To the question of the theoretical foundations of physical education for preschool children V.G. Gvozdeva Physical education problems for preschoolers

The theory of physical culture, explaining the patterns of development, education and training of preschool children in the field of physical culture, as such, appeared relatively recently; its content and subject matter are one with the general theory of physical culture. Education is a process of training, upbringing and development aimed at creating an image of a person. This implies a twofold interpretation of the concept of "education": it is the result of the assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities, ie. an indicator of a person's readiness to use their abilities; as well as the process of systematic change in its qualitative state, which allows us to conclude that education in the field of physical culture is the child's readiness to use the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities to solve motor problems through physical culture, the development of bodily reflection in the child. In pedagogical science, the concept of "education" is understood as follows: it is a system of generalized knowledge about a specific phenomenon, reflecting the essential features that distinguish this phenomenon from all others. Concerning the theory of physical culture, the terms "upbringing" and "education" are interchangeable, although somewhat different in interpretation. Since each scientific discipline develops its own conceptual apparatus, the theory of physical education is no exception. Let's consider the basic concepts of the theory of physical education: Physical development is the process of natural changes that occur throughout the child's individual life and are reflected in the morphological and functional properties of his body, as well as psychophysical qualities based on them. Physical perfection is the optimal level of physical fitness, in harmony with mental development and meeting the requirements of forms of life. There are certain criteria for physical perfection, depending on situations of social development and reflecting the needs of society. Physical education is a pedagogical process aimed at the formation of motor skills, psychophysical qualities, the achievement of physical perfection and the promotion of the harmonious development of the individual. Physical fitness is the correspondence of the development of motor skills and abilities to the normative requirements. Physical exercise is a special movement used as a means of physical education in order to improve vital motor skills and promote the spiritual development of the child. Motor activity is the basis of the individual development and life support of the child's body, since a person lives and develops due to the need for movement. Motor activity is biosocial in nature, being a socially directed education system. Sport is an integral part of physical culture, a system of organizing, preparing and conducting competitions in various complexes of physical exercises. The above concepts form the foundation of the theory of physical education. The system of Russian education assigns a special place to the physical education of preschool children, since, covering the period from birth to seven years, this stage is responsible for the formation of health, general endurance and working capacity, and vital activity. It is during this time that there is an enhanced growth and development of the most important systems of the body and their functions, the basis is laid for the comprehensive development of physical and spiritual abilities, that is, everything that is required for the overall harmonious development of the individual through purposeful pedagogical influence. A properly constructed process of physical education is characterized by the observance of such moments as the establishment and subsequent strict adherence to the daily regimen, the creation and maintenance of a favorable emotional microclimate, proper nutrition, hardening, and physical exercises. Systematic physical education with preschool children helps to improve the functioning of all physiological functions of the body, thus ensuring the child's resistance to diseases, thereby being the basis of the child's all-round development in the first years of life. Thus, the physical education of preschool children pursues the global goal of preparing for life and work through the mastery of motor skills and abilities to the beginning of school education, contributing to a more effective assimilation of the school curriculum at further stages of education, as well as maintaining interest in independent physical activities. It is also worth mentioning the presence of an undeniable close connection between the formation of physical qualities and the intellectual, moral and mental development of the child. This connection is inherent in the comprehensive physical education of preschoolers. The primary task of physical education of preschoolers, which is a general health-improving task, is the protection of life and health promotion, hardening, since health is determined by the normal functioning of all human bodies. In addition to this task, educational tasks are also solved in the course of physical education of preschool children. These include: the formation of basic vital motor skills and abilities, the development of skills for correct posture, hygiene, and knowledge of physical education. The process of physical education allows you to solve a wide range of educational problems, as it poses the need to develop the daily need for physical exercise, instilling love and interest in sports in children. Also, in the process of physical education of preschoolers, labor education is implemented, which is the result of the development of the ability to quickly master motor skills and education of physical qualities. The listed tasks - health-improving, educational and upbringing - represent a system on which the process of physical education of preschool children is based. Subject to the simultaneous solution of the totality of the presented tasks, the child acquires the necessary basis for further all-round development. There are the following forms of organization of physical education of children: - physical education; - physical culture and recreational activities (morning exercises, physical exercises, hardening procedures); - daily work on the physical education of children (outdoor games, walks, individual work with children, independent activities of children with various types of physical exercises). The listed forms of organization of physical education of preschool children, meeting the general tasks of physical education and child development, are interconnected and have their own special tasks. The implementation of the tasks of physical education of preschool children involves the use of various means. Firstly, they should include hygienic factors, the observance of which causes positive emotions, thus improving the activity of all body systems. Secondly, they include the natural forces of nature (sun, air, water), which are an important means of promoting health. Thirdly, physical exercises should be called as the main means of physical education. For preschool children, mainly gymnastics is recommended. Obviously, the issues of physical education of preschool children require a thoughtful and serious approach, taking into account the specifics of this age category, since the basics of a healthy lifestyle are laid at the earliest age, determining the subsequent lifestyle of a person.

  • Guryev Sergey Vladimirovich, Candidate of Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor
  • Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg

Various medical, sociological, demographic and other data reflecting the dynamics of the state of Russian children in recent years indicate that the so-called humanitarian disaster is no longer an alarming prospect that looms somewhere in an uncertain tomorrow, but the harsh reality of our days. Until now, the psychological and pedagogical mechanisms of motivation for the perception of physical culture, as a factor of the general harmonious development of the personality, have not been sufficiently disclosed; the structural elements of the conscious attitude of children to physical culture, sports and a healthy lifestyle have not been clarified; practical pedagogy, theory and methodology of physical education, sports training requires a scientific substantiation of the structural components of positive motivation and the methodology of its formation in children at physical culture lessons.

  • Influence of working at a computer on the body of preschool and primary school children
  • Using a computer in the process of physical education of older preschool children
  • Monitoring the physical condition of children in preschool institutions
  • Impact of gadgets on the physical condition of students
  • Increasing the effectiveness of physical education of older preschoolers on the basis of modern information technologies

Various medical, sociological, demographic and other data reflecting the dynamics of the state of Russian children in recent years indicate that the so-called humanitarian catastrophe is no longer an alarming prospect that looms somewhere in an uncertain tomorrow, but the harsh reality of our days.

Until now, the psychological and pedagogical mechanisms of motivation for the perception of physical culture, as a factor in the general harmonious development of the individual, have not been sufficiently disclosed; the structural elements of the conscious attitude of children to physical culture, sports and a healthy lifestyle have not been clarified; practical pedagogy, theory and methodology of physical education, sports training require scientific substantiation of the structural components of positive motivation and the methodology of its formation in children at physical culture lessons.

The time has come when it is necessary to combine knowledge, traditions, various methods and put them at the service of human health. Considering health as the main resource for everyday life and a significant indicator of the quality of human life, it must be recognized that in accordance with the principles of state policy in the field of education (priority of human life and health) preservation and strengthening of children's health is the most important condition and goal of upbringing and education.

Preschool age is one of the most crucial periods in the life of every person. It is at this age that the foundations of health, proper physical development are laid, motor abilities are formed, interest in physical culture and sports is formed, personal, moral-volitional and behavioral qualities are brought up.

It is believed that about 80% of knowledge and skills a child acquires in preschool age, attending kindergarten, another 10% falls on school and later life. This also applies to the health of children, only with the correct motor regime, proper nutrition, adherence to hygiene standards can the health of the younger generation be preserved. Therefore, it is to preschool children that special attention should be paid, both to the specialists working with them and to their parents.

Experienced physical culture specialists should work with preschool children in order to conduct constant and purposeful work to preserve and strengthen their health, improve their physical qualities, and acquire motor skills and abilities.

Physical education of preschool children, the method of preserving and strengthening their health, should not remain aloof from progressive teaching methods. To achieve good results in the physical education of preschoolers, instilling healthy lifestyle skills that meet the new needs of society, new means and new teaching technologies built on their basis are needed.

A comprehensive system of upbringing a child of preschool age, physically healthy, versatile, proactive and liberated, with a developed sense of self-esteem, includes several areas: ensuring physical and psychological well-being, protecting and promoting health, introducing the child to universal human values. The age of the children, the existing conditions and the specific system of actions should be taken into account.

This requires high professionalism from physical education specialists and educators, serious theoretical and methodological training, a humane attitude towards children, and the establishment of a partnership style of communication.

A physical education professional working with children should be able to:

  • organize a group of children in such a way that they are free and independent and at the same time feel cozy and comfortable;
  • communicate informally with children, try to live one life with them, without suppressing their activity, listen to children more, speak less oneself;
  • be patient and self-possessed, perfectly master the techniques of relaxation and proper breathing and be able to help children master them;
  • know domestic and foreign methods of health promotion, non-traditional methods of physical, psychological self-improvement;
  • own a partnership style of communication with children;
  • be able to provide children with the opportunity to see the problem for themselves and how to solve it;
  • be able to anticipate the manifestation of possible negative emotions in children and prevent them in time;
  • create conditions for the realization of children's needs for physical activity in everyday life;
  • develop the ability to see each child, feel his inner state, respect his individuality;
  • to reveal the interests, inclinations and abilities of children in physical activity and to realize them through the system of physical culture and health-improving and sports and health-improving work;
  • promote a healthy lifestyle;
  • be able to diagnose the physical fitness and physical development of children.

Physical education of preschool children includes several main sections:

  1. Diagnostics of physical development.
  2. Organization of motor activity.
  3. Treatment and prophylactic work, hardening.
  4. Planning and organizing physical events.
  5. Joint work of the kindergarten, parents and doctors to raise a healthy child.
  6. Raising the need for a healthy lifestyle.

All employees of preschool institutions (preschool institutions), physical education specialists working in preschool educational institutions need to rethink work with preschoolers in the field of not only physical education, physical education and physical culture, but also training and education in general, the organization of the regime, treatment and preventive work , communication, etc. It is important to perform physiologically grounded movements throughout the day. One of the main points of physical education, in our opinion, is the realization of children's needs in movement due to the widespread use of cyclic endurance exercises in the educational process, as the most affordable and effective means of physical training.

Physical culture classes should solve the problems of training the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, thermoregulation of the body, and give the proper effect in strengthening the health of each individual. It is necessary to abandon the rigid methods of conducting physical education classes, from their monotony. The standards of physical fitness should take into account the level of physical development of children, their state of health, as well as their life experience.

Goals and tasks preschool educational institutions:

  • protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children;
  • ensuring the physical, intellectual, personal development of the child;
  • caring for the emotional well-being of each child;
  • interacting with the family to ensure the full development of the child.

As you know, during childhood (3-10 years), a set of measures is carried out aimed at strengthening and maintaining physical and mental health, hardening and physical development of children, creating conditions for their creative abilities to manifest, and the formation of universal values.

At the end of the period of childhood, the child must: be developed spiritually and physically, focused on universal human values, possess the techniques of self-organization. At the same time, the period of childhood is considered as a period with an independent value in the life of children, by the end of which the child acquires:

  • a certain age-appropriate level of children's competence;
  • communication skills that allow you to interact with adults and peers;
  • the required level of cognitive abilities;
  • arbitrariness of behavior and manifestation of emotional and affective experiences;
  • value orientations.

Given the indisputable fact that a child lives his childhood, and adults organize this process, physical education workers should pursue several goals:

  • creation of conditions conducive to the formation of a physically developed and psychologically healthy personality of a child;
  • realization of creative possibilities within the limits of one's competence, i.e. psychological and pedagogical conditions for the upbringing and education of children;
  • active involvement of parents and teachers of additional education in the process of upbringing and teaching children.

Each of the marked goals is concretized through the corresponding tasks:

  1. Creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for education and training:
    • organization of the developmental environment in the group;
    • taking into account the individual characteristics of the development of the child and the characteristics of the children's group;
    • providing social and psychological support for the child;
    • prediction of the child's development process;
    • implementation of developmental programs;
    • carrying out corrective and adaptive procedures.
  2. Active involvement of parents and teachers of additional education in the process of physical education:
    • the formation of a conscious attitude among parents to the goals and objectives of raising children;
    • the inclusion of parents and teachers of additional education in activities aimed at creating conditions conducive to the development of children;
    • the formation of a positive attitude in parents towards mastering the knowledge of psychology and pedagogy, the basics of medicine and valeology.

The activities of educational institutions during childhood include two processes: educational and educational and educational and health-improving.

The concept of "educational and health-improving work" seems to be broader in comparison with the concept of "physical education", which is often understood only as the development of motor skills.

The main sections of the educational and recreational work of educational institutions during childhood are:

  • organization of a rational motor regime of children;
  • implementation of an effective hardening system, the use of psychological means and methods;
  • providing good nutrition and creating conditions for organizational and health-improving regimes for children.

A necessary introductory section, from which educational and health-improving work begins, is diagnostics, that is, a set of tests, including the determination of the initial indicators of physical development, motor fitness, objective and subjective criteria of health, etc.

Only by implementing such an integrated approach, it is possible to achieve the fulfillment of the main tasks of educational and health-improving work to strengthen the physical and mental health of children, according to their optimal physical development and motor fitness.

In working with children, the principles of rational organization of physical activity should be observed, including training sessions in physical education:

  • the predominance of cyclic exercises in all types of physical activity of children for training and improving general endurance (long running, cross-country cross-country races, hiking, etc.);
  • daily physical education, mainly in the open air;
  • frequent change of exercises with multiple (10-12 times) repetition of one exercise;
  • conducting most physical education classes in a playful way;
  • motor density of physical education classes - 80% or more;
  • compulsory musical accompaniment of physical education classes;
  • conscious attitude of children to exercise;
  • muscle relaxation, setting correct breathing are necessary components of physical education classes;
  • the predominance of positive emotions in all types of physical activity of children during childhood;
  • special attention should be paid to safety measures in physical education classes. Physical activity should be adequate to the physical and mental state of the child in this lesson.

It is necessary to observe basic principles of physical education:

  • the principle of developmental education - the proposed exercises should be aimed not at the level of qualities that are currently available in children, but ahead of it, require the application of efforts to master new movements;
  • the principle of upbringing education - work aimed at the development of motor qualities must necessarily provide for the solution of educational tasks, for example, the upbringing of perseverance, courage, endurance, etc.;
  • the principle of comprehensiveness - ensuring a high manifestation of qualities in various types of motor activity, ensuring a general rise in the functional capabilities of the body;
  • systematic principle - the consistent complication of the content, the connection of the new with the already learned, the increasing requirements for the level of qualities as they develop;
  • the principle of consciousness and activity of children - the conscious attitude of children to the proposed exercises increases their assimilation, fosters independence, initiative;
  • the principle of an individual approach - is based on taking into account the different levels of motor qualities that children have, and requires a differentiated attitude, flexibility in the selection of motor tasks.

To preserve and strengthen the health of children, it is very important to carry out hardening procedures and at the same time observe principles for the implementation of an effective hardening system:

  • clothing (outdoor and indoor) appropriate for the weather. Clothing made from synthetic fabrics should be avoided;
  • conducting physical education classes barefoot is an effective hardening agent, subject to its gradual introduction;
  • the leading scientifically proven methods of hardening are contrast baths and showers. It is these methods that contribute to the development and improvement of the system of physical thermoregulation, which functions poorly in the first years of a child's life;
  • cyclic exercises performed by children in loose clothing that do not restrict movement in class (especially in the open air) and for walks have a good hardening and health-improving effect;
  • excellent hardening results can be obtained in the wellness complex, which includes a swimming pool, sauna, herbal bar, hot and cold rubdowns, etc.

The principles of using psychological and psychoprophylactic means and methods are of great importance in working with children of preschool age:

  • identification of factors contributing to the emergence and development of stressful, neurotic states in children;
  • the use of psychological and pedagogical techniques aimed at stopping and preventing unwanted affective manifestations;
  • providing conditions for the predominance of positive emotions in the daily routine of each child;
  • creating a favorable psychological climate in an educational institution;
  • teaching children the techniques of muscle relaxation - a basic condition for mental and physical self-improvement;
  • organization of a room for psychological relief in an educational institution and, if possible, a corner of wildlife in each group.

The use of psychoanalytic and personality-oriented conversations with children with affective and neurotic manifestations;

  • rational use of "music therapy", "color therapy" to normalize the emotional state of children.

Attention should be paid principles of implementation of health-improving regimes:

  • organization of the regime for children in accordance with the characteristics of the individual biorhythmological profile, the main components of which are physical culture and mental work, as well as emotional reactivity in the daily routine;
  • stereotypically repetitive regime moments: mealtime, daytime and night sleep, the total duration of the child's stay outdoors and indoors (if these moments are generally observed in a kindergarten, then at home they often require adjustment). The rest of the mode components are dynamic.

The preservation and development of the child's health as a pedagogical task can be solved, if the teacher's activity is based on the practical application of knowledge of psychophysiological laws of human development and is aimed at creating conditions for the physical, spiritual and intellectual development of the child.

In this regard, there appears the need to update professional responsibility of teachers and heads of bodies and institutions education for the organization of the educational process in accordance with the requirements:

  • taking into account the individual (intellectual, emotional, motivational and other) characteristics of the child, his temperament, the nature of his perception of educational material, etc.;
  • refusal from excessive, exhausting intellectual and emotional stress when mastering educational material;
  • ensuring a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team, unconditionally preserving, maintaining and strengthening the mental health of children, excluding any factors that can negatively affect the mental state of the child (authoritarian pressure, rudeness, caustic offensive irony, tactlessness, lack of conditions to meet the basic needs of the student in self-expression, security, good attitude towards friends, etc.).

The educational process can be viewed as a way of life that a developing person leads for many years before gaining (or finally losing, which, unfortunately, happens) independence, autonomy, social and personal responsibility - the ability to independently build such a way of life that is best way would be suitable for this particular person and at the same time would embody potential human capabilities. The educational process as a way of life, built from day to day by teachers, leaders, parents and children, contains a huge developmental or destructive potential, depending on how much it is consistent with universal human needs - the needs for bodily well-being, safety, human relations, respect, dignity, sense of day-to-day activities and perspectives. Neglect of these universal human needs is the strongest, if not surmountable, obstacle to obtaining any results of education. Attention to human needs compensates for the lack of many particular conditions, and even with minimal provision of the educational process guarantees the result.

General requirements for the physical education of preschool children 3-7 years old:

  • develop an interest in physical culture and use it to form positive character traits and behavior;
  • to consolidate and expand the fund of basic vital motor skills, skills and physical qualities acquired earlier, to teach basic knowledge in the field of physical culture;
  • to promote an increase in the general level of functional and adaptive capabilities of a growing organism in relation to the peculiarities of this stage of ontogenesis;
  • to ensure the directed development of physical and psychomotor qualities based on them; to harden children, taking into account a wide range of influences of various environmental factors, to form a normal physique.

Children should:

  • solve motor tasks that are feasible at a given age, while using rational methods of motor actions, including walking, running, jumping, climbing, overcoming object obstacles, cycling, skiing, skating, etc., throwing (at the goal and at a distance), lifting and carrying objects; overcome the fear of the aquatic environment; be able to stay on the surface of the water;
  • perform available gymnastic and dance exercises and interact consciously in outdoor and sports games;
  • to perform at the level of physical fitness indicators normalized for a given age, exercises requiring coordination of movements, speed and speed-strength qualities, endurance and flexibility, to have a normal posture and body weight;
  • have basic knowledge in the field of physical culture, personal hygiene; have basic self-service skills, learn the rules of safety and care of physical culture equipment.


  • sets of exercises for basic, hygienic and respiratory gymnastics, exercises for the development of physical qualities, outdoor games, dances, cyclic exercises and other types of physical activity, regulated in relation to age groups of preschool children, sun, air and water baths, hygienic factors, massage.
  • volume and mode of physical and physical activity: at least three physical culture and health-improving classes of various forms daily with a total volume of at least 5-6 hours per week in younger groups, 6-8 hours - in middle groups and 8-10 hours - in older groups.

Organization of physical education for children 3-7 years old

The following physical education classes are held daily in groups of children from 3 to 7 years old: morning gymnastics, physical culture, gymnastics after an afternoon nap. This allows you to create an optimal motor regime. Physical culture activities should be carried out mainly in the fresh air.

In the course of physical education, children accumulate the necessary experience that is required for other activities. An important point for physical education classes is the teacher's reliance on the child's life experience.

In order to maintain children's interest in physical education, it is necessary to conduct classes every day (in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation "On physical culture and sports"), combining training, educational and entertainment elements in a playful way. This will allow organizing individual-group training according to various programs, taking into account the state of health and interests of children, without overloading them.

In each physical education lesson, a different orientation should be traced, depending on age. The main thing for the little ones is to give them as much pleasure as possible, to teach them how to navigate the entire space of the site, to work correctly with the equipment, to teach the techniques of elementary self-insurance.

In middle age, when organizing classes, a trainer-teacher, physical education instructor or educator is directed to the development of physical qualities, first of all endurance and strength, which will become the basis of the physical training of children.

In older preschool age, great attention should be paid to the physical training of children, the disclosure of their motor abilities and the education of independence. Physical education is recommended at the end of the walk. 35-40 minutes before its end, children change into sports uniforms and go to the playground.

The duration of classes should be 20-40 minutes, depending on the nature of the load, the content of the material, the mood of the children, weather conditions, etc. Complex training sessions should be no more than 3 per week.

The rest of the activities, as a rule, are game-based, complex, with elements of sports entertainment. In the course of them, in addition to consolidating and improving the movements, some problems of the development of mathematical concepts, speech, acquaintance with the outside world, etc. should be solved.

One of the mandatory components of all classes is the introduction of special health-improving measures. Classes can be combined with air baths and water procedures, with elements of breathing exercises, etc. It is necessary to create a special emotional and psychological background, to make children feel interested in their success.

Options for basic physical education:

  1. Activities of the usual type, examples of which can be found in many teaching materials.
  2. Game activities based on outdoor games and relay games with the inclusion of amusement games.
  3. Training sessions.
  4. Walking trips.
  5. Subject-game lessons (it is on them that it is necessary to solve problems of speech development, acquaintance with the world around them, etc.).
  6. Classes on sports complexes and simulators.
  7. Lessons based on dance material.
  8. Self-study.
  9. Classes in the series "I know how to control myself" or "Know yourself."
  10. Classes, tests, competitions in various sports (mandatory in the presence of a medical worker).

Planning of physical culture and recreation activities

Morning gymnastics complexes are compiled for a month in advance in four basic versions, depending on weather conditions. Each option takes into account the individual characteristics of children during childhood. After a month, new versions of morning exercises are drawn up.

Physical training options are also planned a month in advance in order to ensure their diversity and correctly distribute the load during the week.

The work of sports sections and circles is also planned for a year and six months in advance.

The teacher and trainer-teacher coordinate their work, as a rule, draw up a joint work plan. Part of the lessons conducted by the educator is preparatory to mastering a new motor action, which will be continued by the coach.

The motor experience that children of the period of childhood accumulate with a trainer or physical education instructor should then be used by the educator in various physical culture and recreational activities.

Thanks to the stable calendar of competitions and sports events, children have the opportunity to purposefully prepare for certain competitions, and all events are evenly distributed throughout the school year.

Participation in competitions develops children's interest in sports and physical culture, teaches children to a healthy lifestyle, develops physical qualities, and fosters moral and volitional qualities.

Regular participation of children in hikes also develops their physical qualities and brings a health-improving effect. Children get a good physical activity, they are emotionally unloaded, having a rest in nature. Forest air has a beneficial effect on the body of children. In the summer, when visiting the beach or the city stadium, children are given the opportunity to walk barefoot on the grass, sand, pebbles, which contributes to hardening, the prevention of flat feet and is very beneficial for health.

Features of physical education of preschool children

The total volume of independent physical activity under the guidance of adults in kindergarten and family in younger and middle preschool age should be 9-12 hours a week, in older children - 12-14 hours, including 2-5 hours at home. It is recommended to carry out daily morning exercises (5-10 minutes, depending on the age of the child), 2-3 times physical education (from 30 minutes for younger children, up to 45 minutes for older preschoolers).

In addition, targeted training sessions under the guidance of a physical education instructor of a preschool educational institution are needed 2-3 times a week, as well as outdoor games during walks (up to 20 minutes) at least 2 times a week.

The basic principle is to exercise with children by playing. It is recommended to conduct classes in the form of stories, during which the instructor invites the child to perform a chain of sequential movements, creating a series of familiar images, that is, explaining less to the child and showing more. For example, a walk around the zoo, a hike, a trip to the moon, etc. Explanations must be clear, precise and must be given in a cheerful, cheerful voice. Remember to monitor your baby's breathing. Train him to breathe through his nose and not stop breathing. It is necessary to pay special attention to breathing, relaxation, posture - this is the basis of the fight against fatigue and stress.

When compiling a complex for training with 3-4-year-old children, 2-3 exercises for the arms, 1-2 exercises for the trunk, 2-3 exercises for the legs should be introduced. For children 5-6 years old, the number of exercises in the complex increases 2-3 times. In almost every lesson, it is necessary to include articular gymnastics, options for finger gymnastics are possible, as well as elements of self-massage.

Physical exercises, various types of entertainment are recommended mainly in the fresh air. Particular attention should be paid to children's clothing and shoes in the classroom.

A large place in the child's motor activity should take jumping(regardless of the specialization of a physical education instructor or a sports direction, which is led by a coach-teacher). They help to strengthen the musculoskeletal system, develop muscles, and develop coordination of movements. When working with children of this age, the load on the spine should be eliminated altogether, and more exercises for stretching and relaxation should be given - this is the basis for the future health of a preschooler. The child should, after each load (regardless of what it is aimed at), be sure to perform relaxation exercises.

A variety of physical exercises allow you to comprehensively influence the muscular and nervous systems, strengthen the bone apparatus, develop the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and regulate metabolism. The introduction of elements of school sports in preschool educational institutions, in particular athletics (endurance running, speed running, jumping and throwing) will help to significantly increase the capabilities of the child's body.

Running, of course, is an excellent developmental and health-improving tool. Even the ancients said: “If you want to be strong, run! If you want to be healthy, run! If you want to be smart, run! If you want to be beautiful, run! "

Obviously, we should think about how to expand the range of motor activity of our children, bearing in mind the purposeful improvement of physical and intellectual qualities. First of all, you need to develop endurance as a quality that determines the state of the cardiovascular system. The main means of developing endurance is, of course, running.

When developing endurance, it is customary to talk about the existence of six zones of intensity, which are determined by heart rate indicators.

During classes, physical activity in preschool children is controlled by heart rate (the pulse should not exceed 155-160 beats per minute) and by external signs of fatigue - sharp redness, severe shortness of breath, loss of coordination. The optimal heart rate when performing endurance exercises can be considered 145-150 beats per minute, the recovery period lasts no more than 3 minutes.

Running is best done in the spring and fall, although there is evidence of significant benefits from running exercises done in winter.

It is well known that toddlers are extremely observant people. They are especially interested in animals and plants. Children are also very sensitive to the rhythmic sound of melody and words. Therefore, imitative movements are so natural for children 3-4 years old. They will very willingly depict how "a butterfly flaps its wings" or "a cockerel", "how a bunny jumps", "how a bird flies," "how a train runs," etc. And if a song about a bunny or a frog sounds, and the child needs make a few movements to the beat of the melody and words, then you can easily notice that such combinations bring him special joy. But any imitative movement performed according to a specific task is a game.

A.S. said very accurately about the game. Makarenko: “play is important in a child’s life, it has the same meaning as an adult’s activity, work, service. What a child is like in play is in many ways he will be in work when he grows up. Therefore, the upbringing of the future doer takes place, first of all, in the game ”.

Play and movement for a child is not only a vital necessity, it is life itself. Without them, there is no normal metabolism, normal growth and development, conditions for training the most important functions of the body.

Physical education specialists who work with children during childhood must adhere to the main ten rules of raising a child:

  1. To love children, i.e. love their presence, accept them as they are, do not offend, do not humiliate them, do not undermine self-confidence, do not punish, do not deny their trust, give them a reason to love you.
  2. Protect the children entrusted to you, i.e. to protect them from physical and mental hazards, even if necessary, by sacrificing their own interests and risking their own health.
  3. Be a good example for children!
  4. To instill in children respect for traditional values, to live in accordance with them. Treat children with a sense of responsibility. Children should be in an environment where honesty, modesty and harmony exist.
  5. It is necessary to work together with children! Help them when they take part in your work.
  6. Allow children to gain life experiences, even if not painlessly, but on their own! The child recognizes only his own experience, which he experienced personally. Your own experience is often of no value to the children. Give them the opportunity to build up their own experience, even if it involves a known risk. Overprotected children, "insured" against any danger, often become socially disabled.
  7. Show children the possibilities and limits of human freedom! Physical education specialists must reveal to them wonderful prospects for the development and approval of the human personality in accordance with the talents and characteristics of each. At the same time, children need to be shown that any person must recognize and observe certain limits in their actions in a team and in society in general (adhere to the laws and observe the rules of community).
  8. Train your children to be obedient! A teacher, a physical education instructor is obliged to monitor the behavior of children and guide them in such a way that their actions do not harm themselves or others. Children should be rewarded for following the established rules! However, if necessary, respect for the rules must be instilled through punishment.
  9. Expect from children only such opinions and assessments as they are capable of in accordance with the stage of maturation and their own experience.
  10. Provide the child with experiences that will have the value of memories. Children, like adults, "feed" on experiences that give them the opportunity to get acquainted with the life of other people and with the world around them.


  1. Alyamovskaya V.G. How to raise a healthy child. - M .: LINKA PRESS, 1993.
  2. Glazyrina L.D. Physical culture - for preschoolers. Average age. - M .: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 1999.
  3. Guryev S.V. Formation of a healthy lifestyle among older preschoolers by means of computer technologies in combination with traditional methods of physical education / S.V. Guryev // Scientific Notes of the University. P.F. Lesgaft. 2010. No. 2 (60). S. 48-53

The development of high technologies, scientific and technological progress, the pursuit of maximum comfort, convenience, saving time and effort - all contribute to significant changes in the lifestyle of a modern person. People spend more and more time in front of TV monitors and computers, talking on the phone, even in order to buy food it is not necessary to go to the store - it is enough to order delivery. In general, the lifestyle of a modern person is becoming less and less mobile, and the daily need for physical activity is decreasing. Modern children are a product of our modern world. Today it is no longer in doubt that the modern child is not the same as his peer was several decades ago. And not because the nature of the child himself or the patterns of his development has changed. No. Life, the subject and social world has fundamentally changed, the priorities of state policy in the field of education and the expectations of adults, educational models in the family, pedagogical requirements in kindergarten and school have changed. Today they write and talk a lot about new children, about their unique intellectual abilities, about the fact that they "came to this world to change it, to make it better and kinder." I would like to sincerely believe in it. At the same time, the number of children with poor health, retarded mental development, speech and emotional-volitional disorders is rapidly increasing, and many children are hyperactive. Consequently, the task of educating modern children should be to create conditions for reducing hyperactivity, developing concentration and concentration of attention, motor experience and physical health. Physical development is one of the areas that our state oversees. The Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education came into force on January 1, 2016. Standardization of preschool education implies, at its core, the modernization and improvement of the preschool education system, where conditions are based on the development of the personal potential of the child. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education, the tasks of the educational area "Physical development" include: gaining experience in the motor activity of children, including those associated with the implementation of exercises aimed at the development of such physical qualities as coordination and flexibility; formation of initial ideas about some sports, mastering outdoor games with rules; the formation of purposefulness and self-regulation in the motor sphere; the formation of the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, mastering its elementary norms and rules (in nutrition, physical activity, tempering, in the formation of good habits, etc.) ). Thus, the Standard traces two areas of educational work on the physical development of preschoolers: 1) the formation of a general culture of the personality of children, including the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, the formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle; 2) physical culture, development of physical qualities. The selection of these two directions allows you to more purposefully build the pedagogical process and develop planning. Preschool educational institutions are faced with a completely new task: it is necessary not only to conduct a cycle of classes on health-preserving activities, but to organize a single integrative process of interaction between an adult and a child, in which various educational areas will be harmoniously combined for a holistic perception of the world around them. The end result of such a process should be the formation in the child of an idea of ​​human health as a value, which is a necessary prerequisite for a full life, satisfaction of his material and spiritual needs, active participation in the labor and social life of society, in all types of human activity. Difficulties in the physical development of children are explained by the fact that an increasing number of children have an unfavorable picture of their health. According to research by specialists, 75% of adult illnesses are inherent in childhood. Every fourth child of preschool age gets sick more than four times during the year. Only 10% of children enter school completely healthy. The reasons for the increased morbidity in children are dysfunctions of the body with limited physical activity ("physical inactivity"). Modern children experience "motor deficits", that is, the number of movements they make during the day is below the age norm. This, in turn, leads to physical inactivity, which causes the development of metabolic disorders and excessive fat deposition, contributes to obesity in children (30-40% of children are overweight). Naturally, in order to teach a child something, an example is needed first of all - a parental one. So that children have at least the slightest desire to spend time in physically active games and go in for sports, it is necessary that they understand how much pleasure and positive emotions they can get from this. If parents with children play ball, volleyball, football, basketball, badminton or just catch up, do exercises, go to the gym or playground, go to the pool - then at least one of these activities will be an excellent example for the younger generation. If mom and dad lie on the couch watching the TV all weekend, then the child will not care about sports. The most important role in the physical education of a child still belongs to educators and instructors. It is their ability to methodically correctly organize and conduct classes, non-standard approaches to the choice of forms and means of their implementation - the most important components of the development of interest in classes, the formation of the child's necessary habits, motor skills and abilities. Work on health improvement and physical education of children should be based on the leading activity of preschool children - play, and motor-play activity is the basis of education, health improvement, development and training of preschool children. Only such a fusion of types of activity provides knowledge of their body, allows pupils to realize the level of responsibility in relation to their health, fosters the need for a healthy lifestyle, the former forms the prerequisites for educational activities that ensure the social success of the child in the future. In this area, the role of kindergartens in the physical development of the child is increasing. Preschool education creates conditions for the further development of a person, and harmonious development is impossible without physical education. Being a biological need of a person, movements are a prerequisite for the formation of all systems and functions of the body, enriching with new sensations, concepts, ideas. Teaching children to move is not only necessary, but also necessary. Physical education is the most effective school for teaching movements. In order to strengthen the health of the child and improve the body by means of physical culture and health-improving work with children, which is one of the main tasks of preschool education. The teacher should contribute to the timely and complete mental development of each child, contributing to the formation of activity by encouraging the child's motor activity and creating conditions for its development through the development of basic movements (walking, running, jumping, balance, climbing, throwing) and physical qualities (speed, flexibility, agility, strength, endurance), as well as meeting the child's need for movement during the day. The sphere of physical culture is characterized by different types of activity: motor, competitive, cultural and sports, physical culture, etc. The central system-forming factor that unites all components of physical culture is physical culture. It is not limited only to the development and formation of a person's bodily characteristics, but is closely related to his spiritual activity. This determines the specifics of physical culture activity, allows you to solve general educational, general cultural tasks through it. In the process of this activity, the physical culture of the personality of each individual person is formed. Movement, even the simplest one, gives food to children's imagination, develops creativity, which is the highest component in the structure of the personality. Motor activity contributes to the formation of one of the most important human needs - in a healthy lifestyle. Creating a healthy lifestyle for a child in kindergarten is the fundamental principle of his full upbringing and development. A healthy, normally physically developing child can be mobile, cheerful, inquisitive. He plays a lot, moves, takes part in all matters with pleasure. Systematic work on physical education at the preschool educational institution includes daily morning exercises, thematic physical education classes, and outdoor activities. Teaching children in lessons built in a playful way, with musical accompaniment, makes them interesting and diverse, which contributes to an increase in children's interest in physical culture. The complexity of the load, the unity of health-improving, educational and upbringing tasks, get a qualitatively new sound in the light of the modern requirements of developmental education: children must be actively introduced to a healthy lifestyle, taught to consciously manipulate movements - to modify, invent, convey an emotional state in motion, enter an imaginary situation ... The desire for creativity in physical education, morning exercises, walks and in the independent activities of children should be actively supported in children. The teacher's understanding of the specifics of various physical tasks, skillful selection of motor material and differentiated methodology of leadership, concern for the child not only to master the movement, but to perform it with pleasure, is a condition and means for the development of children's motor creativity. The child will experiment with movements, modify them depending on the situation and specific pedagogical tasks, especially if the entire pedagogical process has a creative focus. In any organizational form and, above all, at every physical education lesson there is a place and time for creative tasks, for self-expression, for the manifestation of initiative, invention, and improvisation.

Movement is a natural need for a child, as well as a means of his full and harmonious development, in addition, it is one of the methods of cognition of the surrounding reality, a way of self-expression and manifestation of children's cheerfulness. In the modern world, living conditions impose great restrictions on the possibility of developing motor activity in children, despite the fact that the need for it is steadily growing. That is why it is necessary to create conditions for active physical education not only at home, but in kindergarten.

It is very difficult for young children to sit in the same place for a long time, they are ready to run, jump, crawl and tumble all day, this activity brings them sheer pleasure. Therefore, the time spent in kindergarten is no exception, and physical education in kindergarten is even more joyful, because there is a lot of space in which the child can play with friends.

The formation of physical culture in kindergarten is one of the most important tasks that a teacher faces for the development of a child in preschool age. In order for a child to always be healthy, active and cheerful, the foundations must be laid from early childhood. That is why, in preschool institutions, teachers pay great attention to the development of the muscles of children, their agility, strength and endurance. In order to ensure the health of the child, special physical education classes have been introduced in preschool institutions. From an early age, physical culture is of great importance, because it is it that contributes to personal and social development, as well as the acquisition of skills in coordination of movements, the improvement of motor abilities. The movements tone the muscles and positively affect the general well-being of the child. Children get to know their own body, learn to own it in the process of doing the exercises. In addition, they develop such qualities as determination, perseverance, dexterity, ingenuity, and are very proud if they succeed.

In kindergarten, physical education classes are one of the most compulsory. Physical education classes increase the child's resistance to various diseases, activate the body's defenses. Movements associated with any image or plot attract the attention of children, push them to perform imitative movements. A systematic change of motor actions during physical education with different physical activity focuses the attention of children, develops discipline and relieves stress. In such classes, preschoolers develop not only physical culture, but also their creative imagination. Its development is facilitated by special game tasks, by completing which the preschooler overcomes the stereotype of action with some object. In doing so, he comes up with new ways to use objects.

To develop strength, teachers use special exercises. For example, raising and lowering the upper body while lying on your stomach, resting on your hands, or lying on your back. In addition, many general developmental exercises are used to develop strength for repeated repetitions until slight muscle fatigue appears.

To develop flexibility, teachers use gymnastics, which contributes to the formation of correct posture, teaches children to feel their body during movements, develops flexibility and elasticity of the spine, joint mobility. For the development of coordination, exercise complexes have also been developed, which take into account the change in the complexity of the exercises, the variety of movements and the acceleration of the pace during execution. At the first stage, exercises are done in which the arms, legs, trunk are trained in isolation, and then exercises appear that combine the movements of the arms, legs, and trunk.

The development of dexterity is directly related to the improvement of coordination abilities. For the development of dexterity, it is necessary to carry out exercises that require the coordinated actions of two or more children, exercises with objects, etc. Each lesson includes work with balls, which develops not only the large and small muscles of both hands, increases the mobility of the joints of the fingers and hands, and also develops the speed of reaction.

Thus, we can say that physical education classes are an integral part of the educational program, because thanks to physical culture, the child retains his health, and this is important for his further successful development.

To read

chapter gteoretico-me; annual aspects of physical education of preschool children.

1.1 Physical development and morphofunctional characteristics of preschool children. 1C

1.1.1 Features of the formation of the musculoskeletal system.

1.1.2 Features of the formation of respiratory and circulatory systems

1.1.3 Psychological characteristics and developmental features of the central nervous system of preschoolers.

1.1.4 Features of the development of motor qualities. 1 ~

1.1.5 Features of the physical development of children 5-6 years old.

1.1.6 Features of the formation of motor function in preschool children.

12 Methodological features of physical education of preschoolers.

1.2.1 Goals and objectives of physical education of preschool age children.

1.2.2 Means and methods of physical education of preschoolers.

1.2.3 Features of the development of movements in children 5-6 years old.

1.3 Modern problems of physical education of preschool children.

1.4 Development of creative abilities in children 5 - 6 years old.

1.4.1 Creativity, creativity.

1 4.2 Techniques for the development of creativity.

15 Statement of the research problem.

Chapter 2 Objective. tasks. methods and organization


2.1 Purpose and objectives of the study.

2.2 Research methods.

2.3 Organization of the study.


3.1 Features of the physical development of children 5 - 6 years old.

3.2 Features of physical fitness of children aged 5-6 years.

3.3 Features of the manifestation of mental processes in children 5 - 6 years old.


4.1 Methodical prerequisites for the experimental methodology of physical education classes with a focus on the development of creativity.


5.1 Dynamics of indicators of physical development up to gay 5-6 years old during the period of the experiment.

5.2 Dynamics of indices of motional readiness and motor provision of motional activity in children 5 - 6 years old during the period of the experiment.

5.3 Dynamics of indicators of manifestation of mental processes in children 5 - 6 years old during the experiment.

5.4. Indicators of morbidity in children during the experiment.

Dissertation introduction on pedagogy, on the topic "Methodology of physical education of preschool children with a focus on the development of creativity"

Relevance. Summer preparation for school is a long and difficult process. associated with the mental, physical and social development of the child. In the conditions of purposeful upbringing, which provides for the age characteristics and capabilities of the child, his physical improvement takes place. important properties of thinking, cognitive interests and abilities are formed. Ensuring the level of initial practical introduction to physical culture of preschool children, mastering the skills of the "school of movements" are the most important tasks facing educators and organizers of physical education. In modern conditions, work on physical education in a preschool institution is built according to a single, strictly regulated Program of education and training in a kindergarten (1987). This inevitably leads to uniformity of forms and methods of upbringing, significantly limits the possibility of pedagogical creativity, focuses on unified standards in assessing the child's motor readiness, ignoring the individual characteristics of his development (Maltseva 11.1., 1988. Balsevich V.K. 1988. Fomina N A. 199 (i and others).

The analysis of the studies showed that about 70 ° of children have various deviations in their health status (Bogina T.L., 1994). 30-35% of preschool children have a low level of development of basic physical qualities (Vavilova IM 1,1986. Lip B N. 1991. Sukharev A 1 .1991). when carrying out physical culture and health-improving classes, a lack of physical activity is noted (Nimonova A., 1990. Shorina G. A. Tarasova T. A. 1994).

The Concept of Preschool Education (1989) points out the need to improve the organization of motor activity of preschool children by developing new programs and techniques that contribute to increasing the effectiveness of physical education in preschool institutions. Despite a significant number of publications devoted to the study of the problems of preschool physical education (Koroleva M.N., 1985. Gulyaykin V.A., 1986. Olontseva I \ N "1986, Maltseva 111. 1988, Mikhailova S.N. 1990. Pravdov M .A.1992. Sharmanova S.B., 1995. Simoshina L.N. 1998 and others). the development of methods for the development of creative abilities of children in physical culture and health-improving classes remain poorly studied.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is: the concept of the development of functions in ontogenesis (Arshavsky I.A.), the relationship between mental and physical development (Farfel VS), the problems of the development of creativity in preschool age (Vygotsky L.S.), the concept of the conditionality of the level of development of motor qualities congenital and acquired features of a person (Verkhoshansky Yu.V.). modern ideas about physical culture and health-improving activities in kindergarten (Vavilova N.N. Gurkina A.P. Koroleva M.N. Maltseva I.G. Nikitkzh B.A., etc.)

The object of the research is the organization and content of the process of phish education of 5-6 year old children in a preschool institution.

The subject of the research is a complex method of using physical education for children 5-6 years old with a focus on the development of creativity

The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact. that for the first time a methodology of physical education of 5-6 years old children with a focus on improving creative abilities was developed. allowing you to combine the performance of physical exercises with the development) of the mental and aesthetic spheres of the personal and the child. The complex use of means and methods of physical education with an emphasis on the development of creative abilities enriches and complements the content of the educational process in preschool institutions. The positive influence of the developed methodology on physical fitness, the development of mental processes, the state of health of children has been experimentally confirmed.

The practical significance of the study lies in the development and implementation of a physical education program with a focus on the development of creativity in the educational process of 5-6 year old children in a preschool institution, which made it possible to increase the efficiency of classes by creating conditions for self-realization of children, optimizing the process of mastering the skills of the school of movements, improving interest in physical education. adaptation to educational activities, contributed to the development of the creative abilities of children.

The research results were introduced into the practice of the Pedagogical Complex "School of Creativity" and kindergarten No. 27 of the Admiralteisky district of St. Petersburg. The materials presented in the dissertation can be used in teaching physical education teachers at physical culture institutes and pedagogical institutes, in advanced training courses for employees of preschool institutions: managers, physical education organizers, methodologists, educators, and medical personnel.

Thesis materials were reported: at postgraduate conferences of NIIFK (St. Petersburg. 1995-1997). refresher courses for physical education teachers at the University of Pedagogical Skills (St. Petersburg. 1996); at seminars for methodologists and organizers of physical culture of preschool institutions (St. Petersburg. 19951997); at the foolish scientific-practical conference "Physical education of children of St. Petersburg" (1998)

The main provisions for the defense.

1. Improvement of the organization of motor activity of preschool children is most effective when combining means of physical education and development of creativity, corresponding to the age characteristics of preschoolers.

2. Increasing the effectiveness of physical culture and health-improving classes with children 5-6 years old is based on the use of a comprehensive methodology aimed at developing the emotional and aesthetic spheres of the child's personality, combining physical exercises with special tasks. for the solution of which the manifestation of creativity is necessary.

3. Development and use of a physical education program aimed at improving creative abilities ensures the development of basic physical qualities, creates conditions for self-realization and optimization of the process of mastering the "school of movements", adaptation to educational activities.

The work was carried out in accordance with the Main directions of scientific research in the field of physical culture, sports, tourism and the sanatorium complex for the period 1996-2000, direction 1. Section 01.01 "Monitoring the level of development of physical culture and psychophysical state of the population."

Conclusion of the thesis scientific article on the topic "Theory and methodology of physical education, sports training, health-improving and adaptive physical culture"

1. An analysis of the scientific and methodological literature on the problem showed that, despite the significant attention of specialists to the physical education of children, the aspects related to the development of creative abilities in physical culture and health-improving classes in preschool institutions remain poorly studied. Against the background of a significant amount of work containing the scientific substantiation of methodological approaches to the use of various types of physical activity and means of improving the health of preschool children, until now there have been no comprehensive studies devoted to the development of methods aimed at improving the emotional and aesthetic spheres of the child's personality based on the manifestation creativity of children in the conditions of health and fitness classes.

2. As a result of the study, it was found that the number of harmoniously developed boys at the age of 5-6 years is 67.1%. disharmoniously developed - 32.8%, for girls these indicators are -69.1% and 30.9 ° o. respectively. Over 55% of boys and 61% of girls have various posture disorders. According to the indicators of the manifestation of speed-power qualities (shuttle run 3x1 Ohm), the boys showed statistically significantly better results than the girls, according to the indicator of flexibility (lean forward) - the results of girls were significantly better than the results of boys (p<0,05). Около 52% детей в большинстве тестов показали результат, соответствующий среднему уровню физической подготовленности, 18% -высокому и у 30% детей - физическая подготовленность ниже нормы.

3 Analysis of the results of psychological testing according to indicators characterizing the ability to develop memory, perception of the image of an object, the development of thinking and imagination, i.e. components of the manifestation of creativity showed that between the groups of boys and girls there are no significant differences in all four assessed indicators, no significant differences were found between 5 and 6 year old children. An individual analysis of the test results revealed that about 40% of children's assessments correspond to an average level of mental development, about 23% - to a high level, and about 37% - to a low level of mental development. The peculiarities of the mental development of preschool children were taken into account when compiling complexes of physical exercises and outdoor games.

4. On the basis of studying the indicators of physical and mental development, physical fitness of 5-6 years old children, a methodology of physical education classes has been developed, aimed at improving creative abilities, which includes the use of special creative tasks with a gradual increase in the level of complexity when performing motor actions, taking into account age features of preschoolers. and also taking into account the focus on solving the main problems of physical education in preschool institutions and the use of aesthetic education means in the classroom.

5. The developed program of physical education of preschool children with an emphasis on the development of creativity consists of 146 practical lessons. They include games (50%); exercises to form correct posture (5%); walking (5%); running (13%); jumping (10%); throwing (5%); relay races (5%); relaxation exercises (2%) with an emphasis on the aesthetic aspects of the exercise. The main target was the solution of creative tasks requiring the manifestation of creative abilities. During the pedagogical experiment, the indicators of manifestation of mental processes in children of the experimental groups changed most significantly, which was the basis for the development of creativity (on average, by 5.3 points), in children in the control groups, these changes are statistically insignificant (on average, 1.8 points).

6. The pedagogical experiment made it possible to reveal the effectiveness of the developed program of physical education classes with a focus on the development of creativity, which was manifested in an increase in the level of physical development and physical fitness of boys and girls. The number of children with harmonious physical development in the experimental groups increased by 8% in boys and by 10% in girls, in the control groups among boys by 3% and among girls by 10 o A significant change in the results was revealed in indicators characterizing the manifestation of coordination abilities, agility and flexibility in children of the experimental group. The increase in the results in the children of the experimental groups was 32-37%, while in the children of the control groups it was 1618%. The incidence of children in the experimental group during the experiment decreased by 34%. in the control group by 9%.

1. Before performing each exercise, a creative task was set before the child, the solution of which required the manifestation of creative abilities.

2. Creative tasks in the lesson were arranged in order of increasing difficulty, ie. they used the principle "from simple to complex". Assignments should be accessible, interesting and enjoyable for the child.

3. The gradual increase in the difficulty of creative tasks in the lesson allows the child to go forward and improve on his own, i.e. to develop their creative abilities, while with traditional teaching everything is explained to him, and therefore only performing qualities are formed in the child.

4. The child should not be prompted by gesture, glance, or word. Building an image or model, realizing his decision in practice, the child learns to think, imagine, take everything necessary from the surrounding reality on his own.

5. If the child did not complete the task very successfully, one cannot demand and achieve that he would solve the task anew. Perhaps he is not yet mature enough for this task, and he must wait a day, a week, a month, or even more.

6. Creative assignments should be constantly changing. Tasks performed in previous classes are reluctantly performed in subsequent classes and cease to interest children.

7. Correct selection of musical accompaniment is of great importance, which not only improves the quality of movements, but also gives them special expressiveness. To ensure a high emotional level of classes, musical compositions known to children should be used. Both instrumental and vocal music are suitable for classes: songs, music from films, cartoons. Classical instrumental pieces can also be used in the lesson. In addition, you can use various noise accompaniment (the sound of the surf, birdsong).

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