How to determine the origin of a surname. As I searched the archives of my ancestors. Personal experience

Searching for relatives and identifying pedigree in the archives is a priority area of ​​activity of the Russian Center for Pedigree. Our staff employs 32 practicing genealogists from different regions of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. We also cooperate with European, American and Canadian genealogical companies.

Why is a pedigree study ordered from us? We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the report on the first stage of archival work, which assumes a guaranteed deepening for about 200 years. These are 8-10 generations (40 - 80 of your ancestors).

The preservation of various state documents and population censuses (revision tales), which began to be conducted since the time of Peter the Great, allow restoring the pedigree to the mid-17th - early 18th centuries, which is 10-14 generations of your ancestors (2 stages of archival work). We usually find documents for 60-100 new relatives.

In ancient beliefs, the spirits of ancestors were honored and considered patrons of the house, guardian angels. Now many have difficulty remembering the names of their great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers. Is this why they often talk about the disappearance of moral values ​​and the loss of kindred feelings?

Why order genealogical search for ancestors?

The name and surname of a person keep secrets that leave a certain imprint on their bearer. What is his origin and class? What professions, position and social status did his ancestors have?

Surnames became widespread in the 18th century .

Their sources were work, nationality, character, faith, place of residence and much more. Knowledge of the pedigree makes it possible to determine the range of interests of the clan, to find movable and immovable property or even treasures buried in difficult times.

Awareness is good for health as well: knowing about the predisposition to diseases, it is easier to prevent them.

However, finding such information on your own is a daunting task. Here we need research papers (which may mean a trip to another city), and polls, and the help of scientists. It is better to entrust an important task to specialists - their search will be quick and accurate.

Stages of searching for family ties

Over time, the births intertwined and moved. Putting together the strings of this huge tapestry is a time-consuming process, consisting of several steps.

Genealogical examination

It is both the beginning of any search for ancestors and a separate service. The expertise includes the formation of a family tree, the study of the preservation of sources.

This initial sketch may include up to a dozen family lines that are related to the customer's lineage.

Examination objectives:

  1. Arrange available genealogical information. Collect information from relatives and find supplements.
  2. Correct inaccuracies. Recover missing facts from available sources.
  3. Develop a prototype of the family tree.
  4. Understand the prospects for deep search and decide how further work will be carried out.
  5. Find out exactly where the information you need is stored.
  6. Form an algorithm and estimate the search for the future.

After the completion of the first stage, the customer is left with a paper version of the family tree and printed archive photos.

Genealogical research and search for ancestors in archives

Since the time of Peter the Great, population censuses have been kept and kept, which makes it possible to restore the genealogy until the beginning of the 18th century. And this is more than a dozen generations.

Data on births, deaths and marriage registrations were recorded in parish registers in two copies. The original was kept in the church, a duplicate - in the archives of the consistory.

In 1918, the "Code of Laws on Acts of Civil Status" was adopted, metric notebooks were replaced with registry ones. After a hundred years of storage by the registry office, they are redirected to the State Archives for eternal storage.

To search for ancestors by last name, experts delve into the jungle of various archives throughout the former Russian Empire.

The second part of the research is the collection of family legends and work in local history museums. Told and recorded testimonies of descendants and contemporaries, hypotheses, legends, traditions - a huge layer of information.

Can be divided into three types according to customer needs:

  1. "Full construction"... All possible sources of information are used. Suitable for those who want to find ancestors up to the 12th generation and get the maximum knowledge about them.
  2. Classic... Working with multiple archives and indirect sources helps in revealing the history of a particular family, taking into account migration.
  3. Exact... Search field - 1 regional or registry office-archive, where the information necessary to confirm the nationality or return of relatives to the ethnic homeland is located.

How is DNA examination carried out and what is it for?

Genetic research is a breakthrough in science that made it possible to identify a genetic ancestor with a dive 150,000 years ago. Documents may be lost, but information is recorded in a person's DNA.

Its study allows you to understand to which part of the world a person's roots lead and to which ethnic group he belongs. The analysis also helps to find out the degree of kinship between people from the same family over several generations.

DNA tests are a magical journey to the depth of fifty generations of kinship. Moreover, the results are almost accurate. Below the tree, the reliability decreases, but the analysis shows from which part of the Earth your ancestors came, in what ways they settled in different territories.

Information will help you look at yourself and the world in a different way, after all, in almost all people of the Caucasian race, up to one percent of Mongoloid genes are detected. In addition, all humans today carry about two percent of Neanderthal genes that disappeared forty thousand years ago.

Hundreds of thousands of people are interested in finding ancestors in the world.

For those who have already been tested, a huge scientific database of the distribution of various genetic groups around the planet has been created.

By comparing your results with the available information, it is easy to find dozens, and sometimes hundreds, of people who have an ancestor in common with you. The test will clarify the degree of kinship and the migration of the genus.

Options for using the information received

Any research is good with a clear result. Having learned about their ancestry and family history, a person will want to preserve and transmit this information.

There are several options for its layout and design (or you can choose more than one - for example, keep something for yourself, but give something to your family).

Compilation and design of a family tree

There are a lot of possibilities here. The main thing is that you should like the design, because the tree will always be in front of your eyes at home or at work.

You can additionally illustrate it with parts of maps, insert pictures of landmarks or coats of arms of populated areas. The result will be:

  • Design tree diagram on photo paper or drywall... Information about all known relatives, systematized by the historian, turns into a tree with a unique design.
  • Picturesque tree... A professional illustrator creates a work in engraving and watercolors. It is then transferred to canvas using high quality plotter printing, while retaining the handmade feel.
  • Carved panel from solid wood... It is performed using the technique of 3D wood carving. The durable solid teak is treated with oil, which reliably protects the tree from damage. It features icons with names in aged brass. The lighting inside the frame creates a cozy atmosphere.

Writing a genealogy book

A great gift for yourself and your descendants, which will be kept for many generations to come.

All collected information can be entered into the book.
- a diagram of the family tree, the results of genealogical research, photos from the family archive, copies of documents, family traditions and legends. If desired, the publication includes a chronicle of memoirs about significant events in the history of the family from the lips of eyewitnesses.

You can arrange a family encyclopedia with an individual photo cover, calico or leather binding. Another option is the reconstruction of an antique edition of the 19th century.

What is the price search for ancestors and where to order it?

High-level specialists of the House of Family Traditions "Christian" will help restore family history, find ancestors by last name and lost relatives.

The research is carried out as quickly as possible, because experts do not wait for answers from the archives of another city, but go to look for information themselves.

Before the start of the costly in-depth investigation, the data are examined.
The customer finds out the plan and cost of further research, and also receives copies of the collected documents, a schematic tree of the genus, a list of sources of information and materials.

Genealogical examination cost- 155 thousand rubles.

Genealogical research cost- depends on the time depth to which the specialists must "dig" and on the geography of the search, therefore it is negotiated with the manager individually.

As a result, you will have in your hands:

  • family tree in the form of a diagram on photographic paper with a tube for storage;
  • generational painting in the form of a brochure on designer paper;
  • a flash card with copies of the found documents, a database and a tree in the Tree of Life program.

DNA test price
- 85 thousand rubles. Test results are scientifically sound, accurate, and expressed as a percentage of likelihood. The analysis is faster than the search for ancestors by last name in the archives and does not depend on possible mistakes made in historical documents. All information is strictly confidential.

You can find out about the cost of other services by calling or writing to the managers of the House of Family Traditions.

A person can rethink himself after he finds out who our ancestors were. He realizes himself as an integral part of the huge tree of life, and can feel the connection with his own progenitors.

Each of us is a reflection of all the best that happened before him, a continuation of the characteristic features of his own kind.

« Never call a spade a spade if you don't know their last names.».
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

What determines the meaning of surnames

It is difficult to overestimate the value of a person's surname. Since the time a child crosses the threshold of school, he ceases to be just Petya, Natasha or Dima, but also becomes Zaitsev, Romanova, Belov. With this important "addition", our growing up seems to begin. Apart from close relatives, friends and acquaintances, we distinguish people primarily by their surnames. The surname helps to form the first impression of a person - for example, with a high probability of being hit, assume his nationality. Knowing what the surname means, you can learn a lot about the ancestor, the ancestor. Where he lived, what he did, was he tall or small, noisy or quiet. The roots of surnames lie in the personal names or nicknames of people, their professions, the names of places that existed at the time when surnames began to form. On the territory of Russia, this process became widespread in the 16th century, and was fully completed only at the beginning of the 20th century.

What does your last name mean?

It is interesting that the interpretation of surnames very often comes as a complete surprise to their owners. So, the sonorous, similar to an artistic pseudonym, the names of Izumrudov and Tulips were given not to a jeweler and gardener, but, most likely, to students of a church school or seminary. Surnames with a meaning associated with the names of animals and birds are usually among the most ancient. They were formed at a time when, along with personal names, nicknames were also in use - Crow, Bear, Pig. Many surnames come from nicknames-amulets that drive away evil spirits. Parents often called their child a fool with the hope that he would grow up smart, Malice - kind. So that the ancestors of the Fools were not at all fools, and the Zlobins were gloomy and embittered. By the way, the famous surname Nekrasov also originates from the nickname Nekras, that is, the expectation that the child will grow up beautiful and handsome. So, you should not be in a complex because of the "dissonant" surnames, all the more to form a negative opinion about the owners on them.
Of course, it is not always possible to determine with absolute certainty what meaning of the surname was originally true. Some surnames were born from distorted foreign language borrowings, others from words that can no longer be found in modern dictionaries. However, interest in one's surname makes one learn more about one's ancestors, which means touching the history of one's kind.

Surname numerology

Finally, the numerological analysis of a surname can tell about a certain general mood of the genus, hereditary abilities, potential "family" opportunities for success or failure, about the methods of communication with the outside world developed by generations of one "dynasty". Each representative of the surname simultaneously enhances it with his own energy and receives support from her. It is no coincidence that people change their destiny dramatically when they change their surnames.
Free online surname analysis will help you get closer to mysteries that you might not have known about.

The meaning of surnames by nationality

Below is a list of nationalities, by going to the pages of which, you can find out some details and the meaning of the surname, depending on the country in which they appeared.

In our time, every person has a surname. As the name is called, so the surname is "assigned". Most people with their last name live their whole lives, and girls before the wedding, after which they change their maiden name to the name of their husband. There are times when men take the names of their wives, but such cases are less common. Have you ever wondered where your surname came from, how old it is, centuries, thousands of years? After all, you can change the surname, but then the dynasty of kinship may end, and after all, no one grants that there are still people on Earth with such a surname as yours. We offer you a directory of surnames, in which you can try to find your own.

There are so many surnames that we simply cannot collect information about all the surnames. The directory contains more than 40,000 Russian surnames.

Dictionary of Russian surnames

The dictionary of surnames can be used as a reference, free surnames are grouped by letter. The list of surnames is quite detailed, over 40,000. The history of the surname can go back many centuries. During its existence, the surname can undergo quite significant changes, with the loss of both individual letters and whole syllables, which can radically change the original meaning of the surname. Finding out about the origin of the surname and what it actually means, in some cases, can be quite simple. Usually, the meaning of a simple surname is easy to guess and without prompts; for complex surnames, this may not be feasible at all.

It can be assumed that the origins of any surname is either a craft or the personal characteristics of people who later transformed into the now known surnames. No genealogy is able to trace the real state of affairs. At best, you can find the mention of your surname in historical documents and in this way determine how old it is. The maximum that we have today is a family tree that can be traced for no more than 10 generations.

How do you find out the meaning of a surname? Unfortunately, only the very first carriers of the surname knew the original meaning of their surname, there may still be direct relatives and that's it. Further, it is just guesswork and fortune telling on the coffee grounds. Let's be realistic, if you do not have reliable and detailed information about the ancestors, who they were, where they lived, then your secret of the surname may never be solved. Therefore, information about the places of residence of all your ancestors can be of great help in finding the origin of the surname. This is very important, because one and the same word underlying a surname, in different nations and in different dialects, can have completely different meanings. Moreover, even familiar words in the old days had different meanings from modern ones.

In this encyclopedia of surnames you will find both common and very rare surnames, of course, there are also the most beautiful surnames. Naturally, the concept of beauty is very subjective and everyone will have their own opinion on this matter. Check out the common names of visitors. Pay attention to the funniest surnames that real people have to live with. The most interesting thing is that they have come down from time immemorial in this form. It turns out that before, people did not see anything funny and shameful in their names. Only then could they survive.

Looking back at the events of the past of our country, one can understand why many of us have finally lost touch with our forefathers. In the cycle of historical events, people either lost contact with their blood relatives, or deliberately refused any relationship with them. And today you cannot blame anyone: in an effort to save their children, many families deliberately changed and destroyed old documents in order to avoid reprisals and executions.

Nowadays, the presence of venerable ancestors in the pedigree is very much appreciated: belonging to a family with important (from a historical point of view) surnames will give your person a certain weight in a cultural society. But even if you are sure that the names of your great-grandfathers, great-grandmothers and their parents are not known in public history, it is still very important to know your roots, because this knowledge is an integral part of the spiritual, religious and cultural aspects of a modern person.

Options for finding information about your ancestors

For those wishing to take the shortest route, we inform you that in the virtual market of services on the network today there are a lot of specialized services that guarantee, for a certain amount of money, "dig up" the history of your family in the archives and ultimately compose your family for you. You will become the owner of an officially certified certificate, where all representatives of your family will be listed in detail - with names, professions and dates of life. However, it is necessary to mention the shortcomings of this type of investigation: no one will give you guarantees that they will find your blood relatives, and not their namesakes. True, MirSovetov offers another laborious, but reliable option - to find information about your ancestors on your own.

Independent searches of a kind: drawing up an action plan

To get the information you need yourself, be prepared to:

  • interview your relatives;
  • systematize the data obtained;
  • use search queries;
  • get the status of belonging.

Conversation with family and friends.

The first and simplest stage of the search begins with interviewing relatives. At the same time, do not miss the opportunity to communicate with close friends of their families and neighbors if relatives live in one place for a long time. The older the story of your family, the more difficult it is to piece together the pieces of the puzzle that make it up. All the data obtained must be carefully recorded in order to subsequently systematize it.

Features of data classification.

Organizing the collected information is the next important step on the way to your own. The search for a person involves not only acquaintance with the historical information about him, but also the study of photographs that may be related to him. So, on an old photo, you can find a clue (background, clothing style, strangers) that will tell you in which direction to move on.

Without a clear systematization, it is not possible to compose a family tree of a kind, because you must know for sure which names were in the line of your ancestors, who and by whom was brought to each other and to you. With a large amount of knowledge, you can find out and prove the significance of the surname, if any in your family. In addition, the systematization will indicate gaps in the ancestral chain. To make up for them, you may need to ask relatives more than once about what interests you.

How to fill out a search query.

All information about your intended relatives, which will be of some value to you, needs to be officially confirmed.

For example, if a woman was married more than once, then her surname also changed several times. To know about this reliably, you need to write a request to the archives of the registry office. Information about distant ancestors is sought in church archives.

If the person you want to know something about was a military man, and you only have his name, surname and photograph, do not think that all is lost. It happened that ammunition and uniforms added missing details to the image of the stranger. In such cases, a written request is sent to the military archive. The task will be greatly facilitated if the soldier has received an award: all orders are registered in a special journal, where they must mark when, to whom and for what merits the order was issued. Thus, you can find out in which military unit your ancestor served and then send a request to the military archive - as a result, you can get information about the rank, belonging to a famous family, or whether this person is your namesake.

Please note that in addition to information from the military archive from the registry office, you can study the census lists or fox books of the 15th century. All written requests to official organizations are usually paid.

List of divisions of Russian archives

To search for information was prompt and productive, you must have a clear idea of ​​where to look for certain information. All Russian historical archives have subdivisions:

  1. State Archives of Social and Political History - contains data on employees and members of youth organizations.
  2. The State Archives of the Navy - it contains all the documentary information of the Naval Ministry, starting from 1827.
  3. State Archives of Contemporary History - this organization stores the personal files of members of the Communist Party.
  4. State Military Archives - contains data on the military, dating back to 1920. There is a rich archive of the Red Army, as well as foreign military operations of the Second World War.
  5. State Military Historical Archive - information from the pre-revolutionary period, starting from 1797, is stored here.
  6. State Archive of Ancient Acts - contains documents from various archives. These include documentation belonging to the imperial court from 1869 to 1920, ancient manuscripts for the period 1 1854 to 1882, records of old cases (1782 - 1852) and a repository of patrimonial affairs (1768 - 1852).
  7. Departmental archive - in it you can find comprehensive data about people of the Soviet period, their labor awards and orders.

Do not neglect the district libraries and local museums, where you can get access to various search literature, archival documents, newspapers and other information and reference publications. Do not forget that you can use the services of archivists, historians and bibliographers.

Additional sources of information search

Check out several free virtual services that you can use to design and build your personal pedigree:

  1. The tree of life - The site provides an opportunity to compile a family tree, determine the degree of relationship with ancestors, as well as store photos, videos and other information about the life and occupation of relatives;
  2. Family Chronicle - On this site, you will create a large colorful tree of its kind. You can also store photos, videos and various documents.
  3. GenoPro - You can display your pedigree in the form of a graphical table.

In the investigation of the emergence of a surname, the following libraries can come to the rescue:


Finding your genealogical roots is a laborious, time-consuming job. After officially confirming your direct relationship with a noble family, you must decide what to do with the result of your labors. Some apply for an inheritance, and if they are lucky, they also enjoy certain material benefits.

If you managed to find some relatives, but their names do not represent any historical value, do not be discouraged. On the contrary, you can be proud of yourself, since you not only made every effort to find out your origin, but also made a wonderful gift to your children and grandchildren (present or future). Knowing and honoring your ancestors is a guarantee of mental health and well-being of the whole family.