How to reconcile with your husband? We maintain relationships in different situations. Husband refuses to reconcile after fight

Good evening. I really need help. I can not understand myself probably for the first time in my life. So. I am 38 years old, my husband and I are the same age. Together 18 years. Married 13 years. We have two children aged 12 and 6. The essence of the problem is the cooling in the relationship and my reaction to it. I'll try in more detail. I have always loved and love my husband very much, he is my only man. I really appreciate him, respect him and I'm afraid to lose him. He is a wonderful father, a very decent person, a faithful and devoted friend. Everyone loves him - family, colleagues, friends. He is always in a good mood, never quarrels with anyone, does not drink (in the Russian sense of the word), that is, only on holidays and for company, is faithful to me, absolutely not greedy, not jealous, in general, almost ideal. But. It's outside. Inside, he is very closed, calm, almost devoid of emotions. He believes that emotions are an evil that must be fought and always kept under control.
Now I. I grew up in a family where emotions just went through the roof, constant high-profile scandals and showdowns were the norm. In my husband, I found a calm haven in which I could finally rest. By nature, I am also a fairly calm person, or rather, no, I am a pragmatic person. In relationships, I always valued trust, mutual understanding and a friendly start. She always said that my husband and I were more like friends than lovers and was even proud of it. Although sexually, we had and have everything in order (in my opinion). My husband was my friend for a very long time, who did not know everything about me, but much, more than husbands usually know.
It's been that way for long enough. Three years ago, my husband started his own business, he did not go, there were debts, loans and material problems. And the relationship crumbled. I understand that men are very worried, that I should be a support and support, I try to give all this to him, for me these things are taken for granted. I no longer recognize my husband. I no longer have a friend, a loved one. Instead, a rude man I don’t know lives next to me, who is always not satisfied, breaks down on me and the children, finds fault with all sorts of little things, and the worst thing is that he put a crown on his head and decided that he is now the king here. Our family has always had equal relations, it was mandatory for me and remains so. I refuse to understand why, at almost my 40s, they suddenly began to tell me how to live, in all seriousness declaring that "it's so right." It seems to me that this is some other person, I don’t know him, I don’t love him and I don’t want him.
The downside of everything that is happening is that I am still not sure whether my husband loves me or not. Yes, he lives with me for many years, he has always been caring and gentle, active in bed. But in a relationship with him, I never leave the feeling that I am just an accident in his life, if it wasn’t me, anyone would have gone. He is omnivorous.
I will continue about the problems. Things have gotten really bad lately. We hardly talk, most of the time we are in a state of quarrel. During a quarrel, the husband refuses to discuss the essence of the problem, screams, breaks down almost into a squeal, which has never happened to him before, diverts the conversation, recalls some old sins, accuses me of absurd things that are simply funny and scary. He began to cross the line, to say things that he knows, I can’t say, because it hurts me very much. This is such cynicism in him - to stomp on the patient with boots. Quarrels arise almost from scratch. Yesterday, for example, it was turning on the turn signal on the car at the entrance to the ring. Left or right? They did not agree, and with difficulty before that, the well-established relations flew into hell. And I don’t quarrel, I don’t shout, I just defend my point of view, this is perceived as aggression on my part. In addition, he never apologizes or admits guilt.
And now the question itself. Before, I was very worried when I was in a quarrel, I cried a lot, I suffered. For a long time she could not be in a quarrel, she wanted to make peace. I was very dependent on him. Now, after his speeches, there is a feeling of disgust and relief that you do not need to talk to him for a couple of days in order not to hear these cries. Then, of course, you have to put up with it, yet the children feel the tension and are very worried. I feel like I'm tired of everything. And from him, and from his claims, and most of all, probably from the question - who needs all this? If only to me, then why do I torture a person and suffer myself? I still love him, I don't want to lose him, but I'm tired of being the one who needs it. Naturally, I try to talk, to explain, for some time he calms down, only these periods of enlightenment are getting shorter. I don't know, I'm tormented by this dual situation. Is it possible to love a person and not want to make peace with him? Or am I tormented by phantom pains and I worry about what is not there? I'm not ready to part, but it's also impossible to live like this. Spit and live as you live, as they advise me? Like two children, he is a good father, what else do you need, he doesn’t drink, he doesn’t cheat, you are mad with fat.
  • Inside, he is very closed, calm, almost devoid of emotions. He believes that emotions are an evil that must be fought and always kept under control.

    And since he doesn’t know how to throw out irritation in a civilized way, it looks unpleasant (

    My husband was my friend for a very long time, who did not know everything about me, but much, more than husbands usually know.

    Do you know your husband as well as he knows you?

    Husband in quarrel refuses to discuss the essence of the problem, screams, breaks down almost into a squeal, which has never happened to him before, takes the conversation aside, recalls some old sins, accuses me of absurd things that are simply ridiculous and scary.

    Can I have a couple of examples of such quarrels, SW. Ivanov? Because of what it started, what was the "core of the problem" and where did the conversation turn as a result

    The downside of everything that is happening is that I am still not sure whether my husband loves me or not. Yes, he lives with me for many years, he has always been caring and gentle, active in bed. But in a relationship with him, I never leave the feeling that I am just an accident in his life, if it wasn't me, anyone would have gone. He is omnivorous.

    Well, in a way it is, I think. If he hadn't met you, he obviously would have met some other woman...

    What is the husband's "omnivorousness"?

  • I understand very well about “fat with fat”: many who assess the situation only from the outside can give such advice.
    Sometimes people develop in different directions in the process. And yes, I support that the situation with the business could become a catalyst for the fact that my husband's previously tightly worn lid was torn off.
    Whether you want to live with him or leave, it's up to you.
    Don't change your husband. But with ways to respond to the behavior of her husband, you can help figure it out)
  • Would you appreciate him more if he wasn't "omnivorous"? this is a plus, not a minus.

    He doesn't need to prove anything. This is a man, not a rag. He does not admit his guilt and will not sprinkle ashes on his head. As uv. Azure - what is more important to you - to be happy or right? Your man is now having a difficult period in his life because of work - support him, understand how difficult it is for him.

    Tell about your family. How old were you when your parents divorced?

  • And what is the real point of defending your point about the turn signal? For what? And who was driving?
  • I see a contradiction here. "Calm" and "very closed and afraid of his own emotions" are completely different, I would even say, opposite characteristics.
    It turns out that the husband did not learn to let out negative emotions, but drove them away and showed you "calmness and good mood", and now, against the backdrop of problems, the lid was torn off

    I will try to explain, I got the impression that once in his youth he discovered for himself the secret of how to be loved by everyone - this is to be a good guy, not to tell the truth, to maintain good relations with everyone. It's hard to wear such a mask if you are subject to emotions. Therefore, he created the concept that emotional people are scandalous and uncomfortable. It doesn’t matter what kind of toad you have on a person, it’s much more important that there is no conflict, everything is decent and smooth. He leaves his good mood not to me and the children, but to people outside the family. There's just a darling, and at home a bore and a tyrant. The tyrant is not in the sense of torturing, but in the sense everything should be as he said.

    Do you know your husband as well as he knows you?
    Or was it such one-sided frankness on your part?

    It seems to me that I have a need to communicate more, I'm still a woman, plus I need it more. But there were times when he willingly entered into a conversation, we could argue, discussing the film or, for example, the situation at work. He has a very peculiar view on many things, it is very valuable for me, a view from the side plus the opinion of a person whom I respect. In general, I think that the statement "I know this person" is impudent, sometimes people do not know themselves. The answer to the question - there was a time when it seemed to me that I understand him very well.

    Can I have a couple of examples of such quarrels, SW. Ivanov? Because of what it started, what was the "core of the problem" and where did the conversation turn as a result

    Any attempt to discuss what is happening. Recently, I sat next to him in the evening and offered to discuss what was going on between us. At first they told me that everything is fine with us and he sees no reason to discuss something, then he suggested rescheduling the conversation "to tomorrow." When I began to insist, arguing that it had already been postponed many times, I got furious and moved on to the topic “but you didn’t wash the dishes yesterday, and last week you didn’t sew up a pocket on my jeans.” This is me figuratively, to the fact that it had nothing to do with the topic of conversation. But I agreed and offered to discuss all the claims that he has against me, any, and in return I will express my own. As a result, I listened to him, and when it was my turn, it started again, "and here you are, you yourself, you said that then." In fact, it always turns out that I am always wrong, and he is right, whatever one may say. And he claims it in all seriousness. At such moments I have the feeling that I am sitting in a madhouse with Napoleon. No sane person can claim that he is always right!

    Well, in a way it is, I think. If he hadn't met you, he obviously would have met some other woman...
    Or do you believe that every person has a “half”, without which he cannot see happiness in life?
    What is the husband's "omnivorousness"?

    I may have expressed myself a little incorrectly ... I understand that if it weren’t for me, there would be another one, I don’t believe in halves at all. I meant that he does not know at all what affection and need for someone is. He is very conservative. He is sure that a man should have a wife and children. You need to sleep with your wife and go to visit, sometimes give in so as not to scandal. Children need to be loved and nurtured. This is how the world should be. And all sorts of such nonsense, such as love, affection, when a person is needed and you cannot imagine life without him - this is a whim. Importantly, a strong family, where everyone knows their duties and fulfills them. Everything is in order and this is the guarantee of health. It seems to me that if I leave, he will simply shrug his shoulders and decide that I have a whim, and he needs to continue to live, and in a month he will heal perfectly with someone else. There will be no attempts to find out something, to return, no. This is what I meant.

    Added ---

    I want to live with him. And I wrote specifically to help with "methods of response")))

  • I will try to explain, I got the impression that once in his youth he discovered for himself the secret of how to be loved by everyone - this is to be a good guy, not to tell the truth, to maintain good relations with everyone. It's hard to wear such a mask if you are subject to emotions. Therefore, he created the concept that emotional people are scandalous and uncomfortable. It doesn’t matter what kind of toad you have on a person, it’s much more important that there is no conflict, everything is decent and smooth.

    I got it, yeah

    He leaves his good mood not to me and the children, but to people outside the family. There's just a darling, and at home a bore and a tyrant. The tyrant is not in the sense of torturing, but in the sense everything should be as he said.

    Is it so now - or from the very beginning of the relationship was the husband "a bore and a tyrant"?

    In general, I think that the statement "I know this person" is impudent, sometimes people do not know themselves. The answer to the question - there was a time when it seemed to me that I understand him very well.

    Correctly I understand, uv. Ivanova, that you and your husband were frank and shared many things that you usually don’t discuss with your husbands (what by the way?) - but he never showed such frankness, preferred to discuss abstract topics?

    But there were times when he willingly entered into a conversation, we could argue, discussing the film or, for example, the situation at work.

    I got the impression that for you an indispensable attribute of an interesting conversation is a dispute
    It is so indeed?

    Any attempt to discuss what is happening. Recently, I sat next to him in the evening and offered to discuss what was going on between us.

    Those. if you do not initiate attempts to sort things out, then there will be no quarrels?

    He is very conservative. He is sure that a man should have a wife and children. You need to sleep with your wife and go to visit, sometimes give in so as not to scandal. Children need to be loved and nurtured. This is how the world should be. And all sorts of such nonsense, such as love, affection, when a person is needed and you cannot imagine life without him - this is a whim. Importantly, a strong family, where everyone knows their duties and fulfills them. Everything is in order and this is the guarantee of health.

    Pretty common sense, IMHO
    I think the opposite situation - when a man regularly declares that he cannot imagine life without you - but at the same time he does not care about you or the children - you would like it even less

  • Would you appreciate him more if he wasn't "omnivorous"? this is a plus, not a minus.
    I don't understand, please explain.

    If not for you, he really met another woman, and he would also love her. Do you consider yourself exceptional?

    I do not consider myself exceptional at all, but what I had in mind, I explained in a previous post.

    As some advice - you need to establish a sexual life - often and a lot. That with so many years of living together and the problems that arose with her husband's work, this is not an easy task. NECESSARY.

    Here I agree 100%. It is now very little, just a disaster. Moreover, we both love our sex and get great pleasure from it. But the husband does not show much initiative, and this is understandable in his situation, and I am afraid to impose myself for the same reason that it is difficult for him. We sleep on opposite sides of the bed

    Tell about your family. How old were you when your parents divorced?

    how do you know my parents are divorced? Fantastic! Yes, they divorced when I was 6 years old. The reason is the father's betrayal. I have lived with my stepfather since I was 6 years old. I was waiting for this question and was afraid of it. Last time, my face-to-face communication with a psychologist ended there, I decided that I did not want to unlock this door and turned off the communication. It's hard for me to talk about this period of my life, because if I start talking, I see pity on people's faces, and I don't like it. Yes, and it’s uncomfortable to talk, as if you are trying to squeeze out a tear. My stepfather is a decent person in the sense that there were no classics of the genre - no one seduced or raped me. But for almost 15 years he methodically humiliated me, insulted me and morally destroyed me. If possible, I will omit the details.
    Mom never interfered with my communication with my father, but I very quickly realized what he was like. An extremely cold, selfish person, at the age of 18 I realized that he does not even know how old I am and when my birthday is. In his words, "somewhere in the winter." He is alive now, lives nearby, a year ago I saw him, much more than his granddaughters, he was interested in what car I arrived in)).
    With my stepfather, at the insistence of my mother, already in my youth and more mature age, I tried to establish relations, but 3 years ago, after another ridiculous complaint against me, I interrupted communication, deciding that enough was enough for me. This is not my husband to be his aunt. I have mine for this. In fact, it was still about the children, they loved him very much, he worked with them a lot, and then, after being offended by me, he transferred it to them. They were confused, did not understand why grandfather did not talk to them. It hurt me a lot to see this. Children take care of everything. Therefore, I tried to explain that grandfather was simply unwell, not feeling well and did not take them there anymore.
    At the moment, my mother lives with her stepfather, and she comes to us once or twice a week. I always had a good relationship with my mother, very trusting, almost friendly.
  • Our family has always had equal relations, it was mandatory for me and remains so. I refuse to understand why, at almost my 40s, they suddenly began to tell me how to live, in all seriousness declaring that "it's so right."

    SW. Ivanova, please give 4-5 examples of how your husband tells you "how to live." Specific situations and your dialogues.

  • I got it, yeah
    But for the second time I already notice such a division in you - there are “emotional” people, and there are “calm” ones, like your husband
    But the absence of fireworks of emotions does not mean the absence of emotions.

    This is not my division, but my husband's. I just agree that calm does not mean without emotions. I think that he has these same emotions, he simply considers it wrong to show them.

    Is it so now - or from the very beginning of the relationship was the husband "a bore and a tyrant"?

    It wasn't like that from the start. Then little things began to appear, such as "why did you turn off the burner under the scrambled eggs, you need to put a kettle there now." Then he began to quarrel with his mother, why she cooked dinner not the way he likes. I tried to exhort, saying that he had me for this, and his mother cooks the way dad likes. Then he began to cling to his eldest daughter. She doesn't laugh, talk, and generally not the right way! And she has puberty, she is freaking out, she does not understand why the caring beloved dad has become so nasty and constantly criticizes her. Now the youngest has grown up, the same thing begins. Now we have what I try not to touch him at all, the eldest daughter communicates only if he is in a good mood, and the youngest just sobs, encountering rudeness or punishment.

    Correctly I understand, uv. Ivanova, that you and your husband were frank and shared many things that you usually don’t discuss with your husbands (what by the way?) - but he never showed such frankness, preferred to discuss abstract topics?

    Everyone has different concepts of "they don't discuss with their husbands." Someone even with her husband cannot discuss the size of his salary. I meant that I could gossip with him, discuss the actions of one of my friends, a girl on the street or a guy, ask to buy tampons or birth control pills.
    Is the topic of my work abstract for him, where I have a problem, and he helped to solve it?
    Or did one of his friends piss him off and complain? I already admitted that there was more frankness on my part, but it seems to me normal, given that men generally communicate verbally several times less often than women.

    I got the impression that for you an indispensable attribute of an interesting conversation is a dispute
    It is so indeed?
    Maybe. It depends on what is considered a dispute - is it a conversation in a raised voice? Or an exchange of opinions of people who disagree about something? For me, the conversation is interesting if there is an opponent, a person with a different opinion, where I can find out and learn something, otherwise why discuss it at all? What to discuss if everyone agrees? Cool movie? Yeah. The conversation is over.

    Those. if you do not initiate attempts to sort things out, then there will be no quarrels?
    Or do they happen for other reasons?

    In general, I try not to initiate quarrels. As I said above, I try to avoid communication for the very reason that this leads to a quarrel. And of course there are reasons. First of all, these are children. I am an adult and can withstand constant pressure without taking the negativity personally. And the children suffer, they do not understand what they are to blame for. The nit-picking is sometimes out of place. Especially goes to the eldest, she is a teenager, with all the words, antics and jumps. The husband categorically does not accept cutesy women, and the daughter tries herself in a female capacity, it turns out, of course, cutesy and clumsy, he constantly lashes out with criticism, she suffers. I am silent, I endure, then all the same I intervene. And the ramble begins. Secondly, these are his public speeches addressed to me. If I tell something, I can be ridiculed in front of everyone, put in a stupid light. For example, to say that it is convenient for me to sit on the priest evenly and do nothing (in the sense of money), despite the fact that I have been working all my life since I was 18 and there was a time when I earned more than him. And so on.

    Pretty common sense, IMHO
    I think the opposite situation - when a man regularly declares that he cannot imagine life without you - but at the same time he does not care about you or the children - you would like it even less

    I agree, therefore I appreciate, love and respect him. But sometimes I want to just say that it's good that you are with me, I love you, you are beautiful, sexy, etc.

    Added ---

    I was driving. He was angry, lost at cards and drank. I found fault with the turn signal, climbed into the Internet and did not find a definite answer. On my words that the instructor taught me so, aggression and screams went. I answered, in vain, of course, but you can’t write anymore. Like this. It probably didn't make sense. But when they yell at you all the time, there is a desire to defend yourself at least somewhere.

  • It wasn't like that from the start. Then little things began to appear, such as "why did you turn off the burner under the scrambled eggs, you need to put a kettle there now." Then he began to quarrel with his mother, why she cooked dinner not the way he likes. I tried to exhort, saying that he had me for this, and his mother cooks the way dad likes.

    Do you live with his parents?

    Everyone has different concepts of "they don't discuss with their husbands". Someone even with her husband cannot discuss the size of his salary.

    Actually, it was your phrase, that's why I asked for clarification. And in response, for some reason, you began to argue that this concept is different for everyone

    In general, I think that the statement "I know this person" is impudent, sometimes people do not know themselves.

    It seems that you have some kind of "sore spot" here, and you hide it behind abstractions

    Well, for example, the definition from the dictionary:

    Dispute - a clash of opinions, positions, during which each of the parties argues for its understanding of the issues under discussion and seeks to refute the arguments of the other side

    Those. an argument is not just a conversation between two people with different opinions, but upholding one's point of view

  • Do you live with his parents?

    They lived before, then they both died suddenly.

    And last time I received abstract reasoning to my question on this topic:

    It seems that you have some kind of "sore spot" here, and you hide it behind abstractions

    Maybe if you explain why it is necessary to understand exactly whether my husband was frank with me, I can specify. At the moment, I do not quite understand what the sore callus is. I already answered that yes, I believe that he was as frank with me as he could. I was probably more interested in him as a listener. He is generally more silent than a talker. Is this bad or wrong? He listened, helped me with advice, but always spoke less than I did. I always thought it was normal for a man. Plus, he always expresses himself very specifically, it is not difficult to understand him, he does not like to go around and around. It's just that he rarely does it, that's the way he is.

    Well, for example, the definition from the dictionary:

    Those. an argument is not just a conversation between two people with different opinions, but upholding one's point of view

    So I'm misinterpreting this concept. I didn't use the right word. We had "conversations between two people with different opinions", sometimes turning into an argument. The key question, as far as I remember, was whether I considered arguing to be an integral part of communication. Answer: No, I don't think so.

  • Well, for example, some time ago he got angry if I was talking on a mobile phone at home. It happened like this: - who did you talk to? - with mom - you couldn't talk at work? - no, we don’t approve of this, I don’t talk while driving, I’m afraid to get into an accident - how much you can trindle on the phone - I can’t refuse my mother if she calls - you are at home, then you are for me and the children. And this despite the fact that I can not stand talking on the phone, I prefer live communication and my conversations do not last longer than those on duty - how are you? Everything is fine for now. As a result, I drove up to the house and called everyone from the car, and only then went up home.
    The next example - I can not say that I do not want to eat if the family sits down to dinner. The dialogue is like this - why don't you eat? - I don't want to - why? - I had lunch late at work, it was parked - this is wrong, what kind of example are you setting for the children, you need to eat according to the regimen and on time - but I don’t want to - that means I had to dine on time - listen, can I decide for myself when I should eat? - no, you set a bad example that the children will think that they can refuse and not eat if you don’t want to? - firstly, I'm not a child, and secondly, yes, I think that there is nothing terrible if sometimes a person does not want to eat.
    Next. Friday, I don’t work, the youngest daughter asks to stay at home and not go to kindergarten. I allow. Dialogue - why isn't she in the garden? - I allowed, I'm at home today - why? - I want to take a walk with her, go roller-skating, spend the day together - what nonsense, let him go to the garden - why? - the child should know that she has responsibilities, you can’t skip the garden just like that - why? - that's right - who decided it? - I - and I decided that it would be right to please the child, it doesn’t happen so often - why without me I decided - why should you burden you, you already have problems, I didn’t think that you would be dissatisfied.
    Next. You can not leave food, bread half-eaten or half-drink tea. Dialogue: Why didn't you finish your bread again? - I don't want to - I need to finish my meal - who needs it? I don’t, I ate, it would be superfluous - you do it to spite me, you don’t eat up bread all the time - are you out of your mind? Am I leaving you bread to spite you? I have nothing else to do but think about how to annoy you, why? - Then why are you leaving? - I just don’t want to - it doesn’t happen, you have to eat up, that’s right.

    Further. You can't turn on the light if it's enough, even if it's dark for me. I am very short-sighted, I need it to be constantly light, otherwise all objects float and I am extremely uncomfortable. It is impossible not because it bothers him, but because it is wrong to turn on the light while it is light. It is useless to explain that light and dark are relative categories, everyone perceives light differently. It's light outside - there's no need to turn on the lights. And even shoot.

    Here are some examples. Perhaps, to someone this will seem ridiculous and unworthy of attention, but all together they are simply exhausting, you must constantly monitor whether everything is done “correctly” so that there is no quarrel. In principle, I’m always in good shape, but sometimes you get tired and you miss something, and then it’s hard.

  • Google "epileptoid personality type", SW. Author. Doesn't it look like a husband?
  • Maybe if you explain why it is necessary to understand exactly whether my husband was frank with me I can be specific. At the moment, I do not quite understand what the sore callus is. I already answered that yes, I believe that he was as frank with me as he could. I was probably more interested in him as a listener.

    For nothing. I was just interested in your manner of answering and abstractly arguing that "different people have different things"
    Initially, I was interested in your phrase:

    My husband was my friend for a very long time, who did not know everything about me, but much, more than men usually know.

    I concluded from this phrase that you and your husband had a very high level of trust and frankness - much higher than in a "normal" family
    Plus this sentence:

    He began to cross the line, to say things that he knows, I can’t say, because it hurts me very much.

    made me think that you and your husband shared some personal, intimate things that he now uses against you in quarrels
    I clarified whether the husband shared such personal information with you:

    Do you know your husband as well as he knows you?
    Or was it such one-sided frankness on your part?

    In response, I received arguments that it is impudent to assume that you know a person, and you discussed films and work with him
    I made another attempt to clarify - and received a portion of resonant reasoning and rhetorical questions:

    Everyone has different concepts of "they don't discuss with their husbands." Someone even with her husband cannot discuss the size of his salary. I meant that I could gossip with him, discuss the actions of one of my friends, a girl on the street or a guy, ask to buy tampons or birth control pills.
    Is the topic of my work abstract for him, where I have a problem, and he helped to solve it?
    Or did one of his friends piss him off and complain?
    I already admitted that there was more frankness on my part, but I think this is normal, given that Men generally verbally communicate several times less often than women..

    As a result, I was perplexed - either I touched on a topic that you categorically do not want to discuss, or whether this is your usual manner of communication
    If the second option, then IMHO it is not surprising that after your attempts to "discuss the problem" the husband starts to freak out

    Added ---

    They lived before, then they both died suddenly.

    How long ago did your husband's parents die, uv. Ivanova?

  • I googled. There are very similar features. For example, pedantry, a high level of requirements for others in the absence of the same requirements for oneself, love for the established order, the ability to put everything on the shelves, simply to state.
    But there is absolutely nothing about him. I understand that epileptoids are sometimes cruel, jealous, they love to lead very much. In childhood, as a rule, very difficult teenagers. It's not about him at all. He is not cruel, absolutely not jealous, as a child he was a wonderful baby and an absolutely trouble-free teenager. I know this from his mother, and she was a fair woman. I have known him since the age of 20, there were no outbursts of rage, which I understood to be the most distinguishing feature of an epileptoid, I don’t remember at all that he raised his voice or laughed out loud. He is not subject to emotions, I already wrote here, he considers it shameful for a reasonable person, he has everything according to the rules, he does not violate them. All the more strange is what is happening now.
  • I googled. There are very similar features. For example, pedantry, a high level of requirements for others in the absence of the same requirements for oneself, love for the established order, the ability to put everything on the shelves, simply to state.
    Demanding evidence in any situation (the favorite phrase of the spouse is "I need facts, not emotions."
    But there is absolutely nothing about him. I understand that epileptoids are sometimes cruel, jealous, they love to lead very much. In childhood, as a rule, very difficult teenagers. It's not about him at all. He is not cruel, absolutely not jealous, as a child he was a wonderful baby and an absolutely trouble-free teenager. I know this from his mother, and she was a fair woman. I have known him since the age of 20, there were no outbursts of rage, which I understood to be the most distinguishing feature of an epileptoid, I don’t remember at all that he raised his voice or laughed out loud. He is not subject to emotions, I already wrote here, he considers it shameful for a reasonable person, he has everything according to the rules, he does not violate them. All the more strange is what is happening now.

    Then try searching for "anal fixation", an anal-retaining type. Just an obedient problem-free child comes here ...

  • Little in common. In the description of this type, the concepts of "stingy and stubborn" prevail, my husband is neither. There is no desire for total purity. If only punctuality, but this is not enough, it seems to me to attribute it to this group. Yes, and he has problems with punctuality, I myself would not say that he is punctual. Plus his mom adored him, he was a very sickly child, he would hardly have been forced to sit on the potty for a long time.
    But I found a quote in a blog where the author talks about the stages of Freud, right about him:
    "A rough draft... would present him as a very self-assured man, proud of his outstanding intellect, with an avowed rationalism and keen sense of reality, 'unflinchingly honest'. an uncompromising perfectionist. Being himself very touchy, he can at the same time, on the most insignificant occasion, harshly criticize, be caustic, spiteful, show sharp irony and envy. Or, on the contrary, he can be overcautious, try to avoid any possibility of conflict. meaning" rebels against what he considers a product of the imagination: he is a "man of facts", not fantasies. He smiles condescendingly at people who are fond of mysticism, including the "unconscious" and dreams; but if only he undergoes a small course of classical psychoanalytic treatment, he is here but he will begin to ascribe prophetic significance to slips of the tongue or slips of the tongue.Being a "man of reason," even to himself he cannot admit his own superstition. His interest in art is superficial or feigned; his true fascinations lie with mathematics, the exact sciences, technology and the new world of electronic computers. In contrast to the expressive, so-called hysterical, type, he rarely has an artistic gift and suffers from a noticeable lack of genuine charm and charm. His love interests are cluttered with ulterior motives and pretense."

    There are 80% matches here.

  • How did the husband survive the death of his parents, uv. Ivanova? Is there a correlation between their deaths and the deterioration of your relationship?
    What kind of relationship did they have?
    Did you get along with them?
  • The death of my mother survived hard, she left suddenly, in a dream. He did not fight in hysterics, but it was clear that he was ill. He endured the death of his father relatively easily, saying that the doctors warned him and he was ready (his father drank heavily). I don’t see a correlation, we were both very worried about the departure of his mother, rather we even became close.
    He loved his mother very much and she loved him too. He was the younger of two children, he was very sick as a child, she pulled him out. Relations with his father were strained due to his father's alcoholism.
    My relationship with my mother-in-law was even and good, she was a wonderful woman, I really miss her. I hardly talked to my father-in-law, for the same reason as my husband.
  • They say the rules of the road are written in blood. In this case, divorce certificates are tears and ashes of extinct home fires. Do you know what turned them off? Quarrels - large and small, domestic and love. One day, the moment of the last quarrel comes: this does not mean that after it there is silence and harmony. This means that you are no longer together and you, more than anything else, need an answer to the question - how to make peace with your husband after a strong quarrel if he does not make contact.

    It's weird, right? They came up with the proverb “Lovely ones scold, they only amuse themselves” - and this, it turns out, is not true. Venerable psychologists insidiously incite, they say, relationships without conflicts are dead, while sparks flare up in the living. Well, who to believe?

    Calm down, no contradiction: you can and should quarrel, the main thing is to do it right - and quickly put up.

    You yourself know that in the heat of conflict, it’s like a demon takes possession: you completely forget that in front of you, albeit annoyed with something, but still a loved one. I want to hurt him more, hurt him in a more original way and generally put him on the shoulder blades with verbal arguments. But such victories are illusory, and that same possessed demon will one day remain your only companion. Therefore, no matter how emotions and something else beat into your head, adhere to strict taboos - it is better if you and your husband conclude a mutual “non-aggression pact” on these points in advance.

    • no witnesses

    Promise each other that even under the onslaught of emotions, you will never slip into a public showdown - with relatives and friends. It is especially forbidden to call someone as an arbiter: children's quarrels a la “he took a scoop from me in the sandbox” should remain in that same sandbox.

    • No personal attacks or insults

    Slang folklore has come up with hundreds of succinct definitions, such as "talentless", "sloppy" and worse, but do not let these words sound in your quarrels. You can only criticize a person's act, for example, put a dirty cup on a varnished table. And we don’t touch his “image of morality”.

    • No "hello from the past"

    At the peak of the scandal, it’s tempting to lay out the “secret dossier” - personal secrets that the partner himself told you at the moment of frankness. For example, that he is afraid of mice. Or that he was teased as a "mini pig" in his youth. Or that his ex went to his own friend ... The person trusted you, and you are going to betray. Be silent like a fish - speak only to the point that is currently gnawing.

    • No ultimatums

    How impressive loud crying looks: “These quarrels got me, one more - and we part!” Firstly, a good half of the scandals are provoked or supported by you. Secondly, do not give empty promises, and thirdly, do not threaten here. Quarrel a hundred more times - and make peace a hundred and one. Don't make cheap scenes.

    • No analogy

    “All in daddy-womanizer!” - A great low blow. Here's another one: "You're just like your loser friends." It's great, right? Now swear that you won't say it out loud - and neither will your partner. Because "quarrels by analogy" is an extremely painful and stupid thing. In this world there is only you and your family, and whoever acted there is the tenth thing, no sad and evil prophecies are needed.

    • No door slamming

    Proudly leaving at the climax is a spectacular gesture, but frankly stupid. First, you still have to come back. And besides, you can not leave alone a person who is hurt, hurt and annoyed. Because despair sometimes leads to tragedy.

    • No "go to another"

    I would like to believe that there are couples in the world who, at the moment of a quarrel, do not utter the monstrous: “Ah, am I not the right one? Well, find someone else!" Translated into human language, this means: “Yes, I am a brat and a scoundrel, but I am not going to change. I don't give a damn about your opinion, go to hell ... There are really few people in the world who, under the influence of resentment, do not say this sedition. Make a promise that you and your beloved will become one of them.

    • No "depersonalizations"

    There is a good tradition to give family nicknames. All these "bunnies, kittens, raccoons" are much more intimate and tender than ordinary names. But when you are angry, "bunnies" scatter from your vocabulary, and your native "raccoon" turns into an ordinary Serezha. And you are from "musi" - to neutral Lena, as if you were just colleagues. Honestly, you cut without a knife. Promise that, no matter how it rumbles, not a single raccoon or bunny will be harmed. In general, keep calling him by your favorite nickname - and he, too.

    • No quarrels "under the fly"

    Under no circumstances do not arrange a showdown if one or both of you are tipsy. Even if slightly and supposedly as a joke - no, that's all.

    What to do if you quarreled with your husband

    "Temporary break in diplomatic relations"

    So the storm has died down. You are now in conflict, emphatically polite and cold - or completely ignoring each other. What can I say, "well done". After a quarrel, a certain distance is natural and even necessary, but if you play neutrality, you can lose each other. Remember how to behave during this period so as not to burn bridges.

    • Down with bravado

    Some stupid people at such moments demonstrate in every possible way how happy they are for freedom - posting statuses on social networks, hitting friendly parties, flirting (or pretending) with others. If you consider yourself smarter than single-celled and more merciful than white sharks, refrain from doing this.

    • Share your plans

    When you live "according to the laws of wartime", contact is completely or partially lost - and one can only guess what is on the mind of the other side. Maybe he's worried, or maybe he's already filed for divorce. Exactly in the same ignorance is your beloved, and, believe me, this does not add optimism to either him or your future. Be wiser - inform about plans. For example, send comic SMS: “Hi, executioner of my soul! I'll run to the store after work and get a haircut, if you can, walk the dog. Kiss you no matter what." Thus, you will calm the person and take a step forward. Well, test the soil, as far as he is ready to put up.

    • Without third parties

    Of course, you are now bitter and insulting, you want to cry into a friendly vest and complain about "this adversary." Be strong and wise, gather your will - and do without comforters, whoever they are. And at the same time, do not discuss “this bastard”: spurred on by emotions, you blurt out something that you yourself will later regret. Or your "characteristics" will reach the ears of the beloved - and then it will be much more difficult to put up.

    • No melodrama

    If you feel like talking heart to heart, do not get your husband calls in the middle of the working day or when he is busy. A person will not be able to fully talk, even there is no time to pick up the phone - and you will inflame more than ever, and the quarrel will go to a new round. On the other hand, do not leave his conciliatory calls and messages unanswered. You are just building a queen out of yourself, and he already has God knows what's on his mind ...

    • No twists

    Try to "move off the topic" as much as possible during this period. We love picking at wounds, savoring the memories of a quarrel. And new details seem significant, and the offender - unbearable. Stop, there is no ford in the river of resentment. While you keep a cold neutrality, be distracted by something positive, but not tearing away from the family hearth. For example, watch all seasons of Desperate Housewives.

    Keep in mind, according to the unwritten rule, reconciliation should occur within a day. But the morals of those who quarrel and the “regulations of conflicts” in each family are different, so a day is just a desired standard, and not a strict one.

    To quickly heal soul to soul again, follow the simple rules of reconciliation - of course, through the prism of the nature of your soul mate.

    • Live up to his expectations

    Remember when he likes to put up - for example, on the second or third day of your icy silence - so keep the deadlines.

    • Recognize

    If sincere repentance has not caught up with you, portray it for your own benefit. For example, say that he is right about something: "something" is not a deadly concession, most importantly, do not start to clarify and do not let him drag you into it. After all, if you return to the cause of the conflict, instead of peace, you will get a second series of wars.

    • Give emotion

    You need to put up sensually, otherwise this is not an achievement, but some kind of hopelessness, to which people were forced to go, tired of puffing up and pouting. Go to your loved one with a cake, a tray of pistachio ice cream, meet after work with balloons - you have a holiday, you are a "gang" again!

    • Say how bad you felt without him

    In quarrels, people are hurt most of all not by words spoken in a fever, but by an indifferent attitude towards a quarrel. Only one conclusion suggests itself: if a person is not hurt, then he does not appreciate and is ready to lose ... Say how you yearned and missed him, hug tightly, do not hesitate to cry.

    • Tell me why you want to put up

    Just do not start the bagpipes again about the cause of the conflict. It’s better to say that you understand what a golden person next to you is, how you value him, that you don’t need anything and no one but him.

    That's all the advice. Now you know how to quarrel properly so that the showdown does not become the last, and how to make peace with your husband after a strong quarrel so that the disagreement does not become final. But remember: rather than looking for a way out of the crisis, it is better not to create it at all!

    Frequent quarrels in the family are an inevitable phenomenon, few people manage to do without them.

    Ordinary citizens are already accustomed to the fact that neighbors behind the wall sort things out a couple of times a month. It has become the norm. Main, so that after every quarrel there is a truce. How to wave the white flag and make peace with your husband?

    The ground for violent conflicts can be different. These are unspoken claims, and age crises for both spouses, and general dissatisfaction with the standard of living, and internal complexes.

    And sometimes someone just wants to grumble or criticize - such a character.

    Sometimes quarrels, if they are well-built, even useful: it’s not for nothing that they are called “showdown”.

    In order for the conflict to be arranged not in vain, it must lead to qualitative changes in the lives of partners. But very often one of the spouses does not want to go for rapprochement and seek compromises.

    Why is it difficult to reconcile with your husband?

    Because he is from another planet. From Mars, if you will. And he is fundamentally different from a woman.

    If a lady, after a quarrel (and even during it), wants to speak out, say everything that has boiled over, and then once again “disassemble the flight”, then everything is a little more complicated with the stronger sex.

    During female aggression, a man, as a rule, endures - closes, withdraws into himself, hides in a sink - for the time being.

    If the conflict drags on, he can slam the door and go home.

    For a truce, he needs to cool down and forget about the situation for a while, and not grind it verbally over and over again. Therefore, in order to properly reconcile with her husband, it is worth leaving him alone. For a long time, for several hours or even more.

    Let him go for a walk, do not swear if he returns not sober or sits up with a friend.

    As a rule, a man, upon his return, is already ready for reconciliation, but does not want to plunge into the debate again. Therefore, if you offer him to forget everything and “drive”, he will be grateful to you.

    The next day, when both of you have completely cooled off, you can return to the conversation - but it should be short and quick..

    Offer a solution to the problem, a compromise, apologize for the rudeness expressed.

    But in fact, there is no particular need for this “summing up”, and the risk of breaking into a cry again remains.

    It is best to leave the situation as it is, and hope that everyone will draw important conclusions for themselves.

    The husband will definitely try to improve as a token of gratitude - and it was not you who forced him, but he himself decided so. And if your stress from the situation has not gone away, talk to your mother or girlfriend - communication relieves stress.

    If he is silent

    It also happens that the spouse does not want to go for a walk, but simply begins to ignore his soul mate. At the same time, the lady is very offended, and a catastrophe of a universal scale begins.

    The problem here is again in a misunderstanding of the processes occurring in the head of a man.

    He is not just silent, he is trying to regain his balance, because the quarrel knocked him out of his comfort zone. And instead of turning into a "fish-saw", the wife should simply go about her business.

    She, too, would not hurt to freshen up in the bathroom or go out into the fresh air, chat with a friend over coffee or go to the movies. On the way back, you can go to the store, buy a bottle of wine and a ready-made dinner.

    You should not expose this as a “merit to the fatherland”, just feed a silent husband, and he will be grateful to you.

    To prevent a quarrel from leaving a long and bitter aftertaste, follow the rules:

    1. Do not tell everyone in a row that you had a fight, and who said what to whom. Even our great-grandmothers knew that taking out dirty linen from the hut is a bad and impractical thing.

    2. Try not to throw out loud statements. Don't throw rings, don't shout about divorce, don't call names.

    Self-control is a good thing. If the husband has said too much, and he cannot blame you for this, he will feel guilty (and this is in your favor).

    3. During the truce, make an effort on yourself and hug your loved one. Even if he fights back. Tactile contact is very important. Better yet, take him to bed.

    Quarrels with husband- constant companions of family relations. Can they be avoided? Is it possible to live without fighting? Where do the most peaceful and loving people come from? And then the question arises: what to say to her husband in order to make peace after a quarrel. Human relationships are extremely complex. They are full of all sorts of contradictions, the solution of which was, is and will be a property of the human. Our behavior in a quarrel comes from childhood: we learn how to behave and react to quarrels from our parents. Are they always correct and effective? It will be useful to read an article about.

    Quarreled with her husband: a reaction to a quarrel

    We will not discuss the causes of quarrels that arise in the family. There are many of them, and they occur due to the imperfection of human nature.

    So, there was a quarrel with her husband. Can you tell who laid the foundation first? Of course he is your husband. Or maybe it was you who, with your careless word, provoked him into a quarrel? What to do? What can I say to my husband to reconcile?

    Firstly analyze your feelings. See how real they are. We always tend to exaggerate them. What are you experiencing? Of course, these are constant companions of quarrels - resentment, anger, indignation and, possibly, aggression. But they are not helpers in reconciliation with her husband. If you go on about emotions, then you can inflate oh what a conflict in the family. Therefore, you should stop and give yourself and your husband time to calm down. After all, not only you are experiencing a quarrel, but also your husband. How much time is needed for this? It all depends on you and the character of your husband. An hour is enough for someone, but someone will be silent and pout for a day, or even two.

    Secondly, analyze what feelings you have for your husband? Do you see him as a bad person? But you loved him and love him now. It has not only disadvantages, but also advantages.

    Third, decide what you want to get as a result of reconciliation with your husband? Husband's punishment and restoration of truth and justice? Finding out the reasons for the quarrel and defending your interests? Identification of the culprit of the quarrel? Or keep a good relationship with your husband? Restore a warm atmosphere in the family? Understand your desires. Otherwise, constructive reconciliation with her husband will not be achieved.

    What to do to make peace with your husband after a quarrel

    You see that the emotions subsided. Where to start reconciliation? How to start a conversation with your husband after a quarrel?

    • go to your husband, hug, kiss, snuggle. Ask him to take pity on you;
    • say: “You know, I feel so bad now: I was offended by the dearest and closest person to me. Understand, I didn’t mean to offend you… and so on.” Tell me how you feel. Be sincere;
    • if the husband was the initiator of the quarrel, then correctly say that you understand his condition before the quarrel, ask for forgiveness for not holding back or not understanding him .;
    • after bodily contact, a conversation about the reasons for the quarrel will, of course, take place. Start it with kind words. Don't be afraid to admit your guilt if it was your fault.

    Rules of conduct during a quarrel with her husband

    • above all, stay calm. When negative emotions overwhelm us, mutual understanding cannot be achieved. And you won't be able to make peace with your husband;
    • Be patient and listen to your husband. But not only listen, but also hear him. What he says? What does it feel? What does he want from you?
    • do not interrupt your spouse, let him speak out, as they say, "let off steam." Without this, it is useless to try to make peace with your husband;
    • do not allow insults during a quarrel or showdown. Any insult is a painful “prick” that causes a storm of negative emotions. I want to answer it with a stronger “prick”. The "boomerang effect" is triggered. This is how the serious ones begin. When exchanging “shots”, no reconciliation will occur after a quarrel, and the situation may worsen;
    • do not blame or reproach your husband for any shortcomings in the showdown. There is an opinion that all men are the same. This is a stupid myth. They are different and the psychology of men is much more complicated than that of women. They are vulnerable, vulnerable and have their own strength. Men remember insults longer and are hard to bear with reminders of failures and mistakes. Therefore, never blame your husband for past and past mistakes during a quarrel. This is the road to the destruction of relationships;
    • behave with dignity. Do not stoop to ugly shouting, swearing or scolding. All will pass. The reasons for the quarrel are not remembered. But how you were angry and ugly in anger will remain in the memory of your husband. Be wise, forgiving, sensitive, resourceful and patient.

    And remember: there are no unique tips for every family and for all occasions and cannot be. Keeping peace in the family is the hard everyday work of a wise woman.

    Woman- the keeper of the hearth, that is, the keeper of warmth and comfort in the family. Quarrels, unfortunately, happen in family relationships and quite often. For some, quarrels and squabbles with her husband are a way of life. They love to tickle each other's nerves. For others, a quarrel is very serious. Therefore, knowledge of the psychology of men will not be superfluous. They will tell you not only how to make peace with your husband after a quarrel, but also how to prevent a quarrel from arising.

    Why do people quarrel? Is it really impossible to peacefully discuss everything for two loving spouses, as a rule, having children, common interests, goals, a wallet? Let's open the secret: causes of family quarrels lie in the paradox of family relationships and family squabbles, unlike any other. So, a few words about what is and why look for causes of family quarrels if they are known to everyone?

    Family quarrels or the snowball paradox

    Family quarrels As a rule, they start for no reason: domestic problems, such as, did not come on time, did not wash the plate after themselves, did not close the tube of toothpaste, did not have time to dress up for the agreed time. The named reasons for the dissatisfaction of the spouses with each other are just fun, compared with other possible reasons. For example, reasons with "external stimuli": significant financial difficulties, unresolved housing problem, "unplanned" children, and if planned, then "often ill". Or reasons tied only to personal relationships and personal perception at a particular moment of the spouses: it does not cause sexual attraction, it is no longer interesting to communicate, there is nothing to talk about, predictability of actions, lack of novelty, elements of surprise, jealousy, etc.

    The pattern of dissatisfaction of the spouses with their position in the family was revealed, family troubles can be veiled for some time, hiding under the masterful game of a prosperous family. But if they are not explicit, then this does not mean that they do not exist. The more we put off solving the problem, pretending that everything is fine, the more likely we are to get an avalanche of discontent, which will be much more difficult.

    Conclusion, whatever causes of family quarrels, you need to try to resolve them immediately, this will facilitate the coexistence of a man and a woman under the same roof.

    Family geometric progression paradox

    Awareness of other family members about your temporary difficulties increases their transfer to the category of permanent ones. Therefore, the less grandparents, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, sister know that you quarreled with her husband, the more likely you are to save your . The desire to talk, learn new things, sigh about girlish and masculine, lead to the fact that the general "we know these men" or "do it the other way around" focus on the disadvantageous sides of their other half. The geometric progression also concerns the awareness of girlfriends, colleagues, comrades, neighbors about what is happening in your family.

    Remember the golden rule: to help - they will not help, but to discuss (and at the same time condemn) - they will discuss!

    The paradox of the last word in family quarrels

    Our intelligence has never been weak. Do you remember the secret of Stirlitz in Y. Semenov's book about the last word? So that's when you quarreled with her husband, be sure that he will remember the unconvincing arguments in your favor with which you began your carefully thought out, verified accusation ... no! Threats, insults and a promise to divorce will be remembered, to which married couples who sort things out usually roll down.

    Firstly, it is convenient for your husband to make himself a victim of “unjustifiably reactionary measures on the part of the dictator wife”, and secondly, it saves him from having to change something and listen to your arguments, thirdly, it is really remembered last said!

    Conclusion. Learn to lead the right line when in the midst of not threatening divorce. Otherwise, the sharpness and extremeness of this measure will be erased and become an empty "zilch". If they are inevitable, then you need to squeeze the maximum benefit out of them: firstly, they must always be effective, secondly, they must not pose a personal threat to the life and dignity of the wife or husband, and thirdly, bring in a dosed portion of novelty, passion!

    Paradox "You to me, I to you"

    How many people said that the words “come on, must, must” should be removed from the mezzanine and taken out only in case of emergency? They forgot that you both got married VOLUNTARY, which means that family life is built on a voluntary basis.

    The “don’t-know-what-want!” paradox

    Family quarrels should not end in deafening silence and punishment in the form of deprivation of bed relations. The more we are silent, the more difficult it is to start a conversation again. Silence is the "Iron Curtain", separating husband and wife as firmly as the USSR from the Western world. Many causes of family quarrels lie in the masochistic desire of one of the spouses to be a victim, to suffer and accept sympathy from outsiders, instead of love from a spouse in a different situation. Remember, thoughts and desires materialize, so think positively.

    Missed signs, gestures, inadvertently put dots in relationships, instead of such regular commas - how many opportunities to make our family life we ​​miss due to our own frivolity, allowing unbearable "paradoxes" to interfere in our lives!?

    Tatiana Sinotova
    Women's magazine JustLady