The perfect age for the birth of a child. Optimal age for the birth of a child

Most women are sooner or later think about to give birth to a child. At what age is it worth doing? Hurry up to have time to become my mother or wait until better times? The only faithful answer to this question does not exist. Every woman herself decides, what age for the birth of a child is optimal for her. It is important to get an education and make a career in front of the planned pregnancy. Others dream of a big family, and they do not want to spend time on receiving material goods. But all these women, such different and dissimilar, sooner or later think about possible pregnancy.

At what age is better to give birth to the first child?

Many years ago, our great-grandmothers have already nursed their own children in 16-18 years ago. If the girl before this age did not get married, she became an object for the poverty and woven. It was believed that a young healthy woman for 20 years should already give birth to a second child, and in 30 to marry a senior daughter and with new forces to take care of the grandchildren.

Times have changed. Now from a medical point of view, a period of 20 to 30 years is considered to be the best age for first birth. Experienced mothers can confirm this version. Consider in more detail why this particular age is considered the best for the first pregnancy.

Aged 20 to 30 years, the woman's body is fully formed and ready to give birth to children. This is no longer a teenager with an unstable hormonal background, this is an adult who can cope with any difficulties during pregnancy and in childbirth. As a rule, the future mother already has some kind of education or even work experience. She has some financial savings, allowing she not to fear for the future of their children.

At the age of 20 years, a modern woman is psychologically ready to become a mother. She is able to take responsibility for their babies, give them care and love. In addition, at this age, strong pairs are usually formed, based not only on the deposition, but also on mutual respect for each other. Such a family will be able to find the right approach to raising children and it will be able to cope with any possible problems.

According to doctors, this age is also optimal for the birth of the firstborn. A woman has not yet managed to get the entire bouquet of chronic diseases, which suits it at an older age. She is relatively healthy, its reproductive system works without failures, the body is ready to endure a healthy child. The bones of pelvis pelvis, ligaments are easily stretched, which facilitates the process of childbirth. In the postpartum period, restoration is quite quickly. In addition, after 35 years, the risk of having a child with various genetic deviations and pathologies of development is significantly increasing.

It is also worth considering that the stock of eggs in the female body is finite. New cells are not formed, and therefore, after 30 years, not every menstrual cycle will be ovulatory. Harmful habits, reception of various drugs, unfavorable environmental conditions also do not add health to a woman. After 30 years every year the chance to get pregnant is becoming less and less.

At what age is better to give birth to a second child?

Each couple independently determines for itself how many children will be in their family. Their decision is influenced by the social and financial situation, traditions and beliefs, as well as the state of health of both spouses. In our country, most family couples have two children. What period between childbirth is considered optimal?

From a medical point of view, it is possible to give birth to a second child after 2-5 years after the appearance of the firstborn. During this time, the woman's body has time to recover after the first birth. The elder child is already quite independent and requires where how less attention. In addition, the body of the future mother has not yet forgotten how to behave in childbirth. That is why the birth of the second child usually passes faster and easier.

Experts argue that if there are 10 years and more between birth, the body forgets the surveyed skills. With this scenario, the duration and severity of the battles will be similar to the first.

How old can you give birth to children?

According to the gynecologists, 35 years is the ultimate age for the birth of children. In fact, the ability to get pregnant is preserved to the menopause, which usually happens for about 45 years. But the older the woman, the higher she has the risk of having a child with intrauterine pathologies of development or genetic anomalies. In particular, the probability of the appearance of a baby with Down syndrome after 35 years increases several times. The risk of miscarriage, severe gestosis and other pathologies of pregnancy increases.

If a woman decided to give birth to a child after 35 years, she should weigh everything for and against. Before the planned pregnancy, it is necessary to be examined at the therapist and the gynecologist, and also take care that chronic diseases do not know itself in an interesting position. You can give a healthy child and after 40 years, but still it is not worth tightening with maternity so long.

To increase the chances of a safe outcome of pregnancy, you should refuse bad habits. Nicotine and alcohol may adversely affect the state of the mother's health regardless of age, and also impose irreparable harm to the child in the womb. Proper nutrition, active lifestyle, adequate physical activity will help to cope with any problems that occur during pregnancy and childbirth.

The perfect age for the birth of a child is not just a digit in the passport and the physiological willingness of the body of a woman - this is a number of factors, among which physiological, psychological and social and social.

Physiological factors

The appearance of menstruation girl indicates that her eggs are ready for fertilization. But this does not mean that its bodies are ready to endure and give birth to a child. The loads associated with the hatching and birth of the child in adolescence are fraught with complications on the heart and kidneys, there is also a possibility that the bones of the pelvis will not be able to discharge properly, which is a direct contraindication for natural genera. Girls grow and develop an average of 18 years, for age and can be focused on the start.

Is there an extreme limit?

While there is menstruation and there are no good contraindications on health, you can theoretically give birth. But at the same time you need not to forget to connect common sense. From 25 years in the body, the process of aging is launched. Healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, culture of sleep and recreation can delay the visual aging, but from nature you will not leave anywhere - by the 30s, the girls begin progesterone deficiency, the testosterone level increases, respectively, increases, which is a risk factor for hacking pregnancy. At the girl under 30, compared with more mature women, more elastic tributes and mobile pelvic bones, which also inclined to the conclusion - from the point of view of physiology, the best age for the birth of children is 20-25 years old. Age of 18-35 years is considered conditionally safe.

What's wrong with the Father?

The participation of the male half in the physiological part is reduced to its genetic material, that is, to the quality of spermatozoa.

If a woman has all the eggs form at the stage of intrauterine development and new do not appear, then men have everything much joyful - spermatozoa is capable of changing their qualities depending on his lifestyle. That is, if at 50 years old does not drink, does not smoke and does not destroy itself in other ways, then its genetic material is not inferior to the spermatozoa of the 25-year-old young man. This characteristic as the mobility of spermatozoa is also directly independent of age, but in practice 40-year-olds it is lower than that of 30-year-olds. This means that a 40-year-old man needs to make a little more effort for fertilization, but it will not affect the further development of the fetus.

If the upper limit does not exist for potential dadgets, then the bottom is still there.

Dad-teenager risks to convey the baby defective genes and increases the risk of the child's birth with low weight and defects, since its own reproductive system is still not adjusted. Therefore, the physical start for a potential dad will be considered 16 years, and better 18, so as not to violate the framework of the law.

The physiology was understood, we turn to a less tangible item - the psychological readiness of future parents to the appearance of the baby.

Psychological factors

The birth of the first child implies the revision of the usual way and requires restriction of personal life. You can change the work, divorce my spouse, but, having decided to start a child, it is already impossible to turn back the temporary continuum - the child remains with us forever.

A parent is a new absolutely different way of life, where everything builds around the baby.

The heroine of Julia Roberts in the film "Eat, pray, love" said: "Take the child is how to make a tattoo on your face. Seriously and for a long time. "- This is a good antipriment when a mature age woman is psychologically not ready for motherhood.

Such unpreparedness can generate a number of internal conflicts and hidden claims to the child associated with the fact that Mom did not have time to be betrayed with his own life. These conflicts will most likely be leveled by children's laughter and emotional returns from the kid.

It also happens that mom does not immediately dissolve in motherhood. Psychological unpreparedness is poured into, mistakes in the upbringing and disadvantage of families.

The psychological readiness of future parents is associated with physiological age only indirectly, and more depends on the existing social experience.

Mama on a notic!

Girls Hi) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, and I will write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I write here: how did I get rid of stretch marks after giving birth? I will be very glad if my way will help you ...

There are a number of tests for the definition of psychological readiness to become parents. They are useful to pass in order to outline questions over which you need to work.

Social factors

You can make a baby when you can feed it, buy drops into your nose, diapers and a minimum set of toys. The three-story villa is not needed - he needs caring loving parents. Material benefits are long and difficult to become purchased, but can easily and quickly get lost.

Future mom and dad will feel more confident if, by the time of the child, they will already understand that their education, specialty and existing experience in demand by society, that is, show a specific social result. In our country, this is clear by 23-25 \u200b\u200byears.

Availability allegedly ready to help grandparents should not be a decisive social factor for the birth of the first child, because not always grandparents justify the expectations.

In a situation with the second child, the help of a grandmother, who has proven himself with the firstborn, can be a significant pushing factor - to have a second, while grandmother is still young and can help.

More about the second child

The rules of birth of the second child do not differ much from the rules for the first with the only difference that the woman's body is restored after delivery of about 3 years. However, it is precisely this difference between the ages between children occurs.

Usually parents prefer either "shoot faster", i.e. Giving birth to the weather to quickly survive all the severe moments of early education, or the opposite are waiting for the first child to reach school age.

Both approaches with pluses and minuses.

Weed fashion

Benefits of raising the weather:

  • Rising the weather, parents create the effect of kindergarten - children have the same toys, classes, day mode, older children play with each other, allowing parents to focus on other issues.

Cons concern only parents:

  • Mom does not have time to recover after delivery;
  • Two children are always harder than one - both physically, and financially;
  • Work, have a hobby with two children is almost impossible. Usually, mom throws over the board of sociocultural life at least five years.
  • Simultaneous diseases of two children are able to knock out even the most morally sustainable parents.

Children with a significant difference in age


  • Mom's body is completely restored;
  • With proper upbringing, the elder child helps with the younger or, at least, by the power itself to take care of himself;
  • Each of the children at one time gets in its pure form more attention of parents and this attention is individualized.

Disadvantages also have:

  • The process of raising children on the legs is more stretched over time;
  • There may be problems with the adaptation of the older child to new conditions, where he is no longer, and the youngest child accumulates the care and attention of parents ();
  • Children grow under one roof, but not together. Friendship between them can start only during the period of mature, or not to start at all.

There is no single correct algorithm where it is possible to calculate the optimal age for the appearance of a child. Ideally, you need to have time to give birth to all children from 20 to 30 years, while being a psychologically mature personality, getting education, have experience and live in wealth. In practice, it is rarely obtained, but our children are not becoming less desirable and loved ones.

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The optimal age for the birth of a child is of great importance at. According to experts, if not to take into account the age factor, then the risks of complicated pregnancy and the appearance of a baby, suffering from congenital pathologies, increase significantly.

What value is the age of parents when conceived

Physiologically, a girl can conceive a child when the first menstruation appears. However, physiological changes do not yet talk about the readiness of a woman to motherhood. Without sexual maturity and not quite formed female organism can simply not cope with excessive loads, which is accompanied by the process of tooling and born the child.

Important! Doctors gynecologists argue that the optimal detection age in women begins with 17-18 years old!

Early pregnancy is fraught with the development of the following complications:

  • Development of renal pathologies.
  • Violations in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Complicated childbirth.
  • The need for carrying out (with insufficient discrepancy of pelvic bones).
  • Premature childbirth.
  • The appearance of light, with insufficient weight.

Too young age of the Father (younger than 18 years) also significantly increases the risks of the birth of a child suffering from diseases of a genetic nature, which is due to the insufficient formation of the male reproductive system.

Optimal childbearing age for women

The optimal age for the birth of a child in representatives of the beautiful floor is 18-35 years old. It was during this period that the female organism is in excellent form - it is already fully formed and is ready to fulfill its reproductive function.

After 35 years of age, the risks of the pathologies of the intrauterine development of the fetus and the birth of a child suffering from genetic diseases are significantly increasing. In addition, pregnancy and directly generic process is a strong for a female body that has a significant burden on the kidney, a cardiovascular system and other vital organs.

And if at a young age, the body copes with additional loads at the expense of domestic resources, then in women whose age is nearing 40 years, the likelihood of the development of a number of diseases is significantly increasing.

Late pregnancy is fraught with the development of the following complications:

  • (Developed due to calcium failure).
  • The omission of the pelvic organs.
  • The emergence of tumor neoplasms, both benign and malignant origin.

Pregnancy itself in women over the age of 35 years old leaks extremely difficult, with high and premature birth. The generic process may be complicated and the need for surgical interventions. Yes, and the recovery postpartum period in women in adulthood lasts much longer and proceeds hard, rather than young women in labor.

note: recommendedient agent for representatives of beautiful sex 18-35 years old! At a later conception, it is extremely important that the pregnancy be under the strict control of a qualified specialist!

Achievements of modern medicine allow you to endure and give birth to a baby even to women reached (in 45-50 years). However, gynecologists are not welcome such late birth.

Very often after the birth of the baby, the state of health of the late-lawning mother is significantly worse. This is due to avitaminosis, acute shortage of nutrients and trace elements, because the mature organism is restored significantly longer and harder than at a young age. The likelihood of the development of bone and dental pathologies, as well as the exacerbation of diseases occurring in chronic form, is high.

In addition, it is important to take into account the psychological aspect. The child needs not only to give birth, it must also be brought up, to have time to put on his feet, give basic education, etc. Such a load may be simply unbearable for the elderly parents.

Optimal childbearing age for men

Representatives of strong sex the ability to conceive a child begins to decline after the achievement of a forty-year age. In addition, there are risks of conception of a baby suffering from diseases of hereditary and genetic nature.

note: If a man plans to conceive a child after 45-50 years, he needs to consult a specialist and pass a comprehensive medical examination!

Increase the chances of the onset of successful pregnancy and the birth of a healthy, full-fledged baby in adulthood potential fathers can perform the following recommendations:

Important: the optimal age for the birth of a child in men is 18-44 years old!

Why do you need to be protected?

An abortion at any age is extremely dangerous and fraught with the development of serious complications. However, an artificial interruption of pregnancy and in a period close to the onset of menopause, almost never passes without consequences.

Abortions at an early age can cause the following complications:

  • Risk increases.
  • Violations of the hormonal cycle.
  • Inflammatory processes.

Important! The most dangerous consequence of the early abortion is the violation of the hormonal background and development!

Artificial interruption of pregnancy in adulthood (especially during menopause) is fraught with such unfavorable consequences:

  • Uterine bleeding.
  • Gynecological diseases of infectious nature.
  • The appearance of tumor neoplasms of malignant character.

Therefore, in order to maximize yourself and reduce possible risks to minimal indicators, gynecologists advise women of young and mature age to pay special attention to the contraceptive issues!

Methods of modern contraception

Prevent an undesirable pregnancy can be prevented using the following methods:

Each of the above-listed methods for protection against undesirable pregnancy has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

Important ! Only a specialist gynecologist will be able to correctly choose the method of contraception, taking into account the age category and individual characteristics of each particular patient!

Barrier method of contraception

The barrier method of contraception is one of the most popular. Condoms not only prevent undesirable pregnancy, but also protect against a number of sexually transmitted. The effectiveness of barrier contraception, according to statistical data, is more than 95%!

In addition, there are practically no contraindications to the use of condoms (the exception is only manifestations of allergic reactions that are extremely rare), they can safely use both very young girls and mature women. The only drawback of barrier contraception is that condoms can reduce sensitivity, and, consequently, the pleasure of intimate intimacy. However, this problem can be solved by purchasing thin latex products or using special lubricants.

Oral contraceptives

It assumes the use of hormonal contraceptive drugs. This method is quite effective, but it is suitable only to representatives of beautiful sex older than 20 years old.

Specialist-gynecologists allocate the following contraindications to the use of hormonal contraception means:

  • Disorders of the hormonal background.
  • Disorders in the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Disorders in the functioning of the cardiovascular system occurring in severe form.
  • Infective endocarditis.

note: to prescribe oral contraceptives should only qualified specialist individually, after a pre-conducted, comprehensive medical examination!

The oral method of contraception also has a number of certain drawbacks. Contraceptive pills will not protect you from. In addition, this method will be effective if the tablets are taken regularly, according to the prescribed gynecologist.

Important! You need to drink contraceptive tablets in the same clock, strictly observing the time intervals between the drug intake. This is necessary to maintain the optimal concentration of active ingredients!

Intrauterine spirals

Installation of intrauterine spirals is characterized by high rates of reliability and efficiency. This method allows a woman to not think about the occurrence of unwanted pregnancy for 3-5 years. However, this method of contraception is suitable only for mature and already giving birth to women!

  • Gynecological inflammatory diseases occurring in chronic form.
  • Uterine bleeding.
  • The presence of tumor neoplasms of malignant origin.
  • Uterine pathology.

note: when using intrauterine spirals as a means of contraception, a woman needs to regularly visit the gynecologist, since there is a high probability of developing gynecological diseases of infectious nature!

Methods of local contraception

Methods of local contraception include the use of vaginal caps, ointments, suppositories with contraceptive properties. The principle of these funds is the ability of substances included in their composition, to have a destructive effect on spermatozoa. This method protects both from unwanted pregnancy and on sexually transmitted infectious diseases.

To enter such means-spermicides should be directly in the vagina region, before intimate contact, which can cause certain discomfort. In addition, regular use of local contraceptives can lead to the development of allergic type reactions and violation of the vaginal microflora.

It was accepted until 28-30 years, and during the time of the USSR all women after 25 years called the offensive word "akin to". After 35 years, it seemed to be pregnant even the second child seemed to be madness, and often such women received "bonuses" in the form of public condemnation. Today in our country there has changed little - only the progressive residents of megacities are ready to join unequal battle, trying to defend the conservative majority of their right to maternal self-determination.

In the West, there were always things differently: there the joy of motherhood was postponed to a conscious 35+, having time to realize socially and personally, to live carefree life, accumulate money, to travel and find themselves. Who is the right in this dispute about the perfect time for first birth?

While worldview disputes do not subside, Dr. John Miroorski from Texas University held the first real scientific research on this topic. So, according to a specialist, the optimal age for a healthy woman to become a mother - 34 years old.

Arguments for this output are the following:

1. Women who are breeding the first child at 34-35 years, are characterized by a stronger health than young moms. Sounds unconvincing? According to the logic, it is young to be healthier? It is about the fact that in the conscious age the woman is fully surveyed, knows all its chronic diseases and features, regularly surrenders tests - there will be no surprises.

2. Pregnancy and childbirth for a woman is such a hormonal splash, which is the main source of organism rejuvenation. At 34-35 years, such a hormone emission is truly favorable for women's health, and in 20-22 this hormonal background can lead health to the imbalance.

In fact, it is quite difficult to name the accurate age, reaching which a person is time to create a family and to start children. It should be borne in mind that all people have different characters, different hobbies and views on life, as well as a different attitude towards family values. Someone and at the thirty age does not want and psychologically not ready to create a family, and someone from the guys and at the twenty age becomes a faithful spouse and a decent father, and from girls - a shopping wife and a loving mother.

In general, there are various factors for which you can determine how much person is ready to create a family, in particular - to the birth of children. Factors of such readiness are classified for physiological and psychological.

Physiological Favoric Factors Women to the Birth of the Child

Physically, the girl is able to endure the child only by reaching her 18 years of age. Of course, there are exceptions, because the girl can become pregnant as soon as she began the first menstruation. But, as a rule, until 18 years old, the girl is still developing, and its body is not yet adapted to endure and give birth to a healthy baby, without any pathologies. Early pregnancy is dangerous not only for the child, but also for the future mother.

First, there is a chance that the girl at an early age will not be able to give birth independently, and this is already determined and for her, and for the baby. Secondly, the body of the girl at that age is too weak for such physical exertion as a nine-month-old baby tooling, and an early pregnancy can end up very poorly - miscarriage or the birth of a sick child, as well as a deterioration in the health of the mother - there may be problems with heart, kidneys, gender organs. Even if the childbirth will be successful, the likelihood is great that the newborn baby will be too small, and it will still be under the supervision of doctors. Thus, the most favorable age of a woman for childbirth begins with 18-19 years old.

As for the maximum age for successful childbirth, it is 30-31 years old. Of course, theoretically, the woman can give birth until she has menstruation. But, firstly, the younger woman, the easier it is to conceive the baby (with age, the child is significantly more difficult), and secondly, in order to make the kid takes a lot of effort, and as well as with too early pregnancy there is a risk of interrupt pregnancy.

As for the process of childbirth, the ligaments of the young woman are more elastic, therefore it is easier for her to give birth and the likelihood of gaps during childbirth is reduced. In addition, the organism of the young woman after childbirth is restored much faster. Therefore, up to 30 years old, it is still recommended to give birth to the first child. In any case, early and late pregnancy should take place under the closer supervision of qualified doctors.

As a rule, girls who born in 18-20 years are not fully aware of what a big responsibility is assigned to them. As a result, they may incorrect to their health and abuse harmful habits. From this point of view, early pregnancy adversely affects not only the health of the mother, but also on the health of the baby. In addition, often a young mother, instead of engaging in the baby, I also want to walk and communicate with girlfriends. And the upbringing of a child falls on the shoulders of grandparents, due to the reluctance of the mother, to devote proper attention, and because of the inexperience of too young mom.

But care for the child is a huge responsibility, we are talking about the health and life of a tiny little man. The child must be desirable, only then it will be surrounded by love. Parents who really want to give birth to a healthy baby, starting all the necessary surveys in advance. All these measures should be taken consciously.

On average, moral girl is ready for the birth of a child not earlier than in 24-26 years. To this age, the woman has already received an education, settled on a permanent (possibly beloved) work, has some financial stability and think about creating a family. As for the limit age for childbirth - here also has its own nuances. Doctors recommend to give birth to a second child up to 35 years old. Of course, you can give birth to a child and in 50 years, but some factors should be taken into account:

  • First, after 30 years, the reproductive function in women will easily weaken every year.
  • Secondly, you need not only to give birth to a child, but also give him tribute to upbringing and education, help financially. And from the elderly parents should not expect great support.
  • Well, thirdly, too late the child can grow unnecessarily spoiled, because he will be very long-awaited, and he will say goodbye to him.

But in the case of the second pregnancy, it should be borne in mind that after the first pregnancy should pass at least three years so that the woman's body is fully recovered. Thus, the most suitable age of a woman for childbirth from 22 to 35 years old.

Physiological Factors of Prepared Men to the Birth of the Child

As for the physiological factors of the readiness of men to the opportunity to become a father, the quality of spermatozoa plays the main role here. Therefore, having achieved an adult age, the guy is already able to become a father. The reproductive function in men works much longer than women. Men leading a healthy lifestyle are able to conceive a child and in a fairly mature age (45-50 years). Thus, the physiologically age of a man who can become a father varies from 18 to 50 years.

Psychological Factors of Prepared Men to the Birth of the Child

Unfortunately, most young men are very frightening the news that their girlfriend (wife, lover) is pregnant. Psychologically, the most favorable age for paternity - 27-30 years. As a rule, at this age men have already arrived, they changed not one partner, they decided on the choice of spouse and without fear think about creating a family. These factors play an important role. After all, if a man himself wants to make a family, then in most percent cases, it turns out to be an exemplary family man - a loving and caring husband and father.

And if a man is married for themselves for them, then, most likely, in the end, this will lead to treason and betrayal, which in turn will adversely affect the raising of children. A man must be ready for the birth of a kid. And a truly man is ready for the birth of a child only if he is not afraid of family relationships. If he himself really wants a child and realizes what responsibility will fall on his shoulders. After all, the baby will need not only in paternal attention and upbringing, but also in material support.

And the material support of the man also plays a last role. It is important that the man has a stable high-paying job or another source of constant income. After all, he will have to provide both the kid, and his spouse that will be on maternity leave. It is desirable that the family in which the baby is waiting for the appearance of the baby was their own housing - worse there is nowhere to wander on removable apartments with a small bloop.

Thus, it is best to give birth to a kid when a certain level of family welfare has already been reached. As for physiological factors, it is necessary to listen to the recommendations of the doctors. But life is very unpredictable and if the woman still has too early or too late pregnancy, then all efforts should be attached and carefully follow their health so that the baby is born healthy!

Age and Pregnancy (Video)