How to alter a mink beret. Sewing on a fur hat. DIY natural fur hat

My customer was presented with a new fur hat, she really likes it, but it turned out to be great. What to do? Of course redo! And this master class is about how to sew a hat.

On closer inspection, the hat turned out to be molded, that is, on a rigid base. Such a hat can be sutured by a maximum of 2 cm, I need 1.5 cm.

Preparation: remove the lining, it is sewn by hand in fur garments with blind stitches. Unfasten the piping, it holds the bottom edge of the cap and at the same time fixes the cap on the molded part from displacement.

Find the seam of the fur connection in the back of the cap, rip it open with a sharp knife or razor, almost to the "crown", that is, 1.5-2 cm before reaching the bottom of the cap. Carefully remove the molded part.

Open the seam on the molded part.

We reduce the fur detail: from the seam along the bottom line, retreat 7 mm and connect with a straight line to "no" or until the moment where the seam was ripped open. On the other hand, do the same, cut off the excess with a sharp knife along the outlined line.

Connect the edges and tucking the fur inside, sew the back seam with a nylon or silk thick thread in the color of the fur. Start from the "crown". Grab 2-3 mm, the sewing technique is as follows: two stitches over the edge forward and one backward, you get something like an overcast. Try not to displace the slices, you can fix it with pins in two or three places. Now you need to straighten the resulting seam, for this, lay the hat with fur on a board (at least on a chopping board) and tap the seam with a wooden hammer, in extreme cases, with the other side of the screwdriver.

Straighten and comb the fur. Ready! Master Class how to sew a hat finished. We sew a soft hat using the same technology, only faster and easier. Hats by size, your heads, dear needlewomen!

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The mink hat remains by far the most demanded fur accessory for the winter. This precious fur has been chosen by more than one generation of women who prefer beauty, warmth and exclusivity.

Always in fashion

Several years ago, mink hats were produced in the same shape and color. But even then, hats were in great demand among different segments of the population. The only drawback of those hats was that they were intended for women of a certain age group. Today this situation has changed radically. The mink hat is available in different styles and shades. Now women of any age can appreciate all the delights of this accessory.

DIY fashion

Not many people thought that a hat can be made by hand. It is worth considering step by step instructions on how to make a mink hat at home. The master class is designed for any fashionista. You don't need to be a tailor or a designer to make a product with your own hands. For people who cannot afford an expensive wardrobe item, we suggest using our instructions:

Right choice

If you are not considering the option of making a hat with your own hands, then in order to make a good purchase, you need to find out a few nuances for the right choice. In the age of high technologies, the purchase of a hat can be done in two ways: buy in a fur salon or order in an online store. It is worth mentioning right away that a hat must be measured before buying. Therefore, we will only consider the first purchase method. To choose a quality product, you need to evaluate its appearance. The mink hat should be well-sewn. If the accessory was sewn from separate pieces of fur, then they should be well fastened. A good hat should have a quality lining that does not stick out of threads. Particular attention should be paid to the fur itself. It should be smooth, without creases and dents, and have thick underlays. It should not crumble, otherwise it will shrink in such a product as a mink hat. In this case, the female head will be decorated with a quality accessory. You should definitely pay attention to the style. The hat should fit the woman's face. A huge selection of colors and styles will beautify even the most discerning customer.

How to store and care for

If we turn to statistics, we can safely say that with proper care and storage, a mink hat can last an average of 15 years. Therefore, as soon as the winter season has passed, the hat should be put away for storage. But for this it is prepared according to the following algorithm:

  • clean the fur;
  • dry it in the fresh air.

But then you can put it away for storage. If financial possibilities permit, then you can give the hat to a special refrigerator. There, fur products are kept at the right temperature and humidity. If you prefer to store the product at home, then we allocate a separate box for the hat, which will protect its shape and color from fading. In the off-season, you need to ventilate your hat. You can put a special protective


In our article, we have provided tips for the care and storage of such a wardrobe item as a mink hat. A woman's head should be warm on cold winter days, so this product should be in the wardrobe of every fashionista. For women who like to make exclusive things with their own hands, we have provided a unique master class on making mink hats.

In this article, we offer you a master class and ideas on how to turn an old mink hat into a fashion accessory.

Fur hats adorn the tops of winter fashion for more than one season. But not every girl can afford to buy a stylish accessory. But almost every house has an old mink hat, or even several. And you can alter the old mink hat so as to change it beyond recognition, or simply modify it to make it more comfortable.

Before altering your old mink hat, check the flesh: tips

Important: Be sure to inspect the flesh and the fur itself before starting the robots! The pile should not crumble, and the flesh should be dense and moderately firm, but not over-dried! If the product is already crumbled even at the stage of disassembly, then when sewing the flesh it may crack at all.

  1. To alter an old mink hat, you need it completely or partially disassemble. In any case, even if the changes are minor, we will definitely change the lining! To do this, carefully evaporate the old base and peel it off from the fur.
  2. If a lot of gelatin was used during gluing, then well wet the cap inside. Don't wet the fur! And gently tear off the flesh from the base.
  3. When you disassemble the hat, be sure to inspect the leather part! Old flesh can deteriorate, especially if there was a bad calcification. In this case, acid begins to accumulate, which literally eats away at the flesh.
  4. To do this, wet the skin and pull it a little. It should become plastic and not tear.
  5. If you are working with pieces, then cut off all irregularities. You can just test them for strength - lower the fur trimmings in water for 10-15 minutes. Bad fur will literally start to disintegrate in your hands. You cannot work with such fur! The product, if not during sewing, will crumble during wearing.
  6. Ideally, reinforce any punctured or worn areas. You can use special glue and a thin cloth. But the most durable proved to be glue "Moment" and spunbond(used in furniture production). We cut strips 1 cm wide, grease with glue, apply glue to the leather base.

How to change a hard mink hat into a soft one?

We will start with this master class on how to alter a mink hat. After all, earlier hats were firm and kept their shape well. Since we tried to gel the base as best as possible. Today, not only has fashion changed, but such accessories have turned out to be not very comfortable, as they often press. Therefore, we will begin our analysis with how to disassemble the hat and make it more comfortable without greatly modifying the appearance.

  • The first step is to strip off the lining.

  • Now a little advice right away - if you see hand stitches inside, then this is a good sign. This means that the felt cap was dry when the hide was pulled. This means that it will be easier to remove. If the felt was wet, the adhesion to the flesh would be stronger.

  • But in order for the headdress to keep its shape, it is worth leaving the upper part of the cap. To do this, cut it out at the most protruding points.

  • We insert it into our hat, fix it with pins in the center, turn the product inside out. Now we sew with ordinary hand stitches in a circle around the firth itself to the flesh and along the ledge. Make sure that the stitches on the side of the fur are small and do not touch the pile itself.

  • We outline the line of the future new hem. In this case, the fastening tape is light. Therefore, so that it is not visible, and not to sew a new one, we simply change the hem line.

  • To insulate and give some volume, we will insert batting. We measure the hat for the desired size. We have it asymmetrical, so we measure it from all sides.

  • Cut out the batting to the desired size. To make the bottom of the hat a little thicker, insert a strip of drape - 4 cm over the circumference of your head. Sew on directly to the fur part. On the pile side, the stitches are small.

  • We fix the batting. To do this, lower it a little behind a strip of drape. We sew our batting to it.

  • Now we make a fold of fur. For this we use thin felt. We cut it out in a semicircle and simply fold it to the widow and sew it to the right place.

  • Now we completely sew on the batting and fix it in the upper part of the felt cap. Sew the fastening tape to the felt. You can, if desired, insert an elastic band or ribbon so that you can adjust the volume.

  • Cut a new lining obliquely. Never use old backing material! We also cut out a round base with a diameter of about 18 cm.

  • We sew it, bend it on top and also go through it with a line. And now we need to pull off the upper part. To do this, pierce the fabric and now sketch out the material in a spiral. As if we are winding the fabric on a needle.

  • Distribute the folds evenly. We take an ordinary jar as a basis. First we place the round part, then the rectangular base. We fix everything with an elastic band or rope so that it does not fidget. And we sew it by hand with a regular seam.

  • We insert our lining into the fur base, fix the bottom with pins. Place it evenly - the lining should be completely butt-to-side. We fasten with pins, and then sew with a regular seam directly to the fur, capturing a millimeter of the flesh and about 0.5 cm of the lining.

Video: How to change a hard mink hat into a soft one?

How to alter an old mink hat into a fashionable beret?

The beret is a symbol of femininity that can decorate almost any outfit. By the way, you might be interested in the article "Which hat to choose depending on the type and style of the jacket, coat?" But back to our topic - it is very easy to alter an old mink hat in a beret!

In this example, two caps will be used, since the beret will be voluminous. Focusing on the pattern, you can roughly guess how much fur you need. If you initially have a large hat and want to make a small beret, then one headdress will be enough. Also, at your discretion, you can make wedges narrower, but in larger quantities.

Important: Takes for a head volume of 56-57 cm. If you need a smaller volume, for example 52 cm, then take 9.5 cm at the widest part (indicated in green).

  • We sew all the wedges together. In the example, the fur is from different hats, so it has a slightly different shade. To beat this, we will alternate them.

  • We connect them in the center. Then we sew on the sides and form the base of the beret.

  • Now we cut out the bottom base of the beret. In our case, there is little fur, so the strip came out thin. The bottom of the beret with a width of about 5 cm, folded in half, will look very nice. We sew all the pieces into one strip, focusing on the volume of the head + allowance for the seams + 2 cm for the synthetic winterizer, so that the piece sits better and more comfortably on the head.

Important: Since it takes from us from wedges, then the rim must be made from the same number of parts. At the same time, for the volume of the beret, we will pick up the fur a little, sewing it to the bottom strip. This will also help you understand how much we need to collect our wedges.

  • We sew a bias tape to the rim. Can be sewn on a simple sewing machine. But in this case we place the inlay at the bottom, and put a newspaper on top of the flesh. If the flesh is hard enough, the machine can handle it.

  • Then we turn the tape inside out and literally lay a line half a millimeter from the edge.

  • Sew the fur rim to the beret. We insert a thin synthetic winterizer, batting or just a soft fleece-type fabric into this rim between the bias tape and the base. To make the hat fit better, we sew on a thin elastic band.

  • We sew for the shirt at the bottom of the beret (at the junction with the rim) and for the bias inlay.

  • Now we cut out the lining, it is better to take it on a padding polyester. We also cut out 8 wedges + 1 cm at the edges for the seam + 3 cm down.

  • We sew on a typewriter, turn it out on the front side, and take it on the wrong side. We put on the hat in the lining. We fasten with pins and sew well with hand stitches.

Video: How to alter a mink hat into a beret?

How to alter an old mink hat into a fashionable and modern headdress: a complete restoration with earflaps

Now we offer you a master class on how to alter an old mink hat, which, at first glance, cannot be restored at all. But we assure you that the result will give you the opportunity to believe - nothing is impossible! Moreover, in the fur business.

  • We begin to cut the lining. At the same time, we do not unpick, namely, we cut off the fur, since the appearance at the seams can no longer be restored.

  • Now we need to check each skin! To do this, simply spray it with water in some places.

  • We are waiting for 10-15 minutes. Gently stretch the skin.

  • Now we need to freshen up the color. To do this, we take a regular hair dye. Ideally, take chocolate, mix it with 1 part dark brown or half black.

  • Carefully paint over the pile and comb it with an animal comb in different directions.

  • Rinse well until the water becomes clear. It will not hurt to use the balm that comes with the paint. We also rinse well. Dip with a towel to remove excess moisture.

  • Now we will stretch the skins. To do this, we nail onto a wooden surface with small nails or staples of a furniture stapler around the perimeter. As far as the right side is concerned, do whatever is convenient for you. If you place the fur on top, you can brush it periodically, which will speed up drying.

  • We cut off any irregularities around the edges or damaged fur.

  • Cut into strips of about 0.8-1 cm. Note that this should be done by weight. And for convenience, so as not to get tangled in the strips, do not literally cut 0.5-1 cm to the edge.

  • You can use a different model as you see fit. We begin to wrap the facial lines on the cap. Please note that bald patches or damaged fur are trimmed. We are not stitching it yet, but we hide the ends inward, on the seamy side. We will sew them at the end, while not only among themselves, but also sew them directly to the base of the cap.

A detailed master class on creating a hat from fur stripes in our article

  • We will make the top of the head from a different fur. We also cut it into strips. In this example, a silver fox will be used. If you have nice one-piece fur, you can simply sew on a piece of the desired size. At the bottom you need to insert a hat elastic. Just pull it through the knitted base, not just through the fur.

How to alter an old mink hat: ideas, before and after photos

We bring to your attention some ideas on how to alter an old mink hat.

Different colors

Video: How to alter an old mink hat by knitting from strips?

With the arrival of the first cold weather, people begin to research their own winter wardrobe. Quite often, in the midst of a huge number of unnecessary things, you can find some long-forgotten piece of clothing, for example, an old mink hat that is out of fashion or has any damage. Do not rush to immediately get rid of an old mink hat. After all, as is clear, mink fur remains vital for a long time, with the arrival of each new season, world designers present new collections with the introduction of this valuable fur. The style of the mink hat can be changed without the help of others. It is not so difficult to alter a mink hat with your own hands!

Will come in handy for you

  • - ancient mink hat;
  • - threads and sewing needles;
  • - sewing machine;
  • - pattern;
  • - fur.

First you need to rip open the old mink hat that you want to alter. You need to unpick the hat carefully so as not to spoil the fur. The mink fur may be slightly deformed. This depends on what style the ancient hat was. But everything is fixable.

To return the fur to its former shape, it must be washed, then pinned to a board. After a similar procedure, the mink fur will be as beautiful and smooth as new.

For earlier it is necessary to choose the style of the future hat, also to determine the pattern.

Now on the web and in various magazines, a huge number of different patterns of mink hats are offered.

Next, you need to sew the darts on both sides of the mink hat from the base of the wedges. Use pins to pin and pin off the headdress while sewing. The pins need to be hammered across. A similar procedure will not give the layers to be ground off the ability to move. The seam allowances do not need to be ironed out. It is fairly easy to straighten them with the scissor rings. The villi of the fur from the seams should be carefully pulled out with a needle.

Sew the details of the cap together. With all this, you need to look very closely so that the skin does not clump or stretch. This point is especially important. All seams of the cap should converge in the center.

Proceed to the final step. Unscrew your mink hat upside down, then place the lining in such a way that all the seams match. Sew the lining over the headdress. You see, there is nothing particularly difficult about altering a mink hat. Just stick to the annotation and you will give a second life to your own thing.

In winter, special attention should be paid to the choice of headgear. Human health depends on it. The warmest and most beautiful hats are considered to be made of natural fur. They cost much more than the rest of the headgear. However, there are many ways to sew it yourself.

Fashion trends do not stand still. New models of women's headwear appear every year. There are options that do not lose their relevance. These include, first of all, voluminous earflaps and beret hats. They, in turn, have many modifications depending on the design and type of fur. Faux fur hats are also popular. They are distinguished by a variety of colors and an affordable price.

What fur is better to sew a hat from

The choice of fur is determined by a person's personal preferences and financial capabilities. It is also worth considering the outerwear with which the headdress will be worn. The hat should be combined with the chosen image or emphasize it. So, a product made of fox skin will be very effective and bright. Therefore, you need to understand in advance what it looks harmoniously with.

On a note! Mink, arctic fox and leopard are most in demand when sewing women's hats. Products made from a rabbit are considered budgetary, while lynx fur and other valuable animals are considered more elite.

DIY natural fur hat

One of the most popular models for women is a hat in the form of a papakha or a pill. It goes well with a drape and woolen coat and suits absolutely all women. The main thing is to choose the right height. Its feature is to visually enlarge the head. To sew such a thing, you need fur, fabric for lining, paper, a knife, threads, needles and a sewing machine.

Hat pattern

The pattern of the model consists of two elements: a circle and a rectangle. To draw it correctly, you need to measure the head circumference using a measuring tape. The height of the product is taken based on personal preference. You should get a rectangle with sides equal to the height of the product and the width of the head. To pattern a circle, use the length of the resulting rectangle. Patterns are drawn on paper and cut out.

We sew a hat from natural fur step by step

You can sew a hat yourself in a couple of hours. To do this, observe the following sequence of actions:

  1. Place the patterns on the seamy side of the fur and pin them. Then they are circled with a marker and an increase in seams of about 1.5 cm is made.
  2. The details are carefully cut with a knife or scalpel.
  3. The same details must be made from the lining fabric.
  4. The seamy side joins the fur and lining. They are secured with pins and sewn on a machine 1 cm from the edge.
  5. Before connecting the cap to the circle, you should carefully examine the direction of the villi. In such cases, they usually look at the person's face.
  6. The circle and the rectangle are connected to each other on the wrong side with pins.
  7. Then they are grinded together on a typewriter 1 cm from the edge.
  8. The hat is turned over onto the face and the seam is freed from the pile stuck there.
  9. Next, the fabric lining is placed in a fur blank and cleaved with pins. A small gap should be left so that the cap can be turned out.
  10. The fur blank and lining are stitched on a typewriter and turned inside out.
  11. An unstitched hole is processed manually with a blind seam.

REFERENCE! At the end of sewing, shake the resulting hat and lightly comb the fur.

How to sew a do-it-yourself faux fur hat

Faux fur hats are no less beautiful than natural ones. And if you make a compacted lining, then they will not yield to the ability to retain heat. In addition, you can practice on faux fur if you are sewing such a product for the first time. The model with long ears on the back looks very impressive and extraordinary. It is especially popular with young girls. To make it, you need a piece of fur 20 cm in width and 160 cm in length.

Pattern for a hat

To build a pattern, you need to draw a rectangle with a length equal to the circumference of the head and a width of 20 cm. We draw two tails 35 cm in length and 10 cm in width. Their tip can be made pointed. Cut out the patterns drawn on the paper and cut them out.

We sew a hat from faux fur step by step

Having prepared all the necessary materials, we begin the process of sewing the product in the following sequence:

  1. Places patterns on the seamy side of the fur skin and pin them together. We outline with a marker or chalk, leaving a seam allowance of about 1 cm.
  2. The resulting parts are carefully cut out.
  3. We take the base of the hat and fold it with the front side inward and sew it by hand, not reaching the end of 15 cm, so that it is more convenient to sew on the tails.
  4. Next, we take the ponytails and sew to the hat, not reaching each edge 1 cm.
  5. Then we sew the remaining 15 cm of the base of the hat to the end.
  6. We turn the hat onto the front side.
  7. We begin to sew the ponytails.
  8. Using a measuring tape, measure the circumference of the head, fold the hat in half and sew.
  9. Find the middle of the headdress and sew it, making small assemblies with the pile up.
  10. For beauty, you can sew a spectacular brooch or earring to the product.

IMPORTANT! For this model, it is better to select voluminous fur with a long pile.

Features of sewing products from natural and artificial fur

There are certain nuances to consider when working with fur. So, when cutting out parts, you should bend the fur in the opposite direction in order to cut the skin and touch the valuable pile. The tool should be well sharpened so as not to tear the skin.

ATTENTION! In specialized firms for sewing fur products, furriers are used. It is difficult and sometimes impossible to sew a product on a conventional sewing machine. Thick needles should be carefully selected and sew slowly with large stitches so as not to ruin the machine. In some cases, it is better to use a simple thread and needle.

You can please yourself with a fur product even without having large financial resources. Following simple recommendations for the season, it is possible to sew several spectacular hats from both natural and artificial fur.