How to dress a newborn in the spring on an extract. What to pick up a child from the hospital in winter. Overview of winter envelopes for newborns. What to wear a baby when discharge from the hospital

All parents want to meet their first day with the outside world, their child was dressed in elegant and brightly, but how to wear a newborn for an extractor correctlywe will tell on the site for moms site

It is better to buy to childbirth, despite the prejudices and superstitions of others. Because only mom decides that it is most suitable for her babyAfter all, most of the time it will take care of the crumb.

Previously, somehow dressed up monotonous children depending on the assortment of children's things in the store: boys - blue and blue, girls - pink. Now the choice of colors and shades is huge. Even if you, until the very last day, do not know the sex of the future child, you can buy things neutral colors: peach, salad, lilac, beige or cyclamen.

To save mom or baby nurse from dressing for a baby of various "cabbage", you must think in advance how to dress a newborn on an extract, because all the kids do not like to dress and undress.!

Mom and dad should not forget, above all, about convenience and comfort for the baby. For the first exit to people, your baby will necessarily need:

  • One-time diaper, a proven firm and size you enjoyed in the maternity hospital.
  • Thin cotton sprinkle, choose models without rushes and rolver, which can crush and rub a gentle child body.
  • Warm flannel or knitted sprinkle with sewn hiking or mittens at the ends of the sleeves.
  • Soft sliders or bodys, but not pants so that the gum does not give the tummy and the place of cord. The sputum and sliders can be replaced with a slick for newborns, if you manage to buy the smallest size - from zero to 3 months from soft hypoallergenic fabric.
  • Socks.
  • Easy cape and warm hat.
  • In the summer, it will be enough to buy an envelope for an extract, and in the winter you have to wear a warm suit or jumpsuit, and to complete the child in a soft plaid.

Indispensable slick for newborns

Previously, the most popular things for infants were sprawers and diapers, the mum sliders began to wear from 2 months when he was heating the navel, and the probability of injury disappeared.

Today, thinking about how to dress a newborn on an extract, each mother wants the baby to be comfortable, and the dressing process went fast. In this case, the suspension is suitable for newborns - a jumpsuit with a fastener on the buttons from the heels to the neck. Slips are universal clothing that immediately replaces the sprinkle, sliders, socks. Putting on slip, you can be sure that nothing will delay anything, does not twist.

If occurs in summer, It is good to purchase a thin knitted slick with a closure of the buttons, which goes in the middle and diverges to the legs. And in this overall child, you can put in, then you can say with confidence that he will not be hot.

For winter Warm slips from dense knitwear or terry fabric are produced. From above on the slip, it is convenient to wear a suit and a costume, and a warm jumpsuit.

Slips do not make it difficult for the movements with handles and legs, it is convenient to sleep in them and go for a walk, and for a change of diapers, it is not necessary to remove all the clothes completely, It is enough to unbutton the buttons from the bottom. To miss anything in the question how to dress a newborn on an extract, you can consult with familiar young momswho recently passed this path and understood all their mistakes and omissions.

Since the day of discharge from the hospital is a holiday for the whole family, it means that The baby must be dressed too festively, but in accordance with the season and weather. Do not forget that immediately after the discharge and 2-3 photos on the steps of the maternity hospital, you will sit down with the baby in a warm interior of the car, which means that you should not walked very much.

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What to wear a newborn for extracting in winter?

List of things (in order of dressing of dressing):

I will give a few examples (different posts) herself has not yet decided exactly how I will be discharged, so the list is still in development


2.Tricted short-sleeved boding (or long it depends on the further slander). Suitable as a native lingerie. It is better to choose models that have buttons at the neck. And even better, especially, for inexperienced moms, take bodies with the smell and buttons, then it will be necessary to wear a baby through the head.

3. Warm slim ("man").

Slip ("Man") preferably from flannels, grilled tight knitwear. This type of clothing with ease replaces the sliders, sprawling and socks, dressed on the body. Very comfortable slips with mittens or covered sleeves. (If you chose bodies with long hand, respectively, combs without guides !!!)

Do not forget that you need a slick without a hood !!! Here the hood is unfastened!

4th, mittens. On the slip on the legs of the newborn you can wear warm socks, on the handles - mittens. You can do without these accessories.

5. Headdress for a newborn.

Be sure to prepare a warm hat and a cotton cap (or a comfortable knitted hat with ties, or a hat in the form of a helmet). Head gently to choose everything after the birth of the baby so that it was strictly in size, then the cap will firmly fit and not pass the cold air. When choosing a headdress, it is better to give preference to products without brushes and pumps. These decorations will delight only parents, and they will simply crush the baby if you have to wear a hood or cover the envelope.

6. Outerwear to extract in winter (envelope, blanket, jumpsuit).

Here are several options. For the statements of the winter newborn, you can buy a warm envelope or a beautiful, high-quality blanket for newborns.

Very comfortable and practical considered envelopes on Velcroe which are easily transformed and turn into a comfortable baby blanket.

Children's envelopes (bags) May be on sheepskin, in the future, used to sleep in the wheelchair and for a walk in sledding for a grown baby.

Envelopes and blankets for newborns can be both with a warm filler, both natural - poultry, sheep wool, and artificial - silicone, holofiber.

Using a blanket For the sware of the child on an extract, you can supplement the dress with a classic lace corner and a tape, tied with a bow (blue and blue - boy, pink or red - girl).

You can immediately buy a warm overalls from natural materials .

The overalls can be pants, in the form of a bag or be transforming - lightning at the bottom of the overalls, it is easy to help to make or bag, or sides. It is easy to expand the model that will be equipped with a convenient system of fastening over the entire length, because no baby loves to dress and certainly begins Caprice.

Cosmetic tools for extracting

But besides the clothes, in the winter, it will be necessary to need a fatty baby cream to protect the baby's skin (for example, cream from weather and wind) and hygienic lipstick - for the lip of the baby (still safer will be replaced by lipstick cream from Lanolin type "Purelan").

Reinsure, but not overdo it

In the insulation of the baby, it is necessary to observe a certain measure. It must be borne in mind that most of the road he will have to spend in a warm car. Overheating may adversely affect the nodie of the newborn, and the violation of thermoregulation reduces the immunity of infants. After registration of all the necessary documents, it is not necessary to hardly rush to the pending relatives. Let them better wait for a little than the child will receive stress from the sharp change of the setting.

So that this does not happen, you need to calmly feed the baby and wait until he falls asleep. But before starting feeding, it is better to collect it on the road so that the subsequent dressing does not break his sweet sleep. Although the most recent part of the wardrobe is an envelope or overalls - to wear, still not, the baby can stand and start a capricious from the heat. And most importantly, it is not worth the mommies to be upset if the lifetime date falls on the winter time. Our long-range ancestors proved that all winter kids are stronger and healthier than summer, and their immunity is more resistant to infections and various diseases . But despite this, you should not treat winter discharge with less responsibility.

The flocks answers many questions that arise from parents before discarding from the maternity hospital: how to wear a baby, how to tie a bow, how to decorate cars, etc.

"Don't you know what kind of baby wear?" - experienced grandmother's experienced moms sincerely, forgetting that they themselves were once asked as the same question when discharge from the hospital.

What to wear for an extract from the hospital in spring and summer?

The first exit to the street when discharge from the maternity hospital is a landmark event for mom and baby. The child froze or overheated - the mood is spoiled and in the crumbs, and at mom.

We understand how to avoid stress associated with the baby's wardrobe "0+".

So, for dressing a newborn there is one important rule: the baby needs to wear on one layer of clothes more than an adult person

It is this, simple at first glance, the axiom introduces future parents into a stupor.
To facilitate their already nervous life, the following are approximate decay schemes of a newborn baby for the spring season depending on the temperature conditions.

What to wear baby at low temperatures?

The first and second schemes are for very low temperatures, but since spring in different regions is different.

Envelope for an extract from the hospital Spring, summer

Modern envelopes are a multifunctional acquisition.

Basic forms

  • envelope blanket

  • envelope with handles

  • envelope transformer

Spring envelopes will enter the demi-season wardrobe. Most manufacturers determine the temperature of the use of demi-season envelopes: from -10⁰ to 10 ° C. Such an accessory reliably protect the child from changeable spring weather, wind, rain or dampness.

Summer kits are needed by kids born in May-September. As a rule, such envelopes are light, from genuine x / b fabrics, with hypoallergenic synthetic lining.

Elegant envelopes for discharge from hospital

These envelopes refer to the category of iconic things that can be transmitted from generation to generation.

Silk and Atlas, Lace, Rhinestones, removable veils - manufacturers claim that such a set is quite suitable for daily walks. Suitable or not - to solve you.

What to wear baby at temperatures from + 2 ° to + 8 ° C?

What to wear a baby at a temperature from + 8º to + 13ºС?

What to wear a baby at temperatures from + 13º to + 17ºС?

The approaching summer removes all jackets in the cabinets, jumpsuit, boosters, warm hats, fleece spices.

Sets for an extract from the hospital in the summer

For summer discharge, it is advisable to prepare

  • x / b hat and socks
  • x / W Slip and Bodi
  • light plaid or a blanket
  • thin diaper

The most important Summer Council: Do not overheat babies!

Overheating is evidenced by redness of the skin under the diaper and thirst. Carefully follow the reactions of the crumbs.

Details of the newborn's summer wardrobe will be discussed below.

Jumpsuit Slip for an extract from the hospital in the summer

Pay attention to the wonderful and absolutely necessary subject in the baby's wardrobe: jumpsuit "Slip". Among the moms and many sellers of children's clothing, such a jumpsuit is known as

  • "Man"
  • "Body with handles and legs"
  • pajamas
  • sliders with sleeves

There are a huge slicks, however, for the kids of the age category "0+" it is recommended to buy models that meet such requirements:

  • 100% cotton knitwear (can also be a bike, fleece or insulated velor)
  • the fabric must be soft and high quality, then the seams will not disturb the baby
  • slip must completely unbutton. At the most convenient slips of the category "0+", the buttons are located in the middle of the middle, go from the neck to the groin, diverge on two sides of the legs

  • most of the slips have sewn anticraft mittens (some models have such mittens look like obsolences)
  • pay attention to the presence of a stitched track on the legs. If it is not, you should bother about socks for the baby. The engines are comfortable, as the baby is dressed in a fully closed clothing, which is nowhere and does not crumple, will not turn to the side, talking with a gentle caller. Slips without sewn lasies will rush longer, because pants as they grow easily turn into breeches, and then - in shorts
  • the number of slips for the first month of life - from 5 pieces (1-2 slips should be warm). Choose a relatively identical color gamut - it will greatly facilitate the washing of children's things.

Note. Names for overalls-slim in English-speaking online stores can be the following:

  • oNE Pieces.
  • footies.
  • sleep 'N Plays
  • double Snaps.

Summer is the best time for fashion and fashionistas, including young:

Suit for discharge from the hospital in the summer

Children's clothing selection is so diverse that your long-awaited happiness can leave the hospital in the Thrake or an elegant dress

Sets on an extract from the hospital in the summer

Whatever image for your baby you have chosen, it is important to remember: summer weather can present surprises. For an extract, you need to prepare several sets of clothing: on hot and cool weather. The most correct solution will in this case will be purchased a set for discharge from the hospital

Blanket for an extract from the hospital in the summer

Accessory who came to us from pre-Christian times - because babies have always demanded special attention. From the middle of the twentieth century, the blanket for an extract becomes an indispensable attribute of the "maternity-issued" tradition. And even now, many mothers give preference to this particular accessory.

For summer, lightweight cotton blankets with a fine synthetic layer are suitable. The size of a children's blanket from 0 to 1 year is 110x80 cm.

Summer blankets for babies

  • lungs
  • comfortable
  • "Breathe", i.e. paste air
  • folded occupy little place and fit perfectly in small children's bags
  • toddler reliably protect from evening or morning coolness, unexpected wind, drafts, air conditioners in supermarkets
  • can absorb a small amount of moisture (in case the child sweated)

When buying blankets, be sure to check the seller the composition of the product.

Council. Do not take a blanket with lots of extra details and decorations if you use it daily (while walking or sleeping at home)

Important. In the first years of the baby's life, his things should have a clear distinction: home objects (clothes, blanket) should not be used on the street and vice versa

The video "Children's blanket do it yourself" will tell how to sew the desired thing with your own hands.

Knitted plaid for an extract from the hospital in the summer

Knitted blankets are a classic that is always relevant. Plaid, created by the hands of mom or grandmother, will be the best facing baby. The thing of handmade carries the master's power engineering, and close people wish the little miracle of all the best. Available master class in the video "Children's Plaid" will teach knit crochet blanket. The lover of the spokes can be inspired by watching the video "How to tie the children's plaid."

How to tie a beautiful bow on an extract from the hospital in spring and summer?

Bow on an extract - a symbol with many values

  • In the pre-Christian times, the rope that the baby tied ordered should defend him from the "bad" eye
  • Many traditions disappeared with the arrival of Christianity, but not a tradition to tie babe. A bright baptismal belt came to replace a simple rope. He symbolized the toddler's connection with the world and family
  • In the royal family of Romanov, there was a tradition determined for many years ahead of the choice of color of the ribbon depending on the floor of the newborn.
    With baptism, boys in the royal family were awarded the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called. The award had a blue Order of the tape, respectively, the boys were necessarily bandaged with a blue baptismal belt. Girls were awarded the Order of St. Catherine who had a red ribbon. How much time has passed since, and we are still looking for blue and pink ribbons, repeating the traditions of the royal family

An elegant bow for the baby can be done independently using the photochetening below

Video "Bow for an extract" will provide a step-by-step master class of creating a royal bow for extracting from the hospital

Machine for an extract from the hospital in the summer

Advent agencies offer a lot of ideas for decorating a car that will bring a newborn home.

At your service

  • ready sets of thematic stickers

The long-awaited birth of the baby is not only awe feel, but also the first parental care. How to wear a newborn on an extract, what things are necessary when discharge in winter and what they differ from those that need to Mai: We will try to pay attention to all these disturbing nuances and relieve feet fees in the maternity hospital.

Choosing clothes for the first days of life of your crumbs should be thought out. The first suit will protect the gentle skin of your baby, will help adapt in the new world for him. In addition, things on an extract for a newborn you will most likely leave yourself for a long time - in memory of this event. Taking into account the sex of the child, the boy is either a girl, respectively, and choose what is optimally suitable for your beloved chad.

From this article you will learn

In the next video very vividly and informative It is told about what the first things you need to choose for a newborn.

  • Natural fabrics allow the skin to breathe without creating a greenhouse effect. It is necessary to choose a color gamut of calm tones, ideally - white, cream, yellow. In bright colorful things there are dyes that can irritate the skin of the baby.
  • Seam Be sure to be outside.
  • Any bower, price tags, extra thiefs need to cut. For an infant child, they will be unpleasant irritants.
  • Try to choose things with convenient fasteners.
  • Clothing size For the newborn, they pick up respectively, it is about 52-56 centimeters. Focus on this parameter, choosing the first set of clothes for the future fashionista.
  • Caps. Please note that they are required in the first month of the child's life quite often. Purchase several hats with ties. Baby's head girth - approximately 35 centimeters.

Tip when choosing a hat: All children are different in their physical structure. And if with increasing everything is more or less clear, then you approach the choice of a headdress.

Choose two hats: on a small scalp and more. Your child may well be a tiny lump, and the smallest hat will fit him. Or, on the contrary, the head of the baby may be more, there will be a cap of the deeper.

  • Dressing kid on an extract, take the temperature Air, precipitation and wind.
  • First thing dresses mom, and kid after. Optimally, when mom was dressed, and the baby dressed dad or medical staff.

Main Clothing list for extract

Do not forget that all the things of the newborn before put on, you need to wash in a soap solution and carefully try with the inside.

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Extract baby in summer

To prepare for an extract from the hospital in the summer it is worth buying a beautiful blanket and a bow, the color corresponding to the semi of the child. Girls - pink color scheme, and boys - blue or blue color. The tape that the long-awaited bundle with the baby does not have to be short, length is at least three meters, the medical staff knows how to tie it into just incredible bows and flowers.

Things to extract from the maternity hospital should be beautiful, elegant and be sure to match the temperature conditions.

An exemplary list of things you need to assemble a baby in summer:

  • thin cap on risks;
  • sliders and dispensers or slips;
  • diaper.

For temperature +10 A warm blanket with a beautifully tied bow, and when +20 There will be a sufficiently light fleece chopper.

Despite the fact that it is necessary to wear a kid to one layer more than an adult, try not to overheat it. The thermal blow will affect the child's health, and home can come home with a sick chance.

Extract in spring or autumn

Changeable weather, which is famous for April, and even the beginning of May, with a possible cold wind - a reason to prepare a warmer's warmer in advance than summer.

For those whose kids are in the spring or autumn period, warm blankets, envelopes with a warmed lining can already be purchased.

If September will also please the warm and gentle sun, then October will meet the newborn with cold air.

Gathering in the maternity hospital, make a list of those things that are necessary for extracting. Thoughtful relatives can safely hand out the wishes about what should be given.

Buy such things like an envelope on sheepskin, it is necessary when the baby's growth is known. The same applies to the rest of the clothes. All things must close the handles and legs to protect the baby from supercooling.

To extract from the hospital in the spring or autumn, your baby is needed:

  • cotton things: blouse and sliders or whole jumpsuit;
  • warm things on the fleece lining, terry jumpsuit;
  • pair of diapers and care products: Wet wipes, powder, cream;
  • chapecchik, two hats, the first - thin, on the strings, and on top of warmer, because the weather in the spring or autumn period can change dramatically;
  • socks so that the legs are warm, and special scratches to hide the handles, they are in many sets for newborns.

Spring or autumn weather can pamper warm, but can meet the wind, cold and rain. Pay attention to this and prepare in advance several options for extracting.

Extract in winter

In winter, it is necessary to pay a little more to the baby's discharge. Especially do not overdo it, most likely, go home by car. Watch your bunny does not overheat in warm clothing layers. Specify the medical staff that it is necessary to take, because the baby must take a healthy to the house.

Here is an exemplary list of what to take in the hospital:

  • set of sprawling, blouses and sliders;
  • insulated fleece or terry combo;
  • winter envelope with fur lining;
  • hoods - thin and warm;
  • a couple of diapers, even if you are not a supporter, a breast child in a diaper will reach the house dry and clean;
  • warm socks and mittens that will help protect the legs and handles from frost. The baby, wrapped in warm, gentle and, most importantly, soft things will fall asleep and will not disturb you to the very arrival.

Another important detail of the baby wardrobe will be the outerwear. For kids there are several optimal options:

How to make my mother to prepare for discharge from the hospital

First, prepare home everything you need for yourself. Pay attention to the requirements after childbirth, what lingerie and clothing will be in size. If you are in confusion that put on a solemn extract from the maternity hospital, to be beautiful and convenient, refer to the clothes in the sports style. With her and comfortable shoes look good, and the mommy herself will not be fed to behave, moving freely.

Do not neglect with cosmetics and decorations. On the day of the statement, it is customary to do a photo or video. Mommy is simply obliged to shine from happiness and being the most beautiful. You should also take care of the hairstyle. Call to the aid of a girlfriend or yourself with a hairdryer and make combat the beauty on your head.

Be sure to think over the shoes in which you will go out. Comfortable and seasonal - will help you feel confidently to feel when you are discharged from the maternity hospital.

For the well-being of the baby, it is necessary quite a bit: a shining mom, contented, including the appearance of mom, dad. Feeling the love of parents, care for every little thing - the child will grow happy and healthy to joy to everyone.

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While being pregnant, the future mother is thinking about what her child will be dressed when discharge from the hospital. On the one hand, what to think here is to quickly convey the baby to the car, and then from the car to the house. However, everything is not so simple. The system of thermoregulation of the child is not yet developed - the kid is too small. Therefore, even a short-term stay on the frosty air can damage the child. Especially if the air temperature is very low. At the same time, overheating for the baby is also harmful as supercooling. How to find that optimal balance and dress a child correctly so that it does not froze and not sweat? After all, winter can also be different - from +15 to -30 and below.

Clothes for newborns

Choosing clothes for the baby, you need to pay attention to the material from which it is made. The native fabric should be only natural - flax, cotton. From the inside there should be no seams and junctions - even a small flaw can grasp the thin kinder skin. Choose bedtones' clothing - too bright colors can distract and scare a child. In addition, bright shades are obtained when using a large amount of paint. If you get into the body, such a poor-quality fabric can cause irritation, redness and itching.

Choosing clothes for a newborn on an extract, you need to follow the three main rules. The first is the clothes should be suitable for air temperature on the street. That is, the child should not freeze, but overheating can not be allowed. The second rule - the clothes should be beautiful. After all, this is a very responsible and important day - the first yield of your baby into the world. In addition, you probably capture this day in the photo and video. The third important rule for the discharge of a newborn in winter - clothes should be practical. When buying, you must be guided not only by the appearance of products. Think about how many days of winter you will have after discharge. Should you take a warm envelope if you write down at the end of winter? You just do not have time to displacing it - the next winter baby is likely to walk already! All these subtleties and nuances should be taken into account at winter discharge. We will understand everything in order and consider for the beginning of the bottom layer of winter baby clothes.


Depending on the season, only the upper part of children's clothing varies. Native at any time of the year remains unchanged. Consider layers in layers that need to be needed at winter discharge.

  1. Diaper. Even if you do not plan to wear diapers on the child, and you will try to change the diapers, it is an integral part of the wardrobe on the day of discharge. After all, if the baby is described (and they do it very often at that age), you will have to interrupt the ceremony and look for the opportunity to change the child's clothes right now. Not very convenient if you are standing on the threshold of the hospital with things, is it not true? With you, you should have several spare diapers.
  2. Dispensers and sliders or bodys. A few more than a few years ago, the sliders and sprawers were considered. However, their use is not very convenient - the dispenser is constantly opened, the baby's chest and the lower back is not closed properly. To avoid this, instead of them very convenient to wear a thin body on the child. It can be sleekeless and stunted - a sort of tank with fasteners downstairs so that it does not work out. Body can be closed - with pants and sleeves. Choose body transformers with wrapping "legs" on the handles. If necessary, it could be used as scratches.
  3. Fleece slip. If a thin body of sleeveless and pantian was put on the diaper, we put on the fleece slick on top. It may be velor, but not too thin.
  4. Hood. Usually, the baby is put on two caps - one thin of cotton material, and the second warm - woolen. If the winter is very cold, you can wear three hats - thin of natural fabric, more dense and knitted.
  5. Socks. Some thin socks wear together with body, under the fleece slip. Second socks (more dense) wear over a slim or warm suit. Instead of a second warm pair of socks, you can put on knitted booties.
  6. Warm suit. These are warm knitted pants with a shirt that will protect the child from the cold. Instead of a suit, you can use a couple of thin and thick diapers - in the summer version of this would be enough. If you wear a demi-season jumpsuit on top - this is an option for autumn discharge. But for the winter you will need another layer of clothing.

It can be an envelope or a blanket that protects the crumb from frosty air and wind. Be sure to close your child with a shell or an envelope corner. At low temperatures, the baby's cheeks need to be lubricated by a special children's cream from frost. About what to choose as the top layer for winter discharge, let's talk in more detail.

Top layer of clothing

Choosing a part of warm clothes for the baby, the mother focuses on its taste preferences, financial capabilities and practical component.

  1. The envelope. This is the traditional top dress, which is discharged by the baby. But many mums are confused that such an envelope is used only once - when discharge. Walking in such an openwork and festive envelope is somehow not very nice. In addition, the lace is quickly losing the form, the envelope is usually light, which means that the brain. Envelope It is often necessary to swaddle a bow, it is not very convenient if you often ride your car with a child. Such an envelope, though very elegant, but absolutely impractical. You will use it only one winter, and then it will remain with you lying in a dead cargo in the closet. In addition, it is worth a winter envelope for extracting a lot, think well - is it worth it?
  2. A blanket. This is a traditional way of extracting. Our moms and grandmothers were discharged from the maternity hospital with children wrapped in a blanket. To give a festive setting, a bundle tied up with a ribbon of red or blue, depending on the floor of the child. Today, decorate a warm blanket, in which the child will not be cold, can be an ordinary summer envelope. It is not so expensive, but it will not look worse than the winter. You can also put on the blanket a beautiful duvet cover with an openwork angle. In the end, you can not wrapping the blanket with nothing, but buy blanket - not just warm, but also beautiful. There are many options for sale in which you can wrap the child to extract and use as a blanket subsequently.
  3. Overall transformer. There is a lot of modern types of children's clothing, the names of which we do not even know. And why? The main thing is to know how to use it. On the shelves of children's stores, you can find the jumpsuit, which forms the bottom of the envelope - that is, a hollow bag. From above is an elegant jacket. This is a very practical option. When discharge, the transformer forms a sort of envelope - warm and convenient. Subsequently, the overalls can be modified and make a leg. In such a jumpsuit, a child can pass from one winter - depending on the size of the physique. But two winters are a minimum.
  4. Sheepskin envelope blanket. This is a common blanket from sheepskin, which perfectly retains heat and floss. When discharge, the blanket is transformed into an envelope, and it can later be used as a normal blanket or a litter in a stroller. It is a good and practical option, but a pretty daisy - the blanket will have to decorate for an extract.

These are the main types and forms of the outerwear for the baby, if he was born in winter.

Tip! Experienced mothers give the second life things, of which children grow rapidly. Envelope when discharge can be used next winter when the baby is about the year. Yes, the crumb into it is hardly placed, but for skating on sledding is an indispensable thing. Before planting a baby in Sanki, place his legs into an envelope. Feet, loin and lower body will be completely covered from wind, snow and cold, is it not beautiful?

Identifying from the hospital in winter, you need to take into account a few features. The most important thing is the car. The car's salon in which you are traveling for a child should not be punched or dirty. It should not have any sharp flavors. Pre-warm the car. If you warm the salon only slightly, the baby can not be undressed. If the temperature in the cabin is equal to room - you need to remove the top layer of clothing. To transport a child is much safer in the car seat, especially if there is a car and in the future are planned frequent trips with a child. Please note that the overalls of crumbs should be special fastenings for seat belts. If the road is not close, carefully follow the condition of the child. If the child is cold, his nose will tell about it - it will become cold. If the baby is hot - the first thing will sweep the back and neck. In this case, be careful - do not take a crumb on the frost.

Collecting the baby on your first way out, do not forget about yourself. Prepare a cosmetic bag, elegant clothes, hair care products. After all, Mom is another main person on the upcoming holiday.

Extract is a very important event, in which the whole family will see a new family member - a newborn baby. Clothing selected for this event should be not only beautiful, but also comfortable, soft and moderate warm. Choosing how to dress a child when discharge, you need to rely on the maternal flair - a good mother will not allow the child to freeze or heave sweat for no reason. Dress the child correctly and enjoy the sweet moments of your motherhood!

Video: How to choose a set on an extract in winter