How to properly and evenly tan in the sun with white skin. What to do with a sunburn

Hello friends!

Tanned skin of an amazing bronze hue is beautiful, it is useful, it is, after all, fashionable now!

Many seek, using the spring-summer days, to achieve a beautiful, even tan on the skin, and also to maintain this beauty for as long as possible.

The sun's rays are very useful for our body, this has long been no secret to anyone.

And everything would be fine, but many, trying to get a perfectly beautiful tone of tanned skin and as much vitamin D as possible, which our body produces under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, make many mistakes.

And the consequences of such mistakes can be very deplorable.

Therefore, you need to know how to properly sunbathe in the sun, so as not to harm yourself.

From this article you will learn:

How to sunbathe in the sun - useful tips and tricks

What is a tan?

Sunburn is a darkening of the skin, to which our skin reacts in response to exposure to ultraviolet sunlight, as well as artificial sources (tanning beds).

Under such influence, responses begin to occur in the skin (in its surface layer - the epidermis), and the skin begins to actively produce a special pigment - melanin.

It is melanin that colors our skin in brown shades.

The essence of melanin production is the protection of the skin, and, accordingly, the whole organism as a whole from the damaging factor of ultraviolet sunlight, which, despite the fact that they have a certain and very significant benefit to the body, are still quite aggressive.

There is no doubt that sunbathing is useful, and a beautiful, competent tan has its own “pluses”.

Why is sunbathing good for you?

Consider the main beneficial properties of properly tanning in the sun:

  • Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, our body begins to actively produce vitamin D in the skin.

This is the most important vitamin that helps to ensure that the calcium that we get from food is fully absorbed by our body.

If there is an incomplete absorption of calcium by the body, then soon it will be fraught with the development of osteoporosis (softening of bone tissue) and the development of rickets in children.


In order for the body to develop the daily norm of vitamin D, it is enough to stay in the sun for 15 minutes daily, preferably with a minimum amount of clothing on the body (during the warm season), and this must be done all year round, and not only in spring and summer days.

Moreover, if the sun does not shine brightly and it is cold outside, then staying in the fresh air under the open sky will still deliver a certain portion of ultraviolet radiation to our cells, thanks to which our body will produce as much vitamin D as it can. It's better than nothing!

Therefore, walking in the fresh air, all year round, it should be in the daily routine MANDATORY!

What to do if a person lives in the region of the north, especially its extreme regions, where there is very little sun in the year, where are the “northern nights”, when it is dark both during the day and at night?

There is an exit!

In this case, it is necessary to take vitamin D additionally, from the outside. Perfectly help in this special preparations.

There are a huge number of them today, they are very affordable, and you can choose what suits you best - a huge selection can be found here

  • In the process of tanning, the immune system is strengthened, the body develops excellent resistance to all kinds of unpleasant infectious diseases (both bacterial and viral).
  • The sun's rays contribute to the production of a special hormone in the body - serotonin, it is also called the "hormone of joy." Surely everyone noticed how after being in the open sun the mood improves, the soul becomes joyful and calm, a person feels a surge of vitality and harmony.
  • When the body is stimulated by the sun's rays, the most important healing processes occur in all internal organs and systems, the body starts the processes of rejuvenation and detoxification.
  • UV light can do wonders for skin problems like acne, acne, eczema, and even, in some cases, psoriasis!

An interesting fact of recent scientific and medical research, which suggests that ultraviolet rays help increase the production of sex hormones in women and men, which has a positive effect on the health of the reproductive system in general, and, in particular, increases the level of libido!

Despite so many benefits that our body receives from sunbathing, tanning has its “cons”.

What harm can you do to yourself from sunburn?

It must always be remembered that tanning itself (darkening of the skin of the body) is, first of all, a protective reaction of our body, which is designed to protect our body from excessive ultraviolet radiation and overheating of internal organs (which is very dangerous!).

It is logical that if exposure to sunlight was 100% safe, then the body would not defend itself against it!

  • Excessive UV exposure can lead to sunburn as well as dermatitis (allergies).
  • With the abuse of sunburn, photoaging of the skin occurs. An excess of ultraviolet radiation destroys collagen fibers in tissues, and the skin becomes lethargic, flabby, loses its elasticity, becomes dry, rough, completely unattractive and unhealthy in appearance, wrinkles appear.
  • Dermatologists of all lovers of active sunbathing warn that the harm from an excessive amount of ultraviolet radiation may not appear immediately quickly, but have a delayed effect. This means that the cumulative effect of excessive-harmful radiation will slowly and surely occur, and later this can lead to skin cancer!!!
  • Therefore, for a safe and proper tan, it will be enough to stay in the sun for only 15-20 minutes daily.

How to properly and safely sunbathe in the sun?

Remember these basic points - how to sunbathe in the sun:

  1. It is necessary to carefully take care of protecting the body from a harmful excess of sunlight, to sunbathe without fanaticism, especially during the spring-summer period, when the sun is most active. This is especially true of red-haired and white-skinned people, because their skin produces much less melanin than dark-skinned and dark-haired people.
  2. In no case should you sunbathe for a long time on the first day! You can get at least a sunburn, as a maximum - and completely ruin your entire upcoming vacation (if you went on vacation).
  3. The principle of healthy and safe tanning is gradual. Start with a few minutes, gradually increasing your exposure to sunlight.
  4. Dermatologists say that the safest and most beneficial stay in the sun is from dawn to 9-10 am, and in the evening - after 16 to sunset.
  5. And the period from 11 to 16 is the most dangerous!
  6. Remember that the sun in spring, although it seems gentle and gentle, and not at all as burning as in summer, is quite active, and in spring you can get the same skin problems as in summer! Any woman will say that such troubles as age spots on the skin appear in the spring!
  7. Be sure, ALWAYS, every day you need to use sunscreen for the skin! Regardless of whether the first day you sunbathe, the tenth or the whole summer already!
  8. SPF should always be on hand.
  9. It is impossible to leave the house during the period of active sun without first applying sunscreen to the face, neck, décolleté and other exposed areas of the skin on the body!
  10. All sunscreens should be chosen according to your skin type.
  11. In the first days of exposure to the sun, you need to choose the maximum protection for yourself in order to prevent burns, dry skin and the appearance of age spots.
  12. Be sure to purchase protective lip balms with an SPF factor.
  13. Protect especially sensitive skin around the eyes with a large layer of cream. There are special products for especially sensitive areas of the skin.
  14. Hair also needs to be protected, and numerous products (sprays, balms, oils, fluids with a sun protection factor) are designed to help with this.
  15. Be sure to buy sunglasses with lenses that have a good level of SPF filter.
  16. Be sure to use a hat. It's great if it's a wide-brimmed hat that covers your face.
  17. Remember that a beautiful, and most importantly, safe tan can be obtained in the shade! There is no need to “roast” in the sun for this, exposing your skin to rapid aging and the risk of burns and cancer!
  18. Know that a tan will be more beautiful and more even on your skin if you actively move in the sun, and not lie still in a sun lounger.
  19. To do this, take balls, rackets, "plates" with you to the beach and move! Play volleyball, badminton, throw “boomerang plates” to each other, have fun and have fun!
  20. And there are more benefits for the body, and the level of serotonin will go off scale, and the tan will be more even, beautiful and bronzed! And about the fact that getting a sunburn while actively moving is almost impossible, the risk of this is minimal, this is 100% true!
  21. Do not use perfume before sun exposure. This can cause skin allergies and even burns!
  22. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol while in the sun!!!
  23. Be sure to drink a sufficiently large amount of water, preferably in small portions, but often, as the skin is actively dehydrated in the sun, and this will lead to aging, at least, and dryness. As a maximum, you will feel bad, even a sharp decline in strength and even fainting from dehydration is possible. Remember this and take MAXIMUM care of yourself!!!

How to choose the right sunscreen?

The numbers on the packaging of a tube of cream correspond to the maximum permissible safe time in the sun.

The higher this number, the longer the UV protection will last.

Any sunscreen must be applied BEFORE sun exposure, preferably at least 30-40 minutes before.

It also needs to be periodically updated on the skin as its “expiration date” expires or because you swam in the sea (river).

Buy high-quality sunscreens with a high level of protection SPF 50-70, you can here

Secrets of fast and safe tanning - how to tan quickly?

Basic moments:

  • One of the simplest, but very effective secrets is the daily use of carrot and orange juice, at least half a liter (two glasses), preferably in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Use special cosmetics, referred to as "tanning" in the form of oils, various sprays, balms, serums, milk.
  • On the eve of visiting the beach, you can spend a soft and gentle (scrubbed), then the tan will lie more evenly, faster, will last longer.

Essential healthy products for a beautiful and even tan

It must be understood that what we eat directly affects not only how we feel and how we look, but also how beautiful and even a tan we get from being in the sun!

And also how long it will stay on the skin!

  • All smoked meats, fried foods.
  • Dishes, during the preparation of which the oil was heated thermally - vegetables stewed in oil, grilled vegetables with oil, dishes with "fried" onions and carrots. They should be eliminated at least two weeks in advance, otherwise the first thing you get on your skin will not be a beautiful tan, but age spots!
  • All sweet carbonated drinks.
  • Chocolate, cakes, pies.
  • Coffee, cocoa, too strong tea.
  • Alcohol.
  • A categorical ban on any diet that contributes to the fact that the body begins to receive less nutrients, vitamins and minerals!

What to eat to tan?

Tan enhancing products:

  • Products containing carotene

This substance is found in many green fruits and vegetables, in green tea, especially in matcha tea.

  • Omega-3 fatty acids found in seafood and fish, especially fatty varieties.

The best source of plant-derived omega-3s is (don't forget to grind it in a coffee grinder beforehand, otherwise there will be no benefit!).

  • Spinach and broccoli

This is a wonderful skin protection, including cancer! And thanks to a daily large portion in fresh form, you can get a very beautiful bronze skin tone.

  • Asparagus

It is rich in vitamins, especially group B. In addition, it is an excellent protection against cancer.

It is found in tomatoes, prevents skin aging and the appearance of malignant cell transformations.

  • Melon

It contributes to the rapid manifestation of dark skin tone, enhances color saturation, and also helps to restore the skin after sunbathing, prevents its aging.

  • Grape

It strengthens the protective functions of the skin, rejuvenates it, normalizes the water-salt balance throughout the body.

First aid for sunburn - how to sunbathe properly

Consider the basic rules:

  • The most famous and proven folk remedy is kefir or sour cream, homemade is best, of course.
  • Instant cooling of the skin. It can be ice, cold herbal tea, a cool bath.
  • Remedies for burns, such as "D-panthenol", purchased at a pharmacy.
  • If the skin is in severe pain, you can drink painkillers.
  • If you have a temperature, fever, chills, you can take antipyretic drugs.
  • If blisters still appear on the skin, in no case do not open them! Be very careful to keep them intact. It will be necessary to protect them from mechanical impact from the outside by carefully applying a sterile gauze bandage and carefully fixing them.
  • But the best first aid is the PREVENTION of sunburn! Remember this always and protect your skin with sunscreen and follow the rules of safe exposure to the sun!

How to sunbathe in the sun - video

Ways to keep a beautiful tan for a long time

To make the beauty of your tanned body please you for as long as possible, use homemade, folk, natural “beauty recipes” for these purposes.

  • Carrot mask

Finely grate the required amount of carrots, mix it with olive oil, or with any other suitable for your skin. The consistency is like porridge. Apply to face and body for half an hour, then rinse.

Instead of butter, you can use sour cream or cream, as well as fatty cottage cheese.

  • coffee scrub

In add a few drops of any good vegetable oil. Stir and apply to the body and face with circular massaging movements. Leave on for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse.

  • Tomato mask

Chop the tomatoes in a blender along with fatty cottage cheese (preferably homemade). You can additionally add vegetable oil, an excellent choice is olive, wheat germ oil, sesame.

Apply to body and face for at least twenty to thirty minutes. Wash away.

  • Mask based on oregano

Take the herb and oregano flowers, grind it in a coffee grinder and pour in a very small amount of boiling water, so that you get a thick slurry of grass. Cover. After fifteen to twenty minutes, add the egg yolk and a little honey to the chilled grass. Stir.

Apply to the skin for half an hour, then rinse and follow with a nourishing cream.

Well that's all.

I hope, friends, now you will definitely learn how to sunbathe properly and do it safely.

Be Beautiful and take care of your Health, it is PRICELESS!!!

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!

1. Most important: the first sessions of sunbathing should not last more than 20 minutes. And if you're one of the fast-burning Fitzpatrick I-IIs—and haven't tanned yet this year—even less so.

2. If you are taking medication - before sunbathing, consult your doctor. Some medications can increase the body's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, provoke photodermatosis or the appearance of hyperpigmentation. In particular, ibuprofen and some other antipyretic and analgesic drugs, antibiotics and antimicrobials, herbal preparations based on St. John's wort can have a photosensitizing effect.

3. Apply sunscreen 20-25 minutes before going outside: chemical filters, which are part of most new generation cosmetics, do not begin to act immediately.

4. Keep in mind that day creams with SPF for the beach are very often not suitable. Firstly, because SPF 6-15, which most of them have, is not enough for the beach. Secondly, the filters included in their composition can only protect against UVB rays, while the beach requires protection from both types of ultraviolet waves - UVA and UVB.

Program experts will tell you more about the most important rules for skin care before and after sunbathing, about how to properly sunbathe and choose sunscreen cosmetics. "In the shape of".

5. Don't forget: Auto-bronze tan does not protect against sunburn. Unlike regular tanning obtained in a solarium or on the beach, "self-tanning" does not cause the formation of melanin in skin cells - a pigment that not only gives the skin a brownish tint, but also weakens the action of ultraviolet radiation.

6. Don't skimp on sunscreen: apply them in sufficient quantities (at least 20 ml should go to the face and body in one “session”) and renew protection every 2-3 hours: after a couple of hours, sun filters lose up to 50% of their “working ability”, and if we use a lot swimming or playing sports - and more.

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Protective moisturizer Protective Daily Moisturizer SPF 30+, Ultraceuticals with broad-spectrum physical and chemical filters and anti-aging antioxidants - green tea extract and vitamin E

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Waterproof face sunscreen Expert Sun Aging Protection Cream Shiseido with moisturizing and anti-aging action with broad-spectrum filters and Profense CELTM complex that prevents the formation of wrinkles and age spots

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Very high protection sunscreen for sensitive skin SPF 50+ (PPD 42) Anthelios XL 50+ La Roche Posay without perfumes and parabens

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High Protection Nourishing Sun Cream Advance UV Defense SPF 30 SkinCeuticals with Mexoryl SX and XL sunscreens, alpha-tocopherol and botanical antioxidants

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Tanning milk with a high level of protection Maxi Spray SPF 30 Protectyl Vegetal Maxi Spray, Yves Rocher with formulawater-andsweat-resistant

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Protective anti-aging cream for face and body with a high degree of protection Intelligence Soleil SPF 50 Dr. Pierre Ricaud with Acti-Liss formula to hydrate, nourish, prevent skin aging and age spots

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Sun stick Targeted Protection Stick SPF 35, Clinique for sensitive skin areas with water- and sweat-resistant formula, antioxidants and skin-softening ingredients

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Sun stick Super Stick Solaire SPF 30, Sisley for sensitive areas of the face with camellia oil, mango and shea butters

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7. Another very important nuance that everyone remembers, but once on the beach, they usually forget: do not sunbathe from 11 am to 4 pm, when the sun is the most active and you can get a sunburn in just 5-10 minutes. In addition, as dermatologists do not get tired of repeating, the sun at this time is also especially harmful, so the best option would be not just to transfer under an umbrella. In general, go indoors or at least under a wide canopy. And keep in mind that in the equatorial latitudes, “X hour”, when it is very easy to burn out, comes earlier: starting from 10 am, the sun fries mercilessly (by the way, at the same time, the risk of getting heat stroke increases).

8. Remember: you can get burned even in the shade or on a cloudy day, but in the water you get burned faster. Even when the sky is covered with clouds, about 40% of solar radiation reaches the Earth's surface. In addition, light sand and water perfectly reflect ultraviolet rays - and the amount of "irradiation" that the skin gets under increases.

Natalia Gaidash

dermatocosmetologist, candidate of medical sciences, head of the clinic of aesthetic medicine "TriActive"

Especially careful with the sun should be the owners of a large number of moles and fair skin, which easily burns in the sun. Not all moles degenerate into melanoma, but close monitoring is necessary for each nevus, as well as for any skin neoplasm in general. It is necessary to undergo diagnostics (screening) every year and it is better to do this before traveling to hot and sunny countries.

9. Keep in mind that the back, face, décolleté and shoulders burn faster therefore, it is worth applying funds with a higher SPF to these areas (the nose and ears burn the fastest on the face). Also, after water procedures, it is worth putting a hat on your head and throwing a pareo over your shoulders or putting on a light beach tunic: this will additionally protect your skin from direct sun.

10. If sunscreen is suddenly not at hand, and there is no way to buy it, olive oil will help out. It has a small sun protection factor, an approximate SPF of 2-4 (shea butter, sesame, avocado and jojoba oils work in a similar way). However, if the skin has not yet tanned and it is far from the skin tone of sultry and never burning in the sun beauties representatives of the IV phototype like Penelope Cruz or Selma Hayek better stay in the shade: natural sunscreens do not provide long-term and sufficient protection on the beach.

Sunburn is our skin's reaction to UV exposure. Melanin is actively produced in the cells to protect the body from harmful rays. In addition to the fact that tan is a protective function, it looks very beautiful.

To get a beautiful golden or chocolate shade, depending on the type of skin, you do not need to spend hours on the beach. Enough daily sunbathing for 10-15 minutes, but what if you want to tan quickly?

There are several rules, following which you can achieve the desired result without harm to health. You need to think about tanning even before the beach season - the skin and body should be prepared for the upcoming stay in the sun. What to do in advance:

  1. Take vitamins that are good for your skin. Under the influence of aggressive sunlight, the skin loses valuable water faster, which affects the appearance. Dryness and flabbiness are clear signs of tanning abuse. To keep the skin healthy, it is useful to take vitamins E, A and C.
  2. Purify skin. The upper layers of the epidermis are regularly updated, in order to tan faster, you need to get rid of dead cells. This is easy to achieve using store-bought or homemade body scrubs. For peeling, it is best to use natural ingredients. So the tan will fall faster, be more evenly distributed and last longer.
  3. Consult a doctor. If there are large moles on the body, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist in advance. UV exposure increases the risk of skin cancer, and some melanomas can be cancerous.

It is also worth considering the place of sunburn. In order to quickly tan, it is best to relax in the summer near water bodies - seas, rivers, lakes. The fact is that water reflects solar ultraviolet from its surface, actually acting as a mirror. This enhances the effect of the sun on the skin. And in order to tan evenly and at the same time not get a burn, you need to move more, and not lie in one place for an hour.

When is the best time to sunbathe

The optimal time for safe tanning is the morning and evening hours - from 9 to 11 am and from 16 to 19 pm. Of course, in this case, you will have to go to the beach a little longer, at this time the sun is not so active, but there is less risk of getting burns or sunstroke. The time from 12 to 15 hours is the peak of solar activity, this is the hottest period of the day.

What else is important to know:

  1. During the day, the time spent in the sun for the purpose of sunbathing should not exceed 2 hours.
  2. The first exit to the beach after winter should be the shortest, the skin needs to get used to the sun after its long absence. Then gradually you can extend the time of sunbathing.
  3. To tan safely and allow the body to get used to the ultraviolet, you need to expose yourself gradually. First open the arms and legs, and then the stomach and back.
  4. It is important to take into account the coordinates of the beach when calculating the time to go to the beach and the length of stay there. The closer the resort is to the equator, the more active and dangerous the sun is.

When choosing a time, it is worth remembering that in cloudy weather, solar activity remains at the same level. Ultraviolet easily passes through clouds, so you can get sunburned even when the sun is not visible in the sky.

Products for better tanning and skin protection

Sunscreens allow you to stay in the sun longer without harming your health. They also help you tan faster and more evenly. All products are divided into protection levels from 2 to 30 SPF. To understand how long you can sunbathe using such a cream, just multiply the protection factor by 15 minutes. The type of drug is selected based on skin color:

  • protection up to 4 SPF is suitable for people with naturally dark or already well-tanned skin;
  • SPF from 5 to 10 should be chosen by those who have the ability to quickly sunbathe in the sun;
  • the highest level of protection from 11 to 30 SPF is an option for people with very fair or sensitive skin, the same cream should be used for children.

Arriving in hot countries, the first few days you should use creams with the highest level of protection, and then gradually lower the SPF. It is worth remembering that protective agents do not immediately begin to act, they are applied half an hour before going out into the open sun. In addition, after bathing, you will have to apply the cream again.

Folk remedies for sunburn

To tan faster in the summer, you can use folk remedies. First of all, these are numerous vegetable oils, especially olive or almond. They contain a large amount of vitamin E, which nourishes the skin. The oil film evenly covers the body, giving protection from sunburn, it also contributes to a more even and intense tan. What else can you use to tan more in the sun:

Some substances not only accelerate the tan, but also tint the skin a little. You can additionally take tea baths or apply a mixture of oil and beer to the body. It is best to combine several folk methods at once.

What to eat for a better tan

Eating certain foods helps you tan faster and more evenly in the sun. What you need to add to the diet to get a beautiful tan:

In addition to the listed products that help you tan faster in the sun, there are those that slow down the process. If you want to get a tan, you should temporarily refrain from eating or reduce the amount of corn, cocoa products, alcohol, fried foods, pickles and marinades.

Who can't sunbathe

Not everyone benefits from sunbathing. What diseases can not sunbathe:

  • neurasthenia;
  • lupus;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • some types of psoriasis;
  • acute tuberculosis;
  • infectious diseases;
  • liver disease.

Pregnant and elderly women, as well as children under 5 years of age, should not stay in the open sun for a long time. Sunburn is also contraindicated in the rare case of sun allergy.

So, it is not difficult to tan quickly and beautifully, if you follow a few conditions. First of all, this is the right choice of tanning time - morning or evening. Sunscreens will help reduce the damage from UV exposure, and products with keratin and vitamins B and C will speed up the production of a beautiful shade.

You have to know how to sunbathe. Otherwise, the sun can ruin your entire vacation. To quickly get an even chocolate shade and not burn your skin, use the following tips.

Who is bad for sunbathing?

Sunbathing is harmful to those people who have very fair skin and hair, who have a lot of moles and age spots on their bodies, who have very large moles, more than 1.5 cm. Such people are prone to sunburn, in addition, ultraviolet rays can provoke they have a number of serious illnesses. The best solution for you is self-tanning cream.

If you are sure that a tan will do you good, take note of the following rules.

Golden rules for a beautiful tan

A few weeks before going to the beach, you can prepare your skin for an intense tan by using the solarium. Five-minute solarium sessions twice a week will give the skin a golden hue and natural protection from the aggressive effects of ultraviolet rays.

Sunscreen must be used for the first few days of sun exposure. Remember that the most vulnerable spots for sunburn are the nose, chest and shoulders. They must be lubricated with cream every half hour of being on the beach.

If you are vacationing in hot countries (Spain, Italy, Bulgaria, Africa), do not sunbathe in the open sun for more than 5 minutes in the first days. Then gradually increase the amount of time you spend in the sun. In this case, the tanning effect will please you. Remember that sunbathing for more than an hour is not recommended.

During the period from 12 to 14 pm the sun is especially burning, so it is best to spend this time in the shade. The optimal time to sunbathe with health benefits is before 11 am.

Before bathing, it is also necessary to lubricate the skin with a protective cream, since ultraviolet rays penetrate the water to a depth of one and a half meters.

If you sweat a lot, lubricate your skin with a protective cream as often as possible, as sweat reduces its effectiveness.

How to get a beautiful tan without burns?

Do not go to the beach without sunglasses and panama. Remember that bright sun can cause fine lines to appear, and your headless hair in the sun can become dull and brittle.

While sunbathing, try to change position every 5-10 minutes, exposing the back to the sun alternately, then the tummy. If you are on the beach for more than an hour, you need to hide from direct sunlight under a canopy or umbrella.

For a beautiful chocolate tan we go to the sea!

How to tan quickly? It's no secret that the fastest and most beautiful tan is obtained on the beach near the reservoir. Due to the unique property of water to reflect the sun's rays, their effect is greatly enhanced. Your skin instantly tans even while swimming, as UV works even in water.

To enhance the tan, after bathing, do not blot the skin with a towel, but let it dry in the sun. Only in this case, you have an increased chance of getting burned, since water droplets in the sun have the properties of optical lenses.

Sunbathing near water is more beneficial for the skin, as moist air softens the skin and prevents it from drying out. In order not to burn yourself in the sun, use special tanning creams.

How to speed up your tan. Tan enhancers

The fastest chocolate tan can be obtained if, during the beach season, freshly squeezed juices from carrots or apricots are consumed daily.

The safest way to speed up your tan is to use creams with special additives to enhance your tan. Such products can be used even on completely white skin in the first days of the beach season. Tanning stimulator cream increases the production of melanin, and also prevents sunburn, nourishes and moisturizes the skin. As a result, you get an even, beautiful and healthy tan.

Another way to speed up your tan is to use tanning creams with a tingle effect. Such creams increase the blood circulation of the skin, as a result, the melanin pigment is produced faster and the tan is more intense. After applying the tingle cream, the skin may turn red, and the likelihood of allergies is also high. Therefore, before using a new product, it is better to test it on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. Tingle cream is best not used on completely white, untanned skin, in addition, it is generally not recommended to be applied to the face.

Creams for a beautiful tan

To protect the skin from burns, it is necessary to use special tanning products with SPF protection factor (Sun Protection Factor). They will help retain moisture in the skin, prevent its premature aging, and also provide protection from ultraviolet rays. The SPF index in a cream can vary from 3 to 50, so you need to choose a sunscreen according to your skin phototype. The lighter and more sensitive your skin, the higher the SPF should be.

With strong solar activity (from 11 am to 4 pm), it is recommended to use sunscreens with an SPF index of at least 20-30. For dark skin, a cream with a protection factor of 10 is suitable.

The cream should be applied to the skin in a thin layer with massage movements every 30 minutes of exposure to the sun. If you leave a thick layer of cream on the skin, you will get the opposite result: the cream will heat up in the sun and damage the skin.

There are also tanning products that enhance the effect of the sun's rays, resulting in an intense, even, and beautiful tan.

When buying a tanning cream, pay attention to the label: it may be intended for tanning not under the open sun, but for a solarium. Such a cream does not contain protective components from UV rays, so using such a cream on the beach, you can get burned.

Oil for a beautiful tan

The use of natural cosmetic oils is one of the quickest ways to get an even, beautiful and healthy tan without harm to the skin. It is convenient to buy a ready-made bottle of oil designed specifically for tanning from well-known manufacturers - AVON, NIVEA, GARNIER. They usually include wheat, coconut, cocoa butter, avocado, palm, beta-carotene, vitamins, antioxidants, UV protection SPF factors. The oil moisturizes and nourishes the skin, enhances the production of melanin, which contributes to obtaining a quick chocolate tan, creates a thin protective film on the skin, smoothes it, and prevents premature aging. Apply to clean skin immediately after a shower or before going to the beach. After swimming in the sea, the oil is washed off, so a new coat is required. Be careful when using chemical, synthetic oils, as they often cause allergies. Attention: ordinary cosmetic oil without UV protection factors is recommended to be used on prepared, tanned skin, otherwise there is a risk of getting burned. The only disadvantage of using tanning oils is that beach sand will stick to your skin.

Diet beautiful for tanning

1. A beautiful chocolate tan largely depends on what foods we eat. The strongest natural tan activator is beta-carotene. It enhances the production of melanin pigment, which gives the skin a beautiful shade. Many women have noticed that with the daily use of orange and red fruits - carrots, apricots, peaches, the tan becomes brighter. Beta-carotene is also found in melon, pumpkin, watermelon, red pepper, apples and pears.

2. The amino acid tyrosine also plays an important role in the production of melanin. A large amount of tyrosine is found in animal products - liver, red meat, fish - tuna, cod, in addition, it is found in beans, almonds, avocados.

3. Auxiliary substances in the production of melanin are also vitamin C, E, selenium and lycopene. Therefore, if you want to achieve an intense chocolate shade in a short vacation, take a complex with mineral supplements a few weeks before a trip to the sea.

2822 03/17/2019 6 min.

Even at the beginning of the 20th century, in the upper strata of society, tanning was considered a sign of the lower classes, although in 1903 Niels Finsen, Nobel Prize winner in medicine, proved that the sun's rays contribute to the production of vitamin D in the body, which regulates the exchange of not only phosphorus, but also calcium in the blood . A lack of this vitamin can cause osteomalacia. Especially the bones of the pelvis, spine. Seasonal depression also often comes from a lack of vitamin D. So, by sunbathing, we improve our health. In addition, many believe that a tan is beautiful. Especially dark chocolate.

How a tan is formed on the skin

In the lower layers of the skin are cells that synthesize a mixture of various compounds called melanin. It is he who neutralizes the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation on the body. The reaction mechanism is simple. The longer a person spends under the sun's rays, the more this natural pigment is produced in the skin, obeying the brain's alarm signal of danger. As a protector, it protects the body from harmful carcinogenic factors. And chocolate tan is formed precisely because this pigment is produced in large quantities. The more melanin, the more intense the tan.

You may also be interested in face creams with spf 50, which are described.

Skin types that can get a chocolate tan

Why does it happen that some skin color after sunbathing is even, beautiful, golden, light brown or even chocolate, while others after a day on the beach at night, the temperature rises, the skin is red. After a few days, blisters appear on it, and that place is desperately itchy. And no longer to the sea and sunburn. But you really want to live every day of such a long-awaited vacation with benefit for yourself. The point is not only in non-compliance with the simple rules of being in direct sunlight, but also in the type of skin that nature has awarded us:

  • Celtic. This type of skin is predominantly in people with blond or red hair. Freckles can be seen on the skin. It is quite difficult for these people to get a beautiful tan and very often they suffer from sunburn. Melanin in the skin is almost not produced. Therefore, you can sunbathe for 5-10 minutes daily. Be sure to use sunscreen for the face with SPF 40-60 and 20-40 for the body.

Sun cream for people with this type of skin is contraindicated. Only sunscreens with level 30 and above.

But all other types of skin, with proper observance of the rules of exposure to the sun and the use of appropriate products that promote tanning, can please their owner with a beautiful chocolate tan:

  • Dark European. The skin has a natural slightly swarthy color. Mostly there are no freckles, but acne may appear on the face or body. But the tan always turns out even and beautiful. You can stay under the sun for up to thirty minutes;
  • Mediterranean. Dark brown or black hair, dark skin tone. The tan lies evenly, and the skin turns out to be a beautiful slightly bronze hue. Light up instantly. You can stay in direct sunlight for up to forty minutes.
  • African American, Indonesian. Nature itself has long taken care of people living in a hot climate. She endowed them with the initially desired dark pigmentation. Can be under the sun for a long time without suffering from burns.

To get an even and beautiful tan, you need to determine your skin type.

Where is the best place to sunbathe to get a chocolate color

To get a beautiful tan color, you need to decide on a place of rest. After all, you can sunbathe not only near the river, sea or ocean, but also in mountainous areas. There, the tan is more intense and the process is much faster. But it must be remembered that in the mountains the air is rarefied, its pressure is lower. Not every organism is able to tolerate adaptation well. Therefore, the desire to go to the sea, and not to the mountains in the summer, is quite natural.

Protection from ultraviolet rays in the mountains is less than at sea level. It affects the relative and absolute height of the territory. Therefore, girls with a light skin phototype are not recommended to take a tan in such an area.

At the same time, depending on the geographical location of the water area, different salinity of the water, the height of the sun and the transparency of the atmosphere, you can get a different tan. The most popular holiday destinations:

  • Mediterranean (Tunisia, Egypt, Italy, Malta and others). Sunbathing and getting the skin of a beautiful golden hue is possible for people of almost all types of skin.
  • Black Sea and Aegean (Russia, Georgia, Ukraine and others). Holidays in these regions will delight people with Mediterranean skin phototype with a bronze-colored tan.
  • The Indian Ocean and the Atlantic, closer to the equatorial part of Africa, will give a tan of chocolate shades to people with a Mediterranean, Indonesian and dark European skin phototype. But you need to be prepared for the fact that without using sunscreens with powerful filters, you can quickly “burn out”. A beautiful dark coffee shade can be obtained while relaxing in the Maldives.

Rules for tanning in the sun

You can burn rather than tan on any southern coast, if you do not follow very simple rules:

  • on the first day, do not expose your body to direct sunlight for a long time. Twenty minutes is enough. Let the skin adapt a little during this time;
  • sunbathing is recommended until 10-11 o'clock (depending on the climate zone). Make a break till 16 17 o'clock, and then it is possible to lie down on the sun again.

You can get a tan in the shade, and not just under direct rays.

  • for an even tan, you should turn after the sun;
  • balance the water regime. At this time, fluid intake should be more than about a liter per day;
  • before going to bed after a shower, apply a nourishing cream to the skin;
  • To protect your skin from the harmful effects of direct sunlight, as well as to form a beautiful and even tan, special cosmetics are used.

Girls with fair skin, if they feel that they are a little burnt, it is necessary to apply cosmetics with panthenol (Pantoderm, Bepanten, etc.). The drugs will not only help relieve the pain a little, but also fix the already acquired tan.

And, of course, active games and frequent, well, at least not swims, but simply staying in sea water contribute to a uniform tan.

Tanning Products

Each person has a different level of melanin. It is this pigment that protects our skin from sunburn and gives it a slightly dark shade. Therefore, before relaxing at sea, it is desirable to increase its amount in the body. Some products “push” the production of melanin:

  1. Carrot. A glass of freshly squeezed juice every day before going to the beach will saturate the body with vitamin A and give the skin a golden hue.
  2. Apricots. Extremely healthy orange fruit. And the heart will be strengthened and the skin will be helped to gain velvety and elasticity.