Where can you date a girl. Where to invite a girl on a first date: fresh ideas

Probably gone are the days when a man took all the initiative into his own hands, and the lady of his heart dutifully waited for new surprises from her chosen one. In modern society, a couple in love together decide where to go on a date and how to successfully spend the time chosen for this.

The right date

It is advisable to visit various public events on a first date. But in these places you must remain alone. That is, you should not call a group of friends with you. Perhaps your girlfriend or boyfriend will like your soulmate more than you. After all, this is only the first date and you still do not know each other very closely. In addition, if you are a girl and a guy offers to spend this evening alone, for example, at his house, do not agree, do not deprive yourself of the holiday, you will still have time to be alone.

Date at the cinema

Many young people prefer to choose the cinema as their meeting place. After all, this has many advantages:

  1. Among a large number of people, you are still side by side in a warm romantic atmosphere.
  2. You are still little acquainted and long conversations will strain each other, but here you can be silent and touch your souls.
  3. You can impress your young man with a chic dress and a graceful walk in high-heeled shoes. You will not move much, so you should not expect fatigue.
  4. There will be an opportunity to observe how your partner reacts to various life situations occurring in the film.

Before going to the cinema, decide what you will watch. At this point in your relationship, a teen comedy or a new romantic movie will do. You should not stop at erotic films to prevent moments of embarrassment for both.

Date at a restaurant or cafe

A cozy cafe or a small restaurant is a great option where you can go on a date with a girl. These places are for those who want to sit with a person in a comfortable environment and talk face to face. Get to know your partner as best as possible this evening for a further happy union. Before choosing such a place, use the following tips:

  1. The choice should always remain with the man. After all, it is he who must calculate his material capabilities for this date.
  2. Be careful when choosing a kitchen. Try to choose only the options of dishes you are familiar with, so as not to be taken by surprise with new names and devices for eating them.
  3. Don't lean on alcohol. A small amount of alcohol will help to relax and defuse the situation.
  4. Don't stay up until late in the evening, try to leave early that day.
  5. Choose a menu at an average price per dish. Small prices may offend your companion, and the choice of more expensive dishes may not be to his liking.
  6. If you have decided on the restaurant in advance, then you have time to decide on the outfit and menu choice.

Important! If you just met, choose a cafe, and you can sing in a restaurant with someone you already know better.

Walk in the fresh air

This option is suitable for the first meeting if you met on social networks by correspondence and for people of an older age. Yes, any romantic date in the park always looks cute. You can take your dog on this walk. This has its advantages:

  1. It will help brighten up moments of awkwardness.
  2. If something goes wrong, at least you're doing a good deed for your dog by walking him.
  3. Dogs are very sensitive to people, so your dog will definitely tell you whether to continue the relationship or you will end up in this beautiful park.

Couples who have known each other for a long time can have a picnic in nature. A simple and tasty treat you can cook yourself.

And for those who like to chat in the way of discussing something, you can go to the zoo or the circus.

Outdoor clothing should be comfortable and practical.

Relax on the beach

If a girl is confident in the ideal of her figure, then the offer to hold the first meeting on the beach should not be refused. It's very romantic and original. During the day, you can pull up a tent and spend time comfortably under it. Delicious wine and fruits will set you up for positive communication. And in the evening, you can continue the romantic atmosphere if you light a small fire. Looking at the fire during a pleasant conversation is a very exciting experience.

Date on the roof

Solitude on the roof of a high-rise building in a big city has become increasingly interesting for young people. The starry sky and the beauty of the native city opening from a height will not leave anyone indifferent. Such a date can be organized with the help of companies specialized in this matter. A table will be laid for you, a photographer and even a violinist will be determined. But it is better to organize a romantic evening with your own hands.

  1. Choose an observation deck in your own home. With your house manager, you will be able to resolve this issue faster than with an unfamiliar person.
  2. Check the weather forecast for this evening. Strong wind and rain will not bring anything good.
  3. Give up alcohol. It will come in handy in more "mundane" places.
  4. You can sit both at a small table and on cozy pillows laid out on a beautiful blanket.

A long-awaited meeting may be overshadowed by the search for a place for it. Do not rely on a man, participate in the choice on an equal footing.

According to statistics, only every fourth man independently decides where to invite a woman. In other cases, the girl has to choose together with the guy or independently where to go on a date. Our advice will be useful not only for ladies, but also for men who are looking for the perfect place to start a relationship. Do not stop at one thing, save all the options, they will help you to have fun in the following days.

Key Rules for Success

The first date should not take place alone, but without friends and relatives. Consider meeting only in relatively crowded places, do not agree to a visit home and do not invite a gentleman to your place. Why serve everything on a silver platter to a boyfriend, depriving yourself of a holiday? If a man persistently invites friends to the company, find a reason to gently refuse or offer your own option.

You should not invite girlfriends to the first meeting, even if the guy offers to get together with four, taking a friend with him. In such a company, you will not be able to be alone and talk heart to heart. There is also a chance that a man will like a girlfriend more, because he does not yet know that he has caught a goldfish in your face!

Cinema as a place for a date

Going to the movies is a good idea for the first date, as well as the second and all subsequent ones. There are many advantages here:

  • you can be next to a guy without showing any initiative;
  • in the cinema you don’t need to talk a lot, which means there will be no unnecessary questions;
  • you can wear high heels without fear of getting tired;
  • no need to worry about evening dress;
  • do not answer embarrassing questions, citing the need for silence;
  • there is an opportunity to quietly observe the reaction of the gentleman to life situations.

In order not to get tired of visiting the cinema, choose neutral films. Erotica is not well suited for a first romantic date with a man. It’s good if you determine before buying a ticket that both are interested in science fiction, comedy or action.

When going to the movies with a guy, choose clothes that do not wrinkle much so that you look decent on the way out. Grab water - it will suddenly tickle from excitement in the throat or there will be thirst.

Cafes and restaurants for communication

When choosing where to go on a date with a girl, men most often suggest a cafe. A non-committal cup of coffee is the best start for both getting to know and having a sincere conversation with someone who has long sought solitude with you. At the table it is convenient to talk, joke and consider a potential groom. But here there are some nuances:

  1. Do not offer expensive restaurants if he has not chosen this segment himself.
  2. Be careful with unfamiliar national cuisine, so as not to be disgraced by ignorance of the instruments and rules of the meal.
  3. Do not get carried away with alcohol - a glass of wine or a light cocktail is enough to neutralize stiffness.
  4. Do not wait for the man to offer to leave, try to determine this golden moment yourself.
  5. Stick to mid-range meals. Interest in the most expensive snacks may not work in your favor, and the search for the lowest price tags will offend the gentleman.
  6. Having received an invitation to a restaurant, find information about it in advance in order to decide on an outfit and think about what you can order there.

If you just met, it is better to choose a coffee shop as a place for a date. You can go to a restaurant with a fan you already know.

Walk around the city

Hiking is the safest option, ideal for both young girls and couples who want to get rid of loneliness in retirement. This option is convenient because it is easy to expand it by going to a cafe, cinema or other entertainment. By making an appointment in a crowded park, on the embankment or by the fountain, you risk nothing and can leave if you don’t like the man from the dating site.

To brighten up the awkwardness, invite the gentleman for a walk with the dog.

  1. First, if something goes wrong, you will have something to do.
  2. Secondly, you will not consider time wasted.
  3. And thirdly, the dog will help to identify what kind of man is in front of you and whether it is worth continuing a relationship with him.
  4. Fourthly, you can even without fear seem intrusive to call a man who walks a dog.

For couples who already know each other, there are more interesting options for walking. For example, you can organize a mini-picnic in a city park. Even if a man says that you don’t need to take anything, grab something simple, cooked with your own hands.

You can also go to the zoo, to an exhibition of butterflies, cats, scientific achievements or folk crafts. When there is some goal, it is easier to communicate and feel united as a whole.

For a walk, dress as comfortably and comfortably as possible. Keep in mind that you will have to walk a lot, so it is better to refuse heels, preferring comfortable shoes.

Beach or water park

It would seem that the beach is the perfect place to go on a date. But this option, as a rule, men offer in two versions:

  • want to evaluate the figure of a girl;
  • seek to save on free leisure.

If you are confident in your irresistibility and do not feel embarrassed, then you can recover to the beach or to the water park, in other cases, gently refuse, citing neutral reasons.

Baths, saunas and other similar establishments are categorically not suitable for a romantic date with a guy. Find the strength to postpone pair procedures until at least the third meeting.

One day trip

Not very popular, but worthy of attention. There are small excursions without an overnight stay in every city, so choosing the most interesting for two is not difficult. And if you use the coupon discount service, then you can save a lot of money in the price.

A date on an excursion will help you get to know your boyfriend better, identify his strengths and weaknesses. See how the guy behaves with other people, whether he knows how to support in unforeseen situations, what he is interested in.

Choose places based on your interests, and don't forget how you will look. For example, hiking in the mountains will require sportswear, excursions to water bodies may include swimming, sightseeing trips may reveal your poor knowledge of history and culture.

Home furnishings for him or for you

You can invite a guy on a date home only if you already know him - studied together, worked together, met in common companies. Of course, this option will completely deprive you of the holiday, since you will have to take on the organization of the event:

  • clean up, including in the bathroom;
  • take care of light snacks, tea or;
  • think over clothes;
  • prepare entertainment - music, films, albums, collections.

The advantage is that you will feel more confident in your territory.

A date at the guy's house will relieve most of the problems, besides, you will get rid of organizational responsibilities. For a home environment, you don't need to choose too frilly outfits, but don't stoop to sportswear and banal things.

If the guy lives with his mother, then arm yourself with a potential groom.

Where else can you make a date?

The choice of the best place to go on a date with a man depends not only on temperament, age, social status, tastes and degree of acquaintance, but also on the place of residence. You might be more comfortable with these options:

  • circus;
  • theater;
  • bike ride;
  • roller skating;
  • sports match;
  • master class (photo, cooking);
  • talk show;
  • bowling;
  • karaoke;
  • planetarium;
  • night club;
  • disco;
  • sea ​​or river walk;
  • horse riding.

If you don't have anyone to date yet, don't despair! We have a selection of the best places without much effort. Visit us more often and subscribe to news in social networks.

If you have to think about where to take a girl for a walk in the fall in bad weather, you should opt for a warm room. Wandering around the back streets of the park is a bad idea. The classic option would be gatherings in a cafe. In warm weather there is more choice. You can invite your girlfriend to the zoo or dolphinarium, an amusement park. It is worth considering the preferences and hobbies of the chosen one, so that everyone is comfortable on a date.

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    Popular places to date with a girl

    If a guy has serious intentions towards a girl, he has to muster up the courage to invite the chosen one to the first. You need to choose a meeting place so that the girl likes it, and the evening is remembered for a long time. To select a place, several criteria should be followed:

    • You need to think about what the chosen one prefers.
    • Choose a place that characterizes a young man on the positive side and shows the seriousness of his intentions.

    How to invite a guy for a walk

    Walks in the park

    If the weather allows for outdoor walks, then a meeting in the park would be one of the best options. During such a date, there is an opportunity to talk on any topic and get to know your interlocutor. In order to make a positive impression on your companion, you can treat her to delicious ice cream or cotton candy.

    Initially, this option for seems frivolous and teenage, but in fact it is not. Girls are romantic natures. They like to feel attention and care.

    What is a friendzone

    Visiting attractions

    By visiting an amusement park, you can not only take a walk in the fresh air, but also make a date fun. By choosing this option, the guy will show the girl that he cares about her. In a panic room or on a Ferris wheel, many feel insecure. At such moments, it would be appropriate to lightly hug the girl or take her hand.

    Go to the Dolphinarium or Zoo

    Many girls love animals. You can take advantage of this and invite your chosen one to a dolphinarium or a zoo. Having experienced positive emotions, the companion will remember the date for a long time. In addition, if you give her the opportunity to swim with dolphins or ride a horse, she will gladly agree to repeat the walk.

    Football or basketball matches

    You can go with a girl to the stadium. Such a place for a date may be appropriate if the companion loves sports. It's always a pleasure for fans to cheer for their favorite team together. Plus, it brings you closer. Although it is quite noisy at sports competitions, this will not interfere with communication. The chosen one will happily remember an unusual date.

    Breakfast in a street cafe

    It's nice to have breakfast in the cafe. It is important to check the weather forecast in advance so that you do not have to change plans in a hurry.

    Joint breakfast should not be organized in the early morning. Some girls get up late or are in a bad mood in the morning.


    Bowling will help both participants of the meeting to relax and enjoy the fun moments. To ensure that the evening goes well, the young man does not need to always try to win. If a girl is weaker in the game, you should sometimes give in to her. Only you need to do this discreetly so that she does not suspect you of dishonesty. Girls don't like to lose just as much as guys do.

    It is very important to pay attention to the girl's nails before choosing a place. If she is the owner of a long manicure, the date may be disrupted.

    Outdoor picnic

    On warm summer days, a great option for a date is a picnic. When inviting a companion to such a meeting, you need to bring fruit, light food and a bottle of champagne with you.

    Visiting of museum

    If for the first date we consider going to the cinema and going to the theater, then it is worth remembering that this will not work, since in such noisy crowded places there will be no opportunity to chat calmly. But the museum is a place to get useful information, which can then be discussed. Such a date will show the intellectual level of the girl.

    Hot air balloon flight

    If the girl really liked, and the guy has the opportunity to spend a considerable amount, you can go with her on a balloon flight. It will be an exciting date. Many girls are afraid of heights, so there will be a wonderful reason to hug a companion.

    Skating rink

    If the date is in the winter, a hot air balloon and an amusement park won't work. But going to the skating rink can be a fun and exciting adventure. It doesn't matter if the girl knows how to ride: it will still be very romantic. Support on the rink will help to get closer to the chosen one.


    If the chosen one is a lover of thrills, you can safely invite her to drive a kart. Increasing the level of adrenaline will cause unforgettable emotions. After the ride, you can take a walk in the park or sit near the pond. Discussing joint impressions and splashing out emotions is very close.


    Recently, the quest room has not lost popularity. They come in different themes, so when choosing, one must proceed from the preferences of the guy and the girl. If the room is chosen correctly, it will provide an opportunity to understand those qualities of the chosen one that will be most interesting to the young man.

    Before entering the quest room, you need to find out more information about this place.

    Limousine ride

    In the event that the lady of the heart is a refined romantic, she needs to be pleasantly surprised and delivered moments of joy regularly. For a first date, you can take a limousine ride through the city at night. Romantic atmosphere, quiet music and light snacks will help you get closer to your chosen one and spend a wonderful evening. The pleasure is not cheap, but it's worth it.


    For active girls who love extreme sports, you can safely offer a parachute jump as a first date. This will leave her with an incredible impression of the meeting.

    Inappropriate places

    There are some places that are the least suitable for a first date. They do not predispose to comfortable communication and rapprochement.

    Noise, large crowds, increased attention from strangers - all this leads to stiffness. The chance to find a common language and build relationships in such conditions is minimal.

    Going to the cinema

    The noise in the cinema hall will not give you the opportunity to calmly communicate. But if the lovers have been in a relationship for a long time, they can go to the cinema, after selecting a movie for joint viewing. They will be comfortable with each other, even if during the session it is almost impossible to talk.

    Dinner at the restaurant

    To create ease on a first date, you should not invite your chosen one to a restaurant. It's noisy there in the evening. In addition, to visit such an institution, the girl will need to take care of a suitable dress. Maintaining etiquette on a first date will also shackle young people and make communication difficult.

    But if the restaurant is not crowded, and the music is quiet and unobtrusive, nothing can overshadow such a date. The main thing is to book a table in advance.

Decided to invite a girl on a first date? Now it remains to determine where you will go. There are many options, but the first date should be memorable, and therefore difficulties may arise with the choice, since you want to please your chosen one, to show yourself from the best side.

Where to invite a girl on a date so that you have fun, you can learn more about each other and just enjoy communication?

Let's take a look at the best places to have a first date in this article.

7 places for a first date with a girl

#2 Zoo or botanical garden. Most people have not been to the zoo for a very long time, or maybe they never went there at all, so we can say that you will definitely see a lot of new and interesting things. The botanical garden is very beautiful nature and fresh air. You can just walk around, and also find a place where you can sit down and relax.

You will have something to talk about, you can learn more about each other. In this peace, both of you will feel free and relaxed, no formality.

#3 Museum. A very unusual place for a first date. However, you need to be sure that you will not die of boredom. There are many different museums and art exhibitions or galleries. The main thing is that the girl was interested. If your beloved is interested in painting or just loves everything new, interesting and extraordinary, then a museum or some kind of exhibition is a wonderful choice. After the tour, you can have a cup of coffee somewhere and discuss what you saw.

#4 Skating rink. A wonderful choice if both of you know how to skate. It won't be very fun if you keep holding on to the side of the rink all the time or if you fall every 5 minutes. So you can't get seriously injured. You don't want to end your first date in the hospital, do you? A good option .

#5 Football. Interesting, funny and fun. Even if both of you don’t know how to play or even took the ball in your hands for the first time. Well, on the contrary, it will give more impressions and you will definitely not be bored. And if your beloved is smiling and having fun, what else is needed for happiness?

#6 Cafe or bar. Relaxing environment. A cup of hot tea or coffee, and a loved one is nearby. In the cafe you can have a good rest and enjoy the conversation.

#7 Walk on a boat, boat or steamer. Imagine: you are swimming with a girl on a lake or a river, no one bothers you. In such a calm and relaxed atmosphere, you will feel very cool and behave naturally. And this is very important, there is no need to try to pretend to be someone: you can be in front of each other as you really are, no games.

I hope this article will help you in choosing a place for a first date.

Perhaps you know what places where you can invite a girl on a date? If yes, then write about it in the comments to this article.

Girls, if you also stumbled upon the article, where should your dream date be? Write in the comments, I will take note 😉 .

And finally, remember, the outcome of a date doesn't just depend on where you're going. Great mood, sincere smiles and enjoyment of communication - that's the main thing on the first date. You should be good together. And all this, friend, depends more on you. Good luck!

“Describe the perfect first date with a girl” - these or similar questions are often asked to me by subscribers of our mailing list, so what should be the first date, where to spend it and where to go, as well as how to communicate and what to say on the 1st date, I will tell you in great detail in this material.

No matter how hard you try, you will never get a second chance to make a good first impression, so it's important to know how to make a first date with a girl! To make it easier for you, I decided to write a hit parade of the best places for a first date. After 10 minutes, you will know exactly where to take the girl so that your meeting can develop into a good relationship. So let's go...

Where to go on a first date with a girl

1st place - active rest

I rightly give the first place to activities related to physical activity. Namely, dancing and rollerblading, cycling (or karting, etc.). If your date is active, then such a beginning has a good chance of continuing - one, the second I myself like to spend time like this - two. And when you do what gives you sincere pleasure, then you will be cheerful, positive and you will just have a charge of vivacity and drive.

In addition, this is also a good way to show your best side if you skate well, or vice versa, if you don’t dance very much - then you are not at all shy about this and are always ready to explore new different areas in life with excitement and a sense of humor (remember that purposeful, active and interesting guys always attract more girls ...)

By paying for a one-time lesson at a dance school (a good option is Latin American dances, such as salsa, bachata and Argentine tango), you risk getting a dose of good mood, new emotions and a girl falling in love with you. This is the place where almost no one asks girls out on dates., so you will stand out from her possible suitors.

Just don't be ashamed that you can't dance yourself. Everyone was once a beginner. In addition, after the first time, you will most likely want to come there more than once! I don’t go to dances myself, but for many of my acquaintances, this has become a great place both for meeting a girl and for general pastime. By the way, this is how my sister met her future husband…

All of these first date venues are just an example. You can come up with something of your own.

For example, a great place - if you live or are located near the sea, go water skiing or go quad biking outside the city ...

2nd place - entertainment venues

The second place on our hit parade of the best places for a date is occupied by entertainment establishments.

Watching an interesting movie will give you positive emotions and a topic for discussion until the end of the date (important point 1 date should not consist of only one movie, it will be a great addition if you spend enough time for the first time, for example, a day off). If you have only 2 free hours in the evening, then you should not go to the cinema on the first date, because you need to interest the girl on the first date, first of all, with yourself. And if you remain silent in the dark and watch a movie, and then immediately go home, this will not have the desired effect.

You can also "play a game" in billiards or knock down pins in a bowling alley.

Feel free to invite the girl to play children's slot machines, or some kind of competitions in the amusement park. Rivalry in the game not only guarantees you positive emotions, but also brings you incredibly close ! Thanks to this, you provide a good mood for both of you. And if you consider that all people like to play something, then your date will be the subject of her thoughts for the next week.

3rd place - street

If you have a sufficient level of self-confidence, a sense of humor and sociability, then it will not be difficult for you to interest a girl on the street.

Of course, a walk "in the yards" is not good here. You need to make an appointment in the most beautiful places in your city and not when the weather is warm in spring or summer, and you can enjoy the sunset and walk along the beautiful evening streets of your city, along the river embankment ...

Don't go out for too long or go out on dates when the wind is strong or it's raining, because the girl might be cold and uncomfortable. Also take into account the fact that even if you are warm, the girl will often, especially on the first date, dress in beautiful (but in 90% of cases) completely warm clothes - a short skirt, a light jacket, a blouse with a cutout, etc.

4th place - cafe or restaurant

This option is no longer suitable for poor students.

This place has a big drawback. In our time, there are few girls left who accept such generosity as a meaningless display of sympathy. For most girls, this is a sign of your insecurity. They believe that if you took a girl to a restaurant, you cannot interest her in your personality. And besides, it's trite!

That is why the restaurant takes only 4th place in our list. However, don't write it off. This place is suitable for a date only if you want to go there yourself (and not because you want to surprise a girl) and such spending is an ordinary and not “hitting” pastime for you.

But cafes are a great place, which I often consider as one of the places for a plan B (if it suddenly gets cold and rainy outside or in an amusement park) for a first date. And also the cafe is perfect for continuing the date, if you do everything well and interest the girl, then your first date can drag on for several hours ... And walking the streets for 5 hours in a row, any person will get tired and then it will be a great option - go to the cafe to sit and drink a cup of tea in winter or drink juice or lemonade in a summer cafe. (beer at your discretion - in any case, if you know that you can’t control yourself, then it’s better to refrain from doing it on the first date ..., it’s easier for me, I never drink alcohol at all))))

In general, the brighter you spend 1 date with a girl, the more likely it is that the girl will fall in love with you. And if it so happens that you marry her, then in a few years you will remember with a smile your joint first date!

How to kiss a girl on the first date

In general, do not set a goal for yourself - you must definitely kiss the girl on the first date. Just have a great time and chat with a girl. If everything goes well with you, then you yourself will understand that the girl does not mind if you kiss her. With all the girls with whom I seriously met, I kissed on the first date, because we immediately felt good and great together.

And for those who need specific advice /

1. Just watch how a girl behaves in your presence. Try to sit down closer to her in a cafe, you see, she doesn’t mind, after you communicate coolly, hug her a little. If she doesn’t mind, even if she puts her head on your shoulder, this usually happens when it’s already late in the evening, and the girl is a little sleepy, before that you had a great time together, following the tips above ...

If you lean in and she doesn't pull away, that's a good sign that she's willing to kiss.

2. Always accompany the girl to the entrance (unless, of course, she strongly objects, this happens when the girl, for example, has not yet completely broken off relations with her ex-boyfriend, or she has very strict parents ...). Often it is at this time that the first kiss occurs. You spent a wonderful evening, you showed that you care about the girl and walked her home, she has a great cheerful romantic mood, and when you say goodbye at the door of her entrance, it’s even better if at the door of her apartment ... It is at this moment that you are confident, but at the same time, gently kiss the girl, very often she will not mind, but it happens that if she lives alone, then you will be visiting her quite calmly, it all depends on how you spend the first date, what emotions you give the girl and what you make impression…

What to do after the first date

It is important to end the first date in the most romantic way - in the same way in which it went. Whatever your intentions, even if you wanted this date to end at your place, and the girl does not go to any and does not agree. There is no need to show dissatisfaction in any way. Take her home, ride with her in a taxi, and not just put the girl in the car and go home. By this you will show that you care about the girl, that you do not send her late at night alone in a car with a stranger ...

If you feel that the first date went in a good way, then be sure to write some kind of neutral-pleasant SMS and wish the girl good night so that she falls asleep with thoughts of you ...

What to do the day after a date

No need to call her in the morning, especially if you were the first to wish good night the day before. You will often see her herself closer to dinner, or even in the morning she will ask you how you are doing or wish you good morning (again, if you followed the advice above and had a cool 1 date). But if the girl herself was the first to write to you after a date in the evening in contact or sent an SMS and wished good night, then you can reciprocate her, and let's say in the morning to wish her "Good morning ..."

If the girl does not write anything and do not call first. It is better to wait until the evening when she will definitely not be busy with her studies or work. And then many guys very often spoil the first positive impression of themselves in this way - they call when the girl has a blockage at work, then they call 3 more times every half hour. And when, for example, she has a lunch break and she picks up the phone, they will also express their dissatisfaction with her and make claims why the girl does not pick up the phone and does not answer for so long ...

Remember, the girl owes you absolutely nothing after the first date ... And you don’t have to be so persistent and intrusive IN ANY EVENT ...

When and how best to call a girl after the first date

It is best to do this the next day in the evening - when the girl has already been released after work, but when it is not too late. Do not call her anywhere in the forehead, but just talk and communicate in a positive way, along the way unobtrusively finding out if she is tired at work today, what she will do, etc.

An example of a conversation with a girl

... and here I am going to training, the weather is so cool outside ... "

often a girl, without any questions from you, will say what she will do ... If she says yes, the weather is great, it’s a pity I have to prepare for exams now ... So you don’t need to call her for a walk and meet, you just talked nice and interesting and EVERYTHING. No need to show your super interest in the girl. you already showed with your call that you care about her, but also showed that you are an adequate guy, you don’t call 10 times a day, you don’t drag her on a date every day, you have your own interesting life without this girl.

Often, if you had a good first date, the girl will hint in a conversation that she doesn’t mind meeting again “yes, the weather is good, I would like to take a walk now ...” “yes, the weather is good, I’ll probably go out for a walk too ...” or even more obviously “great weather, the sun is shining, it’s so warm outside, but there’s no one to take a walk with or don’t want to walk alone ... ”So then feel free to call her for a walk or offer to meet somewhere in response to her phrase“ ... I also don’t want to sit at home ”

For decency, a girl can break a little, but if she gave a hint with previous phrases that she also doesn’t mind taking a walk and meeting you, then in this case you can and should take the initiative a little and press “let’s go, we’ll take an hour’s walk, and you’ll be fresh you will learn everything for the exam with your head much faster ... ", and you can also additionally include in her head what she will get from this walk -" look out the window, how the sun is shining and it's great on the street ... "

Then I guarantee on the same day you will have a second date. Or if a girl really can’t go out 100% and is busy, she herself will offer “Listen, I can’t today, let’s pass the exam the day after tomorrow and meet ...”