How to speak without opening your mouth? The art of ventriloquism. Eumy u bbltshfschn tfpn ulbbfsh here general rpmhubefus go about He perceives Nastya's explanations

Ventriloquism or ventrology is the true art of illusion. Ventriloquism as such cannot be taught. This ability can be developed only by people who are naturally given a special structure of the throat.

Ventriloquism has been known since ancient times. Owners of amazing ability are called ventriloquists or ventrologists. In the 18th century, ventriloquism was attributed to the machinations of evil spirits. It was believed that demons and devils lived in the human stomach. What can we say about earlier times? The life of ventriloquists then was not sweet. They were executed or exiled. But the physiological mechanism of ventriloquism was discovered much later.

Ventriloquism or ventrology is the true art of illusion. Ventriloquism as such cannot be taught. This ability can be developed only by people who are naturally given a special structure of the throat. However, this does not mean that the technique of ventriloquism cannot be mastered. Everyone can try this. In many countries there are special textbooks on this science.

In general, the gift of ventriloquism is extremely rare. All ventrologists study the technique of ventriloquism. They learn to rebuild their speech apparatus through special training of the larynx with vocal cords, pharynx, pharynx and oral cavity with tongue and palate. The ventrologist is the same illusionist artist. It creates an auditory illusion. If a professional in his field is in front of you, then you will not notice that he speaks himself. It will seem to you that his voice comes from within or from outside.

It should be noted that one of the requirements for an artist-ventrologist is the ability to make the sound fly. When speaking, the ventriloquist must give the audience the impression that his puppet partner is speaking. In this case, the ventriloquist must give his voice stereophonic. After all, such artists perform, as often happens, not with one, but with several puppets. For each of them, you should choose a suitable voice, its timbre, volume. And you have to change voices more than once.

The performance of the ventriloquist usually lasts no more than 5 minutes. It's hard for them to take more. Tension - something on stage can be compared with the work of a simultaneous interpreter! After all, talking incessantly, and even with your mouth closed, is a difficult task. The vocal cords, and the throat as a whole, are very tense. By the way, after the concert, the artists talk in whispers for half a day.

It is noteworthy that ventriloquists cannot pronounce many letters with their mouths closed, they have to choose words all the time. The ventrologist always exchanges short remarks with the puppets. Russian ventriloquists, pronouncing a dialogue, compose a text where the words are for the most part pronounced without the labial consonants b, p, m. The illusion becomes brighter that the dialogue is accompanied by the ventriloquist's mimicry. It helps to hide the minimum necessary movements of the lips. It is this artistic game that makes ventrology an art, and not just an illusion and a trick.

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CLOSED SOUND - formed when singing with a closed mouth. This type of singing is widely used in the process of voice production, contributing to the emergence of vivid resonant sensations in the region of the head resonator (see Nasal and adnexal cavities). When singing with the mouth closed, a very strong impedance is created, which helps the vocal folds in their resistance to subglottic pressure. The exclusion of habitual articulatory movements allows you to focus on assessing the work of the larynx and breathing. Singing with a closed sound can be done in different ways, changing its timbre. In the process of singing, it is necessary to control that the voice is not clamped and the larynx is not constrained. For this purpose, singing is often used in consonants and with the mouth ajar, when the jaw and the bottom of the mouth are free. In this case, a closed sound is obtained due to the lowering of the palatine curtain, which blocks the passage into the oral cavity. Singing with a closed sound to the consonant m is a common coloristic technique in choral performance, creating a specific muffled sound of the choir; often used as an accompaniment to a soloist. In choral practice, singing with a closed mouth is used to work on breathing, leveling the system. In sheet music, singing with a closed mouth has the following designations: a bocca chiusa (Italian), bouche fermee (French), “closed. mouth", with a cross above the note, letters (m, mm ...).

ZAPEV - the beginning of a choral song, performed by one or more soloists, after which the entire choir enters.

ZAPEVALA - a singer who performs the choral song; in a folk choir, the lead singer, often organizing and directing the singing of the entire choir.

SOUND MUSICAL - the smallest element of music. Its main properties are pitch, loudness (see Sound power), duration, timbre.

SOUND STUDY - in vocal art, the term is used to refer to various types of voice leading to the sounds of a melody (for example, cantilena, portamento, marcato, etc.). Cantilena is the main type of sound science in singing. Together with voice formation, sound knowledge is included in the concept of vocal technique.

YAWING IN SINGING is one of the common muscle techniques that helps to find the correct position of the larynx while singing. Thanks to the sensation of a yawn, the soft palate is activated and rises, the larynx descends, the back of the mouth is freed from stiffness and excessive tension. High voices, especially women's (coloratura and lyric-coloratura sopranos), often use a "half yawn".

SINGSHPIEL (German: Singspiel, from singen - to sing and Spiel - game) is a German and Austrian variety of comic opera with alternating musical numbers and spoken dialogues. The development of the German Singspiel was influenced by the English ballad opera. I. A. Hiller is considered the founder of the German Singspiel (“Lotchen at Court”, “The Village Barber”). The musical numbers of Hiller's singspiel are simple songs, couplets close to a folk song. The music of the Austrian singspiel, in addition to songs, couplets, contains arias, ensembles, and orchestral fragments. The Austrian (Viennese) Singspiel is represented by the names of J. Haydn (“The Lame Demon”), K. Dittersdorf (“The Doctor and the Apothecary”), W. Müller (“The Devil's Mill”, “The Sisters from Prague”). The pinnacle of the Austrian singspiel are W. A. ​​Mozart's operas Bastien et Bastienne, Abduction from the Seraglio, and The Magic Flute.

Znamenny chant - the main type of singing in the Orthodox Old Russian Church. Banners or hooks were called singing signs, with which tunes were recorded.

The emergence of Znamenny chant is attributed to the 12th century. The Znamenny chant was built and developed in the system of osmoglas - 8 tones, each of which represented the sum of diatonic chants. with a range, no more than a quart. The tunes, or gossips, of each of the 8 tones were composed of three or four tunes. Poglassy had no division into measures, the rhythm of the chant was determined by the text; the melody is very smooth, without sharp jumps and chromatisms. Znamenny chant was performed in unison, a cappella. From the 16th century znamenny chant melodies were used as the main melody in the early form of polyphony - the so-called. lowercase singing for 2, 3, 4 voices. In the 17th century string singing was supplanted by partes singing. The melody of Znamenny chant influenced the work of Russian composers. A. P. Borodin, P. I. Tchaikovsky, N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, S. V. Rachmaninov, and others used Znamenny chant in their works.

The habit of sleeping with half open rum is one of the causes of dry mouth. However, most people are confident that this phenomenon is normal. However, sleeping with your mouth open indicates a lack of saliva, which contributes to the development of bad breath and tooth decay. In addition, there are other reasons why the mouth opens during sleep.

Causes of an open mouth in a dream

If a person sleeps with their mouth open, the reasons may relate to difficulty breathing through the nose. As a rule, this is facilitated by allergies, adenoids, curvature of the nasal septum and apnea. In addition to chronic forms of diseases, there are temporary difficulties with nasal breathing - this refers to the influence of colds.

When sleeping with an open mouth, the reasons may lie in areas such as:

Respiratory disorders

The disease often occurs in an adult with unresolved problems with the respiratory organs. In situations where nasal congestion, fever and sore throat are present, a person cannot breathe normally. Accordingly, you have to sleep with your mouth open.

Seasonal SARS and such chronic forms of diseases as:

  • rhinitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • sinusitis.

They entail opening of the mouth during sleep, weakness in strength and general physical malaise. A timely appeal to an otolaryngologist will help correct the situation. As a preventive measure, doctors recommend annually resting in the mountains or on the sea coast among eucalyptus trees. The air in such an area contributes to the normalization of the respiratory organs, and also reduces the likelihood of allergic manifestations.

According to somnologists, people who open their mouths when they sleep are in the wrong posture when they are resting. To the wrong position of the body include sleeping on the back. In addition, a low pillow contributes to the condition, when the head is thrown back, and the teeth open.

Patients who move restlessly in bed during sleep often find themselves face down. Thus, there is a slight deformation of the mouth or the nose resting on the pillow. Subsequently, a person has to open his mouth slightly so as not to suffocate.

In view of this, the dilemma naturally arises of what to do in this situation. Somnologists recommend performing a simple procedure at night - examining the bed for a convenient location. You should lie down for a few minutes, assess the presence of inconvenience and, if possible, eliminate it. Additionally, take a soothing herbal tea, exclude light penetration through the curtains and ventilate the room. This will allow you to sleep peacefully and prevent your mouth from opening.

Weakening of the circular muscle of the face

Another factor in which the mouth will open at night is the weakening of the circular muscle. As a rule, this condition is diagnosed in childhood due to the fact that the muscle in children has not yet been trained. The disease is fixed in the elderly. This condition occurs due to age-related changes in the loss of elasticity of muscle fibers.

Attention! Weak circular muscle of the face in children is considered the norm up to 2 years. If there is a problem at an older age, it is recommended to consult a medical specialist and daily exercise. In the absence of treatment, in the future, the child is threatened with an increase in adenoids and malocclusion.

Treatment of the disease begins with a visit to the doctor-lore. After studying the problem, the doctor prescribes comprehensive measures to neutralize the disease. Such measures include exercises on facial expressions and self-massage.

Problems in the field of dentistry

Diseases of the teeth, on the one hand, do not interfere with breathing, but on the other hand, they force a person to keep his mouth open. First of all, it's not aesthetically pleasing. Secondly, the likelihood of infection with pathogenic microbes that worsen health status increases. In addition, there is an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity and there is a risk of developing carious deposits.

The way out of the situation lies in the annual preventive examinations at the dentists. This is also true for those who do not experience pain and generally feel good. Doctors advise:

  • Visit the hygiene room to clean your teeth from carious stone at least 2 times a year.
  • Brush your teeth properly.
  • Use rinses and other procedures prescribed by the dentist.

Neuralgic disorders

Opening the oral cavity in a dream can be provoked by sluggish and in no way manifesting symptoms of a neurological disease. Often, illnesses occur in hidden forms, i.e. without showing clinical signs. However, this gives rise to a neglected form of the disease. The main symptomatic picture (especially in childhood) is a high level of saliva, sagging tongue and an open mouth during sleep.

If such signs are found, you should immediately make an appointment with a neurologist. As a preventive measure against neurological disorders, doctors recommend:

  • reduce psycho-emotional stress;
  • shares exciting problems with family and friends;
  • do not refuse help;
  • rationally allocate time for work and rest.

The importance of closed sleep

Generally, people who can open their mouths in their sleep are snorers. Sometimes a parted mouth is also observed in children, especially when they dream of something. It is noteworthy that the reasons may be different. However, doctors note that the main reason lies with the channels located in the nose, sinuses and pharynx. Thus, edema may form in the oropharynx or adenoids may increase.

It is important to understand that nature has provided for a closed mouth in the human body when breathing. Since air enters through the nose, where it is cleaned and warmed. Therefore, if the breath passes through the mouth, then a lack of oxygen saturation of the blood develops. In other words, only through nasal breathing, the lungs expand to 100%. If you open your mouth and breathe like that, then only the upper roots of the lungs will work.

Further, the importance of closed-mouth breathing is also important in reducing the risk of hypoxia, in which the brain tissues are unable to fully oxygenate. In childhood, this is fraught with mental retardation.

Sleeping with clenched jaws is also dangerous because there are no antibacterial substances in the cavity. Which, of course, contributes to the development of pathogenic microorganisms. Hence the stink from the mouth, because. when breathing through the mouth, the mucous membrane dries up, the secretion of saliva decreases, which kills microbes.

Top 6 ways to sleep with your mouth closed

Healthy people breathe through their nose. But if the nose is stuffed up, there is an allergy or SARS, then nasal breathing is difficult. However, there are medical recommendations to fix the problem:

  1. If runny nose and nasal congestion. In such a situation, drops with a vasoconstrictor effect will help. But doctors warn that drugs should not be taken continuously. The course of treatment is a maximum of 7 days. Otherwise, addiction will occur.
  2. Allergy remedies. Often the way out of the situation is the appointment of medications with hormones. However, only a doctor prescribes such therapy and only as an auxiliary treatment in eliminating allergies.
  3. Surgical intervention for adenoids and apnea. These treatments are used in extreme cases, because. there are effective therapies.
  4. Breathing Concentration Method. When attending yoga courses, trainers teach proper breathing. The usefulness of concentrating on the quality of breathing, allows you to remove the open mouth in a dream, reduces anxiety and stress levels. Daily practices during daylight hours allow you to fall asleep calmly and with your mouth closed.
  5. Sleep in comfort. At first glance, the method seems obvious. However, there are many factors that cause the mouth to open during sleep. For example, dirt and dust in the bedroom and an unclean bed are pathogenic factors. It is recommended to buy an air purifier and humidifier.
  6. Mouthguard or pacifier for adults. The device changes the location of the tongue and fixes the jaw in the closed position. Special jaw fixators in the form of facial bandages have also been developed.

Important! When the mouth is open, there is a decrease in salivation. As a result, the perception of taste sensations is disturbed, there is a problem in chewing and swallowing food.

If dryness in the oral cavity is accompanied by pain, cracks in the mucous membrane and in the corners of the lips, then you should make an appointment with a therapist. The need is due to the fact that this may be a sign of a latent disease of internal organs and systems.

It should be noted that getting rid of the problem is quite simple. It is worth giving this time and attention, as the quality of life will increase several times. And colleagues, friends and relatives will be doubly pleased to communicate if the interlocutor smells good.