Graphology Psychological analysis of the handwriting. Pressure force when writing letters. General features characterizing the spatial orientation of fragments of manuscripts and movements they are performed

Everyone can tell about the nature of a person: its appearance, manners, habits and even handwriting. Even absolutely not knowing a person, by how he writes, the outlined view of a specialist can determine who he is dealing with. And the point is not what we write. All salt in how we do it. No matter how hard the person tried to write beautifully and correctly, each has its own features of the lettering of letters, their handwriting. This is due to the fact that our brain will send certain impulses to "hand" during the letter.

Analyzing the handwriting and character of a person, one can say about self-esteem, emotionality, the power of WH and many other things. In order for the results of the study of the handwriting to be the most reliable, writing a person in a calm state. It is advisable to use several records made at different times. For the study it is convenient to use a diary. Although you can estimate almost any entry. The character of the recording will show, in which emotional state there was a person. On unenteined paper, it will open more opportunities.

Handwriting character: graphology

Human handwriting is engaged in graphology. This science is not as young as it may seem. It explores the tilt of letters, the degree of their approximity to each other, location on paper. Graphological analysis allows you to identify not only the qualities that man possesses, but also to identify personal perspectives and inclinations.

About the connection of the handwriting with the character was spoken in the Middle Ages. The Roman historian of Svetoniy at the beginning of the XVI century became the author of the book, which can be considered the basis of graphology. In the XIX century, data from various sources relating to the handwriters were systematized by J. Mishon. A considerable contribution to the graphology was made by Biologist V. Prayer, who studied the connection of letters and physiology. He even conducted experiments under hypnosis, during which people were inspired, what the features they possess. The same person, with different "characteristics" wrote different handwriting.

R. Wizer conducted a study of the handwriting of criminals and confirmed the versions of his contemporaries that the handwriting could be judged by the tendence of man. She examined the handwriting of more than 700 people who committed various crimes and made their conclusions as the handwriting determine the character of a person.

The main directions of the nature study on the handwriting

Handwriting character: Location lines

  1. The direction of the string indicates the confidence or insecurity of a person in itself. If the strings are directed down, they will issue an apathetic nature with pessimistic views on life. So write sentimental individuals who do not show initiatives.
  2. Rows going up characters for bold people who are accustomed to a lot to take over. They are resolute, confident in themselves, ambitious.
  3. It happens that strings are running up, then down is a kind of "imprint" of quirment.
  4. If the lines are lowered, and then rise - the person is used to bring started to the end. In the inverse situation, you can say that a person is enough for everything in a row, but throws the started halfway. Such people are inconsistent and experience patient problems.

Character by handwriting: communication between letters

  1. Often you can meet people who write letters isolated from each other. The actions of such nators are difficult to logically, they live on their own, permanently relying on their own intuition. The life of such people is difficult to call boring.
  2. Running handwriting, in which there are no connections between the letters in some places, there are no places, indicates that its owner is promotious and ready to take the initiative.
  3. Fusion writing the letter testimony to think critically and arguing logically.
  4. Smooth handwriting speaks of peace and harmony with himself, calligraphic, can tell about diligence and accuracy, but such people are not too independent, they are difficult to make decisions, they are strongly dependent on someone else's opinion.
  5. Unsubracted handwriting is characteristic of energetic and nervous people.

Character by handwriting: stacking letters

  1. People who have a rounded handwriting are ready to make compromises, they are inborn diplomats.
  2. Corner letters indicate independence of character and egoism. Pay attention is also on the size of the letters.
  3. Finely write hidiment and closed personalities, large letters are typical for communicable people, easily running on contact with others.
  4. Different letters indicate impassable and inner concern.
  5. If the letters are close to each other, the owner of such a handwriting is scruples and thrifted.
  6. A large distance between letters speaks about a man of a broad soul.

Handwriting: Tilt

Most people write with the tilt, on it too can be identified traits of character.

  1. The slope to the right will tell about the purposefulness. A small slope in the same side will give peace of mind and balance, but at the same time, the owners of a small tilt in the handwriting periodically love to stay alone with themselves.
  2. People writing with a slope left - individualists. They oppose their own public interests, and are ready to go against everything if they require beliefs.
  3. No tilt written people stubborn.
  4. It is too strong a strong tilt to flash, in which the letters are almost lying on the line. The slope in different directions indicates a capricious nature, the mind of which is constantly in the fight against feelings.

Handwriting character: push and field

  1. Strong push is characteristic of strong egocentric personalities. They are optimistic look at life and decisive in affairs. In combination with a strong inclination, a similar pressure says about rigorism in life views.
  2. Weak push at sensitive natures. Most often, they are distinguished by frivolity and carelessness.
  3. If a person leaves the fields to the left - it, with a large share of probability distinguishes petty. Such people do everything for their family.
  4. Fields on the right assist generous nature. The more broadly, the individual is capable of great generosity.

Character by handwriting: signature

Not only the handwriting can tell about the character and inclinations. Even the signature can make a lot about their owner. The abundance of loops is characteristic of cunning people with high observation. If the signature is crossed out - this is a sign of impulsiveness and irrepressible vital energy.

For closed people are characterized by signatures circled in a circle. The easier the signature, it points to great self-confidence.

Handwriting character: examples

The author of even walking up rows brings the started to the end.

Low letters characterize a person living with instincts.

The fusion writing of letters testifies to the developed logic and definition of thinking.

Character by handwriting. Test

Many wonder how to determine the character of the handwriting. This test will help without a grief specialist to sort out or surrounding. It consists of 5 stages, thanks to which it will be possible to find out the character of the handwriting. So, proceed:

  1. It is necessary to quickly write a sentence out of 6-7 words.
  2. The same offer is recorded slowly.
  3. It is necessary to draw a small animal.
  4. Without unnecessary ponday, draw a geometric shape.
  5. Draw a road with an arrow direction.

When interpreting the test, first compare two text fragments. If the handwriting remained the same, regardless of the speed of writing, this indicates a person who responds to a change response. Otherwise, we can talk about the tendency to change the moods.

Rounded letters will indicate a person ready to compromise, with the prevailing female start. Angular - tell about the richness and strength of character. Small letters will be given a person who is in stressful state, letters with "decorations" will indicate creative unrealizations. Assess the handwriting can also be as follows in other criteria specified above in this article.

In the picture of the animal, it is worth paying attention to emotions that can be considered the protection of the emotions of the tested. Additional details - bows, mustache, etc. will tell about infantality.

In the figure, pay attention to the presence of angles - their presence indicates dissatisfaction with the realization of desires, the circle or oval symbolize the developed willpower and the ability to bring to the end to the end.

The road should be assessed from the point of view of the directness, direct shows the presence of clear goals, winding - indicates that the person speaks more than it acts.

A little more about the character of the handwriting

Human handwriting, despite studies in length in several centuries, is still a riddle for humanity. And at least today is popular to define the character of the handwriting, in the results it is impossible to be 100% confident. An independent study of your own handwriting can help disclose your inconsistencies and know yourself. Surely in the future it will be possible to know the character of a person by handwriting with greater accuracy, and someday the definition of a person's character

Will be used when driving.

5 ways to know the character of the handwriting. Video

Your note in a few lines. Determining the character of a man in the handwriting - science grapheology.

Have you ever paid attention to the existence of a certain connection between human handwritten and his character? It's not just that people careful write, as a rule, without blots, and the economical outlines take such small letters, as if they really feel sorry for ink ... no one would be surprised by such household observations, and there is a whole science that studies the handwriting. It is called "Graphology".
There was a time when the graphology was spoken with contempt, they considered it in fiction and quarrel. However, the facts are a stubborn thing, and gradually the conclusions of the graphology began to be used in medicine and forensic. It turned out that, studying the handwriting, you can say a lot about the psychological state of a person, his attitude towards himself and others.
Of course, on the pages of the newspaper it is impossible to reveal all the methods that are used by professionals. And whether to do it? It seems to me that it will be more expedient to introduce readers with several simple techniques so that each, having received a message or a note from an unfamiliar person, could figure out with whom it deals.

So, imagine that you keep text to study in your hands.

Where to start the analysis?First of all, pay attention to the fields. Unfortunately, they have long ceased to mention even at school. However, the rules of etiquette require the fields to be left from the written text and had a width of about 3 cm. This is the overall position, and in practice it often happens differently.
Small, width not more than 1 cm. Fields leave people prone to a measured family life. Wide - occur in active or boastful natures, as well as those whom we are jokingly call "bars". Often, normal, it would seem, the field begins to be gradually narrowed by the end of the sheet. If gold mountains are fed in the text of this letter, do not believe promises. A man who wrote it, leaving before misappropriate. In addition, it is selfish, but has such a strong self-control, which is capable of time to time to hide the negative traits of his character.

In my opinion, another extreme should be watched: people prone to gradually expand the fields when writing. Even despite the fact that such nature is usually generous and friendly, there is a substantial flaw in their location - waste. Following this passion, they are easily "substituted" themselves and others, and therefore, communicating with them, it is necessary to always be on guard.
"But you will say, you often have to deal with the handwriting, in which the lines look like athletes-runners: Some broke out forward, others lagging behind ..." Indeed, you are right. This is the so-called "disheveled" or "dancing" handwriting. It is characteristic of people careless, a whole day of conducted in the affairs and troubles, which, alas, do not give any result. In a country trip or at a festive table, the winner of the dusty handwriting will be the most indispensable member of the company. But it is not necessary to rely on him in the affairs: most likely this person will bring you away, without wanting.

Well, if you rely on and it is for people who even write smoothly on the non-similar paper. In extreme cases, pay attention to those whose lines are involuntarily rising to the top. These are resolute people, confident in their own power, capable of committing their point of view under any circumstances, and argued under any circumstances. They have a strongly developed sense of debt. But remember: the more apparently the rise of the line, the stronger they own a vanity and ambition man. They are the main engine of all his actions.
Just do not think that, encountered with rows directed down, you can already do without the help of a grief. Such lines are characteristic of people dreamy, soft and sensitive. They do not tend to pay attention to constant failures, will not be for the sake of career to break the lives and others. These are flowers that retain their beauty under the onslaught of everyday storms. And if someone would ask my advice when married, he could hear in response: "The owner of a smooth handwriting! Marry a girl in whose note the strings run down the book. You are waiting for a quiet family life, full of beautiful dreams and delicious joys of mutual love. "

For seven seals?

If your family swift is already swimming through the waves of life and you have schoolchildren's children, then you probably know how much strength you need to spend to teach them to write clearly and evenly, as required. Of course, I would not want to disappoint you, but ... time, "swallowed" readings of cleaning, can be considered lost in vain. The beauty of the handwriting is made of tilt, push, values \u200b\u200band width of the letters. And these factors are determined primarily by the psychological features of the individual, and no propusions are able to change it.
The handwriting of the child directly depends on the state of its inner worldTherefore, the grapheology, in my opinion, can be useful in solving some pedagogical problems. Do next experiment. Take your child's notebook and look at whether it adds strings to the end. Finding the gaps left as if to transfer the word from fear, try to find out what worries, and maybe even scares your child. Fear is the only reason for "holes" at the ends of the lines! On the other hand, filling the strings "under the string" is also an unfavorable sign. It appears in cases where a person has an acute need to spoke, but silent from fears to be incomprehensible.

Inner concern may also appear in the tilt of letters. If he is constantly changing if the letters are standing like a forest after a hurricane, then there is no doubt - you are dealing with a person unbalanced. Sometimes, however, people themselves do not realize, in what serious condition they are. In this case, the change in the handwriting can be considered as the same symptom of the nervous disorder as a breakdown or coordination of movements.

But back directly to the handwriting.

Almost all people can be divided into two large groups.

To the first belong to those who write finely to the second, respectively, those whom to write large letters typical. Shallow handwriting owners are usually observable and cold-blooded. And in the event that the letters at the ends of words are broken, then caution and critical attitude towards their actions should also be added to all listed features. You are not delighted with my portrait me? Does it seem to you that the owner of a small handwriting looks like a man-car? Do not hurry with conclusions. It is difficult to find a more relaxed wife or a caring son than the one who you sorry almost dubbed the "car".

Another characteristic feature inherent in the handwriting of almost every person is the width of the letters. If it exceeds a little longer, then you are smart, energetic and active. But the wider the letters and words run on the letter, the character of the writer becomes careless and more careless. Persistence goes into beability, generosity - in waste, ease turns into a superficial look at things. And now you are not a happy and reliable companion, but a carefree merrycloth, squeezed the words with paper, about whose meaning it is unlikely to think.

And finally, I would like to draw your attention to such a funny feature as existence reverse tilt. That is, there are people who put letters at an angle not to go right as the majority, but on the contrary. Such a handwriting immediately attracts attention. He speaks of chopornia and tricks his owner. As a rule, these people turn out to be secretive and trust themselves little. They live in their own world, as if inside some shell, and there is nothing surprising that, over time, despotic features and habits are developing in their characters. However, even these strong natures have a vulnerable place: they are afraid of their own feeling. Naively wait for a love explanation from the young man with such a handwriting; In adulthood, he will be easier for him to walk with a dog or go to the store than playing with children; And in old age, it is likely that he will prefer to shorten the days in a dreary loneliness ... And it's all because of fear to show how in reality the roads are relatives and beloved people.

Just one letter ...

As you know, the famous Sherlock Holmes detective did not have any supernatural abilities. He just knew how to watch and analyze small, at first glance, very unremarkable facts. Today, you have a unique opportunity to feel in the role of Holmes, for observation is the main thing that is required from the grief, when it proceeds to the study of individual letters.

Let's start with the upper crossbar, the very one that matures such capital letters, like P, T, B, and G. If the free, the right edge is very much bent up or forms a loop, you are dealing with pride, but a very enterprising person. Rare, agree, combination. It is much more familiar for the eye that begins, as if ready to sway up the crossbar. It means ... mocking. Moreover, a person who has a similar letter skill one would even be called intensely in the sense that the famous proverb implies: "For the sake of the red sense, the Father will not regret." These people are also stubborn, and, entering them into business or personal relationships, do not try to bet on their pride. As a rule, such a step leads only to the opposite result.

Now pay attention to the left edge of the crossbar. Here, according to the rules of cleaning, there should be a loop, such a suitable or strict stroke. In addition to the above letters, it is also in writing in, to, n, yu and others. People of bold and decisive stroke begins with a thick point, the active cover of the loop is hiding in the crossbar, and the deposits and lovers of the external gloss make so many turns that they even hurt the main, vertical touches of the letter.

By the way, the ratio of vertical and horizontal strokes - the most important indicator for handwriting analysis. It is he who opens a person's ability to rule. In all cases, when the crossbar crosses the letter, without touching the other elements, you can almost certainly argue that I wrote a strong and even despotic person, and not only in relation to others, but, above all to himself. Mobile, cheerful people, as a rule, supply vertical strokes close to horizontal, as if they put the walls of the house under a flat roof. And indecisive, on the contrary, compensate for the lack of willpower with a beautiful and energetic stroke, which, as it may cut the letter.

Probably someone from readers will be surprised to learn what is smooth pleasant handwriting in graphology is not considered an indicator as even, happy. Why? It is not difficult to explain. Trying to write "like in the picture", people train the hand, and with it and character. They are also in the soul, and in writing to suppress their individuality, constantly control themselves, asking: "Do I do right? Do I get just like everyone else? " I assure you: a person who has achieved a calligraphically clear handwriting, taught himself to think and act, "like everything." Do not wait for it bright, extraordinary solutions, do not hope that one day he will come to you with constructive offers, - never happens. And yet, despite the fact that the owners of a beautiful hand writing there is no initiative, you should not put a cross on their career. These people turn out to be indispensable when performing work requiring patience, accuracy and pedantical perpetrators.

However, back to writing letters. I hope you have to notice that some people starting to write, make a small preliminary bar in the beginning of the word. This feature is peculiar to the disputes and those who literally does not give rest of the contradiction. If I had to create the Board of Directors, then in it, among others, a person starting to write with a preliminary stroke would be. And all because, in addition to negative qualities (with which, by the way, it is quite possible to terms), these people have an enterprise and truly amazing resourcefulness.
In my Board of Directors, the one who makes complete, round hooks in such lowercase letters, as t, sh, and, p, m, and those like them were certainly. Only strong and energetic people are capable of such. Of course, their unperturbed calm can sometimes prevent the cause, but no doubt they will be able to appreciate the positive qualities of their colleagues. For example, the ingenuity of those who are typical of the letter to clog each letter as if it is not part of the word, and there is independently.
These are the general conclusions of graphology. However, it is not necessary to be Sherlock Holmes to understand the simple truth: do not judge the nature of a person, having one-person letter before the eyes. Analyze the text as a whole, reveal the most typical for this handwriting features, and then you will not have to regret the hasty and one-sidedness of your conclusions.

According to graphologists, the size of the handwriting testifies to human sociability. For example, the holder of a major handwriting is easily found a common language with various people. He is usually a lot of friends. Shallow handwriting owners most often closed and hidden people. Corner letters are inherent in selfish nature, and rounded - good and responsive people.

Strong push letters is a sign of the perpetuity and the power of will. Pale, barely noticeable letters are typical for a poor man.
Calligraphic handwriting is inherent in mandatory, neat, but unsatisfied people. The right handwriting is a sign of calm and equilibrium. Intenitious handwriting usually possess active, inquisitive nature, with a cheerful temper.

Unsubracted handwriting is characteristic of energetic, carefree, but quite quick-tempered person. The fusion handwriting (all letters in words are interconnected) - a sign of developed logical thinking. If not all letters in the word are associated with each other, you may be in front of you a person with good intuition.

Features of fields and lines

Fields indicate a person's attitude towards material values. Narrow fields - a sign of leaning, wide - sign of generosity. If there is an expansion of the edge of the fields to the bottom, it means that a person can be wasteful. And the narrowing left edge gives a greedy and noise man.

As for the lines, the optimists are usually rising from left to right, and pessimists are lowered. Straight lines are most often inherent in calm and judicial people with an objective view of the world. Wave-shaped, uneven lines talk about tricks and shamelessness of their owner.

Features of signature

The signature is of great importance. Sometimes it is possible to determine even the hidden motifs of the person.
Standard, quite simple signature speaks of self-confidence, courage. Vitivaya inherent in tricky and observation people. The curved signature testifies to the energeticness and impulsivity, and the underlined - sign of entrepreneurship.

Robust, closed in themselves, people usually give way signature (or at least a few of her letters) in a circle. Zigzago-shaped stroke issues an unbalanced person, a stroke in the form of a feature is emotional. The lack of stroke characterizes a smart and calculating person.

It should also be borne in mind that the handwriting in various situations may change. Much depends on the mood of the writing.

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Tip 2: Human Character: how to determine it by handwriting

Sherlock Holmes hit his contemporaries skill to describe a person's personality by his handwriting. But hardly Arthur Conan Doyle could assume that the fashionable passion for a detective would not only survive his time, but in the 21st century will remain one of the most reliable instruments of criminologists.

Now turn over the text itself. Calligraphic handwriting happens in neat, mandatory, but at the same time having covered complexes. Hand writing Wide, smearing personalities active, inquisitive, cheerful. Inspection of the handwriting can mean energy, light character, passing into excessive carelessness and superficiality. Also, the handwriting also signals the extreme nervousness of the object of the study, the stressful state of the psyche. The direct handwriting without inclination reflects the foresight and restraint, the slope to the right is dedication and emotionality. The handwriting completely fell into the right - a person subconsciously asks for help and support. A very strong slope of letters left - the desire to counteract the desire to counteract everything. The inclination of letters in different directions informs us of uncertainty, inner disorders between feelings and mind.

All are interconnected - a person has a good logical thinking and a critical approach, separate writing characteristic of artistic images, prone to fantasies and creativity.

The size of the letters determines first of the ability of a person to communicate, the smaller the handwriting, the more the person is closed, silent, observed. A person rounds the letters - he is kind, peaceful, does not know how to refuse, is quite heaven. Pointed, angular letters are typical for egoists, strong and purposeful people. Strong push inherent in people with purposeful, persistent, hardworking, light marks the handwriting of romance, which is intense.

To correctly determine the character of the handwriting, it should be remembered that it is impossible to fake it, but it may vary under the influence of stress, illness, age.

Video on the topic


  • how to determine a person by handwriting in 2019

What can say handwriting about the character of man

According to the study of Israeli scientists, graphology - science on the analysis of the handwriting, much more accurately than the well-known lie detector, determines the honesty and wickedness of the author of the handwriting. In addition, the grapheology allows you to clearly define the nature and mood of a person.

Today, thanks to the analysis of the handwriting, it is possible to find out the mental potential of a person, its activity, the ability to learn, independence, performance, sociability, stress resistance, self-control, ambitiousness, reliability, law-ability, and much, much more.

Graphology: Handwriting

So, what features of the handwriting, can open our individual features of the personality:

General organized handwriting.

Meaning the evenness of the handwriting. From this characteristic, the handwriting is repelled when they explore other features (solve, in which the key to consider them: positive or negative). Large, smooth and well-organized handwriting is inherent active, energetic and self-confident people. If the handwriting is large, but not organized, then its owner arrives and impulsive. Handwriting, which is well organized, but small, shows that its owner intelligently uses his strength, makes them thinking, in the right direction. With a shallow and poorly organized handwriting, we can talk about timidity and indecision, as well as about the craving for concentration in the inner world. If a set of other positive characteristics of the handwriting is attached to a well-organized handwriting, then we can talk about the integrity, clarity of the mind and the wealth of the inner world of a person. Poorly organized handwriting in graphology characterizes the personality, as a durable in itself, with a weak self-control.

Hand writing size.

The value of letters when analyzing the handwriting can tell about the attitude of a person with his people around him and about his reaction to external manifestations. Also, the size of the letters clearly determines the degree of human egocentrism. The letters of medium size are about 3 mm in height, respectively, everything that is less referred to as a small handwriting, all that is more large. The owners of a large handwriting are always active and sociable, they are often even expressive. Those people are inherent courage and self-confidence, they look in general, without highlighting individual details. The holders of a large handwriting are ready to listen to any point of view and accept it if the interlocutor will be sufficiently argued. But the desire to be the center of attention does not give such personalities to focus on the same problem and bring it to the end. Often such people act, forgetting or not wanting to think.

Too small letters indicate the modesty of the author. Such people are often very hidden, they do not like to attract attention to themselves. Holders of small handwriting are smart, but in life they prevent permanent analysis of their problems. This is what prevents them from looking at the situation as a whole, get rid of unnecessary dependencies. They love to reflect anymore than to do.

Accordingly, people with an average handwriting can find compromises in life, they are more diplomatic. They do not overestimate their own capabilities, but not clogged into the angle. If a person has a handwriting unstable, it shows its ability to adapt. But with an unstable handwriting, within one sentence, we can talk about an unstable self-esteem, which prevents the author to find the soil under their feet and take a certain life position.

Lines and lines.

In graphology, great importance is attached to the position of lines - letters lines. They characterize the attitude of the person to the surrounding events. This is the main indicator of the status of the author's subconscious. On an imaginary line, a person puts signs not only physically: many processes in this case manages a human psyche. The choice of paper can also characterize a person quite well. If the author initially chooses a lined paper, then it adheres to a clear life plan. People using pure paper are independent and have fewer conventions.

If there are smooth lines with a letter, this indicates the reliability of the author, the constancy of emotions and affection. Such people deserve confidence. But if the lines are smoothly smooth, it indicates a bust in the control of their own emotions. If the letters are written very carefully, we can say that a person lacks the flexibility of mind and character. Therefore, a small bend in the line is still desirable, such people and in life are able to take flexible, perhaps sometimes spontaneous, solutions.

When analyzing the handwriting, specialists pay special attention to uneven striches. The uneven line shows weak internal stability. If the line is too dancing, you can even talk about mental disorders.

A separate direction in graphology is the focus of lines. If the line goes up, then the man is full of optimism and rejoices of life. The author positively refers to others. But the stitch's too sturned up is characterized by the personality, as the owner of excessive optimism, reaching the euphoria. Life perception disappears, its idealization is observed.

If the lines are using the letter down, the author by nature is a pessimist or is in a depressed, depressed state. If the line goes smoothly, and it is flexing down only at the very end, then a person may be in a calm state for a long time, but periodically something knocks him out of calm, and he falls in spirit.

The dependence on the state of the person during a certain period of life, its lines can behave differently: then go up, then use down.

There are cases when within one sheet when analyzing the handwriting detect that the lines are lowered, then they rise (forming the arch). In this case, the author has good chances to become the owner of an energetic behavior manner and healthy optimism.


In grapheology, the intervals characterize the style of behavior and thinking of the person. When analyzing the handwriting, the intervals between the lines and words are investigated.

Quite large intervals between the lines speak of attentiveness and the author's full awareness of their actions. At very large intervals, the personality has skepticism and social disgrace. With an average, moderate size between the pits it is appropriate to talk about clarity of thinking and good organization. If the lines are confused and drive each other, then the person is unorganized in thinking or is confused. If large letters are observed, the author cannot stop on some one passion and bring it to the end. The more confusion in the lines, the greater the interests of the person.

Sometimes there is almost a complete match of the lines. This suggests that their author is in complete confusion. But it is not necessary this case to be confused with the situation when at the middle interval some elements of letters are driven to another line. In this situation, we can talk about a very developed intellectual type, such people are successful immediately in several fields of activity.

The next study block in graphology is the intervals between the words. They characterize the volume of physical and mental space, which can provide comfortable existence. As well as the attitude of the author to others.

If the gaps between the words of one width, then the person adequately perceives social inequality and applies to everyone with respect, as well as it is stable in interpersonal relationships. If the gaps are unequal, then the person is inconsistently in contacts with other people: with someone it is too tightly communicating, others ignores.

Very narrow intervals between the words characterize the author as the owner of a narrow personal zone. He does not need a large living space, he prefers to keep closer to other people. If the gaps between the words, on the contrary, are wide, then the person needs a large personal space. Such a person loves loneliness and reflections alone with himself. Independence is necessary for such an air like air. If the gaps are too large, then we can talk about the fear of the author before contacts with other people, they are hard to tying dating.

Nazhima when analyzing the handwriting pay special attention. Press is the characteristic of the emotional state. With strong Nazhima, they speak about the emotional constancy of a person, such a person is stable in their feelings. A man with a weak pressure is amenable to outsiders, possesses windy emotions, inconstancy of feelings. Such people often find themselves in the spiritual or intellectual spheres of activity. But despite the fact that they are susceptible to other people, there is no deep sense. While the holders of strong push are capable of deep and stable feelings, they need the need for severity of sensations. But at the same time there are often indifferent to the experiences of others.

Tilt letters.

This characteristic in graphology tells about the level of human emotional reactions, the degree of its understanding of others.
If the letters are located strictly vertically, then a person thoroughly hides his emotions, it is always calm and calm, while it is often even indifferent and indifferent to others. But if such a slope is combined with a large handwriting and good pressure, then coldness is rather an external manifestation of the desire to carefully weigh before deciding.

The slope to the right characterizes a person as the owner of a good domestic reaction rate, such people find a common language with others. A small slope to the right speaks of a soft reaction to events and people. It cannot be said that a person is emotionally restrained, but he does not show emotions immediately, first assesses the situation. Such people often fluctuate between emotions and logic. But, in general, are friendly people. A strong slope to the right shows the presence of emotional tensions, an acute reaction to stimuli. Owners of such an inclination are very impulsive

The authors of the handwriting with the slope left are emotionally cold. They show emotions, but the latter are directed inside the people themselves. Such personals try to protect themselves from any stimuli and have severe egocentrism. Often, precisely elevated egoism leads to irrational actions, while the person is absolutely anyway that others feel at the same time. With a pronounced slope to the left, you can talk about the emotional absence of the author.

The handwriting can be swallowed, beautiful, with a slope, small, illegible - it is difficult to find people who would write the same. After carefully after studying the handwriting of a particular person, you can learn about its character, personal qualities, describe even its appearance. Only about 20 years old, the handwriting acquires the final appearance. Then you can analyze the text written from the hand. What should be paid attention to and how to accurately analyze the human handwriting?

General information about handwriting

Graphology is a science that analyzes the handwriting and makes up the relationship of different characteristics with personal qualities. The work is carried out taking into account the tilt of letters, widths, heights, the location of words, compressions and other factors that indicate the personality character of the person. The totality of all qualities leads to the definition of an accurate portrait, individual characteristic of the person.

Science Graphology is able to give accurate and complete analysis of human qualities. In some cases, it is possible to even learn sexual preferences, a predisposition to drug addiction or suicide, a tendency to personal growth or degradation, etc. That is why many psychologists apply the analysis of the handwriting in their practice. In addition, many firms are beginning to use the services of graphologists when hiring specialists. This is a kind of new version of the detector-lies, only he also shows the tendency of a person who can manifest themselves in the future. Do not be frightened if you give a clean sheet of paper and fake your handwriting, because you can make a bear service spoiling a characteristic.

What is needed to analyze the handwriting?

Graphological analysis is carried out most often in the presence of a specialist, but if you know some of the subtleties of science, everything can be done yourself. This will require pencil and ordinary pure Size A4. For analyzing a person needs write a minimum 4 sentences, and without excitement and speed. The more inscription will, the easier it is to disassemble some handwriting criteria and identify personal character. Pencil is needed to determine the press, since it is difficult to determine this indicator using the handle.

Sometimes for the accuracy of analysis, checking asks to provide previously written text, while not any option is suitable. For example, postcards or statements are not suitable due to the fact that a person puts the effort when writing text in them. In some documents, the handwriting does not correspond to personal qualities due to a rush or uncomfortable position. For analysis, only the text is suitable, which was written in a calm state and convenient position. That is why graphological studies are carried out with the texts that are written in one person, but at different times.

What are the characteristics of the handwriting to pay attention?

Graphologists believe that the handwriting must have a few examples handwritten text. This is necessary in order to determine the exact handwriting. A person with each leaf attached less effort to writing beautiful letters, which means that his handwriting becomes natural. It is the last leaflets with the text become an object for analyzing and identifying personal qualities, but what characteristics should pay attention to?

Before you begin to consider the basic criteria of the inscription, you should pay attention to the paper leaf itself. According to its appearance, the basic data is determined.

The first criterion in the handwriting, according to which a personal character is determined, this size letters. He is able to change with age. Usually letters are becoming more to old age or change due to physical condition. That is, the handwriting can influence the disease or fatigue.

Letters increase with age due to fast fatigue or impairment of vision, so this indicator should not be paid attention. Hand writing It is recommended to check in people aged from 25 to 45 yearsbecause during this period many of the quality of writing is stable and do not depend on the physical condition. Besides, you should not pay attention to the average size of letters.. This is the most popular size when writing, so it does not carry some specific information.

Letters written large font Without emotional and physical tensions, they talk about the leadership qualities of a person, its emotional stability, openness and ease to establish a relationship with people. Little font It indicates that a person is able to spend a long time in one place when performing work. In addition, they are noticeable for purposefulness and restraint, but people who write small letters do not take root in society and are closed personalities.

Fields when writing text

When analyzing the handwriting, you should pay attention to field.

  1. If, when writing text, a person withstands the narrow fields, it means that he is leaving, but the more dense text, presses to the boundaries, the more this quality dominates in his life. As a result, the words that practically rests on the border of the sheet, they talk about greed and misfortune. Such a person is able to show envy and vitality.
  2. Wide fields say that the author is generous and loves to live without saving money. The width of the fields depends the economy of man. Many empty space indicates that he likes to grab, live on a wide leg in luxury. Such qualities are not always valued in human society.

Push when writing text

The pressure on time determines not only the individual characteristics of the personality, but also its emotional state during the writing of the text. Emotions can be very different, but what they are brighter, the stronger the person presses on the handle or pencil.

  1. If the emotional background is stable, strong push Feather means the energy and hardworking of a person. Such people are difficult to establish relations in society, lead the right way of life, do not get closed in themselves. In addition, strong push handles means volitional, hard character and confidence in their abilities.
  2. Light push Handles more often determines calm character, softness, loneliness and reluctance to make contact with a large number of people. Such natures easily build personal relationships, but the society scares them. In some cases, the light pressure determines the tendency to romance.

In the handwriting, the direction of strings is of particular importance, because by the quality of writing text, it is easy to identify the main personal characteristics. Tilt letters It is capable not only to recognize the qualities of a person, but also indicate its inclinations in the future.

Elements of letters, shape and tilt letters

For a more accurate picture of individuality, it is necessary to determine the elements of binding and shape of letters. For example, if all letters have a transitionThe personality is characterized by logical thinking, straightness and even capable of pasty. Separate writing of letters Indicates that the author belongs to people with developed thinking and fantasy. This type of writing is peculiar to a small number of people. In the graphology, it is argued that equilibrium is determined by funny writing 2-3 letters, after which it accesses the separation and again a fusion writing of letters.

Analyzing the shape of the letters, it is easy to understand what a person is in terms of compliance and help surrounding. If symbols angular or sharp, his author refers to the egoists. These are people who live by themselves and from them, do not interrogate help. Symbols with smooth features, determine a malleant person who will always come to the rescue, but they cannot refuse that it is not always good quality.

A large number of personal qualities are easy to learn when analyzing tilt letters. Criticism is determined by weak tilt to the left side. Such natures put themselves higher than others and are not considered a stranger opinion. The stronger the slope of the characters on the left side, the more the stubbornness and the tendency to defend their point of view. His side will always be the only true.

Strong slope Indicates a volitional nature, strength in decision-making, some zealous qualities and the ability to fall in love. A weak tilt of the text on the right side is not used for analysis, because it is learned to write in school, which means it is rather a rule than the manifestation of personal qualities. Direct writing of letters indicates stubbornness, but without egoism. There is a weighted look and assess your capabilities.

Character definition

You can also determine not only the character of the human handwriting, but also the type of its temperament. To do this, use a combination of several categories of definition of the handwriting.

  1. Choleric Determine the tilt of the text on the right side. Symbols are uneven, cooked or even confusing. Press the handle is strong, and the distance between the words is different.
  2. Phlegmatic Determine the thickness of the letters. If the letters are fat, but their thickness is constantly changing, then the author has a phlegmatic temperament.
  3. Sanguini. Write a beautiful handwriting. Distinctive qualities are running and swallowing letters. Lines wave-like.
  4. Melancholic Outstanding uneven fields, symbols are dancing, and both in the slope and in the location on the line. Symbols are characterized by an elongation, strokes and screenshots.

Definition of personal qualities