How to make a relationship more interesting, stronger and better? How to make a relationship better with your loved one

Any woman dreams of ideal, stable relationships that would have done her happy, desired, beloved and sexy. Of course, in some extent there are ideal relationship Depends on your boyfriend, but there is a single person who is able to make any relationship perfect - that's you!

Do you think the perfect relationship does not happen and is it myth? By no means. Of course, such relationships are very rare, but still they exist and I will tell you even more. If you enjoy our advice that you know below, you will be able to make perfect.

Be faithful

One of the most important bricks for long, happy and ideal relationships is loyalty. The main sign of loyalty is love, so if you, it means any love about, and even more so about perfect relationship And there can be no speech.

Trust each other

You must raise confidence in yourself for every trivia. Baby jealousy can destroy not only ideal, but any relationship. In no case do not suit your man interrogations, do not check your mail, SMS, phone calls. You must develop a rule - to trust him in everything.

Be prepared to change

One of the main reasons for parting and divorces is not the desire to make concessions and change their habits or change its principles. You must overcome your pride and decide what is more important for you - to smoke a cigarette or be happy with your boyfriend.

Joint pastime

If you want to ideal relationshipthen you should spend more time together. To visit together, together breakfast, dinner, go to rest together, etc. You must have more "we" than "I". Learn to consult with your second half, especially when decisions are made regarding both of them.

Respect the independence of your partner

The presence of general hobbies and interests is very good, but your partner may also have their own personal interests that you can not share. Therefore, you should not blame it. For example, your guy can play a poker friend every Friday evening. They have a male company where they can talk about their male problems and interests. Men are required male communication, as women female.

Touch more often

Candle and kiss each other more often. It is not necessary to do this only about, but you can and without reason. After intimate proximity to lie in his arms, stick your beloved. When you go down the street, hold on hands. Visiting or when watching a movie, take his palm, intend it. Easy touch to the partner during the day is activated by developing, and also allow you and your guy to realize your proximity to each other.

Regular sex

According to observations of scientists, more than 80% of divorces occurs at such a banal reason as the lack of sex. And this is, in principle, it is obvious if sexual life does not suit one or both partners, they have dissatisfaction and disappointment by the current relationship, which in time they will begin to compensate on the side. Make sex part of your life, the same as breakfast or hike into the gym. Learn from your boyfriend as often he would like to have sex and find a compromise solution between your desires and its needs. For example, make yourself a rule - having sex 2-3 times a week.

Look for a compromise

In any controversial issues, try to reach a compromise. Do not make a big problem from a small problem. If you can't achieve a compromise solution, then agree that you are going to concession now, and next time he.

Learn to listen

To make their own relationship is idealYou need to learn to listen to your boyfriend. It often happens that during a controversial conversation, people cease to hear a friend's friend, defending their point of view, and in the end everything ends with the quarrel and offend. Therefore, so that there are no unpleasant moments in life, learn to calmly listen to the arguments and arguments of your boyfriend and also calmly bring your point of view. The ability to listen perfectly helps you find compromises in any family matters.


Your man should feel that you are his Point Support, that you support it in any difficult situation or when making a difficult decision. If he thought up to change the work on a higher paid, then tell him that approve of his choice. If he has trouble at work, then calm it, saying that everything will be formed. Mutual support is a pledge ideal, happy relationship. However, you should not confuse the support with "Favorite, you are always right."

Learn to be unpredictable

Over time, the couples know each other well and become capable of predicting the actions of a partner, his behavior or even thoughts. From this, your partner may seem like a book, which is already boring to horror, so it is very important for you to sometimes be unpredictable and spontaneity. For example, at no reason to make a massage to him or instead of swearing on the scattered socks, remove them themselves in the wash and tell him: "Dear, there were dirty socks here, I removed them to washing." Non-standard your behavior will re-give the passion in your relationship, and this is another step towards perfect relationship.

Be Terepima

Each of us has its drawbacks, but there are also their advantages. Be tolerant to the disadvantages of your boyfriend, ignore them, do not dwell on them, think only about his positive sides. You must love the man entirely, with his merits and disadvantages. There is such a wise expression - if you can't change the situation, change your attitude towards it. If you are guided by this principle, your relationship will be much better and happy.


Make surprises to your beloved, surprise it periodically. Why wait February 23 to give him a gift, do it today. It is not necessary to give something expensive, sometimes Kinder Surprise is enough to please your soul mate. The most important thing is that you show a sign of attention and love. Or, for example, take it from work and arrange the evening walk along the embankment. Remember, even similar small trifles, can provoke large and strong emotions.

Go on dates

Many believe that walking on dates is the prerogative of couples on the "candy-bought" stage of the relationship, and the other of the rest is optional. This is an erroneous opinion. To support the novelty in your relationship, you must periodically walk on dates, at least once a month. Ideal will be if you will arrange unusual dates each other, for example, go to bowling, on paintball or horseback riding, although the usual trip to the pizzeria or sushi will also have a positive result.

As you can see to have perfect relationship Not so much is required. Guided by these small tips, you can even turn the most boring relationship to the ideality standard. Be happy and love each other.

Love is beautiful, love is amazing, love is the best thing on this planet. But love is also a bitch. A - severe daily work.

After these words, the older people will start according to nod, and young lovers stuck with their fingers and quote the film "Three meters above the sky".

What to do in order for the relationship to laugh as long as possible? Myths about love sound attractive, but what to do in reality, if you want to keep ardent feelings for life?

It's amazing that everyone is asked how you got married. No one asks how you managed not to divorce.

It turns out that research was even conducted on this topic. Their results can be used and apply in practice.

Internet dating do not work

If you want to find an ideal partner with a computer algorithm or are going to consider the profiles of only those who are spelled out of the words in the column "interests", then you are doomed to failure.

After all, research says: similar interests do not have a significant impact on relationships. The total result of 313 studies conducted separately demonstrates: Your mutual love for movies will not help to keep marriage longer. In 2010, the level of satisfaction of spouses was studied. It turned out that the same interests of partners do not affect this indicator.

When we want to meet a copy of ourselves, on it and live long and happily, they make a big mistake.

Real life is completely different. To marry with someone just because he or she also loves to listen to Radiohead and cry, very stupid. Your compatibility is only 1% affected by the duration of your life.

Problems arise from any pair. The point is howver you will deal with these difficulties. In other words, it is important not how you feel. It is important that you feel about your feelings. You need to find a person who expresses his emotions in the same way as you.

Professor of Washington University John Gottman (John Gottman) presented serious evidence that this is what affects how much marriage will last. The way you drive yourself, creates an emotional pattern, which forms the overall space of the existence of a pair.

You should care not to force your partner to love the game Scarlett Johansson. Selecting your spouse, you automatically get it and its problems. The only thing that should take care is a way to build a relationship so that there are fewer conflicts as possible.

Argue is good

You can even swear because of the little things. Seriously, it is quite normal.

Scientists believe that the couples that swear more often because of the most minor things live a long and happy life. On the other hand, those couples who swear only on the most serious occasion, more chances to divorce.

Of course, it is not worth swearing on the first date, but the study says: if you spent three years together and at the same time practically did not swear, you are most likely standing on the verge of divorce.

Scientists believe that Rugan and disputes are a way of manifestation of feelings. Without them, your relationship becomes unhealthy.

You could say that Romeo and Juliet never argued. This also has an answer.

Romeo and Juliet - a bad example. Think about contractual marriage

Romeo and Juliet did not fail, because William Shakespeare decided to kill them long before the first conflict. This pair so well symbolizes romantic relationships only because he did not survive to a quarrel because of the unwitting dishes.

Passion is fast, captivating and easy. But the relationship is love, work and work. Instead of taking to themselves in the example of Romeo, who instantly fell in love with Juliet for life, yielding to the influence of dopamins, think about those whose marriage was negotiable.

Contractual marriages are very heavy for both partners at the very beginning. But since there is nowhere to go from a submarine, both are trying to work on what is. Research is confirmed: contractual marriages are much more successful than marriage in love.

Of course, no one advises you to make marriage by agreement. But you should learn from these people. They discard the illusions away, they understand that a lot of work is waiting ahead, and, having rolled her sleeves, begin to work on relationships.

Everything that leads to success in life will help to achieve success in marriage

We talk so much about what you need to do to achieve success in, studying or life. It will all work in relationships. Want a partner to be faithful to you? Is it possible? Be hard. Girls, look for solid, confident guys. Men, pay attention to those women whose opinion does not change depending on the direction of wind or weather.

It is hardness that helps us in life is responsible for the ability to work on complex tasks. for a long time. Why is it important for a relationship?

Researchers argue: hardness helps to cope with circumstances and problems. And in marriage constantly there are some problems. Those who cannot solve them give up and throw relationships, work, cease to build a career.

Love will not be long in itself. Feelings remain hot and passionate only due to the fact that people work on it.

Is it possible to predict long-term relationships?

Can. To do this, you just need to ask a couple about their relationship. Yes, everything is so simple.

Psychologists from the Washington University found that by how partners describe their relationship, you can predict, they are divided or not, with an accuracy of 94%. Just need to carefully treat the spouses talk about the joint past.

BADLY: We were knighted. It was terrible. To be honest, Oleg led himself disgusting.

OK: We were knighted. It was terrible. But we discussed it later. It seems, now we are lady even better than before.

Each pair faces problems. The difference consists only of how you are going to perceive and interpret the living. You know, a lot of mind is not needed to say that the quarrel is bad, and Oleg is a fool. But you need to make a lot of strength in order to learn how to appreciate not only good moments, but also bad, make maximum benefit even from conflicts and problems.

No one is happy, running the twentieth kilometer of the marathon. But if you stop and do not reach the finish line, you will definitely not be happy. The taste of victory and champagne - that's what makes the moment really pleasant.

Let's summarize

  • Similar interests will not help. The same playlists will not be the basis of a good marriage. It is worth starting to focus on emotions.
  • It is useful to argue. Negative communication is better than its absence.
  • You are waiting for a lot of work. And it does not go anywhere. Do not look at Romeo and Juliet. Adjinate the experience of contractual marriages.
  • Be hard. Devotion. Honesty. It means to be firmly. This is the key to success at work and in love.
  • Be grateful for difficulties. Tell your story full of takeoffs, falls and happiness from the fact that all this you experienced together.

Do not hurry, you have a lot of time to achieve good relationships!


1. Start becoming friends with that man with whom you want to have a relationship. This step is vital, as it allows you to learn more about your partner, and also confirm / refute your feelings towards him.

2. Tell each other all. If you don't like something in your partner, tell him about it. Relationships will not be good until you figure it out.

3. Never change. Treason destroyed a lot of relationships. If you want a lot of things, try role-playing games and all that applies to this. If you are with another, your partner will perplex why someone is better than he. If you seriously think about treason, consider the option of the end of the relationship so as not to cause pain partner.

4. Be spontaneous. Surprise your partner tickets to the movies or the game. When it's warm and sunny on the street, a picnic or a walk along the lakeside will be very romantic. Even ordinary flowers at the threshold with cute accents will work.

5. Cut together time. You do not want to miss each other. But you should not spend together time until you stay near the toilet.

6. Tell me loved how much you love them. If you do not talk about it quite often, your partner will feel a dismissive attitude towards himself, and that you do not care.

7. Arrange priorities. Invest your time and money to the main priority. Love is not always a warm, indefinite feeling. Often it is a conscious choice. This is a choice to revise the shortcomings to prefer the softness of rudeness to make another person feel special. When someone postpones her affairs and desires for you, it is incredibly flattering and touching. Make it for your partner, and you will see how your relationship flourish.

8. Stripping from the approval that long-term relationships are built on love, we must understand what love is. Dr. Sternberg (a psychologist who studied love) put forward an article by speaking about various aspects of love. In short, there are three vital components that make real love (or unsurpassed love). These components: proximity, passion, and obligations. Proximity is part of what is in friendship; You like to spend time together, and you have grown in the attacks of the area of \u200b\u200b"attraction of the person." The aspect of passion often becomes the cause of problems in relationships. Although physical attraction and is important in relationship, it should not be fully expressed without real intimacy. If you plunge into passion, without considering the needs of each other, as a result, someone will hurt. The latter, but no less important aspect is the obligation. There are two forms of obligations - short-term and long-term. The short-term commitment is the thought that a man says to himself: "I am ready to love this person." It does not include long-term obligations, but this is the original choice that a person does before entering the relationship. The long-term commitment (and what we are discussing) is the choice to remain with the specified person for a long time. When all three aspects are completed, you will achieve real love.

9. Now that you fully understand what love is, you can make your own assumptions about what you have to do. You do not have to immediately reach all three aspects (i.e., some points can come later in the relationship). But, as a rule, all three must be present in order to maintain healthy long-term relationships.


Make sure you at the same time you really love. You should not talk to yourself that you will be with this person forever, because he has beautiful eyes or tightened press. If the only thing that connects you is love for cheese, maybe you should look for someone else who you can really spend your whole life.

Remember that you do not need to hurry! Long-term relationships are constant work, they just do not appear. Just make sure that neither you nor your partner feel discomfort from any aspect of your relationship, and everything will be fine.

Do not be offended if you say something you disagree with. If your partner does not like the location in which you go to dinner, choose another that you like both, even if you are tired of it.

Communication is the key to success. Initially, you may have an alarming feeling, but this is part of the game. Over time, you must learn to be completely frank with each other and give to understand what you feel.


If you think your partner changes you, do not rush to conclusions. Pay attention to the signs on the things that you did not give, delays at work, study, etc. If you noticed something, do not arrange a scandal, just say: "I noticed one thing with you or anything, could you explain to me where did you get from?"

If your partner does not show how much you love, too often, do not be offended. Probably, he has for several days, weeks, months decline in mood. Support it.

You can be long enough in the "friendly zone" before moving on to the relationship.

Many are convinced that "live long and happily" for only Disney characters, although in fact they are just too lazy to make a little effort. It is difficult to implement it, but if you are ready, then you will find 12 components that will lead you to the desired one.

There are a million ways in the world how to complete the relationship. Each of us is born with an amazing ability - to break one or another connection with people without much effort. But the question is different: how to make relationships full of life and the same interesting, as in the first months?

1. More honesty
Honesty is an incredibly important thing that creates the maximum level of trust between partners. Trust is what attracts people to each other and keeps them together. Its easier to lose simple and difficult to restore.

2. A little romance
Too much romance is too, but fortunately, lovers can moderately dose this component, not forgetting that in the right proportions it is able to keep relations in a tone.

3. Forgiveness
There is nothing worse than remembering the unpleasant moments from the past. Since you have forgiven your partner, forget about the previous offenses, because they wound both of them.

4. Do not forget about true love
If you truly love, so that you would have happened, you will understand that these relationships are bothering any adversity and will cost to fight for them.

5. More attention
Relationship is not difficult, because the main problem is not in them, but in humans. If you are not paying enough attention to your partner, then you instantly arise difficulties. The same thing happens if attention is too much. Thus, everything should be in moderation.

6. Do not forget about fun
Most relationships do not withstand daily routine and boredom. To this not happen, you do not need to pretend to be stupid and jumping around your partner. You can simply periodically invent interesting weekends.

7. A bit drama
The correct emotional charge does not hurt anyone. For example, playful jealousy or witty jokes - all this will only remind you both of the strong mutual feelings.

8. Think of loyalty
Mandatory part of monogamous relationships - loyalty that provides for attachment and loyalty to your partner.

9. And humor
If you want to have long and happy relationships, you just need to fill them with the sea from smiles and joy. After all, no one wants to let go of a person who brings him so much pleasure.

10. A little obsession
This is the feeling that will never give you to stop taking care of him or about her. In small doses, the obsession with a person you love will only benefit.

11. Maximum wisdom
Wisdom is never a lot. This is a combination of experience, knowledge and understanding. If you understand yourself, your partner, your relationship, and what to wait from them, then everything will turn out.

12. Are in constant motion
Be purposeful both, live in full life, feel happy or at least try to go to it. Everything has its own ups and falls, good periods and not very, just continue working on yourself and your relationship. Everything can be done if this really wish.

How is the easiest way to improve relationships with a man? How effective to influence a man so that he should respect the woman? Let me remind you that a man cannot love a truly woman who does not respect. (On the contrary, it happens) this is a feature of male psychology.

Of course, the main way to improve relations with a man is an increase in self-confidence. It is worth the confidence of 10%, as in self-dedicated women relationships with men immediately improve 3 times and at least 10% for women with medium confidence in themselves.

Development of confidence before the formation of subconscious reactions and behavior. For example, a quick joke response, confidence during fatigue, concentration on other thoughts and even confidence when you try to seem insecure, requires training. (that is, this behavior is happening by itself, and not only when the girl is trying) - this is a pretty long process that is described in my course "How to become confident in yourself for 3 months".

However, there is such a behavior that you just need to know, and it does not require a long workout. Know, understand, try several times and will already have the effect. Of course, the effect of such knowledge is lower than on the training, but all the actions require much less time and effort.

It is about such a behavior I will speak today. This behavior is the simplest, obvious. But, nevertheless, if you will constantly apply it in my life towards men, you will quickly feel the effect.

The first way to improve relations with men is to express your opinion, tell stories from your life, share something useful, etc.

Do you know what externally one of the biggest differences of confident people from unsure? As in the first few minutes or hours of men define the confidence of a woman and, accordingly, make a conclusion about the prospects for love for her, marriage, etc.?

Confidence or uncertainty is determined by this, a woman expresses his opinion on some questions, talks about himself something, advises or not.

Uncertain women (as well as men) often think that their opinion is uninteresting that they do not fully know the situation to have their own opinion, etc. Often it has nothing to do with objective knowledge.

Therefore, it makes sense to accustom to express your opinion. You can train and need, of course, not only on a man who you like, but also in a row. It is easier and safer to train on girlfriends or colleagues. More difficult in professional activities. But you need to try and try.

Several comments to the statement of one's own opinion.

The statement of my own opinion is an effective and fairly safe technique, developing confidence and even more perception of you, as a self-confident girl. However, the minimum caution should be observed here.

First, it is extremely gently to express your own opinion about the ethicality of the actions of your man in his professional activities.

Many professions of men, especially managers, staff of power departments and entrepreneurs, require certain stiffness or they immediately fly out of the closure. It is necessary to dismiss people who can not be on what to live, sometimes you need to deceive, shy away from taxes, give bribes, manipulate employees or colleagues, to make registers, to carry out no one for the necessary work (showing) and still do not always make a lot of things, but necessary things .

It is necessary to criticize this part of men's work (if it is, of course), or very carefully or forget about it.

Ethical or neetics of behavior with friends, relatives, you, etc., well discussed.

Secondly, the statement of his opinion on the professional behavior of the head and colleagues.

Here you need to be neat. Need at least a certain preparation so that your opinion is perceived (and did not look like an next stupidity) and you need to be ready for what it can perceive as criticism.

In addition to these small clarifications, there are a huge number of areas of life, where you can and should be spoken. Tell your opinion about yourself, express your opinion, share tips on where something can be done correctly (or someone did wrong), etc.

If you are constantly done constantly, except for the perception of men (and women) as a more confident woman, you will achieve feedback on your statements. You will understand that the stupidity was told here, and here you know no less than someone, and here it was necessary to say something for a long time, but not to be silent. And if you listen to this feedback, you will become much wiser.

In addition, as I repeatedly wrote, men need to talk directly about what you need. (for some exceptions) learning more often to talk about yourself, you will be much easier to say a man that you need from him.

In general, talk about yourself, about your opinion, advise someone on your experience - this is a pretty good strategy. Use it and you will gradually understand how it acts.

The second way is not too try.

Obviously, the woman's unsure of itself, the more she tries to like a man. A confident woman in himself, of course, is the same to some extent trying to please the man, but it does for this time so ten less. (Does not do less, but usually trying less)

To be clearer, I will give a few examples.

The first example is too dirt too dressed.

Suppose the woman met a man.

She may be too dressed too dressed on the first meeting. For example, wear the best evening dress, all your best decorations, make some incredibly expensive hairstyle, etc. etc. And besides that, she can even tell a man that the dress has spent a long time at the girlfriend, that she takes such a year one year at large holidays, etc.

This is an example of excessive diligence. A man can come on a date in ordinary clothes or even in a tracksuit and does not expect from a woman of such clothes. Such an excessive diligence explicitly shows him that the woman is too interested in him, it is not necessary to seek her particularly that it is already practically in love with the only task - it is fast sex and think about how it is easier to part.

Again, I do not suggest you come on a date in a sports suit. (Although it depends on where a date and it may be a good idea) Of course, put on a normal dress, if necessary, then make a hairstyle and no more.

The second example is too diligent cooking or even more table setting.

A man comes on a date to the girl and sees candles, some tablecloths, expensive champagne, dear table serving, etc.

But why would it be? Does he deserve? If so, there are no questions.

I again do not suggest to leave a man hungry if he came to the girl home. Of course, you need to feed it. However, this is enough one meal and an ordinary plate with a fork.

Third example is diligence in helping man.

For example, a man has some kind of difficult situation. He does not have time to do something, he lacks some connections or skills, he lacks money or something else. Can a girl help him? Of course, maybe why not.

But no need to try overly.

If a man does not know something, it is quite possible
tell me where to look for it. Excessive in this situation will be sitting for weeks in libraries and the Internet, systematization for a couple more weeks of knowledge, and then print it all.

If a man does not have time for something, then you can cancel a date (no offense), you can even sit with him a couple of hours and together to understand, but excessively do it all for him.

If a man lacks some connections that you have, it is quite possible to give a small recommendation for him, to organize a meeting, wherever he could tell him about his wonderful sentence. Excessive will be to sell someone (parents subordinate or colleagues) so that they forget about other options and received only services, goods, ideas, etc. Men you liked.

So, in order to like men, of course, you need to try. But it is desirable that these efforts are at their base to be aimed at you, not a man. That is, they mastered some skill from the psychology of men - well. Weight led to normal - excellent. Improved their confidence - wonderful.

Much less needs to try for some particular man. And most importantly, I write here, you need to avoid excessive efforts. It is not only not useful, it is extremely harmful for the relationship.

The fourth example is an excessive attempt to match his hobbies, hobbies, etc..

Almost every man loves something that does not cause any interest in a woman. Someone is ready to consider or repair cars all day, someone looks at sports programs, someone constantly reads about politics, and someone is ready to work from morning to evening. (This is certainly not all, there is a lot of different hobbies.)

Of course, it is extremely desirable that the woman will at least minimally disassembled in the fact that for a man it is important. It often fastens a family or even serves as the basis for the beginning of communication.

It is desirable that the woman knows at least in common features than her man does, he knew at least about his hobbies. And if relations are developing, it makes sense at least to deepen and know more about the fact that a man knows. (If an interest has appeared, then immersed too much)

Excessive diligence pretty quickly shows a man that a woman needs him too much, does not have his own interests and is not confident in itself (in general or in relations with a concrete man). Excessive independence, of course, is also bad, but in Russia it is found relatively rare.

The third way to improve relationships with men is at least a bit secret.

Insecure women immediately talk about themselves. More precisely, it is usually as follows. First, they are generally not ready to tell anyone to unfamiliar men, ask for something from them or defend their opinion. (Shyness)

But as soon as the man showed his location to her, they talked for several hours, as the flow of information about themselves immediately begins.

Confident women in themselves come around. Little, shallow they are ready to communicate almost with any more or less adequate man. However, in order to speak frank conversations in a large number of man, he must deserve it.

Let's take an example from them. Learn from one side to chat about everything. Naturally, the training is also needed not only and not so much on the man who you like, but also on any person. It is clear that the value for learning is mainly communication with people unfamiliar or unfamiliar to you.

On the other hand, learn how to hide information about yourself. Think about what you can tell at first meetings (and not only first) and to whom and try to keep this information with you. Think about what information you do not need to tell anyone and never.

Conversely, think about what you can talk to almost any person.

With a man who likes a woman, you need to talk yet with greater caution. At a minimum, never tell him that you are in love with his ears. And do not write to him love letters until he himself tells you about his feelings.

I think it is clear that you don't need to say a man that you are sitting all day at the phone and wait for his call with an invitation to date. The rest of the items I think you can add themselves.

The general principle is such. Learn to talk about common topics (weather, children, events in the world) with any unfamiliar person and hold information with a relatively well-known person with him, but which you do not need to talk. In the insecure women, the problems with the first and second paragraph. But if you learn to talk with strangers without a special training is not so simple, you can hold information just volitional efforts, small practices and analysis.

Sincerely, Rashid Kirrov