Sincere feelings - what is sincerity in a relationship? How to trust a man if you have doubts about the sincerity of his feelings

Do you ever feel like you are being deceived? Do you have doubts about the sincerity of the feelings of a loved one?

If it seems to you that you are not loved or played with, any psychologist will tell you to start with yourself. The reasons for our distrustful attitude towards loved ones come from childhood. If you are constantly told that you are doing something wrong or do not meet the expectations of your parents, then complexes arise in you about your usefulness. It seems to you that you are unworthy of a good attitude towards yourself, true friends, a beautiful life. If you were not given love, warmth and tenderness as a child, then growing up, you will try to draw this love from everywhere and from everyone, as if asking them “well, give me what I lack so much!”

You are absolutely sure that everyone should give you love, and if this does not happen, you begin to doubt. And even if everything is fine, you have found your soul mate, who loves you very much and is ready to give it to you all the time, doubts creep into you, because “it can’t be so smooth, well, I don’t deserve such love.”

If this situation is familiar to you, it makes no sense to check the feelings of a guy or a man. Imagine a girl doubting her beauty, her intellect, her abilities, her luck, etc. Next to such a girl, any person, not only a man, begins to doubt whether she is good enough for him. Communication with such people brings discomfort.

You should have great inner strength, patience, in order to prove to such an insecure person that he is worthy of your love, and you love him sincerely.

But who wants to prove their feelings every day? In the end, the man gets tired and behaves the way you expect him to. You need to love yourself first! Forgive and let go of all situations from childhood where you were offended or you didn’t get enough. Then everything will immediately become clear. And having understood yourself, you can harmoniously build relationships with your loved one!

If you adequately assess the situation, you can objectively say that everything is in order with your self-esteem, but you cannot recognize the behavior of a man, then here are some tips that can help you.

How to test a man's feelings

1. He is interested in your life.

This is not a banal “how are you” or “what did you do”. He is interested in your hobbies, your environment, your tastes. Do not overdo it with laying out information about yourself. He doesn't need to know everything.

2. He is jealous of you.

Of course, if in moderation. Because if this happens all the time, for any reason and to each “pillar”, then it’s clear that this person is not only in you, he is not sure of himself. Jealousy should be moderate and appropriate. If you notice that he is jealous of you at some point, most likely he cares about you.

3. He treats you like a queen.

How does it manifest itself? He kisses your hands, showing his admiration and respect. He gives you gifts and surprises, believing that you deserve a beautiful life. He does things for you, solves your problems. Not every woman can boast of such an attitude of her man. Consider that if this item takes place in your life, then you are lucky with a man, or maybe you really are a queen?

4. Can't sit comfortably around you.

A beloved girl causes a storm of emotions in a man. If you are around, he just becomes unstoppable. He wants to hug her, kiss her, feel her smell, body heat, drown in her eyes. If your man does not sit indifferently, staring somewhere away from you, but, on the contrary, cannot "breathe" you, then undoubtedly he has feelings for you.

5. He introduces you to friends/family.

As you know, for men, friendship plays an important role in life. And if he introduced you to them, then everything is serious.

Some girls resort to some kind of checks on their boyfriends with the help of friends or acquaintances. For example, ask a girlfriend to invite him on a date or introduce herself as a girl he does not know, and try to start dating and chatting online. I would like to warn you right away that such checks by men are perceived very categorically. No man will like it when he is doubted and, to some extent, simply mocked with a girlfriend for a couple.

listen to your heart

No matter how trite it may sound, but this is the truth - listen to your heart, it will not deceive you. The intuition inherent in women will help you. If most of the above signs are present in the behavior of a man, but at the same time it seems to you that he does not finish something, hides something, you can check if he has another woman or even a family besides you. You can find out by asking his surroundings: colleagues, friends, acquaintances. Not directly, of course, but from afar. So that none of his relatives will understand that you are figuring out something.

With your doubts, you can hurt your loved one. Before you test him, you should understand yourself. Or maybe you “crushed” him with your love so much that he needs to take a break, or your pressure scares him, and therefore he keeps his distance. Try to change the tactics of behavior, change the course of your thoughts. A positive, self-confident woman knows that those who are close to her love and respect her, and she herself gives love in return!

Do not torture yourself with doubts!

Do not keep near you those people from whom you feel insincerity, let go! The one who truly loves will not leave. Either he will leave, but, after evaluating and thinking, he will definitely return, taking with him even more love, care, tenderness and passion!

How to check a girl for sincerity of feelings?

    What feelings and to what (or to whom)?

    Thirst for profit?

    Quite normal feelings for a girl in modern society, living according to the principle: Peck your neighbor, defecal on the bottom! The measure of everything and everyone is money.

    She is not to blame, but just a product of her era.

    If you're talking about love...

    Money can also be loved, and sincerely.

    An ignorant mind sees no mistake in the fact that to love an abstraction is a manifestation of stupidity.

    If you are talking about that same Lovequot ;, then what difference does it make to you whether a girl loves you if you don’t?

    There is a girl, do you love what else is needed for happiness?

    Decide if she is worthy of your time, gifts and other things?

    Can you love the unworthy?

    Or do you need to be sure that it was only yours?

    This is no longer love, but ownership.

    A truly loving person (not to be confused with lust) perfectly feels his chosen one, his well-being, mood.

    Any betrayal or betrayal occurs, first of all, in thoughts, and not in the genitals.

    There is a good test (a bit of a joke, but... you understand):

    Lock your woman and dog in a closet, or in the trunk of a car.

    For an hour.

    And then open...

    We carefully observe the behavior of both, deftly dodging various objects flying non-stop at you, reinforced by a strong three-story mat.

    Now it is clear WHO loves you, and who is hypocritical?

    If you have the idea to check a girl, then your feelings are definitely not sincere and is there any point in continuing such a relationship?

    and you disappear for a while, create a situation, whether you want to leave. but not according to your desire, but due to certain circumstances. just let the girl understand that she can lose you. and if it will wait for you and fight for the relationship, then the feelings are sincere. and if it is easy to let go and another does not appear quickly, then it does not love and you are not the only one. Only here it is important not to go too far.

    It is impossible to establish sincerity by any tests

    or recognize:

    sincerity - it is a reality that exists naturally,

    naturally and unconditionally - by itself.

    Girls are usually caught when you ask them for some kind of help. Tell her that there is such a problem and you alone will not cope with it. If you are alone with her, then she will begin to look for ways out, or, in extreme cases, she will begin to support you morally and reassure. And you have to get to know her fans yourself. As a rule, a man lives with his soul mate, and if you pay at least a little attention to this soul mate, then it will not be difficult for you to expose it with one glance. Or rather, you will determine this by her behavior, women change a lot when quot appears on their side; Don Juan wearing a Gentleman's mask...

What is every living person afraid of? To be deceived? To be abandoned? To be abandoned? To be rejected?.. The saddest thing is that this list can go on and on, ignoring the fact that idealistic ideas about the relationship between men and women imply not only well-being and an ideal picture of everyday life, but also involve obtaining the appropriate experience from the lived period of time, from the received emotions, whether they are at least negative, at least positive.

Even more significant is the fact of not just experienced relationships and disappointments received, but a rational assessment and objective analysis of everything that happens and is perfect within the given boundaries of the circumstances.

The only statement that, probably, no one will argue with, is that there are so many people on Earth, so many opinions. Indeed, speaking on the topic of relationships, issues of everyday life, family, values, laws and postulates of a happy life and cloudless relationships, no one has yet given the only correct answer to the question of how to secure this cloudless life and what kind of support to enlist for the time of building ideal relationships.

But there are 2 stumbling blocks here: firstly, there is no single recipe for happiness common to all people, because each person is absolutely unique. And, secondly, not everyone is able to implement these 100 simple steps and not go out of the way somewhere at the 99th step: after all, changing oneself and starting to live according to the laws of the Universe is a huge and constant work.

What are people afraid of in a relationship?

To the elementary question of what people are afraid of in a relationship, besides the ones listed about betrayal, disappearance, betrayal, the end of a romance and the warmth of feelings, most said that all this is nothing compared to being alone.

Often, relationships end quickly enough, because they did not carry any meaning and depth, sometimes implying only short-term sexual overtones. Sometimes it suits both parties. Sometimes it remains just a pleasant flash throughout the life path and is literally erased into dust when a new object appears.

But sometimes such situations leave deep scars in the souls and hearts of people, making them doubt the sincerity of the spoken words about love and tenderness. Women, as more subtle creatures, in such situations suffer more often and more acutely. It is this fear of loneliness and an unquenchable thirst for love that makes you trust what has been said, go hand in hand with the person who often causes sharp unbearable pain in the future.

Sincere feelings: how to recognize them?

So how to recognize the sincere feelings of a man? In our time, a declaration of love has lost its original meaning and value of meaning. Sometimes words of love are uttered with completely different sensations or, on the contrary, without any at all. It is terrible to imagine that love confessions have become a way to achieve one's own goals, a method of weakening a person's vigilance and objectivity, by achieving selfish ideas and other things.

The most pleasant memories and feelings of people in a lifetime, as a rule, are associated with the concepts of friendship, love and mutual relationships and affection. How to understand that the relationship that has arisen will really bring only warmth and tenderness? The best way is to just stop and sort out the inner sensations.

1. Observe the person and analyze the possible awkwardness of movements, feelings and embarrassment. Such moments of behavior speak only of sincere awe and excitement in the presence of their chosen one.

2. Assess how much a person is interested in free time, hobbies and social circle of his half.

3. Analyze how often a person makes himself felt on his own, takes the initiative to spend time together and leisure.

4. To push a person to an act unusual for him, let it not be a stressful situation, but simply an unusual environment.

5. To understand how much a person discusses relationships and is open to communication on the topic of their development and stability.

6. How does it relate to living together and the option of common residence. What is his opinion on this? Reasoning? It is enough just to start a conversation, to exchange information, but not to force action and not to issue ultimatums.

7. It is worth understanding how open he is in conversations about his soul mate with his environment and loved ones. Does he hide meetings from family (parents, siblings) and friends?

8. How elementarily generous a person is with the most common signs of attention.

It is worth assessing not the strength of passion in a new relationship, but the degree of trust and attitude towards each other. After all, having understood in advance that it is pointless to waste time on a person who does not plan to connect his future life with you, you can easily avoid loneliness, depression, and broken hearts.

Video on the topic of the article

Good afternoon, dear readers! Do you trust your partner? Are you sure of his feelings? I often hear complaints from clients about the insensitivity of a partner. And men are increasingly asking the question - how to check a girl for love? Today I will tell you what such checks can lead to, how you can verify the feelings of your young lady and how to understand what she loves.


I will begin at once with the dangers of such trials of the senses. Especially those that are carried out just like that, for the sake of the verification itself.

There are men who want to keep everything under their control, know about every step of their lady, do not tolerate competition and sometimes put girls in golden cages.

A large number of methods are described in the article "". There you can find not only about feelings, but also commercialism, selfishness, thriftiness and so on.

Remember that the girl may find out about the test. This may tell her that you do not trust, and she will leave you. In such a situation, it will be very problematic.

Think carefully about whether your idea is worth this relationship. And ask yourself the question - how will I behave if I find out that my passion is testing me. Put yourself in the place of the person being tested. Do you like it? Do you experience pleasant emotions? I think no.

Don't do reckless things. In love, of course, as in war, all means are good. But it's not worth it to go too far. Let's think together how you can understand the feelings of your chosen one without testing.

Great replacement for checking

Now I will reveal to you a great secret - instead of checking, you can find out about the feelings of another person, becoming more attentive to him. Very simple and banal. But it works great every time. One has only to look at the behavior of the young lady, hear what she says, notice the details and trifles, and you can easily add two plus two.

You can find out what a young lady is experiencing by her behavior. Take a closer look at how she dresses for meetings with you, make up, comb her hair. If a lady devotes a lot of time to her appearance, then this indicates that she wants to be attractive to you.

There are some signs of behavior that indicate the young lady's sympathy for you. She listens to you carefully, is sincerely interested in your life, tries to get to know you as best as possible.

If it is still difficult for you to recognize such signals, then the article "" will come to your aid. In it, I describe in detail all the female tricks that we resort to in order to show sympathy to a man.

Learn to recognize such things and you will never doubt the sincerity of your lady. Be attentive, notice even the smallest actions. More often than not, the little details matter the most.

Moments that will help make sure you are 100% in love

Let's talk about more serious things that will really tell you that there is a loving woman next to you.

Sincere feelings are manifested in the attention and care of the young lady. She can set the table from nothing, like a grandmother blinded a bun. Scraped at the bottom of the barrel - dinner is ready. She will keep an eye on your belongings so that everything is in order, there are no holes in your socks and so on.

In addition, difficult times and difficult situations help determine feelings.

When problems at work, with friends, with relatives. A loving person will be there, will support, help, soothe. He will not leave you at the first small setback. He will overcome obstacles with you and move forward.

Just do not create these obstacles intentionally to test a person. I have already said what such checks can lead to.

A girl who loves a man herself will want to change for him. She will not need to be forced, changed or broken in character. She will slowly do it herself, of her own free will.

In addition, a faithful and loving woman supports her faithful in difficult endeavors while he settles into a new job or starts his own business.

If you feel that your relationship is fading, but cannot come to a final conclusion, I advise you to read the article "".

Remember that a woman's love is a mirror that reflects your feelings for her. Love a woman and she will give you all the best that she has.

Have you ever checked your women? What did they lead to? Did you get an answer to the question that tormented you? Have you been the victim of a woman's check?

Trust your beloved and love her as much as you can!

Hello dear readers! We are all afraid of being deceived. Because of this, a lot of problems often arise. We don't trust people who don't deserve it at all. As a result, they notice this and begin to treat us with caution. This is some kind of vicious circle, to be in which is not the best prospect.

Today we will try to figure out how to understand the sincerity of a man's feelings. Psychology, as always, will help us cope with imaginary and very real troubles. Let's get started.

Why don't you trust

Simple questions often lead to the most incredible answers. Thanks to them, we begin to understand ourselves better. Ask yourself the question: “Why am I doubting my partner’s attitude towards me?”.

Most of the women reading this article have had a very negative relationship experience. , often this moment combines several unpleasant facts, such as, or another kind of deception. Once you sincerely loved a person, you were sure that everything was fine with you, but in the end, in one sudden moment, your dreams were destroyed.

Open the door to the new

Give your other half a chance to express themselves in their own way, without additional tests. and let new, positive stories come into your life. Do not set yourself up for bad things and do not push the other person to do bad things to you.

Do you think yours is not noticeable to another person? This is absolutely not the case, and the worst thing is that you give the go-ahead for a man to treat you in an inappropriate way. In the same way that you are ready for deception, he can say with peace of mind in the future: “Well, she was ready for me to cheat on her, she talked about it so often.”

If a man has such thoughts, then it will be much easier for him to look like a scoundrel in your eyes. Do not think that men have absolutely no remorse and. Some they offend with ease, the second with great difficulty, and the third is not allowed to hurt, simply because they love. Become a woman of the third type.

To do this is quite simple. Believe me. Do not try to find out how frank the guy is, do not look for clues, arguments and facts. In fact, they still mean nothing, and over time, even they can show their own failure. Trust him, because you still won’t receive guarantees, and you can only defend yourself - by opening up to a person and completely trusting him.

Finally, I can advise you on the book by Pavel Rakov, a famous coaching trainer and TV presenter "Actually, I'm smart, but I live like a fool!". In it you can find a lot of advice that will help you trust men and learn to live in harmony with them.

I'm sorry to you. See you soon and don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter. A lot of interesting things are waiting for you ahead.