How to make a moving paper toy. Movable paper dolls - clowns, bunnies, dogs and more. For work you will need

Print and cut all patterns. Cut out the torso in green cardboard and the comb in yellow. Places indicated by dots, pierce and fasten with rivets the details of the torso - the head and neck, the neck and torso, the torso and the first link of the tail, and so on all the details of the tail. All parts must be fastened together in the same way.
Cut out the shaded portion on the head as indicated on the pattern. Glue a piece of yellow paper cut out from black paper with glued teeth on this place. Glue the eyes to the head. Draw the nose, cheek and outline the outline of the mouth with a black felt-tip pen. Glue the flame using orange and yellow paper and comb on the back of the figure. Now cut in all the details again and don't forget to cut out the head, just without the flame. Of these torso details, only the arm and leg are riveted. Place a drop of glue in the middle of each piece. Carefully glue the body parts one by one to the finished parts.

Several clowns




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Master Class« Dergunchik is a funny toy»

All children, without exception, love mobile toys... Of course, it's easier to buy them in a store, but it's much more interesting and useful to do it yourself. WITH jerks can be played, you can make them actors of home theater, you can just give them to children, but it's better to do these toys with them!

Children will be delighted with this activity.

Dergunchik- mechanical option toys, parts of which are loosely connected and set in motion by means of threads attached to the back toys.

Dergun toys known since the times of the ancient world. In the 19th century, they were popular in all European countries. In Germany they were called "Hampelman", in France - "Pantin", and in English-speaking countries - Jumping Jack. Such toys were also made in Russia., they were called "Dancers".

Classic jerk Is a human or humanoid creature with a torso, two movable arms and two legs. Initially jerks were made of wood, with the advent of color printing, blanks for them began to appear in magazines. On the creation of sketches of such toys real artists worked. Cardboard jerks Is a cross between a puppet and a paper doll.

The meaning of the craft and its role

Toy-jerk promotes the development of imaginative and logical thinking in the child, creative and play abilities, coordination of movements, attention, perseverance, fine motor skills of fingers, tactile sensations.

We need:

Simple pencil;

Colour pencils;

- markers;

Office knife or scissors.

Future craft templates

Hole puncher


Manufacturing technology

1. Expand the details jerk: torso, two arms, two legs, four wires, a wire twist stick, two short strands for horizontal tying, one long strand for adduction jerk in motion, large stick - holder jerk.

2. We push the wires into the holes made by the awl on the body on the arms and legs.

3. We wind the wire onto the counting stick and flatten it.

4. Insert the threads horizontally, connect the arms and legs, tying them. Cut off the excess ends of the threads.

5. Tie a long thread vertically to horizontally stretched threads and glue a large stick-holder.

Here are the funny toys - the jerks turned out.

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For manufacturing, you will need the following materials: cardboard of two colors, colored paper, glue, double-sided tape, thread with a needle, decorative elements (leaves.

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Toy Birds with their own hands. Master class with step by step photos

Alexander Yashin
Feed the birds in winter!
Let from all ends
They will flock to you like home,
Flocks on the porch.
Their food is not rich.
A handful of grain is needed
One handful - and not scary
It will be winter.
How many of them die - do not count,
It's hard to see.
But in our heart there is
And it's warm for the birds.
Is it possible to forget:
Could fly away
And they stayed for the winter
Along with people.
Train the birds in the cold
To your window
So that without songs you don't have to
We welcome spring!

Making a dynamic toy "Pecking Birds". Master class with step by step photos.

The master class "Making a dynamic toy" Pecking Birds "is recommended for participation in the" Living World "competition by the methodological association of teachers of additional education of scientific and technical orientation. The head of the association is T.V. Rassushina
Erygina Natalya Nikolaevna, teacher of additional education of the first qualification category MBU DO SUUT Angarsk
Description: This material will be useful for teachers of additional education, technology teachers, kindergarten teachers, children of primary and secondary school age and creative people.
Application: Children can use their crafts in the game, use as a gift.
Target: Making a dynamic toy "Pecking Birds".
Educational tasks:
1. To acquaint with the concept of a dynamic toy, to increase interest in this activity.
2. Expand knowledge about the appearance and lifestyle of birds.
3. To teach how to make a dynamic craft "Biting Birds".
Developmental tasks:
1. To develop fine motor skills of fingers in children.
2. To develop attention, memory.
Educational tasks:
1. To cultivate perseverance, accuracy, the ability to bring the started business to its logical conclusion.
Birds are warm-blooded creatures. Their average body temperature is 41 ° C. This means that they can stay active during the cold season, but need more food. Therefore, many birds leave their snow-covered native places and go to winter in warm countries.

Sparrow. They move on the ground by jumping. The voice is comparatively high, a chirp known to all.
Prefers forest edges, orchards and orchards. Lives on the outskirts of cities, in villages and towns, in the south - in forests and bushes. It feeds on various seeds, feeds chicks with insects. Often settles in groves, parks and gardens. In November, there is a concentration of field sparrows in human settlements, where they spend the whole winter. Winters at nesting sites. The field sparrow catches a lot of harmful insects, but in the fall, flocks of sparrows can cause quite significant damage to gardens and vegetable gardens.

Nuthatch. Lives in forests, gardens and parks with old trees. It feeds on insects, less often seeds, nuts and acorns. It usually feeds on thick tree trunks, moving upside down. He often visits feeders, in city parks he learns to take food from an outstretched palm. Stores tree seeds in cracks in the bark for the winter. A significant part of these reserves subsequently goes to tits. Due to its peculiar manner of movement, the nuthatch avoids competition with its fellow flocks - titmice and pikas. Crawling down the trunk, it takes out small insects mainly from cracks in the bark that open upwards. In winter, it often roams in flocks of tits.

Crow. A raven and a crow are completely different birds, not a male and a female. Moves along the ground with wide strides, in case of danger begins to "gallop". Ravens are omnivorous birds, feeding on insects, chicks and eggs, rodents and lizards, frogs, fish; plant food - the seeds of various plants, as well as the plants themselves, as well as food waste. Also common knowledge of ravens and their ability to use objects of the environment; for example, if a city crow comes across a nut in its shell, it can throw it on the road and wait for the car to crush it, and then calmly eat it. In the 1970s-1980s, when milk was sold in stores in half-liter cardboard tetrahedral pyramids, crows often stole these packages, carried them to a secluded place, punched a hole in the cardboard with their beak, and drank milk. To prevent the package from slipping out of its beak in flight, the crow bent one of the corners of the package with its beak in advance.
By the fall, crows in large numbers concentrate around landfills, garbage dumps and other sources of food. The maximum known age is 20 years. Ravens are able to show ingenuity, for example, remembering the places of hidden prey, returning for it when necessary, or throwing nuts from a great height.

Pigeon. With excellent eyesight, the bird is able to distinguish not only the colors of the rainbow, but also ultraviolet rays. Hearing allows you to pick up sounds of a much lower frequency than a person can hear - for example, the noise of the wind or distant sounds of a thunderstorm, and, perhaps, therefore, birds sometimes leave the territory for no apparent reason. The ability of blue-gray pigeons to always find their way home, wherever they are, is well known - this behavior has long been used by humans for postal communications. Birds with this quality are able to travel up to 1000 km per day. The rock dove, due to its predominantly rocky lifestyle, does not know how to sit on the branches of trees, it moves along the ground with a step, constantly shaking its head. Flies superbly, reaching speeds of up to 185 km / h. The rock pigeon feeds mainly on plant foods: seeds, berries, fruits of fruit trees. There are pigeons that cannot fly. This breed is called the Salon Rollerball.

Tit. It lives in forests and parks. Destroying a large number of forest pests brings undoubted benefits to nature. In winter, it strays into mixed flocks with other birds and roams in search of food. More often than other birds it settles next to humans. Seeks out insects and spiders on branches and trunks. In winter, it feeds on seeds and other plant foods. A common visitor to feeders in city parks. In some places, by December, tits are already accustomed to taking food from an outstretched palm. Distributed in the European part of Russia, the Caucasus, southern Siberia and the Amur region.

Goldfinch. Goldfinch is one of the most beautiful birds found in our forests. For a festive, dandy outfit, the bird was called "goldfinch". A cheerful, agile, dexterous bird. In the conditions of an open-air cage and cage, they quickly master and quickly get used to it. Even in captivity they like to sing a lot. With good maintenance, proper care and feeding, they sing all year round and live up to 15-20 years.

Crossbill. They have a special structure of the beak: the ends of the beak and mandible go in, crisscrossing each other, on top of each other. On the territory of Russia there are 3 types: spruce crossbill, pine crossbill and white-winged crossbill. Common nomadic birds. From the taiga, crossbills, during their frequent migrations, fly into all regions of Russia, often very far from their nesting sites. They stay on conifers in flocks, often hanging from cones, picking and dropping them. During the flight, they constantly call each other, but, falling on a tree, they become silent. They feed mainly on seeds of conifers. Crossbills are often kept in cages. Caught birds very quickly get used to captivity.

Bullfinch. Lives in forests (avoids only clean pine forests) with dense undergrowth, in gardens and parks. In summer, the bullfinch lives both in dense forests and in light forests on the edges of burnt areas and clearings, but it keeps very secretively and rarely catches the eye. But in winter it is simply impossible not to notice the multicolored flock of bullfinches. It feeds mainly on seeds, buds and berries. Feeding on berries, eats away the seeds from them, and throws out the pulp of the fruit.

Magpie. With its characteristic black and white plumage and unusually long tail, the magpie is unique and easily recognizable. On the ground, the magpie moves most often by jumping, but it can also walk. She moves very skillfully in the crown of trees. The flight of the magpie is undulating, gliding. Common magpies are resident birds. They live in small forests, parks, gardens, groves, copses, often not far from human habitation. Magpies eat a wide variety of foods. Her diet includes both small mammals and insects. Magpies also often destroy birds' nests, carrying eggs and chicks. And sometimes they even carry bones from dogs. The magpies living next door to a person are not afraid to steal any food from him. The magpie is considered one of the most intelligent birds. The forty were found to have elaborate social rituals, including possibly expressing sadness. The magpie is the only currently known non-mammal that can recognize itself in a mirror, unlike, for example, a parrot, which perceives its own reflection as another parrot.

Waxwing. Inhabits sparse coniferous and mixed forests, overgrown burnt areas and clearings. In summer, it feeds on insects, which are often caught on the fly, larvae, various berries and young shoots of plants. At other times, they feed mainly on berries and fruits, for example, lingonberries, rowan berries, viburnum, mistletoe. In winter, it roams widely, appearing in large flocks in cities, especially during the rowan harvest years. In the life of the forest, waxwings play an important role, since they widely spread the seeds of mountain ash and other juicy berries, which, having passed through their intestines, do not lose their germination.

Woodpecker. The great spotted woodpecker is widespread in the forest zone of Russia, including mixed and deciduous forests. Woodpecker - climbs trees well. The woodpecker deftly moves in short leaps up and to the side along the trunk, moving in a spiral. At the same time, he constantly hollows the bark in search of insects, their larvae and pupae. Its beak, straight and sharp, strikes the tree with force and not only destroys the bark, but also breaks the wood, making a depression in it. In the cracks formed in the bark, the woodpecker sticks a long flexible tongue covered with sticky saliva, the end of which is seated with small teeth directed backward. Poking an insect with his tongue, he sucks it into his mouth. So he feeds all summer, destroying many forest pests (bark beetles, gold beetles, etc.). In winter, the woodpecker feeds on the seeds of coniferous trees, breaking cones with beak blows, having previously clamped them into a crack in the bark or a gap hollowed out in the wood. Although woodpeckers destroy many seeds of conifers, reducing their yield, in general they should be considered useful birds, since they destroy many insects harmful to the forest, and by arranging new hollows every year, provide insectivorous birds with shelter. In addition, woodpeckers reject sick, pest-infested trees that are subject to sanitary felling.

Tools and materials:
colored paper
simple pencil,

Safety rules for working with scissors.
1.Check the serviceability of the tools before work.
2. Do not work with loose scissors.
3. Use scissors only at your workplace.
4. Watch the movement of the blades while working.
5.Place the scissors with the rings facing you.
6. Feed the scissors rings forward.
7. Don't leave the scissors open.
8.Keep the scissors in the case with the blades down.
9. Do not play with scissors, do not bring scissors to your face.
10. Use the scissors as directed.
Safety precautions when working with glue.
1.Work gently, being careful not to drip glue.
2. Try not to get glue on clothes, face, and especially in eyes.
3.If glue gets in your eyes, rinse well with water.
4.After work, close the glue tightly and remove.
5. Wash your hands after work.
Safety precautions when working with needles.
1.Keep the needles in the needle bed.
2. Always thread a needle through the eye of a needle. One thread has run out - a new one the next day.
3. Needles should not be put in the mouth.
4. Before work and at the end of work, count the needles.
5. Needles should not be attached to clothing or left in fabric.

Elena Blagina
The frosts are cruel
This year!
Anxious about the apple trees
In our garden.
Worry about the Bug:
In her kennel
The same frost
As in the yard.
But most of all
Worried about the birds -
For our little sparrows
Jackdaws, tits.
We have prepared
Everything for winter:

We will wrap up horny
We are apple trees.
More Senets
We'll bring it to the kennel
Poor mongrel
We will save you from the cold.
But birds! So cold
In the air for them!
Will we help
So defenseless?
We will help you! They need to be fed
And then
It will be easy for them
Survive the cold.

Dynamic (or moving) called toys that transmit the types of movement of living beings and mechanisms.

Manufacturing algorithm.

1. Outline the templates on yellow cardboard. You need to place templates on cardboard compactly, circle them on the back of colored cardboard. Be sure to apply dots - the places where we will pierce the cardboard with a needle.

2.Cut out the craft blanks.

3. Glue together to make double-sided parts.

4. We paint the birds and wings with gouache.

5. Bend the base of the wing.

6. Apply glue only to the base of the wing and glue it to the bird.

7. We glue the wing in the same way from the reverse side.

8. Draw four lines on the back of a sheet of white cardboard at a distance of 1.5 cm.

9. Cut into strips.

10. We glue together to make double-sided parts (to add rigidity, you can glue together several strips).

11. Draw a drawing with a simple pencil on the feeders.

12. Paint the drawing with gouache and glue it to the strip on both sides.

Most of the time this owl sleeps peacefully, but as soon as you pull the string, it will open its eyes and flap its wings. And maybe even shout "Wow!"

Materials and tools:
Thick cardboard or packaging corrugated board (boxes are made of it)
Colored paper
Colored cardboard (yellow)
PVA glue
Thick threads
Marker or felt-tip pen

Cut out the body of an owl and two wings (in a mirror image) from cardboard.

We paste over them with brown paper. Press dry (put a heavy book on top).

We glue the details of the head made of colored paper, dry.

Cut out a detail with pupils from yellow cardboard. We outline the location of the pupils and eyelids with a pencil.

We glue on it the lower eyelids made of paper of the same color as around the eyes.

With an awl we pierce the shoulder and wing at the junction. It is convenient to do this on a hard rubber mat or on an unnecessary album (magazine).

We make a mount for the wing. You can use special clips for scrapbooking, or make them yourself from a button and a piece of wire. We fasten the wings, they should move freely.

Pull the first thread through the holes in the upper part of the wings and in the lower part of the part with the pupils. We stretch the second thread only through the holes in the lower part of the part with the pupils.

We fasten the upper part of the part with the pupils with an elastic band. We sew it securely to the "ears" of the owl.

By adjusting the size and tension of the threads, you can tie them together. We tie a button or a ball to the end of the thread, for which we will pull.

Draw feathers on the wings with a black marker or felt-tip pen and draw the eyes.

Pattern sheet A4 format.

The number of people wishing to celebrate is growing every day Valentine's Day and make a gift or a postcard with your own hands. We offer to make an unusual valentine - it is made of cardboard on the principle of a jerk toy. A graceful ballerina doll can also be an original gift for Valentine's Day. A detailed master class with templates and photos will help you master a new technique for making crafts.

Dergunchik is a variant of a mechanical toy, the parts of which are loosely connected and set in motion with the help of threads attached to the back of the toy. Dergun toys have been known since the times of the ancient world. In the 19th century, they were popular in all European countries. In Germany they were called "Hampelmann", in France - "Pantins", and in English-speaking countries - "Jumping Jack". Such toys were also made in Russia, they were called "dancers".

Even children can cope with making a valentine in the form of a heart with movable wings. More delicate work is to be done with a ballerina figurine, in which arms and legs can be made movable.

DIY materials and tools

  • Cardboard, best of all with a colored density of 200 g / cm 3, dyed in the mass (then the back side and edges of the product will also be colored), but any other is possible.
  • Glue stick.
  • Scissors.
  • Devices for fastening moving parts: clips - brads (carnations with a decorative cap and a leg in the form of a pair of flat antennae made of soft metal). You can make a similar clip yourself - from a button and wire.

  • Hole punching tools: regular office punch (it makes holes with a diameter of 5 mm - they are suitable for clips with a diameter of 7 mm or more); a special punch with a set of nozzles (changing them, you can get holes of different diameters); cone-shaped awl.

  • Threads for controlling the yoke - cotton, medium thickness.
  • Thick sewing needle for attaching threads to work pieces.
  • Holder - wooden skewer.
  • Double-sided foam tape for gluing the holder.

  • Pastels and felt-tip pens for tinting and drawing details of the product.
  • Crepe paper for making ballerina dress.

Paired parts (wings, arms, legs) are cut according to the same pattern, but in a mirror image.

DIY valentine

Height - 10 cm, width - 15 cm

  1. Cut a heart out of the packaging cardboard according to the template. Using a glue stick, stick it onto the red felt or fleece. When the glue is dry, cut the canvas along the outline of the heart.

  1. Cut two wings out of white cardboard using a template. Make holes in the marked places (they are indicated by circles) and attach the wings to the heart with clips, as shown in the photo. When you bend the tendrils of the clips, do not press them close to the cardboard, leave something like a leg. This can be done with your hands or with tweezers.

You can fasten moving parts with a thin cord. Tie a knot at the end of the cord, string the parts over it and tie a second knot so that the parts can move freely between the knots. Cut the cord.

  1. To connect the wings to each other, pierce one of them with a needle in the place marked on the pattern with a bold dot. Secure the end of the thread with two strong knots. Without cutting off the threads, pierce the second wing in the same place. Tie some strong knots again. Cut off the thread. During the connection, the wings must be lowered down. The thread connecting them should be horizontal - not sagging, but not too tight.

  1. Tie a guide to the middle of the connecting thread, fasten a bead at its end. Use double-sided tape to glue a wooden stick to the back of the heart.

The finished jerk can be hung on a thread loop fixed at the top of the product.

Dergun ballerina

Height - 17.5 cm, width - 11 cm

  1. Using templates, cut out the details of the arms, legs of the ballerina, as well as the torso with the head from the base cardboard (for example, packaging cardboard).

  1. Cover the entire head and hair with brown paper. Flesh-colored paper - arms and legs. Cut out a part of the face along with the neck from the same paper and glue it on the head. With a pencil, sketch out the nose, eyes and mouth. Add guidelines for the jawline. With a brown felt-tip pen, draw wavy lines on the hair - strands. Punch holes with a diameter of 2.5 mm in the marked places (except for the shoulders).

  1. Cut out the bodice of the dress and lantern sleeves from red paper. From crepe paper, cut a strip 4.5 cm wide and 40 cm long, fold it in three and glue the layers along the top edge with a glue stick.

  1. Using a fine thread needle, stitch the crepe paper along the top edge and pull the thread together. Glue the skirts in place. Using glue, attach the lantern sleeves to the ballerina's shoulders.

  1. Separate the layers of the skirt to give it volume.
  2. Use scissors to carefully trim the skirt to the desired length. The upper layers can be made slightly shorter than the lower ones. Glue on the bodice.

  1. Punch holes in the shoulders. Connect the ballerina's parts with clips, as shown in the photo. If there are no connecting and control threads, the clips on the shoulders need to be pressed harder, then the ballerina's hands can be given a different position, and they will keep it.
  2. In order for the toy to be mobile, use a needle and thread to connect the arms and legs in pairs, making punctures in the places marked with bold dots. Tie the guide thread first to the middle of the upper connecting thread, then to the lower one. Tie a bead to the end of the control thread.
  3. Glue the stick to the back of the doll's body.

You can buy clips of different sizes, colors and shapes in the art supply departments and sometimes in stationery stores.


What nonsense. And this adult wrote?

01/29/2014 10:31:04 am, ndanda

Comment on the article "Do-it-yourself valentines - funny dergun toys"

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In front of me are two sets with RTO felt from the Warm Toys series. Do-it-yourself valentines - funny toys - derguns.

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On Valentine's Day Husband ate crap It would be better if he drank our cognac And congratulated [h..k!] (Can be replaced with [after all]). Does my darling love new ones? congratulates them bl.deen, Well, I love the saint, Valentine comes to me. On the World Wide Web Valentine on Valentine At least ...

Tell me where you can find patterns for hand toys (for home puppet theater)? I looked, I downloaded everything that was, but among those toys there is not a single one suitable. Do-it-yourself valentines - funny toys - derguns The number is growing every day ...

Section: Crafts (For Valentine's Day it will be great (I apologize if it was), the scheme is a trace). Do-it-yourself valentines for loved ones. Valentine's Day is approaching, and Valentine's Day cards won't be easy!

Do-it-yourself valentines - funny toys - derguns. DIY crafts - from plastic bottle caps. It can be replaced with cardboard: the quality of the craft will not suffer, the character will just look a little different.

Crafts for Valentine's Day. Children's room. Child from 7 to 10. Prompt, throw links about crafts for St. Valentine's Day. I just can't imagine what a boy can do for this holiday ???

Valentine's Day is just around the corner, but I personally have a hard time with ideas. I don't think it is interesting to buy a gift, so I always come up with something myself and do it. It's time to get down to needlework again, this time for Valentine's Day.

Do-it-yourself valentines - funny toys - jerks С The same topic is discussed in the Section "School Psychology". I fully agree with the author of "Valentine's Day at School". And in general, I do not understand the grievances "my husband did not congratulate on Valentine's Day."