How guys like to be called. Cool nicknames for a guy: affectionate nicknames for men and a list of cute nicknames for friends. How unusual to name a guy you really like

It is customary to call each other affectionately and funnily not only if the couple is in a love relationship: friends have such a custom.

Girls often use funny nicknames and nicknames to refer to a friend of the opposite sex.

Quite often, klikuhi are formed from childhood: they are invented by classmates, friends of youth, comrades and neighbors.

Over time, the guys try to disown the old nickname, but very few people succeed.

In order to independently come up with a nickname for a guy, friend or husband, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the methods of composing nicknames.

Regardless of whether they have a long-term relationship or not even a month, girls always tend to come up with new affectionate names and nicknames for their beloved guys.

This is due to the feminine nature: the girl needs to "mark" the guy with a new name, to show others that he already belongs to her.

It is not difficult to come up with a nickname for a beloved man: it is not recommended to use the banal "cat", "bunny" or "sun".

Consider several criteria for choosing an original and unusual nickname for your beloved:

  1. Profession. To create an affectionate nickname, you can use belonging to the occupation, although this criterion is often used by a man's friends.

    For example, if a young person works in the field of economics, you can pick up a cute and memorable nickname from this use of words.

  2. Appearance. Does your loved one love to eat a lot? Call it "donut".

    Well, if he prefers to often adhere to proper nutrition, while keeping an eye on the figure and going to the gym, the nickname "muscular" will not offend him, but will make him nicer.

  3. Behavior style. Does the man constantly show enterprise, likes to keep the situation under control and solves most family problems?

    The nickname "cool" will suit him, only it is necessary to explain in advance the harmlessness of intentions.

  4. Food preferences. You can call a guy in an original and affectionate way according to his dietary preferences.

    If a young man was seen eating baked goods, the nickname "pie" will become the main one for him.

  5. Hobby. Soul activities often calm a person, but funny hobbies become a reason for creating nicknames.

    If your husband is fond of growing plantings, affectionately call him "botanist."

Do not naively believe that a response will not follow the newly-made nickname: be prepared for anything - men are very inventive in names.

Affectionate nicknames for guys

Every cool kid in the company of his beloved girl wants to seem an affectionate and sweet man, even if his appearance does not allow it.

In this case, the girl should come up with a cute nickname in advance for the guy to call him so in private.

A selection of the most common options will help you make the right choice:

  • Eggplant, Watermelon, Gingerbread is a good set of nicknames for a loved one: they do not look offensive and characterize each man differently.
  • Pusya, Masya, Busya, Kisya - a list of options suitable for couples in the bouquet-candy period: such nicknames always seem cute and cause sweet delight.
  • Darling, Native, Golden, Favorite - options for conservative men who do not accept too cloying nicknames.
  • Kozyulya, Fatty, Beardach, Chudilka - suitable for couples who have an excellent sense of humor and do not resent each other.
  • Fluffy, Murzik, Kisik, Kitten - the cat theme for many years does not come out of the use of affectionate nicknames.

When choosing, you should not pay attention to the guy's shortcomings and indicate them in the name. For example, in case of a clear visual defect, it is unacceptable to call a young man a “bespectacled man”, even in an affectionate form.

Important! You can call your beloved man in an original and affectionate way in private or in a company of friends very close to the family.

Do not focus on the invented nickname if the young man did not like it: it is better to come up with a new one and follow the reaction.

List of cute nicknames for friends

It's much easier to come up with a chase for a friend than for a beloved guy. Friends with humor and sarcasm refer to such manifestations of wit, but they are not averse to inventing a nickname in return.

Note! You should not be too intrusive to a friend if he already has a lady of the heart: perhaps she will not like such a close relationship.

Consider what nickname you can think of for a trusted friend.

A selection of hilarious options will lead you to the right thoughts:

Beautiful nicknames by name

There is a peculiarity in every tender nickname: having once called his lover that way, he will get used to it and will stop taking it with due care.

This name will become a common nickname used in everyday life.

In addition to affectionate nicknames, a guy can be given a nickname by name.

Consider a few beautiful options to choose your own:

  • Transformation of the name into English: Andrey - Andrew, Alexey - Alex, Anton - Anthony, Arthur - Archie, Denis - Dan.
  • The addition of diminutive suffixes is suitable for boys: Glebushka, Davidushka, Igoresh, Olezha, Maksyutka.
  • Cool nicknames by name: Boris - Boska, Vadim - Vadimus, Victor - Viktanchik, Danila - Danilek, Grigory - Griga, Stanislav - Tusik, Yuri - Yurok.

Before calling your beloved guy with similar derivative nicknames from the name, ask if he is against it.

Some men do not accept such treatment due to the excessive affection of parents in childhood. Refuse to create a nickname with obscenities - people who are not too educated can afford it.

Useful video

Men are a strong half of humanity. But it turns out that they love a gentle and gentle attitude no less than women. With the help of affectionate and touching words, gestures and looks, a wise woman can get everything she wants from her chosen one: to make amends for any wrongdoing or receive a desired gift, all without exception. A tender attitude towards a beloved man should be manifested in everything, in the smallest details, for example, in how we address each other in everyday life and in an intimate setting. Let's share our experience and sort out various options for how you can call a guy affectionately?

How and when not to call a man affectionately

There are moments that are not right for touching Zaychikov and Pupsikov... For example, at a party with friends or a business meeting. Everything has its time and you need to adhere to certain rules of etiquette.

In the end, we can hurt the pride of a young man, inflict psychological trauma on him, exposing such intimate details of communication to the show. Some men are intolerant of such things, and it can even ruin your relationship.

What are the phrases and diminutive names? not worth applying:

  • My sweetie.
  • Touching.
  • My boy.
  • My baby.

It is clear that this is purely individual. But more often than not, men do not like words that hint at his inconsistency, not masculinity, or even at too young or old age. For example: " You are my old man!" or " My little boy!"Perhaps such tenderness can and push away.

How can you call a guy affectionately: a list

When a girl wants to name her boyfriend affectionately, the first thing she will do is. based on what his name is, which is understandable.

If you have only recently met and your relationship has grown into friendship, but is not yet so close and intimate, then there is no better option. Otherwise, you can get into an awkward situation and make the person unpleasant.

How can you play with the names of men?

  • Sasha, Alexander- Sasha, Sasha, Sanechka, Sasa, Alex, Shunya, Sashpunechka, Shunchik.
  • Alyosha, Alexey- Alyoshenka, Alyusechka, Alex, Alyusya, Lesik, Leshechka, Alyoshechka.
  • Andrey- Andryushechka, Andrew, Andreyka, Dronchik, Dragon, Dyusha.
  • Anton-Tosha, Toshechka, Tonchik, Antonio.
  • Artyom- Artyusha, Tyoma, Temchik, Temusha, Temusik.
  • Boris- Borik, Boryusik, Boryusechka, Boryunchik, Borisovich, Barberry.
  • Valery- Roller, Valerichek, Valerushechka.
  • Basil- Vasik, Vasyatka, Vasilyok.
  • Victor- Vityusha, Vitik, Viktavusik, Vitechka, Lyunchik.
  • Vladimir- Vovanchik, Volanchik, Vladimirchik, Vovashechka, Vovatrushka.
  • Vitaly- Vitasik, Tasik, Talik, Vitality, Vitusik, Vitalyander, Vitalyushkin, Vintik, Curl.
  • Gennady- Genchik, Geniusha, Genius, Crocodile.
  • Danila- Danchik, Nilchik, Danyusha.
  • Dmitriy- Dimik, Dimenok, Dimuski, Dimasik, Demon.
  • Evgeniy- Zhenchik, Evgenchik, Ginsengchik.
  • Ivan- Ivanchik, Ivashka, Vanyok, Vanchik, Ivanyushka.
  • Igor- Garik, Igor, Goryushunchik.
  • Cyril l - Kira, Kirchik, Kiryusik.
  • Maksim- Maksik, Maksjunchik, Maksimiliano.
  • Michael- Mishka, Mishutka, Mishan, Mishechka.
  • Nikolay- Nikola, Nikolchik, Kolik, Kolunya, Nikolasha.
  • Oleg- Olezhek, Olezhka, Olegusya.
  • Paul- Pashka, Nahan, Pashulya, Pasechka.
  • Roma- Chamomile, Romunchik, Romik, Romeo.
  • Ruslan-Ruslik, Ruslanchik, Ruso.
  • Sergey- Sergunya, Sergunchik, Seryonya, Serge.
  • Timur- Tim, Timka Timurchik, Timurenok, Mumu.
  • Fedor- Fedyunya, Fenya, Fe, Fefa.
  • Yuri- Yurochka, Yurik, Yurassik, Yur.

As you can see from all of the above, the fantasy of a loving woman knows no boundaries and can create a lot of options for the name of her beloved guy.

What to do if you can't find the right name

Sometimes it happens that a girl cannot find a pleasant name for a young man, she lacks imagination, or, for example, everything that you suggested was completely rejected. In this case, in order to choose the appropriate name, you can use the text of the songs that he listens to, the books that he reads. As well as the plot of the films that he watches. But you do not need to sharply focus your attention on this, over time, if there is a need for this, everything will be found by itself.

And yet the best option for a man would be his own name, perhaps a little diminished and pronounced in the gentle loving voice of a dear and close friend of life.

How to name a guy affectionately without being attached to his name

When the relationship between a man and a woman crosses the threshold beginners, you can move on to more frank affectionate names, which are usually no longer associated with the original name of the young man. Having got to know each other better, having learned what habits and hobbies your loved one welcomes, realizing that he will be really pleased, you can allow yourself some freedom in addressing each other.

Some girls see strong animals in their beloved, for example:

  • My lion.
  • The Dragon.
  • My Tiger.
  • My Dinosaur.

In the case when you want to call it affectionately, but at the same time emphasize it individuality, the options are suitable:

  • Hippo.
  • Dolphin.
  • Raccoon.
  • Lion cub.
  • Pug.
  • Bobrik.
  • Finch.
  • Sparrow.
  • Murlysyo.

For a more intimate setting, they use very touching names:

  • Zhopik.
  • Nipper.
  • Macho.
  • Playful.
  • Gugusik.
  • Superman.
  • Pepper.

But in any case, the best thing is to observe the measure and not overdo it, do not forget that we are still dealing with the stronger sex, and we can hurt the pride of a loved one.

How cool is it to name a guy

In life, it is extremely important to treat everyone with a sense of humor and you can also diversify the relationship with something funny, especially if they have become a little familiar and commonplace. Try to start by calling your soul mate something original, funny and cool.

If a young man has bad habits, you can kindly hint at them, then you will kill two birds with one stone:

  • Smoking room.
  • All-for-nothing.
  • Sock the skimmer.
  • Sonya.
  • Teletubbies.

If your boyfriend loves some specific dishes or is strongly attached to something, loves his profession, then the following will do:

  • Salad.
  • Pancake.
  • Bar.
  • My Schumacher.
  • Discoverer.
  • Sea storm.
  • Pencil.

The main thing is to be attentive to each other, and then you will not be mistaken in choosing a second, your family name for your boyfriend.

Phrases and expressions that will please a man

Names can grow into whole phrases where you can attach more sense, more feelings.

  • "You are the best!"
  • "I breathe you!"
  • "My only one!"
  • " I can not live without you!"
  • "Just stay with me!"
  • "I believe in you!"
  • "I wanna be with you!"
  • "You are my wall!"
  • "I am afraid of only one thing that you will stop loving me!"
  • "I'm proud of you!"
  • "My heart!"

And of course the expression “ I love you!»Must be spoken more often than all other words - this is the most important, the most telling phrase that can replace all the others under any circumstances.

After all, men in their souls are so soft and fluffy, although they do not always show it out, nothing human is alien to them. Including the manifestation of tenderness and attention from the beloved girl in various little things.

We have considered many different options, how it is not necessary and how you can call a guy affectionately, but the choice is yours, most likely you will come up with something of your own, suitable only for your young man and his image.

Video: affectionate nicknames for a guy

In this video, psychologist Margarita Mukhova will tell you how best to name your boyfriend affectionately so that he likes it and this nickname does not hurt his sense of dignity:

Couples in love very often call each other affectionate and sometimes funny nicknames. Men and women are impressed when the other half does not just pronounce his or her name, but comes up with a gentle and original nickname. With the help of such, meaningful only for them, little things, they express their emotions, understanding each other perfectly. What affectionate nicknames for a guy or beloved husband can you think of?

Lovers come up with funny nicknames for each other when the relationship enters a completely new stage, accompanied by complete trust and mutual understanding. Source: Flickr (Ninon_Mallet)

Why do we come up with nicknames for our loved ones?

At the initial stage of the relationship, young people still look closely at each other, they are embarrassed to show their feelings to the fullest, therefore they do not refine themselves, limiting themselves to addressing by name. When the flow of emotions goes off scale, and there is no strength to restrain warm feelings, then the time comes for the most tender words and nicknames. Lovers come up with funny nicknames for each other when the relationship enters a completely new stage, accompanied by complete trust and mutual understanding. Why do we need these nicknames at all?

The fact is that people are addressed by name in educational institutions, at work, in the company of friends and close relatives, so such an address seems common and boring. Lovers want to create their own little world, a secluded place where they can talk about things that only two of them understand. What cute nicknames for a guy can a girl use to please him and not hurt him?

Note! The nickname does not have to correspond to the type of temperament and personality traits of the young person. With some phrases, you can cheer up the chosen one, amuse his pride.

Since diminutive words also emphasize the depth of your feelings, pronounce them with a special intonation so that the man correctly understands the meaning of your gentle sayings.

Affectionate nicknames for a guy

Let's start with the most common, but no less pleasant nicknames for representatives of the strong half of humanity:

  • beloved, dear, gentle, dear, sweet, handsome, baby, sun
  • cat, bunny, tiger or tiger cub, hippo, bear cub, lion cub and other animals

The original nicknames include the following:

  • lapusik, pupsik, half, beech, masik, angel, murzik, fry, saffron milk (for redheads)
  • genius, king, mischief, sorcerer, flower, firefly, buttercup, animal

Several interpretations with names:

  • Alexander - Sanyusya, Shurik, Sanechik, Alexik, Sanyunya
  • Andrey - Dyusha, Drosha, Andryusha, Andreychik
  • Boris - Boryusik, Boryunya, Bronka, Barefoot
  • Victor - Vityunya, Viktusik, Vityusha
  • Vitaly - Tasya, Vitik, Taska, Vitusik, Vitasya
  • Grigory - Grunya, Gryuska, Grishenka, Grigorik
  • Dmitry - Dimanya, Dimasya, Mityusha
  • Denis - Denya, Deniska, Denyunya
  • Eugene - Eugesha, Zhenechka, Zhenya, Eugeshka
  • Leonid - Lenchik, Lenechka, Lesik
  • Mikhail - Mishutka, Mishanka, Misha, Mikhailyunya
  • Nikolay - Nikolushka, Niki, Niko, Kolusik
  • Pavel - Pavlushka, Pavlunya, Pashunya, Pavlik
  • Seryozha - Serenya, Serzhik, Sergusik
  • Svyatoslav - Holy, Holy, Glory
  • Yuri - Yurchik, Yurunya, Yusik

If not a single meeting of yours is complete without humor, then you can safely come up with cool names for each other. Be sure that the chosen one will appreciate the subtle sense of humor and originality.

Source: Flickr (Melinda )

Cool nicknames for men

What women do not come up with to make their soulmate laugh. Some nicknames are really funny, while others can sound a little offensive. Therefore, you should not use them immediately after meeting. Better to test the waters, and then proceed to the "heavy artillery".

Funny nicknames for men:

  • bus, scout, hedgehog, zhuzhik, chaffinch, kazyavka, kitty, kroshkin, kuksik, biter
  • lintipuzik, baby, mammoth, mouse, murkezalo, daddy, persyunya, gnaw
  • plushik, puzyandiy, fluffy, gopher, tarapulya, tusik, frowning, hamster, cement, chicken

A selection of the above words proves that lovers can come up with nicknames that are absolutely not related to animals or any phenomena.

What do lovers call each other

We all know the elementary truth - there is no limit to perfection. This expression applies to this topic as well. No one can limit people in choosing nicknames for each other. The more vocabulary and the wider the flight of imagination, the more sophisticated the nicknames. Some affectionate names are touching, while others enter into a stupor. Usually couples in love do not bother and are limited to hackneyed phrases in the style of "my own" or "my beloved." But there are those who want sophisticated addresses in a more frank manner.

Important! Be sure to say affectionate words and compliments to your loved one. Then he will feel desired, loved and significant.

It's not so difficult to come up with an affectionate nickname for your beloved guy, especially if you've known your chosen one for several days. Savvy and creative thinking are your faithful assistants in this matter.

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How to affectionately call a guy - unusual cute nicknames

Having started dating or living together, the couple comes up with not only general rules, traditions, but also cute affectionate nicknames for each other. Some of them are widely used by many lovers, others are known only to two people.

Often, girls want to say affectionate words to their beloved, to name him in a special way, unusual, but do not know if the guy will like them. To help such persons, our list of the most interesting and original household nicknames has been compiled.

Most often, in everyday communication or in a circle of friends, girls call their beloved the most neutral words that are generally known to everyone. Even if the couple has their own tender affectionate nicknames, you should not introduce them to everyone around. Let your invented words remain a secret for strangers.

Here is a list of popular words that you can publicly call your boyfriend:

  • Cute
  • Favorite
  • Expensive
  • My good
  • Native
  • My sun
  • My handsome

Using these affectionate words in the company of friends, you can show others your feelings for a guy, demonstrate a tender and romantic relationship between you. Many girls love to call a boyfriend affectionately, and gentlemen are usually very pleasant and flattering to hear this. The addition of the pronoun "my" to any pleasant word even more indicates intimacy in a relationship, one should not be afraid to say it often.

Many couples like to call each other diminutive words or phrases associated with beautiful, strong, cute animals. You can follow their example to affectionately call your loved one some pleasant nickname. The main thing is not to use offensive nicknames, so as not to accidentally call the gentleman a goat or a ram.

The most commonly used nicknames are:

  • Teddy bear, teddy bear
  • Cat, kitten, cat
  • Lion, lion cub, lion cub
  • Tiger, little tiger
  • Hare, bunny

You can persuade these words, come up with similar words based on them, it is not forbidden to even affectionately call a guy a gopher, a hamster or a piglet, if he likes it. However, you should not use such nicknames in an unfamiliar team or in a serious environment.

In a circle of friends or at home, you can call each other whatever you want, with any phrases, nicknames, so long as they are not offensive. If there is even a little imagination, it is not forbidden to invent them on your own, it will even be more interesting and original. If nothing comes to mind, you can use the hints.

Here are the most common nicknames for lovers:

  • Fluffy
  • Sun
  • Baby
  • My hero
  • My treasure
  • My joy
  • Playful

You can affectionately call your beloved by name, for example, not Seryozha or Seryoga, but Seryozhenka or Serzhik. A lot of guys like it. If your boyfriend has some extraordinary talent, like cooking, renovation, sex, why not come up with words of praise? It will also not be superfluous to note the muscles, appearance, hairstyle, manner of dress.

Nicknames such as:

  • My strongman
  • Sexual
  • Desired
  • Superman
  • Sweet
  • Zolotse
  • My precious
  • Sweet tooth
  • The only one

Guys like it when their friends call them affectionately and tenderly, while hugging or kissing. Moreover, it is necessary to say affectionate words if the gentleman is shy of his appearance or has low self-esteem - let him believe in himself, in your love.

To name a loved one affectionately, you do not need to invent complicated phrases - you just need to praise him, say something gentle. You can even compare him with one of the actors, heroes of the film, fairy-tale characters, if only the young man liked it.

  • You are the best
  • You are my strongest and most fearless
  • You are my only, most beloved in the world
  • There is no one better than you
  • My most gentle romantic
  • How sexy and tireless you are
  • I'm crazy about your kisses, your touch
  • Only with you I feel good and comfortable
  • I think about you all the time, all day

The list of phrases may depend on the mood of a friend, his abilities, skills, strength, intelligence, appearance. Do not be afraid to praise the guy even for a trifling matter or help, he will definitely appreciate and take into account.

If your relationship is long enough and strong enough, and both are fine with humor, you can come up with any stupid or funny words for each other. Make sure that they do not sound too offensive and stupid, otherwise you can upset the gentleman with your joke.

It will be unusual to hear such nicknames in your address as:

  • Sweeties
  • Fat Sleep
  • Lysik
  • Perchik
  • Heffalump
  • Sonya
  • Peach
  • Little angel
  • Sexy
  • Donut

If the guy is not offended, you can call him what you like. The main thing is that the words should be gentle and sincere.

A source:
How to affectionately call a guy - unusual cute nicknames
How to call a guy affectionately so that it sounds unusual and beautiful. The list of nicknames for a loved one is varied - from a cute bunny and a bear to a baby doll

How to name a guy affectionately?

boys as you like

when they call you

My boyfriend is strong, everyone respects him, Igor calls me the sun or a hare. What should I call him?

and I call it a dunce) and a cat and a cat)

Affectionate and cool

By the way, his name is Sasha)))

By the way, his name is Sasha)))

as an option - Sanyochek! I really call a friend that way, not a guy, but my friend really likes it :)

and she called the guy "The Sun" :)

My boyfriend calls me Katyunya, Katyushka, Katenka, Katyuha .. well, etc. And I call my boyfriend from his name, affectionate (Artem) temochka, lapulya, zaya, but most of all I like Temka!

what should I call his name, his name is Zhenya

From everything I read, I chose MY EBRIK for my boyfriend, but why is it cool, and most importantly, it characterizes him very much)))))

And I trudge when he calls me MY FEMALE, SWEET, GIRL

Bitch * ra, Hu * sos, PidrilO.

His name is Andrey ..)) what else can we call.

call him Screw.

and my Zhenya-Evgeniy .. how to call it affectionately.

I am generally enraged by the type: Zaya. hare. and everything like that. Sun.

Call by name. something funnier.

can. cute. favourite. current everywhere add my \ my. and no matter what you call it. will still stand out will be "MY"

and if his name is Artyom?

and one more thing: I really want to meet with him, but the language is taken away somehow affectionately called

I, too, in this situation, I call - "cute"!

Fawn - Nastya, are you chtol ??

I call Zeliboba * uy, Bun-Bun, Pisetrub (heard as PisetruP), Merry ***.

mne chlenik bolshe ponravilsya

I call my little eagle, the sun, the sun, my joy, my sweet, the main thing is to understand how he likes to call it.

I call him in general ((Zina))

or kekeshka. or kazyavka

so what’s he giving me a bunny kitty. kisulya there **

here I have the same bullshit with a guy.

I call him dear, dear)

and I can't think of anything else ((((

my beloved female calls me and I am his mug)

And what kind words can you call Maxim.

while reading ugorala))))))

Call sugar ass)))

What to call Seryozha?

I don’t know anymore. his name is Roma. what to call ??

You are my ray among the clouds 🙂

I call: my happiness, my baby, my dear, dear, lyubiminky, gentle, dear, my heart.

Name "my stallion" Pts like it!

dove, burdock, stink ... and if you have distinguished yourself in something, then a banana!

cool question you have here))) but what to call Vova ?? (we do not meet, this is far away)

Kitten, bear cub, tiger cub, baby, masya, dear, dear, dear, beloved.

SASHULYOCHIK. My boyfriend's name is also Sasha, and his surname is Ulko. So I call him SashulkA

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A source:
How to name a guy affectionately?
T.*****. to name it so that it was pleasant to him, and did not sound promising. Darling - will not work ... P.S. we do not meet with him, but we communicate very well ... What are the options?

How to call a guy?

The first thing that comes to mind in response is, of course, "goat!" As my close friend likes to say: “All men are goats! Even the best of them - Brad Pitt - is also an asshole, because he does not live with me, but with this inadequate Jolie! "

Nicknames and name-calling usually appear by themselves, somehow intuitively-subconsciously. Most name-calling comes from a guy's appearance:

  • "Red" if the guy has red hair;
  • "Patched" if he wears long hair;
  • "Lop-eared" if he has protruding ears;
  • “Long” if the guy is above the “district average” height;
  • "Nosy" if the guy has a prominent nose;
  • "Goggle-eyed" if he has large eyes;
  • "Hunchback" if he slouches;
  • "Fat-ass", "fat", "boar" or "hog" if the guy is overweight. What a handsome man, isn't it?

In childhood, some guys are very upset by such nicknames or name-calling, sometimes it comes to tears or a fight. But as they grow up, guys stop paying attention to it. They even very often introduce themselves when they meet them with a nickname that stuck when they call names: “Hello! My name is Max, for friends - Long! ". They say this with a certain amount of pride in their height and with a healthy self-irony that attracts many girls.

Well, "goat" is already a classic. But this word is offensive, for it you can get it in the face and in response: "Sheep!" run into without further ado. You can call a guy a "freak" - such a "compliment" will not remain unanswered either. The word "brute" evokes unpleasant associations, because it gives an impartial characterization of the moral character of a guy. In general, name-calling, which is based on the guy's appearance, is somehow not very catchy after school. It is much more offensive for a guy to hear name-calling in his address, which characterizes the qualities of his soul and humiliates his personality.

Guys become wiser, realizing that with what appearance they were born, with such and live. Well, yes, "lop-eared" and "fat-ass", just think! What it is ... The bulk of men believe that pumping out fat and ear plastic is the lot of homosexuals.

Here is the most offensive nickname or name-calling for guys - homosexual. The word came from prisons and has several synonyms: cock, fagot, fagot, fagot, homosexual. These are the most widely known offensive nicknames. Although they do not refer to foul language, in a decent society such words should not be uttered - this will belittle the reputation of the offending person himself. After all, others may have a quite reasonable question: "How do you know such words?"

It would seem that it is very simple - to come up with an affectionate nickname for your boyfriend. But this is only at first glance. The fact is that not all men like such nicknames. Some of them will surely appreciate the girl's sense of humor and will treat such words with due understanding. And some of the men may be seriously offended. What to do? Tender words in love are essential. They add spice and variety to relationships. In this article, we'll talk about how to affectionately call a guy so as not to offend him and strengthen your feelings. Do not skimp on flattering words for your man, lovely girls! After all, men need them no less often than women.

How to get his attention

To begin with, let's understand for ourselves that for any person the sound of his own name is the most affectionate word. Talk to your boyfriend as often as possible by calling him by name. It will bring you closer, help strengthen the relationship that has developed between you. In addition, the name of a young man can be pronounced in a diminutive form, for example, "Ruslanchik", "Sashok", "Dimulya", "Arkasha" and so on. Secondly, you should know that the word "most" is very important for most men. Thinking about how affectionately you can call a guy? Add the word "most" to such words: "smart", "beautiful", "strong", "gentle", "best" and so on. It is very important for every man to know that he is exactly the “most-most” for his chosen one, that before him she did not experience such feelings.

How affectionately can you call a guy

There are many affectionate words that will impress your young man. We all know them, but, unfortunately, we rarely find the time to tell them to our loved ones. These are words such as "dear", "beloved", "my happiness", "my support", "my protector", "the only one." Do not hesitate to say them more often to your chosen one, find tender words for your loved one, even if you are not a sentimental and sensitive nature. A man really needs constant confirmation of his importance to you.

Affectionate nicknames for a loved one

Funny nicknames that you give your loved one add spice and poignancy to your relationship. Still wondering what kind of a guy can be called? Surely most of them will like words such as "tiger", "elephant", "knight", "fish", "bunny", "kitten", "chick" and so on. But know that you need to call a man so in private. After all, most of them are embarrassed when others hear you call him, for example, your little mouse. Young people are afraid of the ridicule of their friends and loved ones. Therefore, they can react extremely negatively if girls come up with original and playful names for them and say these words in the presence of other people. But funny words spoken in private can ignite bright fireworks in your relationship. Now you know how to caress with the words of your loved one. Gentle words in the relationship between a man and a woman are the key to their mutual understanding. Call your boyfriend affectionately, give him funny nicknames, and your feelings will never go insipid!