How to draw up a marriage contract. What is included in a contract between spouses? Limitation of the range of issues that can be included in the prenuptial agreement

Modern weddings and newlyweds are significantly different from those that were known many years ago. They can, in fact, be spoken about using the popular catchphrase: “Oh, the times! Oh manners! And if earlier the conclusion of a marriage union had a certain spiritual and social background, and the family was a "cell of society", then at the moment such an action often comes down to cold calculation. In this case, the marriage contract plays an important role. An example of its compilation, as well as answers to the most common questions on this topic, you will find in this publication.

General concepts and information about the marriage contract

A marriage contract is a kind of written document concluded between spouses. It operates on the basis of article 40 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation. It describes the details on the basis of which the property of both family members will be divided in equal shares (or in other proportions). Most often, the division of the acquired property described in the contract begins immediately after the official divorce proceedings.

The contract, as a rule, is a document operating within the legal field. That is why it is compiled in accordance with all the norms of document flow. Upon completion of the marriage contract (an example of filling it out can be studied in advance) is endorsed by both parties to the transaction and a representative of a notary organization.

What are prenuptial agreements?

Wedding agreements can be drawn up both before the day of the conclusion of the marriage union, and after it (during the period of family life). And in order to understand what a marriage contract is and how it is drawn up, its example should be most understandable to both husband and wife. To this end, it is necessary to consider several options for filling out this document, to study the possible types and conditions of the transaction. Thus, the following types of contracts are distinguished:

  • extending to persons who are legally married;
  • suitable for citizens who are just getting married;
  • involving the division of the property of the spouses, acquired and sold in marriage;
  • relating to cases where only one of the spouses is the owner of assets (business, real estate, jewelry, bank deposits, shares);
  • suitable for family members whose original purpose was a fictitious marriage (the most common example of a marriage contract is the desire of Russian women to obtain European citizenship by concluding a “fake” union), etc.

The brightest marriage contract: an example from the life of stars

A good example of a prenuptial agreement is the wedding contracts of stars. Such documents almost always become public. And even if the wedding is still only in the project, drawing up a contract is considered a matter of paramount importance. For example, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt did just that. During the past year, this star couple entered into a prenuptial agreement for a total of $380,000,000. Based on its conditions, in the event of a couple breaking up, Angie will receive her legal $171,000,000, and Brad will receive $209,000,000. Also, their six children will be “divided” equally.

What is in the marriage contract?

The content of the marriage agreement is approved on the basis of paragraph 1 of Article 42 of the RF IC. This document establishes the existing legal regime of private property of future or already married spouses. In particular, the rule applies to both existing and future movable and immovable property. The agreement also defines the specific procedure for family expenses, describes the rights and obligations of the parties, property to be divided, as well as options for when termination of the agreement is realistic.

Each written agreement between the spouses on the subsequent division of property and assets provides for its own terms of the marriage contract (examples of diverse content can be found in our article). For example, the bride's parents decide to buy an apartment for the newlyweds, but do not want to share it between the spouses in the event of a divorce. All this information is written in the contract. It also specifies the conditions upon which the spouse will be able to claim common property. For example, in case of bankruptcy or a sharp deterioration in health. Or the spouse has a seriously ill sister in care. And if, after the divorce, the spouse undertakes to provide financial assistance for its maintenance for a certain time, then he will be able to claim part of the housing, etc.

The contract may also include other details. For example, the amount of alimony for joint children, the ability of one of the spouses to live in a common living space after a divorce, and other nuances should be included in the marriage contract. An example from the life of all the same stars. Under the terms of the contract, after the divorce process, Khloe Kardashian received $ 2,000,000 in compensation, a car, her house. In addition, since the divorce, the star has been entitled to a monthly allowance of $ 25,000, of which $ 5,000 for shopping in stores, 1,000 for regular personal care, and 19,000 for running his own household.

Marriage contract: sample, completed example

Before filling out a marriage contract, you must first study its possible samples. Here is one of the most common forms for marriage agreements:

As you can see, there is:

  • subject of the contract;
  • matrimonial property regime;
  • features of the legal regime of certain types of property;
  • rights and obligations of spouses on mutual content;
  • the procedure for the spouses to bear joint expenses;
  • housing rights of spouses;
  • liability of spouses for obligations;
  • final provisions;
  • signatures of both parties.

As a result of the signing of the transaction, the seal and signature of the notary is affixed.

Comic contracts as an original attribute of a wedding

In addition to real contracts, forms with comic overtones are also very popular. These paper products are equated with funny medals, certificates and awards used by the toastmaster during the wedding. They, as a rule, cheer up and allow you to present all the charm of family life in a humorous style. Such a prenuptial agreement (a completed example) can be seen in the photo below.

Is it possible not to fulfill the marriage contract?

According to the law, failure to fulfill a marriage contract is a violation of the rights of one of the parties to the transaction. Violation of the terms of the transaction (in the case of divorce proceedings) entails a mandatory material compensation equal to the value of the property that one of the partners either gave to the other party in part or refused to return at all. In addition to this amount, the unscrupulous spouse (spouse) is obliged to reimburse the cost of moral damage and the penalty (if it was stipulated in the contract). The penalty may in this case take the form of a penalty or a fixed fine.

The plaintiff party can resolve the situation with non-fulfillment of obligations in court. So, the most sensational example of a marriage contract in Russia is the contract of producer Dima Bilan - Yana Rudkovskaya and businessman Viktor Baturin, drawn up in the fall of 2007. According to this agreement, after the divorce, the ex-husband was obliged to transfer $ 5,000,000 to Yana's bank account, abandon his business in Sochi in her favor and transfer all his "rights to Dima Bilan."

The ex-husband of the outrageous producer flatly refused to fulfill the terms of the contract. As a result, the trial lasted several years and ended in a mutual compromise.

Can a marriage contract be terminated or amended?

Both spouses can change or terminate the marriage contract on the basis of Article 43 of the RF IC. However, they can do this only with a mutual decision (in a bilateral format). The term for termination of the marriage agreement begins from the moment of termination of the marriage itself of both parties. Each of the parties may challenge the terms of the contract in the presence of the other in the courthouse.

Summary: A prenuptial agreement is great insurance for spouses planning their lives before and after marriage.

prenuptial agreement templatemay be useful to people who are going to get married in the near future or are preparing for this event in advance. The contract regulates many of the nuances of the relationship of the spouses, and also helps them determine the possible grounds for divorce.

How to draw up a marriage contract (content)? Is it possible to include a condition on separate ownership in it?

Download sample marriage contract

A marriage contract is an important document that helps to formalize an agreement between spouses without errors. RF IC determines that the subject of the contract may be:

  • the rights of spouses;
  • duties of wife and husband;
  • terms of divorce.

Sample marriage contract can be very useful to citizens who want to correctly fill in the main clauses of the contract and spend a minimum amount of time on this procedure, although you can only adhere to the general requirements for its content.

Property issues

The Family Code of the Russian Federation says that spouses have the right to change or establish in an agreement the regime of joint, shared or separate ownership of all property. A similar regime may be established in relation to individual property objects or things of each of the spouses. Thus, the effect of the contract extends not only to things, property rights and debts that the spouses will acquire after its conclusion, but also to existing ones.

Decree of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated November 5, 1998 No. 15 indicates that the court, when resolving issues on the division of property, is guided by the rules that are provided for in the marriage contract, including when the regime of joint property of the spouses is changed to another.

The following property regimes may be established in the marriage contract:

  • joint property;
  • shared ownership (both in equal and unequal shares);
  • separate property.

A marriage contract on separate property - a sample can be found on our website - means that the owner of the property acquired during the marriage is considered to be the spouse on whom this property is registered. If we are talking about property, the ownership of which is not registered, then its owner is the spouse who paid for its purchase.

With regard to contractual terms, the rule of the RF IC applies, which prohibits the inclusion in the agreement of conditions that create unfavorable circumstances for spouses. An example of an unfavorable circumstance is the case when the spouse is deprived of the right to all property acquired during the marriage.

Rights and obligations

The wife and husband can fix their property rights and obligations in a written agreement. They also have the right to describe the possibility and forms of participation in the general income and stipulate the procedure for incurring expenses. An important point of the marriage contract is the issue of property that is transferred to the parties in the event of a divorce.

The law allows spouses to establish specific terms that will limit their rights and obligations and provide for specific conditions on the occurrence of which these rights and obligations will depend.

The form of the marriage contract and the list of issues that may be the subject of agreement

Contract type

The marriage contract is drawn up by the parties in writing and requires, according to the RF IC, mandatory notarization. In the process of certification, the person authorized for these actions explains to the parties to the agreement the meaning, meaning and legal consequences of the agreement concluded between them.

As a rule, the contract is drawn up in 3 copies: 2 of them remain with the legal spouses acting as parties to the transaction, and the third is kept by a notary.

Requirements for the text of the contract

First of all, a written prenuptial agreement should not contain conditions that are prohibited by Russian law.

The essence of the contract must be fixed clearly and precisely. It is not allowed to have vague expressions that can be ambiguously interpreted by the parties.

Amounts and terms must have both digital and letter designation. Full names, addresses and names of state bodies must be recorded in full, without abbreviations.

The contract must be signed by each of the spouses. If one of the spouses cannot personally endorse the contract (due to physical disabilities, illness, or for any other reason), then his legal representative can sign for it. At the same time, if the signature is put by the spouse not personally, but through a representative, the notary must attest to such a signature and indicate the reason why the party could not sign with his own hand.

What is included in a contract between spouses?

The general list of issues considered by the marriage contract is not strictly regulated in the law. The RF IC allows the parties to freely choose the terms of the contract that do not violate the basic norms of Russian law.

A model marriage contract contains clauses relating to:

  1. The name of the agreement.
  2. Places of conclusion of the agreement.
  3. Dates of drawing up and date of signing of the contract.
  4. Name of the spouses.
  5. Dates and places of birth of husband and wife.
  6. Details of spouses' passports.
  7. Places of residence of the spouses.
  8. Marriage certificate details.
  9. The name of the state body that issued the certificate.
  10. Date of issue of the certificate.
  11. Numbers of the marriage registration record.
  12. Features of the legal regime of property, including cash deposits, securities, jewelry, art and antiques, luxury items, wedding and other gifts, real estate, vehicles.
  13. The list of objects of property included in the joint property of the spouses.
  14. The list of property objects that are not recognized as joint property.
  15. The order of mutual content.
  16. Cost conditions. Such expenses include pocket expenses, utility bills and child education, car maintenance, as well as vacation and travel expenses.
  17. Responsibility of the parties for obligations.
  18. The procedure for amending the agreement.
  19. Terms of termination of the marriage contract.
  20. The date of entry into force of the agreement between the spouses.
  21. The validity period of the document.
  22. The number of copies of the contract.
  23. Signatures of the parties to the agreement.

What should be excluded from the marriage contract?

At the same time, the legislator also establishes a ban on the inclusion in the marriage contract of certain issues related to:

  • with limited legal capacity of spouses;
  • establishing rules for personal non-property relations;
  • limiting the legal capacity of the parties to the contract;
  • limitation of the rights to judicial protection;
  • establishing rules of conduct in relation to children (although the parties often want to fix with whom the child will live after the divorce, this issue cannot be stipulated by them in the contract);
  • restriction of the spouse's rights to receive maintenance (this rule applies to disabled and needy parties);
  • other conditions that are contrary to family law, which may put one of the parties to the agreement in an unfavorable position.

Conclusion, amendment and termination of the contract between spouses

Conclusion of a contract

A marriage agreement between spouses can be concluded both before the moment of official marriage, and after the registration of marriage (in this case, the conclusion of a marriage contract can occur at any time during the joint life of the spouses).

The validity of a contract drawn up in the proper form, which has been certified by a notary, begins either from the moment the marriage is registered, or immediately if the marriage has already been registered earlier.

An agreement concluded by parties who are already in a marriage relationship acquires legal force after its signing or at the time specified in the agreement.

Change and termination of the contract

The marriage agreement can be changed or terminated by the spouses. These actions can be taken by the parties at any time during the validity of the contract. In order to amend or terminate a contract, the spouses must draw up an agreement to amend or terminate the contract. The form of the agreement corresponds to the form of the marriage contract.

At the same time, the law does not give spouses the opportunity to refuse to comply with the terms of the agreement unilaterally. The date of termination of the contract, if it was valid throughout the marriage, is considered the moment of dissolution of the marriage union.

In some cases, amendments or termination of the agreement may be carried out not by the will of the parties, but by a court decision. Moreover, the court may invalidate the contract either in whole or in part. Such a marriage agreement is considered invalid if it creates unfavorable conditions for one of the spouses or was concluded in violation of the norms of civil law.

So, both citizens preparing for marriage and those already legally married have the right to draw up a marriage contract. This document, concluded by the spouses for the period of marriage, is intended to regulate the basic property relations between husband and wife.

Which will protect property rights in full from any encroachment on the part of the partner. Read how to draw up a prenuptial agreement in detail.

A marriage contract is one of the ways to protect the property rights of each of the spouses.

Every third union ends in a divorce process in which the parties are faced with the separation of material values.

To simplify the process and divide the property fairly, and not equally, as the law prescribes, you can draw up a prenuptial agreement in advance.

The concept of a marriage contract

Changes the mode of division of property acquired by spouses and does not only. The law prescribes the division of property equally, but this is not fair in all cases. The legal agreement of the spouses on this issue allows you to change the order and secure separate rights and obligations regarding property for each spouse.

It determines what each party will own in the event of a divorce. For example, according to the Family Code, jewelry donated by the husband must remain with the wife. And in the marriage contract it is permissible to separately indicate that the donated valuables must be returned to the donor. The marriage contract may not coincide with the norms of the Family and Civil Code.

For a long time such prudence was regarded in our country as a calculation, since the heart loves, what a contract can be.

Therefore, in Russia, this practice appeared relatively recently - in 1992. In the West, it has long been entrenched and is considered a common procedure.

A marriage contract is especially necessary in those unions in which one of the spouses has a large income and wants to protect his property from encroachment by a partner.

Contract - before registration or after

Most often, the contract is drawn up by the parties before the marriage registration ceremony. It is also concluded between spouses who are already in official relations. This can be done at any time - regardless of the date of registration. The agreement will be valid during the period of marriage until the divorce.

Compilation rules

The rules for drawing up a marriage document between spouses are prescribed in the Family Code (Chapter 8):

  • is concluded only by capable persons over 18 years of age;
  • is concluded only between spouses who are officially married or intend to enter into it (not concluded between cohabitants in);
  • in writing and certified by a notary;
  • contains the signatures of both parties to the agreement;
  • includes the passport data of the parties without abbreviations, dates and numbers are written in words;
  • clauses of the contract must be written in clear language and without errors.

Compilation algorithm

The official conclusion of the agreement has its own cost, which consists of the following components:

  • state tariff - a statutory amount of 500 rubles (registered in the Tax Code, paragraph 10, part 4);
  • legal and technical support - the amount is set by the notary office providing the service (depending on the qualifications of the lawyer, scope of work, region) - from 800 thousand rubles.

If it is not financially possible to contact a lawyer to draw up a contract, its generally accepted form can be downloaded online.

But you still have to certify the completed standard document by paying a state fee.

Contacting a notary to draw up a turnkey contract involves a sequence of actions on his part:

Checking passports and marriage certificates

  • Drafting the layout of the document. This will take time, especially if it will be necessary to make official requests to government departments.
  • It is better for partners to discuss the fundamental points in advance in order to save time.
  • Checking the correctness of details - details, clauses of the contract, corrections, etc.
  • Verification of the actual compliance of the submitted documents with the data of the contract - date of registration, ownership rights, etc.
  • Making amendments if necessary.
  • Explanation of clauses of the contract for each party.
  • Signing of the contract by the parties.
  • Notarization.

The conclusion of a marriage contract is a complex multi-stage process. You can save money, but spend time preparing the document yourself. The decision is up to each couple.

Permissible contract clauses

A prenuptial agreement as a legal document has its own formalization requirements. It must contain the elements:

  • a cap with the name, date and place of imprisonment;
  • spouse data;
  • citizenship (in some cases);
  • number (if any);
  • ownership of property;
  • list of joint and separate facilities;
  • regulations on mutual maintenance in case of incapacity for work of one of the spouses;
  • the amount of monthly maintenance on an ongoing basis (if necessary);
  • determination of family and personal expenses, their sizes;
  • credit and other obligations of each party;
  • the terms of this agreement;
  • dispute resolution;
  • date of entry into force of the agreement and its duration;
  • number of copies;
  • date and signatures of the parties;
  • notary stamp.

The contract involves the transfer of all property owned by the spouses, both jointly and individually - cars, real estate, furniture, valuables.

Each object is described in detail!

In the document, a number of fundamental issues can be written separately:

  • conditions after the dissolution of the marriage union;
  • who will pay utility bills;
  • who will bear the cost of educating children;
  • who should pay for family leave;
  • who bears the costs of maintaining and caring for valuable objects.

The contract clearly defines the costs of each party. You can also specify the conditions for financial relationships if one of the spouses experiences financial difficulties.

Invalid Items

A prenuptial agreement may not include certain conditions:

  • elements of a will;
  • restriction of the right to maintenance if one of the spouses becomes unable to work;
  • limiting the protection of legal rights in court;
  • issues related to joint children (who will support, the order of communication);
  • restriction of each other's rights (to education, to work, etc.);
  • the procedure for settling non-property issues (fidelity, a ban on and other actions);
  • conditions that may put one of the parties at a disadvantage.

A prenuptial agreement may contain clauses on monetary compensation for non-pecuniary damage, such as indecent behavior, treason, or beatings.

Each of the methods has its own characteristics.

Before the wedding

The bride and groom, who want to protect their property rights in the future, regardless of the outcome of the marriage, prefer to conclude a contract before the wedding. In this case, the document comes into force not from the moment of its signing, but from the moment of the marriage ceremony.

Future spouses have time to "agree on the shore" about the material side of their relationship. To do this, they need to present passports and property documents to the lawyer.

After the wedding

If family relations last more than one year, but it became necessary to conclude marriage contract, this can be done at any time (regardless of marital "experience"). There are cases when a husband and wife prescribe their property rights, having already adult offspring.

In this case, the contact takes effect from the moment it is signed or on any other date specified in the document. To conclude a contract, in addition to passports and property documents, you will need a marriage certificate.

During the registration of marriage, newlyweds are driven by feelings, and, unfortunately, they are changeable. To exclude property disputes during the divorce process, it is worth concluding a prenuptial agreement. The basic requirements for it are simple - a written form, signatures of the parties and a notary's seal.

An acute issue in divorces and conflicts in the family is the division of property. It can be carried out peacefully by agreement between husband and wife or by judicial procedure. The second option is implemented by filing a claim for the division of property, and its outcome directly depends on many factors, including the presence of a marriage contract.

Why is a prenuptial agreement necessary?

It is not necessary to draw up a marriage contract, since there are norms of the Family Code of the Russian Federation that regulate the procedure for dividing property if necessary. The law does not provide for the obligation of a husband and wife to conclude any agreements regarding the fate of common property. However, in this case, everything acquired during the marriage will be considered the joint property of the spouses and will be divided in equal shares. Part of each of them can be increased and decreased in certain cases:

  • in favor of the one with whom minor children remain;
  • by reducing the proportion of those who shied away from work, wasted the family budget, etc.

The personal property of each of the spouses remains with him, for example, which was acquired before marriage, received under a gratuitous transaction, etc. An example would be receiving an inheritance or property as a gift.

If there is a marriage contract, everything acquired in marriage will be divided according to its provisions. It is allowed to include certain conditions or events, upon the occurrence of which the fate of a particular object will be decided. For example, if there was a betrayal of the husband, the property will become the property of the wife. However, in this case, the application for divorce should indicate the reason for the dissolution of the marriage as “treason” and provide the court with any evidence.

Such a marital contract should be drawn up and signed by a notary, having assured him. In addition, spouses can draw up an agreement not only before marriage, but also at any time after its registration.

So, why do we need a prenuptial agreement? It allows you to regulate issues between spouses regarding property and its division. An agreement must necessarily be reached mutually, as evidenced by the signatures of the husband and wife under the contract. Compulsory conclusion of a contract under the influence of one spouse on the other is not allowed.

Sample and filling rules

In fact, marriage contracts are divided into several types, depending on the regime of property of the spouses proclaimed in them:

  • property is divided in certain shares between husband and wife. Parts may be equal or different;
  • everything passes in the event of a division in favor of the wife or husband.

Not only objects can be shared between spouses, but also debt obligations, such as mortgages. To do this, it is necessary to include the relevant clauses in the text of the agreement.

It is imperative to draw up a marriage contract correctly and accurately. It is not allowed to have corrections, errors, etc. in it. That is why all the data of the parties and property should be entered strictly in accordance with the documents.

The rules for drafting and including certain conditions in an agreement include:

  • the obligatory consent of the husband and wife to sign the agreement;
  • a written form certified by a notary;
  • the impossibility of unilateral refusal or revision of the contract;
  • the ability to include rules for the distribution of not only existing property, but also that which is planned to be acquired.

In order to avoid mistakes in the essence of the agreement, you should download the sample marriage contract below. This will help to refine it by including points that are important in a particular case, and avoid problems.

A sample is usually a blank contract form that contains all the main terms.

An example of a completed contract in 2017

For a better understanding of the rules for drawing up a marriage contract, it is necessary to study an example of a completed contract. Him to understand exactly how to enter the data in the agreement form, and what information is needed.

To fill in the main clauses of the contract, you should prepare a certain set of documents, which will definitely include:

  • passports of husband and wife for the correct indication of personal data;
  • documents for each property subject to division under the terms of the contract. Since it is necessary to enter all the exact coordinates of the location, dimensions, cost and other characteristics, technical, cadastral documents, etc. may be needed;
  • other papers that can confirm that the property of one of the spouses belongs to him personally or other circumstances important to the case.

The preparation of the marriage contract must be carried out in accordance with the norms of the law. If the parties themselves cannot fill it out correctly, you should use the help of a notary or a lawyer.

The presence of a contract greatly facilitates the already complicated process of divorce and eliminates many conflict situations between spouses.

Today, the preparation of such documents in Russia is rather a rarity. However, the popularity of such a solution to the property issue is increasing every year.

Thus, in order to understand how to draw up a marriage contract correctly, you need to familiarize yourself with its sample. In addition, you can fill in all the relevant data and correct them in accordance with the documents for the property. A draft contract can be proposed by a notary or a lawyer, but this will require an additional fee. However, the advantage in this case will be the accuracy and correctness of the document.

The sample provided to you will help you visually get a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200b. A contract drawn up by a lawyer can significantly exceed the content of any other sample contract.


"__"_______ 20___
Citizen of the Russian Federation ___________________________________________ and citizen of the Russian Federation __________________________________________, hereinafter referred to as the "Spouses", voluntarily, by mutual consent, entering into marriage in order to settle mutual property rights and obligations both in marriage and in the event of its dissolution, have entered into this marriage contract as follows:


1.1. The spouses agree that all property acquired by the spouses jointly in marriage, regardless of whose income it was acquired, and for certain types of property specifically specified in this agreement or an addendum to it, the property regime provided for by this agreement is established .
1.2. The property that belonged to each of the spouses before marriage, as well as the property received by one of the spouses during marriage as a gift, by inheritance or by other gratuitous transactions, is his property.
1.3. By the time of the conclusion of this agreement, Mr. ________________________________ owns the following property:
- pieces of furniture according to the list attached to the contract (see Appendix 1);
Gr. _______________________________________________ at the time of the conclusion of this agreement owns the following property:
- pieces of furniture according to the list attached to the contract (see Appendix 2);
1.4. The property acquired during marriage includes the income of each of the spouses from labor activity, entrepreneurial activity and the results of intellectual activity, pensions, allowances and other cash payments received by them that do not have a special purpose. Ownership and use of property is carried out by mutual agreement.
1.5. The right to property also belongs to the spouse who, during the period of marriage, was engaged in housekeeping, caring for children or, for other valid reasons, did not have an independent income.
1.6. Things for individual use (clothes, shoes and others, although acquired during the marriage at the expense of the joint funds of the spouses), are recognized as the property of the spouse who used them.
1.7. Shares and other securities acquired during marriage (except for bearer securities), as well as dividends on them, belong during marriage and in the event of its dissolution to that of the spouses in whose name the acquisition of shares and other securities is registered.
1.8. A share in the property and (or) income of commercial organizations acquired during a marriage shall, during the marriage and in the event of its dissolution, be the property of the spouse in whose name the acquisition of the specified share is registered.
1.9. Jewelry acquired by the spouses during the marriage shall, during the marriage and in the event of its dissolution, be the property of the spouse who used it.
1.10. Wedding gifts, as well as other gifts received by the spouses or one of them during the marriage, intended for the use of both spouses (except real estate) - a car, furniture, household appliances, etc. - during the marriage are the joint property of the spouses, and in case of dissolution of marriage - the property of the spouse whose relatives (friends, acquaintances, colleagues, etc.) made these gifts.
Gifts received during the marriage by the spouses or one of them from mutual friends (acquaintances, colleagues, etc.) and intended for the use of both spouses are, both during the marriage and in the event of its dissolution, the joint property of the spouses.
1.11. Crockery, kitchen utensils, and other household items acquired by the spouses during the marriage are the joint property of the spouses during the marriage, and in the event of a divorce, by agreement of the parties.
During the period of marriage, household appliances are the joint property of the spouses, and in the event of divorce, the property of the person in whose name the purchase and sale transaction is executed.
1.12. A car acquired by the spouses during the marriage is during the marriage the common joint property of the spouses, and in the event of a dissolution of the marriage, the property of the person in whose name the purchase and sale transaction is executed.
1.13. Special-purpose income (amounts of financial assistance, amounts paid in compensation for damage due to disability due to injury or other damage to health, etc.) are recognized as the property of the spouse to whom they were paid.
1.14. Spouses have the right to dispose of property by mutual agreement. The consent of a spouse to the other spouse making a property transaction is presumed unless the other spouse raises objections to the transaction prior to its completion. Transactions with real estate (including apartments, residential and non-residential premises, land plots, etc.), vehicles and other property, transactions with which are subject to notarization or state registration, are carried out by the spouse in whose name the ownership.
1.15. Bank deposits made by the spouses during the marriage, as well as interest on them, are during the marriage and in the event of its dissolution the property of the spouse in whose name they are made.
At any time during the marriage, the spouses, by mutual agreement, have the right to change the regime of joint ownership established by this agreement, which must be notarized.


2.1. Each spouse is required to take due care of the joint property and property belonging to the other spouse, to take all necessary measures to prevent destruction or damage to property, as well as to eliminate the threat of destruction or damage.
Each spouse is obliged to observe the rights and legitimate interests of the other spouse, established by this marriage contract and the law, both in marriage and after its dissolution,
2.2. Spouses are obliged to refrain from entering into risky transactions. Risky transactions are understood as transactions, failure to fulfill obligations under which may lead to the loss of a significant part of the joint property or to a significant reduction in the income of the spouses.
2.3. Each of the spouses has the right to use the property of the other spouse, which belonged to him before marriage, in accordance with the purpose of the property.
2.4. During the marriage, each of the spouses has the right to dispose of the property that belonged to him before marriage at his own discretion, however, the income from such transactions is recognized by the spouses as common joint property.
2.5. In the event of dissolution of a marriage, the property that belonged to the spouses before marriage and belongs to each of the spouses in accordance with this agreement is not included in the mass of property to be divided.


3.1. Each of the spouses is responsible for the obligations assumed to creditors within the limits of the property belonging to him. If this property is insufficient, the creditor shall not have the right to foreclose on the property of the other spouse
3.2. The spouse is not liable for transactions made by the other spouse without his consent.

4.1. A spouse who is the owner of real estate may grant during the period of marriage, on the basis of an appropriate agreement, the right to use his real estate to another spouse without the right to register on this real estate at the place of residence (without the right to propiska).
In case of dissolution of marriage, the right to use real estate, granted on the basis of the previous paragraph of this agreement, is terminated. Therefore, the spouse who is not the owner of the relevant property is obliged to vacate the property belonging to the other spouse within 5 days from the date of dissolution of the marriage.
4.2. Liability of spouses for harm caused by their minor children is determined by the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.


5.1. This agreement enters into force:
a) from the moment of its notarization;
b) from the moment of registration of marriage (in the case of the conclusion of the contract before the registration of marriage).

5.2. The contract is terminated at the time of state registration of divorce.
5.3. The spouses have the right by mutual agreement at any time to conclude an additional agreement to this contract, which must be notarized.
Unilateral refusal to execute this agreement is not allowed.
Disputes and disagreements between the parties are resolved through negotiations. If the parties do not come to an agreement, disputes are resolved in court in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
5.4. This agreement is made in 3 copies, one for each of the parties and one is kept by the notary ____________________________.


Gr.________________________________, passport:
Registered at: ________________________________
Gr._______________________, passport:
Registered at: ________________________________
