Acrid smell of urine. Why does urine smell strong? Causes of the unpleasant odor of urine in men

In any person, uncharacteristic urine odors cause some concern. Indeed, normally the color remains light yellow, the urine itself is transparent, like water, and does not emit unpleasant harsh aromas. If deviations from the normal state become noticeable, there is a reason to carefully consider your own health and be examined by a doctor.

Don't rush to panic

A bad smell seen during urination is not always a signal of danger. There are several non-pathological reasons that cause urine to smell differently than usual. Under normal health conditions, a changed odor may appear due to the following circumstances:

  • The human diet. The aroma of urine sometimes changes under the influence of alcohol, asparagus, spicy and salty foods. Food-related causes of a pungent odor will resolve on their own. This usually takes 1–2 days from the last time you took these products. But if you continue to regularly abuse beer and eat smoked meats, the situation will not change. If, after refusing such food, the aroma becomes normal, then the problem was precisely in the diet.
  • Medications. Vitamins, antibiotics and other medications can affect the characteristics of urine. After the treatment with drugs ends, the substances are independently excreted from the body, and the urine is normalized in all respects. For example, when treating with ampicillin, many people note a strange smell of urine, which disappears at the end of the course of therapy. B vitamins also affect urine performance.
  • Violation of the water balance. The unpleasant smell of urine in men and women can manifest itself in the event that a person is on a strict diet or suffers from dehydration. This usually happens to those who play sports or are trying to lose weight. As a result, a pungent smell of ammonia is sometimes felt when urinating. To normalize the situation, you need to drink a lot and eat a balanced diet, including the required amount of vitamins, minerals and nutrients in the diet.

Health problems

Not always the specific smell of urine can be attributed to a diet, taking vitamins or other harmless reasons. Even in the most powerful organism, malfunctions can occur. With age, the development of some chronic processes can negatively affect the excretory system.

Urine has a very pungent odor in the following situations:

  • diseases of the genitourinary system (inflammation of the bladder, urethritis, prostatitis, ureaplasma, etc.),
  • metabolic disease,
  • diabetes,
  • kidney problems (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis),
  • infectious lesions of the urinary tract,
  • disruption of the liver, etc.

The urine can smell like yeast, mushrooms, beer. Sometimes it tastes like bread, gouache and even phenol, apples, garlic or iodine. Such situations are often the result of non-pathological processes in the body. Unpleasant odor of urine in a man or woman, the causes of which are not related to the food eaten or taking medications, can indicate a serious violation.

When the concentration of the aroma increases, or it acquires a putrid character, urine of a brown tint is released, or impurities of blood are formed, it is imperative to undergo an examination and determine the cause of the changes. Especially if in parallel the process is accompanied by other symptoms. Only through detailed analyzes can provoking factors be identified and appropriate therapy prescribed. It is not recommended to use treatment with folk remedies without the agreement of a doctor.

What can each particular smell mean?

Let us consider several situations separately when it is possible to roughly determine the causes of pronounced anomalous aromas.

  • Mouse-like urine odor. It is observed in phenylketonuria - this is a genetically determined pathology in which urine stinks with a sharp chemical composition. It occurs due to the fact that the exchange of phenylalanine in the human body is disrupted. The disease affects the central nervous system, provokes the release of toxic substances.
  • Smell of ammonia. Especially if the scent is felt in the morning, it usually indicates kidney congestion. A typical phenomenon for pregnant women, bedridden patients and those who spend a lot of time sitting. There is nothing dangerous in this, but you will have to change your lifestyle. Ammonia can also manifest itself in diabetes mellitus and infections of the genitourinary system.
  • Why does urine smell like fish? If there is a sharp unpleasant smell of herring, you should be on your guard. This aroma is characteristic of trimethylaminuria. Experts believe that urine smells like fish due to systemic disorders in the liver, or rather, in the fermentation process. This leads to the accumulation of trimethylamine in the body. It is he who, getting into the excretory tract, leads to the fact that the urine is given off by the fish. As the disease progresses, the aroma becomes very strong and can be noticed by others. This is not treated with medication, but with the appointment of a special diet. Such a violation can be observed throughout life and increase with age if you do not adhere to the rules of nutrition.

  • Cenoturia is the cause of the pungent odor of urine, giving off acetone, penicillin, or notes of sulfur. This is one of the markers of diabetes, and acetone can also be a sign of a severe infectious lesion of the excretory system. This smell also appears during fasting and dehydration.
  • Cloudy urine with a pungent odor that resembles stool, signals that an infection from the category of Escherichia coli is present in the body. Strong odors with a stench may indicate that there is pus in the urine. You should be tested for sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Smell of honey, maple syrup, or other sweet urine odor speaks of the likelihood of developing maple disease - leucinosis. This is a hereditary pathological disease caused by a decrease in the activity of the enzyme system. Some amino acids are not oxidized enough, which results in a characteristic sweet aroma. Sugary notes can also appear due to diabetes mellitus.
  • Sauerkraut flavors indicate insufficient absorption of amino acids. Sour urine odor potentially indicates kidney damage, fungal infections of the excretory tract, and impaired functionality of the digestive system. Sometimes appears with diseases of a venereal nature. When urine gives off vinegar, sour, unpleasant odor, you cannot self-medicate and wait until everything goes away by itself.
  • When urine smells like coffee or roasted seeds, it is not worth worrying especially in the absence of other symptoms and pain during urination. The aroma of the seeds is often attributed to the frequent consumption of coffee. Sometimes urine smells like buckwheat from him and becomes dark in color. Try eliminating coffee from your diet for a while or reducing the dose. If all goes away after a few days, the drink was the cause. If you do not drink coffee, but there is a change in the smell of urine, it is better to get tested.
  • What does the situation say when urine gives off burned rubber, sulfur, chemical odor? Or phenol, tablets, iodine? This indicates chronic diseases of the genitourinary system. It is typical with age-related changes in the body and most often appears after 50 years due to natural aging.
  • The urine smells strongly of beer, croutons, bread, or yeast. This is potentially a sign of methionine malabsorption - a violation of the intestinal absorption function. A pharmacy smell appears when a person takes various drugs, which include calcium and iron ions. With inflammation of the appendages in women from the intimate area, it sometimes smells like onions.

How to fix the situation?

For the most part, the appearance of a pungent smell of urine does not indicate pathology. Especially if there are no other signs of health problems. But there are situations when the strong smell of urine is directly related to diseases. It is impossible to identify the disease purely by aromas. But it is the unusual pungent smell of urine in men, women and children that will be a good reason to get tested.

A number of diseases are distinguished by characteristic aromas, which can be used to identify violations at the initial stage of their development.

Smelling urine requires increased attention and a responsible attitude to one's own health.

Urine is a great source of information about the current state of the body. By doing the simplest research, many questions can be answered.

Urine is a biological fluid through which the body gets rid of decay products, toxins and toxic substances. The urine of a person who does not have any health problems, does not have a pronounced odor or foreign inclusions, has transparency and various options for yellow shades. Deviation from the norms is a direct indicator of violations of the functioning of internal systems and organs.

A change in the smell of urine in women can be the first alarming symptom of serious diseases and pathologies. In some cases, this can be the result of taking medications or certain types of food. However, in the vast majority of situations, urine with a pungent smell is a sign of serious problems, which must be identified and corrected as soon as possible.

A portion of fresh urine from a healthy person does not smell, the appearance of ammonia fumes, which are a natural product of waste, is permissible. For an exception, we can call the appearance of the smell of food eaten the day before, consumed drinks with pronounced aromas. This is one of the norms, it is not considered as a pathology.


A negative change in the smell of urine in representatives of the fair half of humanity can occur due to the influence of a wide range of predisposing factors. These can be divided into two broad subgroups, each separately includes pathological, physiological or natural causes.

The factors referred to the variants of physiological norms do not have a negative effect on the state, the activity of the body, leading to the appearance of certain signs, which include the smell of urine in women. Pathological causes should be cited as primary symptoms that may indicate the development of diseases, pathologies.

What does the unpleasant odor present in the biological fluid, which is separated during the act of urination, indicate? The issue should be considered in detail, since the given aspect is one of the fundamental for an objective assessment of the state of health.

Physiological causes

A number of natural factors can cause bad urine odor in women. Then there are no reasons for concern, but it is recommended to track the dynamics of the further state. Physiological aspects include:

  • If the urine began to change for the worse, an unpleasant synthetic odor appeared, which is mainly concentrated on linen and does not appear directly when visiting the toilet, it makes sense to pay attention to the quality of the clothes. Panties and hygiene products made from cheap materials can give urine a pungent stench that grows stronger towards the end of the day.
  • Taking various medications, including iodine-containing products and vitamins, can cause a pungent odor in urine in women. An unpleasant, strange odor may persist for several days after the completion of the course of treatment.
  • Foods eaten the day before can affect the quality of urine. A pungent pungent smell can be the result of eating garlic, sauerkraut, sour milk, spices, lactic acid products, a large amount of meat, heavy, fatty foods, carbonated drinks, strong coffee.
  • Violation of the norms of personal hygiene, expressed in the lack of proper care for the genital area - there is a bad body odor in the intimate area.
  • Changes and disturbances in hormonal levels that occur with age, after conception, during the menstrual period, can cause changes in the quality of urine. If the urine smells strong, it is recommended to visit a specialist to exclude the occurrence of pathologies, diseases.

Since we are talking about the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, one cannot fail to mention the addiction of many women to strict diets. An unpleasant odor of urine, the reasons for the appearance of which were discussed above, in women may be due to following a specific diet based on the consumption of large amounts of protein foods.

Pathological causes

The pungent smell of urine speaks of the development of pathologies, diseases, is the first alarm bell that should not be categorically ignored. Depending on which variant of amber urine has, deviations and health disorders can be suspected. If the smell of urine has changed, this may indicate a number of the following problems:

  1. Acetone. If urine has a smell of a substance, this is a consequence of a violation of protein metabolism, it can indicate the development of a number of the following pathologies: severe dehydration, fever, general intoxication due to the use of large amounts of alcohol, a number of prohibited drugs, potent drugs, heavy metal poisoning, damage to the digestive organs tract with malignant or benign neoplasms.
  2. Ammonia. The substance is produced by the human body in small quantities. It is simple to answer the question why it smells strong - there is a high probability of serious violations, failures in the activity of the organs of the excretory system.
  3. A sweetish smell, fetid amber may indicate the development of tumor-like formations. Particular attention should be paid to the appearance of a clinical sign in the morning after waking up. The sweet smell of urine is one of the main signs of urolithiasis.
  4. A fishy or mousey smell indicates the development of diseases associated with inflammatory processes, dysbiosis of the reproductive system. It is important to see a specialist to diagnose the condition if the urine is cloudy. The sign speaks of the local prevalence of pathological processes.
  5. The smelly, sour smell of urine, the amber of rotten eggs is a consequence of the abuse of drinks containing alcohol, the appearance of fistulas in the tissues of the bladder, colon.
  6. Moldy odor from urine. Such a pathology is a consequence of a violation of metabolic, enzymatic processes in the tissues of the liver, as a result of which the quality and composition of all variants of biological fluids of the body are disturbed and changed.

Regardless of the specificity, features of amber, you should pay attention to the duration of the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms. The strong smell of urine in women, if it was noticed once, and not on an ongoing basis, is the result of changes, hormonal imbalances that the female body undergoes more often than the male. If the amber, which became the cause of concern, was noted once, there is practically no reason for worrying.

Urine tends to be renewed, thereby reflecting the state of the body. If negative manifestations have been noticed more than once, you should pay close attention to your own health. It is possible to diagnose in case of violation of the composition, quality of urine only after determining the cause, and treatment is prescribed taking into account the symptomatic manifestations of the existing pathologies or diseases.

The smell of urine from the body

Separately, we should consider the unpleasant for the patient, his immediate environment, the phenomenon of amber urine emanating from the body. Why does a person smell like urine? If we discard such options as non-observance of basic rules, norms of personal hygiene, it is quite possible to say that the patient suffers from uridrosis. Especially specific unpleasant odor is expressed in people with excessive sweating.

The disease is associated with metabolic disorders, the result of which is the elimination of excess nitrogenous substances from the body along with sweat, followed by their deposition on the skin of the armpits, in the groin area, and other places where sweat glands are located in abundance. The result of pathology is a sharp unpleasant stench of urine emanating from a person.

The condition should be treated without fail, the fetid amber is the tip of the iceberg, the lack of adequate therapy can cause serious consequences. As for the methods of eliminating symptoms, they do not currently exist. It is almost impossible to get rid of the stench by using deodorant or perfumery, they give a temporary result, and when mixed with sweat, they increase the unpleasant fragrance at times.

To eliminate the unpleasant phenomenon, water procedures should be carried out several times throughout the day. It is recommended to use an antiperspirant that does not have a fragrance, this measure will help reduce the intensity of sweating and the appearance of an unpleasant repulsive amber. It is important to choose an antiperspirant taking into account the characteristics of the skin, irritation, redness of the skin will lead to the appearance of a strong amber.

Diagnostic procedures

It is worth going through diagnostic procedures that will help determine the factors that have a negative impact on the composition and quality of urine in women. Common procedures are, for example, the following:

  • Directed, general analyzes of urine, hemolymph carried out in a laboratory.
  • Collecting a smear of the cervix.
  • Ultrasound examination of organs located in the pelvic region.

As additional options, if the above methods are not sufficiently reliable, such research options as the PCR method, bacterial culture, computed tomography can be applied.

Treatment methods

If urine has an uncharacteristic aroma, it has become cloudy, changed yellow, acquired a suspicious structure, this is not due to the influence of physiological reasons, you should immediately consult a doctor.

There is simply no one-size-fits-all remedy for urine that smells bad. This is due to the multifactorial reasons that can have a direct impact on the composition and quality of urine. Several common methods of therapy aimed at eliminating pathology should be considered:

  1. Hormonal disorders caused by age-related, menopausal or other changes are eliminated by taking appropriate drugs that help restore the balance of certain substances in the body.
  2. Against the background of the development of inflammatory processes, diseases caused by viruses and bacteria, it is required to take antibiotics, antibacterial and immunomodulatory agents.
  3. If the urine stinks due to a violation of the natural microflora of internal organs, the use of drugs is required - prebiotics, agents that contribute to the elimination of factors that have a direct impact on the development of pathology.

Of course, the list of treatment methods that can be used against the background of such an unpleasant symptom as the sharp aroma of urine is much wider, as well as the list of reasons leading to its occurrence.

Folk remedies

If the reason why urine smells has been identified, it has no pathological prerequisites, for example, a pungent smell is the result of the use of drugs, food, or other harmless reasons, it is recommended to pay attention to traditional medicine recipes that will help to cope with an unpleasant phenomenon.

  • Apple juice. A simple, tasty remedy will help remove toxins from the organs of the digestive tract, excretory system, saturate the body with important substances it needs. It is important to remember that only freshly squeezed juice can be beneficial, which should be consumed daily.
  • If urine smells strongly in women, it is recommended to regularly take delicious rosehip compote. The drink contributes to the saturation of the body with an important substance for it - vitamin C, helps to remove toxins, toxins, and decay products. To prepare a drink, it is enough to brew a small handful of fruits with hot water, boil, and stand for a couple of hours. You can drink the drink separately, adding honey, sugar, or in combination with ordinary black tea, which does not detract from its beneficial properties.
  • Tea made from dried black currant leaves is no less effective. To prepare a drink, pour a handful of raw materials with boiling water, insist. Drink it alone or in combination with the usual black tea.

Not every modern woman pays attention to the fragrance, the color of urine, until the unpleasant amber becomes pronounced. Namely, the quality of the biological fluid is the primary indicator of the activity of internal systems, organs, the correct functioning of the body. The slightest malfunction of the body is reflected in the composition, the smell of urine. For the timely detection of pathologies, carrying out adequate therapeutic measures, it is important to know whether the quality of the fluid meets the standards or has deviations.

If in the process of urination a person feels an unpleasant smell of urine, you should be alert and listen to your body. The fact is that urine smells bad due to the fact that pathological processes occur in the body that negatively affect the functionality of the urinary organs, therefore urine changes the smell. What are the reasons that urine has an unpleasant odor, what are the symptoms accompanying a person with pathology, and what treatment is indicated after the diagnosis is made?

Non-pathological etiology of changes in urine odor

The specific smell of urine does not always have a pathological form and arises as a result of such changes in the body:

  • During pregnancy, when the hormonal background of a woman in a position changes, this leads to the fact that the urine acquires an unpleasant odor. As the fetus grows, the hormonal background will change, and after the baby is born, it will be possible to get rid of the pungent odor.
  • A change in the smell of urine in women occurs during menstruation, the same hormones are to blame.
  • If a person abuses protein, the urine has an unpleasant, pungent acetone odor. With the predominance of protein products in the diet, the liver is disrupted, so it is worth revising your diet and diversifying it with other healthy foods.
  • If you smell bad urine in the morning, it could be due to nighttime dehydration or untimely bladder emptying. The latter is fraught with bacterial complications, therefore, if even in the middle of the night there is a desire to visit the restroom, you should not ignore the urge.
  • A strong smell of urine can occur if the rules of personal hygiene are not followed, especially in women. When the genitals are clean, the smell disappears, so it is important to take care of yourself and carry out hygiene procedures on time.

Other causes of bad odor

  • If a person takes drugs based on calcium or iron ions, a strong pharmacy smell of vitamins will appear.
  • If a person has eaten certain foods the day before that have a specific smell, then the same smell will appear in the urine. For example, after eating buckwheat, after a while a person will feel that urine smells like buckwheat, the same will happen with garlic, coffee, fried seeds.
  • The smell of urine in humans changes with age, especially when there are chronic diseases of the genitourinary system. Then the urine can smell like sulfur, iodine, burnt rubber.

Diseases in which the daytime and morning urine is offensive

Ammonia urine odor characteristic of kidney disease.

If an adult has a strange smell of urine, this may indicate pathological changes in the body. Normally, in a healthy person, yellow should not smell unpleasant and harsh, and if a bad smell occurs, it means that pathogenic microorganisms are present in the urine. There are such types of unpleasant sensations from urine, in which a person develops diseases:

  • If the chemical smell of acetone or ammonia is felt from urine, it means that the person has a persistent increase in blood sugar levels, metabolic problems. In the early stages of pregnancy, due to hormonal changes, urine also gives off acetone, acid, or there is a sweetish smell, but often the stench occurs in more serious diseases.
  • Urine stinks of ammonia when a person has kidney problems, while the disease has acquired a chronic course with the addition of a bacterial infection. The burning sensation during urination worries, the urine becomes dark, the body temperature rises. Such a dangerous disease as diabetes mellitus is also accompanied by the appearance of urine with an unpleasant sensation of ammonia or ammonia. Smelly urine with the smell of ammonia appears in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, abuse junk food, smoked meats, and eat a lot of meat.
  • An unpleasant smell of urine in the morning most often occurs with kidney disease, urethritis, cystitis. Morning urine has a specific pungent smell, while urinating there is discomfort, burning, pain. If a person is worried about such symptoms, and blood inclusions are present in the urine (urine may turn red), this is a reason to urgently visit a doctor.

Other diseases

Symptoms of pathology

Changes in the color and odor of urine are often accompanied by pain when urinating.

If the urine becomes smelly and has acquired a cloudy or dark shade, it means that not everything is in order with the body, while such manifestations may be disturbing:

  1. the patient becomes to go to the toilet, when urinating, burning attacks are disturbed;
  2. pulls the lower back strongly;
  3. a symptom of intoxication develops - nausea, weakness, headaches;
  4. in women, the composition of the vaginal microflora changes, the discharge smells strange and foul, and the burning sensation on the external genitals is very disturbing.


In order to determine the root cause of the bad urine odor, you need to come to the hospital for a consultation with a doctor who will send the patient to laboratory and instrumental diagnostic measures. First of all, a urinalysis is taken for research, and if a person develops inflammation, then the level of leukocytes, erythrocytes and protein will exceed the norm.

For a more detailed study and final diagnosis, urography, ultrasound, MRI or CT of the kidneys are performed. The choice of medication and treatment regimen depends on the final diagnosis.

What to do if urine smells? As a rule, human urine is clear, light yellow in color and does not have a pungent odor. It contains small amounts of indole, phenol, creatinine, purine bases, ammonia, and no protein.

Odorless urine indicates a disease of the organs involved in its excretion, or the pathology of other body systems. Some people do not pay attention to such a symptom, but in vain. Diseases of the internal organs affect the specific smell of urine, which becomes the first bell about the disruption of the body's systems. Therefore, having identified such a symptom, you should consult your doctor.

Smell? Diseases of the urinary system

Disorders of the genitourinary system are characterized by an unpleasant
ammoniacal odor of urine. The excrement contains bacteria that cause disturbances in the functioning of internal organs. The characteristic odor of urine indicates the following diseases:

  • development of prostatitis (in men);
  • violation of microflora in the vagina (in women);
  • gynecological diseases, sexually transmitted diseases.

Later, the person develops the following symptoms:

  • sharp pains in the lower abdomen;
  • discomfort when urinating;
  • burning sensation in the lumbar region.

With such diseases, urine smells stronger and becomes cloudy. It should be noted that cystitis can result from prolonged use of pills that irritate the bladder mucosa. During the period of use of medicines, waste products have a chemical smell and do not contain bacteria. Pay special attention to your health if your urine smells like rot. This smell indicates inflammation of the genitourinary system or the formation of rectal fistulas. For example, in bladder cancer, urine smells like rotten meat.

Diabetes mellitus and odorless urine

If your urine smells like acetone, this is a sign that it contains ketone bodies, which indicate diabetes. This disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

Urine that smells of acetone may indicate an infection, dehydration, or malnutrition.

Metabolic disease

If the urine smells like rotten fish, this indicates a rare disease - trimethylaminuria or fishy odor syndrome. It occurs as a result of metabolic disorders. A large amount of trimethylamine accumulates in the patient's body, which gives the excrement such an odor.

With the genetic disease phenylketonuria, urine smells like mice. There is an accumulation of phenylalanine and its toxic products in the body, the exchange of amino acids is disrupted, which gives the urine a mouse smell.

With leucinosis, the urine smells like maple syrup. The disease is inherited and manifests itself immediately after the appearance of the child on
light. Pathology requires urgent treatment. The low activity of the enzyme system creates conditions for the oxidation of amino acids.

Diseases associated with metabolism are distinguished by a different smell of urine: rotten cabbage, brewer's yeast, sulfur, cat urine, mold, etc.

If urine smells like onions, then these are gynecological problems, perhaps the appendages are inflamed. Any deviation in the smell of excrement requires a visit to a specialist.

External effects on urine odor

Not always, if urine smells, this is a sign of illness. This problem can affect a healthy person who is unaware of it. This is due to preservatives, salty, smoked foods and alcoholic beverages, which contribute to the appearance of a substance that gives urine a specific smell, which disappears after a day. If you are dehydrated, you need to drink enough fluids. If malnutrition is the cause of the characteristic urine odor, vitamins and nutrients should be added to the diet.

Urine is a biological fluid containing dissolved residual products of metabolic processes. In a healthy person, it is usually light yellow in color and practically does not smell. When a pronounced unpleasant odor occurs, this may indicate the presence of any abnormalities in the body or the development of pathological processes.

In any disease, the waste products of harmful bacteria are excreted in the urine. Therefore, if its color, consistency has changed, an unpleasant smell has appeared, this is a serious reason for visiting a therapist.

Today we will talk about the possible causes of this phenomenon in the fairer sex. Why there is an unpleasant odor of urine in women, treatment, the reasons for this phenomenon we will find out. Consider on this page "Popularly about health" the recommendations of specialists who will help in cases not related to pathology.

What are the most common causes of unpleasant odor in women??

Very often, this phenomenon accompanies diseases of the urinary system:

Disease pyelonephritis... An inflammatory process in the kidneys, the causative agent of which is often Escherichia coli. It is accompanied by severe pain in the lumbar region.

Disease cystitis... Infectious disease of the bladder. Accompanied by an accelerated,. With purulent inflammation, a rotting smell appears, the urine becomes more viscous, there are various inclusions and impurities in it.

Urethritis... Inflammatory process of the urinary tract caused by pathogens, in most cases transmitted through sexual contact: ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea or syphilis.

Other pathological causes

... The color of urine darkens, turns brown, gives off the smell of garlic or rotten fish.

, ketonuria... Disorders of metabolic processes that provoke these diseases are evidenced by an unpleasant "acetone" smell. A sweetish smell speaks of progressive diabetes and serious disorders of lipid metabolism.

Pancreatitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer... In these cases, an unpleasant odor is accompanied by increased fermentation.

Genital bacterial lesions... Such diseases, in particular candidiasis, give the urine the smell of rotten sauerkraut.

Bad odor in women, not associated with pathology

Pregnancy... The insipid, slightly sweet smell of urine is caused by hormonal changes, in particular the hCG hormone. Usually, after childbirth, everything returns to normal. However, the cause can also be a bacterial infection of the urinary tract and other pathological processes. If a pregnant woman does not consume enough water, an ammonia smell appears.

... In this case, the urine becomes more concentrated. To correct the situation, you need to increase the drinking regime.

Menopause... Here the reasons are associated with hormonal changes in the female body, weight gain. An increase in the drinking regimen and a proper, balanced diet, taking special drugs that alleviate the symptoms of menopause will help.

Taking medications... Many drugs taken for a long time, in particular antibiotics and sulfonamides, cause a rich "medicinal" odor.

Diet inaccuracies... In this case, the reason for the described phenomenon is the increased consumption of aromatic herbs or protein products containing nitrogen. The passion for spices, increased consumption, garlic, horseradish, etc. also affects. These foods impart a fetid, pungent odor.

In addition to all of the above, there is one more reason - insufficient, as a result of which bacteria from the rectum enter the urethra.

Bad urine smell - treatment will correct

The best solution to the problem is, no matter how trite, see a doctor. Only after the analysis (culture) of urine, it is possible to establish the exact cause of the unpleasant phenomenon. And, only after a confirmed diagnosis, it is possible to prescribe an adequate, effective therapy. After treatment of the detected disease, the unpleasant odor usually disappears.

Self-treatment in this case will not help, since it is extremely difficult to independently identify chlamydia in oneself, or diagnose liver failure. Both of these pathologies are accompanied by the appearance of an unpleasant odor of urine, however, their treatment methods are completely different.

If the described phenomenon is not associated with pathology, you can help yourself on your own. Here are some helpful tips:

Increase your daily intake of pure water, up to 1.5-2 liters (of course, if there are no contraindications). Plain, clean water will dilute urine, lighten it, and remove excess ammonia and other harmful substances from the body.

Reduce the consumption of spices and protein foods, increase the amount of fermented milk, plant foods, vegetable and fruit juices.

Drink compotes, fruit drinks from, eat berries regularly. Cranberry perfectly cleanses the genitourinary system, dilutes urine.

As we have found, bad urine smell in women has many different reasons. To get rid of it, you need to find exactly the reason that caused it. You are unlikely to cope with this on your own, just miss the time for timely treatment. Therefore, see your doctor and go through the examination prescribed by him. Be healthy!


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