How to bring your face to perfect condition. Stages of face cleansing. Cooking fragrant cosmetics from oil

Every woman always wants to look attractive. Beautiful, clean, firm and radiant skin of the face is the best adornment of the fair sex. In the publication we will talk about how to make your face skin perfect: how to take care of it in different seasons of the year, what home and salon procedures to pay special attention to, how to adjust your diet and lifestyle.

Enemies of Perfect Skin

At a young age, simple daily facials are usually sufficient. WITH age the skin begins to lose its elasticity, the complexion worsens and it already requires more thorough care, the use of additional cosmetics and more frequent grooming procedures.

In addition to age, the skin of the face is negatively affected climatic factors... To maintain the ideal condition of the skin, care for them should be carried out taking into account the season; at different times of the year, the skin of the face needs different procedures.

In the cold season, in autumn and winter, the skin needs protection from chapping, hypothermia, in the spring - in additional vitamins and nutrition, in summer the skin needs protection from ultraviolet radiation and additional moisture.

Features of facial skin care in autumn and winter

Purification. Take care of your skin in autumn and winter especially carefully. In the cold season, the sebaceous glands do not work as actively, so cleansing should be gentle and gentle. For oily skin, it is better to replace gels and foams with creamy products, and for dry skin, you can choose oil-based products.

Toning. In winter and autumn, you need to abandon alcohol-containing products, they irritate the skin and destroy the natural protective layer of fat on the face, which is very important in the cold season. It is better to purchase tonics that are designed for facial skin care in autumn and winter, preserve the natural Ph level of normal skin.

Moisturizing and nourishing. In the cold season, light creams should be replaced with denser ones. With normal skin, it is advisable to gradually switch to nourishing creams, and use less moisturizers, especially while walking down the street.

Special protection. In cold weather, the skin is often exposed to chapping and hypothermia. Before going outside, it is necessary to apply a nourishing cream to the face that protects the skin from the unwanted effects of low temperature and wind.

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Features of facial skin care in spring

Purification. In the spring, the facial cleansing procedure is very important. After winter, the skin becomes depleted, rough and needs deep cleansing. The best ways to rid your skin of the old epidermis are various steaming masks, scrubs, and steam baths.

Toning. After the cold winter, the skin is always tired and needs toning more than ever. In addition to morning washings with mineral water or, use tonics and special vitamin cocktails for the skin, they will help revitalize your face after a tiring winter period.

Nutrition and hydration. In the spring it is time to switch from thick winter creams to lighter ones, from nutritious ones to moisturizers. The composition of spring creams to nourish and moisturize the skin should include vitamins to improve complexion, fruit acids, proteins, hyaluronic acid. Do not neglect homemade face masks (honey, vegetable, fermented milk).

Special protection. In the spring, it is necessary to try to restore tired skin; for this, anti-stress cosmetics are used. When the sun ("freckles") appears, it is enough to wipe the skin of the face with lemon or cucumber juice. .png "alt =" (! LANG: Freckle Relief" width="450" height="368" data-srcset=" 628w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Features of facial skin care in summer

Purification. In the summer, warm and humid air provokes the rapid multiplication of bacteria, the sebaceous glands work to their limit and are often clogged, so you need to cleanse your face more often. However, in summer, the skin is very dehydrated, so soaps and products containing alkali should not be used. Cleansing foams, mousses, cosmetic milk are suitable.

Toning. In the summer, it is best to tone the skin of the face with ice cubes in the morning. It is good if the herbal decoction is included in the cubes, for example. Do not wipe the skin after the procedure, allow the beneficial composition to be absorbed.

Moisturizing and nourishing. In summer, facial skin is especially in need of hydration. Thermal water, which is used immediately after the cleansing procedure, works well. After it dries, you can apply the cream: the day cream should be light, moisturizing, and the night cream should be moisturizing and nourishing at the same time, it should contain vitamins C and E, antioxidants.

Special protection. In the hot season, the sun has a strong effect on the skin, therefore, face care in the summer should include protecting the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. You can use special sunscreens with a SPF of at least 15 or regular face creams with sunscreen sunscreen. .png "alt =" (! LANG: Sunscreen cosmetics" width="450" height="285" data-srcset=" 768w, 868w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Salon treatments for perfect skin

Popular cosmetic procedures include the following:

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Home skin care

At home, the skin of the face can be pampered with various folk remedies:

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And finally, a few simple tips to achieve perfect skin:

  • warm water dries the skin, so you need to make it a rule to wash your face with cool water;
  • in summer it is necessary to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, in winter - from frost;
  • in the cold season, the cream is applied to the face 40 minutes before going outside, so as not to overcool the skin;
  • 1-2 times a week, it is desirable to use for the face, especially effective;
  • masks should be a regular home skin care routine.

Do not forget that in order to achieve perfect skin, you need to drink enough clean water, eat right, be in the fresh air, move and get enough sleep.

There is a special diet for clean and healthy skin, you can familiarize yourself with it.

Secrets of perfect skin: video


By following the simple rules for your facial skin care procedures and performing them regularly, you will certainly achieve amazing results and look perfect in any season.

Ideal facial skin is the absence of fine and deep wrinkles, age spots, redness due to dilated blood vessels, blackheads and red pimples; it is an even tone and a beautiful radiant look. Increased greasiness or dryness of the skin is also a serious obstacle to a flawless appearance. Is it possible to make your face skin perfect at home? Cosmetologists claim that this is quite possible.

What affects the condition of the skin?
The deepest misconception is the opinion that it is possible to achieve perfect skin only by using expensive cosmetics and performing special procedures. Facial care involves an integrated approach. After all, the skin is an organ that is highly dependent on the overall health of the body. And very often, external skin defects are the result of the trouble of individual organs.
Therefore, the first and main condition for maintaining the skin in perfect condition is absolute health. Even the great Avicenna, who lived at the turn of the 1st and 2nd millennia, argued that the complexion takes on an unpleasant shade if a woman is sick, if her life is full of worries (speaking in modern language - full of stress), if the diet contains a lot of salty food, if a woman stays in the cold, piercing wind or heat for a long time. Modern cosmetology fully shares the opinion of the ancient Aesculapius. Factors such as frosty wind, long standing at the stove, increased dryness of the air in rooms, washing with too cold or hot water, vigorous rubbing with a towel after washing have a negative effect on the condition of the skin. The face looks especially depressing if these factors are superimposed on a not completely healthy organism. External negative manifestations in the presence of certain diseases in such cases are only exacerbated.

Before you begin to bring your skin into perfect condition, you need to put your own health in order. Most of all, the appearance of the skin is affected by diseases of the liver, kidneys, blood, lungs and especially the gastrointestinal tract. Problems in the activity of these organs lead to the appearance of pimples, puffiness, bags and dark circles under the eyes, pigmentation and increased porosity of the skin.

Bad habits do not work in the best way on the skin condition. Smoking quickly leads to a persistent earthy complexion, which only intensifies over time. Therefore, many women who smoke are forced to use foundation and blush to give their face a fresher look. Excessive alcohol addiction affects the functioning of the liver, honor, heart, which necessarily manifests itself in the form of puffiness and bags.

Less visually noticeable are the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle and lack of regular walks in the fresh air. In such cases, the skin simply begins to fade earlier and lose its natural colors. Young women usually notice this when they meet with their peers, leading an active lifestyle. Only then do some begin to understand why they look worse than their peers.

How to make your face perfect?
If you are determined to achieve the perfect appearance, consider all of the above points. Then simple manipulations at home will help you create real miracles with your own skin.

Many beauticians recognize that home remedies are vastly superior to many commercial creams. But due to the fact that they quickly deteriorate, it is impossible to establish their industrial production. Although very often cosmetologists themselves prepare creams with a shelf life of 3 to 10 days for their regular patients. And it is these funds that help to quickly achieve the desired results.

The rules of skin care are simple and known to everyone: cleansing, moisturizing, nutrition. For the period when you decide to seriously engage in skin, try to reconsider the range of products that you use in your daily facial care. Avoid those that contain petroleum-based substances: propylene glycol, parabens, crystal paraffin, sodium loret sulfate, petrolatum and mineral oils. Even petroleum jelly, which is useful in small doses, which is part of a cream or lipstick, with regular use, will negatively affect the condition of the skin, so give it up too.

If all your funds turned out to contain chemistry, do not worry. Everything from cleansers to nourishing masks can be prepared on your own.

Skin cleansing
Make it a rule to thoroughly cleanse your skin every morning and every evening. This can be done with low-fat kefir, applying it with two cotton pads all over the face and neck. Wait 1 to 2 minutes to soften the layer of dirt, grease and dead skin cells, and rub your face well, changing discs, until they are clean. Regardless of whether you cleanse your face with kefir, purchased gel or milk, after cleansing, they must be carefully removed from the skin. To do this, you can use a decoction of green or black tea, and for very light skin of the face, a decoction of chamomile. While dipping and lightly wringing cotton pads, wipe your face well several times. The effect of clear skin is felt immediately. To preserve it, apply a thin layer of moisturizer. It is also better to do it yourself.

Moisturizing the skin
The composition of the cream will depend on your skin type. But it always contains oil and water. It is a good idea to add a few drops of an oily solution of vitamin E to such a cream. Many homemade recipes for making creams contain recommendations for the use of emulsifiers, waxes and thickeners. But this will bring your cream closer in composition to that produced in an industrial environment. Therefore, it is better to do without chemical additives. In this case, your moisturizer will have one significant drawback - the oily base and water will exfoliate rather quickly. Therefore, the cream will have to be done each time immediately before applying to the skin. Almond oil, sour cream, jojoba oil are used as a fatty component, depending on the type of skin, and herbal decoctions, rose or distilled water are used as an aqueous component.

A self-made moisturizer can be used as a foundation for daytime makeup.

Skin nutrition
Apply a nourishing cream to the skin at night every day. Its composition also depends on the type of skin. Along with vegetable fats, more saturated animal fats can be used in the nourishing cream.

For a nourishing cream, you can take melted lard or margarine that does not contain chemicals and vegetable oils. Choose a herb that suits your skin type. You can use herbs that are equally useful for everyone - chamomile, sage, string, celandine. Grind it finely in a mortar and mix with softened fat or margarine. For 100 grams of fat - 3 tablespoons of crushed herbs. You need to apply such a cream on your face for 15-20 minutes, after which it is good to blot the remaining fat with a napkin. The cream can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 1 month.

Home peeling
Peeling is used to effectively remove dead skin cells. It also has a good rejuvenating effect - the skin is renewed. You can use the remains of boiled ground coffee from a coffee pot, cedar nut shells ground in a coffee grinder. For making a homemade scrub, coarse clean sand or not too liquid healing mud is suitable. But the most useful and safe for the skin will be bran and oatmeal scrubs.

Grind half a glass of bran or flakes, cover them with water until a thick slurry forms. Apply immediately to face with light, gentle strokes. After 2-3 minutes of massage, leave the mask for 1-2 minutes, then begin to gently rinse it off in circular motions with warm water.

Peeling is considered a rather aggressive procedure, so it should not be abused. For owners of dry skin, it is quite enough to resort to peeling once every 2 weeks, and if you have oily skin, you can do it once a week.

So, everything is simple: skin care based on natural remedies, an active lifestyle, rejection of bad habits, proper nutrition, taking care of your own health - this is what will ensure the ideal condition of the skin of the face and the whole body as a whole.

Every girl dreams of perfect face skin, because it symbolizes health and arouses admiration. You can also experiment with makeup. To keep your skin clean and healthy, you need to take care of it regularly. In this article, we will tell you about some of the care secrets and some helpful nutritional advice.

First of all, it should be said that the state of the epidermis directly depends on what kind of food you eat. The skin reflects the condition of your body. That is why the cause of any problems related to appearance should be found in the lifestyle. Believe me, smoking, lack of sleep, depression, long-term work at the computer, unfavorable environment and unhealthy diet - all this provokes the appearance of wrinkles at an early age, acne and edema.

Proper nutrition

Many girls ask how to achieve perfect skin with proper nutrition? First of all, you need to cleanse the body. Once a week, arrange for yourself fasting days in which you will only eat fruits and vegetables. Eliminate flour products, pork, fatty, fried and sweet from your diet. And this begs the question: "What products should be consumed for ideal facial skin?"

For breakfast, be sure to cook oatmeal, buckwheat and millet porridge. Alternate between them. For dessert, you can eat low fat yogurt. The interval between meals should not exceed three hours. Be sure to eat vegetable soups for lunch. For an afternoon snack, you can afford a small piece of fish or chicken breast. In the evening, if you are very hungry, eat cottage cheese. It is digested in the body for a long time, so the feeling of satiety will not leave you for a long time. As you know, the body is cleansed at night. In order not to overload it, you should not eat less than three hours before bedtime.

Be sure to indulge yourself twice a week with tuna or salmon. They contain many Omega 3 acids, which have a beneficial effect on the production of elastin and collagen. Eat foods that contain antioxidants regularly. These include blueberries, grapes, peaches, apricots, kiwis, apples, and other fruits. Be sure to eat tomatoes. They are also a powerful source of antioxidants and lycopene.

Diet for perfect skin

As you know, each person has his own skin type and, accordingly, everyone has different problems. Everyone needs their own diet. Above we have outlined the general rules of nutrition, now we will tell you about each option separately. Here you will learn which foods to cut out and which ones to include in order to get a beautiful complexion and cleanse it.

In case of inflammation and irritation, it is necessary to abandon refined foods, sweets, pastries and pastries. Try replacing it all with fruit and honey. They also contain glucose. Eat beans, vegetables, and whole grains. For breakfast, be sure to eat oatmeal, walnuts. For lunch, treat yourself to seafood or turkey. All foods that contain zinc will work. It reduces inflammation and improves regeneration.

What to do if the skin is dry?

How to get rid of flaking? Eliminate spicy, fatty, smoked and salty foods. It is not recommended to consume alcoholic drinks and very strong coffee. These foods dehydrate the skin and the body as a whole. Drink two liters of water daily, eat foods high in antioxidants and vitamins E, A and B. The latter group includes cereals, asparagus, dairy products, chicken and quail eggs.

With a bad complexion, dermatologists recommend drinking cocoa, black, chamomile and green tea. Fermented milk products should be included in the diet. They will stimulate the nervous system. If you have a poor complexion, eat foods high in iron (organ meats, beans, buckwheat) and vitamins A and C.

If blood vessels protrude on your skin, this means that you should refuse food that contributes to their expansion. This includes fried liver, various marinades. For drinks, exclude strong coffee, cocoa, black tea, and alcohol. Fatty, hot and spicy foods should be excluded. Try to eat citrus fruits, apricots, blue berries, grapes, cabbage, cilantro, herbs, and rose hips.

How to avoid acne breakouts?

Acne occurs when the skin on the face is oily and the pores are enlarged. In order to get rid of them, you need to exclude from your daily diet spicy and fried foods, various smoked meats, semi-finished products and other products that contribute to the work of the sebaceous glands. If you want to know how to achieve the perfect complexion, follow our tips. Eat porridge, onions, cabbage, almonds, garlic, lettuce. Brazil nuts act very well on the skin. When you start consuming all of the listed foods, the process of cellular renewal will start in the body, and the sebaceous glands will begin to work less actively. This will increase the antibacterial protection. Do not forget to consume fermented milk products every day, as they improve bowel function.

It should be noted that the secrets of perfect facial skin are not only about proper nutrition. You need to spend most of your time outdoors. Even if your work schedule doesn't allow it, take yourself one hour walks in the park. This will allow you to relax after a hard day, relieve stress and oxygenate your skin.

Sport improves the skin!

If you want to look always flawless, but do not yet know how to achieve the perfect complexion, we will find a solution for you. Exercising will help you become more attractive. Regular exercise boosts the production of collagen, which is a type of connective tissue. The fact is that fibroblasts - skin cells that are responsible for the production of collagen - lose their productivity over the years. Exercise increases the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the cells. This creates an excellent environment for natural collagen production. If you exercise regularly, the skin will acquire a beautiful tone and become more elastic.

How to choose the right cream?

It should be noted that the epidermis needs regular nutrition, proper hydration and timely peeling. The condition of your face depends on the correct choice of cream. Find out how to choose a cream for your perfect face here. We will also show you what tools are best to help eliminate defects.

If you are a happy owner of beautiful skin, you need to maintain its condition. Moisturize it constantly. Choose products with reflective particles. Your skin will look like it is glowing from the inside out. Ideal Cream Idealia from Vichy and Ideal Flawless from Avon. To even out complexion and add radiance to the skin, use Clarins Creme for perfect complexion. This product will make you look like a queen.

Mask for perfect skin

Want to give your skin a fresh look? Then an oat bran mask is perfect for you. Mix them with lemon juice, honey, egg white and milk. Stir the ingredients together and apply to your face. Do not rinse for 20 minutes. To reduce inflammation, apply chamomile decoction with a sponge. Then rinse off and apply cream. This procedure should be performed every day.

The best mask for perfect skin is from olive oil. After applying it, you need to wait 15 minutes until it is absorbed into the pores. Then you should wash off the oil with boiled water. The effect will be amazing! Olive oil contains many beneficial trace elements that have a beneficial effect on the skin.


How to achieve perfect facial skin? It is necessary to moisturize it regularly. Be sure to cleanse your face of dead cells. Give yourself a peel once a week. In the daytime, use products with hyaluronic acid and an SPF filter, which will serve as a good base for your make-up. We recommend applying olive oil or a natural nourishing cream at night. It should contain hyaluronic acid, which allows it to retain moisture for a long time. If you suffer from oily skin, you should use a cream with the addition of chamomile or calendula. This will help calm the sebaceous glands.

It should be noted that the condition of the skin depends on the season. Winter is characterized by hardness and dryness, and in summer - an intense release of fat. Depending on this, funds should be selected.

How to choose the right foundation

Foundation is a remedy for perfect skin. Thanks to him, you can hide almost any flaws. Before applying it, be sure to treat your face and moisturize. Many people neglect the foundation under the foundation. This is not worth doing, since it creates an even relief and contains natural vitamins and extracts that have a beneficial effect on the skin. Before you buy a foundation, choose a reliable foundation for it.

As for the tint itself, several factors must be taken into account when choosing it. First, determine correctly what type of skin your skin is. Secondly, match your makeup to your complexion. You can buy a foundation one tone darker, no more. It shouldn't stand out too much against the background of your hands and neck.

If you have an allergic reaction, choose a gentle foundation. Pay attention to its texture. To achieve perfect facial skin, in the summer, you should use beauty products, thanks to which it will not suffocate. In winter, it is best to choose cream that is dense in texture. They will hide imperfections and at the same time nourish delicate skin.

Ways to apply foundation

Makeup artists advise you to apply it in two steps. First with a sponge and then with your fingertips to even out the color. Thanks to this, the tinting base will look as natural as possible. You can apply the cream with a sponge or a large brush. The main thing here is to move from the center of the face to the periphery. Work the transition to the neck. It shouldn't stand out.

After reading this article, you have learned how to achieve the perfect complexion. Take a holistic approach by applying masks and creams along with proper nutrition.

Today we will tell you how to make your face beautiful. The crazy pace of a modern city sometimes does not allow leading a healthy lifestyle: snacks on the go instead of a full meal, non-compliance with work and rest, lack of proper care - all this affects health. The first to suffer is the skin. And while clothing helps to hide the signs of skin aging on the body, the face remains in full view. Women worried about such a problem often ask themselves how to make their face beautiful at home if there is no time to visit a beauty salon.

In this article, we will look at some of the features of each skin type, problems that arise, give recommendations and offer time-tested beauty recipes.

Features of skin types

There are five main types of skin, each with its own characteristics:

You can be beautiful without the use of cosmetics. First you need to know how to get a beautiful complexion. After all, this is precisely the first step towards the beginning of cultivation. Plain water or green tea will help with this - drink two liters daily.

This will start an improvement in metabolic processes in the body, contribute to the elimination of toxins and, accordingly, improve and normalize the complexion. And in order not to have the opposite effect, give up any energy drinks, including coffee and black tea. To avoid the appearance of morning puffiness, drink the liquid two to three hours before bedtime.

Making a clean face

How to make your face clean and beautiful? Many women are accustomed to using cosmetics as a panacea for all adversity. However, in some cases this does not bring the expected result, and sometimes it even hurts - dry skin or inflammation appears.

You don't have to spend money on a ton of beauty products if you can make some lifestyle adjustments. Where to start and how to make your skin beautiful? It will help you:

  • cold and hot shower;
  • obligatory make-up removal at night;
  • good rest and, of course, sleep;
  • lack of bad habits;
  • a balanced diet (all vitamins must be present);
  • using basic care products that are suitable for your skin type;
  • stay in the fresh air.

As soon as you get into the habit of these simple tips, you will immediately see the startling changes in your face.

Continuing the theme of natural beauty, we bring to your attention the proven facial skin care products that can be used at home.

Clean and beautiful skin on the face. What do we have to do?

How can you make a beautiful face? Use the following remedies:

  1. A decoction of bay leaves in proportions of 20 g per 100 ml of water will return freshness to the face. It needs to be boiled, cooled and wiped on the face.
  2. The problem of blackheads will be solved by honey and lemon. How to make such a remedy? Apply a few drops of honey to a slice of lemon. Then the resulting product should be applied to the area where there are acne. After five minutes, wash off the mask with cool water.
  3. Acne mask. She prepares simply. On a fine grater, you need to grate the cucumbers to make three tablespoons, pour them with a glass of boiling water and leave for exactly three hours. Next, you need to strain the mixture and add one teaspoon of honey to the liquid. After washing your face, use this solution and you will get rid of acne and inflammation.
  4. If you have viburnum, use it to kill rashes too. Use a swab dipped in juice, rub pimples three times a day.

Facial skin toning

How to make a beautiful complexion? You can use a cucumber toner to brighten and moisturize your complexion. To prepare it, you need a cucumber, cut into cubes with a peel. It is poured with a glass of milk and boiled for three to five minutes. After straining, you can add a spoonful of honey and wipe your face with the product.

Owners of oily skin will need a green tea tonic recipe. A glass of brewed tea is cooled. Then filter and add two teaspoons (teaspoons) of lemon juice. Wipe your face, but do not leave the resulting mixture on the skin for a long time to avoid staining.

Moisturizing the skin

Steam two tablespoons of oatmeal with a glass of boiling water or milk. We insist for about fifteen minutes and drain the liquid that remains there. Add a little honey, lemon juice (you can also use an aloe leaf) and apply the mask for twenty minutes. This option perfectly restores the moisture balance of the skin. Here's how to make your face beautiful in just 20 minutes.

Cottage cheese mask and apple remedy

The curd mask is very popular. To prepare it, you need to mix fatty cottage cheese and honey in proportions of 2: 1. The mask lasts thirty minutes. Such a remedy not only nourishes the skin, but also tones it up, and also allows you to remove irritation.

How to make your face beautiful? Now let's look at another recipe for a moisturizer. On a fine grater, you need to grate the apple, add a spoonful of butter and whipped yolk. You can add honey if you wish. Soak for twenty minutes, then rinse. Perfect hydration is guaranteed!

A little conclusion

Now you know how to make your face beautiful. Taking good care of your skin is easy. It needs to be nourished and cleansed. Then the skin will become your pride. Fall in love with yourself and your happy eyes will shine, making your face flawless even without makeup!

How to make your face perfect at home, without using a whole arsenal of expensive means?

In this article we will tell you everything! - a kind of visiting card.

Its appearance directly depends on the condition of the skin. At some point, more often after 30 years, defects suddenly begin to appear on its surface.

And if earlier, so that it was enough to thoroughly cleanse the face and use high-quality cosmetics, now the time has come to expand the arsenal of means.

Follow our advice, and your age can only be found with a passport!

How to make your face skin perfect at home in a month? We take into account personal characteristics

We don’t think about it, but the skin is the same organ as the lungs or the heart.

Its function is incredibly important - protecting its owners from harmful environmental conditions, including pathogenic microbes.

They simply die on its surface under the influence of an acidic environment.

Sweat and fat remove metabolic waste from the body, and hygiene plays an important role in facial care.

The skin in this area is incredibly thin. That is why the area around the eyes is the first to feel age-related changes and the consequences of an incorrect lifestyle.

Our skin needs regular care

By the way, if you wish to save and, listen to the following recommendations:

  1. Eat a handful of nuts, seeds, or 2-3 tablespoons of flaxseed oil daily. The ingredients naturally nourish the skin and help prevent dryness and minor breakouts.
  2. Drink two liters of clean spring water daily. Many of us experience constant dehydration, hence the fine lines around the eyes and mouth. Rehydrate and you will notice how much the overall situation has improved.
  3. How to make your face perfect at home in a week those who prefer fresh vegetables and fruits know. Increase the amount of raw foods to 70%.
  4. Sports activities will improve blood circulation and overall tone.
  5. Meditate, relaxing your entire body before bed, and try not to squint or use your facial expressions too much during the day.
  6. Try not to sit up at the computer, walk on the street for at least a few 90 minutes for no reason.
  7. Get enough sleep every day, but no more than 9 hours a night.
  8. Junk food, lack of vitamins primarily affect your skin. Develop a diet with enough fiber.

Perfect skin does not exist. The peak of her beauty falls on childhood, but then we do not think what kind of treasure we have.

The rest are owners of one of four types: dry, normal, oily, combined.

Older ladies have aging skin that needs more.

Exceptionally healthy women have normal, this is a rarity. She has a beautiful shade, invisible pores, sebaceous glands work moderately.

Good blood supply, natural defense mechanisms make this type protected from frost, heat, dusty city conditions.

If the epidermis is not properly maintained, over time it will become “dry” or “oily”.

If you have already stepped over the hormonal threshold, then most likely you are the owner of oily skin.

Wide pores prevail here, the work of the excretory system is very active.

They will ensure the opening of pores, improve blood circulation in the skin, and remove toxic substances.

Steam baths are useful for the face

The procedure will facilitate the resorption of the seals, pimples go away much faster.

However, they should not be used for diseases of the epidermis, for dry skin types prone to irritation, and also if you have problems with the respiratory system.

For the procedure, you should remove makeup and remove all jewelry from the body.

Pour hot water into a basin and add (12 drops per liter) or herbal tincture (3 tablespoons per liter).

Tilt your head over your basin and cover yourself with a towel. After that, apply a mask or produce.

For normal type

  1. It will be enough to carry out the procedure once every fortnight. Duration - 20 minutes.
  2. Mix 5 grams each: eucalyptus, St. John's wort, mint, linden blossom, fennel. Dilute with a liter of boiling water and let it simmer on a steam bath for about 30 minutes. The duration of the bath is 15 minutes.
  3. You are wondering: how to make your face skin perfect, remove imperfections and swelling at home in 1 day? Combine thyme serpentine, lavender, hops with boiling water. The herb mass should be about 50 grams.

Masks should be as natural as possible

For dry type

  1. Replace hot water with herbal teas. Duration - once a month, no more than a couple of minutes.
  2. Mix dry mint, chamomile, linden leaves, dill. Pour boiling water over the whole thing. Boil over low heat and proceed to purification.
  3. Use rose petals (you will need about 70 grams) with the addition of dandelion and bay leaves.

For the bold type

  1. It is preferable to carry out the procedure once a week, about 35 minutes. After that, wash yourself with cool water and freshly squeezed lemon juice. This normalizes the secretion of sebum.
  2. In the struggle for beauty, oak bark, mint, lemon, lemon balm will help you. Take two tablespoons of the dry mixture (with a slide).
  3. Use licorice, juniper, birch bark. Take a fragrant steam bath for about 25 minutes.
  4. Add a few drops of oil to boiling water: pine, tea tree, sage.

Combined type

  1. The scheme of use is identical with the previous type.
  2. Are you wondering how to make facial skin smooth, practically perfect, despite the original characteristics? You can do it at home! Recipes will help based on positive reviews: Dilute 100 grams of elderberry flowers with two glasses of water. A mixture of 50 and 70 grams of nettle and licorice will help balance skin conditions. Eucalyptus and mint combined in equal proportions will unclog pores.
  3. Sage oil, anise oil and orange peel concentrate will help you.


These are the perfect end to the day for your face. They nourish, tone up and replenish the lack of nutrients. It is very easy to make and use them, so this procedure may become your favorite.


  1. Prepare freshly squeezed pear and apple juice. Mix 80 grams of juice with 100 grams of cold spring water.
  2. Mix 50 milliliters of aloe juice with half a glass of water. Dip a napkin and place it on the selected area.
  3. Grind tomato and cucumber into fine gruel. Use cheesecloth to squeeze the juice into a container. Dilute 1: 3 and use.


  1. Pour boiling water over 10 chopped tablespoons of rose hips. Let it brew for about an hour. The compress can now be used.
  2. For half a glass of mint, there is a glass of water. Sweat on a steam bath, blot the gauze and apply it all over your face.
  3. Take calamus root and crush it as small as possible. Dilute with boiling water, let stand for several hours. Cover the compress itself with plastic.

Long-term storage

  1. Wondering how to make your face perfect, rested at home and in just a week to regain youth? Many