Valentine's day game for elementary grades. Scenario of the holiday "Valentine's Day" in elementary school


Organization of leisure activities for students;

Develop creativity, speech, thinking, memory, attention;

Expand the horizons of children;

Foster a sense of camaraderie, benevolence.

Class decoration: The classroom is decorated in red and white colors: all kinds of hearts are attached to the walls and on the board. The Fairy of love and friendship appears - Valentine (she has an outfit decorated with red hearts).

Props: 4 paper hearts, cut into 4 pieces; 2 balloons: blue and red, 10-petal chamomile; a poster with painted hearts and 3 arrows to it, 10 hearts on a string, scissors, a blindfold, 2-3 jump ropes, music.

The course of the event.

Valentine: Hello, friends! I am a Fairy of love and friendship - Valentine.

Love! She's not just a word

What could be more sonorous than others.

You will not repeat the other in it,

And you yourself will not repeat yourself in it!

(There is a beating of a human heart in the audio recording).

Valentine: Do you hear? It is a man's heart beating. Do you know when it hits hardest? When a person is in love and when he is also loved. Please tell me who do you love more than anything in the world?

(Children answer).

Wonderful! Since you love, then this is your holiday. Therefore, today we will have fun, joke, laugh, arrange contests. And, undoubtedly, only friendship should reign on our holiday. Do you agree?

(Children's answer).

Second presenter: Love is such a disease that strengthens the spirit of a person and makes this person brave and courageous! On this day, give your loved ones your love, arrange holidays, and your life will become richer and more interesting.

Valentine: And now we will play a little with you.

Grab a couple game

The girls stand in a circle, blindfolded, facing outward, and the boys walk in circles to the music. When the music stops, the girls grab their boys. Those will be their second halves for the passage of contests.

Valentine: let me introduce you to the members of our jury, who will evaluate all the contests and choose the “most friendly couple” (the jury evaluates the couples).

1 competition "Affectionate word"

There is a chamomile on the board. Each petal has a letter written on it. Couples come out in turn, choose any petal. They should say to each other an affectionate word for this letter.

(After each competition, the jury evaluates the pairs)

2nd competition "Cut a point"

Hearts with points written on them are tied to the rope. Each pair should cut one heart while blindfolded. One half cuts, and the other guides and prompts.

3rd competition "Friendly couple"

Each pair is given a balloon, which they squeeze between their heads. At the signal from the leader, they run around the obstacle and come back. Compete in two pairs.

Valentine: The next game is for the fastest and most attentive.

4th competition "Hunting"

The poster has hearts of different sizes and numbers in each. The guys need to get into the hearts with a lot of points. The arrows are made of plasticine and feathers that are chalked.

5 "Broken Heart" competition

Each pair is given a heart cut into 4-5 parts. In 1 minute they need to collect all the pieces. Whoever does it faster is the one who gets a well-deserved victory.

6 competition "Labyrinth"

In the class, the rope is stretched at different levels. On command, each couple must go through the obstacles blindfolded, without touching any of them (the boys pass blindfolded, and the girls tell them).

Valentine: Our holiday has come to the most important moment. After many competitions, our jury should determine the most friendly pair. In the meantime, they are summing up the results, let's play a little.

Game "Question-answer"

(2 envelopes. One has 10 questions, the other has 10 answers. Each pair pulls a question and an answer.)


Do you obey your parents?

When are you going to study at one A's?

Do you like to eat in the school cafeteria?

Are you skipping lessons?

Do you consider yourself smart?

Would you like to transfer to another class?

Do you offend girls? (boys)

Do you like the kids in your class?

Would you like the holidays to start soon?


When I sleep.

This is the only thing I do.

The teacher would say it better.

I don’t eat, I don’t sleep, I’m just thinking about that.

Sometimes it happens.


Only when he is very angry.

I do this on Mondays.

I don’t need it.

I already have a lot of fun.

Summarizing. Rewarding.



Characters: two presenters - adults, Spirit of Saint Valentine.

Holiday progress

Music sounds, children enter the hall, sit down.

1st presenter. Today is February 14 - Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day, a sweet, hearty, funny and unusual holiday. It is unusual because we had never celebrated it before and did not know anything about it. But in Europe, Valentine's Day is celebrated with great pleasure. After all, Saint Valentine is the patron saint of lovers.

2nd presenter... Well, yes, in our country it is generally accepted that only adults have the right to fall in love, and you can giggle and tease over a child: "Tili is dough, bride and groom!" Only this is stupid and ugly. Because love can overtake a person at any age, even in kindergarten. And such a person can only be envied, because his whole life is immediately illuminated by this best feeling in the world.

1st presenter... So everyone celebrates Valentine's Day - both adults and children. With family and friends. Celebrated for a long time. On this day, it is customary to give a gift to your chosen one or chosen one.

2nd presenter... In addition, on this day, it is customary to give each other cards - "valentines" - with the image of hearts.

1st presenter... Listen, do you know where it came from?

2nd presenter... Yes, I heard something. But I think that we'd better invite the spirit of St. Valentine here for the holiday and he will tell us everything himself.

1st presenter... How do we call him? Do you know how to do it, you learned to be a magician?

2nd leader. No, I'm not a magician, I'm just learning, but they say that friendship and love allow you to do any miracles, and even today is a holiday. Therefore, I think that if you and I unite our desires, then the spirit will come to us.

1st presenter... Okay, let's say the spell.

2nd presenter... Snip-snap-snure. Spirit of St. Valentine come!

A quiet melody sounds, the Spirit of St. Valentine appears.

Spirit. Hello dear!

1st host. Oh hello! We are so glad to see you!

2nd presenter... Today is your day, tell us and the guys why you became the patron saint of all lovers?

The spirit of St. Valentine tells a legend about itself.

1st presenter. It's great that we have such a holiday!

2nd presenter... Well, will we finally celebrate?

1st presenter. So, we begin our holiday, (Appeals to the spirit.) Will you help us spend the holiday?

2nd presenter... Six girls and six boys are welcome

The participants of the competition program enter the hall to the music.

1st presenter. For all stages of the competition, everyone collects a certain number of points. The boy and girl who have scored the maximum number of points for the whole game are announced as Valentin and Valentina.

Contests are evaluated on a five-point system.

2nd presenter... And now we are pleased to introduce you to the jury ... (introduces the jury members).

1st presenter... So, let's start our competition program.

Mosaic competition

Envelopes with postcards in the form of hearts are laid out on the table. The postcards are cut into several parts. The task is to collect the postcard. Whoever collects faster will win. There are two winners, a boy and a girl.

Everyone has known for a long time about seven wonders in the world,

But there is another great miracle.

That miracle has long been known to everyone on the planet,

It excites us and there is blood in our veins.

Immortal as life - the eighth wonder of the world

Lovely sorceress love!

Competition "Arrow Cupid"

Blindfolded girls draw a heart on a piece of Whatman paper attached to an easel, and boys draw a Cupid's arrow. "Cupid's arrow" must hit the heart, whoever succeeds most reliably won.

1st presenter... While the jury evaluates the results of two competitions, listen to the comic song "This is for you", lyrics and music by I. Ponomareva.

The jury will announce the number of points for the two competitions.

2nd leader. Love for all ages. But love is different: mutual or unrequited.

Broken Heart Competition

1st presenter... Pay attention, the halves of hearts are hung on the wall - these are “broken hearts”. You need to choose one half on which the question number will be indicated. By answering the question correctly, you will heal your "broken heart."

Sample questions:

Loyal friend of crocodile Gena? (Cheburashka)

What was the name of the girl from Volkov's book The Wizard of the Emerald City? (Ellie)

What was the name of the calf of the cat Matroskin? (Gavryusha)

Which bird brings happiness? (Stork)

Where did you find Kai Gerda? (At the Snow Queen)

The jury announces the results of the 3rd competition.

The song “From what, from what ..” sounds, music by Y. Chichkov, words by Y. Khaletsky.

2nd leader. The next competition for girls "Multiconcourse". In turn, the players name cartoons in which the main plot is friendship.

1st presenter. The next competition is for boys. You all probably know well the tale of C. Perrault "Cinderella" and remember how the prince found his beloved on a crystal slipper. And each of you boys will have to find your Cinderella.

Competition "Cinderella"

Participating boys turn their backs to girls; each participating girl takes off one shoe, on command the boy must find and put on the girl her shoe as quickly as possible.

Spirit. And the next competition will be held by me.

Contest "Happy Valentine's Face"

Each pair of paper cuts out a large heart and, with the help of small hearts, draws a nose, eyes, ears, mouth. Those who get the most interesting and funniest face will win this competition.

The jury sums up the results of the previous 2 competitions.

2nd presenter... Do you guys like sweets? Did you know that sometimes a couple in love is called a "sweet couple"?

Song contest

In order, they hum a couple of lines from a song about friendship and love, whoever sings the last one wins.

1st presenter. And now we will ask our jury to sum up the results of the last two competitions and announce the results of the whole game.

The jury names the winners, who are called "Valentine and Valentina".

2nd presenter... Dear guys, thank you for participating in the game, fans for your support.

Spirit... We wish you all good luck, happiness and love.

Scenario of the competition program for Valentine's Day in elementary school.

Valentine's Day in 2nd grade. Scenario

Target: to acquaint with the history of the celebration of this day; develop the desire to give others a good mood.

Equipment: Valentine hearts, two large posters in the form of hearts, the game "Darts", prizes for the "Best Valentine" contest.

Extracurricular activity progress

Fourteenth day of February -

Valentine's day, they say.

I choose you among everyone

Because I love you more than anyone.

Teacher's story

What holiday are we celebrating today? (Answers of children.)

How did this holiday come about, do you know? (Children's answers.) Indeed, there are many different versions. Today I want to tell you the version that I like the most.

Legends describe Valentine as a great friend of children: he was always kind to them, treated them to sweets, played, taught life, told interesting stories. When Valentine was in prison, the children, in order to support and encourage their friend, threw small notes with the image of a loving and suffering heart through the bars of the lattice, which later became known as valentines. Here's a story.

Today you have learned the version of the origin of this holiday. And what is a holiday without contests?

(Children are divided into two teams. There are two large heart-shaped posters on the board. During the event, the teams fill these large hearts with small hearts earned in competitions.)

Competition "Whom will we congratulate on this day?"


Read books about the war

Only the brave ... (boys).

Sew undershirts for dolls

Needlewomen ... (girls).

If I put on a hat

I will look like ... (dad).

We declare firmly, directly:

Best of all in the world ... (mom).

If it suddenly becomes difficult

That will come to the rescue ... (friend).

Rhyme used to help

And now she has become insidious.

You, my friend, take your time

Don't get hooked!


Lush dough is already ready -

Delicious food for grandchildren ... (grandmother).

For our pickles barrel

We ask to hammer together ... (grandfather).

Oh and sweet pear lover

Our Katya is younger ... (brother).

Sew a cap in ruffles

Together with your mother ... (to your sister).

They talk about paired sounds

At school, you and me ... (teachers).

(For each correct answer, the team receives a heart and attaches it to a large poster-heart.)

Whom we need to congratulate, we found out, and with what words? Let's try to put together a congratulation.

(Each team composes a congratulation for the other team. The team with the best congratulation receives a heart.)

Valentine's Day is the day of all lovers. For more than two hundred years he has been patronizing those who are in love ... Well, yes, it is generally accepted in our country that only adults have the right to fall in love. And you can only laugh at children or tease them: "Tili-tili-dough, bride and groom!" All this is stupid and ugly. Because love can overtake a person even in kindergarten. And such a person can only be envied (and not giggled), because his life is immediately illuminated by this most wonderful feeling in the world.

We have so many people in love. Yes, perhaps everyone is in love: some with a classmate, some with a movie or pop star, some with their profession, etc.

So everyone celebrates Valentine's Day - both adults and children. With family and friends. Celebrated for a long time. On this day, it is customary to give a gift to your chosen one or chosen one. But the gift must necessarily have the shape of a heart, whether it be a cushion or a box for needlework.

In addition, on this day, it is customary to give each other cards - valentines - with the image of hearts, of course.

Game "My half"

In labor lessons, small paper hearts are made in advance, cut into two halves (the cut for all hearts should be different). The halves are distributed to children. At the command of the presenter, the players try to find "their" soul mate. The team whose players do it the fastest wins. The team is awarded a heart.

Game "Who Stole My Heart?"

The driver sits on a chair with his back to the rest of the children. In his hands behind his back, he holds a paper heart. One of the children quietly approaches from behind and, taking the heart, returns to his place. The driver turns around and asks: “Who stole my heart? Is that you, Anya? .. ”You can guess only three times. If the driver guesses correctly, he remains on the chair and continues the game. If not, then the one who stole the heart takes its place.

Children from different teams are chosen as drivers. The team, whose drivers guessed more often, gets a heart.

Game "Cupid's Arrow" (use the game "Darts")

Everyone takes part in the game. Blindfolded players try to shoot an arrow into the heart painted on the wall. Each team has the same number of participants. The team that earned the most points gets a heart.

Valentine contest

Children draw valentines in advance. At the festival, the results of the competition are summed up, prizes are awarded to the winners.

Game "Happy Valentine's Face"

Each child cuts a large heart out of paper and, with the help of small hearts, "draws" a nose, eyes, mouth, ears. Whoever gets the funniest or most interesting face wins a prize.


Guys, we are all united by love. It can be compared to a little sun that makes us kind, sympathetic, beautiful, interesting and loved. Imagine: love has disappeared in a person. Our sun was covered by a thundercloud. An evil wizard came and bewitched us - everyone forgot how to love. Remember the fairy tale "Mary the Master". What did she become, bewitched by the water king? (Indifferent.)

So, the most important thing is not to lose your sun - love. And sometimes in difficult situations it is very difficult. In order for love to live in a person and on earth, it is necessary to know something very important, to always remember about it, so that no one can destroy it.

Additional material for the teacher

Broken Heart Game

Pink and red hearts are made of paper in advance. The hearts are cut into halves: questions are written on one, answers are on the other. Questions are distributed to the players. To repair a broken heart, the participants in the game must answer the question correctly. Questions about the teacher's choice.

Game "Mail"

During breaks on this day, you can invite children to play "Mail". To do this, it is necessary to prepare in advance a "mailbox" (any box with a slot) and paper for letters (leaflets). It is advisable to warn the children in advance about this game so that they can bring valentines for their friends, stickers, and also prepare the text of congratulations.


This is a script for an extended class hour. Although this St. Valentine's Day, you can focus on friendship.

To decorate the class, you need to prepare posters: " Happy Valentine's Day", a poster" Songs of Friendship ", a mini-poster" Aphorisms about Friendship "and an information poster about the history of the holiday, traditions and rules of friendship, and pictures with characters from suitable fairy tales and cartoons.

Valentine's Day script conventionally divided into three parts: cognitive, musical and play. As prizes it is necessary to prepare coloring pages - valentines.

1. Presenters (3 people).
2. Children.

1. Hearts (one for two).
2. Shawls to blindfold.
3. Balls (preferably with holiday symbols) for decoration and competition.
4. Postcards, valentines.
5. Coloring valentines.


Leading: Hello noble ladies and gentlemen! Today we celebrating Valentine's Day! This is a holiday for friends and lovers. This holiday is not young, it was celebrated back in the 15th century. There are many legends about the origin of this holiday. Listen ...

The first presenter tells about the history of the holiday and the legend of St. Valentine:

Valentine's Day- a holiday of lovers. It is celebrated on February 14th. In Europe, it began to be celebrated from the 13th century, in the USA - from 1777, in Russia - from the early 1990s. But why is it still a holiday for lovers? There are many beautiful legends about this.

The British, for example, believe that from February 14, nature makes a turn towards spring, and the season of mating games begins for birds, even an old English proverb says: "On Valentine's Day, all birds in the air unite in pairs."

There is another confirmation that February 14 is Valentine's Day. Lived in the III century in the city of Ternia (Roman Empire) the Holy Great Martyr Valentine. He was a clergyman, engaged in scientific research and private medical practice. During the campaign of Emperor Claudius II of Gothic against Christians, Bishop Valentine was repressed and beheaded on February 14, 269. Sources say that the arrest of Bishop Valentine was caused by the fact that the Roman emperor did not allow the soldiers of his legions to marry, and Valentine secretly married the legionaries and their lovers. While awaiting execution in one of the Roman prisons, Valentine wrote a letter to the daughter of his jailer and signed: "Your Valentine." Then he miraculously healed her from blindness, but was still executed. The date of the execution coincided with a Roman celebration in honor of Juno, the goddess of love. Since then, every year on February 14, people remembered Valentine and arranged a holiday for all lovers.

The second presenter talks about the symbols of St. Valentine's Day:

Valentinovna symbols cooing doves and hearts pierced by Cupid's arrow became of the day. At Valentine's Day parties, romantic symbols were sometimes hidden in a cake. Each guest received a slice and, if lucky, an emblem. The emblem speaks of his luck. Sometimes symbols were put into a gift instead of a parcel. Rice stood for wedding. Ring - Same Or Engagement. The coin meant that a person would marry or marry a rich man. Sometimes the young man received a red glove. "Get the glove" meant that the girl liked him.


Once upon a time, people believed that feelings such as love, luck, anger, or fear were in the heart; later they began to believe that only the feeling of love is in the heart. So in our time, the heart is a symbol of love and Valentine's Day.


Son of Venus, goddess of love. He can make a person fall in love by shooting one of his magic arrows.

Red Rose

Rose is the favorite flower of Venus, the goddess of love. Red is the color of strong feelings. And the red rose is the flower of love.

Birds of love and doves

In our country, love is traditionally symbolized by pigeons. Pigeons are considered the favorite birds of Venus. They do not change mates all their lives and together take care of the chicks. These birds are symbols of loyalty and love, as well as symbols of Valentine's Day.

And in Africa colorful parrots are called birds of love. Most of them have red beaks. They are called love birds for the fact that when they get together in pairs, they sit very close to each other.


In most countries, people exchange rings during engagement and weddings. Two or three centuries ago, on Valentine's Day, it was very popular to get engaged.


Once upon a time, if a man wanted to marry a woman, he "asked for her hand in marriage." The hand has become a symbol of love and marriage. Gloves soon became a symbol of marriage.


Hundreds of years ago, women carried lace handkerchiefs with them. If a lady dropped a handkerchief, the man next to her had to pick up the handkerchief and return it to the woman. Sometimes a lady dropped a lace scarf on purpose to meet a man she liked. Soon, lace became fully associated with romance.

The third presenter talks about the traditions of celebrating St. Valentine's Day in different countries:

On this day, girls and boys got together, wrote names on pieces of paper and threw these pieces of paper into a jug, then each one pulled out one piece of paper and recognized the name of his beloved person. In some countries, it is still the custom to choose Valentine (both sexes) on February 14 for the next year.

By February 14th, a variety of valentine greeting cards are released, from simple ones with touching images to folding ones. And in the old days there were even postcards decorated with gold and lace.
Italians consider it their duty to give sweets to their beloved on this day. This day is called in Italy - sweet.

The gallant French were the first to introduce love messages - quatrains.
Finns celebrate Love Day on February 14, give each other gifts in the shape of a heart. And also on this day, gifts are made to mothers, since there is no women's day like March 8 in Finland.
In Japan, there is a competition for the loudest love message. Boys and girls climb onto the platform and take turns shouting with all their might - whatever they want - to their beloved. The winner receives a prize.
The British send love messages to their animals, especially dogs and horses.
In America these days 108 million roses are sold, mostly red, and 692 million dollars are being spent on sweets these days!
Hearts for the holiday can be sewn, sculpted, drawn, knitted and even baked.
The material for making hearts is varied: beads, shells, feathers, dried flowers, pieces of fabric, fur.

Part two, MUSICAL


1. We will sing ditties for you
And about this, and about
You guys listen
How merrily we live!

2. Oh, girls, in February
The holiday is coming!
I urgently need to fall in love
But it doesn't work!

3. Draw a Valentine
And I will paint with paints
I will give my neighbor Dimka,
To be more affectionate!

4. Mom, mom do not scold
For my marks!
Love is celebrated today
Adults and kids!

5. I will sign the Valentine card,
I will give Vanyushka,
Let him know about my feelings -
These are not toys!

6. I'm busy today -
I paint love!
I miss a sheet
Great love!

7. Valentines, valentines -
Colored hearts
Let them fly around the world
And there will be no end to them!

8. Oh, how handsome you are,
Curls curl
Look at the girls
Everyone toils from love!

9. Valentine heart
I will sign to Mikhail
I will give and kiss,
And in my arms I will strangle!

10. I offered to take a walk -
Made the girls laugh!
Well, what a gentleman you are,
You're still a child!

11. Valentine's Day
I will hug Alesya,
I whisper a gentle word
And sing her a song!

12. Valentine's Day
I will hug Katyusha,
I whisper a gentle word
I will give a toy!

13. Valentine's Day
I will hug Polinka,
I whisper a gentle word
I will give a picture!

14. Valentine's Day
I will hug Irishka,
I whisper a gentle word
I'll give her a book!

15. Valentine's Day
I will hug Lisa,
I whisper a gentle word
I will fulfill the whims!

16. There is a glass on the table,
And there is a candle in the glass,
Why didn't my friend come
Oh, my heart hurts!

17. I will give you three flowers:
White, blue, scarlet.
I'm a daring boy
Though small in stature!

18. Boots with heels,
The skirt is short.
You guys do not make your eyes
I'm still young!

19. I asked the boy
Show your truck.
And the boy, like a monkey,
He showed his tongue in response!

20. I eat porridge and sour cream.
I have the strength!
Still, I will not fight
Just don't bother me!

The song "From what, from what?"
(words by J. Khaletsky)

Performed by 7 people: 4 boys, 3 girls

Are our boys made?
Of freckles and crackers
From rulers and batteries
Made by our boys.

From what, from what, from what
Are our girls made?
From flowers and bells
From notebooks and peeks
Made by our girls.

From what, from what from what
Are our boys made?
From springs and pictures
From glass and blotting paper
Made by our boys.

From what, from what from what
Are our girls made?
From handkerchiefs and balls,
Of riddles and gummies
Made by our girls.

Part three, GAME

Game "Find your soul mate"

Hearts are cut in 2 different ways. These halves are distributed to children. Music sounds and each child must find his soul mate. The couple that connects the fastest wins the prize.

The game "Say a compliment"

Everyone says a compliment to their found "half". Whoever gives the most original compliment gets a prize (both boy and girl).

Balloon Dance Game

Each pair is given a ball, which they must hold together and not drop during the dance. The couple that dropped the ball is eliminated from the game, and the couple that lasted the longest wins the prize.

Game "Shoe for Valentine"

Every boy should wear his Valentine card correctly. Several girls take off their shoes and sit on chairs. Their shoes are piled up in a common center class pile. Blindfolded boys first choose the right shoe and then put it on their Valentine.

At the end, the children exchange prepared
valentines and sing a song

"If you went out with a friend"
(words by M. Tanich)

If you hit the road with a friend,
If you went out with a friend -
More fun is the road!
Without my friends - a little bit,

And with friends - a lot!

What is snow for me, what is heat for me,
That pouring rain to me
When my friends are with me!
What is snow for me, what is heat for me,
That pouring rain to me
When my friends are with me!

Where it's hard for one
Where it is difficult for one -
I can cope with you
Where I don’t understand something,
Where I don’t understand something -
Let's analyze it with friends!

I'm a bear, friends,
I'm a bear, friends
I will go out without fear
If I am with a friend,
If I am with a friend,
And the bear is without a friend!

If you hit the road with a friend,
If you went out with a friend -
More fun is the road!
Without my friends - a little bit,
Without my friends - a little bit -
And with friends - a lot!


Alternatively, the legend of St. Valentine can be shown by preparing a small performance. This can be done by enthusiastic parents or the children themselves. You can come up with various nominations for young "Valentines" and "Valentines" and the corresponding awards, orders, come up with contests in the spirit of the legends about St. Valentine.

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!
We wish you all love and good luck!