What can you make a big spider out of. DIY decorative wreath for Halloween. DIY Halloween Decorations: Eyes in the Dark

Helpful Hints

Despite the fact that this holiday is not official in Russia and the CIS countries, people still like to celebrate it, because it is not only unusual, but also quite colorful and original.

Lots of people throw Halloween parties. They can take place both in clubs, cafes and restaurants, and at home.

To beautifully decorate the room and prepare original crafts for Halloween,we provide several interesting ideas, many of which you will definitely like.

DIY Halloween: Little Ghosts

You will need:

Styrofoam balls (can be found at an office supply store)

White cloth or gauze

black pins

Thick thread.

1. Wrap each Styrofoam ball with a cloth and tie a thick thread around the neck to secure the cloth.

2. Insert black pins to become eyes.

3. To hang a ghost, you can make a small loop of thread on the top of your head.

DIY Halloween Crafts: Spider Garland

You will need:

Fine brushes

strong thread

Needle and thread or tape.

1. Prepare 4 brushes, collect them in a bundle and bend in half.

2. Grasp the top of the head where the brushes fold, bend it slightly and twist the brushes to form the body of the spider.

3. Start straightening the legs of the spider.

4. Use a thread and a needle or tape to attach the spider to the thread.

5. Make a few more spiders to create a large garland.

DIY Halloween Decor

For this project, you can turn on your imagination and use any items (things, toys) to create an original Halloween corner.

In this case, a witch's locker was created. For this, a large wooden box was used, but a cardboard box can be used instead, to which several shelves can be attached and decorated with paints (gouache) and / or black adhesive tape (or electrical tape).

As decorations, you can add:

toy skulls

Bats cut out of black paper

Artificial web (buy in spray cans or make your own from threads)

Old books and unnecessary keys

Jars and cones painted with gouache in the desired colors.

DIY Halloween at home: bloody candles

You will need:

Food parchment (baking paper)

White thick and thin candles

1 red candle

Pins and nails

1. First, cover the work surface with food parchment, and remove all stickers from the candles (if any).

2. Light a red candle and get ready to drip red paraffin onto a thick white candle. You can insert pins and nails into the white candle in advance. Be careful, remember - paraffin is hot.

3. The same can be done with thin candles and then inserted into the candlestick.

How to make flying candles for Halloween

How to Decorate Your Home for Halloween: Glow in the Dark Ghosts

Halloween Crafts: Hand

DIY Halloween Crafts: Cardboard Zombie Barricades

DIY Halloween Decorations: Eyes in the Dark

halloween door decoration

How to Make a Big DIY Halloween Ghost

You will need:

Transparent trash bags

Transparent wide and thin adhesive tape

Mannequin or volunteer

* you can use a part of a mannequin (without a head) or something that has the shape of a torso, as well as a ball for the head.

Fishing line (for hanging).

1. Trunk

1.1. Put a large transparent bag on the mannequin. If you have a volunteer as a mannequin, then make holes in the bag for the head and hands and then put it on it.

1.2. Start wrapping the package with thick tape. Pay special attention to the most difficult parts of the torso. Wrap around your waist, neck and shoulders. Add some tape to connect all the already wound parts - a couple of pieces from the neck to the shoulders and a couple from the waist to the neck.

* For more difficult places, you can use thin tape.

In the picture you can see stripes of blue tape - this is so that you better understand what to do next.

1.3. Continue winding the tape, varying from horizontal to vertical stripes. The main thing is that the entire body is covered.

1.4. To make the shape stronger, add another layer of tape. If desired, you can make a couple more layers, but the more tape, the less transparent the ghost will be.

1.5. Using scissors (preferably with rounded ends), cut the shape from the back from the neck to the waist in a straight line. The dark tape in the picture shows exactly where to do it.

1.6. Carefully remove the form from the mannequin and set it aside.

7. Nowhead.

If you don't have a head mockup, you can use a regular ball of the right size.

* Never use a real person for this.

7.1. Put a transparent bag on the form.

7.2. Wrap some tape around your neck to secure the bag underneath. And to secure the bag on top, wrap tape around it in the forehead area. If you are using balls, then just stick the tape on the bottom and then start wrapping it around the entire ball.

Web and spiders with their own hands

A spider web is a simple and effective decoration for a Halloween room, especially if you are planning a party with guests and you need to create the right atmosphere.

The most obvious option is to wind woolen threads on the wall in the form of a web, fixing them with pushpins. First you need to fix the warp threads (diagonal), and then wind the thread in a circle.

You can fix the thread-web on a plastic disposable plate, populate it with a cardboard spider and hang it on a chandelier.

The basis for the web can be the crosshair of any sticks, for example, thin branches or ice cream sticks.

The web can be cut out of paper or oilcloth according to the same principle as a snowflake for the New Year.

Spiders for Halloween as a web decoration or as an independent decor, you can either buy ready-made or do your own crafts. It can be just a figure cut out of cardboard or a three-dimensional version.

These cute spiders can be obtained from the same plastic plates. Of the materials you will need chenille (fluffy handmade wire) and eyes for toys of different sizes.

But such a not only funny, but also tasty spider can be made from lollipop and chenille:

More complicated in execution is a glamorous spider made of decorative mesh, designed in the form of a bubo.

Here you can make such a cute spider with your own hands from two foam balls of different sizes.

And another version of the balloon spider, this time wrapped with acrylic thread.

A very simple to create, but spectacular looking spider is made of a black ball with paper paws. It may well frighten the guest who entered the room!

Halloween crafts from toilet paper rolls

Rolls (tubes) remaining after using toilet paper are an excellent material for children's creativity. From it you can make figures of any animals and birds, but for Halloween - monsters, mummies and bats.

To create such mummies, nothing but toilet paper and a peephole will be needed. Wrap the roll with paper in random order, glue the eyes - the mummy is ready!

As for the creation of monsters, here you can show your imagination with might and main.

The same applies to making witches, ghosts and bats - no instructions are needed to make them.

Well, if you don’t have extra rolls lying around at home or there isn’t enough material to realize all your fantasies, use empty juice boxes as an alternative.


An original decoration of the Halloween room decor will be a craft in the form of a candlestick. Making it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Take a glass container (jar) and stick thematic figures cut out of paper (witch, bat, pumpkin, spider, cobweb, etc.) on the outside. Place a candle at the bottom of the jar, light it - the lamp will light up spectacularly.

The drawing can also be applied with a marker, and the container can be painted with any color - then the lamps will light up in different shades and look monstrously gorgeous in a dark room. Boouu!

You can wrap the jar with gauze and glue the eyes - you get a mummy lamp.

Wrap the cans with thread and plant spiders on them - we are back to the topic of the web again.

Fairy lights

Option crafts for the holiday, representing unlimited scope for imagination. After all, you can hang anything on a garland!

Paper ghosts.

Skeletons, black cats and bats.

Skulls and ghosts made of felt.

Faces of monsters and witches.

Balls made of thread in the form of "sugar heads".

Paper pumpkins.

Thread ghosts.

Or fabric.

Halloween wreath

A wreath on a door or wall is a very popular home decoration. Now such wreaths are made for many holidays - and Halloween is no exception. As a blank, you can use a circle made of cardboard, plywood or a foam circle - they are sold in needlework stores.

These funny monsters can be made if many strips of tulle are tightly knotted on the workpiece.

Description of work: work is designed for children from 6-7 years old

The purpose of my work is: the development of creative abilities in children of senior preschool age through artistic work.


1. The development of creative abilities in children, the originality of the approach to solving problems, the ability to freely navigate in the world around them;

2. Improving fine motor skills of the hand;

3. Formation of skills and abilities to work with various materials, fixtures and tools;

4. Education of accuracy, independence.

Lesson progress:

So, let's begin! For work we need:

1. For the manufacture of our web: the base, it can be anything, a hoop, a plastic tube connected into a ring, of any size. In our case, it will be a plastic tube connected into a ring. We will also need a skein of twine.

2. For our spider, we need a skein of black yarn, a skein of copper wire (why copper, because it is very soft, it can be shaped into any shape) and a small skein of any colored yarn.

Let's get to work and we'll start with the web:

We take our ring and tie a twine to it in any place convenient for you, then we fix the second end on the opposite side of the ring.

Then, as shown, we make rays from the center of our ring to the edges.

When we get at least eight rays, we can return to the center of our circle, stretch the twine so that we get a spiral.

After you get a cobweb, we need to disguise our ring, for this we wind the twine around our ring with spiral movements, as shown in the figure.

And here's what we got:

Let's start making our spider:

From copper wire we will make three twigs about 20 cm long (the length of the legs depends on the size of your spider, the larger the spider, the longer the twigs).

Now gently push our metal twigs into our skein of colored yarn, as shown in the photo.

We take black yarn and, starting from the head, we wrap it, not forgetting about the legs of our spider

We leave small slits for the eyes on the head of our spider, bend the paws so that the spider looks like a living spider.

If you suffer from arachnophobia, then this spider making workshop is not for you. Although they are not real, you can be scared 🙂. Such spiders can be made not only on Halloween, but on April 1 to play someone.

We will need:

  • glue gun;
  • wire or paper clips;
  • dye.


The glue gun must be warmed up and make neat "blots". Wait for them to cool down. "Blots" of glue to tweak a little to remove all unnecessary. These will be the bodies of future spiders.

The fasteners need to be bent. Cut the wire into small pieces. These are future paws. Spiders have eight legs, so one spider needs either 4 paper clips or 4 pieces of wire.

Next comes the creation of a spider. On the "body" you need to put "paws" and fix everything with a glue gun. Wait for the glue to cool and straighten the spider's legs.

You can shorten the process a bit. Create a body immediately on the paws. But it didn't work very well for me this way.

The created army of albino spiders is waiting for further action.

For kids, you can make delicious spiders. For sweet spiders, you will need lollipops, pipe cleaners and eyes. By the way, I bought these brushes in the department for needlework.

You just need to wrap the brushes around the candy, creating paws.

The theme of the ancient Celtic holiday of the Day of Saints - Halloween turned out to be to the liking of the perky Russian people. The celebration of jokes and practical jokes quickly gained popularity among the population along with other folk celebrations and festivities. Making Halloween decorations with your own hands is very simple, because it requires imagination and a cheerful attitude, and the Russians do not take it.

Making DIY Halloween Decorations is Easy

Giving free rein to the wild human fantasy for the celebration of Halloween, you can do almost all the scary characters from improvised materials with your own hands.

  1. It can be a bandage mummy with button eyes or black paper bats.
  2. Webbed doors with spectacular rubber spiders will scare anyone.
  3. With a pumpkin - the main attribute of the celebration - a lot of different variations were invented. For example, in the absence of a real vegetable, you can make a pumpkin out of paper.
  4. Bats suspended from a chandelier on a spiral will not only soar colorfully around the room, but when the lights are turned off, they create a shadow illusion of being in a mouse lair.

Gallery: Halloween decorations (25 photos)

Halloween room decor (video)

How to Decorate a Room for Halloween

To get started, you need to decide on the options for exactly how you want to decorate the room. Very simple and original, and most importantly, quick crafts will allow you to bring your house into a real palace of ghosts and monsters in a matter of minutes.

Very simple and original, and most importantly, quick crafts will allow you to bring your house into a real palace of ghosts and monsters in a matter of minutes.

Original decor ideas

  1. A very creative idea for decorating small jars in the form of mummies. Glue black paper eyes on each jar, tint them with shiny varnish. Then wrap the jar with pieces of gauze, leaving only the eyes outside, cut the ends of the gauze with scissors at the bottom so that the bottom is a little shabby. Put a lit candle inside and your mummy is ready.
  2. A bottle of strong drink for the holiday can be painted bright orange. Draw a funny face on it with black paint.
  3. For little hovering ghosts, use a Christmas tree garland with round balls. Hang a piece of white fabric on each ball, making a hole at the top for threading through the light bulb. Tighten the hole with thread. On the head of the ghost, paint the eyes and mouth, tighten the bottom with threads. Hang a garland around the hall of the house and light it in the evening in the presence of guests. Vivid impressions are guaranteed to you.
  4. Hanging ghosts look good. Take a few styrofoam balls and a piece of old gauze. On the balls, paint intimidating eyes with black acrylic paint. After wrapping them in gauze, hang the balls near the entrance to the room. Don't forget to give the gauze a messy look with the scissors. For the full effect, you can paint the gauze ends a little more.
  5. Decorate indoor flowers in a vase on your home table with small artificial spiders. Take the threads of yarn, widen the ends a little to look like legs. Fold several threads up to 2 cm long together and make a knot. Glue white beads on the knot - eyes. Spray the spider with hairspray and let it dry.
  6. An ordinary toilet paper roll will help you make unusual glowing eyes. Cut a scary image with large pupils in the middle of the sleeve. Place a glow stick inside each bushing.
  7. Take the orange balloon. Paint a scary face through the stencil on it.
  8. Small oranges can also become elements of festive decor. Glue a tousled bang made of woolen threads at the base of the fruit with adhesive tape, draw eyes and mouth with acrylic paint or through a stencil.
  9. Fold the parchment paper several times in a square. Cut out the silhouette of a ghost, stretch. It turns out a garland of many little ghosts holding hands.

Halloween Stencils: Interesting Ideas

Here you can give free rein to fantasy and imagination. Draw your favorite face or image on a thick piece of cardboard. Think carefully about the details, do not allow the asymmetry of the pattern. Then cut out the template along the drawn contours. For frequent use of the stencil, it will be useful to stick tape on it. This is necessary so that the paint does not remain on the pattern, and, accordingly, does not stain another craft.

How to Make a Bat for Halloween

You will need:

  • Black colored paper;
  • Pencil or bat stencil;
  • Thread;
  • PVA glue.

Such a bat is glued very simply

How to do:

  1. We draw the contours of a bat on paper. Cut out the figure. Then it can be used as a stencil.
  2. We trace the contours of a paper mouse on black paper. Cut out shapes from colored paper.
  3. For the density of the material, it is necessary to make a double mouse, and then glue the wrong side and the front side together.
  4. For a believable image, after the paper has dried, slightly unbend and bend the wings.

Another version of the slightly embarrassed bat

Such mice can be glued on adhesive tape on the walls of the room, or hung on a chandelier. Stretch the thread in advance between the two parts to be glued.

Scary halloween silhouette

To make decorations, it is better to involve all family members. Give each task to draw a certain part of the silhouette. If you are using black paper, tape each piece on the wrong side. After drying, carefully glue the silhouette on the doorway in the room.

How to make a black cat out of a pumpkin

Cute black cats at the doorstep will greet guests with a bright yellow shimmering predatory look.

You will need:

  • Several pumpkins of different sizes;
  • Knife, spoon, scissors, nails without hats;
  • Black acrylic paint;
  • Disposable candles.

Black cat and Halloween are inseparable

How to do:

  1. For a cat, we choose a vegetable of this size: one round smaller pumpkin - the head, the body - a large oblong one, and the tail - a small elongated one.
  2. Selected pumpkin - cut off the head at the base of the tail, scrape it well with a spoon so that the vegetable is empty inside.
  3. Draw eyes, cut out with a knife.
  4. Cut out ears from black paper, insert them into the openings made on the sides of the middle pumpkin.
  5. Color the elements of the cat in black.
  6. After drying, connect the head to the body with nails.
  7. In the hollow head - put a saucer with a lit candle in a pumpkin.

Place the cat on the footboard, make sure that the structure does not fall. Your cat is ready for an awesome meow.

How to make a spider garland

To get started, figure out how you plan to hang the cobweb garland.

You will need:

  • Wide gray or black thread of wool;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • Black thread for spiders, white beads, PVA glue.

How to do:

  1. When choosing a place for a garland, plan a meaningful symmetrical pattern, because everything should be as close as possible to the natural conditions of the spider world. At the points of contact with the wall we glue squares of adhesive tape. If a large web is planned, a lot will be needed with a square.
  2. For the application, it is best to make your own spider from threads, they are lighter in weight. Take three pieces of thread, 2 cm each. Rub the ends of the threads with your fingers, Connect the threads with a knot right in the middle. Glue the beads onto the knot.
  3. Pull the web thread through all the attachment points with adhesive tape, press down with your finger in each attachment. Attach spiders to an impromptu web, also with double-sided tape.

Halloween lamp: step by step instructions


  • Lamp with lampshade;
  • A piece of gauze or calico;
  • Scotch;
  • Scissors;
  • Stencil figures of bats and spiders.

Lamps can be made from cans

How to do:

  1. For the product, it is better to take a lamp with a light lampshade. Carefully grabbing tape at the base of the lampshade, wrap the rim with gauze or calico to the lower end. Secure the gauze with tape.
  2. Cut out figures of bats and spiders from black paper or cardboard.
  3. Attach each figure with double-sided tape to the lamp shade. Before gluing with adhesive tape, bend the legs and wings in the opposite direction from the lampshade, thereby visually creating the effect of flying bats and crawling insects.

scary ghost


  • A piece of long gauze;
  • Styrofoam ball for the head of a ghost;
  • Plastic bottle;
  • liquid starch;
  • Scissors, thin wire, hair dryer.

What to do:

  1. Put a foam ball on the neck of a plastic bottle, make arms to the sides from the wire.
  2. Put gauze on the structure, cut it with scissors at the bottom so that there is a dilapidated bottom.
  3. Wet gauze with liquid starch. The more starch, the more stable the future ghost will be. Use a hair dryer to dry.
  4. From black paper, cut out the eyes and mouth, stick on the base of the head.

When the starch dries, the ghost can be removed from the structure.

How to decorate a house for Halloween (video)