop such behavior. Stop talking if he doesn't listen to you.

close acquaintance

  1. The guy is always trying to be around. If he is always ready to help or meet, then falling in love may be the reason. Consider how often he is willing to cancel his plans with friends or find time to meet up, even when he is busy.

    • It is possible that he is just a very good friend. Whatever it was, enjoy your meetings and communication! Over time, his true feelings will become clear.
  2. The guy subscribed to your profile on social networks. If a guy constantly likes your posts or follows you on different social networks, then he probably likes you! Of course, this doesn't mean much if he spends a lot of time on social networks, but if he is not usually very active, then this is a good sign.

    • No need to think too deeply about his behavior on social networks. For example, you might think that liking on Instagram means you're in love, but you'll go crazy if you attach too much importance to such actions.
    • If he texts you a lot online but doesn't talk much in person, it could be because he's shy and trying to get to know you better. Perhaps the guy is trying to gather his will into a fist and invite you on a date.
  3. The guy texts you for no reason. If a guy texts you just like that, then he probably thinks about you and maybe even in love. He's probably looking for excuses to text you, like homework questions.

    • Try not to text the guy too often. In this case, he will be able to write to you first.
    • If you are good friends, then the reason may be the desire to just chat. Remember that you should look for signs that complete the big picture.
  4. Over time, the guy begins to openly communicate on personal topics. As he gets to know you, he may share personal details from his life or his past with you. If a guy is comfortable talking about his emotions with you, it can be seen as a sign of intimacy and deeper feelings.

    The guy gives you gifts and tries to do nice things. Many guys often express their feelings through actions rather than words. If he gives you small gifts "just because" or is looking for an excuse to help you, then such behavior may indicate a desire for a closer relationship.

    • For example, if he offers you his jacket when you are cold, the reason may be the guy's nobility or a desire to show that he cares.
  5. The guy teases you or compliments you. It's not uncommon for guys to tease or compliment girls they like. However, some guys like to tease all of their friends or don't skimp on compliments, so pay attention to how he behaves with other people. Does he only act like this around you? This is a good sign.

    • For example, if you are smartly dressed for work, he may say at a meeting: "You look great." On the other hand, he might also ask, “Wow, trying to get promoted?”

    Warning: if you smile and blush when a guy teases you, that's cute. If he humiliates and insults you, there is nothing normal in such behavior. You definitely don't need a guy like that.

Direct Approach

  1. Ask your friends how the guy talks about you when you're not around. If your friends are talking to a guy, ask them for help. For example, ask him to ask a question about you when you are not around to get his opinion.

    • For example, your friend might say, “I think Katya looks amazing today. What do you think, Misha?
    • If he does not miss the opportunity to talk about you, then he almost certainly likes you. If he rolls his eyes or says something unpleasant, then the situation is likely to be different.

Is it possible to accurately determine whether a guy likes you or not? Sometimes uncertainty can just drive you crazy, and by all means, you want to understand it. And if you want to be 100% sure that a guy is interested in you before “taking a step towards him”, this is understandable and quite natural. Why make a fool of yourself when you can avoid it... How to understand that a guy likes you?

I'll tell you what most guys do and how they act when they like a girl, even if they want to hide it to look "cool". There are always signals that give out.

There are many subliminal signals that are almost impossible to hide, it's a natural behavior when a guy feels something for a girl.

In addition to the obvious signs, you can also find some less obvious signs on this list. They will reveal his real desires, which he is trying to hide, not only from you, but possibly from himself as well!

So, how to understand that a guy likes you:

  1. He says it

Are you kidding? Not at all. I understand what could be more obvious than that?! But, the guy who tells you, “I like you. I love you.” is probably not lying.

Another question is what he puts into this "like"! Whether he wants you to be together, or just wants to get you into bed, after which he will just tell you " I'm sorry but it's gone«.

  1. He asks a lot of questions

He's obviously trying to keep the conversation going with you. He is trying to get to know and understand you. So he keeps asking, and asking... Many questions may not be entirely clear or illogical, but he tries to keep the conversation going and avoid awkward pauses.

He may just ask some questions out of politeness, but as soon as you notice that he asks not only out of necessity, this means that he is interested.

That is, you should not think that he is head over heels in love with you if he asked you: “How are you?”. Use common sense.

If he does not like you, he will not seek meetings with you or start a conversation without business if he is finished with something he does not need (for example, help with something).

But remember, when he sincerely asks questions, tries to get to know you more, digs deeper and deeper, this is a really good sign.

  1. He finds common interests with you

One of the reasons why he asks a lot of questions is he wants some information about you that he can use to hook you up. If you say that you like... And he goes on and on, telling how he likes the same music, movies, or something else just like you, he (perhaps subconsciously) is trying to prove that you fit each other, and have common interests.

The guy you like will usually not get into an argument, on the contrary, he will seem nice and try to be nice.

If there is a lot of “and I like it too” in your conversation, this is a good sign that you can be compatible.

  1. He leans

When you talk to him, he leans towards you. Even if he hears you perfectly. You may be in a bar or club with music, so he will have to lean in to hear you. But still, if he makes an effort to hear you and be closer, this is a great sign. Look at the amount of effort he puts into talking to you. This is the easiest way to determine its relationship. Pay attention to his body movements, gestures, to what his subconscious says.

A normal guy who isn't trying to "act cool" will tend to show a lot of subliminal signs and try to get close to you.

He can also act "cool" around you, but just because a guy acts like he's not interested in you doesn't mean he really feels that way (more on that later).

  1. He approached you

Another obvious thing. Yes, but there are some "buts". If he "accidentally bumped into" you, he probably liked you... Or your girlfriend! And he's just using you as a strategy to get closer to her. Who knows? Either way, a guy who approaches you in a cafe or bookstore, etc. obviously finds you cute.

When he strikes up a conversation, you can ask yourself why he didn't approach someone else. If he most likely chose you on purpose, then it definitely means something.

  1. His behavior changes when you are around

Watch him when he is with friends or other people. How does he behave? Does his behavior change when you're around, or is he 100% the same as he was?

This tends to happen to younger, less experienced guys.

How to make a guy fall in love with you? Read -

  1. He completely ignores you

Some guys use the "I don't give a damn" strategy. So they try to be different, that's their way of thinking.

But he will talk to you in private when no one is around. He probably really likes you, but he doesn't have the courage to approach you when you're surrounded by girlfriends or other guys.

He needs you to give him a sign (just look!) that you are open to talking to him.

Anyway, a lot of times when a guy "sort of" ignores you, it's because he's either not interested in you or he's very interested. It's a trick as old as the world.

Think, in a normal situation where a guy isn't interested in you, he'll be okay with you, and may well engage in casual small talk (depending on the situation), but he won't (usually) completely ignore you.

Guys show mixed signals when they try to hide how they feel. Look for different behavioral deviations. Anything out of the ordinary is usually a good sign.

  1. His body language gives out = he turns to you

You can judge his liking by the body language when he is around. Does he straighten his back or puff out his chest in an attempt to look more masculine? Some guys try to hide their interest; others, on the contrary, show it openly.

It all depends on how confident he is. The problem is that most guys don't want to "fall on their face" and don't want to take risks. Especially in situations that may have social consequences - at work or school, or if he is a family friend, etc.

  1. He treated you

In some cultures, it is normal for a man to treat a woman. If you're with a group of friends and he buys you something, it doesn't mean anything. But then again, if there's only two of you and he insists on paying, either he's just a gentleman in general, or he likes you.

Watch him, does he treat his friends?

If he does this, he's just a generous guy in general and considers you a friend. But if he only pays for his own stuff and then treats you to something, that's a distinct difference. But then another question arises, if he is stingy, maybe he is not the guy you would like to be with?

Again, it really depends on the location, if you're in a bar and he buys you drinks, he might want to make you drunk. In this case, you need to be careful.

  1. He asks for your number

This is another obvious sign that indicates sympathy. Sometimes!

Use logic. If he finds a relatively stupid excuse to get your number, he may want a way to stay in touch with you and ask you out on a date in the future. When he takes your number, and there is a really good reason for this, then perhaps she is only to blame for everything. Nothing more.

  1. He found and added you on social networks

Just one of the "evidence", which, of course, may not mean anything. But if he sends you messages, likes a photo, then this may already mean something. Look for more clues, dig further.

  1. Tries to kiss you

There is nothing to explain here, everything is clear. Even if he was tipsy, it only revealed his subconscious desire. No matter how much alcohol he drank. It's clear that if he wants to kiss you, then he likes you, anyway. The only question is, does he want a serious relationship with you or just a one night stand?!

  1. Hey, my eyes are here!

He knows where your eyes are. But your chest is like a magnet, and sometimes it's hard for him to control himself.

Just look at his eyes and where they're looking... No matter how hard he tries to look uninterested, his look will tell a lot. When you pass in front of him, he will look down on you.

When you speak, he looks at your lips, and does it often... He likes what he sees! The easiest way to tell if a guy likes you is to look into his eyes. What is he looking at when you speak?

  1. Lots of eye contact

Of course, if he is not examining your body, he may like your face. He will look into your eyes when you speak, and he will hold his gaze a little more than other people, but in a way that does not arouse suspicion.

  1. He turns away

If you catch his eye, and he quickly turns away, as if he is busy with something, this is a great sign. Just think, a little nervous about you or trying to hide his interest. This usually happens when you are still not very familiar. In case you know each other, he probably won't look away... in this case, he'll make eye contact, smile, or ask for something to keep the conversation going.

  1. He smiles or laughs (a lot)

Just a smile does not mean sympathy. But when no one said anything particularly funny, this can serve as a signal.

  1. You have a boyfriend?

This is a question guys rarely ask unless they have sympathy. In any case, there must be a reason for such a question. I mean, if he doesn't have feelings, he doesn't care if you're alone or not. This is an easy way to understand whether you are free or not.

If he doesn't ask directly, it may be indirect or implicit. This is another clear indicator that he is interested. Again, this is just one of the signs to note to yourself. The question itself, of course, means nothing.

  1. Agrees with everything

With everything you say. Maybe he does not have his own opinion, but perhaps he does this to make you feel - "you have so much in common." This may be too good to be true.

It's good when your views on life converge, but it's also normal when your opinions differ. Disagreeing on difficult issues can be really fun and educational!

  1. Nervous when you're around

When someone is nervous, you can get infected. These emotions jump from one person to another... Look for signs of nervousness in him when he is around you. When the conversation ends, there is awkwardness, there is tension between the two of you, and he seems to be thinking “what should I say next?”. If so, these are all good signs.

If he is not interested in you, he will not care how he looks from the outside, and will not be nervous.

How to understand if a guy likes you?

  1. He's trying to be alpha

Shy guys will get nervous around you. But more self-confident guys may try to show their masculinity ... Or show their superiority - (money), knowledge, or something else that distinguishes them.

Look for something, some oddity. He will either be shy, or an expressive extrovert who tries to show off his best "features" - anything that you might find attractive in his opinion.

  1. Protects you

You started noticing that when people push you on the street trying to get past you in a crowded place, he positions himself in such a way that they won't touch you; he is trying to protect you to some extent.

He will take the hand, will go ahead to push the crowd. This is another sign of sympathy - he will protect you.

  1. Gets jealous

When you talk to other guys and even more laugh. You can see jealousy on his face or read from his behavior. Just watch. He will try to look funny, but with one eye will check on you, and how you respond to other guys.

He could sigh, get angry, or make a petulant face. Try to understand these little clues.

  1. remembers your name

Let's say you met him once, in the company of your mutual friends ...

Ah, when you met again, he remembered (surprisingly) your name. So at that moment, you were significant to him.

It is also possible that he has a good memory (plus he is smart). Most guys don't remember names, especially at a party.

Seriously, if he remembered your name, that's a good sign.

  1. Remember your birthday

Social networks have one useful feature, they remind you of the birthdays of friends. Imagine if there was no information about your birthday on the Internet, how many people would know about it, or rather remember it? And now he sends you a message with congratulations on VKontakte! If he's not wishing all his friends happy birthdays, he's probably just trying to develop a conversation. Answer him and see how he keeps the conversation going.

  1. Trying to impress

You can think whatever you want, but the guy who bragged about his job, car, money, clothes, accomplishments, etc. is mean (because cool guys know they're cool, that they don't have to show it).

But he also wants to impress you!

Either way, there are many different ways to impress, and trying to present yourself in a good light can signal that he likes you.

  1. He initiates a dialogue

Let's say you're at some party, with a bunch of people. He randomly starts talking to you, asks a question, or smiles.

It doesn't mean that he likes you; maybe he's just being polite. On the other hand, does he do the same with other women around? Always pay attention to how he treats other women around, is his attitude different? Yes? Then this guy is sympathetic.

Shy guys who are waiting for the right moment to show their interest - throw the bait and expect a reaction. Provide an opportunity, and at this time you can observe and check if he has feelings.

  1. Joking and teasing

Constantly mocks you and finds something to hurt? If he jokes with you, trying to make you laugh, or sarcasm is heard in his words, this is a signal for you.

A guy almost never teases a girl he's not interested in. This can be one of the types of flirting (not quite a good option, of course, but what can you do). Either way, it's a sign of interest.

  1. Lingers one second longer

When you run into him on the street, at work, at school, at a party, in a club, on a bus, wherever you are - you start talking to him, and then ... There is a moment when he is about to leave and then ... there is this one tiny little second. He stays a little longer, as if he wants to stay or take you. Then he leaves. Look at this moment.

WikiHow is a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. When creating this article, 20 people worked on editing and improving it, including anonymously.

Number of sources used in this article: . You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

Trying to figure out if you like a guy or not can be a complicated and confusing process. Once you figure out what your real feelings are for him, be honest with yourself. Devote time to introspection: take into account your feelings, actions and reactions. Ask for advice from those who know you best!


Part 1

Analysis of your feelings

    Stay honest with yourself. Take time to put things in order in your life. Consider if your feelings for this guy are sincere or if it's just a distraction. Ask yourself uncomfortable questions and answer them honestly.

    • Have you noticed that you dream about him?
    • Have you imagined situations where you “accidentally” run into him on the street or at school?
    • All your friends are in a relationship and you feel left out?
    • Do your feelings only show up at certain times, like before a disco or a month before Valentine's Day?
  1. Keep a diary. While you're trying to figure out if you like a guy or not, keep a diary. Write about your relationship with him. Describe how you feel when you see it. Notice if these feelings persist throughout the day or disappear shortly after you've broken up. Take note of any thoughts and dreams you have about him, and see if you have any hopes for your future with him. At the end of each week, review your notes to evaluate your feelings.

    Talk to your best friend. Reach out to your best friend as the person who knows you best for advice. Discuss your feelings with her. Share why you are not sure that you like this guy. After you speak, listen. Let a friend give her assessment of the situation. Perhaps her reaction will upset you, cause disagreement, or confirm the sincerity of your feelings. Take time to analyze her opinion.

Part 3

Assessing your relationship

    Study your reaction to it. Your reaction to his presence, touch and voice can tell a lot! If you are overjoyed when meeting him, if you have a strong reaction to his physical presence, and if we can talk with him about nothing for hours on end, chances are that you like him! If you experience a feeling of indifference to his presence, most likely you do not like him!