How to make a ball of white paper. Balls with complicated execution technique. How to make a ball from the rope


The creation of Christmas toys is an exciting occupation. New Year's balls from paper with your own hands: Step-by-step instructions and photos will help you understand the sequence of actions.

Simple New Year's balls

Models that do not require complex assembly, it is best to do with children. Christmas toys can be created in different ways.

Curled from small curly parts

From colored paper to cut a variety of identical circles. Placing a circle, separating it to equal 3, 5 or 6 parts. Bending edges of circles on the marks, make triangles, as well as five- and hexagons. On the inner part can be pasted a beautiful applique.

Mastery toys for the new year 2 ways:

  • glue the bent parts of the adjacent parts, directing them into the cavity;
  • place bent valves on the surface of the ball.

If you combine five- and hexagonal details in 1 toy, you can make a mock of a soccer ball. For this, the pentagon is connected with 5 hexagonal elements, and their neighboring sides glued together.
@ 2pompona.
@ 38.decor
@ Sharmari_35

Ball from long paper strips

A simple, but spectacular model can be collected from strips with a ratio of length and width as 1: 5. For each toy you need 3 stripes. Glue in rings 2 pcs. And the third is to leave the deployed.

Put 1 ring inside the other. Skip the murmur strip into the hinges that appear from the top ring. End strips gently fix glue. Each convex part on the surface of the ball gently squeeze your fingers on the edges, forming half-circles is an optional step, but it gives the toy a more complex shape.

Products can be used for decorating solo, hanging each on a string. Often elements are rolled on a common thread, forming garlands.
@ Beroney95

Paper balls from circles

On each toy will need 12 circles. Often such balls are made from different details.

Billets fold stack, flash or leaf stapler on the center line (diameter). Simultaneously fasten the thread for the suspension. Flexing mugs in half on the stitch line, straighten the ball and give it a form.
There are options for making toys:

  1. Leave the ball as it turned out after cutting parts.
  2. Visually divided each semicircle for 3 or more equal parts (depends on the product value). Glue at 1 point 2 adjacent semicircles. Connect the following elements pairly throughout the circumference of the ball. At the point on the next tier to connect the neighboring parts as well, but change the pairs: to connect those that were prior to that. At the big bowl, this technique forms a mesh surface.
  3. Instead of cuts, cut other figures with double-sided symmetry (heart, bell, etc.).

Balls from cones

For their manufacture, not only paper, but also cosmetic discs, and old postcards will be suitable. And the finished cone parts can be replaced with paper baking molds.

Cut semicircles. Collapse from each cone, glue edges. Billets connect, infecting glue on the sidewalls. The vertices of the parts are in the center of the ball. Similarly, cake molds are connected: in contrast to the cones they have no vertices, and the ball will be empty in the middle.


Balls with complicated execution technique

Sophisticated teams will decorate the interior with their original view. It is better to master the assembly technology in advance using the photographs provided.
@ 2pompona.
@ 2pompona.

Sliding balls

Volumetric toys from bonded bands of paper look exotic, reminding oriental puzzles. But make them quick and simple:

  1. Fold a stack of paper strips (length and width - arbitrarily). Align the edges and pierce a stack of sewing at a distance of 0.5-1 cm from the end edge. The side edges should remain equal to the distance.
  2. Hang on the line with a nodule a bead, a circle (diameter a little more width of the strip), and then stretch it through the holes in paper strips.
  3. Purify the hole at the other end of the stack of strips. Distances to edges - as in the previous case.
  4. Without releasing the already extended fishing line, skip it into a new puncture. Flexing strips, form a toy profile: It can be fightened with poles or a little stretched, have the right shape of the ball. It looks unusually the decoration, if the stripes are folded in half and block the fold at the equator.
  5. Having achieved the right profile, fix the line to the knot, slide on it a circle and a bead, make another 1 node. Strips need to push, creating a spherical surface. Elements can partially overlap each other go to form meridians with lumen between them.

@ Ahimas90.
@ Nastya.Toraf.

From bent and twisted paper

Folding the paper by the harmonica, you can get elements for another precast ball. Prepare strips of different widths:

  • 1 is the largest - for the equatorial belt, the width is equal to the diameter of the decoration;
  • 2 pcs. Threaded with a difference in 1-1.5 cm width.

Each band is folded into the accordion and determine the middle of the stacks of folds. Marvel, glue the sides of the extreme folds. It turns out a lot of circles. Starting with one of the smaller, ride them on the thread, at first increasing the diameters to the equator, and then reducing them to the pole. Fix thread.

For a needle ball, cut circles of different diameters and divide each on 6 or 8 parts. Cut with scissors by radius, leaving centers entire. Determine the middle of the arc of each sector, the angles twist and glue, forming the cones needles. The assembly is carried out on a durable thread, starting from the smallest circle and increasing to the middle of the ball. Elements need to be attracted to each other so that the needles are painted to the side by forming the sphere.


For the collection ball, the octahedron needs to print the templates of the desired value. They have the form of the correct flower with 5-6 semicircular petals. The base of the petals make a cut to the middle, as indicated on the template scheme. Prepared details are enough to insert into the cuts of neighboring, forming a part of the ball from 5-6 flowers each. Connect them together using free grooves.

Rolled ball

To make such a ball, you need to prepare long colored paper tapes. Their width on one side is equal to the distance between the poles of the product, its size depends on this parameter. The width gradually decreases to another end. Over the entire length of the workpiece, glue the mounting tape (construction tape), leaving free of several centimeters at a narrow end.

On the wide part of gluing a thread for suspension. Collapse the paper into a tight roll, placing the turns uniformly. End to lubricate with glue and fix on a bowl.

In the technique of Kusudama


For Kusudama, you need to make 60 identical origami modules. Using the photo and scheme, collect the decoration will be easier. The order of work is:

  1. Stop the square diagonally.
  2. The sharp corners of the triangle raise to straight and rod. Expand the workpiece into the triangle again.
  3. Using a fold as a landmark, bend to it low part Triangle from the center of the hypotenuse. Expand.
  4. At the resulting fold, lift and deploy small triangles in the corners of the big one. At the same time, they will acquire a diamond with 2 short parties.
  5. Speakers for the big triangle of the edge of the rhombuses bend. The remaining parts (small triangles) roll in half.
  6. The resulting square with 2 triangles folded diagonally. Slide triangular elements, fixing the petal.
  7. To glue the flower of 5 such petals, and then 12 flowers to connect into the sphere.

Ready flowers can be decorated with beads or other decor.
@ Natalie.Romannko.
@ Natalie.Romannko.
@ Natalie.Romannko.

Paper bumps

The bumps are easiest to do from the same small circles or rhombuses. It is necessary to attach them to the base. Start from the lower pole of the oval base. Moving up the spirals, gradually increase the tiers, placing elements so that they overlap the bottom connection (like fish scales). Finish work on the top pole of the bumps.

Useful advice

To decorate the Christmas tree, a house or office is not necessary to buy a large number of New Year's balls.

Beautiful balls can be madedo it yourself At home from various materials.

Just store a few simple tools to create Christmas balls, as well as take time for making crafts and be patient.

All New Year's balls are made quite simple, and even children can be attracted to work on them.

On our site you will also find:

Crafts for the New Year: Bowls Bowl

You will need:

    glass or foam ball

    hot glue

    little bows of ribbons.

* Bows can be made with their own hands or buy already ready (usually they are self-adhesive).

Take the ball and plunder with the bows.

If you use a foam ball, then a solid thread or tape is glued to it.

Volumetric balls for the new year: a ball of foam and fabrics

You will need:

    foam ball

  • tassel for glue

1. Using the skewers, make a hole in the center of the foam ball.

2. Now take the tape and with the help of a ship of it through the hole. The end of the tape is threaded through a small bead and tie a tape to the knot.

3. Another end of the tape is threaded through another bead and also tie to the knot. You can fix the nodes of PVA glue.

4. In the bowl, diliate PVA glue and a small amount of water.

5. Cut the tissue into several pieces of different shapes and sizes.

6. With the help of a tassel, apply glue to the ball and start gluing gently pieces of fabric.

* Do not apply too much glue.

How to make a ball for the new year: Golden Snitch

You will need:

    thin wire

    thin paper (Papiral paper)

  • self-hardening mass for modeling

    acrylic paint

    tassel for paint.

1. On paper, draw a sample of wings for your low. Use this sample to simulate the wings of thin wire. Wire ends tighten.

2. Put the sheet of thin paper on the table and put the wings from the wire on it.

3. Apply some glue on the wire from several sides and gently bend the paper.

4. Gently cut the paper around the wire to get wings.

* You can paint your wings using acrylic paint.

* You can also apply sequins. To do this, smear the wings with PVA glue and sprinkle with sparkles.

5. Glue the wings to the ball with the help of self-hardening masses for modeling.

* You can also use foamflast instead of a glass ball. In this case, the twisted ends of the wing of the wire are simply screwed into the ball. The foam ball will also need to be decorated with paint, for example.

Christmas balls from chewing candies for the new year

You will need:

    foam ball

  • hot glue

    little chewing candies or marmalade

1. Take a foam ball and with the help of glue, stick to it a piece of ribbon and from top to bottom with a pin so that later the decoration could be hung on the Christmas tree.

2. Start add glue and glued candy or marmalade (or pieces of marmalade) to the ball.

* Instead of sweets, you can glue almost any decorations: buttons, sequins, small tinsel and so on.

Ball from Zhomric Hats for Christmas Tree for New Year

You will need:

    hats acorn

    acrylic paint and brush

    foam ball

    jute rope

    thin wire (floristic, for example)

    thin tape

    sequins (optional)

  • hot glue.

1. To paint a foam ball, select a color close to the color of the heads of the acorns. This step can be skipped. It is needed only to hide white ball color.

2. Start add hot glue and glued with an acorns. You can pierce the foam ball with these hats. Claper caps as close as possible to each other, but not badly bother - the lumens will still be, and this is normal.

3. Make a loop from the wire, twist the ends and screw them into the ball. Now you can cut the rope and turn through the loop to hang on the Christmas tree.

4. You can also make a bow and hot glue to stick it to the top of the ball.

5. You can apply on the outer parts of the heads of the gilt PVA and sprinkle on glitter glue.

DIY for the new year with your own hands: balls decorated with thread

You will need:

    thread for knitting (the thicker, the easier it will be fixed)

    foam ball

  • wire or pin.

1. Bend a slice of the wire letter P and insert into the foam ball. Wire will help then hang the ball on the Christmas tree.

You can use a pin to push the thread and then insert into a foam ball. In this case, you will need to leave a small tail at the thread (which you will then glue into the ball) to hang the ball on the Christmas tree.

2. Cover the half of the pva glue ball and start gently attense the thread.

3. When you almost reached the ball center, turn it over, apply glue to the second half and continue to wrap the ball thread.

Volumetric balls for the new year do it yourself

You will need:

    cardboard (white or color)

  • printer (to print a template)

* You are proposed to print two templates for two balls of different sizes.

* Each ball is obtained from 12 paper parts of the same size.

Templates of paper balls for the new year



1. Print the templates and cut them out by making cuts in the specified places.

2. In one carved flower, make a small hole, thread through it, make it an end to the knot and secure it from the back side of the scotch.

To make it easier to collect a ball, consider the detail with the North Pole Thread. Add details to it until you reach the "southern pole".

3. Use cutting lines in each cut item, secure all the details so that the ball turns out.

Beautiful balls from paper stripes for the new year.

Option 1.

You will need:

    colored cardboard

1. Cut the color cardboard sheet into several identical strips.

2. Create all strips with a stapler. First cross the two stripes at right angles and secure them, then add two strips diagonally and also secure (you can use adhesive).

3. Bend each strip in turn and fasten the ends.

The ball can be decorate with Mishur, cutting off a small piece and sticking it.

Christmas balls for the new year

Option 2.

At the end of the text instruction you will find a video instruction.

You will need:

    color Cardboard (Multicolored Logs)

  • cocktail tube


    needle and thread (or wire)

    shilo or screwdriver

  • different decorations (optional).

1. You need to cut 6 strips from color cardboard. Strips should not be too wide.

2. Using a selection at the end of each strip hole.

3. Spread all paper strips as shown in the image, and in the center make a sequel hole.

4. Prepare a thread, a needle and a bead, which will need to be attached at the bottom of the future ball.

Cut the thread of the desired length so that you can hang the ball.

Stretch the first bead until the end.

Stretch a needle with a thread through the hole in the center of the strips, and we leave the bead from the bottom.

5. Repair about half of the cocktail tube (its length is 1/4 of the length of the paper strip), insert it into the center of the workpiece and thread through it a thread with a needle.

6. Start bending strips top and stretch through the hole at the end of each strip thread with a needle. From above, it is also better to fasten a bead.

Video instruction:

* You can use the wire instead of the thread.

Crafts for the new year: paper balls

How to decorate a foam balloon to the new year

Foam Foam Cup for New Year

Crafts from a foam balloon for the new year

Paper Balls for New Year (Video)

Ball of paper stripes for the new year

Paper Ball for New Year

The new year is nearing, which means that it is time to think about stylish festive decorations. You can, of course, go to the store and choose those balls and toys that are in stock. But the next holiday will definitely want something new. And what, go for shopping again? So not enough money, no free space even in the most spacious apartment. But there is a way out - the bright elements of the decor can easily make it easily. So the apartment will look every time in a new way, and the cabinets do not have to clutch with unnecessary boxes. Oddly enough, the brightest and spectacular jewelry are obtained from the simplest materials: paper, cardboard and even plastic bottles. For their manufacture, no artistic abilities will be required, just follow the instructions. In this article we will tell you how to make a ball of paper quickly and easily with your own hands.

Create a beautiful and bulk ball of paper with your own hands

What materials can be used for the manufacture of a ball:

1) Ordinary napkins. The main plus, of course, is accessibility. For small balls, take a smaller napkin format, and for large - 30 centimeters format - 30 centimeters. The napkin can be of any color, but there should be no drawings in the form of flower or Mickey Mouse - our ball will not decorate.

2) Corrugated paper. The balls from this material look very interesting, the material is enough plastic and makes it easy to create volumetric figures. Also a big plus is that from corrugated paper you can make the balls of a larger diameter than from the napkins (it all depends only on the roll width).

3) paper sewing. This word may seem unfamiliar to many, but you have already seen such paper. It is commonly used for packaging any objects - for example, put inside the shoe boxes. But from paper with bright colors, very gentle and spectacular crafts are taken. Its main plus is translucency, so it looks beautiful in the highlighted form. By the way, such material is also called cigarette paper.

4) the last point to highlight the neuble materials for the manufacture of decorative balls. These include fabrics that keep the form in the folded state well - for example, organza and fatin. White balls made of fabric will be very cute to look at the winter celebration, as they look like chubby snowflakes or snowballs. And if you make balls from orange tissue, then the tangerines will turn out! As you can see, the fantasy does not limit.

So, we reviewed the various types of paper (and even fabrics) from which you can make the volumetric balls. Next, in the master class we will tell how to make a ball based on the napkins. Balls from other materials are made exactly by the same principle.

For the manufacture of a bulk bowl from the napkins, it will be necessary:
  • sixteen paper napkins (if two-layer napkins, then you can take eight)
  • scissors
  • wire
  • stapler
  • ribbon (on her we will suspend the ball)
How to make a bulk ball from napkins:

1) We will need sixteen paper napkins - eight for each side of the ball. If you have two-layer napkins, gently divide them onto sheets.

2) We take one napkin and fold it with a "fan", in the middle we fasten the stapler.

3) We repeat the same in the template with the seven napkins.

4) put all the blanks of the "stacker" on each other and connect the napkins among themselves.

5) neatly scissors spin the edge of the napkins. Watch that at the same time they lay smoothly.

6) We are sprawling napkins in different planes. We should have half a ball.

7) In the same scheme, we make a second workpiece.

8) Now it is necessary to connect two half of the balls with each other with a piece of wire. Leave a small part of it free and hook.

9) From the ribbon we make a loop to hang the ball to the ceiling or the New Year tree. Inside the ball ribbon will be mounted on the hook from the wire, which we did in the previous step.

10) Crafts ready!

We disassemble ideas on the use of bulk paper balls

The easiest option is the balls of one or two colors that are suspended to the ceiling on ribbons of different lengths. Unfortunately, not every ceiling coating is suitable for such a decor - for this it should be wooden or plastic rails that can be consolidated with tapes. Most often, this method is used to decorate office space.

Single balls can be turned into fantastic flowers and decorate a festive table. From larger billets, peonies are obtained, and small looks are rather, on the bush clove.

The bulk balls look very stylish on various boxes and packages with gifts. To transport such crafts should be careful that the decoration does not remember.

Video on the topic

To see more detail how to make a ball of paper from different types, you can in the following videos. With step-by-step instructions from experienced decorators it is easy to deal with incomprehensible elements and can easily cope with the manufacture of these stylish jewelry.

Original balloon, to decorate a children's room, can be made of paper, with your own hands! To construct such a bulk craft, it will take quite a bit of time.

This, step-by-step master class will help you learn how to make a paper balloon, without much effort!

To create a craft, you will need materials and tools such as:

- Colored paper or cardboard;
- scissors;
- paper clips;
- glue stick.

In creating this craft, you can use both colored paper and color cardboard. In this case, the ball will be made from the cardboard of medium density.

Shades of the ball can be chosen at their discretion. From each sheet, cut out these billets for the base of the ball and the basket.

For this, the tips of the lower workpiece must be gently "output" to the top.

The first row is ready!

Then, in the same way, create a second row of the ball, withdrawing already stripes of the top blank.

Gradually, the ball will begin to acquire the necessary form.

After, the ball should be soiled to the end.

At the same time, each row must be fixed with clips and gently pull the stripes.

As a result, it turned out such a ball!

Then so that it does not lose the shape, its bottom must be fixed with glue. A glue is applied to the tip of each strip, and then they are glued to the lower part.

Gradually, you need to remove all paper clips.

The top of the ball is completed!

Now, from previously cut blanks, you need to create a lower part of the ball. To do this, it is necessary to connect to the ring, with the help of glue, the first part.

Then, apply glue to the inner part and attach to the ball.

After, leave the glue to complete drying!

And at this time, you can create a basket! Updairs at the bottom of the basket, you need to bend the edges.

Apply the glue on the edges and the side, connect them.

Now the final stage remains in the creation of a balloon! Basket should be connected to a balloon.

Glue is applied to the tips of thin strips, and then they are fixed from the inside of the basket.

It turned out such an original balloon!

The final look of the crafts. Photo number 1.

The final look of the crafts. Photo №2.

He will complement the interior of the children's room, becoming an interesting element of the decor! The size of balloons can be the most diverse!

The final look of the crafts. Photo number 3.

  • Gifts for the new year do it yourself
  • New Year's balls do it yourself
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  • Of sets of New Year's balls, You can choose those that are easy to make paper or tissue, for example.

    You can also try decorate old balls, or those on which there is no bright pattern.

    Specialized stores can be purchased foam or plastic balls, Which can also be beautifully decorated and hang on the Christmas tree.

    Here several interesting optionsHow can New Year's balls do:

    New Year's balls. Ball from CDs.

    You will need:

    Simple ball (preferably without drawing)



    1. Cut the disk into several small pieces of different shapes. It will not be easy, and it is better to use sharp scissors.

    2. Apply a drop of glue to the ball and glue a piece of your mosaic shiny side up.

    3. Continue glue the disc part until you cover the entire surface of the ball. Still, it is desirable to leave a little space between the details so that you can see a bright tape that you later place inside the ball.

    * For convenience, you can put a ball on a cup so that it does not roll on the table.

    4. Place the bright ribbon in the ball.

    Balls New Year. Decorating fingerprints.

    You will need:

    Balls without drawing

    Paint (watercolor, acrylic, gouache)


    All so as not to be stained workstation (plastic plate, napkins, etc.)

    1. Color finger tip in any color and press it not much to the ball. In this example, brown paint was used, and the imprint itself played the role of a deer head. Let the paint dry.

    * You can make several prints on the ball.

    2. After the paint dried, you can add several parts with a brush. For example, in this example, nose, eyes and horns added.

    Let the paint dry, and then boldly hang Christmas balls on the Christmas tree.

    Glass christmas balls. Ball decorated with hand print.

    How to make a New Year's ball. Balls made of paper tubes.

    You will need:

    Foam or plastic ball

    Adhesive pistol or superchalter (glue "moment")

    Any Thin Paper (from old magazines, newspapers, books)

    Thread (tape)

    1. Prepare paper and make some thin tubes from it.

    2. Roll the first tube to the spiral (so that it looks like a snail).

    3. Apply a drop of glue on the ball and press the tip of the rolled tube to this place. Wait until the tip sticks out.

    4. From the top of the spirals, apply glue.

    5. At the applied glue, glue the rest of the tube.

    6. All other tubes need to be glued, continuing the spiral until you cover the entire surface of the ball. Where the ends of the tubes will touch, apply glue to make them up.

    7. It remains to glue a thread to the ball to hang it on the Christmas tree. Make a small hole in the ball, drip into it a little glue and stick the thread or tape.

    New Year's balls (master class). Fragrant ball.

    You will need:

    Wide elastic or ribbon

    Orange or Lemon

    Carnation and other spices (cinnamon, for example)


    1. Put on an orange or lemon rubber band. It should be in the middle. Instead of gum you can use the tape. A place that covers the tape will not contain cinnamon.

    2. Make a few holes with a toothpick.

    3. Insert the carnation into the holes. It is not necessary to insert too tight, since during drying, the orange will decrease. Enople whipped all the uncomplicated fruit surface.

    4. If you wish, you can post the ball into other spices, for smell.

    5. Wait 2 weeks until the cauldron can dry or you can put it right in the oven for an hour.

    6. Add a tape so that you can hang a new year ball.

    Christmas christmas ball, decorated with sequins

    You will need:

    Sequins on thread


    1. Apply glue to the bottom of the ball.

    2. Stick one end of the tape from the sequins, wait until the glue dries, and start gradually climb the ball by sequins by adding glue.

    3. After you envelop the whole ball, cut off the excess scissors.

    Decoration of New Year's balls felt

    You will need:

    Felt of several colors


    1. Felt cut the circles of different colors. In this example, the diameter of one circle 3 cm.

    2. Remove the fastening from the ball and start gluing the circles to it - start with the crown and move down. Claper rows and in a checkerboard order. In one row, each circle must lie down a bit on top of another (see picture).

    * It will be very good to glue hot glue applied by a adhesive gun. But you can try to glue superclaim (torque).

    3. Insert the fastening back into the ball, and you can hang it on the Christmas tree.

    Christmas balls from paper. Pets with animals.

    You will need:

    Thin paper (newspaper, for example)

    PVA glue

    Plastic or foam ball

    Malyan Scotch

    The gel pen

    1. Cover the ball with pieces of paint scotch.

    2. Prepare a thin paper and tear it gently on small pieces.

    3. Moisten pieces of paper in PVA glue and start sticking them to the ball. Wait until the glue dries.

    4. Apply white paint to the place where you want to make a drawing.

    5. Draw a handle or felt-tip pen on the ball on the ball.

    That's all.

    How to make a ball from paper

    You will need:

    Colored paper

    Thin wire


    1. To make circles you can use a circuit or a glass that you need to circle on paper. You need to prepare 12 circles of 3-colors (4 each color).