If possible, diversify them. How to diversify sexual life in a relationship? How to diversify relationships with your husband: new colors of family life

At the initial stage, for all couples, the relationship resembles a strong flame or a volcano, but after the candy-bouquet period, there always comes a moment when the couple needs to move on. Usually at this moment young people come together and the everyday routine begins. It was she who killed many couples who could have been together for many years. Let's figure out how to diversify relationships.

Here is a list of tips that are applicable at any stage of a relationship with a man. They can be used by both couples and those who have just started dating.

  1. Romantic dinner. It doesn’t matter where you hold this event, and who will prepare light meals and snacks, the main thing is that the atmosphere is unusual for a guy. You can unexpectedly invite him to a restaurant or cafe, or serve an unusual dinner at home. If the latter option is more acceptable, then serve dinner with a beautiful tablecloth and dishes. Don't forget to get a bottle of light wine (if you don't drink alcohol, it's a good idea to replace it with tart pomegranate juice). Candles are a must for a romantic dinner.
  2. Go for a walk in the park together, or go to a lake or river in the summer. Use the time you spend on a walk wisely, and do not be silent, but get to know your partner better, discuss the latest news and plans for the coming weeks or years.
  3. If you don't like to walk a lot, head to the park with a picnic basket. Put some sandwiches, fruits and vegetables in it. Be sure to bring wine, glasses and a tablecloth.
  4. Go to any event your boyfriend likes. It can be both a movie premiere and a rally of comic book lovers. The main thing is that your loved one finally remembers how you look in beautiful clothes, and not in a bathrobe.
  5. Go to the quest room. This new youth hobby is very suitable for couples, just choose popular and proven places.
  6. Head to the spa for a couples treatment. This option is best suited for couples who work a lot.

  7. Lay out the couch, pump up some movies, and prepare more snacks. Arrange a movie premiere evening for yourself. Before this event, you can make a list of films or series that you want to watch in advance.

There are many ways to spend time together. Each couple must independently answer for themselves the question of how to diversify relationships. One daily routine can be refreshed by going fishing, while other couples will be more comfortable in the Philharmonic.

How to diversify relationships: guy's actions

Girls, unlike men, have a great imagination. The representatives of the stronger sex should use the following advice: make a list of things together that are good to do in your spare time. There you can enter any of your proposals from playing a computer game together to visiting a newfangled production in the theater, after which you will only have to choose what you would do for the weekend every week. It's time to cut this list into separate strips and pull out one of the caps before the weekend. This will add an element of surprise to your plans.

Speaking of surprises. Try to surprise your girlfriend with small gifts and unusual actions. She will definitely appreciate your attention. If you live together, coffee brewed in the morning, a light dinner or a hearty breakfast can be a pleasant surprise. In order for the girl to have time and energy to go to events together, try to help her with household chores. Remember that cleaning with the two of you can be done faster, and then you can do more pleasant things.

How to bring new colors to sexual relations

In any mature relationship there is an intimate life. Over time, partners can become bored in bed, which, of course, affects their life in general. To prevent cheating, it is advisable to try to apply one of several tips:

  • change clothes for home to more sexy;
  • buy a new set of underwear;
  • try new poses;
  • change the place of action;
  • role-playing games;
  • a joint visit to a sex shop to buy a pair of sex toys.

Many girls are notorious intimately. They should remember that in order to save a relationship, you often have to go beyond your usual perception of intimacy. By the way, in response from a man, you can try the same.

What to do if you are far apart

It often happens that for a while partners have to stay at a distance for some time. There is no problem in this, because modern means of communication allow you to be in touch almost anywhere in the world. Almost everyone now has a smartphone with Internet access, a package of minutes or messages. Use the distance to your advantage. After all, one of the ways to diversify relationships is flirting through short messages and even MMS.

Just remember one rule - if you are at a distance, do not complain about domestic or any other problems. Your loved one still cannot help, as he is away from home. It is best to tell him about the positive moments and live life to the fullest in his absence. Bring some new elements into the interior of the house, go to some event, visit a beauty salon, and then share your emotions with your husband or boyfriend. This will only fuel his desire to return home as soon as possible.

Date: May 22, 2014

Hello dear readers!

Probably, each of you wants your life together to be filled with positive and vivid emotions, so that over the years the fire of family life only flares up brighter and brighter, and life and habit take the very last place on the pedestal of family relationships.

— Is it really possible? It seems to me that this is from the realm of fantasy! - many will say and give up after reading the first lines of my article.

In my opinion, the force of habit can come only for lazy people and for those who really think that after getting married / getting married, nothing will have to be done, the relationship will flow by itself!

And I think you will also agree with me that life is actually a wonderful thing, that there are so many unknown and interesting things in it that you can please yourself and your loved one.

Most of all, in the matter of diversity in everyday life, to put it mildly, it surprises me that all couples at the beginning of a relationship find many options in order to surprise, make their loved one happy. But for some reason, with further life together, a huge percentage of couples forget that it is important and that you need to please each other! That after 3-5-10-20 years it is just as nice to give each other postcards, flowers, chocolates, balloons and other amenities dear to the heart!

Therefore, I want to highlight 3 global and general rules, adhering to which you can add variety to daily communication in your married life!

Rule number 1. "YES" to new emotions and experiences!

Despite the amount of time spent in marriage and the presence of children, it is VERY IMPORTANT to bring new emotions into married life and experience them together or, if you have children, then with them!

Rule number 2. Hear the dreams and desires of your loved one!

This is necessary in order to sometimes implement them.

Rule number 3. Family traditions.

In order for your relationship to only grow stronger and be filled with joint memories, it is important to acquire family traditions inherent in your family!

In order to make it easier and easier for you to use all these rules in your life right now, I have found, collected and painted for you a number of interesting ideas on how you can please and surprise your loved one!

Declaration of love in a non-standard way:

  • A poster on the fridge that says "I LOVE YOU".
  • Reading by heart lyrical or funny love poems.
  • Bake a cake, cupcake and write "I love you!" on it.
  • No less interesting will be writing a lyrical and love letter, where tell us how you appreciate your loved one, how you love him!
  • Use the services of the Internet and SMS messages with declarations of love. Send each other joint photos with confessions.
  • Place an ad in a magazine about how much you love your other half.
  • Buy a box with 31 leaves in it. And on each piece of paper write pleasant phrases, confessions, etc. for spouse. It will be a kind of calendar. Every day, take one leaf out of the box!

What else can you think of?

1. Candies, chocolates and all kinds of goodies that your loved one loves. And, hide them away - let him look! You can even come up with a search guide.

2. Traveling together, but not necessarily, to a new country or city. Just in another area of ​​your own city. Just take a walk, find a cozy park or cafe there. This will already betray romanticism in your relationship.

3. Even if you are over 30, over 40 years old - it does not mean anything, behave like children! Swing, fly paper planes, build sand castles, play kids games and more.

4. Fulfill your cherished dream or desire, even the most extraordinary one. Not everyone's dreams come down to acquiring a car, an apartment or a fur coat. It can be: a helicopter flight, a parachute jump, a visit to some exhibition or restaurant.

5. Order a pillow, t-shirt, mug with your image or an original inscription that is meaningful to you.

6. Give each other passionate kisses and hugs, flirt and flirt with each other regardless of the amount of time spent together.

7. Arrange fireworks under the windows of your house.

8. Surprise your loved one with a gift certificate for any type of service: from a spa salon to motorcycle racing. It's great if this is a joint pastime.

9. Order a song on the radio wave that your spouse prefers to listen to.

10. Visit together the opening of a new exhibition, cinema, theater, musical, circus, ballet, etc.

11. Prepare a romantic dinner (especially valuable if the dinner is prepared by a man for his beloved woman).

12. Arrange with the seller of the flower shop and redeem the rose petals. You can fill your bed with these petals, or you can pour the petals into the bath instead of water.

13. Surprise your loved one from a distance. Regardless of whether your significant other is in the office or on a business trip, send her a bouquet of flowers or some gift through a special delivery service.

14. Make a photobook of your adventures together with funny captions and confessions.

15. Make a video clip or film about your adventures and give it to a loved one.

16. An equally original idea is to make a report-presentation in the PowerPoint program, which will illustrate in detail the dynamics of the development of your feelings.

17. Cook dinner at home, wrap up with you and go see the sunset somewhere by the river.

18. Prepare dinner, desserts, etc. and spread a blanket in the room. Create a picnic at home, it will be especially pleasant for your children and appropriate in the cold season! Such a family weekend!

19. Book a hotel room and invite your loved one to spend an unforgettable romantic night.

20. Reading books together, then discussing what you learned, what you liked, what hooked you…. Same with movies or TV shows. If you have different tastes, then you can find a compromise - once his movie / program, once yours. Thus, you get to know each other's world more, and common topics for conversation appear!

If the candy-bouquet period has passed in your relationship, you have ceased to find common topics for conversation, it seems that feelings have cooled down and you begin to wonder: “Has love really passed?”, It means that you have moved on to the next period of relationships in which you need to add variety , to interest and surprise your chosen one.

Consider some points that help answer the question: “How to diversify relationships with a guy?”.

The most traditional option is considered to be small apart. This does not mean that you need to live separately, just spend a couple of days with your friends. Let your boyfriend scatter with friends, and meet your friends yourself, visit friends. These couple of days will give a new impetus to your relationship.

With a monotonous lifestyle, new impressions and emotions will not interfere. Stop spending every evening watching TV, go to the theater, to a concert, to a restaurant, or just take a walk around the city at night. You can develop a route in advance, or go to take pictures, chat and look at interesting places along the way. Hold hands and discuss abstract topics. On such an evening, you should not sort things out.

Diversity should be in the intimate sphere. Open up to your boyfriend from an unexpected, new side. Have a romantic dinner, start role-playing, put on sexy lingerie, and you can feel loved and desired again. Not only a change of position in bed involves variety, use oils, massages; experiment; surprise your partner; learn new, new forms of sensual pleasure. The main reason for parting is daily life and monotony in intimate life.

Constantly demonstrate and show your love to the guy, but do not overdo it. Write tender messages, leave touching notes in the most unexpected places and just show care. Your love will help relieve tension and intensify feelings.

Flirt with your boyfriend not only at the initial stage, but also after the time has passed. After all, we only study the romantic side of each other at the very beginning of a relationship, and time goes by and we change, so views on romance can change not only from your side, but also from your partner’s side.

It is useful to engage in joint work, to find a common occupation. An extreme sport brings people closer together, thanks to the positive emotions experienced. It is important that the common hobby is liked by both, and not a favor. Show your interest and curiosity in the affairs of the chosen one, be interested in all the details that he is happy to talk about.

You can go on a trip or go out of town. It is good to visit places you have never been. Any adventure will help refresh your relationship. Give each other the most pleasant moments and give gifts not only on certain events, but also on ordinary weekdays. Even the simplest trifle will cause a smile and admiration on the partner's face.

Each couple has their own secrets on how to diversify relationships with a loved one. These are, for example, small pleasures that help keep feelings in good shape: someone loves a joint vacation, someone arranges days of hot sex, someone is inspired by common hobbies.

One day, Victor suggested that his wife start running with him in the morning. The couple have been married for 25 years, but never before has Victor taken Alena with him for morning runs. At first, she was surprised, but her husband managed to convince her that a joint hobby would help them become a little closer. After all, for several years now, every new day has been similar to the previous one: family life has become predictable and boring.

After a month of joint morning runs, Alena and Victor were unrecognizable. During the time that the couple spent together, they managed to learn about each other as much as they did not learn in a whole day. They recalled their bright moments, shared new plans and dreams.

Every morning, in any weather, the couple performed their little family ritual, energizing for the whole day.

Such common hobbies have nothing to do with everyday life and routine duties. They help partners learn how to diversify family life with a husband or wife, become closer and revitalize their union.

A few more effective ways can help you solve the problem of how to diversify your relationship with your loved one or married life. Read about them in our collection.

How to diversify a relationship with a guy

Give each other cute gifts. Even if your half is not prone to sentimentality or the manifestation of feelings, she will still be pleased to receive a reminder of your love: just like that, for no reason. Give compliments, notice even small achievements, be proud of your beloved guy. Such daily “pleasures” help feelings not fade even over time.

Think of a common hobby and do it. A great way to diversify your relationship with a guy. It can be anything: language learning, skydiving courses, skiing or yoga. The main thing is to do it together. Learning new things not only stimulates the work of the brain, but also brings people very close: joint work, mutual support, mastering the unknown give a lot of positive emotions, help to get to know each other better.

Come up with your own language. Use words, phrases, cute nicknames, jokes that only you will understand. Let those around you be perplexed about what you are talking about. The main thing is that your “team” speaks the same language.

How to diversify relationships with your husband: new colors of family life

Swap household chores. The husband should try to cook a delicious dinner for the family, and the wife, for example, should change the light bulb. Of course, this can be done a little jokingly, but it will still be useful for spouses to feel like a partner and understand that daily habitual duties are also a lot of work.

Love each other's hobbies. Or at least try to get into them. If the wife loves to draw, it will be useful for the husband to take at least a few painting courses. If the husband cannot imagine himself without hiking, the wife should go there at least once. It is very important to feel how your half lives, in addition to spending time together or working.

Arrange an evening (or even a whole day) for two. Sometimes allow yourself to be a couple of lovers, not husband and wife. Make it a rule at this time not to discuss any marital duties or life. Of course, if you have small children, carving out such a time and place seems like an almost impossible mission. Ask for help from relatives or take a nanny for one evening. Go on a date again like before. Try to create and maintain the most intimate space for the two of you, at least for a short time: share emotions from meetings, read books, watch a movie together, etc.

Go shopping together, but not the usual. Let the husband choose for his wife the outfit that, in his opinion, will suit her and vice versa. In these images, the spouses must definitely go out at least once. Looking at yourself through each other's eyes is very helpful. Sometimes it can completely change habits and tastes.

How to diversify sexual life in a relationship?

One of the biggest problems in family life is often the lack of variety in sex. There are tons of information on this subject. Psychotherapists, sociologists, sexologists unanimously say that the intimate sphere is the most important indicator of a strong relationship.

Therefore, if the question: “How to diversify relations with your husband in sex?” Has become relevant for you, pay attention to our advice.

The certainty that you have learned your partner by heart can kill love.
It begins to seem to men that with a permanent partner he will no longer experience new facets of pleasure, and they go in search of fresh impressions, looking for something to surprise themselves with.
Women do not feel attractive in the usual looks of a partner and also often begin to look for those who will admire them again.

In a relationship, the element of novelty and passion disappears, sexual tension drops. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to experiment and bring diversity to the family.
How to do it? Try several options and choose the ones that are right for you.

Sex after separation. Let each other miss your partner a little. If your plans do not include a week-long work trip, try to organize a temporary separation on your own: live a few days apart, try not to write or call each other. Really have time to miss your husband or wife. This can radically refresh your intimate life.

Unpredictability. Leave the usual exercises in bed to others, practice quick and spontaneous sex yourself: in any place, at any time, where the situation allows. Show your spouse that he is desired, that you want him here and now. Let your wife know that she causes you uncontrollable passion. And make your wishes come true.

Talk about everything. Many spouses live their whole lives never having fully explored all the addictions of their partner. Do not be afraid to talk to each other about obscene fantasies, voice the most secret thoughts and desires. If you have been afraid to open up until now, then maybe this is the time?

Intimate correspondence. The variety of ways to transfer information allows you to conduct the most heated correspondence with your spouse. Don't worry about your intimate photos or fantasies falling into the wrong hands. Modern messengers are equipped with privacy features or secret chats, messages in which self-destruct after a while.

Record your sex on video or just watch yourself in a large mirror. The side view is very exciting. If you are too shy, start by watching erotic or porn movies together.

Arrange a sex marathon. Give yourself a weekend, turn off all your phones, cancel things, and have unbridled sex. : gentle touches, long foreplay, passionate kisses, violent sex, erotic massage and soft caresses. Learn to desire each other again, feel the passion. For some couples, such experiments helped to overcome the most difficult and crisis periods.

Take on board the revelations of the stars of show business, how to diversify your sex life. For example, former Spice Girls member Mel B admits that she loves to use accessories: corsets, blindfolds and even whips.
Her colleague Victoria Beckham and all her husband David love role-playing games. They often pose as strangers in a club, and then flirt with each other and have sex. As you can see, the marriage of these stars is very durable.

All these tips can help you look at your family life from a different angle, change the usual format of behavior. But the most important thing in a long-lasting relationship is not to forget to say words of love to each other.
Express your feelings in all available ways, and then your marriage will definitely be happy.

Over time, couples begin to lose interest in each other and look for new relationships on the side. If innocent flirting and a couple of compliments only help to increase self-esteem, then the active courtship of a stranger can break a soul mate: a man or woman will not even notice how they find themselves in the arms of a stranger. And so that there is no discord between loving couples or to restore a routine life, you should pay attention to a couple of tips.

Out with the routine

After the wedding, it is easy to cross the line beyond which the routine life begins: work, home, family, and in the morning everything is repeated all over again. If, as a couple, you visited clubs and cafes, now there is no desire or money left for entertainment, you need to save money for something, after work you don’t want anything, but there is always a reason for those who want it.

But there is always a way out, why not take a walk in the park with your husband after work or go to visit? Once every 2 weeks you can go to the zoo, have a picnic, sunbathe on the beach, meet friends - so life will not seem meaningless and boring, and there is always enough entertainment that will not hit your pocket.

"Chainsaw" hide in the closet

After the registry office, a new family is created from completely different people. Each person has their own habits and it is difficult to give them up. Therefore, you should not cut your soulmate for the fact that He scatters socks around the apartment and for the fact that She spread the entire bath with cosmetics. The problem cannot be solved with a saw, but the relationship will cool down.

Instead, try to make a list of the things you don't like and show each other. Try to adhere to the indicated points and there will be no conflicts, therefore, the spouses will be satisfied.

More surprises

As soon as the budget becomes common, there is almost no money left for expensive gifts, you have to save up for an apartment and a car, and in the summer they planned to go on vacation. Again, relationships are relegated to the background and no incentive remains even on holidays.

For a change, you can arrange mini-surprises on weekdays: leave love notes on the refrigerator, give small presents, and so on. A romantic dinner without a reason will pleasantly surprise a man, and by the time your wife comes home from work, you can prepare a bath with rose petals.


Sexual life should be given special attention, since men already six months after the wedding complain that their wife is cooling down on them. But according to statistics, 35% of men a year after marriage begin to look for entertainment on the side, perhaps the reason for this is the negligence of his wife.

The bed is not a place for stiffness, down with natural shyness. For a variety of sexual life, you need sexy erotic lingerie, intimate massage, new positions and a separate topic should be allocated to role-playing games.

ON A NOTE top 5 role-playing games for spouses

  1. Nurse and patient.
  2. Maid and owner.
  3. Boss and subordinate.
  4. Police officer and detainee.
  5. Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf.

If there were fantasies and appropriate costumes, life would immediately become rich and rich.

Need a weekend

Especially if you already have children. Try taking time off from work, or wait until Saturday for a well-deserved weekend. When both husband and wife are at home, send the children to their grandparents for the weekend.

Spend this day for the benefit of yourself: dedicate it to outdoor activities, watching your favorite movies, listening to music, karaoke and more. In general, a favorite pastime - you can just order a pizza and lie in bed all day, doing nothing and enjoying each other's company. A day off for that and a day off, on this day you just need to rest.

Get a pet

If you like pets, then you can get a kitten or a dog, children will also be happy. In addition, it will be possible to diversify family life, in the evenings you will walk the dog together, feed the fish or comb the fluffy cat. Especially interesting are hamsters and parrots.

BUT! Before you get a pet, you should talk to your husband. Usually men do not cherish kittens and puppies, perhaps the appearance of another family member will lead not to strengthening, but to the breakup of marriage.

Find yourself a hobby

A joint hobby strengthens the relationship, as the spouses have common interests and topics for conversation. When it comes to general occupation, this means collecting rare books, drawing pictures and more, but not general cleaning.

Hobby Options:


It is not necessary to buy vacation packages abroad for big money, and in our country there are many interesting old places where you can enjoy relaxing with your soulmate.


Some men are not against dancing at all, especially when it comes to passionate tango.


If you want to spend time usefully, improve your health and at the same time have an interesting rest, you can go in for sports: skiing and rollerblading, playing volleyball and football, going to the gym. As the saying goes, “A healthy mind in a healthy body”.

Board games

Chess or checkers will always remain interesting games, despite the age of new technologies. None of you can play chess, it doesn't matter, there will be a reason to get closer and rejoice at new achievements.


And for people full of enthusiasm, you can offer the peak of fashion - a theme party. You just need to set the table and inform the guests about the dress code. Several options for themed parties:

  1. 80s style.
  2. Beach party.
  3. Carnival party.
  4. Hollywood evening.

Costumes and appropriate music will make the party fun. It is necessary to invite more guests and the evening will pass in one breath.

Look after your appearance

This rule is especially true for women, because men love to look at long-legged beauties. The fact is that immediately after the wedding, women stop looking after themselves: a washed-out bathrobe, no makeup and a ponytail on their heads are unremarkable for men when such beauties walk nearby.

Remember how you went on dates dressed up from A to Z. Try to take care of yourself at least to a minimum at home so that a man always thinks that anyone can peck at you. In this scenario, the husband will never lose interest in his wife.

The same rule applies to men - the belly of women does not attract if you do not have a 5-story villa and an expensive foreign car behind you. Go to the gym and take care of yourself.

Gift for a man

If no options help to regain the interest of a loved one, try a proven centuries-old method - to keep with the help of a child, although this is not entirely fair.

If the time has already come, but you have not planned children yet, why not try. A man begins to look at the mother of his child differently, with love and tenderness. After the birth of a child, a new era in relationships begins: a woman and a baby receive all the love and care from dad. So it's worth the risk, maybe there will be a holiday on your street.

Follow these tips and you can easily avoid problems in the family.